Joyce, your writings are so very valuable to me. And I am very glad and honored to be a paid subscriber.

1. You present information that I need to know in a way that I can understand.

2. You have reaffirmed that I made the right decision to go to medical school instead of law school.

3. God bless lawyers. So glad they are there if I were to need them. But the (to me) tedium of what they have to read and do would send me screaming from the room. Give me anatomy and physiology and putting my (gloved) hands in places you don’t even want to know about any day. So glad to have lived in a free society where I had the opportunity to study and do what I chose. May it always be so.

4. There is knitting.

5. There are chickens, a dog, and a black cat named Tofu.

Don’t ever doubt that your work and your writings are appreciated Joyce.

Onward through the fog.

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Sky 777: Wait.


I can't believe I hear someone say, "God bless lawyers."

Now, I have been a lawyer since 1974 (Arizona Bar, USAF Reserves (Lt Col) Judge Advocate, Retired March 2003; GS-15, Office of General Counsel, Department of Navy, Retired March 2016).

I will admit that during my last 12-years of Air Force Reserves, my Judge Advocate duties were Medical Risk Management. I am happy to say, I wore the white hat, preparing cases for medical doctors and staff, and our hospital was happy for the work we did together.

"God bless lawyers" is quite rare to hear! LOL

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And when the fog lifts, the sun will shine brightly.

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May it be so.

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And for me, the intricacies of the human brain, as expressed in our legal system, is *at least* as fascinating as the working of our bodies. Again for me, the law requires paring down the numerous factoids of a series of interactions likely involving multiple parties, over a delimited timeframe, and deciding which ones are essential to the particular issue under dispute, and which are noise. Those essentials are then measured against a particular set of standards, and a decision is rendered. Beautiful and messy.

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Stay out of the clutches of lawyers, if at all possible. If not, retain someone whose aim is to extricate you with the least possible pain.

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I’m a chemist and appreciate the messy medicine you find compelling. I cannot imagine a dissection, although I have tried to attend equine dissections as I’m also an equine bodyworker.

Please give me the clean, un-bloody (except to one’s finances) world of law over your gloved hand excursions into places I don’t want to think about.

To each their own.

Grateful for everyone’s own.

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Same Here!

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Sweet summation , huh thanks Sky777 , nice 🫶

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I am just totally disgusted and disappointed with our judicial system. Just tell me when the, excuse me Joyce, bastard is found guilty and headed to prison. I have had enough. Vote, please vote and vote for every democrat on your ticket.

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Damn, I find it difficult to understand why trump needed any group of attorneys since he is the one yanking their chains. I guess they are getting paid via "campaign donations" and that is perhaps another criminal act to be pursued another day. Seems I remember trump claiming, "I'll never give up!" Guess that wasn't related to testifying. It is painfully obvious to anyone who is paying attention, that trump is guilty of EVERYTHING, as he put it like this before, "why plead the 5th? The only people who take the 5th are mobsters." He is right about that.....mostly. Let's NOT let this mobster become a DICTATOR, too. Carry on.

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don-Don is a mobster. 💙

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So, basically, Trump is AGAIN trying every possible way to delay his upcoming January 6th trial, and Jack Smith is on to his tactics and isn't having it. After the last what seems like 100 years of Trump every day in the news, torturing America with his obvious nonsense, it is ABOUT DAMNED TIME that someone stood up to him and told him, "NO!" Thanks, Joyce, for sharing your legal expertise in a way that is completely understandable.

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Looks like Jack Smith is beating him in chess too:


gaa gaa goo goo


Jack plays chess, Donald plays checkers

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Thank you, Joyce, for again clarifying who's doing and saying what. The legal/court system never sounded so understandable!

Will Trump's attorney's face consequences for trying to rewrite, skirt, or ignore the law in some of their filings? Does anyone know who's paying the attorneys, given Trump's history of not paying his bills?

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Hi LaurieOregon, I only know that Chris Kise, the new MaraLardo documents attorney negotiated a $3 Million advanced, based on Trump's reputation for not paying his attorneys. But I am not sure the name of the PAC paying the bill - I believe it is not from Trump's personal bank account.

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I fear many PACs are backing Trump. I wonder what the rules are regarding PACs paying a candidate's bills, for legal or other goods and services. Trump has a 1-person jobs program for keeping attorneys employed, especially not very good ones.

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Good question.

