Yes, it is about time. My problem is that NYT editorial board almost single-handedly started this feeding frenzy on President Biden, by their Chicken Little response 5 minutes after the debate. I will hold them responsible if we lose our country. If this had been the 5 minute response after the debate we would be looking at a different election.. Yes, copy this editorial and pass it to everyone you know.

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Beyond that the media has given Trump a pass. He misspeaks. He confuses names. For a long time he confused Pelosi and Haley as the same person. Crickets. President Biden makes a gaffe and the press goes insane. The Times started this circle jerk of Dems trying to push the President out and everyone piled on. What I realized is these Dems never wanted President Biden. And while this is going on Orban is in Florida with Trump passing along info from Putin and Xi. Again, crickets from the media.

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My sense is that there are quite a few people of all political stripes who want to appear to be pundits and just looking for something to hang their hat on. It's legitimate to question and discuss concerns, but that is not what happened. For some reason all the discussion after the debate was that Biden had stumbled in the first few minutes (I would too with the antics that Trump pulled and the failure of the "moderators" to control him). Then it was off and running. Suddenly it was all about Biden and a lot of people trying to sound like experts. The term "dismal performance" was repeated over and over again by many sources without context or examination. The transcript gave a very different view of the debate, but the noise won out.

I'm so glad enough people started asking, "where's Trump in this picture?" and not giving up until finally we broke through the noise. It feels so quiet now: the sound, I hope, of people thinking.

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I hope they are also thinking what will Cfdt do when Biden wins and how can we be ready for it. Suggest revoke his bail and put him in solitary. Meanwhile, AOC is showing some smarts—she filed articles of impeachment against Alioto and Thomas. Use the Capitol Hill Switchboard to call your reps and senators. Tell them to Take the offense for a change.

(202) 224-3121

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TBH I was very disappointed when calling the offices of congressmen and senators and got a person that "took a message". I kept it short, non threatening but I was direct and I can assure you none of them wrote down what I said. Maybe they have a tally sheet where they put hash marks for each negative and each positive. Not the reception I was hoping for.

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Annie, good description of the whiners who can't restrain themselves. I refer to them as the know-it-alls who often are the know nothings and some have been proven to even deceive us.. Count me among those who have canceled my subscription to the NYTimes and will never go back. The best aspect of my parting from the biased Times corporation is that I found out how many worthwhile and interesting sites and writers there are on line to learn from. They more than fill the gap with smarter, more compelling, more accurate and fuller links to the news. So happy to have dumped the Times.

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Annie, it WAS a dismal performance. Did you actually watch it? I still still have nightmares. The man is clearly cognitively impaired.

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🤬 Really? And you are a neuromedical expert, perchance?? Oh, I see: it was just that you saw the first part of the debate with a jet-lagged President who had flown in 24 time zones in previous two weeks.

I challenge YOU to perform faultlessly under such circumstances--not to mention trying to do so with an unhinged ranting cretin who won't STFU, yelling constant lies in your right ear.

President Biden is NOT cognitively impaired and if you had watched his post NATO press conference or the hour long talk after that where he answered, in detail--without notes or a teleprompter--numerous questions regarding technical aspects of supply and other detailed concerns of defense for Europe, etc. President Biden did a fine job. Trump can't even get a full coherent sentence out.

In closing, may I suggest that unless you are the President's attending physician, that you not produce a diagnoses you clearly know nothing about.

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I so agree, and I have tried to contact all these media outlets to point that out. Plus I am always using the White House's contact page to support the President.

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There is no point in that since they want clicks, not truth.

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It's weird how different people can watch the same event and see different things. I listened to Biden's words, in spite of his poor delivery, and thought he did the job of "debating" way better than Trump. If you read the transcript, and fact-check both, then it's even more clear that Biden actually did better than Trump.

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My friend who also watched the debates felt he lost the audience with his discussion of Afghanistan but that his debate improved after that. We discussed what a problem it can be to have a weak start for lasting impressions. However, the only people that seemed to find it so disastrous at first was the press.

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President Biden answered all the questions, many said his voice was weak, well he was exhausted (check his previous schedule). The criminal ANSWERED NO QUESTIONS he ran with his constant and usual lies he has been spewing for years now, no pushback, little attempts by the lousy "moderators" to remind him to answer the question which he never did. NO ONE WON that debate but the criminal should have the pass at all because no one learned anything about what his plans are. READ 2025 and you will know exactly what the plan is and NONE OF IT IS GOOD FOR ANY OF US.

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I thought how impossible it would be for anyone to withstand the verbal water cannon of lies that Trump hit Biden with. I think Biden was stunned by the sheer volume of it, as well as the total falsehood.

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Heather Cox Richardson's explanation of the "Gish gallop" was really helpful. It's a debate technique that uses what you very accurately describe as a "verbal water cannon of lies." It's in this HCR column for those who haven't read it (and I see that it's now a hot topic on the interwebs!): https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/june-27-2024

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I have been in that situation, of being verbally assaulted by a ("Christian) legislator in a hearing. These jerks lie, and suck the life right out of you while they do it. I couldn't respond half as well as Biden did, and I was in my 40's.

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Had a sales job for 10 years (was successful) but it was mostly other peoples husbands, white middle aged guys with little drive but a wish for money at any cost. We traveled a lot to different locations of mutual customers across the country. So many times I was a captive at a show or meeting where they would bombard me with their "facts" and accuse me of voting against my best interests. It was all about greed, we were commission based sales people, I worked hard and was rewarded by making some really great commissions (it's kind of like sports stars money, it doesn't go on for a lifetime). They didn't like to work as hard so complained about how high "their" taxes were under democrats (who I voted for) and how we would be better off with repubs in office. It was exhausting, no matter how many facts and truths I had they were ceaseless in their verbal assaults. If they put half that energy into generating good business contacts they would have been more successful. After 10 years I had to escape. I had no respect for the majority of them, in the end was so happy to walk away with my sanity.

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Agree, I was stunned by the sheer number of complete lies told by the criminal and how the 2 from that network didn't do a damn thing about it. Debates are to inform what the candidates intend, WE GOT NONE OF THAT from the criminal. Only previously recited lies on a loop that have been debunked over and over. UNITS, STAND UP, VOTE FOR DEMOCRACY.

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No, he just over prepared, crammed too hard, and froze up. That never happened to you (or anyone you know) for a big test?

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As an experienced teacher, I understand that as someone who has overcome a stutter he has some challenges with this particular forum, but Prof. Ruth Ben Ghiat has said anyone would have with the techniques Trump was using, which she claims he is a master at. A master at using fascist propaganda. So, she claims it was not a debate because he was not debating. Seems like these forums might not be the best way to inform the people on policies and what you plan to do. Is "I gotcha" really the best way to go? What was really needed was in the moment live fact checking. Still, in a generally stellar campaign it apparently was a weak moment, but not one that warrants the response of the NYT, which has not had a voice in my house since January.

