Until about 19 years ago I was a court clerk, and I know how easily errors can occur. So I'm going to wait and see what happens. I didn't think it was a deliberate thing to post publicly the possible crimes being discussed by the grand jury, but it happened. I don't think it's a big deal, but I do hope this clerk's office isn't as dysfunctional as the court where I worked, and where it was more important to nail and punish a particular staff person than it was to correct the error and carry on. It was probably a very stressful day.

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Marycat, the Press was camped out in Judge McBurney's Courtroom which was shown LIVE by a "Pool Feed" with no sound. We all watched Judge McBurney certify the ten (10) Indictments. The Court Clerk's Office in Fulton County was shown stamping the Indictments. All reporters are looking for a face page summary of all the Co-defendants. There can be more than one defendant on each count which you probably know already. No Federal pardons on GA State convictions.

TUESDAY UPDATE: 19 Defendants indicted & another 30 Co-conspirators that were not charged. Literally scores of specific criminal organization acts have been alleged including the impact of targeted criminal acts on folks like the widowed mother-in-law of Brad Raffensberger & Poll workers like Ruby & Shaye. The Perps must surrender by in 10 Days for mug shots. Formal arraignment will be on a separate day in Fulton County GA.

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Time to dust off Joyce Vance's earlier Civil Discourse piece about "removal" of a case from a state to a federal jurisdiction, as not only did tRump attempt this ploy in the NY "hush money" case, but he assuredly will try again in GA, despite having failed to make his argument in NY. Anything to cause delays or to throw shade on the prosecutors.


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My understanding is that Defendant Meadows did not wait & has filed such a motion already. FYI, even if the case removed in whole or in part, GA law would still be applied in Federal Court. Meadows is likely looking for a larger Fed jury pool among other things.

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Bryan, why were the Grand Jurors' names made public?

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Sorry, Marycat, I didn't see this question. I do not have the GA code but, the names (names only) are identifiable from the Grand Jury court records as a matter of GA law. There has been doxing, serious threats against specific jurors & other overt criminal acts that are under investigation.

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I just cannot imagine the rationale behind it. New York keeps its jurors' names confidential.

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Of course, certainly after J6.

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Thank you, Bryan. Wow.

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Hackers Hack and then they blame the individual who got hacked. Sad, but that's how I see it.

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I'm hoping that end of intern season and one of them said screw it.

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"The Judge may be allergic to sunlight, but democracy thrives on it." Someone who hadn't read the entire article might wonder which judge Joyce refers to: Thomas, Cannon, Alito, Roberts, Gorsuch, or ??? These judges insult the integrity and professionalism of every good and honest judge in our country.

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Kacsmaryk from the Mifepristone case. Hes moved on to one against Planned Parenthood.

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The corruption seems endless, and bottomless, but if we don't keep on keepin' on, they will win. And we--and the world--can't stand for that.

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I disagree with the Secretary Clinton naysayers. She is a very smart person and we’d be wise to listen to any and all wisdom coming our way to save our democracy in peril. And by God imagine how much better off we’d be had she won.

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Just discussed this with my husband a while ago . I was one of those that voted for trump in 2016 because I did not like Hillary. He is a lifelong democrat - always has been. After listening to her tonight without my “political emotions” in play......I “heard” her for the first time in my life. I told my husband that as much as I disliked her, I never had anxiety that she was fascist in any way , shape, or form. Not so with trump. Within a month of his presidency I was picking up on some scary things he was saying. I am so sorry to this day and I want to do everything in my power to right my wrong

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Bravo Deb!!

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You will do much to help your country if you tell other Trump voters your story. Perhaps they will listen.

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Hi Deb... thank you for sharing that... If I may, what was it about her that put you off originally? there are lots of people who had the same reaction and I have always been curious as to exactly why. I know that there was a concerted effort by the right to paint her as an uncaring, unfeeling, elitist, but I never saw that... what caused your original reaction?

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I completely agree with you! I was an enthusiastic Clinton supporter. I believe she was one of the most qualified people ever to run for President, and I still do!

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Thank you! In retrospect, I believe that it was really difficult for Clinton to figure out a strategy for running against Trump. The fact that, at the time, mainstream media didn't even use the word "lies" to describe his lies, or condemn his bullying, sexism, misogyny, racism, homophobia, etc., or focus on his history of dishonesty, criminality etc. didn't help. Nor, did they talk about his ignorance, stupidity, lack of understanding or interest in governance, lack of a platform etc. They didn't label him as the serial liar, sexual predator, and sociopathic narcissist, which he always has been, and which was obvious from the get-go. They allowed him to disparage Clinton, and paint a target on her back...and there were no repercussions.

I still find it too painful to think about, and there is a long list of people who didn't provide the support for Clinton that they should have, including Republicans (who should have switched sides during the campaign, and begun speaking out against Trump before he won over such a large segment of Americans, but they didn't until years later), and thus they all are responsible for Trump and Trump wannabees, who have worked for eight years to destroy our democracy, and continue to do so.

