I'm so happy to be on Blue Sky, too! And it was chilling to read the news out of South Korea! But the opposition members of Parliament made a heroic effort and voted down martial law! That's an excellent example of the kind of courage we may need here shortly. Stay warm!
And Hegseth looks to be gone, as "serious talks" are reported to be happening between tRump and Ron "Sexy boots" DeSantis to replace Petey...oh, and a minor quid pro quo: Ron picks Lara tRump (!) to replace Li'l Marco as FL Senator.
What I read of him was odd, Bryan Sean McKown - test during COVID distancing he stopped a church service, and previously said he wouldn’t help round up immigrants. He was roundly criticized for both by FL GOP. Had he move to the MAGA side since & thus his nomination, or did he realize he was not who the naked MAGA Emperor thought?
Weird. I had the news on most of the day trying to follow the South Korean events. They must have metioned that a second nominee had dropped out 20 times over the course of the day but never mentioned his name. I thought that rather odd but assumed he wasn't one of the bright shiny objects. I was right about that. Bummer. He might have been okay.
Yes. I have nothing good to say about the man. He is not a lessor of evils, but what Trump seems to be doing is letting the media vet his candidates, and then if he thinks it won't work, he trots out the next equally horrid candidate, but without the things that were criticized in the first candidate.
It is also an example of the kind of platform we need to reach people, and more of. Right wingers dominate the US mediascape. It seems that the people of South Korea were receptive to using Blue Sky and get its significance. They will even more so today as they have held on to freedom. I hope that enough American people also go onto a platform without the noise of Twitter-X and other Right wing media sources that we too can hold on if a fascist coup is planned. It is great to have South Korea as an example. Let our congress people start practicing their wall climbing skills as well.
I tried and can’t delete or deactivate my twitter so account. Never used it anyway but now it just sends me in an endless loop. I’m not much for those social media things. I feel too many have been poisoned by all the false crapola being perpetrated.
Select Settings and Support > Settings and Privacy
Select Your Account > Deactivate your account
Follow the on-screen instructions, including reviewing the terms and confirming the deactivation
Enter your password when prompted, then confirm the deactivation
Your account, tweets, and data will be permanently removed after 30 days. Your username will also become publicly available. You can reactivate your account (and retain your username) within this time period.
To prevent third-party apps from reactivating your account, you can:
Sign in to your X account
Go to Settings and privacy > Security and account access > Apps and sessions > Connected apps
Select each app one at a time and click Revoke app permissions
You can also download an archive of your data before deactivating and deleting your account:
Go to Settings and privacy > Your account
Select Download an archive of your data
Verify your password
Enter a code sent to your email or phone number to verify your identity
Click Request archive
X will send you an email or push notification when your data is ready
Click the Download data button to initiate the download
I got it. That was simple. I used my own new pass. Anyway, since I deactivated, you mentioned preventing 3rd party apps but if I did I would have to reactivate I think.
The only way to do that is to keep deactivating and reactivating your X account. There is no limit to doing this. Deactivate and then reactivate within 30 days of doing so or your account is deleted and your username becomes publicly available. Kind of a pain to remember to do, but as far as I know, there is no workaround. You could also just simply sign in within each 30 day period without deactivating, but then your account would still be in public view with all that means. Inactive accounts (usually no sign-ins in 30 days) are deleted with loss of username. Deactivating removes your account from public view: people cannot see your profile, tweets and other content, timeline or follow or contact you but your data is stored on X's servers. Once your account is deleted your username becomes fair game and you can't recover it. If you're only an occasional user with an unidentifiable username probably not an issue, but if you use X professionally with a readily identifiable username, it well may be.
My sister is more conservative than I. She supports the pardon of Hunter Biden by his Dad, the President. Why? Because she believes that President Biden has dedicated himself and his life to public service and the rest of us owe him peace of mind. Enough is Enough.
Nobody likes Hunter Biden's behavior during the days of active addixion. Guess what? Hunter Biden does not, either. He has five years clean and sober. Trump, Comer, and associated dastards should not be permitted to drive Hunter Biden to the edge of suicide.
