Let’s start tonight with a bit of expected news: the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals made swift work of Mark Meadows’ argument that his Fulton County prosecution should be removed to federal court.
As a Jewish person growing up in the 60s and 70s we were taught 'never again'. But never again is now. It's not a possibility. It's happening. And anyone who doesn't see it is blind or fooling themselves. And *nobody* is safe.
Let us know when you figure out what may work. I don’t remember who the DEM is that is in charge of President Bidens Campaign but I do KNOW THEY BETTER GET ON IT NOW AND DO NOT BE SHY. Tfg base is fired up and some others they named today that voted for Joe last election (because Joe is too old!!!!!!! Jesus save us! Get the young people fired up and so some street stuff... in support of Joe. ( would but I am old and fighting Cancer) I wish that weren’t so, but I have sent $$ for them to get to work. Our Senators need to be more vocal, we just seem to be “listening” and not doing. Hope it isn’t so... but nothing is on the news so I think I am correct. This is getting scarier by the moment.
We are “hanging” together here, but need some big time HELP. Why isn’t this against the law. It is in our faces.... why and how can we get the Courts to MOVE FAST... they see what’s going on. I cannot believe that the United States can’t stop him. (Ok, I’m done for now.)🇺🇸🇺🇸⚖️
Ruth, thank you for all the "pointers," because as we unite in keeping our country safe from possible destruction --- or even total elimination (not an exaggeration, I don't think), we have to find as many ways as possible to do that.
It is indeed getting scarier by the moment. Sounds strange to say this, but as a senior, I wish my parents were still here, and that I was 70 years younger, so they could wrap their arms around me and tell me this was just a bad dream and to go back to sleep and it'll be okay in the morning. And they'd hand me my teddy bear (which I STILL have) that fell on the floor.
I'll remember you in my prayers from now on each night, as you fight not just a battle to keep freedom, but your battle with cancer. I hope you have a good support system and lots of family and friends to rely on. Meanwhile, take care of yourself. God bless.
Thank you so much, Dianne, that is very kind of you to say.
I agree that I, Too, would love to hear my Dad right now, he would be furious. He was in the foxholes and had nothing kind to say. But, I also think that is part of the problem. They are mostly all gone, those that fought for FREEDOM. I would love to hear from any one of them that may still be with us just what they think, so sad.
I do have great support (two wonderful daughters. God bless you also. We will be in touch again you can bet on that. I hope your Holidays will be “Merry and Bright. 🎄 Be well, my friend.
Oh Dear Jen. What a mess this guy (tfg) has made of our Country and our “Honesty” all of our Values, rights to choose our leaders just EVERYTHING. Of course all of the people that follow him, that even say they would die for him. They think he is going to take care of them???? They or one of their family members will be the ones that die for him. I have no answers.
I love that you have helped him not to get to the new, quite inventive of you. Thanks for sharing that it is such a great move on your part. Be well and keep your chin up along with the rest of us here. As you know, we are not alone. We are “all” in this together.
Ruth, we do have a lot in common. I've said many times that as much as I miss my parents, they'd be so very sad about what has happened to our country. I wouldn't want them so disappointed. My father fought in WWII, also, but never spoke much about it to my sister and I.
Glad your daughters are there for you. Give them an extra hug for me, okay?
You can subscribe to the free edition if you can't afford the regular one.
Every day Jessica gives you easy political actions to take to stave off despair & to effect positive change. It might be as simple as calling or emailing your Congressman or Congresswoman or your Senator. Jessica even provides the text for your call or email & their phone # & email address. And to keep our spirits up, on the weekend Jessica recaps all the positive political & judicial things that have happened during the past week.
Postcards (and letters) to voters is an excellent way to GOTV. I did it in 2020, 2022, and ended up with carpal tunnel. I expect that to be aggravated again this year, but it is so worth it! The connection you feel as you write to voters is uplifting, and it really does make a difference!
Ruth, you can bug the crap out of your congress person, write letters to the editors of your newspapers, make phone calls. My thoughts are wish you as you fight your own physical battles. Just blame Trump and the Repubs! That’s what I do. Take good care.
Don't be done. I agree with you. But I too am old and on a fixed income. I just can't fight with money. All I can hope for is that a new "Silent Majority" will come to America's rescue.
Made me smile, too!!! That's definitely my favorite name for this inhuman "thing" now. Thanks, Chris, for making my day (which will be over in seven more minutes)., And thanks, D, for having a laugh with me.
Definitely good, too! I'll alternate between them from now on. Thinking about "Cheeturd" makes me think about Cheetos (one of my favorite snacks, NOT approved by my cardiologist, though). But I know that the wannabe Big Cheese IS just as orange as a Cheeto, and if he were to get close to a fan before his makeup dries, orange "dust" would probably blow off. Not unlike the orange dust on your fingertips when you snack away.
The States Project does research to identify the most effective use of our donor dollars raised through Giving Circles for directing to progressive state legislature candidates’ campaigns.
Register to vote as a Republican so you can primary him. Give him some of his own medicine and vote for whomever is left when the Republican primary happens; probably Haley.
I did just that. Biden will win CA so the Dem primary is a forgone conclusion. I changed to Rep for the upcoming primary and will vote for Nikki Haley. I sent in $5 to her campaign as a signal. In the general election I can vote for the Dem. Honestly, if Nikki Haley were to get the nom by some miracle, I would not be so freaked out about the Perpetual Victim gaining office. What is the problem with this approach? Everyone is so locked in to their political affiliation they may not be seeing the forest for the trees.
No, I'm going to register as a Democrat, so I can vote to replace Biden. You can't beat Trump with someone who thinks everything is a political problem with a political solution. There are some things that require actual solutions.
It is really pathetic that folks do not appreciate all that Biden has accomplished under horrible conditions— Doesn’t mean he’s on point on all things, such as seeking money for Ukraine by instituting Trump’s draconian border policies.
