Thank you, Joyce.

I don't argue with my brother or my son who think the corrections to Trump's lie are merely Democratic lies. Their voices get louder as they recite the lies. They really DO believe the lies, I think, except for the "stolen election."

I can't even use the position that I SHOULD know better than they because I'm a retired reporter.

At 82, I also feel that arguing is " beneath" me. But I guess I'd better change my ways and get noisy, too -- if that's what it takes to kept Trump and the Republicans from destroying the U.S.

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Hang in there Clare!!! It’s such an isolating feeling when you are the only one in your family circle that sees how dangerous he is. My family is the same and I just wanted you to know you are not alone in this. My problem is I’m the younger sister so I’m not supposed to know better than they do. It’s so silly but I do feel isolated at times. That’s why I appreciate people like you, Joyce and her Sisters-In- Law!!! And while I’m still out on the ledge - I’m not jumping lol!!!

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I am with you and Clare both as I am the only one in my small family and one of the very few in my entire community who sees the bloated yam for the sociopath that he is. It is disheartening and disappointing that the people I love the most in the world are so delusional that they believe a vote for him is as if they were on the battlefield fighting the satan they wholeheartedly believe President Biden is. It is very sad. The bright spot is I have found some neighbors who share my dismay and sensibilities, and we are doing what we can to continue to educate ourselves with sources like Joyce, the Sisters, and others, and have truth as the best ammunition against fairy tale land.

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Good for you. This is a great approach to not only keeping sane for yourself, but changing the narrative little by little. Keep up the good work and make sure your like-minded neighbors and friends vote IN EVERY SINGLE ELECTION.

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I’m just tired of the din..was this a hoped for result? One side water boarding .. an after affect..labeled the ‘alternative reality’ ie lying/misleading/the ultimate trickled down affect. I don’t need to say which side is which.

It IS subliminal programming at its worst, planned, executed, successful. Too tired to fight? Some are. Many within these halls have more than eloquently written fact upon fact pointing out lie after lie and how it slowly divided conquering what USED TO BE near half of our voting population. Maria writes of it today, Joyce , Steve gift their observations ..eloquently ,walking about in the states in halls sharing with others , writing to us near daily to boot. Vacations needed. Mental Health breaks.

The deadline is 6 months away?

It’s as ongoing and a war itself ,the sides drew lines in the sand long ago. Love vs hate. Lies vs truth. Blame vs consequences. Build vs destroy. Freedom vs slavery. Rich vs poor. Lead vs manipulate.


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“Fairy tale land” is too kind.

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Would it be possible to say to the Trump believers, can we make the next six months a little more civil? Can we make it into a game maybe?

Let’s challenge each other lies. Then let’s find sources to prove that they aren’t lies. Maybe we can agree together on which sources we can use.

This made sense to me when I started writing it. Does it makes sense?

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Truthfully, I like your idea. Not sure how to put it out there, but I do like it. Thank you! Very constructive if...

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It's a challenge. John Lewis's "good trouble" has helped.

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Thank you Russell - and more of John Lewis:

"My dear friends, your vote is precious, almost sacred. It is the most powerful nonviolent tool we have to create a more perfect union." and

"So I say to you: Don’t give up. Don’t give up on the things that have great meaning to you. Don’t get lost in a sea of despair. Stand up for what you believe in. Because…we are one people, one family, the human family. We all live in one house, the American house, the world house. We are Black. We are white. Hispanic, Asian American, Native American. We are one people."

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And thank you for this thrilling, moving background, the life-blood flowing through our Constitution, it's still beating heart.

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You just can't go wrong with John Lewis

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Love John Lewis. Haven’t picked up his book for a little while. Thanks for the quotes and reminder. 🙏

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It’s the same with some family and friends . I’ve been threatened if I continue to call out the dangers of another trump presidency, that I will have no contact with these folks. I’ve already been ostracized by some friends. Well, so be it, but I don’t want this to happen with my family. It’s all so disheartening.

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I may he heartless or maybe wasn’t so close with certain family members and/or friends, but when they kept at it along with their usual racist and sexist comments, I chose to ostracize them and I don’t regret it one bit. I had been sick of their ignorance and hatefulness for years. I don’t miss them.

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Agreed, just as in any dysfunctional family dynamics, it’s essential to set boundaries very clearly and as repetitively as necessary. I am clear I don’t abide liars, lying and gaslighting and then move on to fully living my life with love in my heart ♥️

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@ Clare, Kathy, Reader writes, Susan.

