Thank you, Joyce, for your column tonight.

I am devastated by the overturning of Roe v. Wade even though the decision was leaked more than a month ago.

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Thanks for the words of reflection and wisdom Joyce. Yesterday I channeled my anger and sadness by setting up small but recurring donations to abortion care funds in my state. That and painted my toenails fiery red before the only color I’m allowed is baby pink.

Today - I take to the street of Chapel Hill….

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The hardest part of this week is is the absolutism we now face. The (majority) inconsistency of the SCOTUS’s logic that forms the basis of the majority opinions striking down the NY gun law and reversing Roe is so blatent. How do we challenge such blatent hypocrisy by a court system that sees itself not as an the arbiitor laws but rather impressing its will on the people? We can and should elect legislators but we have to be realistic here. A Supreme Court that gives no credence to stripping from woman a right to bodily autonomy leaving the states to subjugate woman if they so rule and on the other hand tell states while they can control a womans bodily autonomy they cannotprotect its citizens with gun laws? The belief we are a land of laws feels as if this fundamental belief has been stripped from us. Trump may not have succeeded in his coup to stay in the Executive branch blut he is complicit in delivering the final the Judicial coup. Trumps horrific legacy, a twice impeached horrible President who was openly contmpous and ignorent of our Construction, appoints lifetime judges whose vision of America will continue to haunt us beyond my life time. My fight will be for my children and grandchildren.

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Joyce, every women should read this column. Thank you! Today, I feel a deep sadness as if I'm in a collective grief vortex. I am sitting in a state that is safe for now although I'm in my 60's and a gay woman, I never thought we'd get here after 50 years. But then again, I never thought America would vote for someone like Drumpf but they did. Some say we're here because the white population is dwindling and insecure white men want power especially over women. They think it's because there isn't enough of the white population and they need to adopt those white babies that would otherwise be aborted. I don't know if that's part of the truth or not. I know that we're going down a dangerous path especially with rape and incest no longer protected. I don't want to go down that rabbit hole like I did yesterday. The fact that women will be in danger again with men who don't respect women's rights. The Maiden Tale was scary to watch and I hope as a nation never get there but the way this country is going doesn't give me hope.

Yesterday I hit a level of outrage I haven't felt in years. I was hoping that Roe v. Wade would not be overturned against the will of the people b ut here we are. First, I don't think nine people should be holding the fate of every American. Second, Roe v. Wade should be a law no one can overturn, ever. Thirdly, every person should have the right to their own bodies, minds and souls. Otherwise it's not freedom nor is it democracy. Lastly, there should be a separation of religion and politics and no one that is on our courts should be hired that is extremely religious. Our democracy is under attack and I want the democrats and independents to get tougher. We need a long term goal that locks in certain securities because these Republicans play dirty and democrats don't. The GOP is on a constant attack and all over this country they are deflecting over there and sneaking another attack under our noses. They are relentless. The fact is this big lie about voter fraud and a stolen election has many people on the fence is another challenge. This disinformation campaign is alive and well which we still don't know how to fix it but this is what freedom of speech has no limits on. Yet here we are.

Then we have the gun laws which are under attack too, in NY after the slaughter of innocent people at a grocery store is over turned and you can now carry a gun in public. Do you know how many crazy people are in NY? I grew up there, I know. Yet, abortion is now a crime in TX, yet they allowed children to get slaughter in school. This is outrageously hypocritical to say you want to protect the unborn fetus but can't protect them outside of the womb?

I have a 20 year old daughter who I raised as my own and she's Asian. My wife and I don't put on her to get married to a man like our parents did and she appreciates it. I worry about her just walking the dog everyday because I know discrimination first hand growing up gay. She'll be off to college in September in CA. but I worry she might get attacked because she's Asian. Even though CA. is safer, it has seen an increase in Asian attacks over the last few years due to Drumpf's china virus campaign. I'm thinking I'll have to buy her mace and have her sign up for defense courses again. I know how it feels because I was attack in NY so many times when I came out including my own family who are Republicans. But I'm a different person than her, I'm a fighter, she is not. She wants to be a ACLU lawyer and I support her fully.

Finally, I can't imagine having to abort a fetus but there are spiritual ways to deal with aborting a fetus. Don't you think a woman or girl who has that difficult decision goes through a huge amount of guilt? She on some level agrees with this fetus soul that it isn't the time to be born. Do you think the soul says: "hold on, you have no right to abort me?" None because they don't have a mind yet. Do you know how many foster children are in the cities and states system because they're parents can't afford them or abused them? The GOP doesn't seem to care about them. Just saying!

