How in the world can folks consider this low life con artist, grifter, fraud fit to be President? Stunning lack of good judgment

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I honestly don't think judgment enters into it - more like brainwashing from only hearing what they want to hear.

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There’s an enlightening article by Zeynep Tufekci in the NYT today that tries to come to terms with this sad phenomenon. She notes that among the not very politically engaged are those who see Trump as strong and purposeful/Biden weak and vacillating; Trump’s economy vibrant/Biden’s in decline and so on.

Of course you or I might reasonably say that they mistake noise for substance, but perceptions can be hard to shift.

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It's all coming out of fascism and prior and current dictators/autocrats/lunatics. It makes me viscerally ill to look at the cover of Ghiat's, "Strongmen". It's why I joined her substack newsletter. The moves we see from not attending the ... I don't even know what to call it - Haley and DeS. show - are all a combination plays by other fascists and dictators. rumpf looks strong not going and he's going to court for his supporters. The show people can't say a word against the guy or they could be attacked. He looks strong (to the weak minded from all walks of life) many who feel forgotten and the pandemic made it worse.

I'm an old activist. When I'd go to protest the rumpf rallies (pre-election 2015-6 ?) I saw people from all walks of life from the suits and fancy dresses to skinheads with bibles (which I thought was an oxymoron or really weird) and there was one woman with a longish denim skirt and it looked like she had been sitting in ... I have no idea but it was gross. Versus a Tim Kaine rally. Kaine's was easier than watching people go by the line was smaller but the people all looked sane.

So, who knows other than she's drawn to him because he comes off as a strong man (ugh) and she has her share of grievances so they can relate. yuck. this is nuts. And, with the billionaires driving it (dark money) under the guise of religion (enter the Evanelists) this also helps their tax needs for both.

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Jan 15·edited Jan 15

I think people believe what they want to and people want/need to believe that there are Marvel, god-like.heros out there that can fix everything. People believe in tRump for the same reason they believe in God. Faith trumps facts. Very dangerous.Critical thinking skills are in very short supply.

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I think it boils down to pure stoopit.

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Look at their world of news. In 2011, we had moved to NC and were visiting a friend who lived in Bristol, VA. She worked with McAuliffe to get him elected. She also showed me that every cable company has a least expensive (it's often called "basic" stations - that I know). Those stations always include fox . The people who were watching fox got their main news source. They were being lied to back then. 2018ish rolls around and they join forces (I'm being redundant) with Sinclair Broadcasting and it has an even wider coverage or brainwashing network. That freaked me out :) ... it was scary.

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Very, very scary.

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Yeah, it was back then. It's worse now. I guess I had a good mom and an annoying dad (he played devil's advocate way too much). Mom was active everywhere possible and dad had some cool jobs in D.C. He said he and my mom rode up the escalator with Truman in the WH once - no secret service. Mom was a democrat and dad was a pro-middle class economist which sounds like an oxymoron :) .

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Propaganda media has warped their minds. Fox will be the culprit in the history books.

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Sinclair media is a very close second with hundreds of local stations which they own!

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Right, and we always hear about Fox, but almost never about Sinclair.

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If trump wins do you think there will be history books written, or published….or available to read? He will control everything through the lineup of people he will have in charge. Steve Bannon, Mike Flynn and Sstephen Miller to name a few.

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Common sense is an uncommon virtue among republicans.

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Or as I used to say "common sense isn't common"

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Jan 15Liked by Joyce Vance

Thanks, Joyce, for keeping us informed!! Your efforts are greatly appreciated!!

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Love Tofu! ❤️

I’m so sick of Cannon and her incompetence and biases. When will it be enough to take her to the 11th Circuit and have her removed. She is denying us the right to a speedy trial.

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Somewhere on Youtube and sometime ago, I heard an analysis (Harry Litkin?) that Judge Cannon appears to be mistaken about how classified material needs to be handled. If she actually lets Trump's lawyers see certain documents in camera instead of just herself, or rules that they can, (which is against the 11th Circuit standards, and I guess the rest of the US courts' as well,) Jack Smith will be able to ask the Circuit for a new judge. This would be her third "strike" and she's off the case. It's pretty esoteric stuff, but I'm sure when the time comes, Joyce will explain it to us.

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I have to believe that Smith is concerned that going to the 11th Circuit Court now would delay the trial until after the election While that might/probably get him a qualified and honest Judge to replace Cannon, he may not consider that a good trade as of now.

I suspect, all things considered, he will hold off until Cannon embarrasses herself by delaying. Then, I think he takes her lame political performance up to the 11th.

I'm sure Joyce has a better opinion and explanation.

