I write a Haiku every day. That mugshot:

A two-year-old boy

An orange helium balloon

With a long red tie

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Maybe that is where the 215 comes from; he is full of helium.

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Maybe 215 is metric and refers to Kilos

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215 kg converts to 474 lbs..

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Seems pretty close

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🤣🤣 Thanks for the chuckle!

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Or, full of something else!

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Well certainly full of hot air

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deletedAug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023
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Helium is an "inert" gas; it combines chemically with no other element. Hence, it cannot burn or explode. The highly explosive gas in the Hindenburg disaster was hydrogen.

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Oh, this uneducated poet! We can only hope he explodes. Thanks.

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I wasn’t gonna say anything...

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023


Scowling hate, anger

he did this to himself

and us

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He obviously practiced that face in front of a mirror so he can use it to con his gullible minions into sending him more money. Despicable!

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That pic will soon appear on "suitable for mounting" posters generated by both pro- and anti-tRumpers, bank it. It reminds me of all the fab stuff produced during Watergate, including a very large poster - which I still have - showing all the convicted Nixon men in headshots, with the word GUILTY beneath each person. tRump is already trying to monetize his mugshot, and look for MAGA merch with his likeness on coffee mugs, tee-shirts, hoodies - appropriately enough, and other assorted junk pitched to the rabble. Win-win, as usual.

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It would be okay if captioned, "Pouting Child."

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we need to lean into this one.... it works both ways!

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self assured squinting eyes

means business

How far can he go?

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As I’ve said elsewhere, the mugshot conveys all the rage of a petulant toddler put into a timeout

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Haikus are easy

But sometimes they don't make sense

Humpty Trumpty mug

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Sounds Haiku to me. Right on.

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Star grabs tiny hands

Winter of pussy begins?

Democracy rains

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Brava! Captured perfectly!

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Thank you!

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I don't care what he says his weight is. We know the weight Trump has been on our country. His mug shot was the cherry topping of his booking on 13 felony counts. Take a look at that mug shot. Look at Trump's eyes. They are hard to look at but a strong reminder of the hell we continue to go through during these Years of Trump in America. His mug shot is our cruel memento of the cruelest years we have lived through in our country. Go - Fulton County District Attorney Fani T. Willis (D)! Thank you, Joyce Vance, for guiding along the legal highways, byways, closures, and potholed roads.


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That mugshot! We waited 6 years for this moment!

Posed like a tough guy, but you know on the inside, he's a scared little kid.

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CherylP., I don't metaphorize Trump's cruelty, destruction of a somewhat civil society, lawlessness, pathological lying, rape and abuse of women, disrespect for people... into a 'little kid'. To call him such is to rob us of the truth, the seriousness of his offenses and to pin his and his enablers crimes on a 'little kid', just does not compute with reality.

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His enablers when coneed to do serious serious hard time. No more special, kid glove treatmen for these traitors who spat on your Constitution. We in Canada want to this nightmare to end.

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If he gets just a slap on the wrist, it sends a message that this is all ok. Don't like how the election went? Just refuse to leave office! Incite violence or whatever it takes. The GOP has been bold in their gerrymandering, and voting laws that suppress people's right to vote. If Trump walks away, a precedent has been set. If he is found guilty, anyone in office who continues to push the big lie, to blame the current admin for a conspiracy, who incite or promote violence, must be held accountable. What Trump did was try to overthrow the government; he is still trying. He wants to BE Putin and I hope all involved in his prosecution have good security. He might not have the ability to take down a plane (I hope) but one look at that mugshot tells you that he is filled with hate, fear, and a primal need for vengeance. We have no idea what he is capable of. Someone needs to wipe that look off of his face, and let everyone know (looking at you MTG) that our country will not tolerate this. A house divided will not stand. If you try to divide us, there will be consequences. God Speed, Fani Willis. You are a hero, the likes of which this country has not seen in a very long time.

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I meant to write when convicted. Please pardon the typo though Apple Correct is somewhat at faull.

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Hi Tom,

I read it as ‘conned.’ Either way works. But I believe a fair number will now try to do plea deals and testify against him. They can pretty well see that he has thrown them all under the bus. But you’re right: they all should be in jail.

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Please add this Canadian's name to the list of people in Canada who want this nightmare to end. Hermina Jacobs, Saint-Lambert, QC.