1. Try Trump hates dogs.

2. The pressure point may not be Trump per se. Find out whether they rely on government benefits directly or even indirectly. People on SSI, for example, slit their own throats by supporting Republicans. If SSA retirement goes into default, it will affect those not ready to retire worse than those of us who already in pay status.

3. Snitch line. When we see see bots, trolls, defamation, report it to the DNC disinformation@dnc.org


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Trump hates dogs! HA. Apparently, according to Adam Kinsinger, he also smells really bad.

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Thank you Daniel. I am saving these links.

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If Trump hates dogs, the this explains why SD governor spoke in her book about killing her dog. Voters have a short attention span. It’s a gamble but if Trump picks her, the gamble pays off. As I’ve said, politics is a dirty business.

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When you find yourself living under a fascist dictatorship, what then?

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My mantra is that it’s not enough for us to rally around the flag, boys. This is only cheerleading within the group of believers. Politics is frequently dirty and we had better understand how to galvanize the masses since we are so overloaded with self righteousness that we will prevail. No we won’t. That is my disturbing news for the day. We may win but we very well may not win. The only chance we might win is the horrible loss women have felt with the abortion issue. What a price to pay. I hate to be the messenger of trifling news, but we may not win this one because we think (and we are, btw) superior to the other side. We can make all the jokes we want about trump losing his ability to control his bowels. So he’ll be the most farting president in the history of the republic. I just don’t see Democratic initiatives that are confronting this street-wise piece of shit. I wish I could be appointed to a committee to advise. But nobody will listen to a nobody like me.

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I can't begin to address your overall situation - I don't want Donald Trump to destroy my family either so I simply avoid politics. But you can point out that Trump created and continues to openly push the biggest and most poisonous lie of all: a stolen election. If he'll lie about that, he'll lie about anything. So the fact-checkers showing real news and events and statistics etc are infinitely more credible than the man whom even Ted Cruz called a "pathological liar".

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Oh, Dan, I don't know how to break this to you, but trump has already destroyed your family. He has made you afraid to tell the truth. This is what MAGA does best, it destroys families, friendships, communities and states. This isn't "politics" we are talking about, it's democracy, our democracy. I don't know how you break through, but come November, I want to be on the side of democracy and know it is winning, not having to contemplate living in the latest iteration of Hitler's Germany. Perhaps making sure a copy of the latest edition of Time prominently displayed might be a good starting point?

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Those people don’t read!

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Visceral. That's why "Trump hates dogs" and "Trump stole from kids with cancer" work.

Here's proof: https://rvat.org/

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This is Sarah Longwell's project. She's with The Bulwark and is the one who does focus groups.

"We started testing different methods of communicating. And the thing that worked the most was finding real Republicans to say: Look, I’ve been a Republican my whole life, but I’m not voting for Donald Trump. And I’m going to vote for Joe Biden for X, Y, Z reasons."


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I could also post from vote vets , Midastouch, etc.

I target certain groups. I'm a Vietnam veteran, have been in a DNC discussion group since 2020. "Not suckers or losers" repeated daily seems to work on veterans who voted twice for Trump.

I'm also working on a project to get SSI recipients to support dems. Many are registered R. Looking to organize folks who advocate for SSI recipients. Republicans want to kill it but ironically some are MAGATS who metaphorically slit their own throats at the polls. Voted for Trump X 2. Lawyers, medical providers, social workers, care givers have to be influential in their lives and can flip some of them.

But our best and most time saving, least stressful, and cost productive activity is to register Democrats -- save the world.


Today, 1 pm, texting into Florida using TextOut.

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Thank you Patt. I watch Sarah with George Conway this morning - on a YouTube. George explained very clearly how Hope Hick's testimony nailed that Trump knew full well that the payoff was to save his campaign. Now let's hope the jury remembers and that it fully resonated with them. The prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he knew the money was being paid for a campaign benefit, and it was not reported. The law says one in a campaign needs to report that stuff.

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Thank you for shaing the "Republican Voters Against Trump" site! Jan. 6 and "how he behaves/how he treats people" seem to really resonate in these testimonials.

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What a great site!! I read some of the testimonials and it gives me hope! A lot of what these people are saying is not that it is not politics or conservatism, its just plain illegal!!

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Great site, and very useful! Thanks.

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Does the “Trump hates dogs” work better than “he tore breastfeeding babies away from their asylum seeking mothers?” Or “child bearing aged women are dying because of his push for harsh anti-abortion laws?” Curious about where people draw their line in the sand and why.

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IMHO It does because most of his cult want to hurt the "other."

That's the point. Stay away from real issues.