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I've been verbally assaulted by a "Christian" legislator before, in a hearing. It was HELL. Sucks the life right out of you.

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I'm pretty sure Gretchen Whitmer has been in that position while she was a legislator, too. I think it was somewhere in the time she talked about being raped. (I'm in Michigan, too.)

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CNN had a well-sourced article yesterday with lots of people saying that they've been watching slow steady decline for months now, punctuated by a few good days and then decline again. Ok, the quotes are anonymous [apart from Clooney], but it all sounds very believable. Whereas the fervor on this board to keep repeating the message "it was just one bad night" is increasingly odd, to be honest.

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Anonymous quotes and you don't find that questionable? I have zero faith in anything that particular group of people have to say on any subject. FACTS: the Biden administration has proven for past 3.5 years how it governs and treats everyone. The economy no matter what the criminal says is doing amazingly well. The biggest economic indicator the criminal bragged about on a daily basis and said would crash if Biden took the white house OVER 40000 for the second time in history under the Biden administration, nothing to do with the criminal no matter how he tries to spin it. Also we don't have to listen to President Biden brag about BS by the hour, he just gets things done. It's on record, you can dispute it but you will be wrong.

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No, just a truth-teller who is resigned to defeat. Biden is guaranteed to lose to Trump according to all the polls and he's only gone down since the debate. Meanwhile, all the stars are aligned for Trump's return: All his indictments are on hold, SCOTUS has granted him immunity from prosecution, the Republican Party is united behind him, (need I go on?). He will be coronated next week while Dems will be paralyzed in inaction. Mark my words.

P.S. I am planning on leaving the country come November, which I'm sure you will cheer. Good luck living in Trumplandia.

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Polls schmolls. No one with any sense responds to them, so there is your pool. Also, as Jay Kuo has pointed out repeatedly, they poll people who aren't actually going to vote, which skews things. When polling people who will actually vote, you get a different result. Also, after people find out about Project 2025, which is just getting media attention in the past week, it is going to be different. I also think abortion will bring women out, and put that together with the agendas of project 2025, those who are not Christian Nationalists, and New Apostolic Reformationists will have to think about their best interests. They are planning on creating Hell on earth, and once people realize that they may feel compelled to vote.

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Trumplandia? Didja mean Dumbf*ckistan? Home base of the American Taliban?

I, too, can leave the country anytime. I will choose to stay and fight so our kids can live in a country as good or better as the one we grew up in. You know, Leave it to Beaver, but with diversity and equity.

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I wish for you, and for all of us, what the poet-essayist Adrienne Rich wished for her sons in her 1976 book OF WOMAN BORN: “If I could have one wish for my own sons, it is that they should have the courage of women. I mean by this something very concrete and precise: the courage I have seen in women who, in their private and public lives, both in the interior world of their dreaming, thinking, and creating, and the outer world of patriarchy, are taking greater and greater risks, both psychic and physical, in the evolution of a new vision. Sometimes this involves tiny acts of immense courage; sometimes public acts which can cost a woman her job or her life; often it involves moments, or long periods, of thinking the unthinkable, being labeled, or feeling, crazy; always a loss of traditional securities. Every woman who takes her life into her own hands does so knowing that she must expect enormous pain, inflicted both from within and without. I would like my sons not to shrink from this kind of pain, not to settle for the old male defenses, including that of a fatalistic self-hatred. And I would wish them to do this not for me, or for other women, but for themselves, and for the sake of life on the planet Earth.”

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Addendum: I am struck by the blind optimism of so many of you. Has the fact that roughly half this country wants Donald Trump to be our leader not registered with you? Do you really want to live in a country with so many “deplorables?” Do you think these people’s minds can be changed by calm, rational debate? If so, the adjective that leaps to mind is “Pollyannish.” (I’m open to any rational, logical counter-arguments. “Troll!” does not count.)

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History sees it differently.

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Ron. I stand uncorrected

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A prominent neurologist quoted in wsj or all places, he said he saw it differently. Biden is an older man and speaks more slowly partially because he has a life long stutter. NOT COGNITIVE decline. He sometimes makes gaffes but check out his history.......all his life in the spotlight he is known for them. It's something that he does, again not decline. Do some research before you say someone is clearly cognitively impaired, even if you are a neurologic doctor if you haven't personally examined the person YOU ARE NOT AN EXPERT.

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No he’s not.

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Oh, that’s a convincing retort!

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Now they're making a big thing out of Biden saying "Donald Trump" instead of "Kamala Harris" despite Biden's description of what he accomplished at the NATO conference, which NONE OF THEM have written about.

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Trump called his wife Mercedes. Crickets.

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Trump also has the habit of not recognizing faces, which is a sign of mental impairment. And he made a remark wherein he claimed to have run against Barack Obama in 2016.

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Jul 13Edited

Trump also identified E. Jean Carroll as his wife. Must have been because he took his own advice and shot up with Clorox.

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Luckily for me, because I do this all the time, my husband and daughter have not disowned me for calling them by the other's name.

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My ex mother in law sometimes called her son by their dog's name.

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The point where I use one of my allowance of F U’s

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Well, maybe someone called the jerk oligarch that owns the NYT Sulzberger and told him he is on Trump's hit list. All the sucking up to Trump had not paid off, because he had not fired all of his writers that dare to ever write something negative about Trump or positive about Biden, even though many of us sickened by the news dropped our subscriptions. I am exhausted by Sulzberger's and the NYT negativity. It has been so frightening to realize that they don't realize what happens to papers under fascists. One would hope they would look out for their own interests. Sulzberger is certainly unlikely to still own the NYT, if it is even functioning in a Trump presidency. Trump will just look at it as "the liberal press."

Some Germans today are really upset that the US has placed missiles in Germany. While it may be a deterrent to Putin to just shot the nukes he claims are aimed at Germany, and for him to just think he can kill off the arms suppliers from Germany to Ukraine, it is an important part of German security, because after WWII no one wanted Germany arming itself. Germany finds itself in the same position as Ukraine, which is they gave up the possibility of having nukes. However, I have been hoping we would start placing some of our nukes in other, trusted countries. Given how many have fascist parties howling at the door, including here in Germany, I just wonder. But, I do know that this would not have happened under Trump. I can imagine what was being discussed at NATO that is not public, and one thing would be how to hide the secret papers so that Trump does not get them and sell them to the highest bidder, another might be where to hide the nukes. These are all things the NYT should have thought about before today.

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The NYT editorial was way too little way too late, not to mention how it followed days of Biden bashing. However, I dumped my NYT sub after 2016 so I couldn't dump it again. Did you see the story about the NYT editor who thinks it would be "exciting" to cover another Trump administration?? OMG.