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Fern: we all feel the same way here. We are all disgusted, exhausted by T’s antics and continual attempts to manipulate the media, his pathetic gullible cultists and indeed... the world. No need to get angry with another commenter. T is childish in the worst sense: petulant and throwing tantrums and stuck in his own world. I am sure Cheryl meant no harm by the simile she used.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

Our thinking and use of language differ, meryl selig. I was not 'angry' at CheyrlP. as you interpreted but explaining my point of view, I do not assume as you wrote that 'we all feel the same way here'.

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Thank you Meryl! I'm a fan of Fern's writing and was in no way implying Trump deserves a pass. I regret that my comparison to "a scared little kid" was upsetting.

I was merely trying to convey that I believe he's terrified at finally being held to the same judicial standard that the rest of us would be. I'm glad he's scared. He needs to be. After all he put us through, he deserves to be. Like everyone on this Substack, I have zero sympathy for him.

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He's a man seriously scared because he feels he has lost control. Not like a little kid, but a pathetic joke of a man who has failed in all his endeavors and whose machinations are being exposed for what they are - efforts by a loser to cheat his way back to the presidency, which he gained in 2016 by cheating.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

Marycat. True! Here's a man who never had to be accountable for anything. His father's money, then his own, always bailed him out. Surrounded himself with sleazy, well paid lawyers who circumvented the rules for him. A total shock to him to be in a situation that money can't fix.

Wondering (because I'm retired & pandemic isolation turned me into a news junkie) why he got a brand new lawyer. Did T refuse to pay a retainer and the lawyer dumped HIM? Did he have a temper fit because he had to post bond instead of being released on his own recognizance? (Of course it's the lawyer's fault.)

Am I the only one curious about this??

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Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, frequently posts about Trump posing as having bravado but being a ‘frightened child.’ She most recently posted about this pretense at bravado when facing the Atlanta indictment he said he was ‘proud’ of being indicted. I’m struck by how often Mary talks about Donald and his childish behavior, most recently pointing to him as a “frightened child.

I’ve posted as well on this site that we’re seeing the outcome of incorrectes childhood bullying, likely from toddler through tenth grade. Trump is a master manipulator adult sociopath bully. His own White House counsel could not make him comprehend ‘no’ and ‘stop’ on January 6. Merrick Garland, Jack Smith, Fani Willis, are saying ‘no’ and making it stick. He’s facing a big time out and he knows it and he is frightened. When one sees a good early childhood educator in practice, they are not just arranging little bodies around child size tables and chairs, and passing out cookies and milk before naps. They are helping children to learn how to behave in a group. When they see a child hit, pull hair or bite another kid to take their cookies, it’s not a it’s not an opportunity to ‘scold.’ They quickly correct the little bully by talking to them and reminding them about how that isn’t appropriate behavior for the group. Some children push the boundaries and repeat their bullying, and have time out. Kindergarten is about forming community and ECE teachers can tell who has had a quality preschool education or at home experience. If anyone can make his own case for missing out on a quality early childhood education or in home anti-bullying experience, it’s Trump as he faces prison. Of course he’s frightened. He is an adult bully master manipulator, sociopath, and he needs removed from society with a timeout that includes no outside contact with his group. Period. We need protection from him. I do think about what a good early childhood education would have done for him. It makes the case for quality ECE. But his current fear does not negate the fact that he refused to concede in 2020 and encouraged a mob to stop due process by force. He would do it again. He needs to live the rest of his life without a cell phone, and without any possibility of forming a group to do his bidding. And that means he can’t write and publish or give interviews. After reading last night that he had posted ‘never surrender’ to his group on XTwitter, I read that as a message to his group with another call to action. Unfortunately, as we have seen Trump in his group have no respect for the rule of law. The message that Joyce has given us is that we have to spend our energy on getting Biden elected because he is an example of someone who respects the presidency and the rule of law. It’s time for law and order folks.

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Valere. Excellent points about the value of early socialization and correcting inappropriate behavior before it becomes a personality trait.

I study animal behavior in general and pack behavior specifically. In nature, when the Alpha fails to protect, he is taken down BY THE PACK. Failed leadership is dealt with as a matter of survival for the entire pack.

