This group apparently only acts as a bulletin board to post events.
I was looking for merch to buy/wear/plant in the front yard. A couple of months ago I complained to the Biden-Harris campaign that their tiny catalog was filled with obtuse junk no Democrat would be seen dead wearing. They answered with a promise that more stuff was being released soon. It was so forgettable that I've forgotten what it was and what it looked like.
I'll contact the Biden-Harris campaign again. Or maybe not.
Too bad "Doctors without Borders" is already taken. (or not; maybe if we don't get motivational collateral that actually motivates Blue voters, they may agree to come and help our own Red State prisoners.)
Seems too great to be unused. And it isn't.
One group is using it for school "choice".
An apparently good group in the Deep South is using it for choice as we regard it:
This group apparently only acts as a bulletin board to post events.
I was looking for merch to buy/wear/plant in the front yard. A couple of months ago I complained to the Biden-Harris campaign that their tiny catalog was filled with obtuse junk no Democrat would be seen dead wearing. They answered with a promise that more stuff was being released soon. It was so forgettable that I've forgotten what it was and what it looked like.
I'll contact the Biden-Harris campaign again. Or maybe not.
Too bad "Doctors without Borders" is already taken. (or not; maybe if we don't get motivational collateral that actually motivates Blue voters, they may agree to come and help our own Red State prisoners.)
Post, please, if you have any ideas.