Thank you again, Joyce, for your wonderful update. Truthfully, I long for the day when there will no longer be any need for Trump legal updates. Joe Biden will be re-elected and Trump will be, one way or another, out of the picture entirely. Won’t that be wonderful??

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Yes, indeed, it will be wonderful! I so look forward to that.

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There will never be a magical time where we can blindly trust presidents. There will be more Trumps, that's for certain. But if you think we don't need to closely scrutinize our leaders, you're setting the stage for more trouble in the future.

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I totally agree. If anything this is not about the legal process taking care of everything so we can relax. If we are going to have a representative constitutional democracy we had better be vigilant. There are many ways we can be aware.. but we must. We should not forget this is an experiment. We should not forget there are bad actors taking advantage. This has been wake up time because the undermining has been going on for quite some time.

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Since Nixon there have been many politicians caught with either their pants down or their hand in the cookie jar. As long as we remain human, we will have corruption in politics. Trump is an opportunist who took advantage of a fracturing democracy to start a "movement" that favors white supremacy and white nationalism, which created a curtain behind which he enriched himself. This will happen again unless we are indeed vigilant.

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Go back to the Civil War.

Trump, an "enfant terrible" worked his way up always getting away with more and more egregious behavior. Those that fell for his "charms" (which disgust me and others) enable him and still do. It's a spell he puts on people: those "on 5th Avenue" he laughs at for which he thinks he can get away with anything. Fifth Avenue is interesting if you think about it... all walks of life (I grew up in the city). It used to be the well to do and famous walked on Fifth Avenue showing off. But we all walk on Fifth Avenue now and one cannot get away with anything and everything there if one ever could. Bergdorf Goodman is on Fifth Avenue where Trump raped E. Jean Carroll in a dressing room, and he is certainly not getting away with that.

This is hopefully the end for Trump... and our ordeal with him. He worked his way up to his own self destruction taking us all with him. If it's attention he wanted, he's certainly got it.

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I agree, and also, the recent proliferation of Trump-like strongmen all over the world should remind us that there are no "safe" leaders. I hope you're right about Trump, but voters certainly surprised us in 2016. I do believe he'll go down in flames in November, if not sooner, as I'm sure Nikki Haley also does.

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Voters in too many numbers went for Trump. But also the system was gamed and corrupted. I lost my faith that the people will choose well. Now I don’t believe that voters should have the choice of voting for an unqualified disqualified candidate who should not be a candidate at all or on the ballot.

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I keep going back to “It’s a Republic, if you can keep it!” - Ben Franklin, I believe?!

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They, the founders, did the best they could. But this democratic republic is not a gift that we are meant to take for granted. We have to keep working on it. It needs updating. Most of all it needs people of good will, men and women.

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Having subscribed to Heather Cox Richardson’s daily Letter from an American for nearly as long as she has published it, I have learned about, and been amazed by the actual details of US history that my HS and University classes never discussed or disclosed. Corruption in politics and our political leaders have always been present. I’m thinking that we find it so egregious today is because we have the immediacy of the media. Years ago, and I vividly recall the Nixon years, we didn’t have the play by play (to use a sports analogy), but waited until the morning paper or the evening news. I’d guess it was a rare non journalist person who knew all the scurrilous details of Watergate and the events surrounding and leading up to it. But today it’s 24*7. And thank heavens!

But now the task at hand is to hold these criminals accountable and to demand that our future leaders put the US and its citizens first, not greed or politics, and have the moral fortitude to demand the same from their contemporaries.

And term limits! We absolutely need term limits on Congress!!!!

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I am afraid that Trump will be in the news every day until the day after he is buried. One way or another...

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Yes, but I prefer that he not be the leader of the free world while doing so!

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Merci, Joyce. I happened upon your piece just as I was winding down. I cannot wait for Aileen Canon to be replaced. Even thought it will delay even further that trump case, I assume trump will still have to sit for that court case down the road, and probably after HE LOSES to JOE BIDEN again, this time by many more millions of votes (thinking positively), so he'll be more available, unless he is already serving time for one or two of the other cases. I'm old enough to remember when some Republicans had backbones, but the only ones I have been able to identify have come out against trump, and I applaud them sincerely. I would hope that Dark Brandon gives them all decent Ambassadorships or whatever as thanks for saving America & Democracy. Have a really good week. I yield back my time.