Hats off for President Biden protecting his son from that violent psycopathic insane hate mongering incoming FBI director. What about the future mass pardons of the J6 "hostages?"
The Orange Cult dwells in a stinking cesspool of lies, hate and venom. These low-life bottom feeders lost their main target to project their jet-stream of bullshit and distract people from their goal.....Project 2025 and the destruction of democracy.
The mass pardons would have occurred anyways. 🤢 The dastards do not realize that many of us are prepared to lay down our lives to protect our republic. ✌🏽I may barely hit the side of a barn with a firearm 🤭 -- not that I own one because I do not, yet 🤫-- but, fortunately, many of these M.A.G.A.-militia-men are as wide as a side of a barn. 😉
The Magat-Milita.... who will be the first sandbox toy soldier wanna be GIJoe to go down when AR15s start shooting back at them....when the deportations start.....when people find out their pensions are gone........their daughters were gang raped by MAGAT goon squads........
One detail I like in this clip is Representative Raskin's iron will by not cracking up in laughter. 😇 Yet he could not resist a scheiße-eatin' grin; 🥳 hey, unlike Reps Comer and Jordan, he is human. 😊
Jared Moskowitz is so clever and quick on his feet. He loves taunting Comer who is an idiot and he’s so good at it! Did you see even Jordan was laughing?
Representative Raskin is an American hero ! Thanks to his wife for sacrificing his presence as he serves.
My husband and I lost our son about the same time as they.
I also was diagnosed with cancer, lump was removed, doctors sent me home.
I take no meds, only vitamins.
Especially because his family and mine share this loss that will never leave us....I am moved by his dedication to the ideal of freedom and the action he has taken.
Well, Margaret, obviously, my previous response to Emily applies to you. Thank you for showing me an example of "dignity, grace, compassion, and service." It has been forty years since I attended the funeral of a lifelong bud and a memorial for a cherished high school chum, each of whom had committed suicide. 😢
I still remember looking into the eyes of their parents and siblings; their mournful, bottomless expressions still smart in my old age. A prayer coming your way, too, Margaret, via FedEx. I am no longer a Xian, but I have found this grade school hymn to be a fitting tribute to you, Emily, my sister, and the many everyday states(wo)men who grace our lives. 😇
First things first: a prayer on its via FedEx. Your adversity -- like that of Representative Raskin -- pains me to read.
My sister is also facing a life-challenging illness. Like you, she practices a daily regimen of aiding others to build her resilience and takes it one day at a time. I am so very, very proud of her.
Yes, Representative Raskin, and his remaining family members (especially Mrs Sarah Bloom-Raskin), have persevered in suffering reminiscent of Job.
Yes, Representative Raskin is a latter-day hero whose pain can only be deepened by his likely knowledge of the Book of Lamentations. Yet he never ceases fighting the good fight with all his might.
So, Representative Raskin is a "gimme" in the heroism department. I am sure he would join me putting you, Emily, and my sister up for membership in that select group.
You show me, and (l strongly suspect) others, that we all must be state(wo)men now. So, I thank you, Emily, as I do other men and women, for showing me the way forward into the envelopping darkness. 🤝
We have Bluesky. And we are a Federal Republic with a nearly 250 year history of representative democracy. It’s going to be rough but we are not South Korea or Hungary. Ron Filipkowski reported today that Trump has quietly agreed to FBI background checks for his nominees, and the media is exposing Pete Hegseth as a misogynistic drunk. All is not lost. Stay strong. It’s going to be a marathon.
Ron Flipkowski publishes a great daily newsletter. His take is Trump bowed to pressure. The Hill had a recent article indicating that a handful of GOP Senators including Murkowski and Collins made it clear they wouldn’t even consider supporting a nominee without an FBI background check. So, it’s a start. Trump is pure pathology and nothing but chaos and bad news but he’s not invulnerable. In fact, he’s a weak and failing old man.
I can't tell what excites me most: the banana blossom (I had NO idea!), the fact that BlueSky is about to eat what's left of Twitter's lunch, or the fantastic work by South Korea's Assembly in getting martial law overturned.
