thank you Joyce for everything that you do to alert us on the issues of Democracy! The country you! The country does not need Aileen Canon and my hope is that Jack Smith goes to the appeals court now and demonstrate what Joyce has so clearly laid out.
Aileen Cannon. She seems to be playing for the Trump team. It'll be interesting to see what follows. If Trump wins in November - will she get a nice promotion?
Will she get a promotion? Absolutely. And she does not "seem to be" playing for the Trump team. She blatantly is. We need more news on this - why is she going to bat for him? Risking her legal career like this. He's probably going to lose. Then what will become of her.
Lose? These Christian Nationalists are quietly putting in place people to facilitate STEALING the election. This will start at the county level: we can’t certify this election because of possible fraud!
Remember, whatever they accuse our side of doing will be EXACTLY what they are doing. The voter fraud will be fraud the Christian Nationalists committed.
Stop the Steal will be chanted as they steal the election.
I do not believe Cristopher Wray and Merrick Garland are up to the task of stopping what’s coming. And I’m not sure Wray even wants to…
Yes, Jason. I've been wondering about Chrisopher Wray for a long time. He talks about domestic terrorism being a real threat in this country.
But he was appointed by Trump and as I recall, he was the one who told Kavanaugh to act aggressively during his upcoming senate hearing to overcome the strong, credible testimony by Christine Blasey Ford who had just testified that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in their school days.
High ranking Republicans all the way to the president were stunned and felt Ford's testimony was very credible and damaging. Wray stepped in and told Kavanaugh to speak up forcefully to the senators to break the spell, so to speak, of Ford's testimony. Wray and Kavanaugh had close ties from their Yale days. Kavanaugh's rude comments in his senate hearing, especially to Senator Amy Klobuchar, seemed to turn the tide and cement his appointment. That fact alone is a sad commentary.
But in addition, after Jeff Flake managed to get an FBI investigation of Kavanaugh's previous behavior, it appeared the FBI did not question several of his former school mates who came forward with memories of Kavanaugh's general behavior back then. In fact, it never appeared the FBI did much of anything to get to the truth except waste some time for the sake of appearances.
Professor, Andrew A. Weissmann suggested a direct way to enforce the Gag Order. Andrew pointed out that commission of a Crime is violation of the Order without need of any "clarification".
The former President posted a fake image of President Biden tied laying on the back of a vehicle with a hole in his head. Judge Merchan should Order the Defendant back into Court on an Order to Show Cause or other direct Order to Appear in the Judge's courtroom to testify under Oath.
I researched Andrew's proposal. Andrew is correct that threatening to kill a sitting President is a Class E Felony. See, 18 U.S. Code Section 87 with jail limited to 5 years & a fine up to $250,000.
Case law requires an investigation into the specific factual nature of the threats including the identity & actions of overt co-conspirators. I believe the pending criminal case are relevant to the inquiry. True, the former President is assumed to be innocent until proven guilty. However, the "Call & Response" tactic has already been vividly demonstrated on J6.
Speaking more generally, Judges have a duty to protect the Community and any targeted person(s) not limited to the Judge's adult daughter. Full stop now before there is a violent tragedy.
MONDAY 4/1 AFTERNOON UPDATE: Newsweek's Weekend reporter, RACHEL DASKIN, confirms that Trumo was expressly warned by the Magistrate Judge at his J6 DC arraignment, " ... the most important thing for him [Defendant Trump] was NOT to commi a crime".
The only way the country is safe from Trump is by his being incarcerated with no means of using social media. I can think of a second way as well but I won’t spell it out! Any other American who had done and said the things he has would be in prison. He deserves no special privileges. His court cases should not be slow walked but speeded up.
Has it been revealed who owns the vehicle sporting the depiction of Biden? And, for that matter, who drove and road in both vehicles, who designed and executed the rendering, who paid for it, etc. etc?
Yes! The license plate of the truck is clearly visable in the posted video, and the driver has been identified. Plus, the "designer" of the tailgate design has taken down his advertised post already. This information can be easily Googled.
I googled it before posting the question and came up with nothing. Would you share the question/statement you posted to find out this information. Thanks
Is posing in front of a tasteless image "threatening to kill a sitting president"? I totally agree that the Secret Service ought to pay a visit to the driver of the pickup (and to anyone else who's displaying that thing in public) -- but since the Secret Service is already protecting Trump, how do they "pay a visit" to him? Yet another conundrum that no one imagined before TFG came along . . .
Is the secret service protecting the orange man-baby loser traitor because he was a president or are they working for dumpster to install him into the theofascist dictator ! One has to wonder who their loyalty is to !
The Secret Service is required by law to provide security to all former Presidents. The Bush, Clinton, and Obama also have details. I can assure you that Trump's detail has zero desire to be in the position they are in and are assuredly talking with the other details/HQ to minimize the hazards they face in their impossible circumstances. It's all part of the job. But they don't have any say what Trump says or does - only his physical security.
And more delay, which is what Trump is aiming for. Merchan is refusing to play by Trump's rules, and so the trial goes on.
