Patti post this good idea on Steven Beschloss' substack: Patti Just sent this to the White House….Mr. President - I like you but let's face it - that debate was sadly a bomb. BUT...I am behind you 100%! YOU are my guy. I have a great idea that your high paid idea guys (that includes women) should think about. You have money. Buy media spots and have your Cabinet heads spotlight his/her counterpart of Project 2025 and what will happen to the American people if Trump is elected. You NEED to remind the American people that you are NOT a solo act. You are surrounded by talented, informed, well-educated and dedicated to democratic principles people. By educating fellow Americans not only about your staff but about the truly terrifying Project 2025, it is win win for everyone. Help us help everyone by informing everyone of what WILL happen. Just look at the Supreme Court and what has happened there with a 4-year term and McConnell's corruptions. Think about it Mr. President. I hope you get this.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Great points here. I am behind Joe Biden as long as he wants. But if he decides to withdraw or does not complete his term if elected, I think it's important to emphasize that Harris would inherit that same excellent staff and advisors. Whether Joe Biden or Joe Blow is the Democratic nominee, our vote must go to the Democratic candidates all the way down the ticket and stop Trump.

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I wish Biden would begin a ‘Fire side’ kind of ‘Chat’ on a weekly bases with the people. He needs this outreach.

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Excellent idea. Maybe post it on the White House page?

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He needs to hold press conferences at least twice a week, talking directly to the news media.

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Any flub will be blown out of proportion by the media.

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And so he should be silent instead?

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That is not what I said. I don't think a weekly fireside chat would be helpful. The people who would listen are his supporters. A weekly news conference would be reported by all major news sources. I have 27 years experience in broadcast media, my opinion might count for something.

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I would vote for Harris, but unless the position is handed down to her, after President Biden is reelected, I am not certain all the voting public, would put their support behind a smart woman of color, if a vote was needed. The voting public, did not support Hillary, a smart, white woman. The voting public did not put their support behind Gore, a smart white man.

Do we remember during Obama’s term in office, how the white nationalist movement gained momentum, because they couldn’t come to terms, with a smart black man, at the hands of power.

In terms of optimism if a vote is needed, I am not all that optimistic about the US public at large. I wish to be proven wrong.

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I tend to have that same viewpoint, sadly. We can’t change our ticket at this late stage because the end goal is to prevent a convicted felon from holding the presidency. However; what just happened in France’s elections gives me hope that the American public, too, would vote against a far right government.

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I am still backing Joe, but I've stopped consuming "news" because it tends to just be more of the same -- Biden should bow out. I disagree with that, but it must be very hard to withstand all the pressure.

If he DOES decide not to run he should resign and let Kamala choose a brilliant VP and show her chops at leadership before the election. Otherwise, trump may get his nasty wish.

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Joe and his team are in for the best team going.

Biden isn’t a “bow out”

He is running ! He has decided. His team has decided. Trump will Never “get his nasty wish” Period.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

I’m just relieved that the Far Right did not get enough votes to form the next French government 😰

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Not only a smart woman of color, but married to a Jew. As a Jew, I fear the vitriol and rise in white nationalism will be even more intense.

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Americans are not ready to have a woman as president. I think it is less a problem of racism than of misogyny.

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WHY not?

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Unfortunately, most of us don’t vote with our intellect. We vote with our emotions. You have made a few good points here.

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Bill, pessimistic, but where is the data to support your claim? But assuming its a reasonable statement, appealing to voter’s emotions by spelling out the ramifications of Project 2025 would certainly put those emotional voters on guard

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The voting public did vote for Hillary by almost 3 million, but the antiquated Electoral College put paid to that. The voting public voted for Al Gore but the Supreme Court did him in. I wish this country was ready to vote for a smart woman of color but the last eight years has shown that we’re not there yet, sadly. I think there are many who are terrified of Kamala Harris, precisely because she is relatively young, incredibly smart, well-spoken and a woman of color.

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I have total confidence in VP Harris's ability to do the job. What I don't have is much confidence that she can be elected at the top of the ticket. Obama's election -- twice! -- didn't make racism go away, and sexism is also a major factor. I'm not just talking about right-wingers either, but the bilge that is sure to come out of the right-wing media will curl your hair (or, in my case, straighten it -- curls I've already got).

