Only the best. 🙄 The country just got that much more dangerous. On the other hand, I'm glad to see the lawsuits piling up, and I was especially encouraged and inspired to hear Bishop Mariann Budde tell Trump to have mercy on the people in our country who are scared now. An absolutely beautiful call, speaking truth to power, in simple, eloquent terms. So much more to do, but it is encouraging to see so many people pushing back. Thanks, Joyce!
He's "reportedly a Methodist" is how Wikipedia put it. He holds his daddy's seat in Congress, he is the epitome of being everything the MAGA party is legislating for.
His church, Rock Springs Church, is a congregational Methodist church which is evangelical and not affiliated with the United Methodist Church. About all they have in common is the name Methodist. I suspect that it is one of the many Methodist churches in GA that disaffiliated from the United Methodist denomination because we were too liberal.
I'm sorry, who are you describing? If you are speaking of the person who has called for the bishop's deportation, how is he "the epitome of everything the MAGA party is legislating against"?
You'd have to ask Rep Michael Collins, R-Georgia. He's so mad she asked for mercy for the LGBTQ and immigrant community during Trump's service he wants her "added to the deportation list". In Magaverse if you don't praise Trump they want you thrown out of the country.
It doesn't matter. We saw it. We saw her speak to them, kindly and clearly. We saw them take it in. We watched them squirm in their seats. We have a model for how to speak up-- we have several models, of course, but this one was quiet and dignified and cut right to the heart of it: be merciful. What matters is that WE got it.
I wouldn't call it squirming. What I saw was disgust and boredom. If anyone listened, it was only to sneer (Vance). Actually, I take that back. I was intrigued to watch Eric. He listened to every word she said, and was respectful throughout. Maybe there's hope yet? He has a great role model in his cousin, Mary.
You know, when Mary Trump stated on her book cover that her family had raised the world's most dangerous man, I thought it was hyperbole. Turns out she nailed it.
I didn't see squirming either, just performative masks(a la Homer Simpson). JD couldn't keep the straight face and kept looking over to his wife to affirm his silly annoyance. She was not giving it to him! In fact, she, of all of them, was listening with rapt attention. I'm sorry for her. JD is a weak man and below her in so many ways. OK- I'm done reading into the lives of people I do not know!!
It looked to me like deer in the headlights expressions on some, paying attention. Vance kept looking at his wife who was riveted and taking in what the bishop said as some others were. Melania, Ms. "Be Best" listened seemingly intently but with extra squinty eyes. Trump was listening and defiant to angry but it got to him. He said when asked that it was not a good sermon.. of course. Trump went to work to erase this. But the sermon reverberated elsewhere and was cheered. Trump is a sociopath. This discomfort I hope will last in some who like to think of themselves as righteous...including Trump.
“Squirm” is the exact word I immediately thought of. “Squirm” implies, “Let me out of here!” Nothing like having someone tell you hard truths to your face and you can’t leave!!!! And it is all on film. We all watched.
He walked out of that church and did the following. He doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but himself and he certainly didn’t internalize a single word from the sermon.
It’s too bad he has no shame. There is no humanity there at all. And (MAGA) people don’t care. He is at this point an ICON, in its true meaning: an object to be worshiped.
Did you expect him to listen or internalize anything? You truly need to accept the reality of what this man is. I was thrilled that she spoke out and millions of people have heard her. I'm not the least bit outraged that a sociopathic narcissist reacted as he did. Nor am I shocked that pigs don't fly.
Doesn’t matter how he responds or whether or not he gets it. The point is lots of fearful people will get it and may carry a pinch more of resolve and courage (maybe like Bert Lahr’s cowardly lion in The Wizard of Oz) to resist or speak up or actually consider the consequences of what’s going down.
He looked to me like a petulant child pouting after being called out, even though the message was delivered with a respectful non-threatening demeanor. He simply cannot handle being corrected.
His mother was really religious, a Norman Vincent Peale follower. He hated being taught to be good by his mother and bad by his father. The internal conflict must have been never-ending in his house. Then he had Roy Cohn as a mentor teaching him how to rip people off.
Norman Vincent Peale preached only one thing: Money. The power of positive thinking, ie money that's all the man preached. Not charity, not kindness, money.
I went to the Episcopal church as a youngster - was baptized and confirmed by Bishop Pike-and even though I now consider myself an atheist the little Episcopalian within is very proud!
Excuse me Deb Pierce McCabe, Off Topic: Birthrights.
I am just off a Zoom with Marc Elias' on Democracy Docket. which ended 5:00 pm Pacific. Over 3000 folks were on the Zoom-Webinar. Trump's attack on birthright citizenship guaranteed by the 14th amendment was a central topic.
Marc Elias mentioned that a federal case was filed yesterday 1/21/25 in the Western District of Washington at Seattle & will likely is the first very strong challenge. The case is already set for a Hearing essentially a Rocket 🚀 Docket.
The case is the states of Washington Oregon, Arizona & Illinois vs. Donald Trump et al.
Case: 2:25-cv-00127; That's 4 states: WA, ORE, AZ & Illinois.
This Seattle case is not to be confused with a similar case filed by 22 State Attorney Generals. But, this case is in the 9th Circuit on Appeal which bodes well. 👍
Hi Bryan I don't often see these replies, (sorry, the thread is so long and people begin to bicker here, of all places), but yes, the ruling on 1/23 by Judge Coughenour was very encouraging! Thanks for mentioning this. That must have been an amazing Zoom webinar.