Hi Monica. As is the Girl Scout motto. From wiki (and my own experience as a child): "Motto: The Girl Scout motto is 'Be prepared.' In the 1947 Girl Scout Handbook, the motto was explained this way: 'A Girl Scout is ready to help out wherever she is needed. Willingness to serve is not enough; you must know how to do the job well, even in an emergency.' The same holds true today." And our leaders took it very seriously.
I’m so thrilled and grateful with Bluesky. It’s wonderful that there aren’t despicable comments that can turn one’s stomach. I’m SusanMacNeilPhD@blsk Thank you for all you do.
Have never done Face book or Twitter…don’t plan on doing either or blue sky..do my best by reading emails and Substack columns…glad to hear x being abandoned…
I had the same thoughts you did Joyce about how quickly it could happen here. I agree with Deb below that they provide us a great example of how to not just resist but to obstruct and oppose tyranny.
I think we were all having visions of a possible future as the S. Korea news was rolling out. I've been uncertain about getting on BlueSky, as I've never been a Twitter user, and I'm unfamiliar with that type of program. But I think I'll check it out.
My anxiety is over the SCOTUS argument tomorrow on gender affirming care. That has such huge ramifications for my trans child who is in PA school to provide trans healthcare, and their spouse, who teaches disabled, queen and trans adolescents. Having this decision go the wrong way would be devastating for so many families.
My child has 18 months to finish PA school in Penn. But they are already considering options to move after graduation to Mexico or Germany where they have family. It's lucky for them that they have those options. And lucky for your nephew to live in a blue state. But I worry that may not be enough. 😢
Very glad to hear that Bluesky was up to the challenge today! I have been on it for awhile, but haven't attempted to follow any breaking news events. The mass migration of folks who were used to seeing and doing that on TFS is certainly going to help.
It’s not necessary to give the US credit or responsibility for all world events. The forces of good and evil are battling it out world wide, as they have always done.
"It has been a quiet day here, thankfully, although I’ve watched the news from South Korea with a sense of urgency. Conservative, anti-feminist President Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law Tuesday night over what he claimed was concern about domestic factions he characterized as “anti-state,” saying they supported North Korea. It didn’t take much imagination to see something like that happening here under Donald Trump.
By Wednesday morning, local time, martial law was lifted after outraged lawmakers refused to accept his decree, which would have led to a ban on political activity and censorship of the press. There is a lesson for us, of course—how easily something like this can happen, even in an established democracy, and how important it is to be prepared, to activate public awareness and outrage, and to ensure legislatures will be a check and balance against such a power grab."
Lots of thanks to hand out here... thanks for the endorsement of Bluesky, i signed up. i have never been on twitter, and certainly had no interest after musk purchased it. Thank you also for standing up and speaking out. seems like too many people have taken cover after the far right has come to power. if people did that throughout history, the world would be a different and far more unpleasant place today. people like yourself, your readers, and the press need to continue to speak out against this catastrophe. Korea, France, here... a bit unnerving, and certainly not good for Ukraine. thanks also for the humanity with the live updates with the chicks... we talk about "dumb animals"... as someone who has raised sheep, dogs, cats, highland cattle and horses, i have never seen a four legged creature do what we routinely do to each other...
What I love about bluesky is that it was started by a woman a couple of years ago and that the staff encourages people to report and block MAGA people. There are block lists that have been set up to get rid of them. X turned very ugly once Elon got his hands on it. So happy to be in a space where the rhetoric isn’t obnoxious and cruel.
Turn in early for sure, Joyce. You deserve it. I tried to get a Bluesky acct from the first link you put up. This old dinosaur is going to keep trying. be here tomorrow, as we all will be.
I'm so happy to be on Blue Sky, too! And it was chilling to read the news out of South Korea! But the opposition members of Parliament made a heroic effort and voted down martial law! That's an excellent example of the kind of courage we may need here shortly. Stay warm!
Per ABC National News, we have another Trump II nomination withdrawn the local Sheriff & Trump pet, JACK CHRONISTER.
That's 2 DOWN 👎👎 more to go.
And Hegseth looks to be gone, as "serious talks" are reported to be happening between tRump and Ron "Sexy boots" DeSantis to replace Petey...oh, and a minor quid pro quo: Ron picks Lara tRump (!) to replace Li'l Marco as FL Senator.