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That's an interesting observation. And I think the issue is that Cannon has added another step into the Section 4 of the CIPA process by issuing "minutes" instead of a ruling. I think right now she is going to have a hearing about whether to follow the CIPA process. (!!!) Thereby avoiding a ruling that can be appealed. (That's just my interpretation of the explanation.) But don't you think the Florida case will not happen until after the election anyway, at the pace Cannon is going?

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I'd like to know the answer to this question as well. What options does Jack Smith have at this point?

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Hi Mike, Tofu is the black kitten:) This pupper hasn't been photographed in a while. We haven't seen the elder cat either...💙

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My bad. Love Tofu and the puppy just the same.

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So do I. I don't recall seeing Miss Fig before - or at least in a long time. She is certainly adorable.

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Jan 15Liked by Joyce Vance

You again have made my day and I know you'll keep up and make my week. Couldn't go through these court cases without your input Joyce. You're the best!

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Given the vicious abuse tRump has already visited upon Judge Lewis Kaplan via social media, inviting him to address the court during the trial will guarantee that tRump turns the proceedings into a grievance session per last week's debacle in the Engoron courtroom.

As you discussed just recently, Joyce, give tRump an inch, he takes a mile, and Judge Kaplan better bring a steel ruler to rap Defendant tRump across his tiny knuckles if he tries to clone the same act in Kaplan's courtroom.

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Joyce Vance: Excellent, excellent, very timely commentary, especially about the complexities of invoking the defense of detrimental-reliance upon advice of counsel. This defense, from your narrative, presents a real thicket of issues concerning privileged communications.

And I LOVE, LOVE the two pictures, affectionately portraying your household friends.

One request: I would love to see the names of each adored household friend in a caption under the photos, because I keep an email file, "Joyce's Chickens"!

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I have made a note of this! When it warms up, I have this plan in the back of my mind to do chicken portraits. No clue if it will work, but it will make for a fun day!

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I can’t wait for chicken portraits!!

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Seriously “what a breath of fresh air “ the “Chicks”, dogs and cats. They all are so adorable and fun to see them intermingled. (And I love this... feels like a sane world) so, again Joyce...thanks for sharing them with us. It expands our “togetherness” 👏🤣🇺🇸

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Me too!

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Joyce -- In paint or photographs? Not that it matters -- just please do it! I live where pets are not allowed and your chickens keep me amused.

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I kind of like the way they look today. They're all puffed up to stay warm.

All the finches on my trees outside are twice their normal size. It's a struggle to keep them in sunflower kernels.

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Are you going to paint them or photograph them?

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Keep in mind that for Trump (or any losing party) to appeal a money judgment such as the Jean Carroll II case, and soon the Jean Carroll I case, the appellant must file a supersedeas for at least the amount of the judgment (Fed. Rules of Civil Procedure 62 and Fed. Rules of Appellate Procedure 8). This will soon get into the tens of millions of dollars, or hundreds of millions if Jean Carroll III strikes it big for T's defamation after Carroll II. We can expect there will be a Jean Carroll IV for the 40 Truth Social posts he launched (per news reports), perhaps worth $1 million per post, plus punitive damages. Thus for all the delay with appeals, T will still have to pay up that amount to appeal, unless he gets a surety company (usually an insurance company) to post those bonds, for a fee. Surety companies do this, that is their business, but hard to imagine any company taking the risk of providing a bond for T after Judge Engeron rules that T defrauded insurers and banks with false financial statements.

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Hi Harold, wow, wow, wow!! I had conjured $100 Million last week. You are making this seem possible. Thank you. There is no other way to shut this grifting windbag up, but you may have hit on it. Of course, Robbie Kaplan may already know this as well. Thank you.

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Valere -- There is one other way -- PUT THE BUM IN JAIL ! Allow no visitors except his lawyers and you've taken away his mini-rallies and other handy times he can preach to the public. Heck, the way things are going E.Jean Carroll should just let him spout for a while . . .

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Hi there new to your substack but a huge fan of Sisters in Law, which I faithfully listen to every week. I’m a retired federal criminal defense attorney, and your cogent explanations of the procedures, protocols and personalities of the Trump debacles are always spot on. I lived in that world so long that I forget sometimes how opaque the system seems to non-lawyers and even to those who have never wandered in the criminal justice world. Your work and those of your sisters is always appreciated. Thanks for making it easier for me to explain this zoom to the uninitiated !

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Zoo! Not zoom!

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If you want to correct your original without having to write a separate message, go to the three dots on the lower right hand side of the original message. Click it and 'edit' and 'delete' pop up as choices. Edit the original message. Then click 'save' on the bottom left hand side of the original/corrected message. Hope this helps. 💙

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Hi Ellen, Those of us who are non-legal love the attorneys on Joyce's substack. They keep us on track and explain the nuances. At first, some of us thought we were ready to take the bar after a month or two of Joyce. But we slowed down to 'whoa'! But we love it when the attorneys hop to with the explanations.