Seriously - we all need to recognize that there has NEVER been a president that did everything the way we would agree with. EVER!! And the disaster of melonhead? Is it actually worth the chance of giving him a second term just because you disagree with Biden on one or two issues? He may be old but hes gotten more done for more people than any president I remember. Do I disagree with how he has done some things? SURE. But none of us understand exactly how things get done in a government bureaucracy - and remember? Neither did melonhead & he was there FOUR LONG YEARS!!! Sadly, he doesnt understand any more now - but he now knows how he can circumvent "the way things were always done", doesnt he?
Jessica at-chop wood carry water has great simple ideas for getting involved with other states which I intend to do more .i live in “blue California “ so need to help others
Nancy, I am a Jew and lesbian so I get it. He’s saying the quiet part out loud again, but this time it’s chilling. Even his attorney is echoing his language. My father was born in Canada to American citizens. My grandfather, a rabbi, had his first pulpit there. I started applying last year for a Canadian citizenship card.
I don’t feel I can count on my fellow Americans to keep us from losing our Democracy. As you well know, look at what happened to German Jews when they thought that. I can happen. The Putins and Orbans are paving the way for Dictator Trump
Kathi I am a Canadian living in South Florida for most of my life. I never gave up my citizenship because of....
I am mentally making plans, if the election goes to tfg, to go back. I survived waking up every morning for four years saying to myself that he didn’t start a nuclear war while I slept. I don’t think I can do it again. Sad commentary isn’t it.
I hope you're successful getting your Canadian citizenship card. Who knew we'd ever have to think of leaving the US? Certainly not me. It's damn scary. I wish you well, Kathi.
It's not just monied, people though. Many of the MAGAs who are actually voting hard right are blue-collar people who feel ignored and left behind. Here in Germany, the hot beds of the far right AfD are in the former East Germany, where unemployment is high and many people feel, you guessed it, ignored and left behind.
My son got a British passport last year, and I know others born American who have done similarly, primarily to make less likely getting killed by stray bullets.
We bought one in Germany a year and a half ago, so we would not have to live with relatives if we moved to Germany. Now my daughter is in University in Germany in a different city than our house, and I am living back and forth between Germany and the USA. A friend's daughter and her husband who can work from anywhere just moved to Lisbon, Portugal this fall. I have a friend who wants to move to Sweden where 2 of her sisters live and her father just moved. They are all from the Philippines. Many of my friends who teach at our local university have homes in Europe and work here. This will give them options. There are a lot of golden passport countries.
And I’m retired, but have told myself that my University pension could disappear in a pen stroke, as could my Social Security. I have thought about Portugal, but if I have no money there...
They are not blind or fools. They are just younger and cannot remember or relate. It didn't happen to them. How many new generations even remember (or care) about Nixon? We do. Because it happened in OUR time.
I agree. I recommend the book When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit by Judith Kerr. It is the first of a triology. I have read the book in English and have the triology in German, her first language.
Thank you Joyce. It amazes me how brazen the GOP is, according to Noam Chomsky the greatest threat to the world today. They have become a terrorist organization to destroy democracy. My problem is the democratic party brings pillows to a gun fight. They need to stand up and be loud!
And that begins in the presidential primary, by replacing an incumbent who loses votes every time he opens his mouth. Age has not affected his competency; he's been as effective as his record in the Senate suggested he would be. But he formed his views and opinions in the 1950s and 1960s (as I did myself) and age has locked him into them. It's his inability to adjust to changed circumstances that is his problem, and the reason he's losing young people, women and people of color.
I'm also a woman, and I am fiercely proud of what Pres. Biden has been able to accomplish. He has my full support. He is the right leader for this time. There is no way any other Dem would have been as effective as he has during this term. So what if he is 80? His energy level is remarkable, as evidenced by his ability to fly around the world and meet with other leaders, while keeping his eye on what is going on at home (while regularly going to Pilates classes).
We need to make sure tffg comes no where near the White House--GOTV , write postcrds and letters, make calls--do everything we can to defend our Beloved Republic.
Drop the fantasy of a primary challenge. It destructively fractures our future as a democracy.
He has adjusted his thinking….he is more progressive than anyone who formed their thought processes in the 50s and 60s. He fought for student loan forgiveness, and when Leonard Leo’s Supreme Court found that it was not ok, he set up another way to forgive student loans, that is slower but still works. He knows how to get things done. He’s been an excellent president so far, and his campaign just needs to get busy shouting about all that he has gotten done. And we must remember to get behind Bidennso we can keep our democracy safe from Trumpist idiots.
I agree Clifford. Biden and virtally every Democratic politician in the country are and have been feckless and weak in the face of an assault on the Constitution, the rule of law and democracy by a political terrorist organization that is deeply funded by ruthless and evil wealthy oligarchs. This didn't start with Trump, but it is clearly culminating with Trump.
Everyone defending Biden, lumped together, are a small minority of the potential Democratic base. It is arrogant and shortsighted to ignore the polls that repeatedly over time show a lack of support for Biden. Substack after substack are lauding Biden's accomplishments. Unfortunately, the majority of the electorate is not buying it. Unfair and possibly wrong as all these people are, it is reality. And, it is extreme hubris to think that you Biden defenders are going to turn this around in the coming year.
But I digress. If we truly want to save the country collapsing into the hands of fascists then we should unite to implore, no demand, that every damn Democrat fight like there is no tomorrow. I'm sick of the toothless rhetoric. Prosecute and demand the Justice Department prosecute every damn Republican traitor. This hands off approach of the Justice Department has not served the best interests of the country. Biden should have canned Garland in the first year, and replaced him with an aggressive prosecutor. Kamala would have been my choice. Biden and every Democrat should have pressed to have at least four of the Supreme Court justices thoroughly investigated. Biden and the Democrats SHOULD HAVE WEAPONIZED the government to drive these traitors out of power. It is very possible this may be there last and only chance to do so!!!
Biden and the Democrats should be pressing and calling out the media. And make no mistake, the mainstream media has no altruistic virtues. They are in it for the money, plain and simple. More clicks, bigger readership is all they think about, and they are willing to lie and distort the truth to make a profit.
