I am a military veteran and I very proudly voted for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz just as I proudly served my country.

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Linda, I ditto your entire comment and add that my father fought against fascism in WWII and my mother raised 2 children while he was overseas. They did not sacrifice so much to see someone like trump, who disparages our military, become president. With mixed feelings, I am glad they are no longer alive to see this day.

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Steve, Thank you for your comment. My dad, a thirty year career military man, also fought during WWII and was a Purple Heart recipient. He died in 2010 and was a staunch Republican. He was a well read and intelligent man but I have no idea how he would feel about the current political landscape. I think I would rather not know!

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Bless you and thank you for serving our country!

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Thank you, Linda S🇺🇲❣️🇺🇲❣️

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Thank you for your service Linda 🙏🏻

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I also come from a family with a proud military tradition starting with my Grandfather in the Horse Cavalry. I feel the best way to honor the service and sacrifice of our veterans would be to change Election Day to November 11. This would recognize that they have made it possible to have a free country where we can vote freely. It would also make Election Day a national holiday without adding another national holiday.

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GREAT IDEA!! Wish we could make it happen!

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I think that Election Day is set by the constitution. Change would require amending the constitution.

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What a solid idea ! Thank you Jim.

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Trump and Veterans, like oil and water, do not mix. Just remember his behavior at Arlington National Cemetery and his thumps up and smiley face. How disrespectful and low can you go? He really is a piece of 💩 when it comes to those who have given us our freedoms. On another note, anybody see Trump and Musk as Beavis and Butthead?

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I dont agree. Unfortunately I’ve met many a Veteran glad to vote for Trump

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I am curious. Do they discuss why?

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There is an inherent bias towards conservative Republicans in the military. A great deal of it comes from the tug of war between Democrats and Republicans over funding, base closures, drawdowns, etc. And if you're a Democrat in the military or military adjacent (spouses), you learn to keep your mouth shut lest it endanger your or your spouse's career.

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Carol, thank you for the insight.

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Carol, and I suspect there is a lot of racism and misogyny involved. When a white guy has to take orders from someone in a group he does not respect, he can/will build up a lot of resentment. And, with Trump and Kump projecting their racism, misogyny, classism, xenophobia, and homo/transphobia onto the military from the top, things are not going to get any better. In addition, for some reason, Republicans have been portrayed by a whole lot of people as more "patriotic" than anyone else, when they are no more patriotic than any other group and probably a whole lot less as a group then other groups in our nation. The "patriotism" lie just goes along with the host of other lies Republicans tell every single day which the media have now normalized. So, the one thing we can be sure of, lying will be the core value of the incoming administration, and their targets will be many and varied.

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Yep. My neighbor is a disabled veteran of the war in Iraq, where he was exposed to the burn pits, and Trompe is his guy!

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He’s demented then. That’s what the burn pits did to him.

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He doesn't seem to be, at least not in the usual sense of the word. He functions quite well in everyday life and in personal relationships, holds a part-time job, etc. He's a pleasant, good neighbor while also being a bit macho and into conspiracy theories.

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Does he not realize his medical care now and in the future, is going to be severely reduced, not to mention any and all other VA help? Just more evidence that Trump people will happily vote against their own best interests for no very good reason.

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My oldest stepson served 5 tours in the Middle East and has effects from burn pits. He is a Trumper through and through.

He is always welcome but any mention of politics is not going to occur. He receives care through the VA and currently it sucks. Now it will suck to be him.

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bingo. they love a good conspiracy theory.

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"Depoliticizing" the military is a goal for a non-existent problem. The military is emphatically not political, by history, culture, and training.

This "goal" may be a euphemism for installing Trump loyalists/sycophants in the Pentagon. Should that occur, our mitary's strength and readiness would be immeasurably weakened.

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Which is exactly what Puppet master Putin wants! His plan is falling into place!

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Kay P - so the president elect is Putin’s proxy. If he only had any idea how stupid he is.

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Yup. Watch Putty backing away from diaper boy. Diaper boy’s narcissism is like Putty’s clay.

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He's already released all the nude pics of Melania in Russian, widely.

