Dang! You’re super-human! Having all 4 wisdom teeth out and then writing this succinct epistle tonight is more than admirable. 😎

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I’m so glad you are typing tartly again, Joyce. We need your hope and fighting spirit. I can’t bear to listen to Chansley or to read Trump, but I am so grateful you are indexing these disturbances. Mine was one of the early no-fault divorces in Georgia, so in addition to all of the other backwards steps we have taken, I am now fully in the camp of the Other. Onward!

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Joyce and Jim: the No-fault divorce issue presents two interesting political opportunities. Both Texas and Nebraska have US Senate elections in which women will be very active next Nov24. It would appear that particularly Democratic women (and men as witnessed by Jim) would want to get involved in the election presumably in support of Democratic state legislators who would be more likely to support no-fault divorce? Greater democratic participation in the election in general would help Colin Allred who has a good shot at defeating Cruz. Nebraska has two US Senators up for election and Democrats have a long shot chance at beating one of them, so please keep an eye out for that opportunity!

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Colin Allred is a shining bright light in the field of Democrats! Help him along with support to beat Cancun Cruz! He is refreshing!

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Absolutely! First, he presents as moderate though his voting record is solidly in line with the caucus. Second, eight years as a pro football player resonates with a broad audience. Third, the Texas black population is enormous and Beto was concentrating on Latinos . Fourth, Cruz is not popular. Sum up: Allred has a real chance to win and thst woukd be very significant politically as a Senate pickup is a gain of two votes in effect.

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New York has had do-it-yourself uncontested divorce for over 20 years, and even provides forms and instructions. I think other states also do this.

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I actually got a divorce in NY. Unless changed, you must file and the divorce that’s a year from then. Hardly a quick thing. Although it worked for me I was protected from his debts while legally separated.

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Yes, you have to be separated for a year, but most people already are.

That's what legal separations do - they protect you from your estranged spouse's bad debts and both parties benefit from agreeing not to harass each other or trespass at their workplaces or places of residence.

Contested divorces tend to drag on much longer than a year. Can people still get quickie divorces in Mexico?

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Legal separation, which is by filing papers not just by living seperately. Yes. Mine took three plus years due to an uncooperative spouse. It protects yes, except it isn’t over and there can be stress. Just saying it’s not that amazing. Arizona, California, Nevada.. knew someone in Az divorce. Much simpler. The forms in my do not require a lawyer but I want really equal to the task with an uncooperative x.

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An uncooperative spouse? Why on earth did you try to get an uncontested divorce? I was a court clerk for over 10 years, and I do know that uncontested divorces are either easily completed on papers or by the plaintiff giving brief testimony in court while the respondent/defendant defaults by not showing up.

This isn't really relevant to the topic so I'll stop now.

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Not all by any means

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Jim, I also had an early no-fault divorce (mine in FL) and an early abortion in Washington, DC. Besides these rights taken away, they are also removing books I read and love from libraries. What is next?

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Let's get Women's rights back. Thomas, a Supreme Court Justice is compromised and maybe two Justices have been exposed. We the American people pay them.

They must be held accountable.

How can their votes count? Void their votes.

Void all their votes.

We the People decide and not the rich. We must not allow these men and their wives to get away with what I see as crimes. Pay to Play is a crime.

We the people don't choose the rich to decide the votes of the Supreme Court Justices, yet, this is what is happening.

This is wrong, unfair, unjust, and criminal.

How does one start the process of challenging the inappropriate behavior by Justices being paid for their votes.

We the women of America have been Exploited, Victimized, by these men calling themselves Justices here in our Supreme Court.

Women, we must file papers? We must take them to court?

Attorney Vance, what is the process we need to start to get all the votes overturned starting with Roe.

We women of the USA have power if we work together as One.

We women of the USA of all colors, races, religions, all come together and say no more.

Men can not tell us what we can do with our bodies.

Men can not tell us want pills we can or can not take.

Men can't tell us to stay married to an abuser, a drink, a womanizer, a criminal, and more.

We are Woman. We are made in the Image of The Almighty.

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Take them to what court? They are the court.

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The buck can not stop there. What can be done?

Something must be done. We are the people of the United States.

We must have a voice.

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This 17-minute Post World War II anti-fascist film was made in 1947. A reader on Letters from an American provided the link. One argument made was "In this country we have no 'other' people. We are American people." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K6-cEAJZlE

Editing this comment to say Democracy is worth 17 minutes, IMO.

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Wow- that's for that video- it's a must watch! Truly we are in this together, as Joyce proclaims.

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Is this entire cultural revolution we are having, really going to boil down to too many men being unable to find their manhood, without a woman to punch around (both figuratively, socially, and physically)?

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I was hoping someone would tell me this is not true, and why. It's so pathetic.

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I never imagined! We cannot be complacent! Fight not for me at 74, but all of our granddaughters, and their daughters🙏🏼

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Hi Sharon, Resist for sure! Demand our rights! But, if this is going to change we (all society) need to do a better job raising out boys: change the image of manhood, assure boys that they do not earn manhood through power, lust and greed, it comes with adulthood (as it does for women). It is the kind of man he BE that is important.

