What a disrespectful POS! Nice impression there for the jurors and they won’t forget cause he’ll do it every time they enter. He’s a bluffing bully that will claim his testimony will be silenced by the judge cause he can’t get up there and spew his hatred. Bullies don’t take the stand. Too bad the violating the gag order isn’t today instead of the Sandoval hearing. I agree with Andrew and Tim (a writer) that financial penalties will do nothing, just put him in jail for 30 days. No makeup or styling his hair for court daily and no horrible lying news clips daily.

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Give him a "boot camp" haircut - "for health reasons." You never know what kind of icky bugs are living in that birds nest.

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I’d love to see an artist rendition of such.

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The shirtless Vladdy posters are a nice touch.

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Ooh this is a delightful pic! Except tfg is way fatter.

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@ TCinLA he probably will sell his hair to get treats from the commissary.

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Oh that's gross

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Bedbugs I’m sure.

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Can you imagine the germophobic Trump in filthy Rikers? I know…it’s just satisfying to imagine.

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Bet Weiselberg is cringing too.

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He’s probably used to it by now; he’s been in there for a long while!

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3 months the first time and 4 this go round.

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Magets as in MAGAs

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that's MAGAts, Bill.

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I stand corrected.

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I prefer MAGGOTS. Keep it real.

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The bugs as you put it are underneath what's left of that hair, if that's what that orange stuff is. I think the bugs and the worms are the least of it. Trump's brain is raw sewage.

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Then send Sleepy Don to shower stall #1, with a few bars of soap. Bubba and his buddies are waiting. They do not take to kindly to abusive dudes that hurt their women and go after underage girls. Bubba is a bit lonely these days and needs to get rid of some frustration.

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100% agree. What I can’t understand is how anyone could support him.

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Bill I agree. Anytime someone says they support him it's so disturbing to me I just wa t ro cut them off.

The issue is ..is that a good amount are people I love people in my family and dear friends. I

It's sickening and it's a cult.

He is a sexual predator an insurrectionist a fraud a liar an election denier a traitor in like he said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and get away with it.

and they all still kiss his betraying ass.

I pray for the day I hear

Trump who?

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It is hard for anyone to recognise when they have been successfully manipulated by sophisticated psychological advertising techniques. Trump and his Bannon run propaganda machine are deploying postwar US cultural clichés like the ubiquitous Hollywood anti heroic tropes - the little guy v the deep state winning v the odds by taking the law into his own hands - in a clever jujitsu of shared social experiences.

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So agreed. There absolutely needs to be a crystal clear boundary set for when Freedom of speech crosses over into breaking the law.

Our loopholes in our democracy must be corrected and secured providing we survive this election

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Plus, they are out-Foxed.

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Yes, it IS a cult. But I have no sympathy for any of those people (my family members included). They CHOOSE to be in the cult. They CHOOSE to watch Fox 24/7. They CHOOSE to do that because they love it. They don't even care whether their views are right or wrong, kind or evil, fact-based or not. All they care about is winning. And trying to overpower the "libtards." No sympathy whatsoever from me.

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Then also throw in the christian nationalism many espouse..

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I commented on a Substack that he was declining mentally, and someone replied that of course he isn’t declining, he’s playing five dimensional chess to make us think he’s stupid. I did not engage with that person.

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I've always said that while Trump's opponents are playing mere 2-dimensional chess; Don Trump is playing 3-dimensional tiddlywinks.

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Sharin, lol re 5 dimensional Chess. Dave Fake News reports that Amazon is offering 10 Dimensional “Beat MAGA” chess sets featuring the Don’s mug shot

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I believe the reason so many support Trump is that he appeals to the hate that they hold just under the skin for "them". Trump is the culmination of decades of Movement Conservatism's pandering to that hate. They just never considered the logical outcome of their movement's methods, and the nation's now paying the price.

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I think his supporters love all the money scene Trump spews around! They feel Trump is how a really rich man operates and acts!