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I was glad to hear that Barack Obama and Bill Clinton will be hosting a big fundraiser for Pres Biden in Aprilish, date yet tba. Thank goodness, something very much needed to engage folks who do not seem to understand what can happen to the entire world, no less these outstanding and molassesly slow moving cases b4 Trump would have a chance to pardon himself, if elected. This is house-on-fire time!

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I think of Everett Dirksen. I wasn't old enough to pay attention then, and I'm not sure what he did with LBJs concern about Nixons treason, but he was surely no Mitch McConnell.

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I’m from illinois (and old) so i

remember Everett Dirksen--character and presence. i suppose he had the less appealing characteristics of successful politicians, but to a young girl, in that age of much less information, where he appeared on TV news in his most elevated moments of oratory, he was a towering figure.

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I don't understand - how can it take more than 5 minutes (max) to decide if a president has total immunity from any and all prosecution? Such a theory completely negates the basis ofour republic, namely that it is a republic under the rule of law,not under the rule of a man. How can the justices be taking so long to set this straight?

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They want to get the opinion perfect to keep SCOTUS from overturning their decision.

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I would like to see the sequel to Marbury vs, Madison so there will not be 4 votes for CERT as SCOTUS is vividly aware of its sinking legitimacy.

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May cameras be rolling when additional justices are installed and again when Citizens United is amended.

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Why i can’t be an appeals court judge:

I would be tempted to deny the appeal, ref Judge Chutkan’s ruling and say “What she said!”

OR maybe just “Denied 🤣”. I suppose emojis arent allowed though. Too bad.

OR “Anyone who would make such an argument should be disbarred and/or disqualified from serving as President.”

Seriously, i do understand why they want a rock-solid crystal clear, irrefutable opinion. Supremes should want to duck this case, if only to add to their record of decisions against Trump, clearing the way for one biggie that makes him dictator for life.

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Seriously, emojis are allowed 🏛️ ✍️ 👍 🇺🇲 🙏 :)

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Just learning emoji, so getting a message in emojian makes my day.

If i were Trump’s lawyer and had to sign my name to some of these arguments, I would want to put an emojinote 😉on them.

Lots of occasions in print media for 😡 or 🤥.

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Speaking of Marbury vs Madison, under Trump’s preferred rewrite of the Constitution there are not three “co-equal” branches of government in UST*, rather

EXECUTIVE >> Legislative + Judiciary

(>> means much greater than)

There is no judicial review of federal executive actions. Justices (and all federal judges) are not appointed for life but serve four year terms @ the pleasure of the President (no confirmation by legislature required.

SCOTUS should be very very careful about increasing the power of the executive, for instance by granting absolute criminal immunity.

Ive thought of sketching out the Constitution as Trump would like it

but unwisely started with the preamble, which broke my heart. Maybe i should start with Article I, The Executive .

Doesn’t it take 34 state legislatures to call a constitutional convention?


*UST = United States of Trump

“Plures Pro Uno”

“In Trump We Trust, to Him We Pledge Our Sacred Loyalty and Our Lives”

flag: sweep of lush golden hair on an orange background.

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Haha, we posted the same thing within a minute of each other

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I was also thinking of that after reading Joyce's comments.

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I could not agree more! Where is the dilemma? Makes no sense to me.

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Thank you for the continuing legal education for us non-lawyers!

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She’s also Very Helpful to us lawyers!

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And, retired litigators & trial attorneys.

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that's for sure! I'm a retired lawyer but was never a litigator so this is all fascinating to me and Joyce explains it all so well.

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Excellent, thank you. “But if there’s a silver lining to the Trump era, it’s that people are interested and engaged with understanding how our legal system works, why the rule of law matters, and how our Republic should function.” And that this understanding will persuade more people to VOTE.

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I hope it will persuade people that if all they do is vote, they're not doing enough. Plenty of people don't vote because it doesn't seem worth the bother, and in many cases they're right. Either they're gerrymandered into districts where their preferred candidates always lose, or they live in states with, in effect, single-party legislatures, or the candidates they elect blow off all their campaign promises, or . . .