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Carol Ann -- You are so right ! My late husband was a Republican and we finally made an agreement we wouldn't talk about politics. We even watched news shows on separate TVs in separate rooms. If he had been alive during Trump's presidency I seriously wonder if our marriage would have lasted. When he would argue for Trump I used to tell him "You're smarter than that". It drove me crazy !

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He's doing the same thing by saying about his current trial jury "They're 95% Democrats. If I lose this court case it'll be because the jury selection was rigged." Why would anyone vote for him for re-election as our president? He's setting himself up so his lawyers will call for a mistrial !

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Someone should remind him that once upon a time he used to be a Democrat himself

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Not really a Democrat, maybe registered as one at one time because he thought about running for president as a Dem. He only cares about himself.

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Absolutely he only cares about himself and so will align with whichever party he stands to benefit the most from. His religious piety and anti-abortion stance are fake though. My point, though, is that he himself has identified with “those others” in his life, so he can’t really convince rational folks that they are not a jury of his peers. That they hopefully don’t adhere to his belief that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it should not be construed to mean that they are not a jury of his peers.

From wiki:

Donald Trump registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987; since that time, he has changed his party affiliation five times. In 1999, Trump changed his party affiliation to the Independence Party of New York. In August 2001, Trump changed his party affiliation to Democratic. In September 2009, Trump changed his party affiliation back to the Republican Party. In December 2011, Trump changed to "no party affiliation" (independent). In April 2012, Trump again returned to the Republican Party.

In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat", explaining: "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans."In a July 2015 interview, Trump said that he has a broad range of political positions and that "I identify with some things as a Democrat."

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In other words, He "identifies" as whatever he thinks will help him most at the moment. And, yes, he probably is incapable of seeing all those New Yorkers he's taken advantage of over the years as his peers. After all, he's "the best", "the only one who can save America", etc.

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Clare, I’ve found the techniques described in Taking the War Out of Our Words work well in deescalating conversations about Trump’s lies—I’ve even got people to say “I’ve never thought about it that way”. Good luck.

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Here are some more:

1, Stop the coup. https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/unpacking-the-propaganda

2 Galvanize Action Playbook. https://playbook.galvanizeaction.org/

3. http://lib-talk.com/Trump/index.html

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Daniel, Thanks for the great resources.

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Thank you again, Daniel,

I’m visiting these today beginning will ‘stop the coup.’ The name of the group resonates!

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just ordered - thanks

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Yes! Clare, the key is to stay calm, pose questions, listen, offer facts, and ask more questions. Demand that they address very real concerns about the fitness of Donald J. Trump to hold office now or in 2016.

Give ‘em hell and smile.

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What's really going on is the so-called manhood problem, ie the boys not wanting to let go of their old superior image stuff, with all the puffery that Trump puts out. That's the opposite of manhood and it's an embarrassment to men.

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Same here with my very religious family and old friends. It's as if the earplugs they've been wearing have become part of they're permanent anatomy. I've been cast out of they're sense of being. We are not alone. We must keep reminding ourselves of that reality.

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I am so sorry Clare, it must be difficult having so ill informed close relatives.

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Fay, I can speak from experience that it is. My wife's dad was one of those.

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I married a profound liar my daughter still believes. People have a hard time realizing someone who has a good resume, always agrees with them and is charming is also a complete liar.

And as Mark Twain said, it's easier to get someone to believe a lie than convince them they've been fooled.

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My daddy and I used to argue politics all the time, but we did it goodnaturedly. Arguing with my son and brother, in today's reality, is an exercise in futility. Good heavens! Daddy and I never argued about conspiracy theories; we argued about actual policies.

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Hi Clare

I’m a 72 year old native New Yorker, who’s been painfully aware of the DARVO Don and his sleazy, wanna be mob boss, serial predator, grifter-hood for over 4 decades. You’re right. It’s time to make noise.

Here’s a suggestion for how to talk about this creep as you get noisy:

Deconstruct his language by calling him the DARVO Don

DARVO stands for “deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender”

DARVO, as Joyce and every criminal prosecutor knows, is the MO of every serial predator.

Mr. Trump is the DARVO Don. Every sentence out of his mouth is a DARVO dagger to our democracy

Deconstruct his MO and you will help de-fang the vampire.

