I sent Postcards To Voters about Marilyn’s campaign and I hope it helped to influence this outcome!!! Woot!

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An ovation for you Tina!

You had the sense that THIS Alabama race was worth your time. I would not have done this, had I even heard of this race a few weeks ago. You can take special gratification that you made a huge difference, when nearly all others were too busy doing, nothing

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Aw thank you Fredrick. Most of the Postcards To Voters campaigns I have sent postcards about have been candidates or register to vote or vote from home sign up by phone reminders that are absolutely off my personal radar, I do read the reason why the candidate or issue is being focused upon, I admit to going with the flow. If it is worth the folks at Postcards To Voters to focus on, I just send as many as I can manage. Some weeks it might just be 5-10 but sometimes it’s 40.

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Fellow postcard writer here. Do you just write for Postcards to Voters or do you do them for other grassroots organizations as well?

Here are some other opportunities in case you or anyone else is interested:

Field Team 6 (www.fieldteam6.org) - their tagline is "Register Democrats, Save the World". They focus entirely on voter registration mostly in swing states or districts.

Activate America (www.activateamerica.vote) - GOTV campaigns to low-propensity voters in swing states; in 2024 targeting AZ, CA, NV, NY, OH, and PA.

Reclaim Our Vote (https://www.centerforcommonground.org/reclaim-our-vote) - GOTV campaigns for BIPOC voters in VA, NC, SC, GA, and AL. Current campaign for GA primary.

Northeast Arizona Native Democrats (https://neaznativedemocrats.org/) - their postcard campaigns connect indigenous voters to their native field organizers on Navajo, Hopi, and Apache lands in Northeast AZ.

Environmental Voter Project (https://www.environmentalvoter.org/) - GOTV for inactive voters who are concerned about the environment.

Blue Wave Postcard Movement (https://shop.bluewavepostcards.org/) - current campaign NV.

Postcards to Swing States (https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) - GOTV campaigns available starting May 1

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Our Alabama gal is now to be interviewed on MSNBC, by Ari Velshi sitting in for Lawrence.

See what you've helped to achieve! You go, gal!

I'll be on board again this spring, and this win reminds me "oh how sweet it is!"

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Frederick, I've been writing with Postcards to Voters since Doug Jones ran (and won!) in 2017. They're strategic about who they write for. They work closely with the campaign to develop the three "writing points" that each postcard should carry. Short version: If PTV says it's worth my time, it's worth my time. (Since I don't always have the time, I tithe $10 monthly to them as well.)

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I appreciate your story, Susanna. I'll join PtV. I've enjoyed writing cards over the last few years. I was in on the effort to election Senators Ossoff and Warnock in GA., and Stacy Abrams as well. I wrote cards to NY-3, and I'm astonished that voters there received multiple cards, from all over the country. I can feel "blue skies smiling at me, nothing but blue skies do I see ... "

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PTV is based in Georgia. Ossoff and Warnock have been on their radar for a long time. :-)

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Frederick, I did the same. It does appear to really help; plus it’s a way to be personally connected to what often feels like to me as an abstract percentage. If I manage to take my time, it’s deeply enjoyable.

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I'm continually inspired by the amazing people who are running for office at all levels around the country. Postcards to Voters provides info about the candidates and links to websites and news stories so you can learn more about who you're writing for.

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Indeed Sam, it gives me a chance to sit through another hour of Antonio Carlos Jobim, "Live in Montreal, 1986." What is your soundtrack, Samm? Or do you simply stay focussed on the joy of making a difference?

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What were the 3 points for Marilyn, Susanna, just to give me, us, an idea?

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I didn't write for Marilyn (I've been on deadline for the last three weeks), but the three required sentences often follow this pattern:

Sentence #1: Democrat [NAME] is running for [OFFICE].

Sentence #2 gives two or three points about the candidate's positions.

Sentence #3 gives the date of the election and early-voting window (if there is one).

Several optional items about the candidate are given in case you've got room on your postcard. Plus there are some generic lines that can be used for any candidate. One of my favorites is "YOUR VOTE = YOUR VOICE." :-)

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This is a great option. I mailed 200 when I signed up; I had to do it in increments each day, but so glad I did. But need to ask, what state needs help the most. I was give the choice of 4 states and told to choose one. I may go back to PA for Bob Casey. Can I get some input from anyone? since I live in a red state I don't do much here except donate. I have the time so I can do it. I have my index cards and the stamps. Now I just need a swing state. Thanks for any input

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Beatrice, Postcards to Voters usually focuses on candidates, rather than states -- though there has been an ongoing campaign to encourage Florida Democrats to register (or re-register) to vote by mail. PTV wrote for Marilyn Lands in deep red Alabama -- and she won! And she's all over the news right now and giving hope to everywhere!!