One ray of hope, however: In my younger days, we used to say that if voting could change anything, it would be illegal. These days the Republicans are putting so much effort into suppressing the vote that it's clear they believe that it *can* change things, like throwing them out of power. So by all means vote, and encourage others to vote, but don't stop there!

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But not nearly enough people! We who are motivated need to work extra hard to get others involved - even if only to vote.

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YES! VOTE!! It is your voice!

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Trump regularly misrepresents the justice system in the sense of who’s doing what to whom and why.

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Chickens. We are going to need to see lots of pictures of chickens! And of Tofu. And the lovely dog whose name I can’t remember.

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I think her name is Bella? I love how they all get along. No fighting about politics, no icky people wearing red hats that were made in China. And a human who takes such good care of them.

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It's interesting how the critters get along when the commander in chief prefers it. Joyce's backyard is a microcosm of what we could be.

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Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive (Sir Walter Scott). I do hope Judge Engoron issues his decision soon and I hope that it makes Trump, and the others, fully accountable for his fraudulent behavior. Thank you for keeping us up to date and I hope you get some sleep as it is going to be a long year.

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Geez it would take me a long time to add my intellectual opinions on each of these but I’ll just say 1) The Crumbley case was a fiasco on Friday but I have no doubt she’ll be found guilty. 2) Cannon will eventually be removed for her incompetence as she’s clearly showing she is clueless. 3) Engoron is really gonna sock it to TFG and family and with the fact the newest documents are showing incomplete or omitted he will probably shutdown the company from doing any business in NY. I don’t dare say what I think TFG will have to pay out but I highly doubt he has the liquidity to pony up the bond plus interest to appeal this and the EJC case. I’m sure he’ll move his company to Florida where the state AG is MAGA friendly. 4) I just wish the appeals panel would hurry up but be airtight on the immunity opinion. Hope you had a wonderful time in NY and hanging out at MSNBC.

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Somehow TFG owes Rudy ----how is that coming?

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I think the bankruptcy court will sue TFG on behalf of Rudy to collect some money.

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All I want to learn this week is, the decision on the immunity case. I know very notable lawyers have urged patience. Well, I find myself losing my patience. If anyone else was the center of the case, I suspect we would have heard by now. It doesn't help anything at this point, but, the AG should have acted sooner, and, then we wouldn't be looking at trials being delayed due to the closeness of the election. This man, if you can call him a man is a, "Clear and Present Danger to Our Country ", to plagiarize a statement from a movie.

I will go to bed, hoping that the coming week will give us some good news. 👍🏿

More chickens, cats, and dogs, please!!

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I too find myself losing patience and not solely with Judge Cannon. "How our legal system works" -- too ding dang SLOW, in general! So frustrating

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I lost my patience completely when I learned that Cannon's in Trump's pocket, and that it's doubtful that she'll be replaced by a REAL, BIPARTISAN judge.

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Yogi Berra is something of an I Ching oracle, "It ain't over 'til its over".

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You're right about it not being over. Whenever I'm at the dentist's office getting a long procedure done, I try to keep telling myself that I won't be there for hours and hours because someone else is bound to be having an appointment after mine!

I'm old enough to remember Yogi Berra! He was one of my father's favorite baseball players.

Thanks for sharing that oracle. Going to add it to my little book of sayings that I like reading once in a while to keep my head on straight.

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Technical point: Non- partisan not bi-partisan.

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You're right! Thanks for straightening that out for me.

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I never read Joyce's notes before bed. I save them for the morning so I have the day to settle down my outrage.

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I resist the urge to get out of bed at 2 am when the substacks are waiting.

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Strange luck that Garland was in office.

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As opposed to on the supreme court.

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Good evening Joyce: between the backlash in Congress, the war in the Middle East fueled by disinformation including TFG’s war on the courts, some days it just feels like too much. Thank you for the education you provide all of us day after day. You are really a national treasure 🕯️🇺🇸🗽🗳️🕯️

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You know, her calm, reasoned explanations help a lot when we feel overwhelmed. And they help to understand why it takes so long.