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Clare, I too am 82 but luckily everyone in my family viewed DJT as a charlatan in the White House. What has bothered all of us is that the media platforms we’re extremely reluctant to even use the word lie because they wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt since he was new to big league politics. So we had at least a year, if not more, of being conditioned by these media platforms giving him a free pass to continue lying while conditioning the public to do so too. Then when some of these media platforms, using the data from their in-house fact checkers, began to use the word “lie”, a large faction of the citizens were reluctant to accept the fact that he’d been spewing out lies from the outset. Even in the NY trial, many viewers still believe DJT is their man. A political philosopher has helped me further understand that it’s deep seated emotions, not reason, that are governing their allegiance to DJT. He gives four varieties of emotional responses: (1) when one believes their government is malfunctioning their emotions are telling themI FEEL UNSAFE, (2) when institutions don’t seem to be working as they expected them to their emotions are telling them I FEEL BETRAYED, (3) a combination of these emotions leads to feeling I FEEL POWERLESS, (4) when citizens feel their government is opaque to them their emotions tell them I FEEL LOST and its this emotion in particular that encourages them to enter the realm of magical thinking, i.e conspiracy theories, that propose a solution to their problems. All of this is to say that at first we must talk to our relatives and friends about how they are FEELING about what’s happening before we can learn the basis for their devotion to DJT. And then we can slowly, slowly introduce reason as a powerful way to examine these feelings.

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This is a really useful breakdown, Margaret. Thank you! It occurs to me that many of the people I know, who tend to skew to the moderate / liberal / progressive side, feel some of the same things, especially #2, "betrayed," and #3, "powerless." In fact, I do too, and it's not because I'm out of the political loop: I've always been politically minded, and over the last eight years I've been actively engaged. The result is that after examining my feelings, my reason keeps telling me that they're not unjustified. This is actually helping me come up with ways to persuade my skeptical friends that voting is worthwhile.

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Great suggestions, Margaret. I sense that trying to get my cohort of ex-cops to express a "feeling" would be met with little success.

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I don’t think there is any point to a back and forth discussion when your opposing party tries to throw up lies. I strongly believe that we must state loudly and clearly that we know they are lying. We have done our homework and we are clearly telling them that we will not abide lies, because they are very harmful to all of us, most especially our children.

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I'm awed by the courage of all of you who have to live with Trumpers day in and day out, who've seen people you love and care about fall victim to Trumpism. Where I live, in southeastern MA, the Trumpers are few and only sporadically vocal. They don't feel threatening. My current challenge is to persuade my many friends and colleagues who are distraught and furious about what's happening in Gaza that they shouldn't sit out the election because of the Biden administration's inadequate response.

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I am too, Susanna. For me (now that my father-in-law has passed) this group of people in my life are mostly a former work cohort and a smattering of friends from other interests I have (motorcycling and music). I can choose to interact with them or walk away.

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Does your family think Trump’s announced plan to be a dictator from Day One is a positive? And that he will use his office for retribution?

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May 5Liked by Joyce Vance

Yea this is how it’s done. Thanks Joyce. With appreciation for all your writing and the interview with Professor Ben Ghiat. Stellar.

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110% on the dot!! A dynamic duo working together. Keep it going down the stretch run.

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I wonder if there’s really anyone out there who is undecided. Is it at all possible to still be on the fence? If you are somehow still undecided, if the past behavior hasn’t convinced you. If the 91 indictments haven’t convinced you. If the million plus mostly preventable Covid deaths didn’t convince you. The cozying up to tyrants doesn’t convince you, if abandoning 70+ years of NATO alliances doesn’t matter to you, if leaving the Paris accord and rolling back environmental protections doesn’t convince you. If inciting a riot and refusing to allow the peaceful transition of power didn’t convince you. I’m not sure sharing the truth or facts about this trail (or really anything) is going to change anyone’s mind.

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I almost wish we could hold the damn election tomorrow and see what kind of nation we are — and will be for the next four years (and longer). Is this really how things were before the election of 1860, and 1932, and 1968? I really dread finding out how many Americans think this man is their savior. And sure as heck don’t want to hear all the “I didn’t know’s” from people who later regret supporting Benedict Donald!

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Tragically, brainwashed Trump cult followers had their souls removed and destroyed. Heartless cold blooded creatures, whatever integrity has been gaslite into nothingness..they will drink the Orange KoolAiid when the command is given

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You’re right. Willful ignorance is as hard as a diamond. Very dense material if you know what I’m sayin'

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The members of any cult accept what their leader tells them to accept.

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Precisely Ann 👍👍

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Facts alone will not change anybody's mind. It feels like being hammered with words. But helping them to see how it affects their lives directly can make them think- and that's the first step in changing one's perspective. It's not an instantaneous thing, but something that builds. You automatically lose the chance to change someone's perspective if you brush off their capacity to think. And namecalling has already shown to entrench people in their beliefs. I got sick and tired of listening and reading self-righteous people looking down on others who might have been receptive, thereby failing to even create a possible opening for change.

