The global oligarch families who support and are supported by Fox News want rid of Joe Biden. He is too much of a social Democrat. His political policies are a threat to their criminal privateering and empire building corporate monopolies. I sincerely hope that Hunter Biden and his legal team are aware of just how dirty their fight for public justice against such depraved individuals will become.

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Monnina, actually Fox News NEEDS the Bidens, without whom their Rage Viewer Profit Machine has no target to vilify

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They have many cultural targets. Attacking the Bidens is just a cherry on top.

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The Biden’s have been carefully curated for 6 years as the point of profit. Losing them will require a new investment that will take a while to develop

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Sorta correct. The scum at F*cks can always recycle prior mud-smeared topics and targets.

Nancy Pelosi, for example. That she is no longer speaker is of little consequence to them; e.g., she can be disguised as a string-puller behind Jeffries, et al. (Disclosure: wife and I have been members of her, and the founder's, "Burton Machine" in San Francisco for over 40 years.)

Kamala Harris, too. The more prominence she achieves as a voice for Choice (hmm, that rhymes, has anyone used this yet?) she can be smeared profitably if not decently. (Disclosure: Kamala's a scion of the same Burton-Brown-Pelosi-Machine, too.)

And there is still an unused target in the Biden Family. She is decent, religious, graduated from university, no, UNIVERSIT-ies, teaches. Many targets, perhaps.

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"a voice for Choice"

I like that a lot. It not only rhymes, but it's short and punchy. It might even fit on a hat. :)

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Seems too great to be unused. And it isn't.

One group is using it for school "choice".

An apparently good group in the Deep South is using it for choice as we regard it: https://voiceforchoice.us/host-event/

This group apparently only acts as a bulletin board to post events.

I was looking for merch to buy/wear/plant in the front yard. A couple of months ago I complained to the Biden-Harris campaign that their tiny catalog was filled with obtuse junk no Democrat would be seen dead wearing. They answered with a promise that more stuff was being released soon. It was so forgettable that I've forgotten what it was and what it looked like.

I'll contact the Biden-Harris campaign again. Or maybe not.

Too bad "Doctors without Borders" is already taken. (or not; maybe if we don't get motivational collateral that actually motivates Blue voters, they may agree to come and help our own Red State prisoners.)

Post, please, if you have any ideas.

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Anyone can rise to target attention, however that will require new investments in deep background Russian Troll Farm development

My point was that Fox has already invested in Brandon. If he is eliminated, new investments must be made

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And I still say you're wrong in the way I stated my comment.

Recycling works, even by/among the worst of us.

Lots of investments are made poorly, or, just fail to pan out. Even the dumbest investors learn this. Didn't F*ks learn this not too long ago when a pending court date forced a BIG settlement?

To the extent F*ks could be even dumber than I can imagine, I could agree with you.

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Hmmm. Makes sense.

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Really disgusting

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In an election year it's everything.

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Im sure when your d*** pick is even in Congress you know how they play.

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Seems only fair all the naked pictures of Melania get shown along with the dick pix.

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There is never a excuse for porn. Don't even try to explain it is fair; it isn't.

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“Porn” notoriously lacks an objectively operationalizable definition: the “I know it when I see it” standard is neither objective nor implementable.

Is the nude human body pornographic?

Is anything “sexy” or arousing pornographic?

Is any image used without consent pornographic?

Is any image used with (informed) consent non-p.?

Karen, as a doc, I’d be interested in your definition of the word... always hard to know what one is thinking should be suppressed to protect morals!

(My dad, a Quaker Minister, sincerely believed dancing was pornographic / improperly arousing, & so I used this ‘religious exemption’ to be excused from yucky dance class in 3rd grade, in the mid ‘60’s. But I now am sure this was an error in judgement.) 😉

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The d--- pics aren't illegal or criminal. Let's all sit down in a theater and watch Lauren Boebert j--k off her boyfriend.

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We can all recall as she was unceremoniously escorted out of the theater, she indignantly exclaimed, "Do you know who I AM?!!!"

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Sounds like the District Attorney in my county, who refused to pull over for a traffic stop while driving 20 mph over the speed limit. Yeah, lady, we all know who you are.

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It is curious, in a way, that the right-wingers on the Supreme Court should so obviously join in the project of reelecting Trump, when constitutional democracy under their tutelage has been working out fine (from the conservative perspective). In my current Substack piece I explain that it's all about the succession. https://mitchellzimmerman.substack.com/publish/home?utm_source=user-menu The SCOTUS majority can't afford the risk that Biden might replace elderly Thomas and Alito, ending conservative dominance of the court.

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Big Boys Gaming. Self interest is a killer. Where there is no vision (in our political leaders) the people will perish.

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To Monnina: I’m sure they are.