I also think of how expensive the legal system is for our country, and one of the scoundrels who takes up far too much of its time paid no taxes.

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Yes, Joyce's calm, reasoned analysis and explanation soothes the anxiety and fear. I always feel more informed, wiser and confident that our justice system will prevail. Like an old time western movie where the good sheriff always wins.. Thank you Joyce.

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Apparently, in the footnotes to Ms. Jones' report was a mention of Trump negotiating a "deal" with a bank regarding a $100 MILLION loan in which he got a $48 MILLION reduction in the principle. Allegedly, in order to avoid paying taxes on the $48 MILLION (which would be considered income) he "loaned" the money to himself via some LLC in Chicago (which is a "non-entity" in that it produces - well, nothing). The $48 MILLION was claimed as a business expense. (Likely, had already claimed the $100 MILLION. Trump allegedly pays interest on this loan to cover up the (alleged) reality he used this trick to avoid about $18 MILLION in taxes. Illegal? Likely. Will Trump have yet another indictment for tax evasion? Not Likely. The government is too busy prosecuting Hunter Biden for taxes he paid back late. What a world????

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Thank you David for analyzing and sharing this with us. I hope the IRS has been notified as well.

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Thank you for bringing this information up. Joyce did not address it. I hope in the judges ruling it plays apart and is referred to the IRS for further investigation. I’m sure totally appalled at the criminal behavior of the former guy. Him and his followers are the most evil ruthless people, anyone can imagine. I’m ashamed that they call themselves Americans.

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How would it feel to be reading this in prison after conviction of tax fraud amounting to ten grand.

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Amen! I was thinking of Hunter Biden but I'm sure the IRS has gone after many "little fish." And, do you think they'll still be checking the big "fish" if Trump cheats his way back into the "White House."

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Doubtful Trump will make it across the line. By November’24, 32 million new voters will be eligible to vote for the first time. By November’24 , 20 million older voters will expire. -----This from a Wapo reader comment. I am nearing 77 and I approve this message.

My hope is there will be enough push from dems and inside the administration that we see added justices to the court and Citizens United reversed. If Biden favors the court expansion he is keeping quiet.

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Wow. What a crook.

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The Michigan case you cited first is terrible. While there have been horrific school executions that have happened, what was happening with that sick child’s parents? I believe it would be exceedingly difficult to deliberate fairly if I were on the jury in this case.

You’re right Joyce. It’s going to really heat up, both politically and legally for the trumpster. The latest E. Jean Carroll verdict might have gotten his attention if he can keep his mouth and fingers quiet that is. In light of the delay in Judge Chutkan’s court, it looks like Alvin Bragg might be up next in NY. I don’t know about you but I want trump to get a state conviction laid on him so he can’t be pardoned federally.

It’s always one day at a time and all these cases certainly bring that home(look at what has hit the fan in GA-head banging on table here). Thanks for your clarifications and updates Joyce.

Oh yes, I saw your FaceBook posts with your knitting girlfriends. Glad you took the break.

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Everyday good news vs past days of ugh!

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As always, Thank you, Joyce. My frustration with these judges and circuit courts slow walking the necessary decisions is mitigated by your calm explanations.

We are in this together and I can’t imagine a better coxswain.

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Thank you for your work educating non-lawyer citizens to the complexities and functioning of the legal framework behind our democracy and why it is so crucial.

Your service is exemplary to the nation.

I've posted THIS Substack on Facebook, encouraging folks to read it, learn and VOTE!

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Following his $83.3 million E.Jean Carroll loss, watch for Trump to become even more out of control and irrationally unstable this week if both the DC appeals court rules against him on immunity, and Engeron hits him with hundreds of millions of dollars in the NY case. His impotent rage, hatred and fear will be amped up more than ever before, if all those 3 huge loses hit him in a week’s time.

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I hope they hide the keys to the airplane. He needs to be grounded under lock and key - with treatment.

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I still wonder about his passport 😈

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Hi Beth,

Are you concerned that he will leave without having had accountability for the insurrection and stolen documents? Or that he will abscond with cash?