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Check out Field Team 6 (www.fieldteam6.org) - they focus on registering new democratic voters in swing states and districts. I live in NC, so i have been doing one to Women in NC-01 based on repro rights and one to NC residents 30 -50 based on the issue of climate change.

This early in the cycle, I think that registering new voters is where you could do the most good.

I would also recommend Postcards to Voters IF they have any special elections like Marilyn Lands. If you sign up for their mailing lsit they will let you know about new campaigns.

They are also cycling through all the FL vote by mail (VBM) voters to reimind them to sign up again since the FL GOP passed voter suppression rules to limit a VBM request to 2 years.

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Many many thanks Susanna!

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I wrote for this campaign and haven't gotten around to shredding the addresses. The meassages were:

* Democrat Marilyn Lands is running to create positive change.

* Make a plan to vote in the Alabama House Special election Tuesday, March 26.

* Join Marilyn in the fight to repeal Alabama's no exception abortion ban.

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I just sent an email to join Postcards to Voters:)

I have received an automated response. I am waiting for next steps:)) 💙

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I just signed up too. I wrote tons of postcards for Warnock in that special election and have my sharpies ready to go between now and November. Thanks Tina and Valere

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Activate America is a good source too.

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Thank you Mimi!

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Thank you for your work!

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Is Postcards To Voters just in Alabama, or is it nationwide? I live in California and I'd love to help out this way. I'm mobility challenged, but I sure could write postcards.

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Join Indivisible. They have groups working on postcards.

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Harriet, it's based in Georgia but it writes for candidates all around the country. Check them out at https://postcardstovoters.org/.

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I'll do that. Thank you so much!

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Activate America (www.activateamerica.vote) and Grassroots Democrats HQ (https://grassrootsdems.org/postcards/) are both writing postcards to CA voters in flippable house districts.

You might also be interested in a virtual postcard writing group though Swing Left Inland Valley that I belong to (even though I'm in NC). It "meets" every Saturday:


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Me too!

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God bless you. I wrote postcards for Pensylvania Senator and it is a real rewarding effort. I hope to do another state.

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There is no shortage of postcard writing opportunities. See my reply to Tina (who started this thread on postcards) for some options.

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Women's rights? Hell, that's not even a question on the table anymore. It's a screaming, neon truth blasting through the night, and it's about damn time men—particularly those GOP Neanderthals—tuned in to the frequency of reality.

Alabama? That's just the fuse, the spark that's igniting a nationwide inferno. Women are laying their cards out, stark and undeniable, voting in droves, a tidal wave of fury and conviction. We're not the whispered dissent at the back of the room; we're the deafening roar at the forefront of change.

This election cycle? It's ours. And not just this one, but every damn one that rolls down the line from here to eternity. We're done playing nice, done being the silent backdrop to a male-dominated narrative.

The Wolf, the fierce, relentless woman, has stirred from her slumber, and she's hungry. We're on the hunt, and for those who've underestimated us, who've tried to chain us with archaic notions of what we should be—watch out.

The hunt is on, and we're coming for you, with the ferocity of the oppressed turned oppressor, the hunter with the scent of justice in her nostrils.

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Hey now Gloria, you know very well that some of us XYers have been right there with you XXers for quite a few decades. We are right there now and forever too. I know you know because we've discussed it. I DO appreciate your boundless enthusiasm.

Death to the Patriarchy so we ALL can live free!

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True Ransom:)

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Yes that 67% majority in Alabama had to include a lot of men. We need you on our side, guys!

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I put my beer down a while ago. I've been working on Democratic campaigns since 1956.

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You are a Prince among womankind.

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Some still speak to me, once in a while. Keep kickin, Gloria.

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I love your enthusiasm Gloria. I’m actually beginning to smell blood in the water and I rather like it for a change. Knives out for the men but also for the backstabbing women who abetted their perfidy. For those Democratic activists in Tennessee, please pull out the stops and get Gloria Johnson elected to the US Senate in place of that horror Marcia Blackburn(🤬). That would be a wonderful get.

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She's been a monster, I'd love to see her ousted.

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Dream come true!

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Yes Gloria - so well, well said:)) We are not the lone wolf! We are in this together:))

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Two peas in a pod.

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Yep - except I think you are causing waaay more trouble than I - otherwise same:)) 💙

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Ha! I doubt that. ❤️

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Sounds like you’re awake 👏🏻👏🏻

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WIDE awake. Gloria is awesome on many levels.

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On April 25, 2004, I protested on the streets of Washington DC at the Stand up for Choice march. Patty Smith played at the base of the Washington Monument. Being the son of a progressive Mom that broke many barriers, I had to be there. I am appauled and sickened by these fake Christian "men?" that have no idea or concept of the true teachings of Jesus.

