Hang in there Clare!!! It’s such an isolating feeling when you are the only one in your family circle that sees how dangerous he is. My family is the same and I just wanted you to know you are not alone in this. My problem is I’m the younger sister so I’m not supposed to know better than they do. It’s so silly but I do feel isolated at t…
Hang in there Clare!!! It’s such an isolating feeling when you are the only one in your family circle that sees how dangerous he is. My family is the same and I just wanted you to know you are not alone in this. My problem is I’m the younger sister so I’m not supposed to know better than they do. It’s so silly but I do feel isolated at times. That’s why I appreciate people like you, Joyce and her Sisters-In- Law!!! And while I’m still out on the ledge - I’m not jumping lol!!!
I am with you and Clare both as I am the only one in my small family and one of the very few in my entire community who sees the bloated yam for the sociopath that he is. It is disheartening and disappointing that the people I love the most in the world are so delusional that they believe a vote for him is as if they were on the battlefield fighting the satan they wholeheartedly believe President Biden is. It is very sad. The bright spot is I have found some neighbors who share my dismay and sensibilities, and we are doing what we can to continue to educate ourselves with sources like Joyce, the Sisters, and others, and have truth as the best ammunition against fairy tale land.
Good for you. This is a great approach to not only keeping sane for yourself, but changing the narrative little by little. Keep up the good work and make sure your like-minded neighbors and friends vote IN EVERY SINGLE ELECTION.
I’m just tired of the din..was this a hoped for result? One side water boarding .. an after affect..labeled the ‘alternative reality’ ie lying/misleading/the ultimate trickled down affect. I don’t need to say which side is which.
It IS subliminal programming at its worst, planned, executed, successful. Too tired to fight? Some are. Many within these halls have more than eloquently written fact upon fact pointing out lie after lie and how it slowly divided conquering what USED TO BE near half of our voting population. Maria writes of it today, Joyce , Steve gift their observations ..eloquently ,walking about in the states in halls sharing with others , writing to us near daily to boot. Vacations needed. Mental Health breaks.
The deadline is 6 months away?
It’s as ongoing and a war itself ,the sides drew lines in the sand long ago. Love vs hate. Lies vs truth. Blame vs consequences. Build vs destroy. Freedom vs slavery. Rich vs poor. Lead vs manipulate.
"My dear friends, your vote is precious, almost sacred. It is the most powerful nonviolent tool we have to create a more perfect union." and
"So I say to you: Don’t give up. Don’t give up on the things that have great meaning to you. Don’t get lost in a sea of despair. Stand up for what you believe in. Because…we are one people, one family, the human family. We all live in one house, the American house, the world house. We are Black. We are white. Hispanic, Asian American, Native American. We are one people."
It’s the same with some family and friends . I’ve been threatened if I continue to call out the dangers of another trump presidency, that I will have no contact with these folks. I’ve already been ostracized by some friends. Well, so be it, but I don’t want this to happen with my family. It’s all so disheartening.
I may he heartless or maybe wasn’t so close with certain family members and/or friends, but when they kept at it along with their usual racist and sexist comments, I chose to ostracize them and I don’t regret it one bit. I had been sick of their ignorance and hatefulness for years. I don’t miss them.
Agreed, just as in any dysfunctional family dynamics, it’s essential to set boundaries very clearly and as repetitively as necessary. I am clear I don’t abide liars, lying and gaslighting and then move on to fully living my life with love in my heart ♥️
2. The pressure point may not be Trump per se. Find out whether they rely on government benefits directly or even indirectly. People on SSI, for example, slit their own throats by supporting Republicans. If SSA retirement goes into default, it will affect those not ready to retire worse than those of us who already in pay status.
3. Snitch line. When we see see bots, trolls, defamation, report it to the DNC disinformation@dnc.org
If Trump hates dogs, the this explains why SD governor spoke in her book about killing her dog. Voters have a short attention span. It’s a gamble but if Trump picks her, the gamble pays off. As I’ve said, politics is a dirty business.
My mantra is that it’s not enough for us to rally around the flag, boys. This is only cheerleading within the group of believers. Politics is frequently dirty and we had better understand how to galvanize the masses since we are so overloaded with self righteousness that we will prevail. No we won’t. That is my disturbing news for the day. We may win but we very well may not win. The only chance we might win is the horrible loss women have felt with the abortion issue. What a price to pay. I hate to be the messenger of trifling news, but we may not win this one because we think (and we are, btw) superior to the other side. We can make all the jokes we want about trump losing his ability to control his bowels. So he’ll be the most farting president in the history of the republic. I just don’t see Democratic initiatives that are confronting this street-wise piece of shit. I wish I could be appointed to a committee to advise. But nobody will listen to a nobody like me.
Hang in there Clare!!! It’s such an isolating feeling when you are the only one in your family circle that sees how dangerous he is. My family is the same and I just wanted you to know you are not alone in this. My problem is I’m the younger sister so I’m not supposed to know better than they do. It’s so silly but I do feel isolated at times. That’s why I appreciate people like you, Joyce and her Sisters-In- Law!!! And while I’m still out on the ledge - I’m not jumping lol!!!
