My grandma hard a hard life, and I consciously choose not to go there.I have been fortunate to not be put into the position of needing to control everything and everyone around me. I feel like I can make observations and help others reflect on their own choices. Don’t want to manage them.
My grandma hard a hard life, and I consciously choose not to go there.I have been fortunate to not be put into the position of needing to control everything and everyone around me. I feel like I can make observations and help others reflect on their own choices. Don’t want to manage them.
No worries. The pleasure of honest on-line conversation! It reveals how easily we make assumptions and leap to conclusions! I find myself apologizing to people on a distressingly frequent basis! But if it is honest agenda free conversation, apologies come easily.
My grandma hard a hard life, and I consciously choose not to go there.I have been fortunate to not be put into the position of needing to control everything and everyone around me. I feel like I can make observations and help others reflect on their own choices. Don’t want to manage them.
Sorry, I shouldn't have suggested that without knowing anything about your grandmother. I apologize.
No worries. The pleasure of honest on-line conversation! It reveals how easily we make assumptions and leap to conclusions! I find myself apologizing to people on a distressingly frequent basis! But if it is honest agenda free conversation, apologies come easily.
And I loved that Grandma! Some of my earliest memories are of her making much of me when I was barely talking. I felt well loved by her.