I posted on FB that his disavowal is the FIRST indicator that news about Project 2025 is starting to get people's attention.

Let's keep it up.

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The old saying in the USSR was - don’t assume anything is true until it is officially denied in Pravda.

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This is off-topic... but I feel a distinct similarity between the 2016 Russian influence campaign (over HRC's emails) and what's happening now largely driven by media/internet over Pres. Biden's age.

He came back from his recent European trip ill, and I wonder who passed him the pesky bug. It sure affected his focus in the ensuing spectacle with 45 on cnn.

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Thank you! I was thinking the same thing. Of course, the chattering classes were all lined up and ready to go.....this time it's not, "But her emails!" It's "But the debate." Different words, getting the same effect. It's why I canceled the NYTimes today. When I called in -after having to be called back because of the "volume," - when I said I was canceling, the question was, "Because of the Biden coverage?" My answer was, You've got it!

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Then I heard (via historian Timothy Snyder) that The Times ran an op-ed on the 4th of July entitled “Why I Don’t Vote. And maybe you shouldn’t either.” A classic voter suppression tactic. As Snyder wrote “By the way : WalkAway (from voting, from politics) is a Russian op.”

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Once a respectable publication nytimes, no longer. They are making their feelings clear on how they felt when the President declined an interview they demanded. He does get to choose and he didn't choose them, consequently they go out of their way to smear him. It's dangerous to our democracy. More and more media across all classifications are only reporting that which gets them the most clicks or money. BE WARY, read everything, as painful as it it and VOTE WITHOUT QUESTION, VOTE BLUE

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Yes, VOTE BLUE. BUT we also must TALK. Talk about Trump's evil, crazy, ungrounded, lying, racism, and and violence. Talk about The Heritage Foundation. Talk about Project 2025. We are dialed in to the news but many people are not. It is up to us to educate people. "Wow, hard to believe that Project 2025 stuff." "Can you believe Trump did/said x?" "It is a total lie that ..." "Because of the SCOTUS ruling, Trump could ..."

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George Stephanopolis' interview on ABC of Joe Biden was so awful that I turned it off. Stephanopolis banged away at Biden, demanding that he prove he's not an addled old geezer and claiming anonymous administration officials insist he's been in bad mental shape for a long time, then demanding Biden get "evaluated" by an "independent neurologist" and release the results to the public. It was so condescending and disrespectful. By way of reply, Biden said he's been doing his job every day and cited his many accomplishments. He once again explained that on the debate night be was extremely tired and also distracted by Trump, who he could hear ranting loudly even though the TV audience couldn't.

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Teresa, if that author/anti-American writer was paid or received some kind of benefits from Russia, I would not be surprised, or if the Heritage Foundation or one of the other "100 organizations" that are hot for Trump slipped the writer some bucks, I would not be surprised either, in fact, I suspect one of those options is the correct one. Why would the NYT, a noted paper, print such anti-American garbage? I guess it's the same reason they printed one by Trump or someone that contained a lot of nonsense a couple of years ago. Someone is trying to sabotage the NYT and they are doing a great job of it. I wonder if Russia is involved with that too.

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Ruth. The NYT is trying to sabotage the NYT. Their new publisher is at the front of the line

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And people are referring to the author of that piece (and by people, I mean others than just me) was a twatwaffle.

That the NYT has given said twatwaffle a platform is just one more indicator of how far they’ve devolved in their quest to re-elect Diaper Boy.

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A repeat of 2016.....But her emails

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I cancelled my NY Times subscription last week using the online form. The reason: they didn’t say the felon should drop out.

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Good for you. All Biden supporters should dump their subscription. I did months ago.

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I cancelled mine over a year ago.

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Me too as well WaPo!

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I did as well. I got tired of their stable of right wing pundits getting published more often than the others, and their lies being unchecked. Marc Thiessen was the worst.

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Me too! Couldn’t wait to get that yellow journalism out of my house and off my computer !

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I cancelled also but it was a couple of years ago, Lost respect for them. I do enjoy their food section when someone else has a copy and do WORDLE but I don't have an account with them, play they game without logging in.