In these fraught and dire times, why are so many millions of people tuned out or apathetic about government. I don't think it's because they can't see what's going on. I think it is because government has been a massive failure for all their lives. And now, when it really matters the entire government has been rendered dysfunctional. Most everyone can see Trump for what he is, and the Republicans for what they are, doing. And, they can also see that these people have faced no consequences, nor is there much hope that they will. The Department of Justice has inexplicably given deference to politicians, the politically connected, and the rich. People aren't stupid or ignorant; they are resigned to the fact that there is justice for some, but not all. In short, the great US is a hollow shell in service to an extraordinary level of hegemony.
At this point, it may be too late. Democratic politicians should be in panic mode, and we need to demand they take action! As far as the substack writers, they need to stop with the endless calm and reasoned reporting and sound the alarm and do everything possible to incite action. Where the hell are the protests with fierce advocates and powerful politicians leading the charge? Biden is not the future, he's the past, and if we want to save the country from fascism, we need a firebrand who has the energy and force to change minds and start a revolution. It is a huge mistake to believe this can be resolved at the ballot box. That opportunity was 30 years ago. Of course, voting is essential but it is obvious it is not nearly enough.
"We need a firebrand". You've already got one: Trump. You're welcome.
As for the sneering about voting, you sound remarkably like the hyper-right MAGA folks who want an autocrat, to 'fix it' for them. Be careful what you wish for there. Try not to be the other side of the same damn coin.
The polls were dead wrong before and is reasonable to wonder if they are wrong again. In my area, (purplish, goes back and forth, and believe me, we have plenty of MAGA types), even the young people who are not over the moon with this choice between two old white men can see the difference between them.
They see Biden getting things done (not as much as they would like, but things are getting done) while the Republicans waste everyone's time playing political games. And the millennials know 2028 is going to be a whole new game, no matter what they can shake off the boomers by then--that is, if Democracy still exists.
If they choose to turn out this next November even 2-3% more than they did in 2020, game over. Even in the reddest of states, the gerrymandering won't hold.
Young women in particular are going to show up, because bodily autonomy is their last stand, along with husbands and boyfriends and the fathers who understand what will happen to the women they love if Trump gets in. And these people will vote Blue up and down the ballot, for abortion alone. If MAGA types try to threaten or frighten them, like they did with Kate Cox, that will make people even more angry and motivated to show up to vote. Thuggish tactics will backfire badly.
This drumbeat about Biden being too old, too this, too that, is encouraging to me. Feels very manufactured, meant to drive us to anxiety and exhaustion, a trolling exercise. Biden and the Democrats have been pretty darn effective despite being the minority in the House. They got some important things done (infra, millions forgiven student loans, expansion of Obamacare, soft landing out of the pandemic, etc, etc) while the Republicans run around like a bunch of clowns, because Republicans don't want our government to work. They are trying to sabotage it from inside.
I figure this Debbie Downer theme means the Republicans know Biden can win and are doing all they can to pull him down. Nothing would please them more than the Democrats changing horses midstream here.
The problem is that we who read Civil Discourse KNOW the danger Trump poses. But at least 40 percent of our country WANT Trump and that terrifies me. I used to wonder how so many people supported Hitler but look at Lindsey Graham. He would gladly put on the brown uniform and jackboots. A man we've known for years who is a business owner and deeply involved in his church told us he would vote for Trump if he was the nominee!? He says he "can't stand Trump" but abortion is murder so he has to vote Republican. And "besides Biden is just as bad". My husband laid out all the facts, but nothing is going to move this man. He is not an uneducated, blue collar worker. He is a wealthy business owner who has his head up FOX News ass. Everything I have ever read about Hitler and the Third Reich is coming to pass here. It's mind boggling.
Any person who states Biden is just as bad as Trump has abdicated their responsibilty to think for themselves and has no empathy for others who are not White Christian Nationalists.
True, dat! What do they call it?: Willful Ignorance. And, we're surrounded by it. I just hope there are enough thinking - and voting - Americans left to outweigh this!!
At 80, fear of what our country will become under Trump has shortened my life. I will do all I can do to make sure he’s never President again. What will that be? Voting and working with local Democrats to get out the vote but we all know there’s no converting a MAGA.
PERHAPS TRUMP’S CORRUPTION IS AN ISSUE THAT CAN IMPACT VOTERS. I too am disturbed that so many voters don’t seem to care about Trump’s threat to democracy. BUT let’s work with whatever we got. Maybe if we also focus on corruption it will undermine some of his support.
Here’s a letter to the editor (not published) on this with examples:
To the Editor:
The Republican sense of smell is remarkably sensitive. They detect an odor of corruption around the Biden White House far too faint to be perceived by those petty enough to insist on evidence.
Yet, curiously, it was all rose petals when President Trump received over $750,000 from foreign diplomats for their stays in his Washington hotel, when Trump charged the Secret Service $1,185 a night for the privilege of protecting Trump and his family, when his son-in-law scored a $2 billion investment from a Saudi state fund and when Ivanka’s trademark applications were fast-tracked by China after her father became president.
If the G.O.P. wants to make personal corruption a major election issue, the Democrats should take them up on it. For those without clothespins on their noses, the stench of Donald Trump’s presidency is irradicable.
Thank you. Trump is saying he will stay on if elected for four more years after that. I remember when Chinese president Xi announced/declared himself President for life. Trump was very quick to congratulate Xi on winning the election and declaring himself President for life. Ask everyone to vote 11/5/24. It will be the last time you ever vote unless Trump looses. We are in this together.
I would add the date for the state primary also. It’s practice to make sure a voter is in good standing and if not, get it corrected. Also when Biden has especially strong results and tfg’s are in the cellar, the media will take notice and stop their fascination with the manbaby who wants to be king IMHO.
That cartoon! It should say "50 years of corporate fraud, 9 years of public fraud, wants lifetime of self-enriching dictatorship" vs "60 years of dedicated public service, wants four more years of growing the economy and increasing public well-being."
Democrats have Got to go on the road and Fight. Their complacency concerns me greatly. This is supposed to be a slow news week and Trump is taking advantage of that. When is the general public, not those of us who follow the news consistently, going to hear about what the Biden administration is accomplishing?