Florida...ya gotta love that state!
Ugh! Not a fan of Florida, and it is banned from my travel plans.
OMG - what a freaking circle jerk.
It's a wonder there are still residents there, same as Texas.
In a word, WEIRD!
The sunshine state.
What I read of him was odd, Bryan Sean McKown - test during COVID distancing he stopped a church service, and previously said he wouldn’t help round up immigrants. He was roundly criticized for both by FL GOP. Had he move to the MAGA side since & thus his nomination, or did he realize he was not who the naked MAGA Emperor thought?
Whew. That was close! Almost had a thinking person in the administration!!
Laughing and wondered how he got through!
Joan I cannot make a proffer but, it is my understanding Chronister has refused to drink grape colored Kool-Aid.
Maybe the insider that was taking money for recommending names sent this name in then realized he was a persona non grata?
Weird. I had the news on most of the day trying to follow the South Korean events. They must have metioned that a second nominee had dropped out 20 times over the course of the day but never mentioned his name. I thought that rather odd but assumed he wasn't one of the bright shiny objects. I was right about that. Bummer. He might have been okay.
CNN (7 bylines)30 minutes ago report that "martial law" has been lifted & that Yoon Suk Yell is facing fierce backlash.
Is it possible that MAGA might overplay its hand and suffer the same? I have wondered more than once if that might happen, but it hasn't yet.
And per The Bulwark, DeSantis is being considered in place of Hegseth.
He's a sadist.
Read in the New Yorker that when he was a JAG officer he visited Gitmo and witnessed water boarding on a prisoner and rather enjoyed the process.
Yes. I have nothing good to say about the man. He is not a lessor of evils, but what Trump seems to be doing is letting the media vet his candidates, and then if he thinks it won't work, he trots out the next equally horrid candidate, but without the things that were criticized in the first candidate.
He's not a drunk but is drunk on power.
Uggggh from Florida…..
Ugggg is right
Oh no! I’m sure the orange dictator figured DeSantis would look mighty qualified next to the drunk womanizer.Thus no push back from Maga senators.
At least he was smart enough to realize that he would be in waaaay over his head!
It is also an example of the kind of platform we need to reach people, and more of. Right wingers dominate the US mediascape. It seems that the people of South Korea were receptive to using Blue Sky and get its significance. They will even more so today as they have held on to freedom. I hope that enough American people also go onto a platform without the noise of Twitter-X and other Right wing media sources that we too can hold on if a fascist coup is planned. It is great to have South Korea as an example. Let our congress people start practicing their wall climbing skills as well.
I tried and can’t delete or deactivate my twitter so account. Never used it anyway but now it just sends me in an endless loop. I’m not much for those social media things. I feel too many have been poisoned by all the false crapola being perpetrated.
Bill—I was able to deactivate my Twitter account, but not delete it. Any tips from others on here would be greatly appreciated.
Log in to your X account
Select Settings and Support > Settings and Privacy
Select Your Account > Deactivate your account
Follow the on-screen instructions, including reviewing the terms and confirming the deactivation
Enter your password when prompted, then confirm the deactivation
Your account, tweets, and data will be permanently removed after 30 days. Your username will also become publicly available. You can reactivate your account (and retain your username) within this time period.
To prevent third-party apps from reactivating your account, you can:
Sign in to your X account
Go to Settings and privacy > Security and account access > Apps and sessions > Connected apps
Select each app one at a time and click Revoke app permissions
You can also download an archive of your data before deactivating and deleting your account:
Go to Settings and privacy > Your account
Select Download an archive of your data
Verify your password
Enter a code sent to your email or phone number to verify your identity
Click Request archive
X will send you an email or push notification when your data is ready
Click the Download data button to initiate the download
Excellent! - From a retired tech writer.
I can try again but I dint know my password and it sent me into a loop. I’ll try again. And you deactivate not delete I at least know that.
Deactivation triggers deletion in 30 days.
I got it. That was simple. I used my own new pass. Anyway, since I deactivated, you mentioned preventing 3rd party apps but if I did I would have to reactivate I think.