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Here's a non-NYT site for Wordle. It allows playing to your heart's content. There are a couple of other but they make you wait awhile before you can do a new Wordle puzzle. https://wordly.org/

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Carol-Ann, it's quite possible that some of those who had to be called back already subscribe to Joyce's Substack.

I have a feeling that it might not be too long before more of them sign up. That's because WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!!!!

When I was growing up, my parents (and teachers) told us this many, many times over the years: "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Too bad the press never heard that expression. If by chance they did, they're ignoring the meaning.

Carol-Ann, actually, I also "unsubscribed" to the NYTimes about a week ago!

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Beat ya by 7 Months, Dianne 😇

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Once I finally realized that I didn't believe half of what they were saying, I couldn't stand it anymore. I guess you were "enlightened" a lot sooner.

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Bravo Carol-Ann. I canceled the NYTimes in February when I got fed up with their ignorance about how undemocratic their coverage has been, and the stupid responses to my letters. This past week I got rid of WaPo too, because I sincerely believe the press should report the news, not create it. Lucien Truscott wrote this, which someone posted in a substack, and I share it here. He was a Village Voice reporter and he claims that the media makes money off of Donald Trump in a way that they cannot from Biden. I say right on to you and right on to Lucian. https://luciantruscott.substack.com/p/grow-a-spine-democrats

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inspired by commenter on Joyce's page here who are leaving the NYTimes, i canceled my Atlantic sub today.

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I agree, and canceled Atlantic a while back along with the NYT. For US news I now go to the Guardian, Spiegel, Le Figaro, Bloomberg and WaPo...although I am concerned about WaPo and Spiegel.

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The Guardian, yes; Le Monde, yes; Al Jazeera (sp), there are two sides to every story and when the tangerine turd and his henchmen did all they could to drive them out of US MSM, I figured I better see what the fuss was about.

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Yes, and the debate set up was awful for a person with a stutter. Two minutes to respond, 1 minute rebuttal (pressure) and no notes to help him to refocus with a maniac, liar crook six feet away. And he's been running the country and traveling all over the globe. Democrats are so quick to jump all over imperfections. Yes, it was concerning that Biden seemed confused during that debate. But not even a trillionth of a fraction of concern for the possibility of T in the WH. While Trump golfs and can do no wrong to his supporters, Biden is attacked and criticized by Democrats consistently. T needed no prep, of course, because all he needs to do is tell the next lie and it matters not to Republicans and seemingly many "undecideds". The 4th was depression this year. Thanks SOCTUS. We have six Kings already.

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Completely agree with all you say here, also Biden looked incredulous as well. Like he couldn't believe that the criminal was trotting out all his previously debunked lies and neither "moderator" blinked an eye. It was a complete waste of time and dangerous to democracy. DEMOCRATS MUST UNITE, we have to beat the lying right.

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I, too, wonder who passed him that pesky bug.

Trump demanded a pre-debate drug test, knowing Biden wouldn't bite.

Was Biden drugged by someone bearing ill intent just before the debate? Something that would last, oh lets say, 45 minutes or so before wearing off? Who knows?

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I felt so bad about Biden coming down with strep throat. After his recent busy schedule, the changes in time zones, and being on planes so much, his immune system would have not been so great. Had he not been sick, I bet he would have knocked Trump out of the ballpark.

Earlier that week, I kept thinking that not only would the moderators NOT do him justice, but they'd allow Trump to spend all that time being irritating and doing what he does best --- lying through his teeth!

The main reason I didn't watch (I chose to binge-watch "Matlock") was because I didn't want to see this kind, empathetic, great leader being treated like a lamb being led to slaughter.

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What's your source about strep?

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Yes, same question was on my mind. Pres. Biden said in the awful interview conducted last night by George S. That his doctor’s hadn’t identified what it was.