It will be interesting to see in about 6 months where the US lies on the Global peace Index. Our place on that, is why I mainly live abroad and has been a reason for many people I know to move abroad. Right now we are at place 132 of all the countries on it. Will we drop more or keep this place with Trump in power?
If you are unfamiliar with a word ( I was too) just look it up for goodness sake! no need to make it contentious. Save your resistance for where it matters.
pro wrestling entertainment term. The wrestlers are just acting and the audience knows. But everyone goes along with the act to just enjoy the show. The more it goes on and the better the act, but the deeper the plot gets, as real-world issues come into the script the audience and the actors are not quite sure what is real and what is imaginary. It kinda becomes a self-inflicted schizophrenia with disassociation of reality. Look up Vince McMann and his wife. HCR has several posts describing the Kafabee of DJT. Its a form of confusion, blending of reality of life into reality TV ( fake). IT goes along with fan, or fanatics. Goeebles version was to tell a lie so outrageous, with so much repetition, the lie becomes believable.
Patricia, of course I did. I am trying to wake some of this group up. And Jon understood immediately, I don't quite understand why he wuld Diss me. He has been very straight up til now, but both of your comments smack of defensiveness. Why are you defensive about my illuminating the MAGA WWE game?
Patricia, my MAGA Buddy Dennis Hildebrand taught me a lot in our very intense discussion of late (much on open Substack, Mary Hall, but then also off line. I am keeping the discussion for the national Archives. This although he certainly didn't mean to divulge so much inside MAGA info. He thought he and his buddies were trolling me.
No one in the Republican Party is Listening. The DEI workers being put on leave, security clearances being pulled, LBJ’s 1965 affirmative action rules for contractors being overturned, etc. are contrary to to all that is normal in this country! We will be a white supremacy only country within weeks! There is NO-ONE in the Republican Party who has the spine or morals to go up against all that is immoral! May they all burn in hell!
Every time a reporter encounters a Republican congressman or Senator, they must ask them repeatedly about Trump’s actions to shame them and embarrass them about those awful actions that he is implementing. That may start to generate cracks in their universe.
Ask Charlie Grassley why Bill Clinton getting a blow job from an intern was an impeachment offense whole Trump can incite an armed , violent insurrection and that is just...what? Another day in thr office?
My point is that Republicans were highly upset about Clinton behaving so irresponsibly. He did, and I don't defend him.
What it an impeachable offense?
If the GOP wants to argue moral turpitude in Clinton's case, thrn they should be repeatedly called on to defend a violent armed attack that was incited by Trump.
That’s so incredibly disturbing to read. Are you blaming her for his actions? I voted for him both times, but he took advantage of his superior position and she was young and caught up in the fact he was the president.
That’s rude. She has been vilified for years for nothing other than falling for a handsome and charming man. It seems to be the “sex” part that so bothers people. Amazing how many have been brought down by this entirely human action: Gary Hart, John Edwards. But I guess that tack didn’t work for Trump.
Yes young and innocent. Then she yaps to her friend who realizes a bonanza of info. It almost brings down a president but it does have a negative effect on Al Gore who loses to one of the worst presidents W who then gets to nominate Supreme Court justices. I’m tired of watching loses.
Gee Bill, I wonder what makes you so qualified to judge? I guess you have lived a life completely free of mistakes and regrets. The rest of us are not perfect. It must be painful fir you to have to tolerate all of us imperfect people making mistakes all the time.
Monica is not the person responsible for our country finding ourselves in this moment. Not even close.
Why is the woman always blamed and the man exalted for poor sexual decisions? You know we wouldn’t have prostitutes and porn stars if men didn’t spend all their money on them. We wouldn’t have rape and sexual assault if the crimes were prosecuted instead of covered up.
First there was a massive backlog of untested rape kits so they pacified us and tested them all. Then nothing happened. Sometimes I thing if we recorded everyone’s DNA we have way less crime and rape would become almost non-existent. After all, if your DNA and fingerprints aren’t on file you will never be caught.
Seems like this thread is a perfect example of how trump’s actions lead so many down an empty rabbit hole. Stay focused on what is happening now. It will be the only way through this mess.
Please watch the Rachel Maddow Show from January 21,2025. I think you will be pleased. We;ve got to go on the offensive against this B.S. This IS NOT what we, as Americans, what to stand for!!!!
AR-15 has a 3-inch bullet and a range of 400-600 yards. And we're asked to believe that an assassin experienced in shooting this weapon chose a rooftop 150 yards away from a 6-foot+ 300 pound target facing forward fired and missed? Bullshit...this was a MAGA "martyr" who agreed to sacrifice himself for his "Lord".
Short hospital stay. Not afraid after hearing a shot. No follow up interview of shooter’s parents who are probably in the money. He is a magnificent con artist!
This comment by Trump is downright laughable as it is highly unlikely he has EVER actually read the Constitution in the first place. The mere fact that the Constitution starts with the words 'WE the people..." would be an instant turnoff for a man whose ONLY focus has been and always will be solely on "I, ME, and MINE".
Before everybody - including our esteemed writer, Prof. Vance - rushes to a copy of the Constitution and points out that §1 unequivocally protects birthright citizenship, let us remember that §3 of the same amendment also "unequivocally" disqualified from federal office someone who had engaged in acts of " insurrection or rebellion, or gave aid and comfort...etc." We all know that all the Justices, in tRump v Anderson, decided to add their own interpretation to the plain-as-day wording, which resulted in tRump escaping §3 sanctions.