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assuming you are referring to her interview with Rachel Maddow last night? very eloquent and smart person. she was victimized by a disinformation campaign that started when Bill Clinton was still president as they saw her as a threat. much like trump's assault on Biden before the primaries even started... it is a shame that so few of us understand, remember, learn from history, so we will repeat it. I voted for her and would have been much happier had she won. the only silver lining in all this is that it was buried beneath the surface of the country and everyone was humming along nicely pretending that this massive issue was not there. it has festered since the end of the civil war. even many Democrats (Biden himself) claim that there is no systemic racism in this country... who will stand up and say that now? how about gender bias? how about dashing everyone's freedom to think as they choose? Arkansas has just banned an African American studies program for violating the state rules on teaching courses based on "opinion or indoctrination" ... according to that, they could ban all courses on philosophy, arts, music, religion, and political science. none of those are based on fact. and of course, ironic coming from the masters of indoctrination themselves... all this slime has risen to the surface and there will be some convulsions before it dies off. some of it may only go when a generation has passed... it would appear that there are enough guard rails that we are catching it, but EVERYONE needs to get out and vote in all elections, national, local, etc. something Democrats have been not great at in the past... we are now living with those consequences...

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In my more philosophical moments, I can see Trump's election as (almost) a silver lining, exposing the gangrenous rot in our body politic. Systemic racism. White supremacist movements. Police violence against people of color. Misogyny. Corruption of the Supreme Court, and Big Money run amok everywhere. Guns, guns, and more guns. None of it started with Trump.

As to why people don't vote -- I have little trouble understanding why so many people don't vote: because it's bloody hard to connect one's vote to the conditions under which one lives. We pretty much have to do it on faith, and if you've lost faith, or never had it, why vote? I lost patience with the "If you don't vote, you can't complain" crowd a long time ago. I think the burden of proof is on our elected officials: Show us why voting matters!

And a whole slew of our elected officials have shown us exactly that, but not in the way I expected. Instead of demonstrating what good governance looks like, they've shown us how disastrous bad governance can be. Thanks, Republicans. I guess we owe you one.

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Hi Susanna... as I was reading your remarks, my head went exactly where your note went... they have not (for the most part) shown us the positives, but certainly shown us the risks of not voting. the response system is slow, and there is often little obvious day to day cause and effect. As crappy, corrupt, and inept as our government is, it can be worse... much worse. just finished Ruth Ben Ghiat's book "Strongmen, Mussolini to the Present and it is both excellent and very scary as the past has predicted the situation we find ourselves in now. Unlike some of the other strongmen thru history, I am hopeful we have caught this in time, and you are right, it has exposed the "gangrenous rot in our body politic" worded very well and I will have to borrow that phrase. sadly it is not just the government, but private business and maybe just part of the human race. greed, ego, focusing on what is "best for me" and the notion that some people, genders, races were meant to be "in charge". As a white male, I am often embarrassed for my gender and race, especially when the whining starts about how tough that they have it... not a violent person by nature, but just want to smack someone when I hear that.

I suspect that the current republican party will shed any traces of the party that most of us knew 20 or 30 years ago (Before Newt Gingrich) and then collapse. sadly as people like Ruth Ben Ghiat and others point out, it will take a long time for the vestiges of this neo-fascism to fade... there are strong remnants in Italy, Germany, and elsewhere where people like trump start something. sadly this does not all go away when he goes away

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I believe "private business" -- the mega-corporations and the mega-wealthy -- are responsible for much of the rot in the body politic. Our system provides for "checks and balances" among the three branches of government, but especially since the beginning of the Reagan administration what checks there were on economic power have been seriously weakened if not totally dismantled. I hope we've got it through our collective heads that unchecked economic power doesn't take long to destroy democratic institutions.

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you are spot on Susanna... unfortunately there are few checks and balances that keep private business out of politics and governing the country and the few that are there are being systematically removed by the far right. the government of the United States has an obligation to protect the future of the country, both its inhabitants and the country itself and the loss of rules protecting air, water, mining, etc. all at the direction of business has put us at great risk. like the cigarette mfgrs, the oil companies knew exactly what the risks are, but these entities become essentially large organisms that do not think about the non-dollar consequences to their actions. the checks and balances within the government are being eroded as well thanks to a majority of the supreme court and that very same large business influence.

while I am sure that this is an issue with both parties, and many democrats are forced to show their colors when votes come up that would negatively impact their large donors (pharma, oil, etc.) with the system stacked the way that it is, to remain in Congress requires large donations from large corporations, effectively giving them undue leverage. the other interesting loss in the checks and balances category is the cost of being a congresswoman or man or a senator. if you are not wealthy, it is almost impossible to work in DC. an interesting interview with the freshman congressman from Florida (Maxwell Frost) covered how hard it is to be a member of congress without a lot of wealth coming from somewhere. a bunch of rules need to be changed, and unfortunately the very people who would change those rules are in charge of the rules, making it very unlikely that anything will change. as you point out, the loss of these guard rails coupled with a charismatic (to some) leader who can convince people that the government is their enemy will topple the whole thing...

