I can’t even imagine the pain of new citizens who might go to vote and find themselves illegally purged by Alabama’s Secretary of State. I hold the right to vote as sacred and the violation here for people I assume might be feeling proud and joyous to do so is completely repugnant and I feel that way even if they are so deluded as to think voting for Trump would be their choice.

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Thanks Sioux. I got my citizenship just because I could not vote. I could do everything else as a permanent Resident, but not Vote. So, I can really feel for those new Citizens.

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I remember from the news when the vote was first available to all in South Africa and people walked miles, waited in lines for hours and in some cases carried family members so they could vote. We have officials in many states threatening that right and there is not nearly enough attention paid to this by the MSM. I’m lucky enough to live in a state - Oregon - where we vote 100% by mail and have for decades. No one here has instigated voter roll purges or rule changes and the last ballot fraud scandal we had some years ago was over something like 12 fraudulent ballots. We also aren’t particularly important in electoral college terms, so the pressure is less for such things to happen. I do however consider the right to vote a hill to die on and I’m glad you felt voting was a reason to go through the stringent process of citizenship to do so. If people born here had to pass those tests we’d have far fewer voters.

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We need to restore the Voting Rights bill when Kamala is President and the House and Senate are in Democratic hands.

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My mother (an Australian WWII war bride) became a naturalized American, spurred on because she wanted to vote for Adlai Stevenson.

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We r all partly responsible for this being so blatenly played out in r faces..These free states have been doing this since the right to vote & not even the President of the United States has step in & severely punished those states for breaking a Constitutional Law!..When oath taking officials deliberately set out to deny any citizen their rights those officials should by high Constitutional authority be stripped of their office & NEVER ALLOWED TO RUN FOR ANY LEVEL OF OFFICE AGAIN!..But instead we reward them by voting them back into office🤷‍♀️...Why take an oath if ur allowed to break it so u can use ur office against people u don't like that's all I'm saying....

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Nicely said@

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What an empath you are. Thank you

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Will Marc and his team be filing suit in Georgia? It’s a dirty way of stopping the vote but the, with today’s trump party, there is no bottom to their barrel. I have read that there is a large group of attorneys ready for all the expected challenges post election but how about now-pre election? If all you are writing about is true then they need to be working now.

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Yes, SPW. This is a terrifying.

Please Joyce, and anyone who can advise, how can we who are not in Georgia, help stem the challenges?

Tell me where to put my sweat and more money to help now?

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Democracy Docket, headed by Marc Elias is a good place to donate to. He is all over this kind of lousy stuff they're doing.

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Awesome!! And if you didn’t, please make it a recurring donation. Having sat as Board president for a nonprofit, I can’t begin to tell you how important recurring donations are: they allow an organization to reliably plan, make hires, and build out long term organizations. It allows them to focus efforts more on their mission and less on fundraising. Democracy Docket is an organization I’ve been proud to support since I first heard about Marc and his amazing work after the 2020 election.

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Just did, Susan, thanks for the tip. Worthwhile cause

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You are welcome, Bruce.

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Just donated…for those that can, please do…we need Marc doing what he does best, fighting for US!

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Yes. He is amazing.

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I give a little something to Democracy Docket every month and have been for at least 7 months now. I will continue to do so because Marc Elias and his team are awesome and now he is officially aligned with Kamala’s legal team. They know his expertise is invaluable. Trump and his inept lawyers filed over 62 lawsuits and Marc’s team won 60 verdicts against them. That kind of gives you an idea how dang good he is. Sign up flor his newsletter at democracydocket.com

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Glad to know he's officially aligned with Kamala's legal team. Not a real surprise, but good to know. I knew about the 60 verdicts, plus he impresses me every time he's on Deadline Whitehouse.

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Thank you Susan! I’m on it!

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Jim Crow 2.0

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Thanks for this information!

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You are welcome, Ruth.