Who's to say that at 5 Justices may here as well decide that, yes, §1 *seems* to be clear on birthright citizenship, but perhaps there needs to be clear and enabling legislation by Congress *specifically* allowing children of migrants lacking the requisite residence stature to acquire citizenship by right. Or some such legal twist that avoids acknowledging the plain wording of the 14th everybody THAT sure that tRump gets a loss here?
This is where the “originalism” train, headed north, and the “contempt for precedent” train, headed south (and on the same track), collide in the tunnel.
You and others continue to completely misread the 14th Amendment.
Insurrection is a crime defined in the statutes of the US. No one is just deemed to be an insurrectionist without the due process of law no matter what you or anyone else thinks. Despite Trump's reemergence to his "throne" and the gag factor of that awful event, he has never been convicted of insurrection (even if he should have been).
Our laws still hold in this country (at least so far) and even though we may all agree that he is a grotesque individual and unworthy of being President, he has not been convicted of anything except those document crimes in New York.
He had not been adjudicated by any court or by the Congress as an insurrectionist, so unless you think that we really SHOULD be a county where if you (our anyone else) THINKS someone is an insurrectionist then they ARE one, we all ought to be a little more careful about swinging this heavy "axe" at anyone, because as is often said, the next person they come after might be you.
Colorado Supreme Court disagreed with you, along with a sizable contingent of constitutional scholars and Law School profs who argued for the plain text of §3...Google is your friend.
Google can be your enemy if you jump to the wrong conclusion. I have of course read the opinion you speak of. You are correct that the Colorado Supreme Court (and its lower court) ruled him to be an insurrectionist.
But you may have overlooked (either innocently or intentionally) that the SCOTUS overruled that decision. And in the US the SCOTUS is the supreme decision maker for Federal law.
So even if they got it wrong, their decision is what counts, at least until another future SCOTUS overturns that decision. You and I might hate it, but just like Citizens United and the Dodds decision (which overturned Roe v Wade) their decisions are the "law of the land" at least for now.
And the opinions of a bunch of legal scholars no matter how brilliant they are and $125 will get you a ticket to Disneyland but aren't at all controlling in this issue.
Great question. They’ve been pardoned and I am not a lawyer. Even if they can’t, others will give guns to them. Jennifer Rubin interviewed Officer (rtd) Fanone today. He was clearly not pleased. Harry Dunn in his Substack expressed fear. I’d think all the Committee, witnesses, Dem Members and press are those who will need security but HOW can they afford it or live that way? I think of Medgar Evers in particular being shot while standing in his driveway. Where can anyone targeted be safe?
Per the ATF, if your conviction is for a federal offense, you would regain the ability to lawfully receive, possess, or transport firearms if you receive a presidential pardon.
Technically, or on paper, they still are, because a presidential pardon does not erase or expunge their convictions. What it does, however, is restore the civil rights that they would have lost absent the pardons. This includes the right to possess, receive or transport firearms. Also, in a state where convicted felons are denied the vote, a presidential pardon will not restore that and there may be similar issues with other state felon rights despite the pardon.
This: “ Trump’s abuses have to remain shocking, not because they surprise us, but because they are profoundly unacceptable and contrary to democratic principles.” It was apparent in the ether today that many Republicans in office were not pleased with what he did with the pardons. And this does illustrate some of the differences between even deep red politicians and the mad man they elected, the criminal who has no sense of a life of public service. One can only hope he has already gone too far, but I know better than to believe that.The lawsuits are heartening. The next 4 years will have to be lived 1 day at a time. Unless he leaves this earth before then. Again, one can only hope.
🤬🤬🤬 he freed 1500 traitors. People who tried to overthrow our government- people who tried to write their own laws, and these people are still writing new laws and changing long standing ones to suit their pleasure. And then they lie about it and pretend it’s all good and that you were imagining things.
He freed 5,000 Taliban terrorist to slaughter our troops and allies and now he’s stopping the refugees who kept us safe in Afghanistan. Just like freeing the scum that attacked our Capitol and our officers. How many of those officers voted for him again?
will the democracy index help us focus on specific areas? I just saw reports that agencies at DHHS, including CDC, NHS, and FDA, are being told "to pause all external communications, such as health advisories, weekly scientific reports, updates to websites and social media posts" (Washington Post) for an indeterminate time period. So, no MMWR, no updates on infectious diseases, including H5N1 avian flu spread. Also much information to health providers, scientists, media about a wide variety of topics. So will we get information about contaminated food, foodborne illnesses, drug overdose deaths, new drugs? So hoping your chickens stay safe and warm, because we may not know where Covid, pneumonia, flu, norovirus outbreaks are occurring.
Did you see that photo of him at the service? For a newly installed POTUS he was slumped down, looking sleepy. Not presidential in the least. Of course he was bored! Bishop Budde was not praising his behaviors. She was speaking truth to power.
Thank you, Joyce. Your voice is so helpful. I’d also like to encourage everyone to to watch Rachel Madow on MSNBC every weekday night at time. She is very helpful in keeping us apprised and calling out crooked politicians. God bless us all!
I look forward to the Democracy Index as a way to put circles around the chaos these MAGAts wish to unleash. Good to see the lawsuits are already being filed - lawyers in defense of Democracy have, it seems, been very prepared for this moment.
Call your Senators and Congresspersons and let them know there can be no "compromise", no "reaching across the aisle", no "respect for their point of view".
These are traitors seeking the overthrow of our Republic.