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I've honestly always thought Melania is his handler

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They could start by ensuring all the base televisions are not constantly tuned to Faux Noise. This is what I keep hearing from others. Yes, get rid of that partisan tv channel and call it a day.

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Fox "news" on watch floors radicalized my brother. I fully support this one.

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My take on depoliticization being a priority is so retired military - those similar to Mattis, Kelley, and Milley who believe their oath is to the Constitution not to the POTUS - will not criticize the disrespectful commander in chief.

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Until t, Military Leaders did not generally criticize or comment on the actions of leadership. Only when t began to severely criticize them were we even aware that they had Privately counseled him not to take certain actions because they were illegal (think “shoot them in the leg or send them into Mexico”. It was the insistent push for them to deny the Constitution and take his “side” did the generals begin the pushback that became public! Their politicization was forced by his failure to support the Constitution.

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As usual, what he says in an absolute lie, and 180 degrees off of the truth.

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My father served as a Marine in WWII and stormed the beach in Iwo Jima. My husband served in the Air Force and worked as an air traffic controller in Vietnam. Today I thank all who serve and have served this country in the military.

I will greatly miss President Biden. Seeing him give tribute to veterans today as President for the last time was so touching. I will miss the honor, empathy, and integrity he has brought to the presidency.

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He promised out that all this deportation stuff would take place “on day one.” To start with, that is BS because this Homan guy guaranteed that 1.5 MILLION foreign criminals would be deported starting January 20! However, there aren’t anywhere near 1.5 Million foreign criminals here because the few that were here were already deported over the past four years by ICE; or are in prison; or have died; or are awaiting trial under control of a judge; AND the foreign country Trump is going to send them to doesn’t want to accept them! Moreover, the Genius Homan who is in charge says that when they deport foreign nationals they are going to physically deport grit native born US citizen children! No they can’t because those children are US citizens who want to live with grandma who is a US citizen? Prediction:Trump and his fascist Homan will fall on their faces before the entire country!!

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He fell on his stupid face over the wall that ‘Mexico was going to pay for’ as I recall only a few miles were actually constructed. I never understood why the media didn’t humiliate him for that colossal failure when they castigated Biden for every tiny misstep.

According to the BBC about 49 miles of new wall were built despite his despicable grandstanding:


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No he is deep in it and has put this idiot Homan in charge— it will become a defining issue nationwide and big and little Business will see how damaging it could become to our national economy! ICE has been working at it vs immigrant criminals for 4 yrs and the former head of ICE says Homan is nuts as there are not that many real criminals to deport plus Mexico will not accept them!

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Ira... I hope you are correct!

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Maybe it’s all BULLSHIT!

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We are headed for a system of unconstrained pursuit of individual self-interest that will create a destructive feedback loop where those most willing to exploit information gaps, deplete shared resources, and ignore long-term consequences will gain more power to accelerate environmental destruction, social fragmentation, and economic inequality, while eroding the collective capacity to address these mounting systemic problems.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

MSM has let this happen by not addressing disinformation head on

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I agree with the gist of what you're saying. But many of those who didn't turn out to vote don't get their news from MSM. They're on social media with its algorithmic feeds. Many haven't taken a course in civics. They don't know what to believe so they tune it out.

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Indeed. But MSM still to some extent has the ability to set the news agenda, because all these podcasters and YouTubers don’t do primary journalism.

However, given disinformation, the role of primary journalism is fading too. I mean a poor investigative journalist can risk life and limb, work to the bone to get an article published and it may have less share of voice than some snarky remark by Joe Rogan

Here too, though, I see a role of MSM. It needs to amplify that sort of journalism. Talk about it 24/7. And it needs to take on disinformation head on. Call it out

MSM need to reestablish its relevance

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What, and lose their massive audience? Oh and of course then lose their TAX CUT!

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A lot of vets voted for Trump. Currently enlisted, too. It will be a huge blow if/when they lose their benefits.

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It's beyond me how these vets could vote for trump. Do they like being insulted and called "losers and suckers"? Or are they sadly in a place where those derogatory comments are not publicized?

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Make bad choices, suffer real consequences. Sadly, those of us who did not make the bad choice will also suffer.