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AND,,, this editorial does not mention that CFDT is just a pretty face the Heritage Foundation pickup one night on Fifth Avenue. He is the vote for Project 2025, to further take away our Constitution, Bill of Rights, all that makes America the shining light in the world. This editorial, while true, is wholly insufficient and insulting from a used to be great newspaper.

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The statement that former Trump officials have expressed grave doubts about his fitness is not strong enough. Where is the doubt, grave or otherwise, in some is the quotes? There's no room for doubt. But I am glad the Editorial Board got this published in the NYT. Now keep going every day.

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I'm guessing CFDT involves words like Convicted and Felon. It's also the acronym In French) for the French Democratic Confederation of Labor. Not precisely a pretty face--one of the strongest labor unions in france.

Other than that, I agree completely.

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Convicted Felon

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figured that

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The poster child for Useful Idiots, that's Trump.

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Oh, it's not just the NYT.

I was watching the debate live on MSNBC and was flabbergasted that all the commentators except for Lawrence O'Donnell were blasting the president. Larry said, "You know, in most debates, the one who says 'I didn't have sex with the porn star' is the one who is losing."

The following morning, in one of the morning talk shows (ABC or CBS, I forget which), the youngest were saying he should quit while his legacy is intact, he's lost it, he can't win, and so on.

(Fortunately, one of the slightly older ones started protesting and saying that (I'm paraphrasing) if it's a choice between a convicted sexual predator who is bent on destroying our democracy vs. a bumbling oldster with great experience, a true heart, and a great and competent administration, the choice is clear. The audience erupted with applause, and the anti-Biden faction looked refreshingly sheepish for a moment.)

The American public seems to hunger for wise words and has been silent when narcissistic Chicken Littles spout nonsense. The public seems to he waking up. The media, to its shame, is following, not leading.

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Agree, totally. Biden might call it elitist "nonsense". My primary vote matters, and I will march in the streets to protect the nominee we have chosen (whilst I still can).

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I don't watch MSNBC anymore. Thanks for the update.

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I watch Halmark movies (NEVER did before trump) until Lawrence O'Donnel comes on. My only TV news.

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MSNBC has lost its mind. What heck is going on over there? The only one I watch since the debate is Lawrence O’Donnell.

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Biden Just Knocked it out of the Detroit Ball Park!!!

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That’s the only one I watch, too. I just don’t understand their thinking.

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Bravo Lynn!

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Good point, Lynn, but I also think there have been a fair number of Democrats out there who were looking for reasons to question President Biden’s fitness for more time in the White House.

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I agree with you, and am very upset by those who are questioning President Biden's fitness for office. I have seen nothing that tells me he is not fit for office (I did not watch the debate, but don't believe it should have provoked the extreme reactions it did). All this stuff reminds me of Hillary Clinton's emails, and it is a sure-fire path to losing the election if it continues. IMO.

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The press is gaslighting Biden like they did Hillary. I am old. My father and uncle fought in WW2. My mother worked on bombers. They loved FDR who was ill and in a wheelchair. And when FDR passed away DURING WW2 for God's sake, Truman took the country to the win against Hitler and Japan. I am ashamed of the people attacking President Biden.

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So am I. I am ESPECIALLY fed up with the Washington Post's campaign to destroy his credibility.

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Well said. It's why I unsubscribed.

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The respect for older people and the disabled has been diminished by cfdt's ability to disrespect them & picture them as unimportant or less. His lack of respect for the "norm", public office, people of color and WOMEN would have been a killer years ago - not now - the "base" hopped right on the bandwagon.

Ashamed? Absolutely.

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My parents, too. My dad was on a Navy patrol boat in the Pacific, and my mom worked at a factory making bomb casings.

I am appalled by the embrace of fascism by a major political party and by a candidate for president.

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My Dad was a bombardier in WWII. He flew in a B-24 Liberator in the South Pacific and dropped bombs on the enemy. I recently got a tattoo of his plane’s tail art on my leg to remind me that the fight against fascism is never finished. To the day he died, he refused to drive a German-made car.

We lost him in 2009. I am eternally fateful that he’s not here to see what’s happened to this country.

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My dad was a gunner's mate first class.

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Rita, I appreciate your family's service to the country, and I am with you 100%. I'm especially disturbed by the democrats attacking Biden.

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Thank you, Susan. I'm 76 and they were in their twenties. They met and married after the war in 1945. My mother's fiance died when the Japanese sunk his submarine. My father talked about WW2 all his life. How this was a literal fight to keep America. He loathed Hitler and the Nazis. He loathed the Japanese. He talked about fascism and felt "this would never happen again". My parents generation would be appalled by Trump and the Republican party. And despite all the years since he passed, I know he would be outraged by reckless Democrats trying to shank Pres Biden.

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You are welcome, Rita. My parents weren't involved in the military - my father was too old (born 1905) and my mother, let's just say it never would have occurred to her to join the military. I'm 79 and I know that my parents, who were lifelong democrats, would also be outraged.

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Susan, I am with you. But I can see all sides on the democratic front. My gut says, shut up and rally around Joe Biden, a true Christian who has worked tirelessly for Americans, while this asinine jerk now backed by the Heritage Foundation that is blatantly calling for assassinations of political foes in broad daylight (don't you get imprisoned for that)?? On the other hand, I see and understand Democrats' fears. Biden has been making gaffes for over half a century, but matters have gotten worse than when he campaigned in 2020 making dems question what's in store in his future. I am confident that if it came down to Biden vs trump every democrat will fall in line and vote for Biden. I have to admit that this whole mess is making me quiver

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Sophia, I can see what you're saying, and I agree with you about what the mess is doing. I have not listened to any campaign speeches, so i can't judge the gaffes, but one thing our President has is a good sense of humor, and, I think, a good sense of when he has misspoken. I am bothered by the fact that most of this hoopla is over his debate performance. He is a doer, not a performer, and his agenda and accomplishments as President are wonderful.

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I was willing to overlook the debate performance. Last night he made a number of gaffes which he corrected, except for when he said, "...my Vice President Trump," which he did not correct. I have the same feeling in the pit of my stomach I had when Ruth Bader Ginzburg refused to step down as a liberal justice in a republican administration. Yes, you're sharp as a tack but you're 92 and your pancreatic cancer is in remission for now...come on....

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I hear you, but will remind you that nobody is perfect. I saw a comment some time ago about RBG, which had to do with her hanging on as long as she could so a democratic president could replace her. The person who wrote it pointed out that it was sacrifice, not ego. That fits with what I knew about her. I will continue to support Biden unless he decides to step down.

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We’ll and truly said!

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Thank you!

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Sophia, in general I agree with you. I found it jarring to read "a true Christian" in your comments. You're entitled to that observation, but as a Jew, I guess I've gotten attentive to injections of religion in the political arena these days. I enthusiastically agree Joe Biden is a principled and ethical man; that he is Christian is irrelevant to me. With Project 2025 looming in a possible future and its dangers to those of us who are not Christian (or of a particular type of Christian), please understand for many of us in the Jewish community, it feels like 1936.