If we are going to be effective, we have to stop focusing on the extreme end of the spectrum. We actually participated in creating them by pushing them into reactionary corners. That means that the people now coming out against Trump are extraordinarily courageous people. Can we learn from them, and from the way we reacted to them with disdain and sneering four years ago?

I hope so. Because I think there are a lot of people we CAN reach, if we don't fall back into the same spiral of targeting people, and begin looking for ways to reach those who are questioning Trump, but are afraid of being called names and looked down on because they had voted for Trump.

Think about it, please. And ask yourself what different approaches might work that don't involve confrontation, self-righteousness, and judgement - but leave the door open to listening and dialogue. What can we learn from them that will help us understand the questions they are asking and make the answers match their concerns, instead of bombarding them with our version of the "facts"?

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Well put Ann, but we'll keep trying . . . just in case

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May 5·edited May 5

Ann said above, "I’m not sure sharing the truth or facts about this trail (or really anything) is going to change anyone’s mind." Trail > trial?

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"Anyone out there who is undecided." In 2020, more than 77 million eligible voters “did not vote”—as compared to 81 million who voted for Biden and 74 million who voted for Trump. We should focus our efforts on registration and get out the vote campaigns. There is plenty of ground to be made up among the population of voters who stayed home in 2020.

FT6 has identified about 13 million who trend heavily Democratic using data mining. 60% of unregistered voters have never been asked to register! "Using our one-of-a-kind database and every outreach method possible (phone and text, postcard, email and targeted ad, and in-person too), where new Democratic voters will make the most impact – in the most flippable states and districts."


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It is shameful that so many in this country do not vote. Just after the 2016 election when roughly only 50% of eligible voters voted I was driving for Uber. I picked up a group of 4 Danes visiting the US. They didn’t really care who won, but they really couldn’t understand why so few voted. They told me that in Denmark it is considered shameful not to vote. Their voter turnout is routinely 90% or more. While I’m not sure shaming people into voting is the right approach, I’m not completely against it either if it’ll get people off their asses to vote. I worry the day is coming when voting truly won’t matter as there will only be one name on the ballot.

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Thank you, Ann. I find it unbelievable that so many don’t exercise their “right to vote.” I was raised to vote in EVERY election, and my mother voted her whole life in every single election until she died at 98. The mentality is that “my single vote won’t change the outcome.” Multiply that illogical thinking by millions of people, and you have millions of people who don’t vote.

Register to vote and vote!!!! Preferably Vote Blue to save our Democracy, for the democratic process of exercising your “Right to Vote” to continue on in our future.

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Ann, my fantasy is to have an election where the only valid voters are those who received their right to vote via constitutional amendment...

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It's times like this that I really wish the liar's pants did catch fire; not enough to cause burns, just enough to scare the heck out of him.

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Patricia; Actually a few burns might make the point even more.

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You have to get through the several feet of cellulite to where he feels it.

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TC, yes he is quite well insulated.

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Don’t forget his fully loaded diaper, and the moisture it holds.

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You bad, TC.

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Respectfully disagree because his temperament is right on the surface where the cutaneous nerves are... 😉

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Perhaps he could kill two birds with one stone by igniting the flatus said to be poisoning the courtroom, thus moving the thermometer to a more agreeable temperature.

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If a match is ever lit, close to Orange's methane/ gas Big Mac/Diet Coke filled Depends there will be

a massive explosion!!!! Many pants on fire......the entire defense team and Oranges crayons/coloring book will be a smoking, stinking,dripping Orange mess

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Mr. Creosote. (Monty Python)

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He’d better not stand too close to the fireworks on the 4th of July.

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That made me laugh out loud. Good one Patricia!! 😂😂😂

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If his pants caught on fire, perhaps his soiled depends would offer some protection.

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**"It's crucial that we share this information with Trump supporters and others in our circles."**

Every election is a battle for the middle. While I continue to work on my friends who are Trump supporters my efforts concentrate on the others in my circle.

The problem this time is that there are many Trump supporters who do not know and do not want to know the truth. These are the people most likely to be armed to the teeth and prone to violence. If these people decide to fight, they will never admit the truth and the only option is to meet their violence with unwavering bravery and the hope that they will finally know the truth when they meet their maker.

I now understand how Nazi Germany happened.

PS May the Fourth be with us!