I am skeptical that Trump would be successful in calling another rebellion. Look what happened to the people who responded to his Jan 6 call, and those who abetted him in cooking up his attempts to cling to power. Look where all of this has gotten him: one trial after another, and huge debt.
Joyce, the term you are referencing is stochastic terrorism. I recommend that everyone here look it up. tRump is the quintessential stochastic terrorist.
As @mark.follman has described it: "whereby a leader vilifies a person or group in ways likely to instigate random supporters to attack those targets, while the instigator maintains a veneer of plausible deniability."
Yes this is the definition but by this point tRump has in my view lost the excuse of plausible deniability. Too many have been harmed. It's harmful speech, which is not protected by the 1st Amendment. I'm deadly sick of the cowardice that fails to hold him accountable via incarceration. I for one do not believe that jail time would lead to him successfully appealing a conviction.
I fear that the courts assume that any or every punishment (or control) would appear to be “political” in nature so they refrain from acting. He taking advantage of that potential perception! He can escalate his verbal attacks in order to elicit just that response if the courts try to control him. Ultimately, he is setting up a scenario whereby he can pretend he is just verbally complaining if and when any of the judges punish him but he will actually be encouraging mass violence by a sufficient number of supporters in multiple locations if any of courts actually order some form of punishment. If so the trial(s) will be suspended while law enforcement and courts bring it under control. Why is he playing this deadly game? He will go to extremes to delay the conclusion of any criminal trial until he is able to win the election which will put him in total control of the federal and even state government! That’s his fall back position! It is very desperate but from his deranged and fearful perspective he has no other choice than rather spend the rest of his life humiliated, broke and in house arrest until he dies!
This is a good point. I must agree that any trial date delay is the worst outcome and it is clearly a trial that the defendant knows he's going to lose. Hence all of the civilly harmful speech. if the initial fine was sent at $3 million payable in 10 days with a trebling formula for each successive offense do you see a problem in that? Given his pattern in the E Jean Carroll case that number doesn't seem excessive to me
AMEN to losing the excuse of Plausible Deniability: "too many have been harmed." Thank you, Robert Odell! I am also "deadly sick of the cowardice that fails to hold him accountable via incarceration. LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!
It’s time for the legal system to step up, collectively, and manage this monster. He has a pic he promotes of a kidnapped President Biden, threatens a judge and his daughter, and says there will be blood if he is not elected prez. Merrick Garland epitomizes the pathetic efforts of many, as well as the major media - especially NBC.
scotus delays his trial on the insurrection, by granting a late hearing on an immunity issue - essentially whether he can order Seal Team 6 to murder anyone he wants.
His son in law grifts $2billion from MBS and nothing is done.
We need to assemble all those who can vote and defeat this monster once and for all. The legal system will not handle this dilemma - only “We the People”!
Michael -- I am so glad you brought up Jared Kushner's current actions. How is it that the GOP-led House of Representatives spends months "investigating" the Biden family and Hunter Biden in particular, but Jared goes around the world currying favors from high government people and nothing is said by the same Republicans? He came away from Saudi Arabia with $2 BILLION and not one Republican has said a word.
As a Blue Democrat in this dark red state, I am very proud of these grandmothers standing up against the Nazi. Very occasionally OKlahoma surprises me.
My mother is a displaced Oklahoman. She has lived in the west for nearly 70 years, has been a Republican, then Independent…but she has never lost her compass for decency. They actually study and practice what’s in the Bible.
Wasn't too long ago that Oklahoma had a D governor, senator. The Henry family. David Boren. Millions of unregistered women nationally trend heavily Democratic. Register Democrats -- save Democracy.
My late mother was always registered R in Oklahoma, but supported candidates based on issues. She was a big fan of Brad Henry and contributed to his campaigns, then started getting invited to Democratic fundraisers because people assumed she was one. She never told them otherwise, just thought it was funny. All that to say even registered R, plenty of D candidates got her vote, and mine too when I lived there.
Thank you, Joyce. I have never disagreed with anything you have ever said. I am proud of your courage and integrity. You are doing a great job of speaking for all of us. Michael C Berry CPA CFP, Bainbridge Island, WA
I believe that Trump's attacks on Judge Merchan's daughter are intended to provoke the judge into holding him in contempt and ultimately sentencing him to jail so that Trump could parlay the optics of being confined to jail into claiming that he is both a political prisoner and a victim, as Jesus was, of the oppression of authority.
However, the more that Merchan exercises self-restraint, the more extreme and bizarre Trump will become in attempting to provoke him, thereby causing Trump's antics to backfire on him and expose him as the loudmouth blowhard that he is.
L.D. Michaels -- You put into very good words what I have been thinking -- when is SOMEONE, anyone. going to call Trump's bluff? This is why we have judges. Dammit, judges, do your jobs and remember you have millions of people waiting for you to react seriously to this crass man who delights in threatening people. When my children were growing up I was glad the presidents made role models out of themselves. Surely no parent would call Donald Trump a role model. He wants to destroy this democracy and run things as he likes. MAGAs -- wake up !
Agreed. This is all part of his prediction, that he will foment as he did on Jan. 6, that “bloodshed” will ensue if he loses the election. His fanatical followers are “standing by.” “ Be there. Will be wild”.
