Dang! You’re super-human! Having all 4 wisdom teeth out and then writing this succinct epistle tonight is more than admirable. 😎

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I’m so glad you are typing tartly again, Joyce. We need your hope and fighting spirit. I can’t bear to listen to Chansley or to read Trump, but I am so grateful you are indexing these disturbances. Mine was one of the early no-fault divorces in Georgia, so in addition to all of the other backwards steps we have taken, I am now fully in the camp of the Other. Onward!

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Is this entire cultural revolution we are having, really going to boil down to too many men being unable to find their manhood, without a woman to punch around (both figuratively, socially, and physically)?

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It was a great hope to see Erdogan lose in Turkey. That was dashed.

Hoping Paxton is convicted & never permitted to run again.

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Get well soon!. Wisdom teeth surgery is no fun. At least you were able to have it done before some Southern legislator decided you needed permission from your husband to do so.

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I've had my eye on Ken Paxton for a number of years. I knew he was not being prosecuted for crimes he committed, but rather he was protected by Texas voters and legislators. I am absolutely gleeful that he's finally getting his "comeuppance" which could only have come from fellow Republican legislators or voters. Can't wait to see how this story unfolds!

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The arrogance of someone like Crow to direct his lawyers to tell a congressional committee to go pound sand, shows the extent which these connected rich nobodies think they own the government; actually when one ponders that, it may be true that they in fact do to some extent..interesting that some people seem to equate money as a measure of intelligence with those possessing it.. hopefully this guy gets tested in court and losses..scary if not.

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So nice to see you again! Thanks for the week ahead. So much happening but what has been on my mind is Secret Service. I agree Jan 6 defendants being welcomed home as heroes is disturbing. I am more concerned though how Trump is being treated like he is an American treasure because he has Secret Service protection. He is a criminal. He should go to jail alone like everyone else! He doesn’t deserve protection. And anyway aren’t the Secret Service complicit in his crimes since they are with him when he commits them? So many other concerns too this week as GOP move to get their way at any cost. We need to vote.

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Thanks for this post and for the cute pet pics. I hope your procedure went well and that you’ll be back to 💯 soon! Take care.

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I'm so glad you're recovering and, selfishly, that you're back with us. I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling that we're stronger in this together when you're holding the lantern.

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I really hope your dental surgery went well and you heal just as well. Baby yourself as long as you can get away with because I know you’ll be getting busy again with all that seems to be getting ready to legally happen. Your legal knowledge will, as usual, be invaluable. I love Jill Wine-Banks and Barbara McQuaid. You ladies rock as legal eagles. Thanks for everything you three do.

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Thanks for the reminder that many of us wouldn’t be alive if our immigrant ancestors hadn’t come to these shores. To me, that’s a reason to love this country deeply.

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

Outlawing no fault divorce? What’s the next advancement or right for these madmen to take from us? The March returning us to the 1920’s—when America was “great”—continues.

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Al Franken's podcast last Sunday was all about QAnon. About 15% of Americans agree w/ some of its beliefs about conspiracies, elites and others. Chansley, Trump, and others are the tip of the spear. It's available on Amazon, on his site, etc. https://alfranken.com/listen

On a more positive and practical note, I recommend Tom Hanks's speech to Harvard graduates. Smart, witty, patriotic. The take-home quote was, to paraphrase, "if you don't do it, who will?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkPo5nfEk1w

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I want to say again how grateful I am for your clearly expressed views. There are so many stories that I sometimes lose track of the events. I had completely forgotten Tom Paxton and his lengthly course of evading his legal responsibilities. And now we have another fascinating story about Clarence Thomas' dear friend getting entangled with Congress. I never thought (am now 76) that I would live long enough to see people actually prosecuted. I was born and brought up in Savannah, GA and punished for having conflicting opinions with my very conservative family. I will never forget the first time I voted, I stood in the rain and voted for Hubert Humphrey and then had my father yell at me that I had cancelled his vote! So, thank you for your clarity. I don't remember ever having access to such legal clarity before now.

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All four teeth at once? Superwoman! I did two at a time and that was bad enough.

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