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Project 2025 should make ALL of us feel like it was 1936 and, yes, especially Jewish people, gays, gypsies and all others who have lost loved ones in the Holocaust!

I don't know why the word Christian has such an effect on people. I don't care what your religion is but be true to it. I have great disdain for hypocrites. Many of the basic tenets of Christianity--love one another, have compassion, be of service to the sick, poor, downtrodden--are similar to those of Judaism. I was trying to contrast someone who follows the basic tenets of their faith (in Biden's case, Christianity) with a "particular type of Christian", that pushes Christian Nationalism and the Christian family model, in other words, promotes hatred toward those who are not like them--the opposite of what the faith stands for.

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It wasn't a debate. It was a full on assault on Biden (physical as well as verbal, since a vile monster like Trump sucks the energy out of his victim while spewing his venom). While I totally disagree with the NYT assessment of Biden, I do think that The Media has now done so much damage to his name and reputation now, that we have to seriously consider an alternate. While I adore VP Kamala Harris, I fear there are still too many bigots, even in the Democratic party, who would not support her. My vote (biased, of course since she is my governor and I've met her, and as a public health nurse felt fully supported by her during COVID) is Gretchen Whitmer.


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I think changing candidates at this late date would be catastrophic. 1. We wouldn’t know much about anyone new in 3.5 months. 2. This candidate would never be able to raise enough money in this space of time (except for Kamala). 3. The GOP would attempt to destroy this new candidate by any means possible. 4. What if none of these fantasy candidates wants to run?

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Agree, Annie. Utter chaos. Just like the Dems in ‘68 going over the top leading to Nixon and the seeds of far right religious nationalism.

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So many candidates (Democrats and Republicans) start out great and then fizzle out. How do we know this wouldn’t happen to a late and newly picked Democratic presidential candidate?

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A friend tried to convince me that Kamala Harris is a better candidate, I should support her. My question was, "Why not stay with all the wisdom and experience of President Biden, if he falters, let her take over then? Always nice to have a great followup.

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Yes. This. Leave Joe alone for now, stop looking like chicken little, and then use Article 25 if needed after he's reelected. THE BIGGEST ISSUE, THOUGH, is ensuring that CFDT NEVER gets near the WH again.

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I have to mostly agree with you, especially about Kamala Harris. Even though I like your Governor and what she stands for, and if she were the candidate, I would definitely vote for her, I'm not sure she's the solution. I agree that the media has done a lot of undeserved damage to Biden, but I still have issues with replacing him. I wish I knew what the best solution would be.

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Stuart Stevens wrote it would be insane to replace a successful incumbent President a few months before the election. The Dem party is made up of a coalition of different groups. I am convinced one of these coalitions used the debate as an excuse to push Biden out. The media went after Biden like hyenas on an aging lion. Trump is an unhinged lunatic siding with Putin and spewing fascist statements every day. I will never forgive these people for what they did and continue to do.

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I couldn't agree more.

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I agree with your comment 100%!

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I agree, especially about Kamala Harris. She has done great things and I believe she would make a good leader, but there are so many MAGA/bigot/Trump worshippers that they'd never allow her to make it to the White House.

I've never had the pleasure of meeting Gretchen Whitmer, but was always impressed with her and what she stands for.

It made me sick to my stomach when those goons tried to have her kidnapped. Anyone with an IQ of more than "45" has to know who was behind that, especially considering all the times he insulted her, AND lashed out at her, with not-so-subtle threats.

I think a Whitmer-Harris team would save our democracy from destruction. Speaking of destruction, these two would make "mincemeat" of Project 2025.

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Whitmer has stated unequivically that she will run for neither president or vice-president. She is supporting Biden/Harris. So am I, fwtw.

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And you really think that all those bigots you mention would actually vote for a TWO-women slate???

Also, I think some of you are completely underestimating the power of black and brown women and those of us women who are ready to cheer them on!

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GREAT points!

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MaryPat, I don't know that Gretchen Whitmer would be that much more appealing than Kamala Harris.

I know it's an awful thing to say, this far into the 21st century, but I have real doubts that ANY woman could win the Presidency in this cycle. I think a lot of backsliding has happened since 2016.

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I fear you are right, Joanne. I thought I was helping to build a better world for my daughter and granddaughters during the past 50 years. Now I just want to be sure there is a world at all for them.

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The real problem, and why Kamala Harris would not be electable at this time, is the widespread misogyny across the board. She would be an outstanding president, that's why Biden selected her as his VP in event something happened to him during his presidential term. That calculation hasn't changed.

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To MaryPat.....Let's see....replace a black prosecutor woman who is currently the Vice President of The United States with a white beauty queen governor woman...what could possibly go wrong ?

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There's that..

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I wonder where they got that idea. The sensible Substacks have been decrying the obsession with Biden's age for months and months.

Geography willing, Biden and Trump could have gone to the same high school at the same time: One a sophomore, one a senior.

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I think those folks who have been longing for a different candidate all along have just got their excuse, so they are in full cry after the prize. Like they'll ever find a "perfect" candidate.

And there are always some folks who are bored by the 'same old same old' and just want new and shiny--ANY new and shiny. Perhaps they are still looking for that "perfect candidate"--here's a hint: as long as the candidate is human, she (or he) won't be perfect.

Is it possible that there is certain amount of gerontophobia fueling some of this "chatter" from the 'chattering classes'? My disgust is reserved for the "West Wing insiders" who leak horribly damaging hints that they "have observed" decline. They are too cowardly to go to the President with their concerns and entreaties, and instead start whisper campaigns which are very difficult to counter. Cretins and cowards--if they have definitive proof that Biden will not, cannot win, then they are doing a disservice to their immediate supervisor (the President himself) and their employer(s)--We, the People--by not going directly to Joe Biden with this information. Joe Biden is an honorable man and he would not knowingly lead this country off a cliff--unlike his opponent, Felon Trump, who would gleefully do exactly that.

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Your comment, T L, made me wonder if these so called "whispers" from Biden's aides aren't possibly Putin-style fakes? I have no evidence, just a hunch.

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Good point--and it wouldn't surprise me at all. I have recently read where Putin has fired up the troll farms and the "hint-hint-whisper-whisper" campaign, sw we can expect see increased troll traffic (comments) on even our most favorite Substack columns.

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We have to be especially vigilant! Sad but true.

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I just want to add that, although I agree that the NYT seems to have enjoyed the frenzy, it began when Special Counsel Robert Hur (Republican) issued his report and added the unprofessional comments about Biden's age. There was a lot of talk about this, and then the debate kicked into hyperdrive. It's also why Republicans want the "tapes". How about some Democrats demand the notes that Trump has kept hidden about his meetings with Putin.

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Agreed, & then Jon Stewart started (& has not stopped) his assault on Biden.

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I have lost all respect for Jon Stewart.