How much is our country being charged to support this man? Secret Service alone must be appalling? No wonder Trumpie wants to get back in the WH! Trump is in heaven! This is a live TV show for him, daily? So many cameras and attention!

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Yes, this! So many Trump supporters think we hate them for supporting him, when truly, for me at least, it’s more of an utter bafflement. Like, how? HOW??

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Wll, 50% of any group is always "below average." With the moron stupidity level there is in this country, that number is probably higher.

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As Garrison Keillor said at the end of almost every Prairie Home Companion show: Remember: Half the people you know are below average."

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Patrick, I think you are misrembering. What I remember is this comment, made at the conclusion of his narrative at the beginning of each show:

"“That's the news from Lake Woebegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average.”

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That's his most well known comment at the end of each show, but he certainly did say the other less weel known comment many times. Ya think I was wrong, or made it up?

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Patrick, I think you simply misremembered (but didn't make it up). Yes, I think you are wrong. It happens.

I heard pretty much every PHC that was broadcast, and I clearly remember every "News from Lake Woebegon" segment ending with the words I quoted (which I verified before I posted, by the way). I do not remember ever hearing GK say the words you claimed he said at the end of almost every show, or at any point during a show.

To check my own memory, I went to prariehome.org and selected 2 shows from the archive. One was from 29 Nov 2014, done in NYC with Renee Fleming as the guest star. I listened to the News segment, and it ended as I thought it would. Then I listened to the last ten minutes to hear if the show ended with words you remember. It did not. The show ended with credits and music and "Goodnight, everybody!" My other selection was from 6 Nov 2004, a Bonus Joke Show performed in St. Paul. Same results, the News segment ending as I thought, and the last 10 mintues consisting of a stream of short jokes, credits, music, and "Goodnight, everybody!" That's how I remember all the programs ending -- kind of raucous and upbeat. (My own memory may have been faulty in placing "News from Lake W" at the beginning of the progam when it was closer to the end. In the 2004 program, it was Segment 7, preceding a lengthy final Segment 8. It was at a similar position in the 2014 program.)

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Jack you are correct.

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Relentless gaslighting by the rightwing media and the fact that they take the 'liberal' hatred of him as proof that he must be doing a good job.

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tRump's brain is worthless mush. One easy proof (out of many possible ones) is his demonstrating the incredible stupidity of insulting an entire jury. He's reached the pinnacle of self-defeating behavior.

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I agree about the incredible stupidity, but are you sure about that pinnacle? I don't think there is a pinnacle any more than there is a bottom. It seems he can always find a way to be worse.

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We still have to think of a name for the public holiday that MUST be held when this despicable POS scumbag is finally committed to spend the rest of his (hopefully short) life behind bars!

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Freedom Day?

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Pity the financial penalties can't be stated they would be donated to the Democratic Party. Even though I'm not a lawyer I know that wouldn't be legal. But if it were I think that penalty would work to get him to stop flounting the gag order. They need to find a penalty that he will hate.

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Susan S, Nor am I a lawyer, but I recognize brilliance when I see it. This is the single most phenomenal suggestion I have heard/read/known. Many kudos!

I worked half the night on my website, my elder Shibu Inu is having pain from his knee (stifle) and may have some 'sundowning' going on, so he waked me at 3:30 am for meds - and I'm just now having first coffee. What a wonderful note to think about on Saturday morning:))

He also hates not having attention. The judge needs to put him in a room with no outside access, all by himself. Too bad he couldn't be thinking about 'Donald's Dollars to Democrats Donation' you have suggested.

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He hates jail.

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Rusty, the judge could also order him to be enclosed in a windowless, soundproof room in the courthouse. He could have a couple of secret service agents in there - and a couple outside the door. That would be a huge punishment for him. They could deliver his lunch - and escort him with a mask on to use the restroom. He would hate that more than having to listen to Stormy Daniels report every minute detail about their relationship. He doesn't care a whit about that - but he cares about being 'out of the limelight.' I can see that happening.