I agree completely! Any Democrat who utters, "Well, they have some good points" needs to be reminded that The Felon isn't the only one who can primary a candidate.
So much awfulness happening and it is only day 2. I hope there is a large cadre of attorneys to scrutinize and start proceedings on every single abuse of power. It needs to be immediate. We can’t pussyfoot around for a year and see how things go.
You're in luck, that's exactly whats happening. We're in a 100% better position than in 2017, when we hoped for the best and were caught flat-footed on every new outrage. Lawsuits were flying within minutes of his taking the oath of office, and there been flying since then
We've identified the beast and no longer hope it will morph into anything benign.
They won’t until their meds, the protections lifted on price caps, go sky high. Then they’ll blame Biden, maybe Obama too. No matter how much I read, my brain cannot understand.
Can we track those who were pardoned or had sentences commuted to determine if they commit further violent acts? If we are removing folks without papers for crimes, wouldn't it be prudent to follow those J6 folks?
Only the best. 🙄 The country just got that much more dangerous. On the other hand, I'm glad to see the lawsuits piling up, and I was especially encouraged and inspired to hear Bishop Mariann Budde tell Trump to have mercy on the people in our country who are scared now. An absolutely beautiful call, speaking truth to power, in simple, eloquent terms. So much more to do, but it is encouraging to see so many people pushing back. Thanks, Joyce!
Wasn’t she wonderful to really speak of G-d and to do it in her house.
One congressional Republican wants her deported.
That is SO FAR BEYOND DESPICABLE, there are no adequate words.
I feel as if all of a sudden I'm living in a different country....
You are.
Deporting Bishop Mariann Budde back to New Jersey?
Is she from NJ? New Jersey gave you all movie stars, singers etc. well a lot of them anyway.
She was born in NJ in 1959.
thank you
I wonder how that is supposed to work? Where do you deport American citizens to, particularly those born in the United States?
I would be ROTFLMAO because this is so damn funny if it wasn't so tragic and infuriating.
Not to mention stupid.
I was going to write the same thing today Jon, Thanks for doing my typing for me
He's "reportedly a Methodist" is how Wikipedia put it. He holds his daddy's seat in Congress, he is the epitome of being everything the MAGA party is legislating for.
His church, Rock Springs Church, is a congregational Methodist church which is evangelical and not affiliated with the United Methodist Church. About all they have in common is the name Methodist. I suspect that it is one of the many Methodist churches in GA that disaffiliated from the United Methodist denomination because we were too liberal.
I'm sorry, who are you describing? If you are speaking of the person who has called for the bishop's deportation, how is he "the epitome of everything the MAGA party is legislating against"?
I'm very confused, too!
The statement above says the GA republican calling for deportation is, "everything the MAGA party is legislating for." not against.
Ah. She changed it. Makes more sense now.
Who is?
Mike Collins of GA. Not my Congressman, but he has been there for a couple of terms, at least. My new Congressman is probably even worse.
He’s the biggest joke there is. Extremely racist and misogynist with zero intelligence. But that’s why they vote for him.
"Who's on first"
To New Jersey?
Deoorted to where?
You'd have to ask Rep Michael Collins, R-Georgia. He's so mad she asked for mercy for the LGBTQ and immigrant community during Trump's service he wants her "added to the deportation list". In Magaverse if you don't praise Trump they want you thrown out of the country.
She made them all sooo uncomfortable and did it in an eloquent way. She has paved and has showed us the way.
I doubt the CONVICT or the immigrant wife care.
It doesn't matter. We saw it. We saw her speak to them, kindly and clearly. We saw them take it in. We watched them squirm in their seats. We have a model for how to speak up-- we have several models, of course, but this one was quiet and dignified and cut right to the heart of it: be merciful. What matters is that WE got it.
I wouldn't call it squirming. What I saw was disgust and boredom. If anyone listened, it was only to sneer (Vance). Actually, I take that back. I was intrigued to watch Eric. He listened to every word she said, and was respectful throughout. Maybe there's hope yet? He has a great role model in his cousin, Mary.
I was thinking the same thing about Eric at first. Then I watched it again and now believe he was fuming.
probably yes.. the "boys" remind me of Usay and Uday, Saddam Hussein's
Na, Mary, the women were also Masks of interest. Easy to misread.
You know, when Mary Trump stated on her book cover that her family had raised the world's most dangerous man, I thought it was hyperbole. Turns out she nailed it.
I didn't see squirming either, just performative masks(a la Homer Simpson). JD couldn't keep the straight face and kept looking over to his wife to affirm his silly annoyance. She was not giving it to him! In fact, she, of all of them, was listening with rapt attention. I'm sorry for her. JD is a weak man and below her in so many ways. OK- I'm done reading into the lives of people I do not know!!
what I thunked
It looked to me like deer in the headlights expressions on some, paying attention. Vance kept looking at his wife who was riveted and taking in what the bishop said as some others were. Melania, Ms. "Be Best" listened seemingly intently but with extra squinty eyes. Trump was listening and defiant to angry but it got to him. He said when asked that it was not a good sermon.. of course. Trump went to work to erase this. But the sermon reverberated elsewhere and was cheered. Trump is a sociopath. This discomfort I hope will last in some who like to think of themselves as righteous...including Trump.
"but with extra squinty eyes" FOTFLMAO!!! (She looked SO relieved when it was over, tossed away her bulletin.)