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I am on a local board of elections in a rapidly growing, deep red suburban/rural county 55 miles north, northeast of the ATL; our board has state legislation that requires 2 Republicans, 2 Democrats and a non-partisan board chairman to serve on the board. Since the 2020 election, we have a group of 9-12 Republicans that show up at our meetings who are still looking for reasons to invalidate procedures, equipment, etc. Keep in mind that our county votes 80% Republican and 20% Democratic. At our meeting earlier this month, we had nine challenges to voters in the 2020 election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was no reason for any of those challenges!!!! (I wish the RNC or the local Republican Party had to pay for these challenges, the voter recounts, the unnecessary audits and hand recounts they have and are demanding.)

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I’ve ordered postcards to send to unregistered voters in GA

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I am in Texas which is a nightmare unto itself. Being in a household divided and not wanting to rock an already unsteady boat, I won’t be donating. However, I would be more than happy to write unregistered voters in Georgia, as well. Where do I get the postcards explaining how to register and check the rolls and how do I get a list of unregistered voters? Thanks

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So glad to know about TX State Senator, Jasmine Crockett, what a smart legislator and attorney!

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I can totally relate to "being in a household divided and not wanting to rock an unsteady boat" since my husband is solidly in the MAGAt camp!

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Democracy Docket!

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How are we who ARE in Georgia help stem the challenges? These boards were not elected. This is happening without the will of the people…well, most of the people. What can I do except work to get out the vote?

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We all need to donate to Marc! Make your donations count in this fight. We stand together or fall apart.

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FT 6 is active in GA, finding unregistered voters. TextArcade September 5. Phonebanking, BYOP, etc. https://www.fieldteam6.org/

To keep the White House, we must win Georgia!

In 2020, Biden/Harris won Georgia by 11,779 votes – a razor-thin margin of .2 points.

Every Democrat we register will also help with down-ballot races, key to building blue infrastructure from the ground up.

We need to register GA Democrats – especially to vote by mail. This is a job for Field Team 6!


...are the only major party fighting Trumpism and the extremist MAGA Republicans.

...are the only party fighting for abortion rights, civil rights, and LGBTQ+ rights.

...are fighting to expand health care rather than take it away – are fighting to make college more affordable, not less – and are addressing the climate crisis, not denying it until it’s too late.


...are waging a national war on voting rights, and fighting to raise taxes on the middle class so they can give tax cuts to the rich.

...are fighting to eliminate access to healthcare.

...support Trumpism’s racist, sexist, anti-democracy, obstructionist agenda.


Registration deadline for the General Presidential Election on November 5, 2024 is October 7, 2024.

Absentee ballot application deadline for the General Presidential Election is October 25, 2024.

If you need help getting an ID, contact VoteRiders.org or call/text 1-844-338-8743.

Mail ballots should be mailed back at least a week prior to the election, or dropped off at an Early Voting site, or at ANY polling location on Election Day. Ballots not received by 7pm on Election Day will not count.

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Why? Why can it not be stopped? is facism ok in one state or two? Why can there not be an executive order to prevent these measures .... executive immunity applicable? i feel so stupid asking this as the injustice is just so blatant. What does civil discourse (not you) really mean when our constitutional right to vote means nothing?

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It ends at the top and the Supreme Court has been compromised and is corrupted. And this needs to end.

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I believe it's about ready to meet its maker!!!..WE THE PEOPLE have made it clear that no governmental body should ever be given a life time position & if anyone breaks their Oath they r gone..they r remove - period!!

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I am also wondering whether Biden is in a better position to overrule the Supreme Court if they support such nastiness since he is no longer the candidate?

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I would not be surprised that if MAGAs try their usual game and attempt to pre-empt the wishes of the people that he wouldn’t suspend the constitution and declare martial law. He now has the Supreme Court protection of presidential privilege. Or something like that, lol. I think only the military could declare martial law. But truth is, we will not settle. As Malcolm X once said, “By whatever means necessary.” Trump will not be returned to office unless by the will of the people. And even then I would suggest coup to prevent him from entering the White House.

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The legal status of martial law in the US is complicated and inconsistent. I think putting martial law in the table is a dangerous thing: we have other ways of dealing with things, beginning and ending with the law and the Constitution. Different sources have different takes on it, but Brennan Center probably has the best explanation of the what, why, and how of it.


