Someone on Threads referred to JD Vance as Eddie Haskell. I love it!!!! Perfect!!!

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Eddie Haskell for Maybelline™️

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A very nice "proper lady" who is one of my readers came up with "Jizz Davenport" for Vance. I loved it.

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Had I been Walz, I would have slammed Vance more. But ultimately it was a non event.

Some were disappointed that Joyce didn’t participate but I can understand why she didn’t everyone would’ve wanted to chat with her.

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For better or for worse, it is not Walz's style to slam anyone. I HOPE it didn't make him look "weak" to people who don't know better.

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Someone said, Bill, during our time online that WAPO was fact-checking like crazy! Good to know!

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Sandra, Regrettably, fact-checking not displayed in real time virtually has no impact on anyone not able to discern, in real time, the non-stop lies and falsehoods undergirding practically every one of Vance’s remarks. The network ceding its responsibility to fact-check during the debate, in my view, is a shameful abdication of its critical function to expose lies and reveal the truth.

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The Haskells have a long history participating in the making of this country. Eddie I am not.

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That is SO perfect.

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That’s a spot on comparison. It did have that Wally/Eddie vibe. I think there could be a Saturday Night Life sketch there

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JD (Just Dumb) Vance is a well-spoken Eddie Haskell trying to suck up to Wally’s parents and then denying that January 6, 2021 was NOT a coup! Disqualifying JD!

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Glad you watched it: I just can’t abide a slick liar—rehearsed, soulless, smiling, sly … I left the room.

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Me, too. He's worse than trump bc he's slicker and will live longer.

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And he has the endorsement of real billionaires!

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We did too and turned to Only Murders the minute jD began to extoll his Mawmaw who stayed in abusive marriage.

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That was very cringey.

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Didn’t Mawmaw try to set her husband on fire in the movie?

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David, a friend and I were on the phone together watching on MSNBC and with Robert Reich through Substack. Before he called me, he kept muting Vance every time he started speaking. He is also blind and found Vance just too problematic to listen to. Listening together it was easier and we could comment and note his frequent lies. I am wondering if anyone has fact-checked and counted the number of lies. I bet he and Trump were probably close in number of lies in their debates.

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WAPO did, Ruth, I understand!

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Me too just revolting.

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JD is a terrifying Eddie Haskell.

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JD Vance is a sociopath. A young one. And that will keep me up tonight.

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He is Trump’s mini-me. Scary. Look at The Rachel Maddow Show podcast from Oct 1st on JD Vance

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JD Vance gives me nightmares

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That show was frightening.

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Yup. He's a nightmare.

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Walz won the debate in the last 10 minutes, by challenging Vance on whether Biden won in 2020, and by giving a strong closing statement. Earlier, he gave great answers on abortion, guns, housing, and immigration. He faltered a bit on the China question and he could have been stronger on the economy. Vance basically lied about almost everything, and almost with a smirk on his face.

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Donald, oh, Vance had a smirk, I am not surprised. He sounded often as though it were a joke to him and that he had things all wrapped up. I resented it that he put Harris in the position of president for the past 3-1/2 years but couldn't admit Trump got less done in office as president than Harris did as VP, which is the truth.

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I think voters who watched who were still genuinely on the fence will be more swayed by the exchanges about 1/6 and who won the election. I think they’ve already baked in that Vance is a lying smooth-talker and Walz is an uncomfortable public speaker who sometimes misspeaks. Plus, Vance lies almost constantly, just like Trump. Do I don’t see the China answer as a face-plant, just a stumble.

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You don't see Tienneman Square as a face plant? He admitted he can be grandiose and his facial expressions were pure desperation. I agree w your other points. I am worried this will be used to discredit him w undecided voters.

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There is no such thing as an undecided voter. They’re either voting for Trump or not voting and not saying either. Undecided is a myth.

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You have no idea how undecided 10% of Americans can be about just about anything.

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I think Walz's misstatement about what month he was in China pales in the wake of the constant string of lies and misrepresentations spewed by Vance; although, the moderator called Walz on it. Unfortunately, they were "not allowed " to fact-check Vance.

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Turning to the actual substance of things here, Walz did a substantial job on actually answering every single question. Every single question, making it a start for a factually based discussion, something we need desperately now. We have to get over this mini era of lying as a sport and so especially when the quality of our living in this country is at stake.

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I was yelling at my TV when Vance said he wanted women to trust them. I kept saying that you need to trust women first! He outright lied about wanting a national abortion ban, and couldn’t answer the question about the 2020 election. Vance might have been more polished and rehearsed, but Walz was genuine and kindhearted. No question … it was Walz’s night.

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I have my ballot. I'm filling it out with you all, in good company, right now. Good night and keep talking to every voter you know!

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We voted and dropped our ballots off on Saturday. Harris & Walz all the way!

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I had that same feeling when JDV basically bullied the moderators by continuing to talk over them. But I absolutely loved it when the moderators cut the microphones off the next time they were ready to move on to a new topic for questions!

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"Can you hear me now?"

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Our best issue is that Trump is incompetent to stand trial, let alone carry out an oath of office. He was grifter in chief as president. Not a word about his false accusations about Biden, Kamala, all of which are easily proven.

As to Vance, he is Putin's choice to be president. Ukraine is our issue.

Charges have been brought against him in Ohio for making false charges about Haitians. The Republican governor and the mayor of Springfield call him a liar.

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Rachel Maddow had a great expose on JD vance last night. His influence is one Carl Yarvin who wrote and taught about America being in a "late stage constitutional republic" and that people will have to get over their "dictator phobia". He is one slick, soulless, liar.

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Yes’ yes he is.

September 17th, 2021

Jack Smith interview with JD Vance


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Jack Murphy interview ( oops)

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Heather, Yarvin's first name is Curtis, not Carl.

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Didn’t move the needle at all for me. HarrisWalz2024 all the way.

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Vance is a smooth talker and has a good poker face. But in the areas of experience and qualifications and time spent in government there is no comparison. And he could possibly end up being president if Trump gets elected. I wish that point could've been made tonight.

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Really scary!!

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I found myself removing Vance’s beard and showing his weak chin to go with his weak performance.

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JD went light on the eyeliner for once, but a bit heavy on the mascara.

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Vance ahead on self confidence/smooth talking points but Walz scores a knockout on abortion, calling Vance/Trump to task about refusing to admit he lost the election and Walz being nervous, folksy and honest throughout!

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BOOM: that’s why Mike Pence isn’t here!

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The debate should have a new rule: Whatever time a debater goes over his allotment for a question will be granted to his opponent.

If Vance goes 1:12 on his rebuttal, Walz gets 2:12 on his next question.

Sound fair?

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The most illuminating comment about the debate came from an under age 40 guy who told Tim Miller he switched from the debate to the WNBA game! The fact Vance refused to say he would certify the election is all anyone needs to know. Twitter will rage debate but the reality is most people aren't on Twitter and already know who they will vote for.

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Who is left on Twitter anyhow? White males with a grudge.

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