Edna, Granting your comment was not addressed to me, I, nonetheless, would note, by virtue of their positions in the Trump Administration, Kelly, McMaster, Mattis, and Milley were Trump political appointees. Accordingly, considering the unthinkable damage of reinstating Trump, urging these men to pass already-disclosed truths about Trump…
Edna, Granting your comment was not addressed to me, I, nonetheless, would note, by virtue of their positions in the Trump Administration, Kelly, McMaster, Mattis, and Milley were Trump political appointees. Accordingly, considering the unthinkable damage of reinstating Trump, urging these men to pass already-disclosed truths about Trump they had witnessed to reach everyday people who neither had read their books nor journalists’ accounts of their views would seem good service.
Edna, Granting your comment was not addressed to me, I, nonetheless, would note, by virtue of their positions in the Trump Administration, Kelly, McMaster, Mattis, and Milley were Trump political appointees. Accordingly, considering the unthinkable damage of reinstating Trump, urging these men to pass already-disclosed truths about Trump they had witnessed to reach everyday people who neither had read their books nor journalists’ accounts of their views would seem good service.