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David, isn't it sad we actually consider seriously something like a president being drugged to lose a debate to the guy who is the really incompetent one. It was pretty interesting that Biden improved as the debate went on and afterward at the small rally, he seemed fine. I certainly would not put it past a Trumper or Trumpette to do the drugging or someone who is in favor of the destruction of the US to do it. It would not be the first time someone harmed a leader. I noticed Trump didn't agree to be interviewed by ABC tonight but Biden did and he did fine for a guy who is not the best interview subject and never has been. Yet, reporters in Europe could only remark on his age. I don't see that age had anything to do with the responses Biden gave. They were coherent, honest, and mostly on target. It was the questions that bothered me, over and over asking if Biden had been checked out for his cognitive abilities. At least Biden didn't stand there spouting words he was to memorize for some kind of mental acuity test as Trump does regularly. It is hard not to think there is some kind of conspiracy to undermine Biden's campaign and I am wondering who is behind it and what he wants and from whom.

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Heritage Foundation & at leasr 100 more groups are behind anything hinky going on. Count on it.

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David, to tell the truth, I also felt like it was just too coincidental that he'd get sick. Sure, his schedule, etc., would make anyone his age feel a little tired and worn out.

So instead of actually using the word "conspiracy," I rambled about his strep throat.

My brain hurts just thinking about the debate. Adding insult to injury is hearing every day that yet more Senators, Congressmen. Governors, and other public officials are calling for Biden to step down from being a candidate. He's worked hard as President, and deserves to be re-elected because of that. Having Trump win is NOT an option. No way, no how!

Thanks to you and Annie Weeks for encouraging me to speak more freely!

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Dianne, keep speaking out and pointing out things that don't make sense. With all that's going on, it is easy to miss something, and we are all in this together!

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I actually had that same thought. Then it seemed too much like a conspiracy theory!

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Annie, the sad thing is that sometimes conspiracies are real. That's why conspiracy theories work so well; there is a tiny chance it might be true and that makes people want to believe this will be the one. Maybe this one is the real one because we saw what happened in the 2016 election and the crap that was going on throughout the Trump Administration. I would only believe it if there were actual evidence, but it will stay in the back of my mind because it seems so odd that people would abandon a man who has done so much for the country in the past 3 and a half years because of a single not-really-a-debate with a serial liar and practiced Gish Galloper. And, Trump was not publicly asked to step down when his lies were counted up to between 27 and 30 depending on what was included and he often made no sense. It is not normal! Trump is only 3 years younger than Biden and has demonstrated a definite inability to be coherent. Something is going on; it is just not clear what it is.

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Annie, I agree with you 100%! In this regard, please read my most recent reply to David Sea,


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Though I find it disturbing to contemplate, it's not in the realm of fantasy to wonder if there was some failure to protect Pres. Biden from a malign substance, whether in Europe or in the US. And it would not be in his interests, personally or as President, to suggest this, even if there is even a remote reason to investigate.

Recall the under-reported story that the former head of counter-intelligence for FBI NY was working for a Russian oligarch (one of Putin's favorites) during the 2016 election. And FBI NY had a very cozy relationship with Giuliani. Comey claims he believed the story about Anthony Weiner's laptop was going to be leaked by FBI NY, and so he had to get in front of it, thus his scandalous press conference so close to the election.

Anyway, I wouldn't rule out a malign actor (malign toward Pres. Biden and to American democracy) as being too fantastical, considering what we know, so far, about 2016.

Here are Timothy Snyder's columns about Charles McGonigal, FBI NY



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I commend ProPublica for emailing their readers on July 2 with a re-relase of the interview they did one-one with Pres. Biden on Sept. 29. https://www.propublica.org/article/biden-interview-unedited-september-2023?utm_source=sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=dailynewsletter&utm_content=feature&utm_term=The%20Daily%20Digest

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Teresa, thank you for sharing this link!

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Not that I'm a conspiracy theorist, but Putin has put in writing his intentions to destroy democracy, especially in the United States. You are correct. So much about the rise of media bias and right-wing strongmen are right from his playbook. So is Christian Nationalism, aka Fascism.

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Information warfare is where much of the battle for democracy, globally, is being fought. Russian GRU troll farms (China, too) are hard at work to sway the election for 45. And msm is, as in 2016, assisting them. This time around, imo, it’s impossible for me to believe they’re doing so unwittingly. Whether or not they are witting, certain major outlets (not just Murdoch’s) are serving as useful tools for Putin and anti-democracy forces.