The NYT and the WP constant elevate trump and ignore or denigrate Biden. It really pisses me off.??I cancelled my NYT subscription and might do the same with WP
Used to read them cover to cover. Now can’t stand to read their bullshit.
They want trump to win it seems.
Let them know you hate what they are doing. Don’t give them your $$
It's time to make America safe again. It's time to make America one again. I know it can be done because I did it by changing New York City from 'the crime capital of America' to - according to the FBI - the safest large city in America. What I did for New York City, Donald Trump will do for America.
___Rudy Giuliani
Donald Trump is a leader. He will reassert America's position as the nation with the best values to lead the world.
___Rudy Giuliani
When Donald Trump is in charge, all that counts is ability, effort, and excellence. This has long been the philosophy at the Trump Organization. At my father's company, there are more female than male executives. Women are paid equally for the work that we do, and when a woman becomes a mother, she is supported, not shut out.
___Ivanka Trump
My father values talent. He is colorblind and gender neutral. When Donald Trump is in charge, all that counts is ability, excellence, and effort.
___Ivanka Trump
I can't imagine what this place would be - I can't imagine what the country would be - with Donald Trump as our president.
Thank you Joyce. It angers me that people can not see what is happening. I will be so happy when they shut his mouth up. Then extremely happy when the send him to prison. We are in this together.👏👏👏❤️❤️⚖️⚖️
Nothing's nicer than the sound of the door of a jail cell door sliding automatically closed, and the loud "clang" at the end. Cannot WAIT for Trump to experience that sound for himself!
(No, I was never arrested or incarcerated; I worked at two different jails for about 10 years. However, I did get a speeding ticket 40 years ago because my son kept getting sick to his stomach and I was rushing to get to the drug store for the medicine his doctor called in.)
regarding Alina Habba you might want to look into this recent story from your perspective as a professional attorney.
According to the complaint filed by Bianco’s lawyer, Nancy Erika Smith, Bianco found out another female employee at the club was going to complain about his advancements. They wrote a letter in July 2021 and shortly after, a member of Trump Human Resources called Bianco.
Alina Habba, who had been to the club before but did not represent Trump at the time, approached Bianco. The lawsuit states that Habba acted as a friend and encouraged Bianco to fire her lawyer.
The lawsuit alleges Habba groomed Bianco, pretending they were friends. Habba encouraged Bianco not to go public with her accusations against Melichar and to sign an NDA, which she later did.
After Bianco signed, Habba told her that she “better not try to sell her story to the media because she would owe Trump the settlement proceeds and the media would only pay about $3000.” Shortly after, Habba began representing the former president.
Lindsey Graham. Let's talk about Lindsey. The last time Lindsey said anything near the truth was in 2015, when he said the following:
“You know how you make America great again?” Graham asked. “Tell Donald Trump to go to hell.” Then, on the same day Trump essentially clinched the GOP nomination, the senator predicted, “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it.”
That's the LAST THING LIndsey ever said that I believed was the truth, then - and for sure - now. All the rest, is BS, as they say. I guess Lindsey needed John McCain to point him in the right (moral) direction, and he's been steadily sliding downhill ever since McCain died. Sad.
As a Jewish person growing up in the 60s and 70s we were taught 'never again'. But never again is now. It's not a possibility. It's happening. And anyone who doesn't see it is blind or fooling themselves. And *nobody* is safe.
Not only Jews but sane people everywhere see how demented he is. We stand with you, you are our family here, make no mistake you aren’t alone in this.
Agree 💯, Nancy.
“Never again” *is* now.
I believe my state will go Blue 💯. So…
I’m wondering how I may work to amplify my voice against Agolf Shitler, seriously, within other states, without just sending away $$.
Let us know when you figure out what may work. I don’t remember who the DEM is that is in charge of President Bidens Campaign but I do KNOW THEY BETTER GET ON IT NOW AND DO NOT BE SHY. Tfg base is fired up and some others they named today that voted for Joe last election (because Joe is too old!!!!!!! Jesus save us! Get the young people fired up and so some street stuff... in support of Joe. ( would but I am old and fighting Cancer) I wish that weren’t so, but I have sent $$ for them to get to work. Our Senators need to be more vocal, we just seem to be “listening” and not doing. Hope it isn’t so... but nothing is on the news so I think I am correct. This is getting scarier by the moment.
We are “hanging” together here, but need some big time HELP. Why isn’t this against the law. It is in our faces.... why and how can we get the Courts to MOVE FAST... they see what’s going on. I cannot believe that the United States can’t stop him. (Ok, I’m done for now.)🇺🇸🇺🇸⚖️
Ruth, thank you for all the "pointers," because as we unite in keeping our country safe from possible destruction --- or even total elimination (not an exaggeration, I don't think), we have to find as many ways as possible to do that.
It is indeed getting scarier by the moment. Sounds strange to say this, but as a senior, I wish my parents were still here, and that I was 70 years younger, so they could wrap their arms around me and tell me this was just a bad dream and to go back to sleep and it'll be okay in the morning. And they'd hand me my teddy bear (which I STILL have) that fell on the floor.
I'll remember you in my prayers from now on each night, as you fight not just a battle to keep freedom, but your battle with cancer. I hope you have a good support system and lots of family and friends to rely on. Meanwhile, take care of yourself. God bless.
Thank you so much, Dianne, that is very kind of you to say.
I agree that I, Too, would love to hear my Dad right now, he would be furious. He was in the foxholes and had nothing kind to say. But, I also think that is part of the problem. They are mostly all gone, those that fought for FREEDOM. I would love to hear from any one of them that may still be with us just what they think, so sad.
I do have great support (two wonderful daughters. God bless you also. We will be in touch again you can bet on that. I hope your Holidays will be “Merry and Bright. 🎄 Be well, my friend.
My dad is 95, just fought off covid, said in 2015 said drumpf sounded like Hitler. And then voted for him. Twice.
If you try to talk to him about politics he just says he doesn’t care. I told him then stop voting for Nazis and he says it’s his right.