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Good. Wishing them Good Fortune 🐈‍⬛

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Fox, Sean Hannity, James Comer no doubt defamed Hunter Biden --- if not legally, certainly so in the court of public opinion. I am in no doubt of it. I wonder how hollowed out and vacant must be their moral centers that they would have verbally pummelled the president's son so hard, with malice, and glee for so long? Sean Hannity made himself and his masters at Fox rich, no doubt, but at cost of the loss of their humanity. You won't catch me watching their tripe.

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Fox, as a propaganda outlet, has done immense harm to this country. So many lies spewed so often, all to make the Murdochs rich.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

And the Murdochs are immigrants. I wonder if they remember that and why they chose to move here as opposed to staying in Australia

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They chose to move to the U.S. for $$$$$.

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Or for more nefarious reasons, such as being part of the coup undermining democracy.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

And that makes them no different from the vast majority of our population. Even if the moves were long ago. So I'd like them to protect their privilege, not flush it down the drain now that they've got theirs.

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They got ousted in Australia and are not permitted to broadcast anything there. Wish we had done the same.

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Proof that immigrants (a couple of very specific ones) are ruining this country.

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My, you and Swbv got it right. Propaganda and much damage to our country and to the idea of “truth.”

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You left out Marjorie Big Mouth who displayed very large poster-sized pics of Hunter. Despicable people the Maga group are.

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She's got the class of a junk yard dog. How the voters northwest of Atlanta in GA's 14th can return her to office is a mystery.

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Most are just like her; that’s how. Sad but true.

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Do we know for sure that fix paid up their fines? If they did, it should have taught them a lesson. How much will it take to make them honest? 🤬💰💩

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The headline might better read Hunter Biden against Fox News. The is one other spot in the story where the sentence says something about “the Biden campaign”, where the clarity would be improved if it said “Joe Biden’s Presidential campaign.” Sorry, my grandma’s editorial red pencil! Over all, there comes a time in a recovering alcoholic’s life, after they have made amends to the wrongs they have done others, when they will feel a need to stand up against the wrongs that have been done to them. Hunter Biden’s journey has not been a pleasant one, but for the man personally, to be able to demand that Fox News make some amends for the damage they did to him, is a sign of personal growth.

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But georges bush (the son) was as well an alcoholic if my memory is not yet failing!! And he never got that miserable treatment by the media. Down with fascists billionaires and maga assholes. Thank you.

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Yes, for the most part they gave him a pass. I suppose because he clearly was a pale shade of his father, and toed the family and party line to a T. Hunter, on the other hand, caused his family as well as himself lots of trouble, and seemed to be asking for it, sometimes.

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That’s what addiction/alcoholism does. Both addictions affect the entire family. However, in working one’s recovery, there comes a time after amends are made, that taking charge of one’s life is mandatory. Recovery doesn’t mean that life is perfect. It just means you have the tools at your disposal to face what life throws at you. I wish Hunter Biden and his family all the best in this challenge.

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Please get back to the class when Hunter Biden runs for national office (or any elected office). Until then, let's not have any comparisons with George W. Shrub (as Molly Ivins called him) was involved in electoral politics for years. That he was an alcoholic who got a pass from the press was just the icing on the shit cake.

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I doubt that Hunter Biden has any interest in getting into politics. Bush Senior was all about the power and the junior Bushes were up for making a dynasty, until they actually tasted power and found out it was not all it’s cracked up to be. I wasn’t advocating for the Bushes, or criticizing Hunter in comparison. Life is hard enough when you are not genetically predisposed to be rewarded by things that wreck your decision making capabilities. Anyone who pulls themself out of any sort of addiction deserves respect and support. Didn’t mean to sidetrack this here.

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Apr 30·edited May 1

To Notes on Useful Beauty:

Love "Sorry, my grandma’s editorial red pencil!"

I have one, too. But it's my own, not my grandma's! lol

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My grandmother was a force to be reckoned with. I think of myself as more of an observer. Guess I need to start owning my opinions!

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Maybe you can start moving into your grandmother's place, a little at a time. And be sure to take that red pencil with you!

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My grandma hard a hard life, and I consciously choose not to go there.I have been fortunate to not be put into the position of needing to control everything and everyone around me. I feel like I can make observations and help others reflect on their own choices. Don’t want to manage them.

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Sorry, I shouldn't have suggested that without knowing anything about your grandmother. I apologize.

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No worries. The pleasure of honest on-line conversation! It reveals how easily we make assumptions and leap to conclusions! I find myself apologizing to people on a distressingly frequent basis! But if it is honest agenda free conversation, apologies come easily.

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Disinformation, misinformation, propaganda and sowing chaos - it’s Faux News’s stock in trade honed by masters, clones and a few clowns. If any, or all are eventually slapped down by a healthy dose of justice, even for a just a little, and for just long enough, perhaps some room for a little healing could ensue …

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Fox and all other gossip rags are in the same camp. Only people with low esteem problems pay attention to that crap. Unfortunately there are many sick people in our midst.

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Hunter's trying to get his reputation back - an honorable and well-deserved goal.

If his dad benefits politically from the effort, even better.