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absolutely. And she's married to a Jew. I'm Jewish and I know what hatred that will bring out. Given that Trump has mad it a badge of honor to actively express one's hatred, it will get very ugly and dangerous very fast.

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they won't put Harris up. they will say, and so sadly I'm afraid they are correct, that she can't win against T$#% bc she's a woman AND black. plus, i've already seen Dem women trashing her for being "difficult." the same BS as circulated against Hillary and other women POTUS candidates.

if Biden steps down, we will lose his administration, including Harris and our only chance right now of getting a woman into the White House: through the side door as a Truman. the pun is excruciating.

OTOH, so many women will be out to vote to protect abortion rights and to protest Dobbs that, maybe, Harris has a much better change of getting elected than I think.

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Not real sure either that Harris can beat Trump? However, IF Biden continues as an incumbent with Harris as VP, then later resigns, perhaps that is the way to get Harris into office? But the VP would be Speaker of the House Johnson? Is that correct? There is a great deal to sift out!

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The only way the SOH could step into the executive branch would be if something were to happen to both POTUS and VPOTUS, which would then make him POTUS. If VP Harris was called to step into the top spot, a new VP would be selected. I'm not as clear on how that is worked out though.

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yep. that's what i mean by "side door as a Truman." when FDRoosevelt died in office, Truman became president as his VP.

i just hate to say that too loudly bc some see even that as a reason to get Biden out.

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Absolutely. 100 percent.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Interesting idea. I wonder if having the Cabinet heads do this would violate the Hatch Act? Although since it is "officially" just the product of an independent non-profit -- not claimed yet by a party -- it might lie outside the Hatch Act. But for sure, Biden needs to emphasize that he is the executive of an excellent team, and that if for any reason he couldn't serve out his term, a well-qualified VP and a strong Administration will continue seamlessly.

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I looked up the Hatch Act, and can't figure out why this idea would be a violation of it.

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Marcia, maybe in the ads, the cabinet folks could avoid saying who they work for but explain what they actually do and that they will continue to do it if the administration continues. That might escape the "Hatch Act."

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Brilliant idea!

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Any thoughts how we can get this to President Biden? I don't know Patti, even her whole name, but I agree Brilliant.

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How about Jen Psaki? She hasn't been Press Secretary for quite a while, but may know someone who knows someone that's still at the WH. I used to watch her weekly program on MSNBC but don't know if she's still on. If she's still at MSNBC, maybe she can help.

Another thought might be that IF your Senator or Congressperson is a democrat, and is not one of those who are bailing out instead of standing by THEIR president, maybe they could help in some way. Or, you might have better luck talking to one of their caseworkers, maybe even one that works in your local district office.

By the way, your ideas were great!

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Today, Sunday, 7/7, Jen Psaki had Biden's "Principal Deputy Campaign Manager? Quentin Folks. Folks may be a better "official" contact to communicate with the President.

I strongly recommend Jen Psaki's last Sunday segment with NEAL KATYAL & ANDREW WEISSMAN both noting that everything Trump was charged in the stolen, displayed & hidden national security documents case occurred AFTERTrump was President & therefore can NEVER be an official act". Period.

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Patti's post has been sent to Katyal & Weissman. with this note: We, readers of Joyce Vance’s Substack are asking you to try to get this post to President Biden’s team.

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Patti Name is Patti Lamborn. She now know we are with her. Sent requests to Rachel Madow, and posted on Dan Rather today.

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Lynn, you're the BEST!

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Bryan, thanks for letting us know about yesterday's show, and the one last week. Here, I was saying I'd given up on MSNBC, then before I knew (know?) it, I find out that I missed two really great programs. I'm going to try to find them. I love Neal Katyal and Andrew Weissman. They're both so knowledgeable.

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Just sent to our two Senators, I'll try Jen Psaki now. Thanks Dianne. Good suggestions.

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Jen Psaki is definitely still on MSNBC. She has a program on Sunday mid-day, and Monday evening

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I particularly enjoyed her Sunday programs the best because she wasn't sitting at a desk like TV anchors, and she had some good conversations. I did like the Monday ones, too.