So I put Fox nooz behind a porn password wall and he can’t figure out how to find it. I have bought him a NYT subscription.
I also email him Joyce’s newsletter but I doubt he reads it.
Oh Dear Jen. What a mess this guy (tfg) has made of our Country and our “Honesty” all of our Values, rights to choose our leaders just EVERYTHING. Of course all of the people that follow him, that even say they would die for him. They think he is going to take care of them???? They or one of their family members will be the ones that die for him. I have no answers.
I love that you have helped him not to get to the new, quite inventive of you. Thanks for sharing that it is such a great move on your part. Be well and keep your chin up along with the rest of us here. As you know, we are not alone. We are “all” in this together.
Ruth, we do have a lot in common. I've said many times that as much as I miss my parents, they'd be so very sad about what has happened to our country. I wouldn't want them so disappointed. My father fought in WWII, also, but never spoke much about it to my sister and I.
Glad your daughters are there for you. Give them an extra hug for me, okay?
Stay well, too.
Wow! I absolutely love that Christmas poem! Thank you for sharing this with me. And I have a feeling that a lot of readers here will love it too.
Merry Christmas!
Here are 2 things you can do.
1) Subscribe to Jessica Craven's Substack newsletter "Chop Wood, Carry Water".
You can subscribe to the free edition if you can't afford the regular one.
Every day Jessica gives you easy political actions to take to stave off despair & to effect positive change. It might be as simple as calling or emailing your Congressman or Congresswoman or your Senator. Jessica even provides the text for your call or email & their phone # & email address. And to keep our spirits up, on the weekend Jessica recaps all the positive political & judicial things that have happened during the past week.
2) Sign up to write Postcards to Voters at: https://postcardstovoters.org
The exhilaration you'll feel after the results of successful campaigns or
referendums, like the ones in Kansas in summer of 22 & Ohio this past summer,
when you realize that the postcards you wrote might have made a difference, are
well worth the effort.
Do it!
Postcards (and letters) to voters is an excellent way to GOTV. I did it in 2020, 2022, and ended up with carpal tunnel. I expect that to be aggravated again this year, but it is so worth it! The connection you feel as you write to voters is uplifting, and it really does make a difference!
Ruth, you can bug the crap out of your congress person, write letters to the editors of your newspapers, make phone calls. My thoughts are wish you as you fight your own physical battles. Just blame Trump and the Repubs! That’s what I do. Take good care.
Don't be done. I agree with you. But I too am old and on a fixed income. I just can't fight with money. All I can hope for is that a new "Silent Majority" will come to America's rescue.
Thank you all for your “tips” and links provided. Really appreciate that. Let’s get through the Holidays and get “busy”. You all Be Well...🇺🇸⚖️🎄
Loved that "Agolf Shitler" . . . gotta say! Thanks for the grin!
Made me smile, too!!! That's definitely my favorite name for this inhuman "thing" now. Thanks, Chris, for making my day (which will be over in seven more minutes)., And thanks, D, for having a laugh with me.
You're welcome. Here's another one I saw on YouTube, for TFG: Cheeturd. I think this one is good, also. (especially the "turd" part)
Definitely good, too! I'll alternate between them from now on. Thinking about "Cheeturd" makes me think about Cheetos (one of my favorite snacks, NOT approved by my cardiologist, though). But I know that the wannabe Big Cheese IS just as orange as a Cheeto, and if he were to get close to a fan before his makeup dries, orange "dust" would probably blow off. Not unlike the orange dust on your fingertips when you snack away.
I need to change the subject of food.
Thanks for sharing this one from YouTube.
I definitely like the way your mind works, Dianne!! Thanks for the belly laugh I just got reading your comment. Now, I gotta get some sleep.
How blue staters can support democracy in purple-red states:
Sister District channels both donations and grassroots activism.
The States Project does research to identify the most effective use of our donor dollars raised through Giving Circles for directing to progressive state legislature candidates’ campaigns.
Register to vote as a Republican so you can primary him. Give him some of his own medicine and vote for whomever is left when the Republican primary happens; probably Haley.
Not a chance
This is a strategy.
Thanks, Bonnie. I never knew you could do that!!!
I did just that. Biden will win CA so the Dem primary is a forgone conclusion. I changed to Rep for the upcoming primary and will vote for Nikki Haley. I sent in $5 to her campaign as a signal. In the general election I can vote for the Dem. Honestly, if Nikki Haley were to get the nom by some miracle, I would not be so freaked out about the Perpetual Victim gaining office. What is the problem with this approach? Everyone is so locked in to their political affiliation they may not be seeing the forest for the trees.
No, I'm going to register as a Democrat, so I can vote to replace Biden. You can't beat Trump with someone who thinks everything is a political problem with a political solution. There are some things that require actual solutions.
Biden hasn't been sitting on his thumbs. Here's a list of Biden's accomplishments just from his first year in office: https://www.upworthy.com/joe-biden-s-23-greatest-achievements-as-president-of-the-united-states-so-far
It is really pathetic that folks do not appreciate all that Biden has accomplished under horrible conditions— Doesn’t mean he’s on point on all things, such as seeking money for Ukraine by instituting Trump’s draconian border policies.
Seriously - we all need to recognize that there has NEVER been a president that did everything the way we would agree with. EVER!! And the disaster of melonhead? Is it actually worth the chance of giving him a second term just because you disagree with Biden on one or two issues? He may be old but hes gotten more done for more people than any president I remember. Do I disagree with how he has done some things? SURE. But none of us understand exactly how things get done in a government bureaucracy - and remember? Neither did melonhead & he was there FOUR LONG YEARS!!! Sadly, he doesnt understand any more now - but he now knows how he can circumvent "the way things were always done", doesnt he?
Also, Gregg - replied to YOUR comment instead of the one I was answering - sorry.
Jessica at-chop wood carry water has great simple ideas for getting involved with other states which I intend to do more .i live in “blue California “ so need to help others
Is "Agolf Shitler" open source?? Asking for a friend.