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I believe we were looking at & listening to a man last night that just was given a break & now will stop being so polite & go after those who have set out to ruin this country that he loves so much!..U saw aggressive truth talking & a form of anger that was directed at all of them!..Let's hope & pray he can help shut them down!!!...I hope he starts using that executive order like trump did..I know trump total misused that privilege..but they need to be stop & now!

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Jeanine, I am wondering the same.

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No ur asking the absolutely perfect & direct hit guestion!!..I asked the same..They r breaking Constitutional Law..They r using their Oath of Offices to go against people they don't like!..They should be stripped of their office never allowed to run for any level of office ever again..To me it's just that simple..

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And why is it always the states of the Confederacy?

Were we wrong to forgive and readmit them to the United States? Is it only racism, or is there something congenitally wrong with how those people think?

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We were wrong to forgive & allow them who held office back into those offices..because they continued to fly their war flag & we allowed it..They continue to slaughter & discriminate against Blacks & make their own laws..They have continue to have strong holds on their states & their power over even government rules of laws. They do not recognize the Constitution as we do..THE saddest thing is that we allowed r military bases - so many of them - to be named after Confederate Leaders..We must & we must be strong & complete on ONLY ALLOWING THOSE WHO BELIEVE ONLY IN AMERICA ITS CONSTITUTION A TWO-PARTY SYSTEM & TO HONOR THAT OATH THEY TAKE!..THERE IS NO JUST PARTY GOVERNMENT KNOWN AS FEDERALIST!..AND YES WE ALLOWED THEM IN VIA MITCH MCCONNELL WHO WAS SO PROUD OF WHAT HE WAS DOING NOW THEY R ALL IN R JUDICIARY SYSTEM CLEAR UP INTO THE MOST HIGHEST - THE SUPREME COURT..THEY R A CANCER EATING AWAY AT THIS BEAUTIFUL & HOPEFUL DREAM OF A COUNTRY WHERE ALL R WELCOMED NO MATTER FAITH..LOOK OR MANY DIFFERENCES..A COUNTRY THAT PROMISES U CAN GROW INTO WHO U R SUPPOSE TO BE -THATS WHAT R FOUNDERS HOPED FOR..

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What went wrong is that the Union troops were removed from the south too early. Part of a deal for Hayes to become president.

Also lead poisoning........

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Kemp signed SB202 surrounded by old white men standing in front of a large painting of an antebellum scene. That made the message complete and clear.

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Yes you are discussing a very important topic. However, you have not gone deep enough. As well documented by journalist Greg Palast, Brian Kemp, the incumbent Republican governor of Georgia In 2018 ran for governor while serving as Georgia’s sitting secretary of state, meaning he oversaw his own election. In the years leading up to that contest, as Secretary of State, in devious ways, he purged a massive number of voters from the rolls with the clear intent of disqualifying voters more likely to vote Democratic. It was a miracle that Biden and 2 Democratic Senators won in 2020.

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I believe that the miracle was, "The Genius T" told people not to vote, then begged for Kemp to find "just the needed votes ", to change the election.

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Yes sometimes when u & the law can't stop them - they become so brazenly bold that they trip up & expose themselves!..TRUTH & LIFE ITSELF DOES IT!..LIES & CHEATING ONLY ALLOW IT FOR SO LONG & THEN IT ALL CATCHES UP & THE SCAB IS RIPPED OFF & EXPOSED!..ITS HAPPENING NOW!! - PAY ATTENTION & WATCH!!!!

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Wow. Are honest people in the judicial system ready counteract this sabotage so it does not delay voting and vote counting?

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Just as I can imagine a horde of Trump lawyers busily writing draft "fill in the blank" templates for lawsuit challenges, I would also hope the DOJ is busy writing corresponding lawsuits in preparation for the upcoming Big Steal.