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LaurieOregon, the consequences will be that Trump’s attorneys will lose their motion(s) and eventually Trump will be found guilty.

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A lot of chickens in Trump world are coming home to roost! Thank you Joyce for your tireless work for justice.

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I'm concerned for those chickens who want to roost. It could be a long time before they're allowed to come home from appellant court.

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Politically, the Hunter Biden indictments are unfortunate. Although it's unlikely that his father benefited from Hunter's exceedingly well paid overseas ventures, the son's misdeeds will cloud the electorate's view of papa. Why that's not the case with the famiglia Trump, where vice and dishonesty flow intergenerationally in both directions, is a bit of a mystery.

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It is the case with famiglia Trump. Whatever Hunter's troubles entail, they will be over with the court case. He made bad choices while he 'did drugs.' But at least one of Trump's children has internalized his dishonesty: Ivanka testified in the New York fraud case that the Deutsche Bank bankers were happy with the deal they did with Trump (and herself, as she arranged for and managed the loan). If it were true that the Deutsche Bank bankers were 'happy' as she tried to portray, why did two of the bankers who were implicated and tarnished by the fraud loan(s) commit suicide? The stepson of one of the bankers died in a curious way. https://www.newsweek.com/deutsche-bank-deaths-suicides-valentin-broeksmit-1701819

The Deutsche Bank bankers were not happy at all and their professional lives were ruined. [So who at Deutsche Bank was happy? Do we take Ivanka's word for that? You can be certain that Leticia James and the DOJ know all about these suicides and their connection to the Trump business loans]. So far as the electorate's view of Biden clouding him: very few American families have not been impacted by drugs. Hunter was on drugs much of the time that he avoided paying taxes. I think the American electorate will be able to separate Hunter's behavior on drugs from Joe Biden's consistent leadership. The Trump children are different: they can be stone sober and support their father's grift with no conscience. My opinion.

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Aye, let's hope you're right. Not sure about the Deutsche bankers though: is it causation or just correlation?

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I posted the link above, so you can read the Newsweek article. I think the author alluded to it being more than a coincidence with suicide notes that were left. The death of the stepson of one of the bankers was curious because his cause of death was not explained - and his mother wouldn’t talk about it. But they stepson gave the government evidence about the loans that were made.

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Yes, I read it. Thanks.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

Valere, Ivanka’s testimony will have no effect on the trial. First, judge Engoron has already found the Trump Organization liable for fraud, so the “happiness” of the bankers is irrelevant. Second, she is not competent to testify about the mental state of others. Even if a banker told her, “I am happy,” that statement from her is hearsay.

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

Hi Barbara, I’m very well aware that Ivanka’s testimony will not have an impact on the fraud trial. I’m bringing up that there were three suicides: two in 2014 and one in 2019 from bankers who were involved with the Trump loans. The bank was investigating those loans. My statement about the bankers being unhappy, was their personal unhappiness over being investigated, and according to notes, they left, they were extremely worried about investigations being made into the loans.

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I hadn’t heard about this before. How very sad. Thanks for sharing!

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

Ps #1 Barbara, so the personal banker who handled Trump’s loans private loans and who was ‘pursuing Trump’s business’ and who made a lot of money from those loans, was happy about it. Four people connected to the Trump loans died: three suicides with notes, and one unexplained death of a young man, the step son of one of the bankers. Three Deutsche Bank bankers committed suicide after the Trump loans were issued and after investigations commenced. Two committed suicide in 2014, one committed suicide in 2019, and the stepson of one of the three bankers was found dead with an unexplained death in 2021. So my question about Ivanka entailed how could she possibly not know about three suicides, and an unexplained death of bankers, and a stepson of a banker, who had been a whistleblower about his own stepfather’s involvement in the loans - with inquiries being made, and a well publicized book on the market, all about the deaths? How could she be unaware that Deutsche bank was investigating the loans? So granted did a very large bank, and at one time was considered the largest in Germany, so conceivably, the private banking, could be happy dancing and celebrating with Ivanka, and the investigative branch could be alarmed.