Full credit for the appellation “Agolf Shitler”
goes to the Genius mind of *Jeff Tiedrich*,
who is one of the most worth-it subscriptions I have on Substack…
i.e. “Everyone is Entitled To My Own Opinion.”
of course it would.
Organize or join those who have. Speak out and expose their lies!
Join one of the postcard writing groups to encourage Democrats to get out and vote!!
Nancy, I am a Jew and lesbian so I get it. He’s saying the quiet part out loud again, but this time it’s chilling. Even his attorney is echoing his language. My father was born in Canada to American citizens. My grandfather, a rabbi, had his first pulpit there. I started applying last year for a Canadian citizenship card.
I don’t feel I can count on my fellow Americans to keep us from losing our Democracy. As you well know, look at what happened to German Jews when they thought that. I can happen. The Putins and Orbans are paving the way for Dictator Trump
Kathi I am a Canadian living in South Florida for most of my life. I never gave up my citizenship because of....
I am mentally making plans, if the election goes to tfg, to go back. I survived waking up every morning for four years saying to myself that he didn’t start a nuclear war while I slept. I don’t think I can do it again. Sad commentary isn’t it.
I hope you're successful getting your Canadian citizenship card. Who knew we'd ever have to think of leaving the US? Certainly not me. It's damn scary. I wish you well, Kathi.
I hope I don’t have to use it!
Canada is swinging to the right as well. How can humans have so normalized cruelty in sync with religion? https://www.counterextremism.com/countries/canada-extremism-and-terrorism
The entire globe has swung hard right. Lots of angry monied people
It's not just monied, people though. Many of the MAGAs who are actually voting hard right are blue-collar people who feel ignored and left behind. Here in Germany, the hot beds of the far right AfD are in the former East Germany, where unemployment is high and many people feel, you guessed it, ignored and left behind.
I think you’re thinking rationally, Kathi.
My son got a British passport last year, and I know others born American who have done similarly, primarily to make less likely getting killed by stray bullets.
As do I. But, a Plan B is never a bad thing...just sayin.
I can work from anywhere. I’m starting to look for houses in Europe.
We bought one in Germany a year and a half ago, so we would not have to live with relatives if we moved to Germany. Now my daughter is in University in Germany in a different city than our house, and I am living back and forth between Germany and the USA. A friend's daughter and her husband who can work from anywhere just moved to Lisbon, Portugal this fall. I have a friend who wants to move to Sweden where 2 of her sisters live and her father just moved. They are all from the Philippines. Many of my friends who teach at our local university have homes in Europe and work here. This will give them options. There are a lot of golden passport countries.
And I’m retired, but have told myself that my University pension could disappear in a pen stroke, as could my Social Security. I have thought about Portugal, but if I have no money there...
Nobody is safe
They are not blind or fools. They are just younger and cannot remember or relate. It didn't happen to them. How many new generations even remember (or care) about Nixon? We do. Because it happened in OUR time.
I agree. I recommend the book When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit by Judith Kerr. It is the first of a triology. I have read the book in English and have the triology in German, her first language.
There is also a German movie made, which has English subtitles.
It is very relevant. Listen to her talking for The Guardian.
Here she is discussing When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit in England.
It was a good movie.
Thank you Joyce. It amazes me how brazen the GOP is, according to Noam Chomsky the greatest threat to the world today. They have become a terrorist organization to destroy democracy. My problem is the democratic party brings pillows to a gun fight. They need to stand up and be loud!
And that begins in the presidential primary, by replacing an incumbent who loses votes every time he opens his mouth. Age has not affected his competency; he's been as effective as his record in the Senate suggested he would be. But he formed his views and opinions in the 1950s and 1960s (as I did myself) and age has locked him into them. It's his inability to adjust to changed circumstances that is his problem, and the reason he's losing young people, women and people of color.
I am a woman and Joe is not losing me or any other woman I know.
He’s the best president in decades.
I'm also a woman, and I am fiercely proud of what Pres. Biden has been able to accomplish. He has my full support. He is the right leader for this time. There is no way any other Dem would have been as effective as he has during this term. So what if he is 80? His energy level is remarkable, as evidenced by his ability to fly around the world and meet with other leaders, while keeping his eye on what is going on at home (while regularly going to Pilates classes).
We need to make sure tffg comes no where near the White House--GOTV , write postcrds and letters, make calls--do everything we can to defend our Beloved Republic.
Drop the fantasy of a primary challenge. It destructively fractures our future as a democracy.
In the words of Frangela;
What's for dinner?
He has adjusted his thinking….he is more progressive than anyone who formed their thought processes in the 50s and 60s. He fought for student loan forgiveness, and when Leonard Leo’s Supreme Court found that it was not ok, he set up another way to forgive student loans, that is slower but still works. He knows how to get things done. He’s been an excellent president so far, and his campaign just needs to get busy shouting about all that he has gotten done. And we must remember to get behind Bidennso we can keep our democracy safe from Trumpist idiots.
I agree Clifford. Biden and virtally every Democratic politician in the country are and have been feckless and weak in the face of an assault on the Constitution, the rule of law and democracy by a political terrorist organization that is deeply funded by ruthless and evil wealthy oligarchs. This didn't start with Trump, but it is clearly culminating with Trump.
Everyone defending Biden, lumped together, are a small minority of the potential Democratic base. It is arrogant and shortsighted to ignore the polls that repeatedly over time show a lack of support for Biden. Substack after substack are lauding Biden's accomplishments. Unfortunately, the majority of the electorate is not buying it. Unfair and possibly wrong as all these people are, it is reality. And, it is extreme hubris to think that you Biden defenders are going to turn this around in the coming year.
But I digress. If we truly want to save the country collapsing into the hands of fascists then we should unite to implore, no demand, that every damn Democrat fight like there is no tomorrow. I'm sick of the toothless rhetoric. Prosecute and demand the Justice Department prosecute every damn Republican traitor. This hands off approach of the Justice Department has not served the best interests of the country. Biden should have canned Garland in the first year, and replaced him with an aggressive prosecutor. Kamala would have been my choice. Biden and every Democrat should have pressed to have at least four of the Supreme Court justices thoroughly investigated. Biden and the Democrats SHOULD HAVE WEAPONIZED the government to drive these traitors out of power. It is very possible this may be there last and only chance to do so!!!