“Squirm” is the exact word I immediately thought of. “Squirm” implies, “Let me out of here!” Nothing like having someone tell you hard truths to your face and you can’t leave!!!! And it is all on film. We all watched.
"Nothing like having someone tell you hard truths to your face and you can’t leave!!!!" You've got it to a "T".
Yes a great model. And we need more like this. Squirming doesn’t go away easily or readily. I’m all in for that kind of torture.
He walked out of that church and did the following. He doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but himself and he certainly didn’t internalize a single word from the sermon.
He doesn’t care about religion or church. It’s all performative to him. I imagine Melania is no different.
Wonder how much she was paid for the last 3 days. This is the last you'll see her for months
I hope she got paid a lot so she can buy some new clothes....
40 million by Bezos to show up.
OMG really ?
"I really don't care, do you?"
Remember that Green Jacket!
I confess, I wanted one...
"" - see him squirm in his seat and state that it was not a good service! Shame on this so-called president!
It’s too bad he has no shame. There is no humanity there at all. And (MAGA) people don’t care. He is at this point an ICON, in its true meaning: an object to be worshiped.
many death threats sent to the bishop. charming group those magas
All Christians, I suppose?
no way to tell....
Did you expect him to listen or internalize anything? You truly need to accept the reality of what this man is. I was thrilled that she spoke out and millions of people have heard her. I'm not the least bit outraged that a sociopathic narcissist reacted as he did. Nor am I shocked that pigs don't fly.
The irony is thick. He wants to “return” to merit-based opportunities but then nominates people for his cabinet who are clearly unqualified or worse.
He is the epitome of pay to play.
Doesn’t matter how he responds or whether or not he gets it. The point is lots of fearful people will get it and may carry a pinch more of resolve and courage (maybe like Bert Lahr’s cowardly lion in The Wizard of Oz) to resist or speak up or actually consider the consequences of what’s going down.
Yup, and gotten away with it all his life..pegged him in 2015! 10 YEARS AGO… WAKE up America!
He was really squirming in his seat while she was speaking! LOL!
He looked to me like a petulant child pouting after being called out, even though the message was delivered with a respectful non-threatening demeanor. He simply cannot handle being corrected.
Yes, that is how I see him too:
A Petulant Child.
His mother was really religious, a Norman Vincent Peale follower. He hated being taught to be good by his mother and bad by his father. The internal conflict must have been never-ending in his house. Then he had Roy Cohn as a mentor teaching him how to rip people off.
Norman Vincent Peale preached only one thing: Money. The power of positive thinking, ie money that's all the man preached. Not charity, not kindness, money.
I disagree. My mother was a follower. She was the best Christian I ever met and we were never taught money over kindness and charity.
I am not a religious person, but Bishop Budde is my new heroine.
Finally someone who sees the Love, Mercy and Grace on stage.
She showed grace. It was so awesome!
My She-Ro!!!!
I so agree - proud to be Episcopalian today!
Me too. She actually reminds me of the priests in my church.
I went to the Episcopal church as a youngster - was baptized and confirmed by Bishop Pike-and even though I now consider myself an atheist the little Episcopalian within is very proud!
…that’s all HE ever asked for Alison ..🫶
Excuse me Deb Pierce McCabe, Off Topic: Birthrights.
I am just off a Zoom with Marc Elias' on Democracy Docket. which ended 5:00 pm Pacific. Over 3000 folks were on the Zoom-Webinar. Trump's attack on birthright citizenship guaranteed by the 14th amendment was a central topic.
Marc Elias mentioned that a federal case was filed yesterday 1/21/25 in the Western District of Washington at Seattle & will likely is the first very strong challenge. The case is already set for a Hearing essentially a Rocket 🚀 Docket.
The case is the states of Washington Oregon, Arizona & Illinois vs. Donald Trump et al.
Case: 2:25-cv-00127; That's 4 states: WA, ORE, AZ & Illinois.
This Seattle case is not to be confused with a similar case filed by 22 State Attorney Generals. But, this case is in the 9th Circuit on Appeal which bodes well. 👍
Hi Bryan I don't often see these replies, (sorry, the thread is so long and people begin to bicker here, of all places), but yes, the ruling on 1/23 by Judge Coughenour was very encouraging! Thanks for mentioning this. That must have been an amazing Zoom webinar.
It will be interesting to see in about 6 months where the US lies on the Global peace Index. Our place on that, is why I mainly live abroad and has been a reason for many people I know to move abroad. Right now we are at place 132 of all the countries on it. Will we drop more or keep this place with Trump in power?
I am glad that Professor Vance is doing the Democracy Index. I just subscribed to The Contrarian.
bruce , if you drop a word not in common use, please define it, we are not playing scrabble here.....
Using that word is exactly the point I'm trying to me make. We don't get it. Please read the article in the Guardian, Patricia.
It's not so uncommon.
perhaps not to men and boys
If you are unfamiliar with a word ( I was too) just look it up for goodness sake! no need to make it contentious. Save your resistance for where it matters.
Posting a word like that begs comment. It was thrown out as a challenge.
Love it! Indeed! I'll be curious to see how many people on this site actually know what that word means without looking it up! Go Gorgeous George!
I don't know what it means....
pro wrestling entertainment term. The wrestlers are just acting and the audience knows. But everyone goes along with the act to just enjoy the show. The more it goes on and the better the act, but the deeper the plot gets, as real-world issues come into the script the audience and the actors are not quite sure what is real and what is imaginary. It kinda becomes a self-inflicted schizophrenia with disassociation of reality. Look up Vince McMann and his wife. HCR has several posts describing the Kafabee of DJT. Its a form of confusion, blending of reality of life into reality TV ( fake). IT goes along with fan, or fanatics. Goeebles version was to tell a lie so outrageous, with so much repetition, the lie becomes believable.