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Oh gosh, I wouldn't count on Merrick Garland and DOJ jumping on any of these cases. I hear he's a lovely man and might have made a fine Supreme Court Justice, but my impression is that he's not a man to rush into things. If the House of Representatives hadn't held hearings about the January 6 insurrection and attempted coup, it's likely he'd still be contemplating whether DOJ should tackle it.

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Garland isn't just useless, he's complicit. The fact that NONE of the organizers of Jan 6 were brought to justice is an abomination, and he owns it.

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There are, but they have been outnumbered by those interested only in achieving power. Look at our 5-4 Supreme court! Those 5 were appointed by "W" Bush and Agolf Shitler.

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Sorry Doc it is a 6 to 3 Supreme Court that's how they got so much unconstitutional crap through the system.

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Have you met SCOTUS?

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Not cool Georgia, not cool at all.

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"Republicans complain about voter fraud. It used to be claims of dead people voting or of “people” voting more than once, with a focus on minority communities. Now it’s “illegal aliens” and felons voting or incorrect complaints about students and others they claim aren’t residents."

I can't help but wonder if the GOP will eventually run out of ways to affect the election without resorting to absolute ridiculousness. Are they eventually gonna claim voter fraud by clowns and unicorn breeders??

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David, IMO they are already resorting to ridiculousness, with the election board refusing to do their strictly ministerial job. It gets worse with the fact that they are talking about slowing or stopping the vote count.

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They passed ridiculousness a long time ago...

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Republican actions always leave me shaking my head. Why or how did they ever get to the place where their only option was cheating? With all the effort they put into cheating, no wonder they have nothing left with which to develop policies. It has occurred to me that part of their problem is that their "leader" is a child. If he were an adult he and his advisers would have figured out a way to deal with Kamala Harris. The panic they're all in is because he's a child. (Actually, IMO, most children could adapt better than he can, which is an understatement.)

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Susan, I think of Trump as a toddler-man. Toddlers are just getting started in learning what to do and not do and they want what they want now! They tantrum when they are unhappy, tired, or just not getting their way. Trump has all these characteristics. Those behaviors are expected of a 3-year-old, but not in a 78-year-old man or members of the toddler squad who are younger and older. Why anyone would want a toddler-man as president and another as vice-president is beyond comprehension.

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I can't remember the age, but someone said his emotional growth level was comparable to kindergarten. I'm unsure, but it was a small child's level.

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Susan, Kindergarten kids are usually 5-6 years. I think Trump's emotional age is lower because of the baby talk and the weird tantrums when he starts yelling about things that make little sense. I was a nanny for my niece and nephew when they were 2-5 years old. It was their behavior when younger that more closely matches Trump's. His gang seems to show maybe a couple of years older with the name-calling they have helped their Donnie with and for Vance his utter hatred of women who could be his mother's age, like when kids tell their moms or dads, "I hate you!" Why anyone seeing a candidate for any office displaying this infantile behavior would decide this is the person to be president or senator or whatever, is beyond incomprehensible. The media need to stop pretending Trump is a worthy candidate for anything and that Vance has anything positive to offer anyone, not even his voters. Their pretense is essentially lying to the American people.

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Ruth, I agree with you completely, except for one thing: the toddler who says "I hate you" to the parent, means it only for the moment. With trump and vance, it's forever, or as long as they think it's working for them.

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Being a lifelong Georgia resident , I resent the corruption that permeates the State Election Board, especially the MAGA members! They’ll stoop to any measure, no matter how low, the attempt to steal the 2024 election for Trump. Heck, they’re still trying to steal the 2020 election! Just a bunch of fanatical zealots!

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Good grief. Just when I was beginning to hope...Please, Judge Chutkin et al., "Lock Him Up."

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Election first, then maybe trial second.

Judge Chutkan is going to be embroiled in the Extreme Court ping-pong-appeal-process through the election.

If the election goes against Agolf Shitler then the trials may resume.

But with their insane, unconstitutional immunity ruling, the Extremes have guaranteed the endless delays for this year. It's not up to Judge Chutkan to just "move forward.".

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Judge Merchan already has the conviction. we're still waiting for him to sentence. Judge Chutkin's case in DC has even gone to trial yet.