In our human pack, Indictments/ convictions/ imprisonment won't be enough to stop the rabid orange haired predator. We voters, who make up the pack, must assure a strong, stable Alpha continues to lead us. Vote as if your life depends on it because it does.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023

When Trump was out of control as a child, they sent him to military school (I researched this a few years ago), and there was a real sociopath in charge, who delighted in having the stronger boys bully and hurt the weaker ones. Needless to say, Trump excelled.

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This is a blog, not a club, and we do not "all feel the same way here." Differing in our views is normal and does not indicate anger. We should not be intimidating each other or admonishing each other to always "be nice" by agreeing all the time.

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Trump certainly stirs our most fiery natures to the core.

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My intent was not to minimize the evil that is Trump with my "scared little kid" reference. What I was trying to convey is that while he acts tough, he really isn't. He's a malicious bully who FINALLY got punched in the nose. I hope he IS scared! Let HIM feel some of the anxiety we've all felt while he tried to dismantle democracy.

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Cheryl P. We are together. That has always been true. I hope that our communication today was a teacher for us both.

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Hope you know I follow your posts and value your contribution.

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Cheryle P. My eyes are damp at the moment. We are under stress. I hope you will accept my hug.

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Cheryl P., thank you for your communication. You are caring and struggling through this immensely difficult period that we are going through. You and I agree that Trump is a very destructive, cruel and dangerous human being. I won't go through the list of harm he has caused, but say one thing about being a NYC resident. I delivered protective gowns for nurses and other hospital staff as a volunteer on several occasions. In a sense, I was a witness to many deaths, which I hold him responsible for. Calling Trump any kind of kid ... From Hitler and Putin to Manson and Ted Bundy were they kids? I have an idea about what causes some to call an evil person a kid or acting as one. He may remind them of a truly mean and disruptive child, but that doesn't spell out what Trump has done to us and our country. I am not mad, Cheryl, but at best, I think it is a poor use of language and a common way to describe this man.

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I’m sympathetic to Cheryl and her reference to kid. I doubt that with trump’s dysfunctional upbringing and lack of moral and ethical training that he ever matured emotionally. In that sense, he remains at the emotional level of the third grade bully on the playground during recess. The insecure mean kid. As he would put it: sad. Unfortunately, the damage he has done to our country leaves no room for sympathy. At least none from me.

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Bingo. His niece, Mary Trump says the same. I, and thousands of early childhood educators, would agree with your assessment. Agree completely, that there is no room for sympathy, he’s had many many chances in the past to correct his now adult bullying.

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Who dares call the Anti Christ a scared child? Better the embodiment of evil!

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From the day Trump took office, his behavior has been minimized and mocked when it should have been a warning that he has a stew of mental health problems and personality disorders. He is a danger to the world.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

Thank you, Fern...I agree. It is a disservice--more; an insult--to the country to even feel sorry for the creature into which Donald has made himself.

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Good point.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

(as regards Cheryl P.'s first comment) Who would, if you let him off, turn around and make the same choices again. He is mentally unsound and looks it.

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TL Mills

Absolutely agree! He has learned nothing. I'm sure that his behind-the-scenes manipulation of the 2024 election continues.

I've been studying his bizarre booking photo. His pose is deliberate - a copy of Winston Churchill when Churchill gave his "Never, never, never give up" speech.

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He is becoming worse. His first act after having his mug shot taken was to post the photo on. XTwitter with the words ‘Never Surrender.’

That was chilling to me. I’m hoping the judges do whatever they need to do to remove him from being able to communicate with his many unstable followers. He needs to zip his lip and stop instigating violence.

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My husband stated early in this portion, ‘oh I’d bet he’s already got T-shirts and coffee mugs made...’ low and behold-end..up within minutes of that was the ad or picture ( whatever) of just such...it’s the epitome N’est Pas? I said I’d buy one of the T-shirt had it FINALLY! Above the mug shot!



( someone might get ahead with a group shot ‘GUILTY!’)?????

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A giant poster of his mugshot with “WANTED” across it.

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I wonder who had the great privilege of changing his diaper!

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His valet Walt, who must be unemployable.

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He probably auctioned off the honor.

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And after his massive stroke, who will change them then?

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That’s Nauta’s job; remember?