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Be certain to see Jen's show earlier today particularly her quote of ADAM SCHIFF not about a quick, 7 days, campaign decision but, the necessity making the correct decision.

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Jen Psaki note sent.

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Lynn, thank you for all you're doing here! During the time I spent reading and responding to other comments (and taking a break with a Wendy's chocolate frosty that I froze last night), you did all of this!

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What I'm realizing is that this is a great way to get information out... a place to coordinate good ideas and pass them on.. Up grades to this process could be posted on Joyce's Substack when ever she does a story. Let's build on this thing Patti started.

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Frozen chocolate frosty, my idea of heaven! Think I’ll have to stop in today and buy two, one for tonight and one for Wednesday night.

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Great idea. I’m in PA and Senator Casey would likely be all over this if it’s not a violation of the Hatch Act.

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I sent the info from Patti's ideas to Senator Casey yesterday. Just FYI.

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Dianne, Jen Psaki is still at MSNBC, in fact her show is on Monday night at 8:00 and is always good. She might be willing to help.

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email President Biden at the White House. Those emails ARE read and good ones passed along.

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Fay, good idea. Sending it both ways and any other way possible gives the message a good chance of getting through.

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Thanks Ruth

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Overnight fed-ex to POTUS, VP Harris, etc? I’ll pay for it if Patti gives permission ….or I guess the idea could be credited to her and Joyce’s substack

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I don't know her. I just went back to the original post and told her I posted her comments on Joyce Vance Substack. I assume when she posted it ton Substack it became part of the public domain. So I didn't ask permission. Good idea to fed-ex. Please do.

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The process of checking mail going to the White House takes forever.

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Darn. Any other ideas?

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Email your members of Congress, the White House, party leaders, etc.

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You can send a note via Whitehouse.gov and at the same time notify your senators and U.S. representative by email or phone call. I send my ideas that way although I no longer bother with Ron Johnson because he has not responded to me in the past (not even an email receipt and the phone just rings). We do have a voice via our representatives. Ron Johnson is just not a good example however and unfortunately but I have found the Democrats do answer emails I send and their phones and I get letters from them in response.

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Lynn, thank you. That was well-said. Biden has acknowledged his extremely talented group of advisors. I don't think I ever heard Trump mention any of his folks except when he was firing them. He would say something strange about them at first "a good guy" but soon after let everyone know how he somehow didn't stand with Trump and had to be replaced with another "good guy." We don't need that kind of narcissism in our White House again. 4 years was far far too long for that guy who did nothing positive for anyone but rich white guys and corporations, the ones who needed no financial help. That is not a successful presidency.

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I have sent Biden money even though I give monthly donations to democrats, to show him my faith in the Biden-Harris ticket. I also send money to AOC because she is one of 2 senators taking on the Supreme Court by calling for the beginning of impeachment against justices. I want to encourage that. Keep them at least in check while they are overly confident that they can do whatever they want, it does not hurt to remind them of "We the people." I suggested that the Biden campaign adopt the slogan, DEMOCRATS LIVE LONGER SO DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME, WORRY ABOUT THE OTHER GUY! As for Project 2025, my group of Democrats Abroad in Germany is doing a book club with the document as well. So, I am just taking a break from reading through the education chapter and making notes on it myself. I have also read that it might disappear so download it now. I have done so myself. It seems like Prof. Vance has as well. We are planning on using our understanding of Project 2025 to recruit Americans Abroad to vote for Biden in the upcoming election, and support them in registering to vote, and learning how to most effectively vote from abroad. One person, one vote. That is how we win.

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Great idea!!!!!

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i LOVE this idea. i'd add that Biden should introduce each member to emphasize his connection to them, his leadership in choosing them, and his presence.

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These are excellent ideas. Thanks for sharing them. In my paranoid moments, I can’t help but wonder who is really pushing the narrative that Biden should step down. It seems that the ensuing chaos would only benefit Trump. And I agree…not a solo act. Unless you are an autocrat.