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Thank you for everything you are doing to inform the public about this and other important issues. I feel numb this morning because I'm a lesbian who is terrified for my future even though I live in Chicago. Sending you lots of love Joyce.

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The bipolar 'logic' of the Court this past week is devastating. I have always viewed the court as a body to look up to. That changed this past week. My shoes are dusted off, my heart is broken, my will numbed by four years of tRump, Covid and shootings. But I will fight. My grandchildren and their grandchildren deserve my fight. How do we get past the powerlessness we feel? I think by getting really angry and saying ENOUGH. I will be sad but I will fight.

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The time for sadness is over. We MUST turn our anger into action. Donate your time and money supporting candidates that will give us the majority in both the Senate and House. Don't stop there! We must support governor's and legislators at every level, in every state that we can flip blue. I live in Florida. We can use your help with the Charlie Christ for Governer and the Val Demings for Senator campaigns. The GOP thinks they have won. This is a temporary set back. I am enraged and engaged to return our country to the freedom we are known for, freedom for ALL, not just the few who pretend to be patriots hiding behind a fake cross. Fuck that!

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Thank you for the clear headed thoughts and analysis. I've seen a lot of despair in the younger women I know and I understand it. They weren't planning a life that depended on abortion rights, but they knew, until yesterday, that if they had to make such a plan, they could, as difficult as that is for an individual and due to the already existing hurdles in many states.

I also noted many men stepped up for the people in their lives that this affects and was grateful to see them. The matters at stake affect us all.

We do need to vote and we need to organize and we need to stand together and not nitpick. Our selection of candidates matters. Our participation in the governing systems of our country matter. There are many organizations available to help the people who will need abortion/contraception access in the states that still allow it and we should support them. They need us more than ever. So let's turn despair into anger that motivates us to participate at the local, state, and federal level. There really has never been a time when people didn't have to fight for their rights. Let's do this.

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Thank you Joyce. I am not surprised to see the large protests at the Court and in the Bay Area where I live. But what’s happening in Birmingham, Jacksonville, El Paso, and Fayetteville? I’m eager to understand what women in those states are feeling and what actions they are planning. I fear this horrendous decision just exacerbates the red-blue divide despite the majority view that abortion should be legal.

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Please discuss what I call the Hotel California problem. Suppose an Alabama resident goes to California for a legal abortion. The person cannot come back until the statute of limitations runs. And it will never run because I assume Al law tolls it while outside of the jurisdiction. Also, a DA that says will not enforce may change. You can check in but you cannot check out. Extradition?

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Thank you for being here for us at this inflection point in our history. I turn 50 in 6 months. Yesterday was awful. Today, I feel bruised and a bit numb, but I'm 100% ready to get back in the fight. Again, thank you.

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I have two wonderful granddaughters. Both have uteruses. One is gay and one teaches elementary school. We just can't win.

Amurrcah, where assault rifles have more rights than women.

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TY Joyce. NOW every smart Dem lawyer on twitter could be writing abt ways Pres.Biden & all Dems in Congress can begin2 do anything possible 2start FIGHT BACK process! NOW. #msnbc #cnn

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Thank you Joyce, you are right, one day to be sad, now we use everything we have to carry this fight. If we all carry it together, we will raise this fight up, so the world knows we are not going to be going backwards

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Amen sister.

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For 18,153 days the right of a woman, to make reproductive decisions about herself were protected by a very thin thread call Roe v Wade. As we recover from the shocking blow of having this right uncategorically removed by the highest court in the land, for no other reason than they had the power to do so as conferred on them by the Republican Party, we must move forward with care and purpose to make sure that, from this point on, any laws or rulings made will provide a greater assurance that these inalienable rights will not be violated at any time in the future.

With the supreme court reneging on their higher purpose, by pushing this issue back to the state level, the struggle for our rights has moved to that arena, remembering to keep a careful eye on republicans in congress who want to codify penalties for abortion participants, ie the women, the physician, and others who “abet” the process.

So, how can we assess the State where we live with regard to those in power and the current laws in order to come up with an effective game plan for our state?

For these reasons I deeply appreciate reading everyone’s comments and participating in this discourse; and for your most excellent guidance, Joyce. I’ve watched you, Barb and Jill on MSNBC since before the Trump fiasco began and recognized all of you as invaluable resources early on. Now I am also hooked on #SistersInLaw, your Saturday podcast, with all of you including Kimberly Atkins Stohr (another amazing woman!) On today’s podcast I highlighted her remarks between 34:45-35:34 on how SCOTUS let us down. Then Barb pointed out a statement made by Breyer in the Dobb’s dissent “Power, not reason, is the new currency of the court’s decision-making.” So true! This is at the core of the battle ahead!

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