I understand that part.
But as Joyce said, isn't it good to keep your name so no one else will use it? You don't ever have to go there, and it's free?
The only way to do that is to keep deactivating and reactivating your X account. There is no limit to doing this. Deactivate and then reactivate within 30 days of doing so or your account is deleted and your username becomes publicly available. Kind of a pain to remember to do, but as far as I know, there is no workaround. You could also just simply sign in within each 30 day period without deactivating, but then your account would still be in public view with all that means. Inactive accounts (usually no sign-ins in 30 days) are deleted with loss of username. Deactivating removes your account from public view: people cannot see your profile, tweets and other content, timeline or follow or contact you but your data is stored on X's servers. Once your account is deleted your username becomes fair game and you can't recover it. If you're only an occasional user with an unidentifiable username probably not an issue, but if you use X professionally with a readily identifiable username, it well may be.
Thank you, Dale!!!
Followed you a while back. I'd appreciate a follow, please! @nicolesl.bsky.social A fellow cat and animal lover and writer
Follow me please! A knitting buddy!
Absolutely Deb, that's what we are going to need to do. I agree, it's an excellent example, and we can make it happen.
My sister is more conservative than I. She supports the pardon of Hunter Biden by his Dad, the President. Why? Because she believes that President Biden has dedicated himself and his life to public service and the rest of us owe him peace of mind. Enough is Enough.
Nobody likes Hunter Biden's behavior during the days of active addixion. Guess what? Hunter Biden does not, either. He has five years clean and sober. Trump, Comer, and associated dastards should not be permitted to drive Hunter Biden to the edge of suicide.
Just who is doing the weaponizing here? Let Representative Moskowitz (D-FLA) answer that question for you. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5116947/user-clip-hooray-jared-moskowitz
Hats off for President Biden protecting his son from that violent psycopathic insane hate mongering incoming FBI director. What about the future mass pardons of the J6 "hostages?"
The Orange Cult dwells in a stinking cesspool of lies, hate and venom. These low-life bottom feeders lost their main target to project their jet-stream of bullshit and distract people from their goal.....Project 2025 and the destruction of democracy.
The mass pardons would have occurred anyways. 🤢 The dastards do not realize that many of us are prepared to lay down our lives to protect our republic. ✌🏽I may barely hit the side of a barn with a firearm 🤭 -- not that I own one because I do not, yet 🤫-- but, fortunately, many of these M.A.G.A.-militia-men are as wide as a side of a barn. 😉
The Magat-Milita.... who will be the first sandbox toy soldier wanna be GIJoe to go down when AR15s start shooting back at them....when the deportations start.....when people find out their pensions are gone........their daughters were gang raped by MAGAT goon squads........
You crack me up, Ned!😆
Marlene, & me too:-)
Ladies, I aim to please. 🥳
Thank you, Nancy.
One detail I like in this clip is Representative Raskin's iron will by not cracking up in laughter. 😇 Yet he could not resist a scheiße-eatin' grin; 🥳 hey, unlike Reps Comer and Jordan, he is human. 😊
Jared Moskowitz is so clever and quick on his feet. He loves taunting Comer who is an idiot and he’s so good at it! Did you see even Jordan was laughing?
I love Jamie, and his stifled giggle.
You and me, both, Margaret. Representative Raskin is a very fine human being and a class act; I knew that when I was still a registered Republican.
Representative Jordan laughing? Even swine can have a sense of humor!
it was gas
Foul humor offends me. But foul-smelling humor cracks me up! 🤭
I agree...you can say pretty much anything, as long as it leans toward funny
Ned NcDoodle,
Representative Raskin is an American hero ! Thanks to his wife for sacrificing his presence as he serves.
My husband and I lost our son about the same time as they.
I also was diagnosed with cancer, lump was removed, doctors sent me home.
I take no meds, only vitamins.
Especially because his family and mine share this loss that will never leave us....I am moved by his dedication to the ideal of freedom and the action he has taken.
Thank God for the few and the true!!!!
Peace to you, Emily. I, too, have lost a son and so admire Rep. Raskin for his dignity, grace, compassion, and service.