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Like you, I have always wondered how Hitler/Nazi Party so completely took over the power in Germany and , just like you, I no longer wonder. I feel I am watching it unfold day by day.

I also feel like we are somehow in a lose/lose situation. If tRump “wins” we all lose, and if he loses, there will be violence. He is a cornered, rabid animal who sees only one path forward to avoid prosecution and possible incarceration/disgrace. We are living in very scary times.

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I don't think we have to worry about him winning, nor about violence if he loses. None of his supporters are even showing up for this criminal trial. Trump *is* dangerous in that he can still cause great political and social evil, largely through his US and state congressional stooges, and some judges. We need to fund every US House and Senate toss-up race, across the nation. And the most crucial state level races. Go with ActBlue.

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This is way more than just Trump.

From Joyce’s Five Questions with Authoritarianism Expert Ruth Ben-Ghiat

(Not sure if this subscriber only post is behind a paywall; if it is I hope Joyce sends Professor Ben-Ghiat’s answers to everyone)

“This is the framework for Project 2025, a coalition of 100 organizations, united under the leadership of the far-right Heritage Foundation with the goal of “institutionalizing Trumpism.””

They are getting zealots in positions from school districts on up. Search for and listen to the podcast Southlake and then the podcast Grapevine.

Red state governors are already sending their Guard troops to Texas to participate in operation Lone Star. The Brookings Institution had a panel about this last week.


Here’s the YouTube of the panel:


Quality exchange at 1:08:25- Lauren Voss, GW Law Prof and reservist: Gen Lengyel’s answer at 1:10:25 was excellent: Lafayette square company commander hypothetical; then Gen Lengyel’s conclusion: we need to rely on leaders who will do the right thing. Can we count on that?

Operation Lone Star disputes are making their way thru courts. The problem going forward is that these zealots do not care what the courts rule. The law of armed conflict that guides our military will be ignored.

What happens when Red State governors send their Army and Air Force Guard units to support Trump?

Professor Timothy Snyder gives us a preview:


No one thought 1/6 would unfold the way it did. We won’t be fooled again!

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I agree that if he loses I don’t think there will be violence. This time the police and national guard have if warranted will be ready for them and those dopes are even smart enough to know they’re going to jail if they start rioting just like their J6 buddies who are all still in jail. Trump isn’t getting them out and if he loses, they know no one is coming to help them. They can grouse and moan and groan and call into talk radio, but the are not risking going to prison. They know he won’t lift a finger to help them. They’re not that stupid.

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Professor Timothy Snyder gives us guidance:


“ In coaching his followers towards a November 2024 insurrection, Trump is telling them (and us) that he doesn't really plan to win the election. As he did in 2016, as he did in 2020, he is telling us that the vote count does not decide the issue for him. He wants to get close enough in the tally to make some kind of a play. But the vote count will matter to the rest of us. If the election is not close, it will matter even to his followers.

“ The work to be done is to make sure that Trump doesn't come close. And part of that work is to explain to voters what Trump says and who Trump is. He's the bloodbath candidate. “

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Jason, Happy Dave Brubeck day!! (5/4 if you miss the musical reference).

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Take 5!

Back burner project if democracy survives this Christian Nationalist threat: research if any Star Wars cantina bands are playing Take 5 and make that a celebration next May Force!

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We know Trump is a liar, fraud, rapist, con man, — a cruel sociopath who never bothered with the truth. He is probably one of the best con-men in history.

The real problem is that so many people who used to have some sense of honesty and integrity, people who know that Trump is a lair, and a dangerous person who may not even have a good grip on reality, people who have already described him that way themselves, have decided it is best to support him. Mitch McConnell was always greedy and immoral, but he knows how awful Trump will be for the country and the world, yet he caved in. Governor Chris Sununu of NH, who was a big Haley supporter, and openly stated that Trump is incapable, but now tells people he will vote for him. Even the many Republicans who are fleeing Congress because it is a clown show that accomplishes nothing, mostly due to Trump, but they will not take a stand against him.

And of course, the men of the Supreme Court — freedom, democracy, the Constitution be damned— they are all in for Trump. What are they afraid of? How do they think they will benefit? Ask Hope Hicks, or all the false electors, or Mark Meadows and Mike Pence, how does supporting Trump work out for anyone? But still, they do. Why?

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I have begun to wonder if those people, like Sununu, who publicly say they will be voting for the bloated yam are perhaps just saying that publicly but intend to vote otherwise privately.

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I've wondered that myself. How many will secretly pull the lever for Biden. Let's pray they do!!

