The "pleasure" of seeing Jack Smith convene this trial can come none too soon. Yes, to Ginny Thomas being indicted, and what about the busy minions--Mike Lee, Ted Cruz et al.? I would prefer if the focus be on Trump from the beginning (rather than allow him to slink away as he has done everywhere, and very successfully under Merrick Garland's blind eye).
The "pleasure" of seeing Jack Smith convene this trial can come none too soon. Yes, to Ginny Thomas being indicted, and what about the busy minions--Mike Lee, Ted Cruz et al.? I would prefer if the focus be on Trump from the beginning (rather than allow him to slink away as he has done everywhere, and very successfully under Merrick Garland's blind eye).
The "pleasure" of seeing Jack Smith convene this trial can come none too soon. Yes, to Ginny Thomas being indicted, and what about the busy minions--Mike Lee, Ted Cruz et al.? I would prefer if the focus be on Trump from the beginning (rather than allow him to slink away as he has done everywhere, and very successfully under Merrick Garland's blind eye).