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Will the mugshot hang in the Whitehouse?

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You and your roots, MaryPat...best laugh of the day!

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Glad to accommodate you, Fern!! Thanks.

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This is the absolute best. Thank you.

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We need to stop calling it a mugshot. In Trump's case it's a thugshot!

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It's ad copy.

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It can be "ad copy" in more than one way



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WOW! Yes!!

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The Mugshot Meaning! Thanks for this! Shared.

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I was going to say it looks like Al Capone but it actually makes Capone look good!

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Hey don’t insult Capone!!!

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CHRIS ! patten that thought THUGSHOT !!!!!

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Oh Chris....PERFECT! 🤣🤣🤣🙌💥👍🫶‼️🤣🤣🤣🤣

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He is no longer president #45.

He is inmate #P01135809.

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I see Randy Rainbow hard at work on a mugshot parody. His skits are practically writing themselves!

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Love Randy:))

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

Saw his live show and he was amazing!

His videos (and Leslie Jordan's "hunker downer" videos) are the only things that got me through pandemic lockdown.

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He did a great interview of Melania. Her theme was ‘how little she cared.’

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And she has the jacket to prove it

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“Vote for Randy Rainbow for President” is a recent favorite of mine. Saw the new one today.

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Oh my! I’m just settling down to watch his newest: ‘Don’t Arraign on His Parade!’

I know it’s going to be a treat, so I fixed a cup of dandelion tea. I make it from ‘Dandy Blend’ which has roasted dandelion root, roasted barley, extracts, roasted rye, roasted chicory; and some Om mushroom master blend that has about 10 mushroom powders from lions, mane, reishi, cordyceps, etc

and I’m adding some cinnamon, cayenne, ginger, turmeric, black pepper - it’s a teetotalers version of a stiff one. Because I want to relax and celebrate Randy’s latest video:). It’s the teetotalers version of a cocktail I guess.

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Oh boy. Randy has outdone himself on 'Don't Arraign on His Parade.'

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Definitely one of his gems!

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I love the pink glasses.

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ROFL :) I loved his State of the Union. A new one from two months ago? I'll look for it.

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can't wait!

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I believe the 2 was a typo, it's 315

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He’s 215 like I’m 6 feet tall (I’m 5’4”).

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Mug-shot is right out of The Shining..."Wendy, I'm home!!"

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215. Yes. Kilograms.

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315 pounds. At least.

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My husband is at 248 and looks positively svelte compared to tRump. I fully agree with your estimate of 315.

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Was a medical social worker for 35 years, my estimate is 250 easily. Why would any intelligent person believe anything he says. Why would he lie about his weight and why was he allowed to self-report z. I thought the sheriff said Trump would be treated the same as any other prisoner. Guess it is his sensitive ego that got him special treatment.

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"and why was he allowed to self report when we were told by the sheriff that Trump would be treated the same way as any other prisoner"

This. Part.

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Perhaps it’s an error and was meant to be written 251?!

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NAH, he is definitely above 275---- I vote with the 315 comments.

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Full disclosure, Michael Cohen suggested that someone with dyslexia entered the 215 and meant to enter 251. I personally think he is weightier and 6'2" although I try to avoid looking at photos of him! I just wish the media would not give him so much space.

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I vote for 331. One more than the heaviest, Wm Howard Taft

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I read his staff filled out his paperwork and that's what they listed. He's got to be at least 300

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And also described his hair as "strawberry blonde!!"

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And staff handed it in. He had requested a glamour shot be posted but Fani Willis refused.

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He filled it out

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agree--- looks like a lot of the 300+ football players and he isn't wearing all the padding they wear!

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But muscle is heavier than fat. Trump has no muscle!

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Why would he lie?

He lies to himself as much as anyone. Got to keep that rose reality going.

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He’s a vain person as well as a pathological narcissist.

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I'm thinking he lied about his weight because he heard that there is a pool going (actually lots of pools) trying to guess the over and under of what he says he weighs to what it actually is, and he wants to deny anyone from having fun at his expense. Those people will be sorely disappointed that he was not forced to get weighed.

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Or maybe fear he would break their scale?

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The special treatment of these white ,entitled, Republican criminal defendants must stop.