Thanks for this excellent definition
OK a wrestling term for fake can't we just say lying geez
Everything under Trump must be in a-parts terms. They’re the only words he comprehends.
This should say sports terms.
You don't need to call me that Jon. What have I done to you?
you're the one who called out the wrestling word....
Patricia, of course I did. I am trying to wake some of this group up. And Jon understood immediately, I don't quite understand why he wuld Diss me. He has been very straight up til now, but both of your comments smack of defensiveness. Why are you defensive about my illuminating the MAGA WWE game?
Am I breaking Kayfabe?
Bruce sorry that was absolutely a joke!
Sorry,I believe Jon and I are guilty of snark not dis. Also if you want to speak to regulars don't use weird words, that's all !
Patricia, my MAGA Buddy Dennis Hildebrand taught me a lot in our very intense discussion of late (much on open Substack, Mary Hall, but then also off line. I am keeping the discussion for the national Archives. This although he certainly didn't mean to divulge so much inside MAGA info. He thought he and his buddies were trolling me.
I’m in FB👎
The Rotting Mango's action is always tie things up in courts for eons. It's only the beginning.
No one in the Republican Party is Listening. The DEI workers being put on leave, security clearances being pulled, LBJ’s 1965 affirmative action rules for contractors being overturned, etc. are contrary to to all that is normal in this country! We will be a white supremacy only country within weeks! There is NO-ONE in the Republican Party who has the spine or morals to go up against all that is immoral! May they all burn in hell!
Every time a reporter encounters a Republican congressman or Senator, they must ask them repeatedly about Trump’s actions to shame them and embarrass them about those awful actions that he is implementing. That may start to generate cracks in their universe.
Ask Charlie Grassley why Bill Clinton getting a blow job from an intern was an impeachment offense whole Trump can incite an armed , violent insurrection and that is just...what? Another day in thr office?
Because violence is good and sex is bad. Don't you know that by now?
Welcome to Amerikkka!
Sorry I just can't help myself. 🙃
That was in the pre-trump era before he showed us what a truly bad president can do.
You mean Monica?
My point is that Republicans were highly upset about Clinton behaving so irresponsibly. He did, and I don't defend him.
What it an impeachable offense?
If the GOP wants to argue moral turpitude in Clinton's case, thrn they should be repeatedly called on to defend a violent armed attack that was incited by Trump.
And Rape, Fraud, and theft of classified docs. . . .
That’s so incredibly disturbing to read. Are you blaming her for his actions? I voted for him both times, but he took advantage of his superior position and she was young and caught up in the fact he was the president.
I reported him. I wish Joyce and others monitored comments like Robert and Scott.
I fixed it
That’s rude. She has been vilified for years for nothing other than falling for a handsome and charming man. It seems to be the “sex” part that so bothers people. Amazing how many have been brought down by this entirely human action: Gary Hart, John Edwards. But I guess that tack didn’t work for Trump.
Yeah Bill wasn't a rapist. Even the male senators wouldn't defend him.
Yes young and innocent. Then she yaps to her friend who realizes a bonanza of info. It almost brings down a president but it does have a negative effect on Al Gore who loses to one of the worst presidents W who then gets to nominate Supreme Court justices. I’m tired of watching loses.
Gee Bill, I wonder what makes you so qualified to judge? I guess you have lived a life completely free of mistakes and regrets. The rest of us are not perfect. It must be painful fir you to have to tolerate all of us imperfect people making mistakes all the time.
Monica is not the person responsible for our country finding ourselves in this moment. Not even close.
Ahum.. because it’s an opinion blog, maybe?
No I thought I implied it was Bill Clinton. Monica was immature and besides she just couldn’t wait to tell someone. But I never said she started it.
I’m only pointing out cause and effect. And unintended consequences.
Why is the woman always blamed and the man exalted for poor sexual decisions? You know we wouldn’t have prostitutes and porn stars if men didn’t spend all their money on them. We wouldn’t have rape and sexual assault if the crimes were prosecuted instead of covered up.
First there was a massive backlog of untested rape kits so they pacified us and tested them all. Then nothing happened. Sometimes I thing if we recorded everyone’s DNA we have way less crime and rape would become almost non-existent. After all, if your DNA and fingerprints aren’t on file you will never be caught.
Good grief, Bill! Is that comment civil discourse?
Sorry but I fixed it
Based on your explanations to others who cried foul, I think you were alluding to the idiom “LOOSE lips sink ships.”
Absolutely not. That’s disgusting and unacceptable.
Seems like this thread is a perfect example of how trump’s actions lead so many down an empty rabbit hole. Stay focused on what is happening now. It will be the only way through this mess.
you mean there was more than one ?
Were there others that you know of?
I don’t think it would do any good to shame them— they are shameless!
Willfully Ignorant Sheep/Cultists. Hopefully the "find out" phase of the program will bite them VERY HARD in the backside. . . . dimwits . . .
Sooner than later too
I doubt it. They are dug in
Whatever it takes!
Please watch the Rachel Maddow Show from January 21,2025. I think you will be pleased. We;ve got to go on the offensive against this B.S. This IS NOT what we, as Americans, what to stand for!!!!
ANY time a political figure claims that they have been "saved by God", your BS detector should be ringing.
