Last week, while on the interview circuit hawking his book, former Vice President Mike Pence had the audacity to maintain that the January 6 committee wasn’t entitled to his testimony.
Historians in the next century will be scratching their heads over how utterly weird it is that the vice president, the eye of the storm, did not testify as to his decision not to obey his master. He should be compelled to give testimony, as should Trump. Pence is a coward despite his decision not to help Trump on Jan. 6. Is he hiding something? He seems desperate to control his narrative.
He's likely trying to court Independents in his run for the presidency, but doesn't want to besmirch his image with an embarrassing appearance before the J6 Committee in which, god forbid, he's questioned and knows he might want to dance around a possibly incriminating response.
I suspect too, that he either cynically, or actually, believes his indulgence in such petulant and peculiar logic will fly — à la the weird-logic constructions of DeSantis and Kavanaugh where petulance clothed in outrage is used as a substitute for facts. That way, their basic, base beliefs can remain hidden and shrouded in folksy, "common-sense charm" for those who identify with such evasions, or for those who believe outrage equates with honesty (red-faced Kavanaugh and ranting Lindsey Graham are my prime examples), or for the thoughtless, or for the simply gullible.
Spot on. You only forgot the those who are so cowardly, they have to find a god like figure to mindlessly follow. I am thinking about the "bat shit crazy" (Mr. Tribe) people walking circles around Lake's headquarters chanting and praying like at a tent revival.
Right; that entire category of folks who believe in the correctness of their narrow-minded ideas (racist; supremacist; ethnocentric; misogynist; etc.) because they feel it — so it must be so.
A friend in intelligence said to me that they and their colleagues believe Pence remained not because he wanted to complete his duties on Jan 6 but to protect himself from Trump. Cowardice is Pence's MO. I agree.
So do I. He didn't want to get into that car because he was afraid of where it might take him. If I recall correctly, there was a faction of Secret Service employees who were loyal to Trump and denied that he had tried to force the driver of his car to take him to the capitol.
Recall this is the same man who allowed untold thousands to die of COVID rather than call out the lies/misinformation being spewed by trump. Pence is his own virus - one that enables an even more deadly strain. Why is it that those who pretend to be the most devout of Christians are the most cowardly to publicly stand for right and truth?
Yes, Pence's purely political positioning , coupled to his cowardice — in the form of "loyalty" to his purposefully misleading and lying President — likely cost the lives of tens of thousands who, for months, were kept in ignorance about Covid-19.
Not only did these victims of political maneuvering fail to take preventative steps to safeguard their health, but Pence's cowardice abetted and helped to precipitate an anti-safeguard political cult — if "cult" be defined as rabid defenders of an irrational belief.
In turn, this metastasized to give greater credence to the willful ignorance of anti-vaxers' mistrust of medical science. Like falling dominoes, there followed the far-right, anti-government movement, whose adherents undermine our trust that science — and government's faith in its research — can help to protect the population. Needless to say, the gun lobby was perfectly positioned to hop aboard this far right wing constellation of forces aligning to proclaim their "freedom-from government", and with increasingly aggressive tactics. The frightening result is the surprisingly large minority (thankfully) of self-righteous purveyors of "freedom" — for their own beliefs! — and at the expense of their fellow citizens' freedoms; at the expense of the larger, more diverse mosaic of our population.
Pence, and Trump, are losers and both UN American not to stand up to the TRUTH! They both need to “show up” and be heard! They were in office and should stand up and be recognized for their actions! Disgusting!
Mike Pence strikes me as a person who has no original thoughts or actions. He's just an actor in a very poorly written play and he wants to survive it. He knows that the people who cast him in his role don't care if he lives or dies. They will run him over with the bus when it becomes even slightly convenient for them. So he pretends that he has changed his role, but he's still the scapegoat and he doesn't know where to run because no where is safe when you choose to work grifters like the former guy. I would pity him, but these have actually been his choices and he put his family at risk for a chance at political power and now he's learned the price the Mob charges is virtually eternal. He can't stay and he can't go. The personification of Limbo. Let the Special Counsel force him out of his cage and see what happens then. But he has to appear to drag his feet to avoid being dragged out by them.