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Brilliant summary today, August 24. Today is a Requiem for the Republican Party as we know it. It is a sad day. Politicians, elected officials, supposed leaders of our country, of our government, and here we are. Are there no ethical people running for elected office? Have our politicians chosen the lowest common denominator for themselves after asking Americans to vote for them? The Democratic Party and President Biden will have to lead the country out of this swamp we are in. The quicksand has gobbled us up. Thank goodness for the Democratic Party, for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Stacey Abrams. Yes, Virginia, there are honest people who do want to lead us. Maybe Santa will find them for us this in December 2024, because, American voters are voting for the wrong candidates.

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Sadly it would appear that these lawless MAGA scum do indeed represent the interests of large numbers of Americans.

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They are loud--ferociously vociferous, in fact--but they are NOT as numerous as they assume themselves to be, nor as the media assumes them to be.

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They are small people with a surfeit of amplifiers.

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What has happened to the party of Lincoln?? Honourable conservatives have to start a new electable party. The current GOP is ethically broken. Six of the eight candidates said they would back TFG even if he a a convicted felon. Shame,shame on them.

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I’m 6-3 and 240 and nowhere as big as he is.

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And we all know he is not 6'3"

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He’s an easy 285+

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

Oh Joy! Joyce! I’ve been waiting OH so long for this post! 🙏 you so much for keeping us all so well informed.

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I agree. I could listen to Joyce all day long!

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Since the man of a million lies fabricates everything else, who would ever accept that Mr. Pudgy is a svelte 215? Have you seen the photos of him from behind on a golf course? It's like when a driver blows past me on a road where I'm driving at the speed limit; I may not know his exact speed, but I can attest to the fact that it's a hell of a lot faster than me.

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Not a chance he’s 6’3” and the only 70+ year old who hasn’t shrunk. Much less of a chance he weighs 215. I’m angry they let him get away with this--he should have been weighed and height measured like every other criminal.

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He’s 215 but Mark Meadows is 240?? Nah...

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T-bag has given us final proof of his being a “lightweight!”

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Nice one Meryl!

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My guess is 283. They should not have allowed that. Question is why.

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I shuddered when I saw his mugshot tonight. It was chilling (and yes, so clearly rehearsed). He is playing mob boss, and stoking his MAGA acolytes to do his violent bidding. I still don’t see how he will go to prison, although I’m pretty comfortable that he’ll be convicted on at least some of the charges against him. I wish his lifetime secret service protection would be stripped once he becomes a convicted felon. Wondering if there’s any way that could happen. Somehow, house arrest just doesn’t cut it.

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I agree. All of his retirement "perks" as a former president should be discontinued. These should include his retirement pension and his protection. He did try to overthrow our democracy. Why should we, the tax payers, pay for these?

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@Lloyd: your number is surely closer to reality. Agree that he should have been weighed and measured (height) by sheriff’s team. So many of us are using his weight as the most basic indicator of his need to burnish his image, project something that he clearly isn’t and flat out lie. The depth of his psych problems never ceases to amaze us. Fake weight fits with his chest beating about his superior intelligence (I am gagging here) and superhuman abilities. Oh, and sexual prowess.

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Good to see you on the tube today. Always good to have your insights of the cases before us. I am fully convinced he will not be the Republican nominee and like many, if not most, of his followers and people who have voted for him in the past will not do it again. It's over for him, life and justice has finally caught up with him; I will go out on a limb and predict he will be convicted on all 4 indictments, and he will have to be selling that plane and whatever else he can get his hands on...no help from kids.

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He will be selling Mara Lardo.

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I read that he has "given Mar-a-lago to Donald Jr." It's something that needs to be researched. It's too late, and I'm too tired.

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I believe I read that as well. The writer had posted a screenshot of the recording of the transfer of the deed. But if someone does that, well, they have a pending criminal case, it can be challenged. It is called ‘hiding assets.’ Joyce can provide more clarification.

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Thanks! think this may be lost in all the posts about Trump's weight and mug shot. I'm going to research it later today.

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I should’ve said, criminal or civil case

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*…while they have a pending criminal OR civil case. I think I read it on Heather Cox Richardson sub stack not sure.

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Convert it to a mini SuperMax.