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True but the judges seem to think that is a last resort and haven't used it. Not sure what it will take to use it (or some other penalty he hates ) and do so every time he breaks the rules. He needs to be stopped from terrorizing witnesses, jurors and any others who he wants to target.

A $1,000 penalty will do nothing- it would be like telling someone not a billionaire that they would have a penalty of a nickel or a dollar. $1000 penalty per offense won't deter Trump's actions at all. I think the judges need to consider what the jury in the E. Jean Carroll case was asked to determine- what will it take to shut him up? Though even that didn't work permanently.

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I feel this time is different as you watch how Merchan keeps a tight rein on his courtroom. I have no doubt he’s not afraid to do it.

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I hope so. I'm impressed with him too. We'll know more on Tuesday when they deal with all of the times he flouted the gag order.

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Joyce you are a guiding light

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There's no knowing where we're going,

In the courtroom winds are blowing,

With Trump and jurors in a row,

Through the trial's ebb and flow.

Is it freezing? Is it warm?

Trump in suit, just the norm,

Jurors quiver, media swarm,

As the judge tries to reform.

Round and round the questions fly,

From every lawyer, sly and spry,

"Can you judge without a sigh?"

Bias whispers, some comply.

Juror twelve or maybe three,

Likes the news from MSNBC,

Can they set their judgments free?

Or will bias be the key?

Dismissals here, a challenge there,

Jurors ousted from their chair,

Oh, the drama we can bear,

In the courthouse, stark and bare.

Social posts from years ago,

"Oops," she said, a major blow,

Trump's a racist? Off you go!

In the river, currents flow.

Now the panel's finally set,

Twelve New Yorkers placed to bet,

On the truth they've yet to get,

In the trial of the jet-set.

Trump sits quiet, scene surreal,

Silent now, what does he feel?

Legal battles, zest and zeal,

In the courthouse, fate will seal.

Jurors from the city's core,

One in finance, one in law,

Tech and health care, schools and more,

New York's fabric, rich in lore.

Salesman, teacher, minds diverse,

Candid thoughts they will converse,

Can impartial hearts immerse

In the drama, chapter, verse?

Amidst the juror's thoughtful tides,

Trump's voice on social media rides,

Prosecutors sternly chide,

Gag order breached, he must abide.

Where we're going, who can tell?

Gavel sounds like a ringing bell,

In this legal carousel,

Round the twists of truth we delve!

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Thank you, Gloria for this wonderful journal. They need to be compiled and posted as a record of the Substack.:)

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Thank you!

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Keep writing, Gloria. You have good lyrical style.

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Thank you. High praise from you.

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The Trump 12 Chord Blues!

The country version has a blue yodel in the last verse.

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That’s a brilliant idea!

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Very good Gloria. This writer approves!

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Thank you. 🙏 I’m humbled.

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Gloria , thank you for your keen poem. Perfection in my humble opinion

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Thank you!

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Thank you, joyce for this wonderful update. ‘Will he or won’t he’ requires some kind of a pool betting to be set up. I’m going to bet he will testify. He thinks he’s able to convince the jury because he is such a convincing liar. Indeed, he thinks he is above the law. But he also thinks he’s better than anyone sitting in that jury box. He’s not standing up for them. That’s a huge mistake and they won’t forget it. They are sacrificing their time and they don’t have residual money as he does. They have to keep paying the bills and some of them are paying childcare. I’m not sure what New York jury would pay, but they certainly don’t pay enough to cover the cost of being there. Of the many horrid things he’s done this is at the top. Of course, he has absolutely zero respect for the rule of law. Round one: the People won! And thank you as well for giving us the copy of the questions the prosecutor would like to ask Trump should he testify. Thank you for sharing so much of your time with us.

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Like most narcissistic bullies, he’ll tease taking the stand. But then he’ll make up some trumped-up excuse (get it?) not to testify. If he does testify, it’s all over but the sentencing.

