I didn't write for Marilyn (I've been on deadline for the last three weeks), but the three required sentences often follow this pattern:
Sentence #1: Democrat [NAME] is running for [OFFICE].
Sentence #2 gives two or three points about the candidate's positions.
Sentence #3 gives the date of the election and early-voting window (if there is one).
Several optional items about the candidate are given in case you've got room on your postcard. Plus there are some generic lines that can be used for any candidate. One of my favorites is "YOUR VOTE = YOUR VOICE." :-)
This is a great option. I mailed 200 when I signed up; I had to do it in increments each day, but so glad I did. But need to ask, what state needs help the most. I was give the choice of 4 states and told to choose one. I may go back to PA for Bob Casey. Can I get some input from anyone? since I live in a red state I don't do much here except donate. I have the time so I can do it. I have my index cards and the stamps. Now I just need a swing state. Thanks for any input
Beatrice, Postcards to Voters usually focuses on candidates, rather than states -- though there has been an ongoing campaign to encourage Florida Democrats to register (or re-register) to vote by mail. PTV wrote for Marilyn Lands in deep red Alabama -- and she won! And she's all over the news right now and giving hope to everywhere!!
Check out Field Team 6 (www.fieldteam6.org) - they focus on registering new democratic voters in swing states and districts. I live in NC, so i have been doing one to Women in NC-01 based on repro rights and one to NC residents 30 -50 based on the issue of climate change.
This early in the cycle, I think that registering new voters is where you could do the most good.
I would also recommend Postcards to Voters IF they have any special elections like Marilyn Lands. If you sign up for their mailing lsit they will let you know about new campaigns.
They are also cycling through all the FL vote by mail (VBM) voters to reimind them to sign up again since the FL GOP passed voter suppression rules to limit a VBM request to 2 years.
What were the 3 points for Marilyn, Susanna, just to give me, us, an idea?
I didn't write for Marilyn (I've been on deadline for the last three weeks), but the three required sentences often follow this pattern:
Sentence #1: Democrat [NAME] is running for [OFFICE].
Sentence #2 gives two or three points about the candidate's positions.
Sentence #3 gives the date of the election and early-voting window (if there is one).
Several optional items about the candidate are given in case you've got room on your postcard. Plus there are some generic lines that can be used for any candidate. One of my favorites is "YOUR VOTE = YOUR VOICE." :-)
This is a great option. I mailed 200 when I signed up; I had to do it in increments each day, but so glad I did. But need to ask, what state needs help the most. I was give the choice of 4 states and told to choose one. I may go back to PA for Bob Casey. Can I get some input from anyone? since I live in a red state I don't do much here except donate. I have the time so I can do it. I have my index cards and the stamps. Now I just need a swing state. Thanks for any input
Beatrice, Postcards to Voters usually focuses on candidates, rather than states -- though there has been an ongoing campaign to encourage Florida Democrats to register (or re-register) to vote by mail. PTV wrote for Marilyn Lands in deep red Alabama -- and she won! And she's all over the news right now and giving hope to everywhere!!
Check out Field Team 6 (www.fieldteam6.org) - they focus on registering new democratic voters in swing states and districts. I live in NC, so i have been doing one to Women in NC-01 based on repro rights and one to NC residents 30 -50 based on the issue of climate change.
This early in the cycle, I think that registering new voters is where you could do the most good.
I would also recommend Postcards to Voters IF they have any special elections like Marilyn Lands. If you sign up for their mailing lsit they will let you know about new campaigns.
They are also cycling through all the FL vote by mail (VBM) voters to reimind them to sign up again since the FL GOP passed voter suppression rules to limit a VBM request to 2 years.
Many many thanks Susanna!
I wrote for this campaign and haven't gotten around to shredding the addresses. The meassages were:
* Democrat Marilyn Lands is running to create positive change.
* Make a plan to vote in the Alabama House Special election Tuesday, March 26.
* Join Marilyn in the fight to repeal Alabama's no exception abortion ban.