Investigative reporters have written articles, and a book has been written, called “Dark Towers” in which the author writes exclusively about the Deutsche Bank loans to Trump and the rumors following the suicides. But Ivanka’s message is simply butterflies and rainbows, and how happy the bank was with the Trumps. I just don’t see that kind of damage following Hunter Biden. I wasn’t speaking about her impact on the outcome of the fraud trial, which has already been decided by the judge. I was speaking about her lack of any kind of core or conscience and the lack of core, or conscious from her father, who claims repeatedly that the loans were reputable and not inflated. Something doesn’t add up when the bank investigates the loan, employees kill themselves, there’s a lawsuit by Trump, and yet Ivanka sits on the witness stand, trying to portray that the bank is happy. The happy, private banker retired recently. The bank made loans to Trump when four or five other banks, wouldn’t touch him with a barge pole. The investigative reporter stories are much different than that told by Ivanka for the courtroom. Their stories say that Jeffrey Epstein introduced Deutsche Bank to the Trumps. That would’ve been in the era when Jeffrey Epstein was found guilty of sexual trafficking of minors. Generally, when bankers are investigated it’s because they’ve gotten creative with their white out on the loan documents. And then they kill themselves. But with Jeffrey Epstein involved, who knows what was being investigated.

I was never addressing any kind of impact Ivanka‘s testimony had on the trial. That outcome was decided before the trial, and the judges, determining how much to award the people of New York State for Trump’s fraud.

I was writing about the difference between two families. One that doesn’t have a single moral bone in it’s collective body and the other one that has a father, who, in my opinion, has been a fabulous president who has shown exemplary leadership, after inheriting a government in shambles, and who has a son, who made some poor decisions while taking drugs. Taking drugs is self harm. Hunter Biden did plenty of that, but so far as anyone knows, he hasn’t caused bankers to commit suicide from making fraudulent or overly creative loans, while a private banker, got rich, and climbed the corporate ladder, as her colleagues became collateral damage. Ivanka went with her father to the private banker meetings. She was quite pleased with herself, according to emails that she sent later, indicating that ‘they got more than they expected.’ The fallout from those loans included an investigation over several years, three suicides and an unexplained death of a young man who was the stepson of one of the bankers; but she wants to sit on the witness stand and call this experience one of happy dancing for the bank. The suicide notes by the bankers, referenced their dismay over being investigated by Deutsche Bank. Leticia James didn’t call Ivanka to the stand to make a single difference in the outcome of the trial. She already had the answers to the questions she asked her. She wanted Ivanka on record. And Leticia James can do with iIvanka’s testimony what she will. Of course I’ve wondered why she called her as a witness. Perhaps Leticia wants to charge her with a crime. We’ll just have to wait and see. But for anyone to compare Hunter Biden’s unfortunate choices, while under the influences of drugs, with Ivanka and her brothers’ choices while they’re all stone cold sober is missing the mark. I used to think that Ivanka and her brothers simply did the bidding of their father. But Ivanka is plenty old enough to understand when terms are so favorable that they exceeded the boundaries of any loans being made. Especially when her family couldn’t get loans at that time. She was old enough to understand that people involved in her loans committed suicide. And now she’s old enough to understand that people who followed her father’s directions to go to the Capital died, and people protecting the capital died as well. She doesn’t have clean hands. There’s absolutely no comparison to someone who made poor decisions while taking drugs. I haven’t been involved in drinking and drugs. I have had friends who have, and some died in not so happy ways. So far as I can tell with Hunter, it seems to be self harm. He hasn’t left a trail of death and destruction. My comments were directed to the poster who wondered why Trump‘s family seem to be getting by unscathed. I don’t think that will be the case. Ivanka may be charged with a crime. If the boys can’t do business in New York, they may end up in one of the stand. that were a part of the former Russian Soviet union. Of course, they won’t have Secret Service protection, and who knows what kind of bodyguards they can hire.

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yes, thank you for this... this whole Deutsche Bank thing has always "smelled to high heaven"... very sketchy... and with people "on the inside" dying, it just completely reinforces that🙄. Hoping that somehow, someday we get to the bottom of that too. 🙏

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That’s right...and the FACTS are in front of all to see about trump. Crazy stuff. NO facts on President Biden. (I actually feel sorry for Joe Biden, he is trying to save us all. Ugh. 🇺🇸

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Thank you for knowing this Ruth. Joe Biden was born to be president and his leadership is exactly what we need now. He will be fine. He has a strong core and so does his family. Just harken back to one of the first presidential debates when a man came on the stage to threaten Joe, and Jill reached the guy before the secret service (standing right behind Joe Biden). They are a strong family with ethics and a core. Trump will and has tried to make something out of nothing with Joe and Hunter's finances. No matter how much lipstick Trump tries to put on the pig, it is still a pig.

