Per my recollection, spontaneous miscarriages are still not discussed publicly. The statistics I recall are that the lifetime risk of miscarriages among all persons attempting to bear a child is around 1/3; that is, a third of women who have tried to bear a child have sustained one spontaneous miscarriage. This is rarely mentioned.
Per my recollection, spontaneous miscarriages are still not discussed publicly. The statistics I recall are that the lifetime risk of miscarriages among all persons attempting to bear a child is around 1/3; that is, a third of women who have tried to bear a child have sustained one spontaneous miscarriage. This is rarely mentioned.
We should ask Margaret Atwood to chime in from her Substack on the characters in the Handmaid’s Tale. The simmering rage of the Steriles, who despise other women, might resemble a current maladaptive sentiment of a rare few who have been frustrated in their wish for fecundity? This topic of miscarriage is clearly rich with human importance and dark fears, for all of us.
Per my recollection, spontaneous miscarriages are still not discussed publicly. The statistics I recall are that the lifetime risk of miscarriages among all persons attempting to bear a child is around 1/3; that is, a third of women who have tried to bear a child have sustained one spontaneous miscarriage. This is rarely mentioned.
We should ask Margaret Atwood to chime in from her Substack on the characters in the Handmaid’s Tale. The simmering rage of the Steriles, who despise other women, might resemble a current maladaptive sentiment of a rare few who have been frustrated in their wish for fecundity? This topic of miscarriage is clearly rich with human importance and dark fears, for all of us.