All of his properties are tied up in receivership and a former federal judge is monitoring his cash and properties. So he can’t really touch anything financially. I saw a really nice breakdown on what will happen for example, with the case of E. Carroll. There will be an appeal, but the two things he probably would want to appeal about are when the DOJ said he had presidential immunity, and then that got reversed and the other immunity that is now in the three judge 2nd circuit appeals.

I need to reread that article myself because it was very well done. I read it yesterday or late last night and when I find it I’ll put the link on here for you. But the issue of the passport means he would have to ditch the Secret Service guys unless they were helping him leave and I can’t imagine that. I’ve thought about him maybe getting some kind of boat, leaving from Miami to Cuba. That might be possible. But his passport would then be canceled. He would be tried in absentia and convicted. He could never come back. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, because my impression is sort of along. The lines of it couldn’t happen soon enough. He would be gone gone gone. Joe Biden would be easily reelected. We would never have to worry about this despicable man trying to gain office and take away our. But I do want to hear about your concern.

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I meant it partly tongue-in-cheek. But as a west coast NYer, I don't trust him with ANYthing!

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Hi Beth,

Oh my lord no. Nor do I. My New York friends were all alarmed about him running for president in 2016: they outlined all the bankruptcies, unpaid contractors, they talked about his divorce from Ivana and rape allegations. I downloaded her deposition which has now disappeared from the Internet. I think he probably has gold bars stashed in her coffin, buried on the New Jersey golf course. That golf course by the way, is not listed in the receiver ship with all the other properties. (Newsweek has them listed).

That all having been said, we would be much better off with him out of the country instead of here, running for office. He’s been a narcissist, sociopath, psychopath, malignant, narcissist, all the time he’s been in office. But now he is in cognitive decline. He never has had a high mental ceiling nor has he been able to do any strategic planning. If you want to look at an example of a contrast, of course there’s Obama and Joe Biden He’s mentally incompetent because he is mentally ill. He’s not making any decisions at all. In a healthy way. we recognize that but his base doesn’t. They just think he’s cute and funny when he sends me tweets because they enjoy that kind of behavior. But he has a very cruel sadistic side. We don’t want that near the White House again So personally, I would welcome him I’m leaving. If you hear any rumors or get a clue of that before I do, please let me know. The elephant in the room is his mental illness. Because he’s a public figure no one is addressing how mentally ill he is and that’s very different from just having cognitive decline. He’s a cruel deviant. I’m wondering why our government leaders are not filing something that would require his mental health status to be addressed? We have 20 something extremely prestigious psychiatrists, who have made public statements about his mental health condition. And they are calling him a malignant narcissist. But where is the protection for the American people? He is someone who would retaliate against everyone who has opposed him: that’s half of our bicameral Congress. In addition, he would retaliate against journalist and the DOJ. I would love him to get on that plane and go as far away as possible, and do it soon:)

Let him take his ill-gotten gold bars, who cares? To him: ‘Just go and don’t let the door hit you as you leave.’

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Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, The Ultimate Victim, who brought it all on himself.

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It boggles the mind that the DC Court of Appeals has anything to discuss re the con man’s immunity argument. Really?! I don’t get what could be taking so long!

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I do. See my Comment above.; we need a sequel to Marbury vs. Madison. Actually, the Professor estimation of a possible decision in the next week is very encouraging.

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I'd like you to expand on your sequel to M v M It seems to me that decision was ridiculous at the time and is the cause of great overreaching, but then I'm not an attorney.

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I was a political Science major at UCLA & one of my Professors spent an entire lecture on Marbury vs Madison. Changed my life.

In short, the Judicial Branch with SCOTUS on top of the pyramid "says what the law is".

I want to see Marbury cited as controlling law with an updated express holding: "No person is above the law."

We'll see

All of this legal history as a prelude to "1 person 1 vote" whether in Hawaii, Alaska, Maine, Florida,Texas, California or the District of Columbia.

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...says with law is...?

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Whew!!!! I certainly hope so!

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It has been surmised that the circuit court justices know full well that their work most likely will end up in the lap of the Supreme Court, so everything they produce must be without reproach legally.

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Yes thanks, that is what I'm surmising after reading a lot of the comments here. It makes sense and I surely would appreciate their diligence in getting it right!

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