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Word for the week seems to be INTENSE. I’m here for it. Get some sleep Joyce, so you can send those pictures of the girls tomorrow. We’re gonna need ‘em.

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The way you write Joyce, reads to me like a really good novel... as though we're reading the brilliant lawyer's thoughts about a case they MUST WIN!. Also, I actually understand a lot of the ins and outs you lay out for us. This alone is a thrill for a decidedly un-lawyerlike mind such as my own.

I'm very skeptical about what Rudy will try to pull. What a criminal slime bucket he has become < in lay terms, he's sleazy>.

Thanks again Joyce!

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Yes, I wonder how Guiliani was able to get away with not providing his financial information to the court as required. Perhaps because of the sources?

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

Still, he didn't do it. Wouldn't the judge have the power to force him to comply or go to jail for contempt. I read what you sent me, but it seemed that all he got was a bad mark in her book.

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Thank you, Joyce, for bringing all this valuable information to us. One thing I'd like to point out is the Federal Courts are fully supported by our tax dollars, all these bogus delays and appeals by trump are costing us. Likewise the trial in New York is at the expense of New York taxpayers. So I hope the fine Judge Engoron applies to trump is very, very large. Same applies to Fulton County Georgia, except there the Fulton County property owners are paying part of the cost as well as the State. Don't waste your sympathy on trump, he deserves whatever penalty he gets. Once a grifter, always a grifter.

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I appreciate your straightforward explanations. I follow you everywhere!

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Yes! Totally agree with you, Bill.

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Thank you Joyce once again . After yesterdays I double thank you for coming back this evening. Have breakfast with the chickens tomorrow.

My first thought about the Hunter Biden case was if the grand jury had been in another part of California I do not think you would have seen these charges. Central California is very much GOP .maybe I am wrong but don’t think so.

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True, Central Valley is very GOP...McCarthy country.

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True that...I lived in Bakersfield a few years after college (in Sacramento), and have family ties in Central Valley...also lived in northern part of the state that is very conservative. It’s not all Blue, for sure!

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They're a scary bunch in Central CA. They've been able to get away with all kinds of dirty tricks over the years. Basically, they're Mob Boss Lite.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

Christine , Louise, Carol and others, the Central District of California covers Los Angeles County and neighboring counties.

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Tucking in under the weight of justice blankets that will warm my heart and soul as justice takes another step forward next week!

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I appreciate your analysis, Joyce. Keep up the great work!

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What could be the explanation for the new Hunter charges? Just plain "do this!" from Republicans?

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Yes please, chickens are welcome, as well as Tofu, Bella, and dry meal worms. When IS Trump going to understand that the election was.not.stolen.from.him? And who needs 'foreign interference'? We have our own home-grown Steve Bannon cavorting (sorry if that is an incorrect word choice) with Cambridge Analytica, where he had an ownership, was a Vice-president, and had created the psychological warfare project to influence Republicans in 2020? Cambridge Analytica used Russian researchers and shared data with companies linked to Russian intelligence in 2016, then shut down, but four Cambridge workers formed Data Propria, using the same processes to work on Trump's 2020 campaign. That might not have been a direct enough connection to charge 'foreign interference.' Now Steve Bannon, former Cambridge VP and former chief strategist for Trump is conducting psychological warfare from his War Room directed at Republicans to 'elect Trump.' I love Jack Smith's word choices - my personal favorites are in single quotes: "The Defendant's view of discovery is 'untethered' to any statute; .....the Defendant 'invents' his own standard....and 'contorts facts to his liking.' " So in a single paragraph, Jack Smith legally wordsmiths that Trump is untethered, invents the truth, and contorts facts. We all know, and now it is filed in a legal document!! (I especially love 'untethered.') Thank you Joyce, for guiding us through the maze. This would have been undecipherable had you not unpacked it for us. Not sure even with your explanation: does Trump want Judge Chutkan to stop the court proceedings until all appeals receive decisions?

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He might’ve just said that Trump is “unrestrained” by intelligence. 👍

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Exactly! And ‘untethered’ by reality. The reality is he did not win in 2020.

Jack Smith is unraveling him in every response.

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ps: these are examples of Jack Smith playing chess with Trump:


gah gah goo goo


Jack plays chess, Donald plays checkers

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