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Thank you Joyce. I’ve written elsewhere that I am a hospice chaplain and that recently I’ve had a patient who was a Vietnam Veteran who received significant and helpful VA benefits as well as hospice (thank you Medicare). He only watched Fox news and echoed vehemently the stream of misinformation about Biden and Harris (“she cackles”) . I was grateful that he died before he could vote. I know he isnt rare or alone as a Veteran with his views. Nothing would change his mind.

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Trumpers also said Kamala smiled too much! If Donnie becomes president, we will see a self-satisfied orange faced smirk. 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃😱🤬🤐🥲 ugh

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Interesting to read Chris Miller’s Priorities. Seems he forgot the one requiring armed forces be loyal to Trump alone … AND armed forces be white, male and heterosexual. Or are those just unspoken givens?

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Yes, they think of that as understood. Look at who we are dealing with here. The orange menace is a total racist! He started his business career young with his good daddy denying those apartments. I am sure during his upbringing, starting from childhood, he heard all the racist words and the generalized fear and loathing of POC. It's in his bone marrow. That rot is deep and abiding. I don't know the rest of these yahoos he is appointing, well, some more than others, so on the racist part, I imagine it is a matter of the company one keeps. The ol' birds of a feather thing. It's a lovely group of people, racist and fascist to the core. God help us. And let's help each other. No one needs to isolate and try to face this on their own.

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Good luck recruiting for a military used like that….

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This is not a rhetorical question.

Benedict Donald claims that his goal is to deport what is essentially the equivalent of the combined population of a number of the Confederate states.

What makes him think that any other countries would take his victims back?

I am surprised, not, that very few of trump's "evangelical" worshippers have decried his plans as being viciously unbiblical, regardless which testament they claim to accept.

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And how will the deporters know where to send the deportees?

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You're assuming that the depraved degenerate deporters will care??!

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The fact that don-old has pick Tom Homan for ‘ border czar’. Exactly what does that mean? It is frightening me. The cuts they are planning for our veterans is egregious. My mom, an immigrant, served as a WAC and that was where she met my dad, an enlisted officer.

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Can't wait for Demento to have one of those banana republic military uniforms made for himself. What he really resented was Milley and the Joint Chiefs had all those military decorations. Soon fix that eh Demento?

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With the waist and butt measurements so yuge , never before been seen...

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That will be a hilarious sight to behold. Ol' blubber gut & butt shuffling around in his big boy uniform. I have to laugh to keep from crying.

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I have several uncles who fought in WWII (one in the Battle at Normandy!) 3 older brothers who all served (2 in Vietnam-one Army Ranger and one in the Navy) the youngest of the 3 served as a Green Beret in the late 80s through the 90s. He’s the only one still alive the other two passed in the last 5 years. ALL of them were/are MAGA and I’ve been so confounded by this. I thought the former Green Beret would have followed the Generals who at first he was proud to exclaim were in Trump’s inner circle, but he has remained MAGA even with so many military commanders denouncing Trump. It’s been difficult for me as I love my brothers but could not deal with this reality that they too must be racist, misogynist, xenophobes. One had passed before Jan 6, 2021.

I jumped over to BlueSky to check it out. Thanks, Joyce!

I’m DanaJae33 there and put up a funny fighting Dana bitMoji as my profile pic.

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Where did your military veterans get their news? Fox? I read somewhere that they play Fox "News" in military bases. It's the drip, drip, drip of propaganda that feels so self-assured.

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“build a great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country “ sounds like the Strategic Defense Initiative Ronnie Raygun wanted. While looking this up, I learned that he was the first to say Make America Great Again. 1980’s here we come!

Ronnie and Donnie—genius presidents. 💩🎃🤡

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And didn’t Trump establish a “space force” during his first term?

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Yes, that was a special toy the big boy got to marvel at and boast about. He is like a child. That is part of his personality, along with the age-related drifting back to childlike awe and different ways of thinking.

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Online paint jobs!

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I doubt Donnie knows anything about the systems we do have in place with all the satellite imaging, the missiles underground, onboard subs, ships, some positioned overseas, and anything that came our way would be acted upon quickly and shot down. And think about the square mileage of Israel (about the size of New Jersey) vs the USA. I wonder what the experts in our defensive systems think about this quixotic fantasy of Donnies.

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