I am with you and Clare both as I am the only one in my small family and one of the very few in my entire community who sees the bloated yam for the sociopath that he is. It is disheartening and disappointing that the people I love the most in the world are so delusional that they believe a vote for him is as if they were on the battlefield fighting the satan they wholeheartedly believe President Biden is. It is very sad. The bright spot is I have found some neighbors who share my dismay and sensibilities, and we are doing what we can to continue to educate ourselves with sources like Joyce, the Sisters, and others, and have truth as the best ammunition against fairy tale land.
Good for you. This is a great approach to not only keeping sane for yourself, but changing the narrative little by little. Keep up the good work and make sure your like-minded neighbors and friends vote IN EVERY SINGLE ELECTION.
I’m just tired of the din..was this a hoped for result? One side water boarding .. an after affect..labeled the ‘alternative reality’ ie lying/misleading/the ultimate trickled down affect. I don’t need to say which side is which.
It IS subliminal programming at its worst, planned, executed, successful. Too tired to fight? Some are. Many within these halls have more than eloquently written fact upon fact pointing out lie after lie and how it slowly divided conquering what USED TO BE near half of our voting population. Maria writes of it today, Joyce , Steve gift their observations ..eloquently ,walking about in the states in halls sharing with others , writing to us near daily to boot. Vacations needed. Mental Health breaks.
The deadline is 6 months away?
It’s as ongoing and a war itself ,the sides drew lines in the sand long ago. Love vs hate. Lies vs truth. Blame vs consequences. Build vs destroy. Freedom vs slavery. Rich vs poor. Lead vs manipulate.
“Fairy tale land” is too kind.
Would it be possible to say to the Trump believers, can we make the next six months a little more civil? Can we make it into a game maybe?
Let’s challenge each other lies. Then let’s find sources to prove that they aren’t lies. Maybe we can agree together on which sources we can use.
This made sense to me when I started writing it. Does it makes sense?
Truthfully, I like your idea. Not sure how to put it out there, but I do like it. Thank you! Very constructive if...
It's a challenge. John Lewis's "good trouble" has helped.
Thank you Russell - and more of John Lewis:
"My dear friends, your vote is precious, almost sacred. It is the most powerful nonviolent tool we have to create a more perfect union." and
"So I say to you: Don’t give up. Don’t give up on the things that have great meaning to you. Don’t get lost in a sea of despair. Stand up for what you believe in. Because…we are one people, one family, the human family. We all live in one house, the American house, the world house. We are Black. We are white. Hispanic, Asian American, Native American. We are one people."
And thank you for this thrilling, moving background, the life-blood flowing through our Constitution, it's still beating heart.
You just can't go wrong with John Lewis
Love John Lewis. Haven’t picked up his book for a little while. Thanks for the quotes and reminder. 🙏
It’s the same with some family and friends . I’ve been threatened if I continue to call out the dangers of another trump presidency, that I will have no contact with these folks. I’ve already been ostracized by some friends. Well, so be it, but I don’t want this to happen with my family. It’s all so disheartening.
I may he heartless or maybe wasn’t so close with certain family members and/or friends, but when they kept at it along with their usual racist and sexist comments, I chose to ostracize them and I don’t regret it one bit. I had been sick of their ignorance and hatefulness for years. I don’t miss them.
Agreed, just as in any dysfunctional family dynamics, it’s essential to set boundaries very clearly and as repetitively as necessary. I am clear I don’t abide liars, lying and gaslighting and then move on to fully living my life with love in my heart ♥️
@ Clare, Kathy, Reader writes, Susan.
1. Try Trump hates dogs.
2. The pressure point may not be Trump per se. Find out whether they rely on government benefits directly or even indirectly. People on SSI, for example, slit their own throats by supporting Republicans. If SSA retirement goes into default, it will affect those not ready to retire worse than those of us who already in pay status.
3. Snitch line. When we see see bots, trolls, defamation, report it to the DNC disinformation@dnc.org
Trump hates dogs! HA. Apparently, according to Adam Kinsinger, he also smells really bad.
Thank you Daniel. I am saving these links.
If Trump hates dogs, the this explains why SD governor spoke in her book about killing her dog. Voters have a short attention span. It’s a gamble but if Trump picks her, the gamble pays off. As I’ve said, politics is a dirty business.
When you find yourself living under a fascist dictatorship, what then?
My mantra is that it’s not enough for us to rally around the flag, boys. This is only cheerleading within the group of believers. Politics is frequently dirty and we had better understand how to galvanize the masses since we are so overloaded with self righteousness that we will prevail. No we won’t. That is my disturbing news for the day. We may win but we very well may not win. The only chance we might win is the horrible loss women have felt with the abortion issue. What a price to pay. I hate to be the messenger of trifling news, but we may not win this one because we think (and we are, btw) superior to the other side. We can make all the jokes we want about trump losing his ability to control his bowels. So he’ll be the most farting president in the history of the republic. I just don’t see Democratic initiatives that are confronting this street-wise piece of shit. I wish I could be appointed to a committee to advise. But nobody will listen to a nobody like me.