Biden and the Democrats should be pressing and calling out the media. And make no mistake, the mainstream media has no altruistic virtues. They are in it for the money, plain and simple. More clicks, bigger readership is all they think about, and they are willing to lie and distort the truth to make a profit.
In these fraught and dire times, why are so many millions of people tuned out or apathetic about government. I don't think it's because they can't see what's going on. I think it is because government has been a massive failure for all their lives. And now, when it really matters the entire government has been rendered dysfunctional. Most everyone can see Trump for what he is, and the Republicans for what they are, doing. And, they can also see that these people have faced no consequences, nor is there much hope that they will. The Department of Justice has inexplicably given deference to politicians, the politically connected, and the rich. People aren't stupid or ignorant; they are resigned to the fact that there is justice for some, but not all. In short, the great US is a hollow shell in service to an extraordinary level of hegemony.
At this point, it may be too late. Democratic politicians should be in panic mode, and we need to demand they take action! As far as the substack writers, they need to stop with the endless calm and reasoned reporting and sound the alarm and do everything possible to incite action. Where the hell are the protests with fierce advocates and powerful politicians leading the charge? Biden is not the future, he's the past, and if we want to save the country from fascism, we need a firebrand who has the energy and force to change minds and start a revolution. It is a huge mistake to believe this can be resolved at the ballot box. That opportunity was 30 years ago. Of course, voting is essential but it is obvious it is not nearly enough.
"We need a firebrand". You've already got one: Trump. You're welcome.
As for the sneering about voting, you sound remarkably like the hyper-right MAGA folks who want an autocrat, to 'fix it' for them. Be careful what you wish for there. Try not to be the other side of the same damn coin.
The polls were dead wrong before and is reasonable to wonder if they are wrong again. In my area, (purplish, goes back and forth, and believe me, we have plenty of MAGA types), even the young people who are not over the moon with this choice between two old white men can see the difference between them.
They see Biden getting things done (not as much as they would like, but things are getting done) while the Republicans waste everyone's time playing political games. And the millennials know 2028 is going to be a whole new game, no matter what they can shake off the boomers by then--that is, if Democracy still exists.
If they choose to turn out this next November even 2-3% more than they did in 2020, game over. Even in the reddest of states, the gerrymandering won't hold.
Young women in particular are going to show up, because bodily autonomy is their last stand, along with husbands and boyfriends and the fathers who understand what will happen to the women they love if Trump gets in. And these people will vote Blue up and down the ballot, for abortion alone. If MAGA types try to threaten or frighten them, like they did with Kate Cox, that will make people even more angry and motivated to show up to vote. Thuggish tactics will backfire badly.
This drumbeat about Biden being too old, too this, too that, is encouraging to me. Feels very manufactured, meant to drive us to anxiety and exhaustion, a trolling exercise. Biden and the Democrats have been pretty darn effective despite being the minority in the House. They got some important things done (infra, millions forgiven student loans, expansion of Obamacare, soft landing out of the pandemic, etc, etc) while the Republicans run around like a bunch of clowns, because Republicans don't want our government to work. They are trying to sabotage it from inside.
I figure this Debbie Downer theme means the Republicans know Biden can win and are doing all they can to pull him down. Nothing would please them more than the Democrats changing horses midstream here.
Great stuff, now what are you personally doing to boost voters in your state?
The problem is that we who read Civil Discourse KNOW the danger Trump poses. But at least 40 percent of our country WANT Trump and that terrifies me. I used to wonder how so many people supported Hitler but look at Lindsey Graham. He would gladly put on the brown uniform and jackboots. A man we've known for years who is a business owner and deeply involved in his church told us he would vote for Trump if he was the nominee!? He says he "can't stand Trump" but abortion is murder so he has to vote Republican. And "besides Biden is just as bad". My husband laid out all the facts, but nothing is going to move this man. He is not an uneducated, blue collar worker. He is a wealthy business owner who has his head up FOX News ass. Everything I have ever read about Hitler and the Third Reich is coming to pass here. It's mind boggling.
Any person who states Biden is just as bad as Trump has abdicated their responsibilty to think for themselves and has no empathy for others who are not White Christian Nationalists.
True, dat! What do they call it?: Willful Ignorance. And, we're surrounded by it. I just hope there are enough thinking - and voting - Americans left to outweigh this!!
It seems it will be wishful thinking.
At 80, fear of what our country will become under Trump has shortened my life. I will do all I can do to make sure he’s never President again. What will that be? Voting and working with local Democrats to get out the vote but we all know there’s no converting a MAGA.
PERHAPS TRUMP’S CORRUPTION IS AN ISSUE THAT CAN IMPACT VOTERS. I too am disturbed that so many voters don’t seem to care about Trump’s threat to democracy. BUT let’s work with whatever we got. Maybe if we also focus on corruption it will undermine some of his support.
Here’s a letter to the editor (not published) on this with examples:
To the Editor:
The Republican sense of smell is remarkably sensitive. They detect an odor of corruption around the Biden White House far too faint to be perceived by those petty enough to insist on evidence.
Yet, curiously, it was all rose petals when President Trump received over $750,000 from foreign diplomats for their stays in his Washington hotel, when Trump charged the Secret Service $1,185 a night for the privilege of protecting Trump and his family, when his son-in-law scored a $2 billion investment from a Saudi state fund and when Ivanka’s trademark applications were fast-tracked by China after her father became president.
If the G.O.P. wants to make personal corruption a major election issue, the Democrats should take them up on it. For those without clothespins on their noses, the stench of Donald Trump’s presidency is irradicable.
It tooks years to get that Nixon stink off Republicans. But that trump stench is never going away.
TFG reeks of Nixon-stink from hanging out with Roger Stone, who in fact, has the stench of Nixon Tattooed on his back. That’s why TFG loves to kiss Stone’s back. https://twitter.com/MikeDelMoro/status/1088779144912142337?