Read somewhere that he talked to everyone under the sun to see how he could do trumps bidding.only after being told over and over that he couldn’t did he take a stand..frankly do not look at him as some kind of hero.selling books is one thing doing the right thing is another. After all he never once in 4 years said enough is enough.
Right?! Exactly what I was thinking. He really wanted to get out of that coup pickle and tried far harder than he should have for a person with his responsibilities. It leaves me with zero respect for him.
Very well said Joyce. Just allow me some sarcasm. The wax figure with the fly on his head should be subpoenaed by the DOJ. He definitely knows what Trumps plans (or plot) were. After all he found it necessary to meet with his mentor, Dan Quayle to find out if he could follow his Don’s orders. Even Quayle saw the illegality in it and told him. I’m glad he went on to certify the votes, but he is complicit in the entire attempted coup by not speaking out earlier. And now by refusing to testify and speak the truth under oath. But very willing to write a book and cash in.
Pence is just as much a pathetic spineless weasel as McCarthy, McConnell, Cruz, et al. Clearly Pence has never taken his oath to the Constitution seriously at any point in his political career.
Trump morning schedule every day was basically comprised of someone doing a show & tell Intel presentation, and lunch with the VP. Hundreds of lunches with the VP.  Pence has plenty of info.
"Hundreds of lunches with the VP." If only some of these wonderful comments appeared as headlines in our erstwhile clear-eyed media, in lieu of their current reportorial currency of "balance".
As despicable the tfg is, Pence feel like an unctuous phony to me, a more visceral distrust. If just once I felt like he was being straight forward, I would give his words consideration. As of now, he has something damning to hide, is all I can surmise. And, like tfg, it's all about him.
Thankyou Joyce. I’ve thought quite a bit about Pence & his refusal to talk with congress/January 6th Committee, but cannot for the life of me square his refusal to do so with his self righteous, pious, defensive arrogant and simply wrong headed refusal to speak with Congress/January 6th Committee. His attitude smacks of obfuscation given his recent book/publishing tour! WTH? It’s ok to tell the world in a book you’re selling for personal profit, but not acceptable to speak with Congress? Heck no! That doesn’t square with reality or facts, nor does it look good on Pence, the ever hopeful presidential aspirant. If the man thinks he’s above the law due to his exalted position when we’re dealing with possible sedition, treason, obstruction & disruption of the rule of law and justice - just who does the man think he is? On January 6th he did the right thing in as much as we know about it, but that’s not the only time We the People expect him to do the right thing. We expect it now, and every day he’s a US citizen. He’s not an exalted previous ruler or part of a ruling clique excusing him from responding to Congress the same way any other citizen is expected to act - with respect, truth, dignity & honesty. By even suggesting he has no responsibility to respond to Congress, to testify to the elected representatives of the American people, to the people of the United States, is injudiciously irresponsible, dishonorable and wrong. What does he have to hide?
An interesting coincidence that Pence, considered dim, asked Dan Quayle, the famously dim VP, what to do about Trump's demand! I, frankly, would have thought he'd have taken direction from "Mother." It was said that it was she, all along, who gave him his marching orders. Staff members in his office said he was always on the phone with her. He's not even smart enough to understand how to make hay re Trump's criminality.
And Chuck Todd once again blew an opportunity to provide something useful with that "interview" he did with Pence.
But then we have to remember that there's a reason the internationally-recognized unit of measure of political illiteracy and mendacity is known as a "chucktodd".
An early evening thank you Joyce for going beyond Pence’s fake interview for his fake reasons not to testify with the J6 Committee. He’s gotten really good at double speak in his own eyes. But he’s learned so well from FPOTUS so he thinks. And where is his conscience in all this. There is always a bright side however and that is you Joyce for your insights on this matter. Blessings and many thanks this Thanksgiving.
Historians in the next century will be scratching their heads over how utterly weird it is that the vice president, the eye of the storm, did not testify as to his decision not to obey his master. He should be compelled to give testimony, as should Trump. Pence is a coward despite his decision not to help Trump on Jan. 6. Is he hiding something? He seems desperate to control his narrative.
He's likely trying to court Independents in his run for the presidency, but doesn't want to besmirch his image with an embarrassing appearance before the J6 Committee in which, god forbid, he's questioned and knows he might want to dance around a possibly incriminating response.