‘Trump’s talk of seeking’ “retribution” ‘against foes, including some he has branded’ “vermin”,’ has coincided with plans that Maga loyalists at rightwing thinktanks are assembling to expand the president’s power and curb the DoJ, the FBI and other federal agencies.’(Guardian)
‘Ominously, Trump has threatened to tap a special prosecutor to “go after” Biden and his family.’
‘At a kickoff campaign rally in Texas in March, Trump warned’: “Either the deep state destroys America or we destroy the deep state,” and vowed that’ “for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.”
‘Similarly, Trump pledged to a CPAC gathering in March that:’ “I am your warrior. I am your justice,” ‘and called 2024’ “the final battle”.
‘Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump further ratcheted up his inflammatory language against Americans who oppose him politically by likening them to the foreign enemies that the United States fought in World War II.’ (WAPO)
‘In a speech on Thursday to the National Religious Broadcasters in Nashville, the former president drew a direct connection between the battles during that organization’s founding in 1944 and his current campaign to win back the White House.’
“Our country was at war with the enemy, and they wanted to extinguish our way of life forever,” ‘Trump said. He added:’ “This time, the greatest threat is not from the outside of our country, I really believe this. It’s the people from within our country that are more dangerous. They’re very sick people.”
‘The audience cheered, and Trump went on to describe his cause as a holy war, adding:’ “To achieve victory in this fight, just like in the battles of the past, we still need the hand of our Lord.” (WAPO)
Who doesn't have deep concern for everyone associated with Trump's legal cases, perhaps, his
lawyers are worried about their own safety? Who among us isn't more concerned than ever about
the country's Rule of Law, and Attorney General, Merrick Garland, for still not employing legal means that would have protected our society years ago from this traitorously lethal criminal? Have all the years that DJT has gotten away with -- shall we count his crimes -- call for a shoutout -- isn't it is long past time to address our Rule of Law?
'Donald Trump launched yet another attack against the daughter of New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, who is overseeing the trial regarding the former president’s alleged hush money payments to adult film actress Stormy Daniels.' (RollingStone)
'In a Truth Social post on Saturday, Trump shared a link to a New York Post article about the judge’s daughter, who has consulted to Democratic campaigns, and wrote, “This is a disgrace to our Legal System. Judge Merchan should be immediately sanctioned and recused, and this fake ‘case,’ only kept alive by the Highly Conflicted Judge, should be completely dismissed right away.” The post included photos of Merchan’s daughter. Rolling Stone has withheld her name as she is not involved in the case.'
'Trump has attacked the judge’s daughter at least three other times in the last week.' (RollingStone)
This is a true-life horror show that will end badly, very badly!
'The Church of Trump: How He’s Infusing Christianity Into His Movement
Ending many of his rallies with a churchlike ritual and casting his prosecutions as persecution, the former president is demanding — and receiving — new levels of devotion from Republicans.' (NYTimes)
'Long known for his improvised and volatile stage performances, former President Donald J. Trump now tends to finish his rallies on a solemn note.'
'Soft, reflective music fills the venue as a hush falls over the crowd. Mr. Trump’s tone turns reverent and somber, prompting some supporters to bow their heads or close their eyes. Others raise open palms in the air or murmur as if in prayer.'
'In this moment, Mr. Trump’s audience is his congregation, and the former president their pastor as he delivers a roughly 15-minute finale that evokes an evangelical altar call, the emotional tradition that concludes some Christian services in which attendees come forward to commit to their savior.'
“The great silent majority is rising like never before and under our leadership,” 'he recites from a teleprompter in a typical version of the script.' “We will pray to God for our strength and for our liberty. We will pray for God and we will pray with God. We are one movement, one people, one family and one glorious nation under God.”
'The meditative ritual might appear incongruent with the raucous epicenter of the nation’s conservative movement, but Mr. Trump’s political creed stands as one of the starkest examples of his effort to transform the Republican Party into a kind of Church of Trump. His insistence on absolute devotion and fealty can be seen at every level of the party, from Congress to the Republican National Committee to rank-and-file voters.'
'Mr. Trump’s ability to turn his supporters’ passion into piety is crucial to understanding how he remains the undisputed Republican leader despite guiding his party to repeated political failures and while facing dozens of felony charges in four criminal cases. His success at portraying those prosecutions as persecutions — and warning, without merit, that his followers could be targeted next — has fueled enthusiasm for his candidacy and placed him, once again, in a position to capture the White House.'
‘He’s definitely been chosen by God’
'Mr. Trump has long defied conventional wisdom as an unlikely but irrefutable evangelical hero.'
'He has been married three times, has been repeatedly accused of sexual assault, has been convicted of business fraud and has never showed much interest in church services. Last week, days before Easter, he posted on his social media platform an infomercial-style video hawking a $60 Bible that comes with copies of some of the nation’s founding documents and the lyrics to Lee Greenwood’s song' “God Bless the U.S.A.”
'But while Mr. Trump is eager to maintain the support of evangelical voters and portray his presidential campaign as a battle for the nation’s soul, he has mostly been careful not to speak directly in messianic terms.'