Definitely a winner. I'm trying to think of some other "stinky" examples, but it's too late at night for a rational one.
Thank you. Trump is saying he will stay on if elected for four more years after that. I remember when Chinese president Xi announced/declared himself President for life. Trump was very quick to congratulate Xi on winning the election and declaring himself President for life. Ask everyone to vote 11/5/24. It will be the last time you ever vote unless Trump looses. We are in this together.
There’s your bumpersticker!
🇺🇸VOTE ON 11/5/24🇺🇸
⬆️Edits or refinements welcome.⬆️
From The Washington Post:
“Vote Trump and you’ll never have to vote again”
I would add the date for the state primary also. It’s practice to make sure a voter is in good standing and if not, get it corrected. Also when Biden has especially strong results and tfg’s are in the cellar, the media will take notice and stop their fascination with the manbaby who wants to be king IMHO.
I think you should add "Democrat" to your Vote bumpersticker. So, it would be:
Vote Democrat on 11/5/24.
Cuz, if they vote for TFG, there goes the whole ball game.
I like it:
🇺🇸VOTE DEMOCRAT 11/5/25🇺🇸
Bingo!!!! Does anyone know of a company that can make these ASAP?
🇺🇸VOTE DEMOCRAT 11/5/24🇺🇸
Brilliant ❣️
One people, one voice, one world, one Germany-- right out of the fascist NAZI playbook. Trump is ringing all the bells. I feel sick...
Me too
Same here.
That cartoon! It should say "50 years of corporate fraud, 9 years of public fraud, wants lifetime of self-enriching dictatorship" vs "60 years of dedicated public service, wants four more years of growing the economy and increasing public well-being."
Democrats have Got to go on the road and Fight. Their complacency concerns me greatly. This is supposed to be a slow news week and Trump is taking advantage of that. When is the general public, not those of us who follow the news consistently, going to hear about what the Biden administration is accomplishing?
The press
The NYT and the WP constant elevate trump and ignore or denigrate Biden. It really pisses me off.??I cancelled my NYT subscription and might do the same with WP
Used to read them cover to cover. Now can’t stand to read their bullshit.
They want trump to win it seems.
Let them know you hate what they are doing. Don’t give them your $$
That’s all they care about it seems
It's time to make America safe again. It's time to make America one again. I know it can be done because I did it by changing New York City from 'the crime capital of America' to - according to the FBI - the safest large city in America. What I did for New York City, Donald Trump will do for America.
___Rudy Giuliani
Donald Trump is a leader. He will reassert America's position as the nation with the best values to lead the world.
___Rudy Giuliani
When Donald Trump is in charge, all that counts is ability, effort, and excellence. This has long been the philosophy at the Trump Organization. At my father's company, there are more female than male executives. Women are paid equally for the work that we do, and when a woman becomes a mother, she is supported, not shut out.
___Ivanka Trump
My father values talent. He is colorblind and gender neutral. When Donald Trump is in charge, all that counts is ability, excellence, and effort.
___Ivanka Trump
I can't imagine what this place would be - I can't imagine what the country would be - with Donald Trump as our president.
___Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Gee Fern, which one will I pick? My money's on RBG.👍
She's definitely missed so much. The ONLY good thing about her passing is that she's no longer here to see the carnage we're dealing with now.
Only the voice of mentor Roy Cohn is speaking in head of star pupil
Trump talking now. Pure evil, McCarthy style. "There will be investigations."
Dang, Fern! You picked some good and horrifying quotes!
I thought a little balance was called for. Ivanka really came through, didn't she?
Yep, she sure did!
Thank you Joyce. It angers me that people can not see what is happening. I will be so happy when they shut his mouth up. Then extremely happy when the send him to prison. We are in this together.👏👏👏❤️❤️⚖️⚖️
Nothing's nicer than the sound of the door of a jail cell door sliding automatically closed, and the loud "clang" at the end. Cannot WAIT for Trump to experience that sound for himself!
(No, I was never arrested or incarcerated; I worked at two different jails for about 10 years. However, I did get a speeding ticket 40 years ago because my son kept getting sick to his stomach and I was rushing to get to the drug store for the medicine his doctor called in.)
I love my country. That is why I want Trump in prison along with those who conspire with him to destroy our democracy and our society.
regarding Alina Habba you might want to look into this recent story from your perspective as a professional attorney.
According to the complaint filed by Bianco’s lawyer, Nancy Erika Smith, Bianco found out another female employee at the club was going to complain about his advancements. They wrote a letter in July 2021 and shortly after, a member of Trump Human Resources called Bianco.
Alina Habba, who had been to the club before but did not represent Trump at the time, approached Bianco. The lawsuit states that Habba acted as a friend and encouraged Bianco to fire her lawyer.
The lawsuit alleges Habba groomed Bianco, pretending they were friends. Habba encouraged Bianco not to go public with her accusations against Melichar and to sign an NDA, which she later did.
After Bianco signed, Habba told her that she “better not try to sell her story to the media because she would owe Trump the settlement proceeds and the media would only pay about $3000.” Shortly after, Habba began representing the former president.
Hmmmmm. Why am I not surprised?
Also, check out her father: https://twitter.com/ctambakis1/status/1720842523533357357
11th CA, DC CA, they are all done with tRump and his minions...zero legal legs to stand on, fast-tracking this mo'fo for trial, we know it!
Not to worry! Mark Meadows and the rest of the gang will have no way out! They will all be tried in public on national TV in Georgia!
Lindsey Graham. Let's talk about Lindsey. The last time Lindsey said anything near the truth was in 2015, when he said the following:
“You know how you make America great again?” Graham asked. “Tell Donald Trump to go to hell.” Then, on the same day Trump essentially clinched the GOP nomination, the senator predicted, “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it.”
That's the LAST THING LIndsey ever said that I believed was the truth, then - and for sure - now. All the rest, is BS, as they say. I guess Lindsey needed John McCain to point him in the right (moral) direction, and he's been steadily sliding downhill ever since McCain died. Sad.
I smell kompromat hanging around Graham.