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We seem so intent on squashing alternatives to toxic masculinities at the moment that we are terrified of exiting the box. Sudan has outlawed homosexuality for example, and Texas, FLA and other states want to.

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And of course, the gay community has its own hypermasculinity snobbery

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It was a great hope to see Erdogan lose in Turkey. That was dashed.

Hoping Paxton is convicted & never permitted to run again.

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The orange traitor as well.

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Get well soon!. Wisdom teeth surgery is no fun. At least you were able to have it done before some Southern legislator decided you needed permission from your husband to do so.

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Susan, that is so funny that it is NOT!! I'm so grateful to have daughters, granddaughters, and their brothers too that staunchly stand up for the human rights that ALL should have. Son-in-laws too that have been nurturing parents. I am blessed and I hope this next generation will help spread that love and fairness to everyone they touch. Joyce was so right to quote Dr King that Hate can never overcome hate, only Love can. Some days it is very hard.

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Pat, Generations that are still alive, stopping at the Millennials, have really screwed things up! I look at my kids’ generations – Millennials and GenZ, and I am so thankful for them. I am embarrassed by the behavior of humanity at this point. Beyond embarrassed and so saddened. Broken hearted. I have lost connection with family and friends who are supporters of the current insanity. We are we re-living the beginning of Nazi Germany. It amazes me that the Right (truly the wrong) cannot see this. So proud of the younger generations for doing what is correct. So thankful for Joyce and the Substack. I am hopeful that Good will prevail. However, what a circuitous route …Lessons, maybe? XO to all!!

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I've had my eye on Ken Paxton for a number of years. I knew he was not being prosecuted for crimes he committed, but rather he was protected by Texas voters and legislators. I am absolutely gleeful that he's finally getting his "comeuppance" which could only have come from fellow Republican legislators or voters. Can't wait to see how this story unfolds!

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Another Donald, Thomas, Stone, and more getting away with crimes.

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The arrogance of someone like Crow to direct his lawyers to tell a congressional committee to go pound sand, shows the extent which these connected rich nobodies think they own the government; actually when one ponders that, it may be true that they in fact do to some extent..interesting that some people seem to equate money as a measure of intelligence with those possessing it.. hopefully this guy gets tested in court and losses..scary if not.

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Agreed. And if it goes to SCOTUS, what odds do you want to lay that Thomas won’t recuse?

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So nice to see you again! Thanks for the week ahead. So much happening but what has been on my mind is Secret Service. I agree Jan 6 defendants being welcomed home as heroes is disturbing. I am more concerned though how Trump is being treated like he is an American treasure because he has Secret Service protection. He is a criminal. He should go to jail alone like everyone else! He doesn’t deserve protection. And anyway aren’t the Secret Service complicit in his crimes since they are with him when he commits them? So many other concerns too this week as GOP move to get their way at any cost. We need to vote.

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Thanks for this post and for the cute pet pics. I hope your procedure went well and that you’ll be back to 💯 soon! Take care.

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I'm so glad you're recovering and, selfishly, that you're back with us. I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling that we're stronger in this together when you're holding the lantern.

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I really hope your dental surgery went well and you heal just as well. Baby yourself as long as you can get away with because I know you’ll be getting busy again with all that seems to be getting ready to legally happen. Your legal knowledge will, as usual, be invaluable. I love Jill Wine-Banks and Barbara McQuaid. You ladies rock as legal eagles. Thanks for everything you three do.

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And Kimberly Atkins Stohr!

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Thanks. My very bad goof 🫣.

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She’s part of the Sisters-in-Law podcasts.

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Thanks for the reminder that many of us wouldn’t be alive if our immigrant ancestors hadn’t come to these shores. To me, that’s a reason to love this country deeply.

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Outlawing no fault divorce? What’s the next advancement or right for these madmen to take from us? The March returning us to the 1920’s—when America was “great”—continues.

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The GOP wants to control our lives! 🤬

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Al Franken's podcast last Sunday was all about QAnon. About 15% of Americans agree w/ some of its beliefs about conspiracies, elites and others. Chansley, Trump, and others are the tip of the spear. It's available on Amazon, on his site, etc. https://alfranken.com/listen

On a more positive and practical note, I recommend Tom Hanks's speech to Harvard graduates. Smart, witty, patriotic. The take-home quote was, to paraphrase, "if you don't do it, who will?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkPo5nfEk1w

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Thanks for posting that link to a truly memorable graduation address.

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I want to say again how grateful I am for your clearly expressed views. There are so many stories that I sometimes lose track of the events. I had completely forgotten Tom Paxton and his lengthly course of evading his legal responsibilities. And now we have another fascinating story about Clarence Thomas' dear friend getting entangled with Congress. I never thought (am now 76) that I would live long enough to see people actually prosecuted. I was born and brought up in Savannah, GA and punished for having conflicting opinions with my very conservative family. I will never forget the first time I voted, I stood in the rain and voted for Hubert Humphrey and then had my father yell at me that I had cancelled his vote! So, thank you for your clarity. I don't remember ever having access to such legal clarity before now.

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All four teeth at once? Superwoman! I did two at a time and that was bad enough.

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