“This country has a savior, and it’s not me — that’s someone much higher up than me,” 'Mr. Trump said in 2021 from the pulpit at First Baptist Church in Dallas, whose congregation exceeds 14,000 people.'
'Still, he and his allies have inched closer to the Christ comparison.'
'Last year, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia Republican and a close Trump ally, said both the former president and Jesus had been arrested by' “radical, corrupt governments.” 'On Saturday, Mr. Trump shared an article on social media with the headline' “The Crucifixion of Donald Trump.” (NYTimes) See link below. Sorry that it could not be gifted,
Terrifyingly Evil. And it could, would, work. I have a neighbor ready to take up arms in defense of trump, his "Christian" leader. Neighborhoods all across the United States have well armed "Christian" warriors, with local pastoral generals to literally, call the shots. Trump may be most dangerous in jail. Thanks for this Fern - I think.
Lock him up and shave his head for lice, before photographing him for the booking, then give him a key to let himself out, I bet he chooses to stay in jail out of embarrassment. We’ll see how many tee shirts and coffee cups he wants to sell with that image on them.
I learned the meaning of contumacious in the 6th grade, not because I was particularly precocious, but because my grammar school teacher at The Berkeley Institute in Park Slope, Brooklyn, put it in her remarks in my report card. I looked it up and thought it was meant as a compliment. My parents soon disabused me of that notion.
During Trump's term as president, a British colleague used this word to describe him: Cockwomble. At our house it's used as "The Cockwomble" to describe Trump. Cockwomble: British slang. A completely useless person that spouts constant bullshit. A person, usually male, prone to making outrageously stupid statements and/or inappropriate behaviour while generally having very high opinion of their own wisdom or importance."
Great word. Ironically, my 6th grade teacher’s condemnation of my attitude, which sent me to the dictionary, helped me develop a life-long love of words…and dictionaries. At one point I had maybe 25 in my collection, until my wife said, “they go or I go!” It was a tough decision, but I hoodwinked her. I promised to dispose of all but two or three from my collection, but wanted just one more, she agreed. I bought the 20-volume OED that had just gone on sale. Lesson learned: never get between an addict and his drug!
Contumacious and stochastic terrorism both describe Trump to a tee.
If Trump is slapped with criminal contempt can it be appealed by his attorneys to cause further delays.
Jack Smith , IMO, needs to take a fast track to recuse “loose” Cannon. Nothing good will happen in the Mar A Lago case with her as the judge.
I’m happy to see Blevins getting a recall vote on Tuesday. I guess he forgot to mention he was a white nationalist.
Trump said he was going to pay that small appeal bond right away because he has so much liquid cash. I’m thinking maybe he is still selling shoes and whatnot to raise money.
Thank you for always informing us about what’s ahead in such a clear and concise way. I’m so appreciative.
Thank heavens I have one more week of spring break coming up…It’s a full-time job keeping up on all this! Thanks, Joyce, for doing all the heavy lifting for us!
Could it be possible Trump could appeal a guilty verdict because the courts were too leneint on him? (OK, that was a joke :o) Maybe, one of these days one of the judges he's attacking (along with their courts) will revoke his bail, because he's clearly a THREAT to the carriage of justice in America - like a mob boss on steroids! The more judges act like they fear treating him like any other defendent the worse he's going to get. As far as judge Cannon is concerned, I feel Jack Smith continues to back himself into a corner by putting up with her preferential treatment of Trump. I don't think it's any secret she's going to do whatever she can to help him "walk away" from these SERIOUS charges because, well, she's MAGA!
“It’s not a Republican or Democratic thing. It’s a Nazi or not-Nazi thing.”
I loved reading that! Bless their hearts for calling a rose a rose!🌹
Or calling a nazi a nazi!
Grandmothers can be laconic. Short and sweet. Yeah, we're in it together.
My favorite line!
To whom it may concern,
thank you Joyce for everything that you do to alert us on the issues of Democracy! The country you! The country does not need Aileen Canon and my hope is that Jack Smith goes to the appeals court now and demonstrate what Joyce has so clearly laid out.
The fact that Trump has nothing bad to say about Judge Canon says it all. She’s in the tank for Trump.
And Cannon isn't getting any death threats either, that's more than telling.
Aileen Cannon. She seems to be playing for the Trump team. It'll be interesting to see what follows. If Trump wins in November - will she get a nice promotion?
Will she get a promotion? Absolutely. And she does not "seem to be" playing for the Trump team. She blatantly is. We need more news on this - why is she going to bat for him? Risking her legal career like this. He's probably going to lose. Then what will become of her.
I cannot fathom why anyone would care what becomes of her. Not worth the time it takes to ponder.
Lose? These Christian Nationalists are quietly putting in place people to facilitate STEALING the election. This will start at the county level: we can’t certify this election because of possible fraud!
Remember, whatever they accuse our side of doing will be EXACTLY what they are doing. The voter fraud will be fraud the Christian Nationalists committed.
Stop the Steal will be chanted as they steal the election.
I do not believe Cristopher Wray and Merrick Garland are up to the task of stopping what’s coming. And I’m not sure Wray even wants to…
Yes, Jason. I've been wondering about Chrisopher Wray for a long time. He talks about domestic terrorism being a real threat in this country.