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I think he needs to be cloistered in an austere environment at someplace like Langley. He’s lost every right to a view on the ocean. That all went away when he sat in the oval office on January 6, and not only did nothing to stop the mob: when he finally address them, he said he ‘loved them.’ He should not be rewarded for refusing to change, and for refusing to acknowledge this crime. And the best use of taxpayer money to protect ourselves from him is to put him in a place that already has high security. He’s fortunate that he probably will be able to get to see skylight. But no ocean view. Absolutely not. Mara Lardo, in my opinion, should be donated to the United States government for used by the military as a place of healing for returned vets. Especially those with PTSD and traumatic and brain injury to allow them a place to walk on the beach and to enjoy the nature of the ocean waves.

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The fact is that Trump probably doesn't like rooms with windows overlooking the ocean. First, if there are windows on walls, there is less room for TV screens, and less room when he throws his food against the wall. And, unlike Nixon, who walked at the beach dressed in a suit with regular shoes, I don't think I've ever seen a photo of Trump at the beach.

In a more sinister way, when there are windows, people could actually see him committing rape, which is what happened to one of the women who testified against him in the E. Jean Carroll trial. Personally, given all of the atrocities he's committed, I hope he's ultimately placed in accommodations that are fitting for his crimes.

Great idea about using Mar-a-lago to help veterans who have been badly injured.

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I believe the E. Jean Carroll testifier said he had encouraged her to go into a room, and once they were inside, he started to accost her. The butler appeared to tell him 'Ma'am was coming downstairs.' Wondering if the 'butler' was Walt, the lookout. Trump's funding for lawsuits from PAC money and donations is drying up. He is refusing to help capo with legal expenses - so I predict they are seeing his true colors and will begin 'flipping' to work their plea deals. He may not be able to keep Mara Largo. So the grifter who didn't earn his own money will lose all of his grifted investments. I hope there is a full government accounting for damages for January 6, and he is required to pay all of those costs as part of his sentencing. The damages for PTSD, and injuries to individuals and deaths from January 6 will come if he is convicted. That should b in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Even with the most horrific decision-making possible, can his bad actions that allowed that kind of harm to innocent people, including our police protectors, be shielded under a law that claims he was performing his executive duty? That was not 'fiduciary duty' in any sense because he was supposed to protect us from the kind of harm he created, implemented and refused to stop as it spiraled out of control. The entire country, in my opinion, has suffered collective PTSD from January 6, and we should all file against him. Those of us who choose can donate collected damages to be placed into a fund for the maintenance of Mara Largo, if only to ensure veterans can have Mara Largo as a place of healing from their own trauma. This may come as a surprise, but until Trump's indictments, including the January 6 investigation and grand jury results, I did not believe in prison sentences. I'm the ultimate pacifist, vegan, nonviolent - hopeful for finding healing, reformation, and seeking recognition and reparations as part of conflict resolution. But Trump will not reform. He will never accept responsibility for his action; thus there will be no recognition that he has caused harm to anyone - whether through violence or grift. And he will only get worse in his level of rage and if given any opportunity, his course will be full-on retaliation. Putting him at a secure facility such as Langley, with having no opportunity to form a group to carry out his depraved wishes against our country (and the brave individuals working to protect our country), is the only way we can be protected. It may not be a prison cell, but it won't be 'house' arrest in the sense that it won't be 'his' house. He cannot be let loose. And it should be barren. He should not live in oppulence in any sense. Finally, it is beyond horrid that Elon Musk would give him an account on XTwitter. Again, his using that forum is telling: it was a call to arms.

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Intersting how Putin shot his mutineers out of the sky. No prison for Prighozin.

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I guess Prighozin falling out of a window or being poisoned would’ve looked ‘fishy.’ Thank you every day for the rule of law that folks like Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, Jack Smith, Fanny Willis, and especially Joyce sense, who gives so much to us with heart, follow. The difference is having a core and moral courage. Blessed in dead to live in this country with those leaders.

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Moral courage is so necessary to strengthen and maintain democracy and freedom.

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sorry, blaming that on Siri:”… last indeed…”

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MaroMax, new mini max prison South Florida, for orange and super fat.

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It’s probably mortgaged up the wazoo…

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Your lips to God’s ears, please!!

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Are you thinking he will run despite being very busy lying in four courts?

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If he wins, those Mugshots will become his cabinet. The mugshot cabinet.

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