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Teresa, we all should know that Biden is not supposed to get sick, right! If he does, it must mean he is too old, right? People didn't say that about Trump when he got and passed COVID on. I am contemplating your idea that Russia may be involved in the ridiculous obsession with Biden's age. I hear nutty stuff about old people now from people I would have thought knew better and they can't remember where they got the information and don't seem to care; they believe it, though.

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I suggested to the Biden-Harris campaign that they adopt a slogan that says, DEMOCRATS LIVE LONGER SO DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME, WORRY ABOUT THE OTHER GUY! Then there can be a whole campaign about the programs that Democrats have that help people to live longer lives. Things like funding medical research, trying to lower prescription drugs, legal treatment for difficult pregnancies, better wages, work safety, early childhood education, expanding social security, medicare, environmental standards and enforcement, food and drug standards and enforcement, etc...

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Love that Kremlin saying (:-)

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So did I. All things considered right now, a little humor is what we need.

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Oh, I agree with that Dianne, when things seem so glum we all need a laugh!

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Steve O'Cally, hahaha! where's the laugh emoji when you really need it?

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I agree that Trump authorized writing this "Truth," but I don't think he did it himself. No misspelled words, perfect punctuation, and no CAPITAL LETTERS. My guess is a campaign aide came in the room and suggested he post something, and he just said, "Okay, do it yourself. I'm going to visit the bathroom and make sure the last boxes are still there."

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I'd bet $100 TRump doesn't even know how to spell abysmal or know the definition of it!

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Yes, the word he prefers is HAW-RUH-BAWL.

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Assuming he's actually heard of such a thing as a dictionary, to this day, he probably wouldn't know how to use one. That would require using his brain, as well as knowing the order of the 26 letters in the alphabet.

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Trump is so close to illiterate He has very big problems trying to read and dissimilate what he has been reading. That’s why he dismisses everything before acting on it as seen in his last presidency for four years. The best he can do is cheat at Golf

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Stephen Miller…I bet he writes some of those statements.

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Channeling Joseph Goebbels and Grima Wormtongue. Birds of a feather.....

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Bet he loved writing the cruelest tortures throughout the whole book. Wouldn’t be surprised if he was the editor.

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..... and flush some more documents down the golden toilet.

I was also flabbergasted about that. We can always tell when he writes something by himself, because of all the typos and words that don't make any sense. I've often wondered if he knows how to use spell-check or grammar-check. Even if he did, the final version would probably still suck!

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See my post!! We think alike ...

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He doesn’t write anything hasn’t at all since he is controlled by the two Societies. His off of tongue comments they cannot control unless they dope him up like they did at his felon trial. When he fell asleep every day it kept him quiet, didn’t it?

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I cannot see tffg even knowing

the word “abysmal” never mind using it in a sentence! That was my first clue 🕵️

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And snort a few Adderall.

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... an employee at a troll farm near mowcow

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I agree with that. Thanks for getting the word out.

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Thank you for pointing out the hypocrisy between Trump simultaneously saying he knows nothing about Project 2025 and yet finds parts of it absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Wonder who wrote that script as I’m pretty those aren’t words I’ve seen him use before, although there’d be entertainment in listening to him try to pronounce them.

For those who haven’t seen it it’s also worth reading Heather Cox Richardson’s Substack from last night where she talks about the link between the Heritage Foundation, Project 2025 and the authoritarian and Christian Nationalist regime of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban: https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/july-4-2024

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I had a similar first impression of trump's post — perfect punctuation, no misspelled words, and no CAPITAL LETTERS.

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Exactly. And no mention of Witch Hunt, Biden Crime Family or Hannibal Lector. It also didn’t close with MAGA!

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And no mention of sharks or batteries.

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And no one in the chattering class even questions? No one at the IRS has checked out the cheek to jowl association between the trump gaggle and Project 2025? Just because it doesn't specifically mention trump it keeps its 501(c)(3) status? Gaaaaag.