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This is very interesting. Sure would help Voters like my Mother if they did retract...Who I don't think deep in her heart wants to Vote for Trump again but she can't get those "secret" (fabricated I know) videos she says she saw on Fox of Biden taking Bribes out of her head!! Hope you followed all of that!!

Thanks Joyce for the update. This should be interesting going forward. Just hope it doesn't hurt Joe's campaign either way.

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Just remind her that Trump hates dogs.

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And he stole money from a children's cancer fund.

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Pamela -- . . . and from his neice !

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Have your mother listen to the tapes where Trump describes what he can do to women's private parts. ( I cleaned this statement up for your mother! )

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I hope Hunter Biden nails the propaganda network!

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Oh please, oh please, oh please.

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Can Hunter take the same path with MTG flashing his sexual picture on C-span? I mean, what a hateful thing to do.

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MTG needs to be held accountable for her atrocious behavior!

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Probably not possible. The Constitution contains language (Article I, Section 6, Clause 1) protecting members of either house from being sued for things said or written during the execution of their legislative duties. This privilege has been confirmed many times in case law.

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She can be sued if she is run out of office, come Roevember. She would then be a private citizen, like her daddy, Trump, is now.

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Here's what the Constitution says:

*** Section 6 ***

The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States.

*** Here is the part we're interested in***

-->They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place. <-- There's more, but not about protected speech.

Congress.gov helps us out with some handy rules and guidelines, which may be one of the reasons so many members of Congress are attorneys:


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Sounds like Trump’s immunity. Can commit no sins!

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I wondered if that was the case. Too bad.

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Not only that but she included them in a newsletter to her GA voters-including h/h with kids-she’s a b.

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Wow! I didn't know that. She's despicable.

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That doesn’t sound like “execution of legislative duty”, does it give him an opening?

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It is fascinating, and oh, so human, that there is little impetus to put into place any sort of significant behavioral effort or laws to curtail, even stop, all the blatant, in your face, everyday, cavalier, lying. Corporations, governments, religions, most in the public sphere, lie outright, yet we have no real mechanisms in place, except perjury in legal situations, to do anything but wink at it, and be maddened. "Thou shall not bear false witness", is pretty much a joke and ignored, by too many, yet is held up as a commandment by a God. The result is much human suffering, toxic disasters, civil disturbances, and events like January 6, and Russian aggression in Ukraine. The leader of N. Korea, and others of his ilk lie, and murder, to retain power. Yet, everyone respects Jimmy Carter for his gentle candor. I wish the very best of luck to Hunter Biden in his legal efforts to bring Fox to account. It would be nice to see them pay. Again. Rinse. Repeat.

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The contest between truth and lies is the foundation story of the Bible. For a quick summary, read John 8:42-47. For the original lie, read Genesis 3:4, 5. Use a clear modern English translation for maximum clarity.

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Suppose Fox retracts. Then they help Biden, generate at least temporary journalistic integrity, and can't be said to have directly opposed Drumpf.

Not to say they will, but the implications if they do could be interesting.

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Fox probably has insurance, and risk management and the odds are heightened post Dominion. But if Fox caves, will it lose it's market?

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As it did, somewhat, after declaring Arizona for Biden. Memories of “You can’t handle the truth.”

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Wow. Another legal process to attend to. I hope Fox retracts, but not holding my breath. Hope this will take down Comer and Gym Jordan who have been all wrapped up in bullshit wasting the Oversight Committee’s time. They are fools. It’s time to win this election by electing Democrats up and down the ballot.

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These clowns should open a locksmith shop called “The Two Jimmies”.

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I applaud Hunter Biden for doing this without reservation! Political calculations aside, what Fox has done to a recovering addict to get at his father is despicable and they should be made to pay the full price.

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Yes, "despicable" is the correct word Ned. Such acts are required to be pled & proved in California before punitive damages can be awarded by a Jury..

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Lots of questions. How much time is Fox allotted to retract. Why now? I’m hoping the attorneys are not bumbleheads and have thought of all possible outcomes. Thanks for bringing us the latest information as always. I see a nap for me later in the day.

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Professor, thank you for your spot-on analysis of 2024 defamation law in the pending litigation world both on "Morning Joe, this AM & here on CD with JV.

We all know about "fake news" but, now Hunter Biden has to deal with a Fake Trial a bogus "trial" where a defendant is NOT presumed innocent.

I assume Hunter Biden is represented by the more than capable Trial Attorney, ABBE LOWELL. Please post Counsel's draft and/or filed complaint when you are able to secure a copy.

Thank you again for your exceptional analysis.

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Trump has now been formally found in contempt of Merchan's gag order in the records falsification/election interference trial which has just resumed. He has been fined the statutory maximum of $1,000 for each violation on nine of the 10 alleged violations. Merchan also warned Trump that if he kept violating the order, the judge would consider putting Trump in jail for the violations.

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Hurray for Hunter. About freakin' time.

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