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The only reason the R's so desperately want Hur's notes is so they can parse them and cherry pick anything they think might be damaging. In the meanwhile, the Dems are playing by the Marquis of Queensbury rules and the R's are in the cesspools flinging shit will-nilly, hoping some of it will stick (and stink).

Yeah, I wish that the Dems WOULD for once, play hardball with the cantaloupe-hued Felon Trump--I would love to see those notes pried out of Felon Trump's tiny fists.

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Agreed. I was so fed up that I canceled my paid subscription to NYT two days ago. It runs out at the end of the month. Hope to see more responsible journalism before then. I choose to remain hopeful.

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Never assume the New York Times is in this for other than 💰. Confession: I have retained this rag for the puzzles but have full access for 4$/month. Having read and searched the entire POS and located continuing damning stories about Biden, the freezing of his campaign war chest (90 million $), noting Hakeem Jeffries is meeting/met last night with Biden, no agenda or endorsement provided, and the powerful political clout coming from both Clooney and Jeffrey Katzenstine the Hollywood political party, ultimately finding the editorial on Trump in the deep recesses that most would miss, I can only assume this is also the kill shot for Biden. I have been advocating in many areas that everyone listen to the CNN INTERVIEW OF HEATHER COX RICHARDSON BY CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR that states unequivocally that a change in candidates at this point in the election cycle IS THE END OF DEMOCRACY! Find it on YouTube or in my restacks on this platform. I am at this point so exhausted, 😴, I am going to pull the covers over my head for the weekend at least as I cannot bear the idea of disrespecting MY PRESIDENT BIDEN AND ALL HIS AMAZING ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN AN EXTREMELY ADVERSE PRESIDENCY by denying him the primary he won, the opportunity to finish the job he started, his only objective. Later, friends…..

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Lynn, the NYT article was one of the main topics on Dr. Bandy Lee's Zoom Meeting this morning from Noon to 1 PM Eastern as the New York Times & Owner attacked Dr. Lee, the former Yale Professor & world known expert & lecturer on political violence years ago when she properly & professional diagnosedDJT in the prescient book: "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump".

Back then, the New York Times went as far as deleting Dr. Lee's name & quotes from a Peter Baker's article about Dr. Lee's analysis which made Peter Baker furious with the NYT Owner. Dr Bandy Lee said this morning during the Zoom Meeting that the NYT even used some of her words from that early book & now proven to be spot-on 🎯.

The 7/12 Zoom Meeting with Dr. lee was recorded and will be available on Dr. Lee's Substack. Dr. Lees new book is being published in weekly chapters to her Substack Subscribers, Dr. Lee just completed the preview of Chapter 12.

"We are in this Together".

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Geri, you are correct. Add to that is the NYT's "both sides" cowardice and its willingness to broadcast faults with everything about Biden, including that nonsense about his son's laptop, and there's a large piece of culpability on their part. They also, literally within an hour after the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, began ripping Biden to shreds over things he had no control of.

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Yes, all that naysaying over Biden got ugly within minutes of the debate. McCaskill's naysaying literally stunned everyone watching, we were floored (MSNBC, please don't have her on again). I made a point to watch the debate again, and have read the debate transcripts several times too. Biden has a stutter which isn't a sign of cognitive disability, so his answers were spoken with words of substance and thoughtful consideration. In contrast to the deflective gibberish we got from the other guy.

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You can share this article in FB if you have it. The editorial link remained active when I did it. I also forwarded it in email and the link is good.

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I wanted to share something with you, Lynn. Just a few minutes ago, I watched a video from Rick Wilson. He was exposing why both WAPO and the NYT have been hammering Biden and not Trump. They were both angry and offended President Biden would not give them an exclusive one on one interview. This was their revenge. I recall something along those lines some time back. It makes sense. Along those lines the head of CNN said he did not care who won the presidency. He is clamoring for de-regulation. Wilson pointed out this is a dangerous game because if Trump gets back in, he will eliminate any dissent from the press. The focus has to be on Trump and defeating Trump. I loved your "chicken little" comment because you nailed it. Too many people will run off the cliff with their hair on fire. Unfortunately, many of them will include weak Democrats.

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Hi Rita, Thank you for sharing this. I have trouble thinking of editorial boards being petty enough to slam a president over not getting an interview. But, the real problem I have with that scenario is, it negates there being CFDT moles on those boards with far more nefarious reasons to go after President Biden.

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I believe both - there are moles and there are thin skinned "journalists" who have an ax to grind. We're not looking at the days where reporters had integrity or ethics. I've seen some of these "journalists" on everything from MSNBC to Bill Maher spouting the most ridiculous comments without push back.

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I totally respect your view -- but I do not entirely agree -- a very few minutes into the debate -- and hours before any press -- I was horrified and thought Biden should step aside as I felt he had lost his chance of beating trump. -- it was not the NYT or WAPO that made me feel that way - though I agree they did have a feeding frenzy and should have focused more on Trump's firehose of lies.

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Hi Laurie, I too was upset at President Biden's "performance." Then I ask myself... "How important is public performance in doing the job of leading a country, Commander and Chief, managing the economy, saving the Earth from global warming, etc." I decided 10-20% requires pizazz, at the most. In that other 80% President Biden excels.

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Exactly. For the "debate", the key skill was memorizing lists of his accomplishments. He over prepared, crammed too hard, and froze up. But actual presidential duties always allow for notes, staffers, etc. And the person skills - Biden's biggest strength.

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Thanks Anne, If you read the transcripts, I don't think he froze. I think he was just as appalled, as I was, at the vomit coming out of CFDT's mouth. He was stunned.

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Yes, that too, which I hadn't realized until later.

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Yes. A snake oil salesman will ALWAYS be more interesting to watch than a wise, experienced, honest person. I don't care how well a candidate can act; I care how well he can defend our Constitution and improve the lives of all people. Ridin' with Biden.

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Absolutely right 💯%

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Absolutely correct 💯%

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Why is this news? In my opinion the Times might just be responding to criticism and perhaps cancellations for the Biden editorial.

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I cancelled my subscription over the nonsense they spouted about Joe Biden, and I told them why. I got back a HUGE email of backpedaling. That they had to put said email together in the first place says they were sending it to way, way more people than just me.

Yesterday I got a second email from them with, "You may be interested in seeing this," and a link to their stance on The Orange Menace. It does indeed smack of damage control.

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I, too, cancelled my subscription yesterday with a comment. I did get a couple of emails from NYT but deleted them before reading them...so not sure what they said. I hope there were hundreds or thousands who also cancelled.

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Or hundreds OF thousands. ;-)

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I cancelled my subscription several months ago. The Times has become a total rag, unable to sustain its former excellence. I really wonder how it is able to retain so many of its writers and staff!

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I canceled a couple of weeks ago and now get lots of emails of sale prices to restart my subscription. I threw away too much money by not canceling earlier!