But he was appointed by Trump and as I recall, he was the one who told Kavanaugh to act aggressively during his upcoming senate hearing to overcome the strong, credible testimony by Christine Blasey Ford who had just testified that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in their school days.
High ranking Republicans all the way to the president were stunned and felt Ford's testimony was very credible and damaging. Wray stepped in and told Kavanaugh to speak up forcefully to the senators to break the spell, so to speak, of Ford's testimony. Wray and Kavanaugh had close ties from their Yale days. Kavanaugh's rude comments in his senate hearing, especially to Senator Amy Klobuchar, seemed to turn the tide and cement his appointment. That fact alone is a sad commentary.
But in addition, after Jeff Flake managed to get an FBI investigation of Kavanaugh's previous behavior, it appeared the FBI did not question several of his former school mates who came forward with memories of Kavanaugh's general behavior back then. In fact, it never appeared the FBI did much of anything to get to the truth except waste some time for the sake of appearances.
It seemed at that point that the fix was in and the so-called investigation was just for show. So I have been wary of Director Wray's real motives since then and despite his gentlemanly bearing in Congressional hearings, he's done nothing publicly to change my mind.
Exactly! Don’t get me going on Louis DeJoy! Rs come in and fire away. POTUS best start cabinet cleaning before it’s too late.
Oh boy. Don't get ME started on Louis DeJoy! I wrote to the White House about him several times.
She'll still have a job. Federal judges are appointed for life.
She's auditioning for a seat on the Supreme Court.
I’m sure he’s holding a Judgeship out for her. 🤦🏻♀️🙄
Circuit or DOJ
I'm betting that she will. In more ways than one.
Is anyone other than me tired of looking at her one-and-only picture?.
Professor, Andrew A. Weissmann suggested a direct way to enforce the Gag Order. Andrew pointed out that commission of a Crime is violation of the Order without need of any "clarification".
The former President posted a fake image of President Biden tied laying on the back of a vehicle with a hole in his head. Judge Merchan should Order the Defendant back into Court on an Order to Show Cause or other direct Order to Appear in the Judge's courtroom to testify under Oath.
I researched Andrew's proposal. Andrew is correct that threatening to kill a sitting President is a Class E Felony. See, 18 U.S. Code Section 87 with jail limited to 5 years & a fine up to $250,000.
Case law requires an investigation into the specific factual nature of the threats including the identity & actions of overt co-conspirators. I believe the pending criminal case are relevant to the inquiry. True, the former President is assumed to be innocent until proven guilty. However, the "Call & Response" tactic has already been vividly demonstrated on J6.
Speaking more generally, Judges have a duty to protect the Community and any targeted person(s) not limited to the Judge's adult daughter. Full stop now before there is a violent tragedy.
MONDAY 4/1 AFTERNOON UPDATE: Newsweek's Weekend reporter, RACHEL DASKIN, confirms that Trumo was expressly warned by the Magistrate Judge at his J6 DC arraignment, " ... the most important thing for him [Defendant Trump] was NOT to commi a crime".
The only way the country is safe from Trump is by his being incarcerated with no means of using social media. I can think of a second way as well but I won’t spell it out! Any other American who had done and said the things he has would be in prison. He deserves no special privileges. His court cases should not be slow walked but speeded up.
To borrow a rally chant from 2016, "Lock him up!"
Has it been revealed who owns the vehicle sporting the depiction of Biden? And, for that matter, who drove and road in both vehicles, who designed and executed the rendering, who paid for it, etc. etc?
Yes! The license plate of the truck is clearly visable in the posted video, and the driver has been identified. Plus, the "designer" of the tailgate design has taken down his advertised post already. This information can be easily Googled.
I googled it before posting the question and came up with nothing. Would you share the question/statement you posted to find out this information. Thanks
Sure! It was posted in an article published by The Daily Kos.
Thanks so much
Share it widely. Maybe this a**hole can share a cell w/his idol.
Good article.
All good questions runragged that need answers under Oath.
Is posing in front of a tasteless image "threatening to kill a sitting president"? I totally agree that the Secret Service ought to pay a visit to the driver of the pickup (and to anyone else who's displaying that thing in public) -- but since the Secret Service is already protecting Trump, how do they "pay a visit" to him? Yet another conundrum that no one imagined before TFG came along . . .
Is the secret service protecting the orange man-baby loser traitor because he was a president or are they working for dumpster to install him into the theofascist dictator ! One has to wonder who their loyalty is to !
The Secret Service is required by law to provide security to all former Presidents. The Bush, Clinton, and Obama also have details. I can assure you that Trump's detail has zero desire to be in the position they are in and are assuredly talking with the other details/HQ to minimize the hazards they face in their impossible circumstances. It's all part of the job. But they don't have any say what Trump says or does - only his physical security.
Maybe Biden’s Secret Service could look into it!🤷🏻♀️
Need a full hearing. Taylor v. Hays. Would be a trial within a trial.
And more delay, which is what Trump is aiming for. Merchan is refusing to play by Trump's rules, and so the trial goes on.