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You are so right, Carol-Ann,

! And all those churches hosting Trump rallies. They should be investigated too!

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I have to suspect this is part of the reason for Trump’s disavowal. I think someone suggested this post to try to keep it separate. I also suspect he may be starting to feel like he’s being managed - to use the words of my childhood, no duh! - and it wouldn’t surprise me to see some incoherent rants about project 2025 in upcoming rallies.

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Well, he IS being managed, and is probably resentful of that necessity. I also think that he has become sensitive to the toxic effect that Project 2025 is beginning to have in the non-cult portions of the electorate. He's also trying to have it both ways, which renders him incoherent. His supporters find his incoherence part of his charm.

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Oh, Lord, here we go again. And he is the one the nattering classes are ignoring......

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His nose is getting longer and longer as the days go by. Before long, he'll need a SCAFFOLD to keep it from breaking off from that (cringe) face.

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Trump is no “mastermind”. He is a useful idiot. The folks at the HS ARE. If Donny is re-elected, he will be a figurehead for the “Vast RW Conspiracy” Hillary called out, although I’m not sure she knew how vast it really was. THEY are scary.

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At the time Hillary said that, the right wing movement was fairly nascent but she had the smarts to realize that it would be getting much larger. I would love to hear her thoughts now about the supreme court’s many awful decisions and P-2025. If she had any idea it would morph into the monstrosity we’re seeing today.

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She has an interview with Marc Elias that's on line now. Marc did a great job in the interview & praises her for being so aware. She talks about not being taken seriously on the subject. Google Marc's PodCast

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Marc Elias was her attorney. I think he could have ended up in the Justice Dept, had she won.

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I saw it. Haven’t watched it yet though. Can’t get off Substack 😄.

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I have that problem, too. BTW Garrison Keillor had a really good essay today about Pres. Biden, from the viewpoint of another man who is 81 and still alive and kicking... And I get busy with Joyce, Dan Rather, and Heather Cox Richardson. It's a wonder I have time to do anything else!

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Dan Rather has gone over to the dump-Biden side in the last couple days. I'm unsubscribed now.

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I was so upset to see that! Shame on him. He hasn't written on Substack since that column, and I just keep subscribed to see how he addresses the uproar he started with it. I'm hopping it was written by his "team" and will acknowledge the error of his ways.

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Not sure Dan is an all knowing genius.

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I have missed this. I'm sorry to hear it. Will pay more attention.

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Lois Anne,

Did Garrison Keillor return with his "Prairie Home Companion" program? I am so happy to know that he's still around and doing well.

When my husband and I were first married, we couldn't afford to go out very often. Fortunately, our neighbor told us about Garrison. Every Saturday evening, we looked forward to listening to another "installment" from Lake Wobegon. We felt like he was part of our family.

I'd love to hear or read his essay about Biden. Do you know how I could do that? Thanks for mentioning his name.!

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And everyone wants money. How about a group plan. Maybe like 5 authors for $100 per month.

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Joyce, do you think Hillary would like to answer five questions one day? She's never been afraid to speak out when it comes to Trump. The comments from SPW and Lewis Dalven made me think of her. I bet she's just as fed up as we are, seeing Lady Justice's scales getting more and more lopsided.

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that would be amazing!

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I, too, would appreciate that.

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Here's her interview by Marc Elias


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Thanks, Tim. I appreciate your help!

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I've also been thinking that Trump is their useful idiot. Just as he has been Putin's useful idiot. When Heather Cox Richardson's post last week mentioned The Mariupol Plan, my eyes rolled backwards. That's what Putin has had on Trump. It was never about the women.

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About Trump being a useful idiot: There is nobody better at implanting division and hatred in our country and in the world. Everything Trump touches dies. He is a deadly disease. He also is an expert on his use of the media to create this division and hatred.

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I don’t disagree…therein lies his usefulness! But my main point is, if elected, his own qualms if any exist would be overruled by the FS power brokers Leo, et.al. In order to enact the Fascist Theocracy they envision. He would be swept aside or succumb to a sudden illness if he tried to resist.