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I recently canceled my NYT for the same reason.

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I had the same experience when I wrote a letter to the NYT saying why i was canceling - a long email of backpedaling. Too late.

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Good for everyone who wrote directly to the NYT expressing extreme dissatisfaction. Maybe they'll be more thoughtful. But unlike those of you who cancelled, I can't not read the NYT every morning.

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It's not as tough as I thought it would be, I just play the games now.

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"Damage Control": Perfect description. I thought so too but didn't have the words for it.

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Of course you can, but you won’t.

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I wish I hadn’t already cancelled my subscription to the NY Times last year so I could do it again.

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Once again money talks and their b.s.(constant over covering Biden in negative ways) walks.

The articles(very few) concerning their editor’s child like behavior towards Biden’s refusal to be interviewed speaks volumes to the coverage.

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I must have cancelled my subscription just before they had an avalanche of cancellations, I did not receive anything. I’m playing free games and skipping everything else but still get breaking news emails, which I delete unread. I’ll read this opinion piece but feel it’s far too little, and far too late. If we see more, and coverage of Project 2025 and Epstein, I might be a bit less disgusted. Not holding my breath though.

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Penny, I think you got a reply because you sent a note to the newsroom.

I included my reason for unsubscribing with that action. It looks to me like the newsroom is better equipped to respond to readers than the circulation staff is to subscribers. And that's really poor customer service management.

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Penny - would you please copy and paste those emails in this thread. I canceled and said the editorial was the reason. I’ve heard nothing. TIA!

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I finally found the initial email, but the hyperlinks won't transfer:


Good Afternoon,

Thank you for writing to the newsroom. We do not endorse or condemn candidates (or any of the subjects we cover).

That's the purview of our colleagues in the Opinion department, including the Editorial Board. We operate independently from one another, so I can’t speak to their decisions on what to publish. You can reach them directly by writing to letters@nytimes.com

However, it appears that their recent editorial about President Biden's candidacy directly addresses Donald J. Trump as well: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/28/opinion/biden-election-debate-trump.html

Donald Trump has proved himself to be a significant jeopardy to that democracy — an erratic and self-interested figure unworthy of the public trust. He systematically attempted to undermine the integrity of elections. His supporters have described, publicly, a 2025 agenda that would give him the power to carry out the most extreme of his promises and threats. If he is returned to office, he has vowed to be a different kind of president, unrestrained by the checks on power built into the American political system.


It is a tragedy that Republicans themselves are not engaged in deeper soul-searching after Thursday’s debate. Mr. Trump’s own performance ought to be regarded as disqualifying. He lied brazenly and repeatedly about his own actions, his record as president and his opponent. He described plans that would harm the American economy, undermine civil liberties and fray America’s relationships with other nations. He refused to promise that he would accept defeat, returning instead to the kind of rhetoric that incited the Jan. 6 attack on Congress.

The Republican Party, however, has been co-opted by Mr. Trump’s ambitions. The burden rests on the Democratic Party to put the interests of the nation above the ambitions of a single man.

They also published this editorial moments after Mr. Trump's criminal conviction: Donald Trump, Felon

“The jury’s decision,” they wrote, “and the facts presented at the trial, offer yet another reminder — perhaps the starkest to date — of the many reasons Donald Trump is unfit for office.”

That editorial was placed on our home page moments after the conviction. In all, it was read by more than 1 million people (as a point of comparison, editors are generally happy when an article gets 100,000 readers).

It looks like they have also repeatedly condemned Mr. Trump for years:

The Supreme Court Gives a Free Pass to Trump and Future Presidents

A Warning About Donald Trump and 2024

Donald Trump Should Never Again Be Trusted With the Nation’s Secrets

America Deserves Better Than Donald Trump

Impeach Trump Again

Again, I can't speak to the work of my Opinion colleagues because we operate independently from one another, but you can always reach them at letters@nytimes.com

Aidan Gardiner, news assistant

Your submission:

Tell us about it. Please be as specific as possible.

I have very little time left on my current subscription, but I cancelled it anyway. I will not be renewing. Calling for Biden to get out of the race was the HEIGHT of idiocy. My disgust with you is beyond description. Go to hell, all of you.

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Kathy, I just pored through my emails and can't find the initial response to my request to cancel, but I did find the one from yesterday:



The editorial board is a group of opinion journalists whose views are informed by expertise, research, debate and certain longstanding values It is separate from the newsroom.

Next week, for the third time in eight years, Donald Trump will be nominated as the Republican Party’s candidate for president of the United States. A once great political party now serves the interests of one man, a man as demonstrably unsuited for the office of president as any to run in the long history of the Republic, a man whose values, temperament, ideas and language are directly opposed to so much of what has made this country great.

It is a chilling choice against this national moment. For more than two decades, large majorities of Americans have said they are dissatisfied with the direction of the country, and the post-Covid era of stubborn inflation, high interest rates, social division and political stagnation has left many voters even more frustrated and despondent.

The Republican Party once pursued electoral power in service to solutions for such problems, to building “the shining city on a hill,” as Ronald Reagan liked to say. Its vision of the United States — embodied in principled public servants like George H.W. Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney — was rooted in the values of freedom, sacrifice, individual responsibility and the common good. The party’s conception of those values was reflected in its longstanding conservative policy agenda, and today many Republicans set aside their concerns about Mr. Trump because of his positions on immigration, trade and taxes. But the stakes of this election are not fundamentally about policy disagreements. The stakes are more foundational: what qualities matter most in America’s president and commander in chief.

Mr. Trump has shown a character unworthy of the responsibilities of the presidency. He has demonstrated an utter lack of respect for the Constitution, the rule of law and the American people. Instead of a cogent vision for the country’s future, Mr. Trump is animated by a thirst for political power: to use the levers of government to advance his interests, satisfy his impulses and exact retribution against those who he thinks have wronged him.

He is, quite simply, unfit to lead.

The Democrats are rightly engaged in their own debate about whether President Biden is the right person to carry the party’s nomination into the election, given widespread concerns among voters about his age-related fitness. This debate is so intense because of legitimate concerns that Mr. Trump may present a danger to the country, its strength, security and national character — and that a compelling Democratic alternative is the only thing that would prevent his return to power. It is a national tragedy that the Republicans have failed to have a similar debate about the manifest moral and temperamental unfitness of their standard-bearer, instead setting aside their longstanding values, closing ranks and choosing to overlook what those who worked most closely with the former president have described as his systematic dishonesty, corruption, cruelty and incompetence.

That task now falls to the American people. We urge voters to see the dangers of a second Trump term clearly and to reject it. The stakes and significance of the presidency demand a person who has essential qualities and values to earn our trust, and on each one, Donald Trump fails.

[Read the rest of the editorial here.]