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Every week that Joe Biden doesn't do the right thing is a week closer to American fascism, as tRump's entire campaign against the incumbent is based upon "He's too old", which jibes perfectly with months of polling... well, if "He" who is perceived as indeed "too old", withdraws, then what? Given tRump's low approvals, and the unchallengeable fact that the electorate would have preferred any two presidential candidates other than the two offered up to us, a Kamala Harris replacement surely can - you know - move the needle away from the Orange Felon and toward the clear pro-democracy candidate.

I don't know how the movers and shakers of the Party can break through the WH bubble, or turn away or persuade otherwise the Biden clan (Hunter??) from propping up Joe, but they better get on it pronto, or 2024 is lost to us, full stop.

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Maxine Waters pointed out today that the Congressional Black Caucus, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Progressive Caucus have all supported president Biden staying the candidate. The opposition is coming from where it always comes from: the corporatist/DINO wing. Along with the corporate media, following the orders of their billionaire owners.

In other words, the traditional enemy. I'm sooooo surprised.

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When TFG and the GOP are determined to get Biden off the ballot, you know we need to keep him on!

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Sounds like they are afraid he will win if on the ballot. if they want him off, they just may get their wish if anyone replaces him because it will split the party, tfg will win, and we all lose! I've heard that if there is another candidate, the voters will not have a choice but to vote for the replacement. Yes we do. As it is,, it the one selected by the People in the Dem primary is the Dem candidate, the situation is the same. To vote Dem there is no other choice. In either case if voters want to vote Dem they will choose the Dem candidate, our President too, if on the ballot. Another thing. he won by more than 7,000,000 votes in 20. Even with all the questions, harassment, and bashing, does it seem realistic that he will lose those more than 7.000.000 votes? It doesn't seem realistic to me, If he loses 6,500,000. he will still win provided we all vote and the party stays intact by focusing only on B.

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Has to win at least half of the swing states, does not matter the total vote! Not one bit. And past few months show no sign that is likely. The debate did not help in MI, AZ, WI, PA, NV, or GA.

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Trump is explicitly saying that Biden needs to stay *on* the ballot... so there's that :-(

If Biden leaves then Trump loses two years of arguing that Biden is too addled to be President.

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Russia certainly enjoys the chaos and division.

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That's a part of the game that doesn't get enough attention.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

There are a lot of people who desperately want to defeat Trump in November, and also defend the down-ballot Senate and House vote, and they can't all be tarred with the "corporate/DINO" brush - which is a slur really. A lot of very rational people are saying (a) that Biden faces a huge challenge in defeating Trump, and (b) that Biden isn't fit enough for 4.5 years of further presidency.

I think a good case can be made for Biden to resign shortly, Harris is installed as President, and she selects a middle-of-the-road VP with strong appeal and no skeletons. And I think it's very unhelpful to condemn the many experienced people who do think this way.

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I hate to say it, but Trump was a backlash to Obama. And I know many dens that voted for Trump because they hated Clinton. And it wasn't her per se but misogyny at its core.

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If, IF Democrats can unite around a single ticket and then back it, then Joe may back down. But I suspect he's too politically savvy to bow out without a united Democratic Party to put forth a viable ticket. If the Democrats stay true to form and form a self-flagellating circular firing squad, he should stay put and run.

And for all those that want a progressive ticket, I say keep your powder dry and come back when the country will be ready for your desired policies. We need a centrist.

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Damnit to hell! Do you hear yourselves? This is exactly the arguing the R’s want Dems to do. They know their party is screwed so they’ve planted idea after idea like Biden has Parkinson’s, that a neurologist contacted his doctor, his age, etc. They plant fear and that causes voter suppression. Don’t get yourselves all twisted with this garbage. It’s gotta be Joe we gave to support. Believe me, if something happens to him, Kamala will take the reins because Joe has taught her a lot. Oh I hear the moans and y’all saying “She’ll never win. No personality. Not presidential enough. Nobody will vote for a woman, much less a black woman.” TOTAL UNEQUIVOCAL BULLSHIT! Joe is going to battle and we are his troops. He is going to win!

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

" ... they’ve planted idea after idea like Biden has Parkinson’s, that a neurologist contacted his doctor, his age, etc."

Please calm down, stop being so hysterical, and definitely stop abusing everyone who might disagree with your point of view. This is a pluralist society, so keeping it civil in political debate is a rule worth hanging on to.