I suspect too, that he either cynically, or actually, believes his indulgence in such petulant and peculiar logic will fly — à la the weird-logic constructions of DeSantis and Kavanaugh where petulance clothed in outrage is used as a substitute for facts. That way, their basic, base beliefs can remain hidden and shrouded in folksy, "common-sense charm" for those who identify with such evasions, or for those who believe outrage equates with honesty (red-faced Kavanaugh and ranting Lindsey Graham are my prime examples), or for the thoughtless, or for the simply gullible.
Spot on. You only forgot the those who are so cowardly, they have to find a god like figure to mindlessly follow. I am thinking about the "bat shit crazy" (Mr. Tribe) people walking circles around Lake's headquarters chanting and praying like at a tent revival.
Right; that entire category of folks who believe in the correctness of their narrow-minded ideas (racist; supremacist; ethnocentric; misogynist; etc.) because they feel it — so it must be so.
A friend in intelligence said to me that they and their colleagues believe Pence remained not because he wanted to complete his duties on Jan 6 but to protect himself from Trump. Cowardice is Pence's MO. I agree.
So do I. He didn't want to get into that car because he was afraid of where it might take him. If I recall correctly, there was a faction of Secret Service employees who were loyal to Trump and denied that he had tried to force the driver of his car to take him to the capitol.
Correct. They denied that T aggressively grabbed at the driver, but declined to testify to it — under oath — to the J6 Committee.
Recall this is the same man who allowed untold thousands to die of COVID rather than call out the lies/misinformation being spewed by trump. Pence is his own virus - one that enables an even more deadly strain. Why is it that those who pretend to be the most devout of Christians are the most cowardly to publicly stand for right and truth?
Yes, Pence's purely political positioning , coupled to his cowardice — in the form of "loyalty" to his purposefully misleading and lying President — likely cost the lives of tens of thousands who, for months, were kept in ignorance about Covid-19.
Not only did these victims of political maneuvering fail to take preventative steps to safeguard their health, but Pence's cowardice abetted and helped to precipitate an anti-safeguard political cult — if "cult" be defined as rabid defenders of an irrational belief.
In turn, this metastasized to give greater credence to the willful ignorance of anti-vaxers' mistrust of medical science. Like falling dominoes, there followed the far-right, anti-government movement, whose adherents undermine our trust that science — and government's faith in its research — can help to protect the population. Needless to say, the gun lobby was perfectly positioned to hop aboard this far right wing constellation of forces aligning to proclaim their "freedom-from government", and with increasingly aggressive tactics. The frightening result is the surprisingly large minority (thankfully) of self-righteous purveyors of "freedom" — for their own beliefs! — and at the expense of their fellow citizens' freedoms; at the expense of the larger, more diverse mosaic of our population.
It seems Pence doesn’t want anything to interfere with a possible run for president in 2024. Who is his real mommy.
Pence, and Trump, are losers and both UN American not to stand up to the TRUTH! They both need to “show up” and be heard! They were in office and should stand up and be recognized for their actions! Disgusting!
Mike Pence strikes me as a person who has no original thoughts or actions. He's just an actor in a very poorly written play and he wants to survive it. He knows that the people who cast him in his role don't care if he lives or dies. They will run him over with the bus when it becomes even slightly convenient for them. So he pretends that he has changed his role, but he's still the scapegoat and he doesn't know where to run because no where is safe when you choose to work grifters like the former guy. I would pity him, but these have actually been his choices and he put his family at risk for a chance at political power and now he's learned the price the Mob charges is virtually eternal. He can't stay and he can't go. The personification of Limbo. Let the Special Counsel force him out of his cage and see what happens then. But he has to appear to drag his feet to avoid being dragged out by them.
Wow this was so well said.
Maybe he’s still afraid of Trump.
Read somewhere that he talked to everyone under the sun to see how he could do trumps bidding.only after being told over and over that he couldn’t did he take a stand..frankly do not look at him as some kind of hero.selling books is one thing doing the right thing is another. After all he never once in 4 years said enough is enough.
I believe that Dan Quayle - whose footnote in history is now much longer - was one of those consulting who said NFW
Right?! Exactly what I was thinking. He really wanted to get out of that coup pickle and tried far harder than he should have for a person with his responsibilities. It leaves me with zero respect for him.