I am skeptical that Trump would be successful in calling another rebellion. Look what happened to the people who responded to his Jan 6 call, and those who abetted him in cooking up his attempts to cling to power. Look where all of this has gotten him: one trial after another, and huge debt.
I think there could be a "trial within the trial" in both NY and DC.
Reminds me of Shakespeare's trope "play within the play."
Joyce, the term you are referencing is stochastic terrorism. I recommend that everyone here look it up. tRump is the quintessential stochastic terrorist.
Posted by Katie Phang:
As @mark.follman has described it: "whereby a leader vilifies a person or group in ways likely to instigate random supporters to attack those targets, while the instigator maintains a veneer of plausible deniability."
Yes this is the definition but by this point tRump has in my view lost the excuse of plausible deniability. Too many have been harmed. It's harmful speech, which is not protected by the 1st Amendment. I'm deadly sick of the cowardice that fails to hold him accountable via incarceration. I for one do not believe that jail time would lead to him successfully appealing a conviction.
I fear that the courts assume that any or every punishment (or control) would appear to be “political” in nature so they refrain from acting. He taking advantage of that potential perception! He can escalate his verbal attacks in order to elicit just that response if the courts try to control him. Ultimately, he is setting up a scenario whereby he can pretend he is just verbally complaining if and when any of the judges punish him but he will actually be encouraging mass violence by a sufficient number of supporters in multiple locations if any of courts actually order some form of punishment. If so the trial(s) will be suspended while law enforcement and courts bring it under control. Why is he playing this deadly game? He will go to extremes to delay the conclusion of any criminal trial until he is able to win the election which will put him in total control of the federal and even state government! That’s his fall back position! It is very desperate but from his deranged and fearful perspective he has no other choice than rather spend the rest of his life humiliated, broke and in house arrest until he dies!
The entire country is being held hostage by the weakest link.
@ Robert Odell. Have to hold a hearing and at that hearing can take testimony -- even expert testimony. There is a distinction between civil and criminal contempt. In some cases the penalties can be progressive -- =e.g. double the fines for each violation.
This is a good point. I must agree that any trial date delay is the worst outcome and it is clearly a trial that the defendant knows he's going to lose. Hence all of the civilly harmful speech. if the initial fine was sent at $3 million payable in 10 days with a trebling formula for each successive offense do you see a problem in that? Given his pattern in the E Jean Carroll case that number doesn't seem excessive to me
AMEN to losing the excuse of Plausible Deniability: "too many have been harmed." Thank you, Robert Odell! I am also "deadly sick of the cowardice that fails to hold him accountable via incarceration. LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!
Great Aunt
Could also be described as what a mob boss does. Michael Cohen said tRump spoke in code.
Thank you!
It’s time for the legal system to step up, collectively, and manage this monster. He has a pic he promotes of a kidnapped President Biden, threatens a judge and his daughter, and says there will be blood if he is not elected prez. Merrick Garland epitomizes the pathetic efforts of many, as well as the major media - especially NBC.
scotus delays his trial on the insurrection, by granting a late hearing on an immunity issue - essentially whether he can order Seal Team 6 to murder anyone he wants.
His son in law grifts $2billion from MBS and nothing is done.
We need to assemble all those who can vote and defeat this monster once and for all. The legal system will not handle this dilemma - only “We the People”!
Michael -- I am so glad you brought up Jared Kushner's current actions. How is it that the GOP-led House of Representatives spends months "investigating" the Biden family and Hunter Biden in particular, but Jared goes around the world currying favors from high government people and nothing is said by the same Republicans? He came away from Saudi Arabia with $2 BILLION and not one Republican has said a word.
His day is coming. Beginning should be as early as Feb. '25. That's following the coming wipeout of the so-called Republican party.
Perfect summation of Merrick Garland’s failure to act. As long as there are no consequences, the march towards dictatorship will continue.
As a Blue Democrat in this dark red state, I am very proud of these grandmothers standing up against the Nazi. Very occasionally OKlahoma surprises me.
My mother is a displaced Oklahoman. She has lived in the west for nearly 70 years, has been a Republican, then Independent…but she has never lost her compass for decency. They actually study and practice what’s in the Bible.
Wasn't too long ago that Oklahoma had a D governor, senator. The Henry family. David Boren. Millions of unregistered women nationally trend heavily Democratic. Register Democrats -- save Democracy.
My late mother was always registered R in Oklahoma, but supported candidates based on issues. She was a big fan of Brad Henry and contributed to his campaigns, then started getting invited to Democratic fundraisers because people assumed she was one. She never told them otherwise, just thought it was funny. All that to say even registered R, plenty of D candidates got her vote, and mine too when I lived there.
I am a big fan of Robert Henry, also. Formerly a judge on the 10th Cir Ct. of Appeals.
I held hearings in Okie City and Tulsa, civilized, despite the politics.
Thank you, Joyce. I have never disagreed with anything you have ever said. I am proud of your courage and integrity. You are doing a great job of speaking for all of us. Michael C Berry CPA CFP, Bainbridge Island, WA
I had to look up contumacious too!
I'm assuming that it is not common for a DA's office to use archaic legal language.
Very happy to be a new subscriber to 'Civil Discourse'!
