тАЬPornтАЭ notoriously lacks an objectively operationalizable definition: the тАЬI know it when I see itтАЭ standard is neither objective nor implementable.
Is the nude human body pornographic?
Is anything тАЬsexyтАЭ or arousing pornographic?
Is any image used without consent pornographic?
Is any image used with (informed) consent non-p.?
Karen, as a doc, IтАЩd be interested in your definition of the word... always hard to know what one is thinking should be suppressed to protect morals!
(My dad, a Quaker Minister, sincerely believed dancing was pornographic / improperly arousing, & so I used this тАШreligious exemptionтАЩ to be excused from yucky dance class in 3rd grade, in the mid тАШ60тАЩs. But I now am sure this was an error in judgement.) ЁЯШЙ
Sounds like the District Attorney in my county, who refused to pull over for a traffic stop while driving 20 mph over the speed limit. Yeah, lady, we all know who you are.
Im sure when your d*** pick is even in Congress you know how they play.
There is never a excuse for porn. Don't even try to explain it is fair; it isn't.
тАЬPornтАЭ notoriously lacks an objectively operationalizable definition: the тАЬI know it when I see itтАЭ standard is neither objective nor implementable.
Is the nude human body pornographic?
Is anything тАЬsexyтАЭ or arousing pornographic?
Is any image used without consent pornographic?
Is any image used with (informed) consent non-p.?
Karen, as a doc, IтАЩd be interested in your definition of the word... always hard to know what one is thinking should be suppressed to protect morals!
(My dad, a Quaker Minister, sincerely believed dancing was pornographic / improperly arousing, & so I used this тАШreligious exemptionтАЩ to be excused from yucky dance class in 3rd grade, in the mid тАШ60тАЩs. But I now am sure this was an error in judgement.) ЁЯШЙ
The d--- pics aren't illegal or criminal. Let's all sit down in a theater and watch Lauren Boebert j--k off her boyfriend.
We can all recall as she was unceremoniously escorted out of the theater, she indignantly exclaimed, "Do you know who I AM?!!!"
Sounds like the District Attorney in my county, who refused to pull over for a traffic stop while driving 20 mph over the speed limit. Yeah, lady, we all know who you are.