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Agree, Laura. He’s done that very same thing more than once now. He just loves people talking about him. I have never seen such an emotionally bankrupt sociopath masquerading as a human being.

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Intellectually bankrupt as well. Not even sure if he qualifies as human any more.

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Laura, thank you for talking me back down out of the tree again, slowly. I keep thinking his game plan is to blatherskite from the witness stand. I just don’t think he’s going to make it through this trial. He’s not looking good.

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It might just be caffeine withdrawal. That’s what No-Doz is for!

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He has Never looked good! I think the 30 days in a cell would be a wonderful thing. May the law finally say “Enough IS Enough” -

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If they put him in a cell, his minions would go nuts. But during court, should he acct out (he will) they could put him in a room by himself with no access to sound or the courtroom. That would be his worst punishment. That would be worse than listening to Stormy Daniels give blow-by-blow accounts of his physique - I don’t think he really cares too much about that. What he cares about is attention. So if he gets stuck in a room by himself with no access to sound - no communication. no adoration or even potential adoration or attention, that will be his worst punishment. I think Stormy is going to talk and talk and talk and tell all. It’s exactly the kind of thing the American public wants to hear. And this is the guy the Republicans have nominated as their candidate. Also, this is the person the so-called ‘Christian’ evangelical right wing nationalists call ‘the chosen one.’ That’s not too far-fetched, coming from the

buddies and mentors of Mike Johnson. The only difference is Stormy is honest about her life, and they are duplicitous frauds.

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I think he will testify. His vanity and massive insecurities won't allow any other way.

Todd Blanche is a fool to think this is a wise move for his career.

I say Have Melania come to the courtroom and let her intimidate donald !!!🤣🤣

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I am sure they no longer have a warm relationship. She will tough it out since the winning pot is so great. I always doubted Hillary continued to have warm feelings for Bubba after Monica.

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Oh you know Bubba and Hillary have a marriage on paper only.

Melania is betting on a black hole she should take note that everything he touches dies.

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Actually, that's an old trick. Bring the entire family. Dress them in black. Fill a few Kleenex boxes every day. Let the jury see how it affects the loving wife and kiddie.

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Judging from the past - I doubt Melania would allow her son to be put thru that. She seems to do a pretty good job of keeping him out of the limelight. You do have to wonder tho, what this kid thinks of good old dad.

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I feel badly for that boy.

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Melania is a cold fish.

Trump could hire a body double wearing a veil....

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I didnt intend to "praise" her - I agree - but she does keep the kid out of view most of time - I doubt dumpty would if he had his "druthers".

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True Maggie. He brought Barron straight into it after jury selection day one. He whined to the media that ‘the judge wouldn’t let him take time off to see Barron graduate, and Barron had worked so hard to get to that day and he had always looked forward to his mother and father both being there.’ (actually judge Merchan had not yet ruled on that request). I just hope Barron does very well in his post secondary schooling, because his education is all he’s ever going to have.

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I have not doubt he’s already been there, done that!

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Christy, Hired a body double? Does the body double swat his hand away too?

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Daniel, I responded in the wrong place below. He would need the body double to swat his hand away as the original Melania does.

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Oh my! Yikes, Daniel! Do you think that is in the defense’s play book?

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Of course. "The play's the thing. Good lawyers channel Shakespeare. "Seeming" is not "being."

Many a defendant hired people to play the "family" at sentence hearings. The judge would think that an entire courtroom of people dressed for church supported the defendant, who in reality was the devil's disciple.

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Wow Daniel!

What should we, the true victims look like? Wearing our scruffy clothes because we’re still waiting for Reagan’s trickle down?

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We wouldn't want that ! That's for sure!

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It goes without saying that anyone who stands with trump is s brainless idiot.

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Those questions! Gobsmacked.

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I’m inclined towards his pathological lack of self control and need to lie to defend himself as being the reason he will testify. Though he does have much more at stake than just financial woes in this trial. And so, not placing any bets.

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Prediction #1: Guilty on all counts.