My view is that Joe Biden is way too old to run again, and that Kamala Harris would do better against the MAGA lunatics. But the legal obstacles (let alone the political ones) against the Dems changing horses are huge, so I don't think it will happen.

So the Dems will lose again - caused by Biden's narcissism and hubris ... he had to concede he was a one-term dude a long time ago, and at least six months ago hand over to Kamala. His legacy is scrubbed, wrecked.

I think the Dems are stuffed until 2028 as a minimum.

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“….Biden's narcissism and hubris“

Ah, you got a typo there. Should read “Trump’s narcissism and hubris”

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While I agree that Marlene is unnecessarily hysterical, she's not wrong. I disagree that Biden can't win, and win big. I also disagree that Dems will be able to unify behind a different ticket and provide a coherent message that's palatable. But if I'm wrong and they unite behind a strong candidate, then I could see Biden bowing out.

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A piece of advice, don't ever call women hysterical.......the situation we are in requires high levels of alarm.

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Hope you're wrong

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This goes w/Ian

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Hope you're right

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This goes w/Marlene

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"But I suspect he's too politically savvy to bow out without a united Democratic Party to put forth a viable ticket."

Like 99% of previous leaders in all manner of fields, Joe Biden is (a) stubborn, and (b) believes he's the best person to win and then do the job. As a result they have to be pushed out, because they don't go peacefully.

And I think it's a circular argument - possibly the best way to have an invigorated and united Democratic Party from now till 5 November is to select a new, younger candidate and VP.

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Biden's age is not the issue. Beating Trump is the issue. If Biden gives us the best shot at beating Trump, he's our guy. Warts, mental lapses and all. Spending the next weeks until the convention kneecapping Biden is guaranteed to produce a bad outcome in November, no matter who the candidate ultimately is. This is because all the media focus will be on the controversy over Biden. Trump will continue to get a free pass in the media. What we should be doing is going on offense against Trump and the 2025 Manifesto. This is what the Republicans would be doing if the table were turned. They know a thing or two about how to move popular opinion.

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"Biden's age is not the issue. Beating Trump is the issue. If Biden gives us the best shot at beating Trump, he's our guy."

That is the point ... Biden's age is a serious issue, and if it costs the Dems the election then that is a tragic outcome. Team Biden might think he's terrific, and the best person to beat Trump on 5 November, but a huge number of very smart anti-Trump people (including me) think it's utter delusional nonsense, and he is WAY past it. I guess we'll see.

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Based on what, former media studies lecturer who should know better?

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Ian, the view from up top to under the bridge is quite clear

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Jim, Don’t take the bait. He’s a troll!

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Harris IS younger. How can she not be on the ticket?

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No one who voted in the Primaries voted for her!!!! If they put her in, I will stay home! Younger does on no way mean capable! As we read in yesterday's posts, age is not the factor that should be used to determine capability. The only thing that matters is the ability to do a great job at this point in time. Harris has no experience that gives her the ability needed especially since she is younger!

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No experience? Not as a skilled attorney, prosecutor, Senator, and now VP? She's 59, healthy, smart, and has credentials.

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Anyone who doesn't vote should find a new place to stay home......

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Yes, age is the issue, when cognitive decline is evident. I'll still vote for Biden, but a lot of undecideds won't. And the GOP want Biden to stay on the ticket, they see him now as the weakest candidate. Polls are reflecting this.

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Ever managed or run a presidential campaign? Didn't think so. Suggest you stay retired and Down Under.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Trolling, Trolling, Trolling, keep those trolls a going….. sheesh tries to disguise he’s “informed and supportive of democrats” but is in fact a scam, bot, Russian hoax, whatever….. you name it. Stay away. Don’t waste your energy responding to it (and I’ve wasted enough typing this).

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Ianwilliams. “A lot of rational people are saying…”. Isn’t a reason for someone else believe a ginned up age issue. “But her emails!!!”

Its a pattern. Don’t encourage it

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Both bodies in Congress have to approve an appointed VP. Harris can't step in as Pres, get a VP appointed, AND run for office. I can't imagine, or am afraid to, what that would look like.