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Maybe, but it’s Trump who holds the power of the cult followers. Leo will have to assure Trump of power money and position to keep him.

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Note: I really don’t know that these I write about are true, y’all. They just seem to me to be true or at least logical.

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Too few people understand it or even know that project 2025 exists. All or my recent encounters with people of diverse race, including, hispanic, black and white persons, between the ages of 20's to 40's don't know what is going on and are insistent upon not knowing. I have been met with attitudes of nonchalance, which honestly scares me the most.

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I know way too many people of all ages who are also "insistent upon not knowing." Then there's the Fox News watcher who told me that Indivisible is a cult. We pro-democracy, pro-informed-citizen people have our work cut out for us for the next few decades.

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It would be nice, if part of that work, we could cut out Fox, as a subversive organization.

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The world would be a better place if Faux News never existed.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

The beleive in intifa too, which as far as I'm able to find doesn't exist. Because I'd join it.

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Hi Jen- Is it possible that autocorrect changed "ANTIFA" in your post?

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Need a laugh emoji. Spellcheck doesn't believe in antifa either

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

"Spellcheck doesn't believe in antifa either" -- now THAT's funny!

("Effin' Autocorrect!" is probably my most frequent follow-up message.)

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I may have dreamed this, but I think Steve Schmidt has already started a campaign of commercials. If I'm wrong, and someone knows him, please apologize for me. Thanks!

On the other hand, it could have been The Lincoln Project. This late in the evening, who knows what I'll think of next?

Seriously, Terri, I agree with all you're saying here. Since my friends are scattered all over the US, I've been sending emails to them, asking if they've heard of Project 2025. So far, none of them has responded. This makes me worried that they're Republicans now. I always knew that one has been all along.

The youngest is in her early 50's. They're from different ethnic backgrounds, and races. Like you mentioned here, maybe these men and women prefer NOT TO KNOW, because their minds are already made up. That scares me, too!

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It’s probably The Lincoln Project. Schmidt is no longer associated with them. TLP puts out almost a new video each day and they are really really good!

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I get confused because I read and enjoy both of their substacks. It took a while for me to realize that he'd left TLP. Had I not found Joyce's substack, I never would have learned about TLP or all the others that are out there in Cyberville.

I make it a point to watch those videos. If I can't, I move them to the file I created.

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Yes, they’re pretty great! All thought of by ex-Repubs. Dems need that kind of messaging skill.

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AND a little bolder!

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I think it's ignorance and the decline of important educational topics in schools. I also think that many people do feel despondent because the Federal Government has been dysfunctional for a long time. We don't even have anyone to work in the FDA to make sure our food is safe. Blue or Red, i can see why some have turned away from wanting to know or feeling like the government hasn't been paying attention to the people's needs. It's been bad for a long time. Not that there haven't been improvements, but there have also been setbacks. A huge population, people who live in poverty in this country are ignored and only a fraction of them vote so they are not a focus of even the democratic party. Long term Lyme disease is denied by federal government (created for bio warfare gone wrong) much like many illnesses vets suffer from. It's been like pulling teeth to receive basic rights and care. To not be gaslit by both sides. Wow, i didn't expect to express this much. All of these truths come into play, i think, when people think about our Republic and how basic concerns are disregarded.

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Whoever ends up being the Democratic nominee (and I'm of two minds about that), they should repeat ad nauseam that the people behind Project 2025 believe DT is not smart enough to effect those policies on his own, and that they'll be able to control him. Besides being true, saying it publicly will get under his skin no end, and that will only benefit the Democrats.

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It's Biden so acceptance and support for Biden to beat Trump is imperative.

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Trump will be removed if elected and the vice president appointed by the societies never elected by the people will rule the country as the society spoke person I don’t trust them for one minute. They are using Trump and the idiot doesn’t know it. He thinks he’s in charge.

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Is it possible for any republican to say anything that isn’t a bald faced lie?

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Exactly, or throw the focus to something else , ‘Gishying’?:the official act of diversion/acting in divergent tactics? Webster’s newest verb?

