It is fascinating, and oh, so human, that there is little impetus to put into place any sort of significant behavioral effort or laws to curtail, even stop, all the blatant, in your face, everyday, cavalier, lying. Corporations, governments, religions, most in the public sphere, lie outright, yet we have no real mechanisms in place, exce…
It is fascinating, and oh, so human, that there is little impetus to put into place any sort of significant behavioral effort or laws to curtail, even stop, all the blatant, in your face, everyday, cavalier, lying. Corporations, governments, religions, most in the public sphere, lie outright, yet we have no real mechanisms in place, except perjury in legal situations, to do anything but wink at it, and be maddened. "Thou shall not bear false witness", is pretty much a joke and ignored, by too many, yet is held up as a commandment by a God. The result is much human suffering, toxic disasters, civil disturbances, and events like January 6, and Russian aggression in Ukraine. The leader of N. Korea, and others of his ilk lie, and murder, to retain power. Yet, everyone respects Jimmy Carter for his gentle candor. I wish the very best of luck to Hunter Biden in his legal efforts to bring Fox to account. It would be nice to see them pay. Again. Rinse. Repeat.
The contest between truth and lies is the foundation story of the Bible. For a quick summary, read John 8:42-47. For the original lie, read Genesis 3:4, 5. Use a clear modern English translation for maximum clarity.
It is fascinating, and oh, so human, that there is little impetus to put into place any sort of significant behavioral effort or laws to curtail, even stop, all the blatant, in your face, everyday, cavalier, lying. Corporations, governments, religions, most in the public sphere, lie outright, yet we have no real mechanisms in place, except perjury in legal situations, to do anything but wink at it, and be maddened. "Thou shall not bear false witness", is pretty much a joke and ignored, by too many, yet is held up as a commandment by a God. The result is much human suffering, toxic disasters, civil disturbances, and events like January 6, and Russian aggression in Ukraine. The leader of N. Korea, and others of his ilk lie, and murder, to retain power. Yet, everyone respects Jimmy Carter for his gentle candor. I wish the very best of luck to Hunter Biden in his legal efforts to bring Fox to account. It would be nice to see them pay. Again. Rinse. Repeat.
The contest between truth and lies is the foundation story of the Bible. For a quick summary, read John 8:42-47. For the original lie, read Genesis 3:4, 5. Use a clear modern English translation for maximum clarity.