And since I cancelled I couldn't see the rest. I'm banished. ;-)

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I cancelled my NYT sub on Wednesday and didn't get anything in response! And that after 30+ years of subscribing (and a further 10 of newstand purchases). Too little too late with the opinion piece, which you have to scroll past 6-7 articles knocking Biden along with a number of others to even find on their homepage.

Good riddance.

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I'm not sure just how many of us small time subscribers it would take to equal a corporate advertiser, but I'd like to think that the Times is really missing the $25 that I sent them every month. Perhaps it IS true that "together we can make a difference."

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I’m quite convinced of that, yes.

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Yes,it Will interesting to see if the Grey Lady continues to reflect this information that a lot of us have known for years.I hope other media call attention to the very dangerous nature of another Trump presidency.Everything we hold dear is on the line in this election.The chilling video”Afermath” that is out there now on YouTube is must see.The Lincoln Project has hit this one out of the park imho.

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I agree - the video is great - we should all watch and share!

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Whatever the reason, it is high time the NYT took a stand! And Joyce is right to appreciate it for what it is, no matter how late.

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A Dan Rather proponent said on his Netflix documentary that "Politicians are there to deliver their message and the media is there to tell people if their message should be believed or not."

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We should all practice critical thinking. And teach our kids how to.

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Respectfully disagree.

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Also respectfully disagree. The media is far from objective these days.

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My husband subscribes to the Times and I subscribe to WAPO. Both of these publications have let down the American public. We have written to journalists and editors expressing disappointment and insisting they show both sides. Yes, maybe they are responding to well deserved criticisms. But isn’t this our job as citizens? To respond. To criticize. To insist on truth and fairness. We only have the power of our words and actions and ultimately, our votes.

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I canceled both of them then donated more money to Biden/Harris.

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It is news, simply because it is diametrically opposed to the kind of tripe they have been serving in recent weeks and months, highlighting perceived deficiencies in President Biden while giving candidate Trump a complete pass for all his manifold cognitive lapses and outrageous lies.

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Absolutely agree it is NYT doing damage control. I don't read them any more. And I'm a born New Yorker.

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Whatever NYT's motive for the editorial about the danger of electing Trump, at least they are getting the focus back to Trump.

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With the Republic convention happening next week, there is certain to be lots of fodder for the press. Let the chaos begin.

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I canceled my NYT subscription bc I am sick of their constant negative articles about Biden and crickets about Trump except the Thursday article- one is not enough.

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I hope they ARE responding to criticism and cancellations due to the Biden editorial.

That would mean they're listening and, hopefully, trying to do better.

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There are good people at the times too. People like David Leonhardt, also author of "Ours Was the Shinning Future". We can't forsake the good journalist there fighting the good fight internally vs the executives that make purely business decisions that infect the opinion columns for profit. We have to respond positively to truth, sound logic, and the really good but hard reporting. We should expect some speed bumps and reality checks. The media landscape is hyper competitive and our traditional outlets face a daily existential threat of going out of business and forced sell to a large media company. I am coming to awareness that a deregulated media market where news, entertainment/enragement, and social identity/group confirming binary climate takes us all off the rails that is the circular firing squad. Beating Trump is all that matters.

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Yesterday the LA Times Editorial Board issued the same warning. I know no one pays attention to us out here on the west coast unless we’re actually on fire but the LA Times is a great paper and they were the first to call for Trump to step aside. Let’s see who else follows their lead.

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Link here (but it is behind a paywall, so maybe a subscriber can gift link it?):


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Also the Philadelphia Inquirer, another great paper (you can get access through google):


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When I canceled my Times subscription, I subscribed to the Inquirer. It is a very good paper. They stood by the President after the first ummm manure show. It was an easy decision to make.

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I don’t live in PA, but subscribed to the Philadelphia Inquirer because they were one of the few papers to have a front-page headline saying that it is Trump who should step down. I admire their integrity.

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The link took me straight to the editorial, and I'm not a subscriber... yet.

I'd read a synopsis on another forum, but reading the whole thing as printed is powerful. I believe that the Inquirer was the first to call this out, and for a while were the only major news source saying it out loud as a body. Pretty impressive.

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Alas, I can't afford to subscribe. Darn.

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The link works, and WOW! is that a good article. Far better than the NYT. When I compare the two, clearly the LA Times means what they say, but the NYT is only half-hearted. Thank you for the link.

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I had not read the LA Times before (embarrassing because an uncle once worked for them), but gotta say that was one powerful editorial. They pulled no punches, and also called out the Dems for wasting their time arguing about Biden's aging and whether or not he is "frail". They put the two side by side and flatly stated that only ONE candidate was unfit to serve and that is Trump. Bravo!

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Refreshing, wasn't it?

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I saw the LA Times article, did not see the NYT or Philadelphia Inquirer until now. Thanks, people for helping Joyce, and Heather, to keep us informed!

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I cancelled my subscriptions to both the NYTimes and WaPo, but kept the LA Times. It's also a cheerier paper. Bloomberg News is also just the facts.

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I cancelled my NYT subscription after their Editorial. I added the LA Times. I do not live in the LA area but their political coverage is excellent and I’ll just have to put up with all the LA sports teams nonsense. Go Giants, Niners & Warriors!! 🧡🖤❤️💛💙💛

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I’m glad you mentioned the LA Times.

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Not strictly true. We do pay attention to the WC, and you're right about the Times. The fire reference made me chuckle..

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I believe they said as much about Biden as well…

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This the NYT should have done long ago. Instead they are stoking fears and spreading lies that Biden is not capable of leading. They seem to suggest that we shouldn’t vote - in the most important election of my lifetime. What a disgrace!

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“I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.”

—John Adams

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Better late than never.

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It's only "better" now because their profits are being slammed. This is not an editorial written with integrity, they still malign Biden in it, it's an editorial written to protect the pocket book. Their 30 something publisher, fondly known as "Dash," must have had the accounts read to him. Bottom line over principle. Too little, too late.

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In case this is missed. It is huge. From heather cox.

At the same time that Biden was holding a press conference that focused on NATO and foreign affairs, Trump was meeting at Mar-a-Lago with Putin ally Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán. On social media this evening, Trump indicated that he is trying to conduct his own foreign policy, although the Logan Act prohibits private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments, and reiterated his support for Putin’s call for “peace” in Ukraine. Their plan calls for giving Putin the western regions of Ukraine that were central to his 2016 support for Trump; Trump’s 2016 campaign manager promised Trump would look the other way as Putin absorbed them.

Orbán, who has openly called for Trump’s reelection, posted: “Peace mission 5.0[.] It was an honour to visit President [Trump] at Mar-a-Lago today. We discussed ways to make [peace]. The good news of the day: he’s going to solve it!”

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Can anyone help me understand why these and other obvious violations of the Logan Act aren't enforceable in some way? Is this a law without any teeth, or is it yet another example of Trump and his minions being above the law while if any of the rest of us did this we'd be held to account?