He uses big words cause he knows TFG doesn’t know the meaning or how to use a dictionary but his lawyers should know it.
I believe that Trump's attacks on Judge Merchan's daughter are intended to provoke the judge into holding him in contempt and ultimately sentencing him to jail so that Trump could parlay the optics of being confined to jail into claiming that he is both a political prisoner and a victim, as Jesus was, of the oppression of authority.
However, the more that Merchan exercises self-restraint, the more extreme and bizarre Trump will become in attempting to provoke him, thereby causing Trump's antics to backfire on him and expose him as the loudmouth blowhard that he is.
L.D. Michaels -- You put into very good words what I have been thinking -- when is SOMEONE, anyone. going to call Trump's bluff? This is why we have judges. Dammit, judges, do your jobs and remember you have millions of people waiting for you to react seriously to this crass man who delights in threatening people. When my children were growing up I was glad the presidents made role models out of themselves. Surely no parent would call Donald Trump a role model. He wants to destroy this democracy and run things as he likes. MAGAs -- wake up !
Agreed. This is all part of his prediction, that he will foment as he did on Jan. 6, that “bloodshed” will ensue if he loses the election. His fanatical followers are “standing by.” “ Be there. Will be wild”.
‘Trump’s talk of seeking’ “retribution” ‘against foes, including some he has branded’ “vermin”,’ has coincided with plans that Maga loyalists at rightwing thinktanks are assembling to expand the president’s power and curb the DoJ, the FBI and other federal agencies.’(Guardian)
‘Ominously, Trump has threatened to tap a special prosecutor to “go after” Biden and his family.’
‘At a kickoff campaign rally in Texas in March, Trump warned’: “Either the deep state destroys America or we destroy the deep state,” and vowed that’ “for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.”
‘Similarly, Trump pledged to a CPAC gathering in March that:’ “I am your warrior. I am your justice,” ‘and called 2024’ “the final battle”.
‘Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump further ratcheted up his inflammatory language against Americans who oppose him politically by likening them to the foreign enemies that the United States fought in World War II.’ (WAPO)
‘In a speech on Thursday to the National Religious Broadcasters in Nashville, the former president drew a direct connection between the battles during that organization’s founding in 1944 and his current campaign to win back the White House.’
“Our country was at war with the enemy, and they wanted to extinguish our way of life forever,” ‘Trump said. He added:’ “This time, the greatest threat is not from the outside of our country, I really believe this. It’s the people from within our country that are more dangerous. They’re very sick people.”
‘The audience cheered, and Trump went on to describe his cause as a holy war, adding:’ “To achieve victory in this fight, just like in the battles of the past, we still need the hand of our Lord.” (WAPO)
Who doesn't have deep concern for everyone associated with Trump's legal cases, perhaps, his
lawyers are worried about their own safety? Who among us isn't more concerned than ever about
the country's Rule of Law, and Attorney General, Merrick Garland, for still not employing legal means that would have protected our society years ago from this traitorously lethal criminal? Have all the years that DJT has gotten away with -- shall we count his crimes -- call for a shoutout -- isn't it is long past time to address our Rule of Law?
'Donald Trump launched yet another attack against the daughter of New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, who is overseeing the trial regarding the former president’s alleged hush money payments to adult film actress Stormy Daniels.' (RollingStone)
'In a Truth Social post on Saturday, Trump shared a link to a New York Post article about the judge’s daughter, who has consulted to Democratic campaigns, and wrote, “This is a disgrace to our Legal System. Judge Merchan should be immediately sanctioned and recused, and this fake ‘case,’ only kept alive by the Highly Conflicted Judge, should be completely dismissed right away.” The post included photos of Merchan’s daughter. Rolling Stone has withheld her name as she is not involved in the case.'
'Trump has attacked the judge’s daughter at least three other times in the last week.' (RollingStone)
I have only one thing to say, “lock him up!”
This is a true-life horror show that will end badly, very badly!
'The Church of Trump: How He’s Infusing Christianity Into His Movement
Ending many of his rallies with a churchlike ritual and casting his prosecutions as persecution, the former president is demanding — and receiving — new levels of devotion from Republicans.' (NYTimes)
'Long known for his improvised and volatile stage performances, former President Donald J. Trump now tends to finish his rallies on a solemn note.'
'Soft, reflective music fills the venue as a hush falls over the crowd. Mr. Trump’s tone turns reverent and somber, prompting some supporters to bow their heads or close their eyes. Others raise open palms in the air or murmur as if in prayer.'
'In this moment, Mr. Trump’s audience is his congregation, and the former president their pastor as he delivers a roughly 15-minute finale that evokes an evangelical altar call, the emotional tradition that concludes some Christian services in which attendees come forward to commit to their savior.'
“The great silent majority is rising like never before and under our leadership,” 'he recites from a teleprompter in a typical version of the script.' “We will pray to God for our strength and for our liberty. We will pray for God and we will pray with God. We are one movement, one people, one family and one glorious nation under God.”
