If trump decides to go overboard on comments and cheekiness, couldn’t the judge put him in a separate room where he could watch and hear the proceedings without being able to comment? Ooh—kind of like he did on January 6th!

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Even as Trump faces his first trial, The Washington Post is featuring Trump press person Kellyanne Conway, the woman who invented “alternative facts,” in a Virtual Program event on April 24. This is the women who lied, misinformed, and lied some more when she worked for the previous president. The WaPo is normalizing and legitimizing her abhorrent behavior while she was representing American policy and programs to America and the world.

The Washington Post led the way to uncover the crimes and immorality of the Nixon administration, and yet apparently believes Conway is worth our attention now. She frequently attacked the WaPo and other respectable news media, so the paper appears to be endorsing someone who forcefully denigrated a free and fair press.

I’m beyond disgusted with what appears to be this shameless pandering to Trump world (or the WaPo shareholders). I encourage subscribers to tell the WaPo what you think of this! Email the Opinions editor at David.Shipley@washpost.com. Send your LTE to letters@washpost.com.

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Having gone through the selection process and served on a jury, This IS serious business. It is Incredibly Important. I was HONORED to serve on a jury in a trial that was important to the individuals involved but it was not nearly as important as being an honest, sincere, fair juror in this monumental case.

May these jurors know I respect them (as a fellow juror once) and respect their service. It is crucial to justice being served & to democracy.

We truly are in this together and Thank You Joyce for Always making your expertise available to us to help with our understanding of the nuances and jargon that is often unfamiliar.

Hope the Vance critters all had a marvelous April weekend, too !!!

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Freedom For Refrigerators. Makes me wish I were young enough and healthy enough to attend these sessions dressed as a frozen vulva. The sophistry is thicker than my condescension, and that last is VERY thick. I will record anything shown on the tube to take in small doses. I continue to marvel at folks like you, Joyce. Your stamina in the face of all of this is super human. He shits on absolutely anything and blames the stench on others. We know what needs to happen, but will it?

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The looming trial of Donald Trump isn't just another courtroom drama—it's a full-blown, no-holds-barred referendum on the very soul of American justice. In her piercing commentary, Joyce Vance doesn't just sketch the legal battlefield; she throws us headlong into the tumultuous waters of political scandal and judicial integrity. Here we stand, onlookers at the gates of history, where the scales of justice wobble under the weight of a former president's defiance and deception.

Trump's antics—a maelstrom of tweets and tirades—are not just the desperate flailings of a man cornered; they are a calculated assault on the pillars of truth and accountability. As the trial unfolds, we are not mere spectators but active participants in a saga that will dictate the narrative of democracy and the rule of law. It's a show, alright—a tragic spectacle with liberties and laws in the spotlight, where every act, every scene, and every player will decide whether the American judicial system is a beacon of impartiality or just another rigged game in the high stakes casino of political power.

As Joyce Vance maps out, this trial could be the thread that unravels the fabric of deceit, or it could be a missed shot that ricochets through the annals of justice. What's at stake is clear: Can American justice withstand the whirlwind of political powerplay, or will it be bent and broken under the gavel of expediency and spectacle? This is the question we must grapple with as the courtroom doors swing open and the world watches, waits, and wonders.

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There ought to be a penalty when a US Representative brings a frivolous bill, like freeing refrigerators, to the floor. I'd suggest they have to forego one month's salary, since taxpayers, who pay their salaries and perks, suffer every time they waste House time on crap like this. Or, maybe hit them even harder and take away their limos and drivers or housing assistance for a month or two.

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House members may have been ready to discuss laundry issues this coming week, but I'm here to tell you that a lot of very dirty laundry is about to be aired when Trump's trial starts!

Convict or acquit, I'm just hoping that voters can no longer see Trump as anything other than a liar, a cheat, and a heretofore coddled criminal!

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The House Repub "legislative" agenda is well beyond the usual Onion offerings, and exceeds that which even SNL could confect...please tell me that it's just a great send-up, everybody in Congress has a big laugh, and then get down to the real business of the People.

Hilarious, were it not so tragically embarrassing.

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I am so ready for tomorrow to begin. I’m pretty sure he will want to make a circus if the proceedings. Maybe he won’t be able to stay quiet and they can place him in a soundproof vault.

I am grateful that is delay tactics didn’t work. I still worry about MAGA goons creating havoc for everyone and their families who are involved in the case.

When I first glanced at the Republicans agenda I thought it was a spoof. I guess I should have waited to buy all new appliances. 😂 We all know there is a lot more for them to do. When will they do anything?

Thank you for this information tonight Joyce. We all better buckle up. I look forward to learning your thoughts in the coming weeks.

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Thing is, as much he fancies himself some kind of capo dei capi mob boss, he not only lacks the dignity many had, he lacks their street smarts. Comes right down to it, he's not a very good crook. Could have saved himself all this trouble by having one of his big money pals quietly pay off Daniels and McDougal with bags of cash. But no --- had to go through a convoluted scheme leaving all kinds of fingerprints and paper in its wake. Could have been content to defraud the state at the same level as the rest of the NY real estate industry but no, had to do it more and more openly than anyone else, and is now facing nearly a half-billion dollar judgment. Could have kept his mouth shut about E. Jean Carroll and not be on the hook for another $90MM+ But, no.

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Any chance he shuts The Donald up when he breaks the gag order? I’m thinking the 1st time it’s $10,000 payable in 48 hours, 2nd time $20,000/48 hrs, 3rd time $40,000/48 hrs & so forth. Failure to pay the fine within the prescribed time gets a night in a cell. Would that work?

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Orange 1 got a break with his vaudeville routine in the civil fraud trial because there was no jury. He didn't with Judge Kaplan in the second E. Jean Carroll defamation proceeding with a jury and I can almost guarantee that Judge Merchan won't be havin' it either. Orange 1 could show up when he wanted to in the two civil cases; he has to be in court for this criminal trial unless he gets a waiver from the judge so, I imagine it will be like pulling teeth for him to sit there quietly and respectfully for an extended period. What particularly galls him is being judged by 12 ordinary citizens called his peers. But the fact that they are ordinary folks means they usually don't take kindly to being disrespected by a defendant acting out in court. Since disrespect is very much an element of the trial, the defense probably should add some last minute cautions about deportment --- almost certain to be ignored.

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Dear heavens…the agenda!! Joyce, if you hadn’t clarified that for us, I would literally think it was a script off of SNL!


I’m rested and ready to follow the jury selection process throughout the week! Thanks so much for breaking it all down for us!

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Thank you Joyce for your helpful, insightful analysis of this coming week. Reading your posts always gives me hope for the rule of law. As we begin this Trump farce I will be looking to my email for your comments which always help calm down so I can sleep at night. Please keep them coming!!!! Also photos of the chickens, dog and cat would help.

Finally, I’m going to check my household appliances before bed so I can be knowledgeable about the important issues of the day according to our Congress. When will this ever end???

We ARE all in this together. Thanks again.

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Hell has finally frozen ! Now for a conviction

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Oh my Goodness. Joyce I swear I was so amused at the end of your article about the GOP agenda for the House I laughed out loud. It was good in a way to laugh about the absurdity of the GOP Congress while the courtroom drama is ready to play out for their “fearless leader”. But read through it pretty quick. And now with threats of war in the Middle East and continuing sacrifices of the Ukrainian people while Johnson and tRump have their shitshow @ Mar a Lago, it shows how that faction of the House really is rudderless. Good night all

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