How many think he hired that shooter?
I think it was set up somehow. It looked like he knew it was coming. Fake movie blood? And, imagine jumping UP after being shot at. Who does that?
AR-15 has a 3-inch bullet and a range of 400-600 yards. And we're asked to believe that an assassin experienced in shooting this weapon chose a rooftop 150 yards away from a 6-foot+ 300 pound target facing forward fired and missed? Bullshit...this was a MAGA "martyr" who agreed to sacrifice himself for his "Lord".
Louise, I too have wondered the same. Then I’d say to myself, “Nah.” Still it’s all too …odd.” Still.
Staged. Definitely
what about the dead guy in the stands ?
I think people just don't want to believe the secret service is that stupid, let me tell you they are.
I would not doubt it
And they should be taken off to the nearest hospital in order to test
Their relationship to reality.
Short hospital stay. Not afraid after hearing a shot. No follow up interview of shooter’s parents who are probably in the money. He is a magnificent con artist!
Karen H, I agree w an edit out of ‘magnificent’. How about nefarious or abominable contemptible? You can, I’m sure, add other pejoratives.
"We will not forget our Constitution."
This comment by Trump is downright laughable as it is highly unlikely he has EVER actually read the Constitution in the first place. The mere fact that the Constitution starts with the words 'WE the people..." would be an instant turnoff for a man whose ONLY focus has been and always will be solely on "I, ME, and MINE".
I guess it’s “ME the people” to him.
Good one, Annie!
Before everybody - including our esteemed writer, Prof. Vance - rushes to a copy of the Constitution and points out that §1 unequivocally protects birthright citizenship, let us remember that §3 of the same amendment also "unequivocally" disqualified from federal office someone who had engaged in acts of " insurrection or rebellion, or gave aid and comfort...etc." We all know that all the Justices, in tRump v Anderson, decided to add their own interpretation to the plain-as-day wording, which resulted in tRump escaping §3 sanctions.
Who's to say that at 5 Justices may here as well decide that, yes, §1 *seems* to be clear on birthright citizenship, but perhaps there needs to be clear and enabling legislation by Congress *specifically* allowing children of migrants lacking the requisite residence stature to acquire citizenship by right. Or some such legal twist that avoids acknowledging the plain wording of the 14th everybody THAT sure that tRump gets a loss here?
This is where the “originalism” train, headed north, and the “contempt for precedent” train, headed south (and on the same track), collide in the tunnel.
You and others continue to completely misread the 14th Amendment.
Insurrection is a crime defined in the statutes of the US. No one is just deemed to be an insurrectionist without the due process of law no matter what you or anyone else thinks. Despite Trump's reemergence to his "throne" and the gag factor of that awful event, he has never been convicted of insurrection (even if he should have been).
Our laws still hold in this country (at least so far) and even though we may all agree that he is a grotesque individual and unworthy of being President, he has not been convicted of anything except those document crimes in New York.
He had not been adjudicated by any court or by the Congress as an insurrectionist, so unless you think that we really SHOULD be a county where if you (our anyone else) THINKS someone is an insurrectionist then they ARE one, we all ought to be a little more careful about swinging this heavy "axe" at anyone, because as is often said, the next person they come after might be you.
I agree. Hes a felon, but even Jack Smith wouldn't agree that he's an insurrectionist. (Yet.)
Colorado Supreme Court disagreed with you, along with a sizable contingent of constitutional scholars and Law School profs who argued for the plain text of §3...Google is your friend.
Google can be your enemy if you jump to the wrong conclusion. I have of course read the opinion you speak of. You are correct that the Colorado Supreme Court (and its lower court) ruled him to be an insurrectionist.
But you may have overlooked (either innocently or intentionally) that the SCOTUS overruled that decision. And in the US the SCOTUS is the supreme decision maker for Federal law.
So even if they got it wrong, their decision is what counts, at least until another future SCOTUS overturns that decision. You and I might hate it, but just like Citizens United and the Dodds decision (which overturned Roe v Wade) their decisions are the "law of the land" at least for now.
And the opinions of a bunch of legal scholars no matter how brilliant they are and $125 will get you a ticket to Disneyland but aren't at all controlling in this issue.
Of everything you wrote, that post by the "american shaman" chills me to the bone.
Can they buy guns?
Great question. They’ve been pardoned and I am not a lawyer. Even if they can’t, others will give guns to them. Jennifer Rubin interviewed Officer (rtd) Fanone today. He was clearly not pleased. Harry Dunn in his Substack expressed fear. I’d think all the Committee, witnesses, Dem Members and press are those who will need security but HOW can they afford it or live that way? I think of Medgar Evers in particular being shot while standing in his driveway. Where can anyone targeted be safe?
What is being done is MONSTROUS!
See Dale of Green Gables's excellent posts which clarify this.
Yikes — it’s terrifying
Per the ATF, if your conviction is for a federal offense, you would regain the ability to lawfully receive, possess, or transport firearms if you receive a presidential pardon.
I read 14 of the J-6ers had their sentences commuted, but were not pardoned. Their convictions should stand and not allow them to own firearms, right?
Why would anyone expect them to adhere to the law now. And many states have permitless carry now.
But they can be prosecuted under the law if they break it.
That's hilarious.
That is correct. A commutation is NOT the same as a pardon, and rights are NOT restored after a commutation.
That's correct. A commutation does not restore the civil rights that a presidential pardon does, it only reduces the severity of the penalty.