'The meditative ritual might appear incongruent with the raucous epicenter of the nation’s conservative movement, but Mr. Trump’s political creed stands as one of the starkest examples of his effort to transform the Republican Party into a kind of Church of Trump. His insistence on absolute devotion and fealty can be seen at every level of the party, from Congress to the Republican National Committee to rank-and-file voters.'
'Mr. Trump’s ability to turn his supporters’ passion into piety is crucial to understanding how he remains the undisputed Republican leader despite guiding his party to repeated political failures and while facing dozens of felony charges in four criminal cases. His success at portraying those prosecutions as persecutions — and warning, without merit, that his followers could be targeted next — has fueled enthusiasm for his candidacy and placed him, once again, in a position to capture the White House.'
‘He’s definitely been chosen by God’
'Mr. Trump has long defied conventional wisdom as an unlikely but irrefutable evangelical hero.'
'He has been married three times, has been repeatedly accused of sexual assault, has been convicted of business fraud and has never showed much interest in church services. Last week, days before Easter, he posted on his social media platform an infomercial-style video hawking a $60 Bible that comes with copies of some of the nation’s founding documents and the lyrics to Lee Greenwood’s song' “God Bless the U.S.A.”
'But while Mr. Trump is eager to maintain the support of evangelical voters and portray his presidential campaign as a battle for the nation’s soul, he has mostly been careful not to speak directly in messianic terms.'
“This country has a savior, and it’s not me — that’s someone much higher up than me,” 'Mr. Trump said in 2021 from the pulpit at First Baptist Church in Dallas, whose congregation exceeds 14,000 people.'
'Still, he and his allies have inched closer to the Christ comparison.'
'Last year, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia Republican and a close Trump ally, said both the former president and Jesus had been arrested by' “radical, corrupt governments.” 'On Saturday, Mr. Trump shared an article on social media with the headline' “The Crucifixion of Donald Trump.” (NYTimes) See link below. Sorry that it could not be gifted,
Terrifyingly Evil. And it could, would, work. I have a neighbor ready to take up arms in defense of trump, his "Christian" leader. Neighborhoods all across the United States have well armed "Christian" warriors, with local pastoral generals to literally, call the shots. Trump may be most dangerous in jail. Thanks for this Fern - I think.
Trump is one slippery pos. He is tiring and not surprising. His election was a huge mistake.
He was appointed by the electoral college, like W, and is now protected by them. Talk about rot.
Trump is literally the contempt-of-court poster boy. It is long past time to incarcerate him to shut him up.
Lock him up and shave his head for lice, before photographing him for the booking, then give him a key to let himself out, I bet he chooses to stay in jail out of embarrassment. We’ll see how many tee shirts and coffee cups he wants to sell with that image on them.
I learned the meaning of contumacious in the 6th grade, not because I was particularly precocious, but because my grammar school teacher at The Berkeley Institute in Park Slope, Brooklyn, put it in her remarks in my report card. I looked it up and thought it was meant as a compliment. My parents soon disabused me of that notion.
During Trump's term as president, a British colleague used this word to describe him: Cockwomble. At our house it's used as "The Cockwomble" to describe Trump. Cockwomble: British slang. A completely useless person that spouts constant bullshit. A person, usually male, prone to making outrageously stupid statements and/or inappropriate behaviour while generally having very high opinion of their own wisdom or importance."
I remember when one of my second grade students was considered obstreperous by my sub. Sure 'nough I'd been looking for that word. 😉
Great word. Ironically, my 6th grade teacher’s condemnation of my attitude, which sent me to the dictionary, helped me develop a life-long love of words…and dictionaries. At one point I had maybe 25 in my collection, until my wife said, “they go or I go!” It was a tough decision, but I hoodwinked her. I promised to dispose of all but two or three from my collection, but wanted just one more, she agreed. I bought the 20-volume OED that had just gone on sale. Lesson learned: never get between an addict and his drug!
Contumacious and stochastic terrorism both describe Trump to a tee.
If Trump is slapped with criminal contempt can it be appealed by his attorneys to cause further delays.
Jack Smith , IMO, needs to take a fast track to recuse “loose” Cannon. Nothing good will happen in the Mar A Lago case with her as the judge.
I’m happy to see Blevins getting a recall vote on Tuesday. I guess he forgot to mention he was a white nationalist.
Trump said he was going to pay that small appeal bond right away because he has so much liquid cash. I’m thinking maybe he is still selling shoes and whatnot to raise money.
Thank you for always informing us about what’s ahead in such a clear and concise way. I’m so appreciative.
Thank heavens I have one more week of spring break coming up…It’s a full-time job keeping up on all this! Thanks, Joyce, for doing all the heavy lifting for us!
Could it be possible Trump could appeal a guilty verdict because the courts were too leneint on him? (OK, that was a joke :o) Maybe, one of these days one of the judges he's attacking (along with their courts) will revoke his bail, because he's clearly a THREAT to the carriage of justice in America - like a mob boss on steroids! The more judges act like they fear treating him like any other defendent the worse he's going to get. As far as judge Cannon is concerned, I feel Jack Smith continues to back himself into a corner by putting up with her preferential treatment of Trump. I don't think it's any secret she's going to do whatever she can to help him "walk away" from these SERIOUS charges because, well, she's MAGA!