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Yeah, I think there are plenty of sons of progressive moms and fathers of daughters who are NOT onboard with the Christo-Fascist Evangelical patriarchy.

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I would love to take your words, your permission, and with proper attribution, and post them to my Facebook account with a call to action to sign up with postcards to voters or other efforts, please?

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I would love to be a part of your call to action. I’m humbled and honored. If I can write anything else for you, just let me know.

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Agree with Decaffe, Inspired writing!! Does this consent apply to us 70 yo guys?

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Yes. Definitely! I’m 72. I adore younger men. So does my wife!

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VERY inspiring! ;)

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ps #1, Glo, I like the line about our taking every election from here to eternity!! That sounds about right:))

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You are my mentor.

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@ Gloria. Check out Field Team 6, enlisting unregistered women.


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Imagine if you will, a Women’s March at the Mall in D.C, where we (Women, et al) ALL collectively scream our heads off as our battle cry. The oppressors (maga/repubs) would hear us miles away and the sound of it would haunt them for the rest of their terms. God, that would be amazing!

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Right on, Sister!💪

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In Texas we need to flip some republican seats in our state legislature. The voters in Alabama give me hope. Thank you Alabama!!

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Joyce: thank you for paying attention to this upset in one of the Deepest Red state in the country! Folks, let's make this happen all over: Let's give generously to www.TurnUp.US which is run by very effective and brilliant Harvard students registering 18 to 29s adn then turning them out in 13 states with competitive Senate elections and more than 50 Congressional Districts with truly competitive races. They are a nonpartisan C3 (tax deductible) which focuses only on 3 nonpartisan issues: Protect Abortion Rights; enact strong Gun Safety legislation; and truly fight Climate Change nationwide!! A very winning message delivered to college students in 349 Community Colleges and more than 1,000 high schools--using sophisicated social media!! Please help--this is the winning message!!

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Thank you Ira, for the role you play with TurnUp.US - not just for this election but for the future. These young folks will be the changemakers we need:) 💙

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You are an inspiration!

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This! So amazing.

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Mark: this is a very serious and effective group of Harvard students who use a unique method to stimulate college voter reg drives by paying the drive leader $250 to get it done (and prove it via internet photos)! For High School drives they pay $100 to the leader. I’ve been doing VR drives in colleges & HS for 8 yrs and never thought of this; the Harvard team registers more in a week than I did in a year! And they do only in “competitive” CDs and Senate election states! Can you help them raise $$ they are a C3 focusing on abortion rights which really resonates??

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I was both surprised and elated to hear the news of last night's election. Congratulations Alabama voters for taking action against repressive, restrictive actions that endanger women's health and restrict their freedom to choose what they want to do with their own bodies and lives.

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Hope her victory sends fear to the GOP throughout the entire nation! Trump promised the Roe decision and now they’ll have to live or die with it!

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Remember what President Biden said in his wonderful SOTU address about the Supreme Court’s repeal of Roe being the bell tolling for republicans who pushed for this to happen with their selective judge shopping(that McConnell says isn’t a thing 😒)and their egregious Supreme Court packing with bought off right wingers. Let’s make this happen ladies. Once again it’s left up to us to clean up the garbage heap of a mess that republicans of both sexes have made so let’s do this!

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It has become the clarion call for all of us.

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We don't want them in fear.....we want them to stay complacent. Makes our candidates jobs much easier.

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Understand the tactical concern . But we want all good people inspired and in good company in a great cause. People are energized by being part of a winning and just cause.

While oppressors are indeed driven by fear of loss of their power, the people holding power are nearly always a smaller number than those who need and deserve a fair share, given the nature of power consolidation.

Used to sing a song about not hiding your light under a 'bushel' - anyone old enough to remember that?

Think it is fine to sing Gloria's Anthem loud. It is just, glorious, and will recruit. Not so much gendered stick in the eye as positive rah team.

Tactically, yes, you don't kick a sleeping dog if you are a cat burglar, but strategically you can't operate out of fear when you are in the process of making a better world.

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Used to sing a song about not hiding your light under a 'bushel' - anyone old enough to remember that?

No, but that was one of my late mother's favorite expressions!

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Just learned something- ;)

Matthew 5:15:

"Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, and it giveth light unto all that are in the house."

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💙 An additional positive development in CA, accountability for John Eastman is heading in the correct direction per ruling today (from hearing last summer) his law license will have a status of "inactive" during appeal, I just hope the next step moves a bit faster.

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I believe the Supreme Court in California has to affirm this.

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I contacted 50 Democrat voters through Postcards to Voters. I'll never know if receiving a card from me actually encouraged someone to get out the door to vote or to vote for Lands, but I'd certainly like to think so. Great program!! Hooray for Lands!!