Yes. They are no longer felons. (Am I right about this, anyone? Joyce? Any lawyers who read Joyce's outstanding substack?)
Technically, or on paper, they still are, because a presidential pardon does not erase or expunge their convictions. What it does, however, is restore the civil rights that they would have lost absent the pardons. This includes the right to possess, receive or transport firearms. Also, in a state where convicted felons are denied the vote, a presidential pardon will not restore that and there may be similar issues with other state felon rights despite the pardon.
Thank you for that information. And: SHUDDER!
Yes, and the arrest and conviction do not get erased and are still are of record.
May I say, BIG EFF'g DEAL!
This: “ Trump’s abuses have to remain shocking, not because they surprise us, but because they are profoundly unacceptable and contrary to democratic principles.” It was apparent in the ether today that many Republicans in office were not pleased with what he did with the pardons. And this does illustrate some of the differences between even deep red politicians and the mad man they elected, the criminal who has no sense of a life of public service. One can only hope he has already gone too far, but I know better than to believe that.The lawsuits are heartening. The next 4 years will have to be lived 1 day at a time. Unless he leaves this earth before then. Again, one can only hope.
Sadly that will only bring on the era of Vance... and I do not mean Joyce but JD.
That would be Peter Theil running the country and he’s prepared to take over.
You are right but I can't "like" this, I hate it SO MUCH!
If that happens we keep on fighting the good fight!
🤬🤬🤬 he freed 1500 traitors. People who tried to overthrow our government- people who tried to write their own laws, and these people are still writing new laws and changing long standing ones to suit their pleasure. And then they lie about it and pretend it’s all good and that you were imagining things.
Call them out loud every day!
He freed 5,000 Taliban terrorist to slaughter our troops and allies and now he’s stopping the refugees who kept us safe in Afghanistan. Just like freeing the scum that attacked our Capitol and our officers. How many of those officers voted for him again?
Our challenge is to inform those who are not engaged. This is not the time to go back to ignoring the news. The next election starts today.
will the democracy index help us focus on specific areas? I just saw reports that agencies at DHHS, including CDC, NHS, and FDA, are being told "to pause all external communications, such as health advisories, weekly scientific reports, updates to websites and social media posts" (Washington Post) for an indeterminate time period. So, no MMWR, no updates on infectious diseases, including H5N1 avian flu spread. Also much information to health providers, scientists, media about a wide variety of topics. So will we get information about contaminated food, foodborne illnesses, drug overdose deaths, new drugs? So hoping your chickens stay safe and warm, because we may not know where Covid, pneumonia, flu, norovirus outbreaks are occurring.
That pretty much fits the GQP healthcare plan - die quickly and quietly . . .
Keep an eye on local news. States and counties have public health depts. Federal assistance may be zero for four years in every area.
Not to mention pulling out of WHO. (World Health Organization) I guess the US will be on its own once the next infectious disease arrives.
That’s downright scary!
Right! I’ve read emails pausing hiring efforts by the IRS as of yesterday.
So we can quit paying our taxes because no one will come after us.
I guess that is because of the Project 2025 plan of hiring only loyalists.
Bishop Budde quietly, calmly, respectfully laying it out.
Trump saying it was a boring service.
How many church services has he ever attended to compare with!
We watch and note and contact officials calmly and respectfully.
Trumpsters may be loud and rude, we respond as adults.
Did you see that photo of him at the service? For a newly installed POTUS he was slumped down, looking sleepy. Not presidential in the least. Of course he was bored! Bishop Budde was not praising his behaviors. She was speaking truth to power.
Thank you, Joyce. Your voice is so helpful. I’d also like to encourage everyone to to watch Rachel Madow on MSNBC every weekday night at time. She is very helpful in keeping us apprised and calling out crooked politicians. God bless us all!
So are Nicolle Wallace, Lawrence O’Donnell and Ali Velshi.
And Joy Reid and Chris Hayes
She lost me when she reduced Elon’s Nazi salute to a Roman Salute.
I look forward to the Democracy Index as a way to put circles around the chaos these MAGAts wish to unleash. Good to see the lawsuits are already being filed - lawyers in defense of Democracy have, it seems, been very prepared for this moment.
Call your Senators and Congresspersons and let them know there can be no "compromise", no "reaching across the aisle", no "respect for their point of view".
These are traitors seeking the overthrow of our Republic.
I agree completely! Any Democrat who utters, "Well, they have some good points" needs to be reminded that The Felon isn't the only one who can primary a candidate.
So much awfulness happening and it is only day 2. I hope there is a large cadre of attorneys to scrutinize and start proceedings on every single abuse of power. It needs to be immediate. We can’t pussyfoot around for a year and see how things go.
You're in luck, that's exactly whats happening. We're in a 100% better position than in 2017, when we hoped for the best and were caught flat-footed on every new outrage. Lawsuits were flying within minutes of his taking the oath of office, and there been flying since then
We've identified the beast and no longer hope it will morph into anything benign.
I guess I’m still cautiously optimistic. Don-old and his cult are so very evil.
He makes me want to vomit. I hope many of those who voted for him understand what they have done bringing him back to the WH
They won’t until their meds, the protections lifted on price caps, go sky high. Then they’ll blame Biden, maybe Obama too. No matter how much I read, my brain cannot understand.
Can we track those who were pardoned or had sentences commuted to determine if they commit further violent acts? If we are removing folks without papers for crimes, wouldn't it be prudent to follow those J6 folks?
Thanks for the great example of how to respond, and all the information 🇺🇸