I ve paid little attention to TFG ( got him figured out months ago) I’m working on ‘our’ own blood-letting -the Democratic “in fighting “ brilliant dialog on tonight’s PBS NewsHour by Ms. Atkins-Stohr focused on ( also with David Brooks).

Stop it!

We are within sight of the finish line/mere weeks before early voting starts… HELLO!

I used to refer to the Republican’s throwing the baby out with the bath water…

I suggest everyone stream this nights Newshour please and listen up…regroup,get behind your captain ,who has righted our ship in this storm .

Divide and conquer is , and has been the game..are you going to let them do it again?



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Bless you. Thank you for your clarity and your sanity. From your PC to the chattering classes eyes.

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Can you find someone who could make bumper stickers, or better yet, T-shirts with that logo? Blue, of course. I bought one of Joyce's T-shirts, and wear it proudly!

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The official sites (Bidens-probably others 🤷‍♀️Lincoln Project etc) has all the gadgets ,shirts,cups,stickers, youd ever want . Expen$ive. Money and Control the false idols …but…

Your VOTE is #1 , FB feed, your carriage are top ‘influencers’. You can wear proudly and have a souvenir , or a target on your back because this is the choice. Choose wisely, folks this is NOT a game.

It’s a warning

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It is something to think about, isn't it?

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Like Ivory Soap they are 99.9% IMpure.

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99 and 44/100%…. Ivory Soap was forced to use that number years ago after I think claims it was 100% pure were contested

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Are you old enough to remember when Ivory Flakes came in a box, much like a cereal box?

Sorry for getting off the subject, but I couldn't resist!

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I sure do!! How about Borax and The Mule Team?

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Actually, I was going to mention "20-Mule-Team Borax" and "Duz Detergent" (with a dish inside) but got depressed, remembering the good old 50's. I still have a tiny red plastic car that came inside a box of Post Rice Krinkles.

Sorry for digressing. It's way, way past my bedtime. I no longer use beauty sleep as an excuse because it never worked!

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It's not in their genetic makeup. Not only that, but they're allergic to truthful people. Can't stand to be in the same room with them.

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"Project 2025" is breaking through to the people who don't normally pay attention to politics, and they don't like what they are hearing about it. And the MAGAts now realize that "saying the quiet part out loud" may not be the best idea they've had. Trump is now terrified that he's given away the scam.

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You, know, I am heartened by your post. Here's the rub......I don't care if they don't pay attention to politics, that's nice. What I care about is that they are registered and they vote. Fewer than 50% of eligible citizens vote. That's the problem.

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The voting record in this country is an embarrassment to democracy. How easy do we have to make it so that people are motivated to participate in the decisions that govern them? I have always thought that the electoral college process disincentivizes voters. They don’t see their vote as really counting, so why bother? Perhaps the one person, one vote (popular vote) would get citizens motivated? Although we have Congress critters on board with the same ideas we also have an obstructive, do-nothing GOP full of wing nuts!

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Bingo, thanks Carol-Anne. This is FACT though 66% did in 2020. You can’t cheerlead , it’s shallow participation , get involved especially at your local level. Complacency set in long years ago, quite natural, but everything needs maintenance and everything has its faults too.


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Yes, 66% of those REGISTERED voted. But of those ELIGiBLE to vote? Fewer than half...they are not even registered.

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Oh yeah!

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The authors of the Project 2025 document are the true danger. trump is merely their useful idiot. Regrettably, should his usefulness expire, it appears many other republicans are chomping at the bit to take his place. We MUST vote Blue up and down our ballots to defeat this movement!!!

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This project was a major focus of the CPAConference , Aug. of 2023. As I recall, Trump actually spent little time there, except to present the closing act. Plausible deniability for any policy making? He had declared his presidency months before. But Russ Vought, RNC policy director, and Kevin Roberts, along with Bannon and others who have been brazen about discussing explicit details are included in the description of “a constellation of conservative organizations preparing for a second term for Trump”. He may have forgotten; it was almost a year ago. I’m sure someone at the family RNC meetings has mentioned it to him recently, considering his boys and allies are involved in implementing the plan. Deny, deny, deny.