(Postcards to Voters are friendly, handwritten reminders from volunteers to targeted voters giving Democrats a winning edge in close, key races coast to coast. No names are shared, and the messages are provided by PtV. The postcards and stamps are provided by the volunteers. I have 150 more postcards waiting whenever I hear from PtV that an area needs cards sent.)

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Yes it’s such a great way to get involved and every effort every nudge and reminder and encouragement to a voter helps!!

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Hi Jan,

I just sent an email to: Join@TonyTheDemocrat.org

to join Postcards to Voters:) Thank you to you - we can turn the tide:))

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Welcome to the effort, Valare!! Hooray for you!

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Thank you Jan. Brava!

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We have to run on ALL that is being done in Republicans/MAGA/faux christian circles to rights of one half (plus) of Americans! And, what it means for all of us.

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It’s wonderful news, Joyce, and one we can hang our hats on. I saw that she has campaigned with her cross on. Perhaps that too, resonated with Republican voters in the state, in that they realize you can be a good Christian but be a Democrat.

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You can be a good Christian AND be a democrat!

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Thank God!

I hope more folks in the south begin to realize the Republican party is not “for them”, it is only “for the powerful” in the party’s upper sphere & very limited click of elites. It’s all a sham performance to make regular & poor folks Think they’re saying the truth and helping the country folk…But it’s just a bad performance to take your money, and they then snicker behind your back- then claim it’s the democrats that are out to “get you”.

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Not the first time this has been observed:

“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”

― Lyndon B. Johnson

Substitute with immigrant, LGBTQ+ person, non evangelical Christian, now even woman

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Sums it up nicely, Beverly!

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That's what fascism looks like

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Happy news in Alabama! Next you'll find out that Tommy Tuberville has been offered a Head Coaching job at a major university outside the state of Alabama and is stepping down as 1/2 the Alabama Senators. That would be sweet! Hope tomorrow brings some more good news. I yield back my time.

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Please don’t send him back to my alma mater Texas Tech. He did enough long term damage there! 🏈🏈🏈

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I wouldn't dream of it. I was hoping he'd fall for coaching in Samoa. Here in College Station, I know my Lubbock friends wouldn't entertain offering him doodley squat. Carry on.

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No Bill:) 💙I have former students in Samoa....they are too lovely for Tommy Tuberville - let's not wish him on them. Perhaps we can think of another reason for him to step down. Indeed, he must go.

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Yeah, once met a huge Samoan footballer in Bintan, working with kids. Delightful monster of a guy...

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😂 I think they still believe in the punishment of hanging drawing & quartering in Wild West Texas. And John Sharp whom I worked for many years ago is waaaay too smart to take him at Aggieland.

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John Sharp is still pretty darn smart. I used to see him in Whataburger on Dominik. I kinda liked him when he was Texas Comptroller of Public Affairs from 91-99. He'd have made a great Lt. Governor. But, he has the next best thing as Chancellor of A&M.

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Amen to all that. I worked for him when he was Comptroller.

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He did the same at the University of Cincinnati.

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Send him to U of Russia - great team in the middle of Siberia 😈

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New reporting on Tuberville. His blockade of military appointments was a waste of effort.

DOD spend $40,000 (that right $40K) for the program to reimburse travel expenses for abortions. Much ado about very little.


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But of course, politics is not about the reality, much. A good and fair analysis will put you to sleep, but an evil and unfair anecdote will lead on the 5 o'clock news, everytime.

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Perhaps in Florida. He would not have as far to move.

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As always, Joyce, you hit the nail squarely on the head and you always teach us something, and always something worthwhile. It is the positive, uplifting beef in your article tonight that gives us all a shot in the arm. And for goodness sake! we can all use that shot in the arm. CONGRATULATIONS to Marilyn and Alabama!! It is a privilege to subscribe to your wisdom, common sense and brilliance. It’s easy to see why the networks seek your superior analytical skills—you break it down where everybody can understand! Thank you!

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And so it has begun…..💙⚖️💙⚖️

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Thanks Joyce, it’s a very narrow path to retain our Democracy but we must keep navigating this to November and beyond.

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I think we need to plan on staying involved until our last breaths, the cycles of time will probably douse some of the fires motivating us now, but maybe our experiences and their record will serve as a beacon to those seeking a solution, as we do today. I’m blessed with 4 grandchildren, 2 of each, my hope is that their grandchildren may be spared this trauma and maybe theirs as well.

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Hi Dick, I love your words to 'plan on staying involved until our last breaths' because that certainly has been my plan. Well said. We have at least three presidential cycles to go through to gain back our lost rights and to begin to get things on track - so, through 2036 and beyond. We will need your kids and grandkids to follow-through what we have started:)

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Well said !!!!!

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Gloria Steinhem said, “I’m not just a dreamer. I’m a hopeaholic”

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