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With the hydraulic press slowly crushing him in the courts, I think we’ll have more and more of these closeted Biden voters after they see the helium come out of his balloon.

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Sure do hope so. Praying we can get one more trial in too before November. That would be the icing on the cake. Especially if it's the J6 one!! 🙏🏻🙌

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We need to stop believing that they will do anything but exactly what they say wrto changing America. That is what got us here to begin with, Bannon stated at the outside of creating the MAGA movement that they wanted to dismantle the American administrative state. That is what they are trying to complete.

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What I've been seeing for years I would now call Public Emotional Bluster, the propping up of old stories and facades that are supposed to mean something now - when they don't. Without the needed public education processes including and especially in MSM media, people who don't go looking for better sources want to believe what they already believe, which is these days a lot imbedded in for-profit media which in itself has become a drug. It thrives and profits on the most base human emotions of fear and greed that keep people in ignorance. Media literacy needs to be taught very early.

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👏👏👏I would include visual literacy in that education. So much of the lies and gaslighting are mediated through subliminal use of visual cues.

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Have you ever heard of Visual Teaching Strategies? A friend of mine has been involved with this effort which he says is quite successful.

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No I haven’t. I will certainly look it up.

Thanks 🙏

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FrankenTrump!!........The picture shown tonight "tells a thousand lies." As you point out.....Orange is a cold blooded, souless,inhumane monster ........who looks worse and uglier by the minute.

The texbook narcissist lives on attention like a crack addict needs his next fix. He would wither

and die like the outer space invaders in War of The Worlds, if the media cut him off totally.

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I doubt it. This is all about power. These people are waiting for Trump to crumble so they can take over the donors and the party.

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oaitw, I am also confused as to why the "protest" Republicans do not stay and fight, rather than tip over their king and slink away. Liz Cheney is the only one with the fortitude (dare I say "ovaries"?) to stand for election even though she lost. That makes her a winner in my book.

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Nobody knows how a voter ends up voting on Election Day. It’s expedient to SAY they are backing Trump, but will they really? I wonder how big that say- yes-but-vote-no group is?

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Believe as you will, but please, if you will vote against Trumpism, turn out and vote and bring a like minded friend.

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Wild horses couldn’t stop me.

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Fear for their lives/ family? That was part of Hitler's effectiveness also. I would put nothing past and aspiring despot. Pure evil.

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Joyce, the clarity of your writing is a joy. Thank you!

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Judge Merchan gives a good example to journalists, on and off the screen, to tell the truth and/or correct the lie.

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Thank you, Professor. I so hope he testifies. He will step on his long tie….

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And then he could be prosecuted for lying under oath.

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It is a good feeling to believe that someone in the process insists on integrity and truthfulness. Here's a photo of Trumpocchio.


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Fab!!! TrumpNOcchio

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He lies so often that he would keel over from the weight of his growing nose.

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That's good, but his nose needs to be far longer than that. Like reaching into the next county, the next state, the next country, all the way around the world. Twice.

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We need more people like Merchan and less Fox fake news! Thanks for your Friday letter. I was very late reading cause as this hasn’t been a bad enough week with the biopsy, my Turkish angora cat who was only 11 was diagnosed with aggressive oral cancer and I had to let her go. Cancer sucks.

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I pressed "like" because I wanted to extend my deepest sympathy on the loss of your beloved cat (our "fur children" bring so much joy and love to our lives) and wish you good luck with your own health issues. Hoping for the best for you, especially now. Take care.

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Thank you. Yes they’re closer than family.

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Rusty, so sorry about the loss of your cat. I can relate to how you're feeling, as I had to have my sweet Siamese girl put to sleep about a month ago. Fortunately I still have my other one, a petite all-black DSH for consolation. I hope maybe you have another one also, it does help.

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Ugh I’m so sorry about your beloved kitty. I still have my personal 3 and 5 from the rescue that was closed down in 2021.

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Well, I can’t hit the “like” button on this. That is a very bad day, I am so sorry for you. That will take more time on the “down”. He was lucky to have you. 💔 Be well, friend.

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Thank you. My sweet girl Krystal with one blue eye and one light green eye wasn’t much of a lap cat but she would sleep next to me.

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Rusty, I’m so sorry for all that has hit you recently . Remember that we are in this together and there are people supporting you from afar if not near.

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Thank you!

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I am so, so sorry. That's quite a lot to bear.

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This past week has totally sucked.

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I'm so sorry Rusty. That really stinks. Hope it gets better. 🙏🏻🫂❤️

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Can’t get any worse I hope.

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Hang in there, Rusty.