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Saying he doesn't know who's behind Project 2025 is another Trump lie. He knows.

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He opens his mouth? He utters a sound?

He lies.

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“I don’t know her, I never met her, I have no idea who she is.”

Trump, on E. Jean Carroll

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Not something he says about the devil...

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His lips are moving ... lie

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A neuron fires in his ‘brain’ - a lie.

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Projection, projection, projection.

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Abysmal is too big of a word in his vocabulary!

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He'll be trying to sputter that word out in one of his rallies when his keepers can't do anything about it.

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His listeners won’t know what it means, either.

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Can't you just picture his listeners grabbing their phones, tapping their little fingers as fast as they can, to Google the definition?

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That made me laugh.

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and spelled correctly

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My thinking exactly!

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Typical how the Mango Magaroon denies any knowledge of Project 2025, says he doesn't agree with some of it and wishes them good luck. A more confused and disingenuous person has certainly never inhabited the White House. SCOTUS was put in place by Leonard Leo in order to act as the proctors for Project 2025. Many of the recent utterances from the court have illuminated that. Dobbs, rule against upholding Chevron, past presidential immunity, ruling in favor of Jan 6 defendant, expanding time frame to sue Federal agencies, and others; all solidify the erosion of both regulatory power and the suspension of what was once thought as settled "law". The judicial activism of this Roberts court makes me feel it is more the Kevin Roberts court not the John Roberts court.

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Very well said, Gordon. Definitely the Kevin Roberts court.

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I would say it is also very much the John Roberts court. He is showing who he is. Senator Whitehouse has been talking for a long time, trying to educate the public about all the "dark money" behind SCOTUS. Well, it's not so dark anymore, it has come into the light how money and gifts have completely corrupted 6 members of SCOTUS. Roberts was not a moderate voice after all.

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I agree. I think the point here was that Kevin Roberts has made sure the court is stacked with extremists. I also think that John Roberts, with the way the court is stacked, finally doesn't feel a need to be moderate - he can just be himself.

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As Clarence Thomas says: "You ain't seen nothin' yet"

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Is anyone working to take away the foundation's non profit status?

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How disgustingly inappropriate is that? We’ve been financing them

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Someone would have to report them and so far, they are cagey enough to not, in writing, mention the tangerine turd or the MAGA party. Now after the jamboree.....

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

More focus needs to be on the aspect of continuity of Democracy, saving it from the Heritage Foundation/Federalist Society/GOP plan to take away rights that the Constitution and our ancestors stood for, any change in administration would be an opening for attack, literally and figuratively. I trust team Biden/ Harris to do this, that if there came to be an issue of diminished capacity that the 25th Amendment Section 4 would be applied as intended. Mike Pence should have applied it on January 7th ‘21, then he could have been an American hero and President for two weeks, saved US from most of this garbage but he didn't because he is an idiot. Vote 💙

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A religious idiot

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Yes, however, I have much respect for his son who reminded him that his duty and Oath were to his Country not a con man.

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One thing we can be 100% certain of… Trump has never read the document

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Until they publish it in graphic novel form!

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I'm betting that even in graphic novel form he wouldn't read it.

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Perhaps if it was summarized in half a page.....

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If there happen to be any words, none can have more than two syllables.

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or anything else

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I hope there is a lawful way to go after Heritage and get rid of their nonprofit status. That they are already recruiting with their “loyalty” agenda for government workers is also terrifying. I doubt if MSM will come out and report how don didn’t know anything about Project 2025, and then two sentences later says there are some things he disagrees with them. Each day something more frightening comes out. I’m glad I am subscribing to you, Joyce. I appreciate your knowledge and feel better that “we are in this together”.

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There is if everyone reports them to the IRS but an insider would be better like that guy last night.

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Trump is so utterly stupid he makes a statement and immediately lies about the statement he just made. How can anyone with even a brain stem and no cortex vote for such a moron. I'm still struggling through the boring and nonsensical Project 2025 - there's no way the non-reader trump has read any of it,.

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