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Yes I agree. But my agreement is predicated on the absolute horror of Trump instead of the goodness of Clinton. And that’s not saying much about her.

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Never forget it was Secretary Clinton who said, “....there is a vast right wing conspiracy.....” It was said in a different context but nevertheless it was the truth and people didn’t listen.

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True and frightening coming from someone deeply imbedded in the political world. Another revelation was that VP Pence turned down the offer of a secret service ride on on January. the secret service cannot be trusted by anyone our country and therefore the world is in deep trouble.

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Yes Clinton was right and the republicans have dedicated themselves to subverting our democracy. It is all in plain sight, some folks see it, others still don’t and then there are those who wholeheartedly support the destruction of our form of government. We are in dire straits but if our justice system holds together ( yes there are some glaring weaklings in it) we may make it through.

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If she had explained what she meant most people would have glazed over with their short attention spans. Or it would have been so shocking--as if she had stood on 5th Avenue and shot someone. Ohhh the irony.

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Funny how Judge Kacsmaryk always manages to get cases like the PP suit on his docket...isn't there federal legislation afoot that addresses blatant "judge-shopping" as we've seen in TX involving both judges Matthew Kacsmaryk AND Reed O'Connor? Shameless abuse of the federal court procedures to deliberately target laws (Obamacare) and groups (Planned Parenthood) despised by the far right.

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And he's the only one in that district! It shouldn't be allowed.

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Look what Texas has ,Abbott who enjoys torturing immigrants . Judges that want to make women powerless and turn into brood mares and this same despicable person who is now going after Planned Parenting who he hopes will be defunded by some shadow organization who isn't even named in the lawsuit !! I'm sure that this is all legal !! Right !!

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I share with my husband, a retired trial lawyer here in Texas. We always print out the pleadings. I'm a knitter and we have a German shepherd, so I feel a kinship. And for a Texas hat trick, my granddaughter is a master's candidate at Alabama!

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Hello Joyce! Do you ever sleep? Thank you for writing this detailed explanation late in the day. I’m sure there will be more tomorrow!

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Evanston home girl here! Proud ETHS grad. My Mom was a teacher at Haven School. Kids born at Evanston Hosp. Now retired in AZ, but Evanston is the Best of the Midwest!! Such an amazing cultural mix. And Jill Wine-Banks resides there!

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I also, grew up in Evanston and went to ETHS (many moons ago!). The things I learned from Evanston speak through me every day.

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Yes, I feel the same way! Class of "70 here , many many many moons ago! I was in 'North", was that Beardsley?

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As a past board member of my PP affiliate I am incredibly angry and frustrated with this utter crap

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10 indictments. So yes to 10 probable cause. So Joyce, what happens when Trump can’t keep his mouth shut, short of duct tape?

PS: God Bless the Grand Jurors!

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We could say 'Yahoo!' if he intimidates witnesses. Then he will have a kind of duct tape moment in jail - because the warning from Judge Chutkan did not specifify to 'keep your mouth shut' only about the case in her courtroom. I'm not an attorney - just conjuring that she might be fed up with the nonsense.

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That Amarillo Judge is so wrong for the position he's in. He isn't "weighing" evidence, he's already made up his mind. His former ruling speaks to that. Hopefully, Planned Parenthood will win on appeal. Carry on.

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he is an example much like the supreme court where members of the judiciary are now becoming policy makers, in effect creating laws through rulings. he is wrong in how he is going about his job and is fully aware, but also fully aware that there is not much other than the appeals process that can fix it. the rules on the conduct of judges need to be tightened a bit...

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Thank you Joyce Vance!

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Joyce, as a retired state regulatory attorney, I absolutely LOVE your columns. I share widely and at least a few of my non lawyer friends have subscribed. I so appreciate the way you break things down for non lawyers, which is so important in these intensely frightening times. My sister, a retired school librarian, is a subscriber, and she also loves you.

PS I'm really sorry about your mom and your late mother-in-law, but in awe of the wonderful relationships you enjoyed with both of them. We are in this earth for a short time. The connections we make along the way are vital.

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Abundant thanks to you, Joyce Vance, for informing us beyond what I could have imagined with reference to important legal matters in US. At the head of the long legal list is holding Donald J. Trump responsible for his acts against the principles of Democracy, the foundation of the United States of America, and the American people.

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Thank you Joyce, for your steadfastness in keeping us informed.

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On the “inadvertently” leaked document, it’s just a really poor time to risk damaging the power of the forthcoming indictment! You’ve gotta know Trump will use it to show incompetence of the DA, real or not! Damn!

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Just heard MTG has just reacted to the Fulton DA’s indictment by pointing out the leaked information. She’s,as we all know,an ardent supporter of DJT! Lesson: Never sell guns to the enemy!

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MTG is one of the worst people in Congress...which is saying a lot. She keeps on speaking in support of Trump, because without Trump, she is nothing.

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EmptyG is the personification of an evil woman, with or without T****.

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I completely agree!

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Thank you.

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You're welcome!

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She needs to keep her own trap shut. This is not happening in her village.

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