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Rusty, I'm so sorry for the pain of not one but two difficult things that hit you this week. Trusting that your medical team will shepherd you back to good health. Sadness and loss, well that just takes time. My daughter and son-in-law recently put down their beloved cat Lily. They buried her in their backyard and put a lovely birdbath on her grave. Lily was very "fond" of birds!

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My condolences to you on the loss of your kitty. Cancer sucks 💔💔💔

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Thank you.

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I am so sorry, Rusty. Such sad news when we lose our feline (and canine) friends. My cats Artemis and Apollo send purrs of condolences. 🐈🐈‍⬛

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Thank mew!

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Thank you, Joyce!

And of course he also lied about his weight, his health, and (as you said) Covid. He had it and lied about it. And over a million Americans died while he did nothing to try to stop it.

I'm grateful for Judge Merchan's swift response to this recent lie. And grateful for your clarity. I'm sharing this post.

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Re: COVID: it sounds like it was only his immediate access to high-level treatment (along with, ahem, being vaccinated) that saved him, or at least gave him the relatively quick recovery that let him pretend it was no big deal. So many people died (or lost loved ones, or have suffered long-term impacts on their health and cognition) because they didn't have that access, especially in COVID-denying communities that Trump's "leadership" and red-state legislators and governors encouraged. I lived in Washington state at the time, and Washington's hospitals were overwhelmed with Idaho's sick anti-vaxxers/anti-maskers and their victims. Yet another unnecessary crisis that we could have avoided if we had stood together for public health. And, you know, science, and caring about our neighbors, and the truth.

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Full marks to Judge Merchan.

No doubt a big part of DTs 2016 success was that no one, especially Hillary Clinton and her team, was prepared (*could* be prepared) for someone like DT.

But let's be real, here. Our journalists, in all media, failed to do what Judge Merchan just did. They failed to do it in DTs press conferences and their reporting. They failed to do it when reporting and interviewing members of Congress.

And because of that, to a great degree, many people believe his lies, refuse to hear otherwise, and we're in the fight we find ourselves having to take on.

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So much of the media has failed us and their own ethics in reporting the full context of TFG’s comments. They take snippets and present them without appropriate context or analysis. How reporting is done influences understanding and supports the beliefs that someone already holds. The media, with some exceptions, really has done a disservice to the education of voters in this country and the world.

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Trump has spewed his lies from day one. He is a bigoted self- absorbed person. He simply only cares about himself. I almost think that he believes what he is saying. IMO his followers have the same point of view. They have drunk the koolaid. Win or lose I feel frightened about what will happen. If he wins it will be the end of democracy. If he loses I fear what he will call his MAGA supporters to do. I don’t think he will go away quietly.

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Do not be afraid Monica. We’re not going to lose Democracy if he should win. We will not accept the end of Democracy just because some refuse to admit reality and the truth. We won’t. Full Stop.

But I, for one, think he will lose by wide margins. Remember we’ve had worse positions during our (more than) two centuries and we have always pulled it off in the end. Stand strong. Better times are ahead.

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From your mouth to God’s ears!

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Thank you. I appreciate your response.

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Well, we did have a Civil War.

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Which is why Merrick Garland and team worked so hard to get all of trump's militia leaders convicted and imprisoned (and talking). Neutralize his army before he once again summons them.

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IMO I think he waited too long to start doing it. The trials could be much further along had he taken action sooner.

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That is my fear also.

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IT IS TIME WE ALL WAKE UP. We must call out all trump supporters even family members and friends loved ones and business associates AND NOT ACCEPT THRIR REPEATING THE CRIMINAL TRUMP LIES And body’s and seditious and authoritarian PLANS AS WRONG AND THREATENING TO THEIRS AND OUR FREEDOMS AND LIBERTIES.



Pls get out and vote every vote counts!!!!!

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I agree. Not saying anything is condoning the lies and I refuse to listen to anymore of their idiocy. They actually enjoy mouthing off because they know everyone wants to keep the peace. I don’t give a whit about alienating them anymore. In my opinion, they have no respect for anyone but their own dear leader’s views and don’t even care enough about family members who disagree so I’m ready for them. I’ve lost some along the way but don’t miss them a bit but because they were always racist and ignorant misogynists (including some of the women!). I don’t care if I ever talk to them again. I never liked them much before and 2016 just confirmed how stupid they are.

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It's just time for TFG to be convicted of all his crimes, pass into the mists of history and become unmentioned in daily life. In the meantime, there is Rowoon and KDramas as an antidote.

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Yay to KDramas!

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