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Gerald Ford

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That's for sure!

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If you need further proof of how wrong polls are, after the Red Wave in 2022 never materialized, just look at what "the polls" predicted in the French election today, compared to the actual results.

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The National Rally was thwarted by strategic arrangements where the centre-left and left didn't run candidates against each other in most seats, so that the non-right vote wouldn't be split. There was a pretty strong turnout it seems, but it wasn't a simple matter of the polls being wrong.

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Of course. This is the beauty of multi party parliamentary systems. Coalitions and agreements need to be made.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Yes - I'm indeed a fan both of parliamentary systems, and electoral systems that encourage (and reward) more than two big parties.

Here in Australia we have preferential voting (also called ranked choice or instant run-off), and it works well enough - the two major parties (centre-left and centre-right) command only about 75% of the vote between them, so they have to have strategic (and grown-up) working arrangements with one or more of the 3-4 minor parties to govern effectively.

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How very civilized! Would that the US were such.

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Sadly, I'm sure that change would take centuries.

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Canada speaking here!

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Very good ... I do wish you had Senate elections though - it looks like a Gentleman's Club!

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There are many women senators as well! It is an interesting conundrum. In a way the appointment process does keep politics out of it. (Not completely of course.) Also, I have known some incredibly talented and forthright Senators.

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The French people voted in their numbers once Le Penn was truly knocking on their door. Yes there was party manoeuvring too, but ultimately there was a resounding ’No’ from the French.🇫🇷

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If the MAGA authoritarians could take over without an election, they would have done it by now. If they could win without cheating, they would not be so busy trying to psych us into giving up. It’s unfortunate that so much media is carrying water for Trump (and his mentor Putin), but that’s no reason to give them power they don’t have. We can win this!

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Also, remind everyone to vote the entire ballot. Ideally, learn about all the candidates. When in doubt, vote BLUE.

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Use https://BlueVoterGuide.org to make fast, smart, and blue choices.

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Patti, thanks for the link!

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thanks, Patti, for this link.

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Thanks for this link, Patti.

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Yes! Right you are Joan!

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Thanks, stay the course , as I saw in a response on another, “ I would vote for the corpse of Joe Biden before I would vote for Trump”

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…for Bugs Bunny before…

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My choice would be Roadrunner…

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We actually did that in the Senate race in Missouri in 2000. The Democrat, Mel Carnahan, defeated the Republican, John Ashcroft, even though Carnahan had died in a plane crash in mid October.

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. . . or a ham sandwich

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And look at what just happened in Iran and in France. They VOTED!

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And just look at UK and France!! VOTING is crucial, every vote counts. Do not relinquish your power!!💙🇺🇸👊🏼

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Or as the saying goes, if your vote didn't count, they wouldn't be trying so hard to take it away from you.

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I am voting for Joe Biden. If he isn't running I will vote for the nominee with a D after their name. I am lucky to live in a state that does postal voting, that there is a record of my vote and it is very fair.

I have seen Project 2025. I am sure anyone reading Joyce's substack has. It's unbelievable.

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Jayne, I tried to read the material that Joyce pointed out to us the other day. I didn't get very far, though, because it creeped me out and made me sick to my stomach at the same time.

It's been a long time since I read "1984." a novel written by the late George Orwell. Recently, I've been thinking about it, wanting to read it again. Apparently, others are having that same idea, so I'm on a waiting list.

When Orwell wrote this book back in 1948, he wanted to show people what life would be like should totalitarianism become a new form of government in 1984. Who knew that his predictions could very come true after all, a little more than 40 years after the year he wrote about?

There are way too many parallels between "Big Brother" and Trump. Makes me wonder what he'd think about Project 2025. If he were still alive and had been an American citizen, I'm pretty sure that he'd have been an instrumental supporter of the Trump Campaign.

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Orwell wrote his book to prevent a 1984 takeover.

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An important thing to remember about the vote in France today — for the runoffs today, the two center/center-left parties collaborated and withdrew the weaker of their candidates in districts. That way the stronger candidate ran and votes weren’t split. Democrats need to be smart in this campaign. This Michigander still curses the name of Jill Stein!