Well, Margaret, obviously, my previous response to Emily applies to you. Thank you for showing me an example of "dignity, grace, compassion, and service." It has been forty years since I attended the funeral of a lifelong bud and a memorial for a cherished high school chum, each of whom had committed suicide. 😢
I still remember looking into the eyes of their parents and siblings; their mournful, bottomless expressions still smart in my old age. A prayer coming your way, too, Margaret, via FedEx. I am no longer a Xian, but I have found this grade school hymn to be a fitting tribute to you, Emily, my sister, and the many everyday states(wo)men who grace our lives. 😇
Dear, dear Emily,
First things first: a prayer on its via FedEx. Your adversity -- like that of Representative Raskin -- pains me to read.
My sister is also facing a life-challenging illness. Like you, she practices a daily regimen of aiding others to build her resilience and takes it one day at a time. I am so very, very proud of her.
Yes, Representative Raskin, and his remaining family members (especially Mrs Sarah Bloom-Raskin), have persevered in suffering reminiscent of Job.
Yes, Representative Raskin is a latter-day hero whose pain can only be deepened by his likely knowledge of the Book of Lamentations. Yet he never ceases fighting the good fight with all his might.
So, Representative Raskin is a "gimme" in the heroism department. I am sure he would join me putting you, Emily, and my sister up for membership in that select group.
You show me, and (l strongly suspect) others, that we all must be state(wo)men now. So, I thank you, Emily, as I do other men and women, for showing me the way forward into the envelopping darkness. 🤝
Moskowitz is priceless. A treasure.
We need to protect him and Raskin. I can see after January 20 so psychopath doing something crazy in the name of Dear Leader.
I am afraid and, sadly, I have to agree with you.
thanks for sharing that clip............it was GREAT!
Moskovitz is priceless!
That was a great clip! If I didn't hate DeSatan so much I'd move to Rep. Moskowitz's district.
Great fed thanks.
OMG 😆 I'd forgotten that bit by Moskowitz. Brilliant!
We have Bluesky. And we are a Federal Republic with a nearly 250 year history of representative democracy. It’s going to be rough but we are not South Korea or Hungary. Ron Filipkowski reported today that Trump has quietly agreed to FBI background checks for his nominees, and the media is exposing Pete Hegseth as a misogynistic drunk. All is not lost. Stay strong. It’s going to be a marathon.
Thanks, Steven Quest. I’d not heard he agreed to FBI checks. What or who talked him into it? Or they can’t get security clearance without?
Ron Flipkowski publishes a great daily newsletter. His take is Trump bowed to pressure. The Hill had a recent article indicating that a handful of GOP Senators including Murkowski and Collins made it clear they wouldn’t even consider supporting a nominee without an FBI background check. So, it’s a start. Trump is pure pathology and nothing but chaos and bad news but he’s not invulnerable. In fact, he’s a weak and failing old man.
He finally signed the transition MOU for the Justice Department.
Yes, I saw that. He thinks he can get away with murder but it looks like our rules and laws are steady and holding.
Not watching news and missing important pieces. Thanks. That & vetting nominees by FBI. What pushed him over?
I can't tell what excites me most: the banana blossom (I had NO idea!), the fact that BlueSky is about to eat what's left of Twitter's lunch, or the fantastic work by South Korea's Assembly in getting martial law overturned.
A good news post, and very appreciated!
I feel like we all need to use the Boy Scout’s motto: Be Prepared!
Thank you for the photo of Leeda. She looks all fluffed out and ready for chilly weather. Have a good night, Joyce.
Hi Monica. As is the Girl Scout motto. From wiki (and my own experience as a child): "Motto: The Girl Scout motto is 'Be prepared.' In the 1947 Girl Scout Handbook, the motto was explained this way: 'A Girl Scout is ready to help out wherever she is needed. Willingness to serve is not enough; you must know how to do the job well, even in an emergency.' The same holds true today." And our leaders took it very seriously.
I’m so thrilled and grateful with Bluesky. It’s wonderful that there aren’t despicable comments that can turn one’s stomach. I’m SusanMacNeilPhD@blsk Thank you for all you do.