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"some of us thought we were ready to take the bar" smile.

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Jan 15·edited Jan 15

It's just too bad (no offense meant, Joyce) that translation/interpretation is necessary. Shouldn't we all be able to follow the laws and procedures that govern us, and shouldn't they underscore our equality rather than favor the rich over the poor. Yeah, dreaming....I know. How is our legal system, today supporting the constitution and the emancipation proclamation? "We stand in awe as the Papists read from a bible we can't understand...". Maybe WE need a reformation too. Joyce, is there an easier way?

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Ah… but there are many English/American translations/interpretations of the, so called, Original Hebrew vs the Masoretic Text vs Septuagint Messages/Scripture/Bible over the centuries. To name a few, the KJV, AKJV, NIV, ESV & MEV. There is even a book entitled “The Best Bible?” (? included).

Modernization of our complex laws, to be more accessible to laypersons, may not have occurred because as a nation we are

1. A vast & complex melting pot

2. We have been, and are exponentially becoming more, politically divided

Thank God for Joyce, SistersInLaw, Robert B. Hubbell, MSNBC, International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, et al!

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Unfortunately, probably no. These laws come about when a case is being heard and some smart lawyer wants to do something that isn't normally allowed, hence, the courts, in tandem with lawmakers come up with a new rule. This is how we got to this overly complicated legal system...but if you are on the receiving end, you may very well want these laws in place.

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Thanks Betty. Please give me an example of what you mean by your last sentence, for my understanding.

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Meaning - if you are the one on trial.

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Maybe, but only if I've got the money, which I don't, which was my main point. So, If I'm Mango MAGAT okay, but if I'm Po Man Bruce, Naaah.

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...gotta think about that. Hmmmmm

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Ah… but there are many English/American translations/interpretations of the, so called, Original Hebrew vs the Masoretic Text vs Septuagint Messages/Scripture/Bible over the centuries. To name a few, the KJV, AKJV, NIV, ESV & MEV. There is even a book entitled “The Best Bible?” (? included).

Modernization of our complex laws, to be more accessible to laypersons, may not have occurred because as a nation we are

1. A vast & complex melting pot

2. We have been, and are exponentially becoming more, politically divided

Thank God for Joyce, SistersInLaw, Robert B. Hubbell, MSNBC, International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, et al!

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True Susan, but my Bible comment wasn't about now but before 1517, when the Bible was exclusively Latin and no one but the Papists could read it...the common folk never found out what was really in the Laws. To your points:

1. making it even more imperative to simplify?

2. As was Germany at that time divided into at least 26 political entities?

Yes, thank God for all the help. But Why?

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To claw, Joyce discusses 2things: the rules of criminal procedure, which are generally the same whether in federal or criminal courts, and the court’s interpretation of those procedures. The rules are straightforward, and to use your Biblical illustration, are common sense: what does each side need to know to prepare for trial? How much in advance of trial? The interpretation of some rules by the judge (does the rule apply? What timing is fair?) may have been litigated before. My biggest complaint is not the interpretation of the rules generally, but the fact that Trump and his rich or powerful buddies are apparently NOT treated the same way my poor and powerless clients were treated. Every court, even the civil courts, have bent over backwards to accommodate this man. He is treated with extraordinary deference. That is unfair and immoral. It contributes mightily to the perception “ the rules are for thee but not for me”. That kind of double standard is what has led to revolutions. My bafflement with the red hats is that they perceive a grievance and special treatment against THEM, when in fact it’s their targets (the ordinary law abiding person) who suffers here. Please, if you want to make a point, go rally everyone you know to VOTE.

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Ugh!!! To clarify, not claw

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"Please, if you want to make a point, go rally everyone you know to VOTE."

Uh, Okay your highness, I think you just restated my point. But, of course I'll do as you command, just as if i had done nothing about getting people to vote before you commanded me. Thank you, yes thank you esteemed Professional.

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Wtaf? You need a nap.

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I do respect your premise… I addressed the Original Hebrew, etc… only to demonstrate that over the many centuries, including the one you focused upon, that there are always those who strive for a more inclusive interpretation of the ethics by which we are governed. God bless Martin Luther & those who fought to expose the hypocrisy which you point out. I only meant to point out that then, as now, how very difficult it is to translate our laws, into laypersons comprehensive terms, DEI: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. It appears this is a question perhaps only Joyce can offer some more professional insight.

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You Are totally amazing and wonderful in so many ways!! Keep up the incredible work!! And stay warm!!