Prediction #2: Trump sent to Rykers Island for a minimum of 10 days for violating the gag rule.

Prediction #3: I am accepted as a media rep in court and report back to you as well as my blog.

Prediction #4: In the middle of the street circus, I yell something revealing about the trial to which the media rolls cameras as I pull my “Donald’s Vanity Trantrums “ and fandango free publicity .

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Apparently he grossly violated the gag order tonight AGAIN! I’m told that Jesse W on Fox told a false story about the jurors and Rump passed it along on his social site which would appear to be a gross violation of the Gag Order. The prosecution presented the Judge with a list of ten violations and this would make it eleven? So he obviously knew this would be a very big violation and is he trying to bait the Judge to put him in jail? Is he so fearful if this trial that he wants to promote a violent insurrection by his followers when he sentenced to jail? What’s his game do you all think now with respect to violations if the Gag order? I can’t figure it out!

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I appreciate you sharing these concerning reports about the former president's repeated violations of the court's gag order. It is a brazen disregard for judicial authority that warrants scrutiny.

One has to question the motivations behind such conduct. Is it merely impulsive behavior born of an instinct for provocation? Or is there a more calculated intent to instigate unrest among his supporters should the trial result in an unfavorable outcome?

While inflaming passions may serve Mr. Trump's interests in the short term, he risks overplaying his hand. Pushing a court to sanctions or even incarceration could backfire disastrously. Yet perhaps he subscribes to the belief that his adherents' loyalty ensures he is insulated from real accountability.

Regardless of the reasoning, it is a disconcerting display from a former president - treating the legal process more akin to performance art than a solemn constitutional function. We can only hope judiciousness trumps theatrics as this drama plays out.

For the implications reverberate far beyond Mr. Trump's personal fortunes. This is a vital stress test for America's institutions against the forces of demagoguery. How the rule of law emerges from this ordeal will be pivotal in defining the integrity of our democratic principles.

What precedent is set if Mr. Trump's flagrant violations of the court's gag order go essentially unpunished or are met with merely a mild judicial rebuke? For if a former president can flout such orders with relative impunity, does that not send a profoundly troubling message about the impartiality and equal application of the law?

One can foresee defense attorneys already preparing to cite this case as a legal predicate, arguing that their clients deserve the same latitudes when it comes to publicly commenting on ongoing judicial matters. The worry is that such a double-standard would only reinforce narratives of a justice system skewed to protect the privileged and powerful at the expense of ordinary citizens.

The notion that a theoretical "little man" could be held to stricter standards than a wealthy, high-profile defendant is an unacceptable erosion of the principle that justice must remain blind to distastions of wealth and status. If laws apply unequally, they cannot properly command the faith and respect of the populace. We risk cultivating a culture of cynicism where courts are viewed as merely instruments of an unchecked ruling class.

No, the only tenable path is for the judiciary in this case to wield its authority equitably and without consideration for Mr. Trump's former office. Holding this defendant to the same strict conduct standards as any other is essential to preserving the institutional integrity of the justice system itself. Any failure to do so potentiates a deeply concerning backslide towards a form of aristocracy and oligarchic aloofness from which democracies rarely recover unscathed.

The risks of allowing such a legal precedent are simply too vast to countenance. Equal protection under the law must be unflinchingly upheld or we find our nation meandering towards a new, ignoble age of impunity and license for the empowered classes to disregard constitutional norms. Justice and equity demand that Mr. Trump be treated no differently than any other citizen standing trial. To do otherwise is to imperil the very democratic ideals that have cultivated America's republican traditions.

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His minions didn’t show up. Either in jail, waiting for trial or see the consequences. I do not expect violent protest.

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“Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Give him the upper hand in every battle which does not affect the outcome. All that matters is that very soon, the jury will likely hear and answer, “have you reached a verdict?” That is the extraordinary moment.

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So sorry for the typos!

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At the bottom far right of your comment, click on the 3 little dots. This brings up an edit option that allows you to correct your comments. Pretty nifty!