I believe I’m @susanmacneilphdbsky. Social
Me too - tho I’m trying to find where to be and block some “how did that happen” followers. I’m @JoanEisenstodt there and here.
You have to give your bsky handle as it appears in the URL, Susan.
Hmm I thought this was it.
its: "@your handle.bsky.social"
Susan, are you @sooz…. ? That’s what came up in a search.
Found you Joan and sent you a message on Bluesky
Have never done Face book or Twitter…don’t plan on doing either or blue sky..do my best by reading emails and Substack columns…glad to hear x being abandoned…
I had the same thoughts you did Joyce about how quickly it could happen here. I agree with Deb below that they provide us a great example of how to not just resist but to obstruct and oppose tyranny.
Couldn't agree more!
Will tho the US House or Senate lead or follow?
Great question. I’m not sure. Right now I can’t trust anyone to do the right thing.
Thanks for the update on today's events and the pictures. Do you eat the bananas or feed them to the chickens?
I think we were all having visions of a possible future as the S. Korea news was rolling out. I've been uncertain about getting on BlueSky, as I've never been a Twitter user, and I'm unfamiliar with that type of program. But I think I'll check it out.
My anxiety is over the SCOTUS argument tomorrow on gender affirming care. That has such huge ramifications for my trans child who is in PA school to provide trans healthcare, and their spouse, who teaches disabled, queen and trans adolescents. Having this decision go the wrong way would be devastating for so many families.
I agree, Denise. I have a trans-nephew and am worried. He doesn’t seem to be too concerned because he is Seattle which welcomes the LGBTQ+ community.
My child has 18 months to finish PA school in Penn. But they are already considering options to move after graduation to Mexico or Germany where they have family. It's lucky for them that they have those options. And lucky for your nephew to live in a blue state. But I worry that may not be enough. 😢
Very glad to hear that Bluesky was up to the challenge today! I have been on it for awhile, but haven't attempted to follow any breaking news events. The mass migration of folks who were used to seeing and doing that on TFS is certainly going to help.
Donald Trump, the pandemic—his narcissism seems to have infected not just America but South Korea too.
It’s not necessary to give the US credit or responsibility for all world events. The forces of good and evil are battling it out world wide, as they have always done.
Yes, Deb - that’s Democracy in action v 1/6/21.
"It has been a quiet day here, thankfully, although I’ve watched the news from South Korea with a sense of urgency. Conservative, anti-feminist President Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law Tuesday night over what he claimed was concern about domestic factions he characterized as “anti-state,” saying they supported North Korea. It didn’t take much imagination to see something like that happening here under Donald Trump.
By Wednesday morning, local time, martial law was lifted after outraged lawmakers refused to accept his decree, which would have led to a ban on political activity and censorship of the press. There is a lesson for us, of course—how easily something like this can happen, even in an established democracy, and how important it is to be prepared, to activate public awareness and outrage, and to ensure legislatures will be a check and balance against such a power grab."
Almost forgot: @suzanneshaps.bsky.social
Lots of thanks to hand out here... thanks for the endorsement of Bluesky, i signed up. i have never been on twitter, and certainly had no interest after musk purchased it. Thank you also for standing up and speaking out. seems like too many people have taken cover after the far right has come to power. if people did that throughout history, the world would be a different and far more unpleasant place today. people like yourself, your readers, and the press need to continue to speak out against this catastrophe. Korea, France, here... a bit unnerving, and certainly not good for Ukraine. thanks also for the humanity with the live updates with the chicks... we talk about "dumb animals"... as someone who has raised sheep, dogs, cats, highland cattle and horses, i have never seen a four legged creature do what we routinely do to each other...
What I love about bluesky is that it was started by a woman a couple of years ago and that the staff encourages people to report and block MAGA people. There are block lists that have been set up to get rid of them. X turned very ugly once Elon got his hands on it. So happy to be in a space where the rhetoric isn’t obnoxious and cruel.
Banana tree? Now I am jealous! 💙
Turn in early for sure, Joyce. You deserve it. I tried to get a Bluesky acct from the first link you put up. This old dinosaur is going to keep trying. be here tomorrow, as we all will be.