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Me too! Once every 4 years Stein slithers out from undeer her rock to do Putin's bidding and screw up our elections.

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This Michigander does, too. Plus, Palestine is seemingly on the ballot.

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Polls Don’t Count! We do! Every vote counts!

The division that is in our own Democratic Party only helps one person- lower cased don, the fraudulent traitorous liar.


Make sure you are registered and prepared!

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How much of the horrible poll number is because the media is too in love with the orange terrorist?

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So very true. MSM has been for don and blaring loudly about Biden being to old, etc.

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Compare the count recently done of the number of stories on Biden/"Biden too old" etc. vs. number on Trump.

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Just downloaded Project 2025. For some reason I feel like I just downloaded a XXX file. Only Project 2025 is obscene beyond words.

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it's horrific, abominable, a complete destruction of our America.

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Very well said, Ellie! I agree completely.

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I’m so appreciative Joyce! I run several voting rights groups and being able to push back on the current narrative, quell the hand wringing and get back to work!

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Carol, you're one of our heroes!

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Wow, thanks! I hope I’m one of many!

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I will support the Democratic nominee no matter who it is. But I am a mathematician and have gotten decent at looking ahead. A note on polls: you’re right, they’re unreliable and if we could see the details, we might know why. It also matters what voters have done before and they voted for Biden before. In my purple county, that’s due to conservative never Trumpers. Part of my activist work is to keep reminding them this is a bad alternative.

My personal hope is that everyone stops talking about Biden dropping out. He loses some number of votes every time that’s the news. Let’s say we don’t like our chances with Joe: the alternative is a new nominee 3rd week in Aug. Ballots come out early Oct. leaving about 6 weeks to win swing voters in swing states. And if that candidate is other than Kamala Harris, they also have to raise money to do it. That scenario would take a miracle to pull off.

So, we’d get away from “not liking our chances” and jump over to needing a miracle, not to mention that we ignore millions of voters who showed up to support the Democrats in the primary. They already ask me: why should I vote? I hate to have to answer that if their vote really DIDN’T matter.

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Not only is he losing supporters, but I'm afraid he could be getting fewer and fewer donations because of the uncertainty of his campaign status.

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We don’t need your fear! Headlines lie.

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I am sorry for sharing my fear, but I thought it was okay to share feelings here as long as they're not outrageous, obscene, or offensive towards others.

At my age, I can't help how I feel.

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Honestly, I wondered if you were a troll trying to sow more doubt. That you replied suggests otherwise. The thing is, where did you get the info that he’s losing donors? I read it in papers I’ve since cancelled subscriptions with. In a way, it’s like Joyce suggested, we’ve gotta question what is reported in the ‘news’ … but I apologize if I made you feel I negated your feelings. Guess I’m here to get outside my worry and find ways to be in my best activist state of mind.

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And then there are people like me, who have ramped up their donations.

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Ahhh. I read his donations were coming in at a good pace after the debate. Was that a lie ?

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I don’t think steal. I think close enough races to permit or if not legally close, to demand recounts, at every level. I envision contesting outcomes and Coleman/Franken, Bush v Gore situations.

I envision people being turned away from polls or those used to drop boxes having them disappear.

And intimidation too at polling places.

We must help others vote in any legal way we can.

Now: make #Project2025 part of all our talking points. I like The Nation June issue essays. I’d like some easy charts about the Fed workforce and possible or likely consequence. Ditto on the economy is massive importations incl of green card holders occur.

My “downs” are boosted by France. We will do this!

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Sad to think in these terms but I guess there’s precedence. Re: likely consequences on current Fed workforce if trump/p2025 succeed … almost everyone gets fired or worse. How many people? No idea but lots. If Dems don’t get their/our act together I fear we could lose. I trust Joe Biden and those in his inner circle.

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Imagine the havoc that firing all those federal employees would wreak on the economy.

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Yes. Check registration. Tell your friends. Post encouraging facts for the Biden-Harris team that includes so many capable folks. Post on a wide variety of social media platforms. Contrast with Project 2025 and their team’s credentials. Thank you Joyce. I took a break from news this weekend. I needed that. Stronger now with your support.

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And take action such as registering new democrat voters, see www.fieldteam6.org

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