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His game and his MO has always been that of a disruptor. This is more of the same. IN MY HUMBLE OPINION. I don’t believe the judge will put him in jail, but I think he will put a mask of some kind on him. Trump’s worst nightmare, even worse than having Stormy Daniels give the details as she will, over and over and over would be that he would be isolated in a room with no contact. That is what should happen to him. I know you didn’t ask what should happen, sorry that I interjected that.

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Are you applying as a media rep for Joyce’s Substack? You should get approved

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Jail/Prison is never going to happen

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Why isn't there a penalty for disrespect? The man refuses to acknowledge the potential jurors, indicating that he sees them as someone or "something" to be distained, or unworthy of sitting in judgement on the case. He certainly isn't courting them as potential allies. He is capable of singing praises for the most unlikely and scurrilous characters, then abandoning them later, so at the very least shouldn't he at least pretend to trust New Yorkers, of all people, to have sympathy with his demeanor and tactics towards others with regard to his public reputation? Where's the authority that can say "and here's another swat for talking back to me..." like the parent he so desperately needs? Why can't the justices say, in effect; "you may not respect me personally, but you WILL respect the office and the position I hold; I hold you in contempt of the judiciary for your conduct on social media, outside the courtroom and at your political rallies when you disparage the court". Any justice excercising excess restraint due to concern about the possibility of later appeals or violence on the part of the defendant's tribe of lunatics might live to see some backlash, but would be a HERO to so many millions of the rest of us who DO respect the court system, for the most part (not so sure about most of SCOTUS) and want the court to demonstrate to the WORLD that our justice system can't be treated like schoolyard wimps by a blow-hard bully.

And, forget about fines as a deterrent to his behavior; he isn't spending his money anyway; he's hijacked the entire Republican fundraising apparatus to fill the coffers of his PACs who appear to be able to legally pay his legal bills. It's SO LOW to believe that he would actually demand a piece of another candidates fundraising to use his name in their public appearances. He's promoting a political kleptocracy in addition to the rest of the shit show he wants to bring back to Washington DC.

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Well, just be assured that the disrespectful behavior is not lost on those who are sacrificing their normal lives and wallets to serve for what, somewhere between $12 and $40 a day? The lucky ones have employers who can keep the paychecks coming in, but that’s certainly not all of them. The disrespect says everything.

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Exactly. They may be trying to make ends make and not even enough from the jury to replace any kind of salary loss. Who is paying for childcare for them? He looked like an elitist at his business fraud trial. For this appearance, his suits are looking a bit like he purchased them at Triple AAA Tent and Awning.

A bit shabby, baggy looking. He probably should remove his monogrammed cufflinks. He and his boys love to flash those.

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Sad as this whole thing is, your comment actually made me laugh out loud and wake up my peacefully napping crazy labradoodle Penny. I can’t think of the word I’m looking for… someone who is so narcissistic but not critically self-aware of the true effect they have on others…

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Thank you so much, Joyce. You help me to contain all my anxiety about what is going on. I pray for the jurors, the Judge, all of the witnesses that they remain safe and not falling into harm from this madman.

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Same for me

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That’s a very good response!

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That’s the first time I’ve seen him ask his cult to do anything peacefully in a longtime, if ever. However, I’m curious what the distinction is between donating money peacefully or not looks like. Perhaps this is another example of his misuse of adjectives and adverbs such as the way he describes calls with dictators, battlefields and attempts to ask someone to fraudulently find votes beautiful.

As always, thanks Joyce for leading us through the murk.

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maybe the choice of adverbs is part of the picture of evolving dementia? If you stuff your donation into the nose of a Stinger missile and fire it at Mar-a-Lago, I guess that would be non-peaceful donation.

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Thank you for making me laugh. Almost had coffee out my nose

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I don't think that would be a peaceful contribution.

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I think its so he can say "See iam peaceful!! My supporters are peaceful !!! Peaceful like never seen before! It's incredible !"