He was planning a bid for the presidency in 2024.
Very well said Joyce. Just allow me some sarcasm. The wax figure with the fly on his head should be subpoenaed by the DOJ. He definitely knows what Trumps plans (or plot) were. After all he found it necessary to meet with his mentor, Dan Quayle to find out if he could follow his Don’s orders. Even Quayle saw the illegality in it and told him. I’m glad he went on to certify the votes, but he is complicit in the entire attempted coup by not speaking out earlier. And now by refusing to testify and speak the truth under oath. But very willing to write a book and cash in.
Pence is just as much a pathetic spineless weasel as McCarthy, McConnell, Cruz, et al. Clearly Pence has never taken his oath to the Constitution seriously at any point in his political career.
Oh Joyce! What a relief to read your take and wonderful explanations!
I was dumbstruck watching that vile smirk (reminded me of the pharma bro guy, Shkreli? Same smirk!)
If ever a face cried out for a legal pie, that was the face, and you served up a delicious legal pie 🥧.
Bless you Woman!
"If ever a face cried out for a legal pie"! Wow!
I know! music to my ears!
Trump morning schedule every day was basically comprised of someone doing a show & tell Intel presentation, and lunch with the VP. Hundreds of lunches with the VP.  Pence has plenty of info.
And ketchup
"Hundreds of lunches with the VP." If only some of these wonderful comments appeared as headlines in our erstwhile clear-eyed media, in lieu of their current reportorial currency of "balance".
As despicable the tfg is, Pence feel like an unctuous phony to me, a more visceral distrust. If just once I felt like he was being straight forward, I would give his words consideration. As of now, he has something damning to hide, is all I can surmise. And, like tfg, it's all about him.
Thankyou Joyce. I’ve thought quite a bit about Pence & his refusal to talk with congress/January 6th Committee, but cannot for the life of me square his refusal to do so with his self righteous, pious, defensive arrogant and simply wrong headed refusal to speak with Congress/January 6th Committee. His attitude smacks of obfuscation given his recent book/publishing tour! WTH? It’s ok to tell the world in a book you’re selling for personal profit, but not acceptable to speak with Congress? Heck no! That doesn’t square with reality or facts, nor does it look good on Pence, the ever hopeful presidential aspirant. If the man thinks he’s above the law due to his exalted position when we’re dealing with possible sedition, treason, obstruction & disruption of the rule of law and justice - just who does the man think he is? On January 6th he did the right thing in as much as we know about it, but that’s not the only time We the People expect him to do the right thing. We expect it now, and every day he’s a US citizen. He’s not an exalted previous ruler or part of a ruling clique excusing him from responding to Congress the same way any other citizen is expected to act - with respect, truth, dignity & honesty. By even suggesting he has no responsibility to respond to Congress, to testify to the elected representatives of the American people, to the people of the United States, is injudiciously irresponsible, dishonorable and wrong. What does he have to hide?
Ultra Right (Hate & Guns) &
Evangelicals (Beliefs & Lies).
Samo Samo
An interesting coincidence that Pence, considered dim, asked Dan Quayle, the famously dim VP, what to do about Trump's demand! I, frankly, would have thought he'd have taken direction from "Mother." It was said that it was she, all along, who gave him his marching orders. Staff members in his office said he was always on the phone with her. He's not even smart enough to understand how to make hay re Trump's criminality.
And Chuck Todd once again blew an opportunity to provide something useful with that "interview" he did with Pence.
But then we have to remember that there's a reason the internationally-recognized unit of measure of political illiteracy and mendacity is known as a "chucktodd".
watching chuck todd makes me nauseous, so I don't do it!
Thank you Joyce. I just need to hear people like you, Neal, Lawrence say what is laying so heavily on my soul. Pence's behavior is shameful.
Human Q-tip says what…
An early evening thank you Joyce for going beyond Pence’s fake interview for his fake reasons not to testify with the J6 Committee. He’s gotten really good at double speak in his own eyes. But he’s learned so well from FPOTUS so he thinks. And where is his conscience in all this. There is always a bright side however and that is you Joyce for your insights on this matter. Blessings and many thanks this Thanksgiving.
Another book I will not purchase nor borrow from the library to read. I would read his testimony to the January 6 committee or court of law though.