Seeing is believing. I will wait to see what happens with all of the information that the January 6 committee has gathered, and I am glad to have your analysis Professor Vance. I was also experiencing Schadenfreude today at the problems McCarthy is having to get himself seated. It was on German news tonight on ZDF, the station I usually watch. This is the beginning of the Republicans revealing to the rest of the world how they get nothing done. In fact, the Democrats should start encouraging Moderate Republicans that they might be better off if they switch parties, if they actually want to govern. I was tempted to email McCarthy and suggest that he put up the new guy, George Santos for Speaker of the House, since the credentials required are to be a slimy liar, and he is batting 1000 in that respect. However, ultimately I will save my energies for something I actually would like to have happen. Yay on making the Abortion pills available in pharmacies without having to go to a doctor's office to get them. https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/03/politics/fda-abortion-drugs-pharmacies-mail/index.html


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An excellent summary as always! And I’m glad you mentioned popcorn as I must but a large bag before tomorrow afternoon’s House session. (Gotta wait until morning due to the tornado watch in our area. Turn on Spann and be safe.)

tom j...bluff Park

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Why wouldn't "all I need is 11000 votes, just find me 11000 votes" be enough to put him away for several years? The fact that he made the call at all should secure a conviction for election tampering, even without the recording. And then there are the files; no one other than he is responsible for files found in his personal office in Florida, or the basement of his home, 18 months after his term ended. Pleading ignorance shouldn't absolve him, and he hasn't actually pleaded ignorance. He's stated that they aren't classified, when they most obviously are. And, whether or not, they should have never left the White House, other than to be returned or sent to the National Archives.

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Interesting important article today, Joyce, thank you.

The republicans today, reminded me of what happens if we throw a few kernels of corn into the hen yard, to get them out of the hen house to clean. But the hens are cuter. I'll share my popcorn with the hens.

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You are the best!

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How long have you been able to read and knit simultaneously? Wondering how much knitting experience I must have to be able to do that without errors galore

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Jan. 6, 2023 we saw the chaos the extremist Freedom Caucus has created in the GOP.

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Excellent overview. I've ordered the hard copy so I can have fun flipping through it.

am also enjoying the "disarray" you mentioned - including the "non swearing in" of the new GOP candidates including Santos "if that's his real name". Cracking up to some degree about the requirement for the speaker to step aside (rules package Kevin has promised) if a small group requests it. Presumably whoever they'd put in place could be as easily toppled.

For fun I wrote my obedient Red Rep and asked him to give up his salary for as long as the GOP is doing this performative making out in public.

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I am baffled that the testimony already given during the J6 Committee hearings and the additional evidence we've seen and heard may not be not sufficient to indict and prosecute the former president. To imagine that he can somehow be found innocent because others carried out his bidding (think fake electors, "we're going to march down there and .....) suggests to me that justice may be unattainable. Why should he have to admit verbally what is patently obvious from multiple eyewitness testimonies? He lost the election, he knew it and her persisted in increasingly extreme and illegal schemes to reverse the electoral college count. Had he accepted the loss and stood down, none of the following events would have occurred. Seems simple enough to me...

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I recommend the 'January 6 Report' Edition with Ari Melbar's Introduction which tracks parallel events complete with a context graphic suitable as an Exhibit for a Jury.

I bought two (2) copies one to keep new & unmarked for a next generation handoff.

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Oh, man. That photo at end shows congresswoman holding a tin of Garrett’s popcorn. Yum!

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Poor Jack Smith has been left with the tortoise like investigation by Garland's ever so slow moving DOJ. As I said in a Twitter post, if I committed half of the crimes committed by Trump, I would be serving the first year of three consecutive life sentences. The January 6 attempted coup was two years ago, yet the SNAIL DOJ is pleading for all the January 6 Committee work product as DOJ has been so slow and leaderless in the effort. Hopefully, Jack Smith can right the ship that has been nearly sinking under AG Garland.

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Thank you for pulling on some of the threads for us, Joyce. Your brain, like your knitting needles, seems to be working overtime these days. Enjoy that cup of tea. I’ll be joining you with my own cup at Noon. Just wish we were sitting in the same room together.

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Well,phooey! I do not have popcorn in the house! Will chips and dip be good enough?

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Very helpful summary and review. It seems we are on the beginning of new steps. (Quite metaphorical-/if there is such a word-- for the New Year)

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I was glad to see this, and although I realized almost immediately that I will need a lot more time than I expected I could at least tell that it will be worth it. I'll be back!

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