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I would like to know as well. I feel like a lot of it but not all of it is the Supreme Court ruling on immunity. He is a narcissist and they are increasingly emboldened the more they get away with it. That makes him increasingly dangerous. It is in my opinion just the start of an avalanche of activity that would be illegal for anyone else if he is re elected.

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Yes but he's an "ordinary" "citizen" not president now. So immunity shouldn't be an issue. But it costs time, money, and a very strong will to pursue something like this with a weasely snake oil salesman like the former guy as target so who's going to take him on especially in these fraught times? You have to pick your fights.

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It's like a long-form rendition of the Gish Gallop - there are so many violations of so many rules, where does one begin? Next week there will be 10 new offenses. Our system is too deliberate to deal with the firehose of bull***t.

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Probably boils down to whether the "discussions" can be characterized as "negotiations" under the Act. There would also likely be constitutional questions raised about protected speech and due process. This, of course, does nothing to diminish the disreputable nature of the meetings.

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I consulted the Oracle (Google) and learned that there have been only a couple of cases in which someone was charged with violating the Logan Act, and in both cases they were not convicted. The sticking point, it seems, is bumping up against the First Amendment. There needs to be a Constitutional challenge (and not to this sitting SCOTUS!) to sort all of it out, and there isn't the will to do so it seems.

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Slightly OT, but one of the talking heads (I can't remember which one) on MSNBC last night said (and I paraphrase): "It's the perfect illustration of the difference between the two parties: the Dem candidate spent all week speaking with NATO and just completed an hour-long, off-the-cuff recall of complex worldwide issues, and the presumptive GOP nominee spent the day wining and dining a ruthless dictator."

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Tom Cotton also violated the Logan Act during the Obama administration, the Maga party believes it is above the law. We have yet to prove them wrong.

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It is unfathomable! Yet, with the Supreme Court of corrupt justices, sometimes I wonder what would be the point?

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To clarify, in case there are newer folks here: "heather cox" refers to Heather Cox Richardson, the author of "Letters From An American" on substack and FB, as well as author of numerous books on US political history. "Cox" is her middle name, not a surname.

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If this is The New York Times effort at mea culpa for all the both-sides-ism and Biden-bashing it has done in recent weeks, it is too little and possibly too late. If they want to save democracy, there is less than 120 days to do so. What the Times should do now is endorse the Biden/Harris ticket, publish detailed pieces critical of Trump, focusing on HIS Project 2025 plans if he is elected, and show by comparison all the good programs and policies that have been put in place by the Biden Administration that benefit Americans but would be be cast aside if Trump gets back in the Oval Office.

The Times should then publish regular informative pieces directed at all sensible and potential voters (who are not members of the MAGA cult - they are likely lost to us), encouraging them to vote on November 5, and providing tools to help them make it easy to get out and vote, from registration through access to polling places, state by state. THAT would be a real public service, and in keeping with the journalistic standards The Times professes to follow.

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Yes! Yes!

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I canceled my subscription because of their unbalanced reporting on the “Biden as nominee “issue. As others on this forum have stated, they must have had a noticeable dent in their cancellations.

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I also canceled my subscription to the NYTimes after a +30 year subscription. I should have done it when Hillary was running.

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I canceled my subscription to The NY Times!!

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Me too. 🤓

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Me three.

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I canceled my subscription, as well early last week and I gave them the reason why. I didn't get any emails in response. Sounds like they've had a surge in cancellations since.

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Hi Marilyn, I think that’s the big reason they started trying to appeal to the other side, to boost their flagging readership. I canceled the New York Times more than a year ago when I sensed a downward trend.

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Yes. I had already been thinking about canceling, but the Biden thing tripped the switch for me

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After reading so many comments here, I canceled my NYT subscription and told them why. Next up is WAPO. I lived in LA for 30 years and loved the LA Times.

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Thank you Joyce for sharing this with us. The Biden/Harris people on this platform have kept me from going o et the edge. The people who love our country, our Constitution and way of life encourage me every day and keep me fighting. We are indeed all in this together. Thank you!

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Time to shout it from the rooftops. Trump is unfit!

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Yes, if anyone needs to withdraw from the race, it certainly isn’t Biden.That one of our 2 major political parties is holding a convention next week to hoist a very unfit, dangerous man not to mention a convicted felon onto the American people is almost beyond belief and yet here we are.The Grey Lady needs to have another editorial urging Republicans to withdraw their fascistic candidate from this race.

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It’s not Trump it’s the Nazi/fascists behind him! He’s the fat stupid mouth that never stops even when they send him to Cheat at Golf

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Nonetheless, it is Trump who is the candidate and who is the one we need to make sure never again is put in a position of political power.

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I'm with you, Constance. It's obvious at this point that he is the useful idiot (I hate that overused term, but it does fit.) As we work to defeat him this year, we must remember that the machine backing him is much, much bigger and more dangerous than he. Defeating him is only the start. We'll be in this fight for a long time. And I may be a "senior", but I can't think of a better way to go out. Fighting.

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A convicted felon OUT ON BAIL!

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Long past time, if you ask me!

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From Joyce: "What remains is his [Trump's] own sense of right and wrong." HE DOESN'T HAVE ONE! That is what we all must remember in November. Vote blue as if your life depends on it. It does.

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I was going to comment the same thing! The felon has demonstrated over and over, and over again, that has absolutely no sense of right and wrong.

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Especially if you are a woman of any age. Project 2025 would eventually lead to the abolition of women’s right to vote, buy a house or car, have a bank account or anything else without a man’s consent.

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After the better part of a year of every NYT

story running, “This is bad for Biden because…”, to the point of, that phrase becoming a joke.


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The NYT has awaken from its Democratic hibernation. Thanks Joyce, Hopefully the entire media ecosystem follows suit.

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Let’s hope it’s for good.

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Exactly. That's my worry. They do a nice editorial piece, but then they continue doing the "but her emails" treatment to whomever the Democratic nominee ends up being, while normalizing Trump. That does a lot more damage than the good done by one editorial.

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Right on, Ellen!

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That's why we have to keep calling them out by writing to the reporters and editors (as differentiated from The Editorial Board, which is not on the reporting side).

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Yes. My only regret about having cancelled my subscription months ago is that I am no longer a subscriber for that purpose.

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The NYT has been my local paper for 60 years and I cannot believe how badly it is covering this moment. They learned nothing from “but her emails” and have moved on to “Joe’s old!”

All this time they have been ignoring THE story of how Trump continues to do crazy, un-American stuff while millions continue to adore him while the guy who actually governs is seen as the loser. The political party that saw the Soviet Union as an existential threat now has cozied up unapologetically to Putin, who would love to put the Soviet states back together again. I cannot listen or read another thing about Biden’s viability as a candidate as long as Trump/project 2025 are being ignored.

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Thank you! Now if we can only convince voters - independents, moderate/conservative Republicans and even Democrats - that this is all about democracy. If folks sit home...OY GEVALT

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