“Restricting abortion today does not seem to be about good faith conservative values and protecting the sanctity of life. It’s hard to believe that a party that denies access to basic medical care and education, and that lets school kids die at the hands of mass shooters in the name of the Second Amendment is deeply committed to unborn children, unless it’s become somehow morally righteous to protect them only until they leave the womb.”

With respect, every time I read something like this, my head explodes. It was NEVER about the sanctity of life. It was NEVER about moral or religious righteousness. It has ALWAYS been about men controlling and subjugating women. Period.

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This decision terrifies me on so many levels. It makes no sense on the law, and it is so clearly violative of the First Amendment’s separation of church and state (although that has gone by the wayside, given this SCOTUS, with its majority of christian nationalists. How has this country imploded so quickly? I fear for my 23-year-old daughter’s health and safety. If the guns don’t get her, the religious crazies will. Vote, vote, vote!

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Joyce Vance

I agree with you and the previous commenter, Jeri Boyd. This is about CONTROL. Too many want to move women backward in time. Their fear is palpable. This must stop but it will take us all to do it. Many people, both women and men (including all people of other than the Christian religion) are on our side as it affects us all. As you say, we are in this together. But we must act, not just complain or bemoan. We can do this! It has been done before and can be done again. There is much to do and no time to waste!

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Joyce Vance

Can you explain how it is that one Judge in Texas can make a ruling that affects everyone in the US, and that overrules a Federal agency?

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If the Gerrymandered precincts / districts still hold and worse, more are allowed stand, how does voting help make the change needed?

Our county, Sandoval County NM gerrymandered the county disenfranchising the Native American and Hispanic vote. The gerrymandered precincts started in 2010 and then in 2020. Democrats constantly lose by 100 - 400 votes at least. The matter is in front of Republican judge after every democratic judge recused themselves. The GOP is slow walking depositions.

Recently the legislature passed the Native American voting rights act but it is not clear how this will impact the judges decision in the matter.

Voter suppression is alive and well not only here but at least in 13 other states. These cases are slower than a turtles pace with a prejudiced SCOTUS,

I vote. I voted in every election, saying we’re a purple county and if we just get out the vote things change, has not happened. Now what? We also have over 30 evangelical churches that act more like political PACs than Christian houses of faith.

The level of voter suppression is real.

I don’t see enough action from the DOJ that could change anything soon enough.

What is the solution here?

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We are truly doomed as a country. There is no reasoning with these people and I also blame feckless and weak Democrats for not doing anything about this for years. Like you said they could have gotten rid of the Comstock act in the 1990s yet here we are. I'm so sick of this crap.

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Joyce Vance

This is horrifying. Fortunately, I live in Colorado, where we are overwhelmingly voting Blue. And, although I'm not in her district, I'm trying to help with the effort to get Lauren Boebert out of office.

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I feel a heavy weight on my chest. The banning of Mifepristone, and our seeming lack of power to do anything about it, is an overwhelming defeat for women by a minority of religious zealots. While the decision will be appealed it doesn’t appear we have a path to victory.

I debated pro choice as a senior in high school in 1973-Roe was written into law months later. My personal belief was that if you were against abortion then you shouldn’t get one.

At the age of 68 (this month) this is not an issue that will affect me personally but for the women of the US I stand with you and the bodily autonomy we should all have.

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I cannot say more than has been said. But I have a question. Judge K. gives the FDa 7 days, the Washington district judge says the FDA cannot remove Mifepristone. If scotus does not stay one or the order taking effect until they hear the case (which they certainly must due to two contrary rulings, can Judge K's order actually take effect, or at least take effect beyond his own district? I've heard what steps can be taken against (or for the ban) but I've heard no one address with clarity two same day decisions in direct contradiction of each other. I am not a lawyer but I do read a lot of judicial decisions but I have never encountered in my own readings any similar, nearly simultaneous decisions. Nor am I aware of any precedent that any district judge has the authority to ban a drug nationwide. Joyce, or someone, can you please explain this seeming contradiction in law.

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If each of us in a united front don’t push back, the autocrats will take every right and freedom away, as has been happening piecemeal for years. Don’t be fooled, this is a disturbing reality.

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Joyce Vance

Enough is enough! It’s as if we are living in a surreal parallel universe where the evil, self-serving minority have claimed the right to puppeteer the rest of us. Do these zealots have any idea how many women have miscarriages every day who need medical assistance???? Do they have any idea how many women may die as a result of their ignorance, misogyny and overreach. If the courts don’t shut this down, all women and men who love women, must shut it down through protests, civil action and voting. Enough is enough!

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Maybe it’s because I’ve had too many chocolate Easter eggs, but I’m hoping that there will be such a BLUE tidal wave at the next election that we will overcome. Every move by these people further invigorates us towards a tsunami of beautiful blue! Any vote for the GOP is a vote against allowing us to breathe! We cannot waste one vote! I don’t know about all of you, but my inner circle has been reduced to just a few. A red vote to me shows what that person is really made of -there are no excuses. Life is way too short to debate why they feel the way they do. I truly don’t care anymore about that. What I do know, is that we have to protect our children, ourselves, and our family! Thank you,Joyce for bringing us the truth! Now I’m heading over to the peanut butter eggs …..

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in addition to exhorting people to vote, the slogan needs to be NEVER VOTE GOP FOR A FRIGGING THING. They need to be defeated soundly for each and every office.

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Joyce Vance

Likely the most impassioned post of yours that I’ve read, but also incisive and right on point.

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A good evening to you Joyce. I am a bit confused on how all this is going to be handled. I too cannot understand how one judge in this entire country can make a ruling that affects all of the states. And as a side note, where are we on adding more judges to the Supreme Court. We’re on fire here? Thanks for your diligent and timely responses to a heavy week of issues. I am as always most grateful for hearing from someone who really understands the law 🇺🇸

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So enraged that a bunch of judges like the perennial sleaze-bag Thomas and his right wing politically driven partners on the SC and crazies throughout the land can destroy the values of these once United States. Save the unborn so they can be massacred in school! Pro-lifers are not pro life once fetus becomes a baby outside the womb. (I am rambling and pissed off)

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