He is such a piece of SHIT!!!!!!

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So grateful for you, Joyce! For all you do to keep us informed, and to help us keep our sanity during these strange surreal years.

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I hope law students are following Joyce.

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And law professors!

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Joyce, thankYou so much. This was so informative.

It seems to me Judge Merchan is going to have to continue to be very astute. I am sure trump’s attorneys will look for the slightest thing for an appeal.

After reading the 13 incidents that the DA will present, they all seem true to me. Saving grace is they can be used to cross examine him.

trump has no respect for anyone. He is a bully who needs to be incarcerated.

I’m pretty sure trump will say he’s going to testify until the very last second.

I say turn off the AC and let him sleep through the trial. Combination of stress he is feeling and warmth of the court room he will be like Rip van Winkle.

I still worry about everyone’s safety. I hope the MAGA thugs won’t intimidate or do harm to anyone. Yesterday morning I saw fear in a Michael Cohen’s eyes.

Let’s all get some sleep. Good night and thanks again.

(P.S. my editor was a no show tonight. I looked this over and apologize if I have misspoken or misspelled. )

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I don’t think the defendant’s attorneys will have to look hard at all for appealable issues because they will appeal every single decision he makes whether it is viable or not. Their appeal briefs look like something coming out of the mind of Mr. Word Salad himself.

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Just that face with that look is sufficient to put him against a wall as an act of garbage removal.

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Or Pin the Tail on the Donny Desperado.

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I doubt that little Donnie T ever had a teddy bear as a child. That’s got to be a contributing factor to all that is so horribly wrong with him.

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Sweet as the artwork is, i just don't see TFG as an innocent little child. He may be, and likely is, arrested at a toddler stage of development, but that's not the same thing.

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Noorillah, your cmt drove me to Mary T's book, or at least, People Magazine's online discussion of it.

Quoting Mary: "In the end, there would be no love for Donald at all, just his agonizing thirsting for it," Mary Trump writes in a new memoir the family tried to stop. "The rage, left to grow, would come to overshadow everything else""

"From this view, Too Much and Never Enough traces the "parallel lines" of Freddy's deterioration (Mary's dad, eldest son who died of suicide) despite his nominal place as the family scion and the rise of his younger brother Donald, here described as a brash, boundary-less bully — not so much greedy as a black hole, warping any rule or restraint around him."

etc. here's the article: https://people.com/politics/mary-trump-tell-all-describes-trump-family-father-death/

Since the Orange Monster's hostile takeover of the White House, I have bought more books than I can possible read, trying to at least support the Disclosure Publishing Industry. (Plus, obviously, I pay to read Joyce!!!!)

Explanation given, I have to look for my teddy bear. Oh, I almost forgot, we have 3 cats with whom I have to compete for bed space. And my wife. No room for Teddy.


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Do not let contempt cause you to underestimate him. He killed Mary’s father. He is a killer. Contempt is too close to pity, to risk embracing it.

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Of course you're right on the family history.

I disagree about the other stuff. I have no pity except maybe perhaps, for Barron.

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He needs a shitty diaper on his shit taint face!!!

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That glowering picture is a caricature by now. It's not intimidating to anyone, it radiates petulance instead of power, and it doesn't look like a man who could stop scowling long enough to formulate or complete a rational thought. Hence, I predict he will say he WANTS to testify, but without cameras to capture the habitual showboating that won't help his case, he won't.

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Omg! Joyce do you have an assistant? The amount of work you do in a day is incredible! Chickens, cats, dogs,lawyering,cooking, knitting, gardening, professering 👩‍🏫 and most appreciated… enlightening and educating us daily. Thank you!🙏 🙏🙏

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Now here's a judge who is moving carefully, yet compared to Eileen Cannon, seems to be moving at light speed.

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SO true!!!!!!

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Thanks for the daily update. Love the illustrations too. Who knows indeed if TFG will testify. It seems like every time he boasts about something he is eager to do, it turns out to be all talk and no action🤔

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