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What I don't get is how or perhaps more aptly why has our national sentiment apparently changed from doing good to one of knowingly accepting and repeating the lies of a disgraced, dishonest man?

Although flaws exist in every culture, I grew up for the most part believing ours has been to expose and root them out.

While I may suffer from political naivete, when it comes to rewriting rules that favor and reward the already wealthy it appears we are no more advanced than any third world nation.

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Ian, In a spectacular example of doublespeak that Trump's minions do not seem to have recognized, he promised them a tax cut. He did the tax cut part, but it only helped the billionaires. His cult member followers have not recognized that they voted him into office, but he did zilch to help them afterward.

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Some men who contribute little aside from a needed seed for human life have no qualms about destroying what men other than themselves have helped create. Whether it is other humans or the examples of progress mirrored in our world's ever increasing wealth, nothing is sacred to them.

The destruction which accompanies war could be easily stopped if some among us accepted the fact that at a physical and mental level we are all very, very similar, an acceptance that involves actual thought, acknowledgement and respect for others. Seems we men have never stopped swinging from tree to tree.

ps Thanks for the three dots tip you gave earlier

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Ian, You are welcome. And we all can and must do better. In the end, when Trump is in prison for the rest of his life (see George Conway's interview with his Lincoln Project co-founder a few days ago); many of Trump's minions and cult members will return to 'who they were' prior to falling for Trump's lies. Our test will be whether we can welcome them back. I think we should. He will be gone - the nightmare will be over. And we can go on to do the heavy lifting of protecting our democracy from becoming a Christian theocracy. I truly have often though that every citizen should be required to take Anthropology 102 (not the first course (yada) but the one that explains that 30% of the animal kingdom is homosexual (so we are of the animal kingdom) and the color of our skin has only been determined by how far our ancestors lived from the equator. So if I am a white woman sitting at a conference next to a black woman, I have less genetic variation with her than I do with my sister. That information could be distilled to a middle school or high school level. My opinion - to hopefully open minds. We won't fight so much when we DO realize how alike we are.

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But Valerie,

That money will trickle down... eventually... right? I mean, I’m still waiting for the Reagan tax breaks to trickle down, but patience is a virtue.

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Sorry I misspelled your name, Valere!

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Dave, But…. The tax break ended for the little people. It goes on forever for the billionaires and the mega millionaires. But I think this is the year it ended for us. But, yes, patience is a virtue and let them eat cake right? Aren’t we about there? 😳

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I do so live the inclusion of the girls and the pups in your column. Thank you.

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Can anything be done about cannon? She appears to have been bought and paid for in one of many ways. She's a loyalist acting as a slave. Does she understand why the case is so dangerous? Can the damn bar association do anything about her obvious nicely caving? I'd like a dart board with the words "Federalist Society" on it. I knew they were bad and it looks like they're responsible for churning out numbnuts on purpose.

We're still in PA and man oh man, it's cold. A sibling had just asked if our power had gone out and I texted her it has only been out once in the @6 yrs we've been here. A few minutes later, the power went out (@1.5 hrs) and we're finally going to look into getting a small generator. I want some solar panels with it. I hope the chicken coop has a heater in it.

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I love this bit from Jeff Tiedrich’s substack:

and nowhere are Trump’s delay tactics working better than down in sunny fucked-up Florida, where Number One Fangirl Aileen Cannon is presiding over the Big Stolen Classified Documents Fuckery Trial. that trial has already been put off for months, with no starting date in sight, while she dreamily scrawls Mrs. Aileen Trump over and over — with a heart dotting the i in Aileen — across the cover of every document that Trump’s team has filed.


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I was able to see enough of it. Need a lawyer to explain how the hell she gets away with it.

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Stay warm and well.

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We are, thanks, and decided against the generator. In these insane times, it's too expensive.

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Thank you, Joyce, very much for this. And too for chickens

and dog.

It is snowing in Arkansas tonight and 10f with a real feel of-1f. It will get colder as

the night goes on. Tomorrow

is more of the same without


There's a fat orange spider spinning a trecherous web.

But, he's not really a very

smart spider, and will get

caught in that sticky silk he

keeps spinning; trapped in

his web of lies.

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Thank you, Joyce, for this and the quick correction you made. Stay safe with your menagerie! I so enjoy the images you share with us along with the in-depth analyses of what's happening in the courts.

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Really enjoy the commentary, and especially updates on the chickens. Dismayed about this traveling chaos we once called President, but seeing the light at the end of the prosecutorial tunnel.

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Thankyou Joyce. So i guess I am thinking Chutkan knew....knows....exactly what she is doing. Hmmmm.....

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I have that sense of Chutkan. She is very well respected.

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