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For a superb historical perspective of how this has taken place over 40 years' time, not just in the last few, Stuart Stevens' "The Conspiracy To End America" is required reading.

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2 yrs ago, I was a volunteer standing outside a voting poll. I was tasked with wearing a black tee shirt with a toll free number on it & the name of the organization I repped. I was there IN CASE anyone had a question about being in the right place, etc. I stood on concrete for 8 hrs. I did this for several days. But, what I saw happening was that for the first time, there were huge amounts of college students from A&M in line. I asked a few why they drove all the way down to downtown Bryan, about 8 miles to vote when they could've voted at the MSC (Memorial Student Center) as always before. They said that they weren't allowing it this year. Now, folks, that is what is happening in our RED state of TX. They are making sure that any student voter who may be voting Blue will have to drive farther to do it or just not vote, which would be easier for lazy students. They were pissed off, too. This year, the Texas Lege voted that no county in TX with more than a million people could use drop boxes for ballots. Guess what the only county with a million or more in it is? Harris county historically BLUE. So, that is what they do in TX. I yield back my time.

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To see this on the national news is quite embarrassing to me and should be for all Georgians!

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Thanks again Joyce for keeping us all informed of the efforts that the Republicans are undertaking for suppressing the vote by purging voter rolls and to cause chaos in the certification process by installing Trump loyalists and 2020 election deniers in order to delay the certification of the votes in our upcoming 2024 Presidential Election. It makes it all the more important for us to be diligent to ensure we are duly registered to vote before we head to the polls on election day. The Republicans have increased their efforts and are more prepared now than they were in 2020 to ensure their desired outcome of getting Trump elected through any unlawful and unconstitutional means possible.

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Wynn, I can't help but wonder who is paying these cheaters and how much, or is it being done out of the goodness of their little hearts? I keep wondering if Biden with his new immunity given by the Supreme cons, could actually hire watchers and people who would video the whole process in the districts where corrupt officials have been brought in. Then make the videos available to the public. It could work, maybe.

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Repubs know that they can't win if they don't cheat.They know they aren't popular and their lack of policy isn't either,in a fair election they wouldn't stand a chance.We want people to represent us,not just rule over us.

And there are many people who were either little bitty kids or not even born yet,when Richard Nixon's corrupt VP Spiro Agnew resigned and then was convicted of his corruption,so Nixon appointed Gerald Ford as VP, there was no election to vote him in.And when Nixon resigned,Ford became president,again without an election.No one was throwing a rod about it the way they are now that Biden stepped aside to allow Kamala Harris to run for president instead of him.Tfg is pissed only because his tired bullshit he railed on about Biden is now obsolete,and the only"Old Guy"in the room is tfg.And his "wonder boy"is now an albatross around his neck.(Personally speaking,it couldn't happen to a better asshole...)And she can potentially beat him.That really sets him off.Which is really funny to watch.In a way it almost seems Biden did what he did on purpose,the timing was so perfect.He waited till just after the RNC,and caused the whole thing to blow up in Tfg's face.If it wasn't planned,it sure worked out well.

Gerald Ford was unelected across the board,but no one suggested he couldn't take the offices he served in.He did fairly well, considering.(Tho I was a little kid meself,still in elementary school,I lived around people who kept up with this sort of thing and heard what they were saying about it,and was old enough to read the newspaper on my own too.)I don't remember anyone suggesting he was undeserving or someone cheated,it was just simply accepted and everyone moved along.

Obama said just a while ago that people are tired of the rhetoric and division,and I'm seeing that too,it is getting pretty ridiculous.We are all tired of the arguments and the fact that most of the people who claim to represent us,mostly represent the highest bidders.And act stupid when we say we don't want them.It is time to give the people who vote the say on who represents us,not the morbidly wealthy and corporate benefactors that get all the representation and we're all forgotten or ignored.This in particular needs to be stopped.We need fairness and honesty in our elections again.

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As though the DNC doesn’t have the right to choose a candidate in 2024. There are few things more anti-American than this. And there’s plenty ELSE that’s anti-American as well!

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