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Maybe THIS is the forum where collective action begins? So far, as our collective rights are stripped, there has been none. Which day of the week do all those who believe women are people strike? Which states in addition to TX to boycott? How to mobilize to care for women and others in need? #timeisrunningout, #Gileadishappeningnow

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Florida should be on that list, too. IтАЩm already trying to screen out Florida produce. I no longer spend any of my vacation dollars in Florida. Tennessee is another prime candidate, too. At least, TN is narrow north to south so I can plan my gas stops to avoid purchasing gas in TN.

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I agree with you wholeheartedly, with one slight exception. Screening out Florida produce. IтАЩm not sure if you, or anyone else is aware, but the price you pay at the grocery stores is not the price the farmer gets. If you buy a steak for $18, and itтАЩs a 1.5 pound steak (example only folks, donтАЩt shoot the messenger, please), the farmer that produced that cow the steak came from is getting paid $0.70 per pound, on the hoof. Same goes for produce. A head of lettuce at $2.75. The farmer is getting approximately $0.08 on the dollar you spend for that produce. Out if this he pays labor, fuel, equipment payments and repair, fertilizer, pesticides, insecticides, etc, all having to stay within federal guidelines on everything.

I can tell you that the farmer makes very little to put into his pocket, at least gif his family expenses. Most farmers have wives that work to support the family while the farmer supports America, and the world. Up until the 45th president took office, the United States was the biggest exporter of farm goods grown/raised in the United States. After he took office, he stopped all exporting, which out a lot if farmers out of business. That was his goal. As in Florida, a lot if farms were auctioned off because of bankruptcy l/foreclosure, and turned into concrete jungles.

When TFG stopped the exporting of all goods from the United States, the ships that had already left port were not accepted in ports around the world, because they were not allowed to offload their ships. Hundred of thousands of tons of produce had to be dumped into the oceans. Thousands of cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, and other farm animals that had been shipped had to be dumped into the oceans after they died from starvation. These ships only had so much feed in the ships to carry their load across to the new port, and maybe a week spare supply. After that, it was dump the dead into the ocean. TFG costs the American farmer their livelihoods, their farms, in some cases their families.

My point is this. What DeStupid is doing in Florida isnтАЩt the farmers fault. DeStupid is exactly like TFG. He sold a bill of goods to get elected, then he changed everything to keep him in office. He changed the voting districts to all be strong republican districts. ThatтАЩs the only way he was re-elected.

Remember. тАЬNo Farmers. No Food!тАЭ

I was raised in a farm. My dad farmed his entire life, in Florida. My granddad farmed his entire life in north Georgia, on the side of Lookout Mountain, just outside Summerville. My great-great grandfather was a farmer. Now, I do web posting and radio programming for my sister-in-law who has an agricultural media company. All we do is farm broadcasting programs for the radio stations In Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and California. The company also owns several agriculture magazines they print monthly. So, IтАЩm just not telling you this lightly. I pretty well keep up with what the agriculture world is experiencing.

Brian, I hope I have respectfully helped you in your decision making. If I can answer any questions you may have, please feel free to ask.

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Well, I appreciate the effort and IтАЩm sorry for the position in which the farmers find themselves.

However, I am assuming they had some substantial contributions to these 2022 voting returns reported by NPR, 28 Nov 2022: тАЬDeSantis won his reelection by almost 20 percentage points. Up and down the ballot, other Republicans did almost just as well.тАЭ

And Foley & Lardner,LLP, 11Nov22: тАЬWith a nearly 20 point lead, Governor Ron DeSantis overwhelming defeated Congressman Charlie Crist, marking the largest margin of victory in Florida for a Republican Governor. This landslide success trumped his narrow win in 2018 against Democratic challenger, Andrew Gillum, where DeSantis won by a 32,463 vote margin.

And https://www.zipdatamaps.com/counties/state/politics/map-of-partisan-voting-index-for-counties-in-florida time stamped April 2023, shows the only democratic-leaning counties are parts of the 6 major urban areas of the state.

Call me crazy but the inference I draw is that the more rural areas are pretty content with the present, poisonous atmosphere. JusтАЩ sayinтАЩ thereтАЩs data. Go ahead and Google it; thatтАЩs all I did

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I fully agree with you, but, with the realignment DeStupid and his fully Trumpublican legislative body did the past 4 years, he was a shoe in to win. The handwriting was in the wall. Crist didnтАЩt stand a chance in hell of winning that race. If you check, youтАЩll probably learn that a lot of farmers have sold out, or moved out of Florida altogether. DeStupid has run them out of business. He wants concrete in Florida, and like minded people that donтАЩt want to teach children anything.

The point I was actually making was not to cut the farmers throats just because of an ignorant politician. DeStupid sold them a bill of goods to get their vote, and so far heтАЩs cut their throats. If that sounds familiar, itтАЩs the same thing TFG did to get the farming communityтАЩs support in 2016. They all backed him big time in the Midwest, and they were killed with his crap over the shipping. Put over 60% out of business completely.

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Help me out here, please: WhoтАЩs growing the produce in place of the farmersтАЩ exodus?

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Mexico and large corporate farms.

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Large corporate farms, I.e. Dole, BirdтАЩs Eye, Fresh Express. And there still are independent farmers, they just donтАЩt make much money on what they grow. Do talk to them about government subsidies. If it wasnтАЩt for these, they wouldnтАЩt survive. However, family farms are becoming a thing of the past quickly. IтАЩve spent a lot of time in rural areas and a lot of my friends there are having to sell their farms because theyтАЩve just gone bankrupt. The shame of being the fifth generation farmer and losing the family farm is horrible. But there it is.

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And Trump would do what to help those farmers?

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Farmland is turned into concrete. Where Florida, not to many years ago was ranked No. 1 in the nation for produce production/farming, itтАЩs now ranked down at no. 4 or 5, below California, Texas, Arizona. Florida farming has dropped drastically between DeStupid running them out if the state, or costing them their farms, or diseases like citrus canker running citrus out of the state.

The government tried to control the spread of canker when it came into the port of Miami years ago and was found in Dade and Broward counties in private homeтАЩs yards. But the state Supreme Court ruled the state couldnтАЩt destroy their trees to rid the canker. Then came a Hurricane that spread it across the citrus belt in one swift swoop. Now, we pay through the nose fir orange juice and the like because 70% of the juice oranges or juice pulp comes from Mexico or Brazil.

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I have a friend whoтАЩs lived in Florida for a couple of years. Her husband transferred there for a job. SheтАЩs currently planning her escape. She is unwilling to contribute her tax dollars or productivity to such a fascist state.

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Yes. I left Florida, and my home, 5 years ago. Never setting foot back in it.

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And so says my son with regard to Alabama!

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This is a great place to begin.....https://statesproject.org/

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You bet it is!

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