Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023Liked by Joyce Vance

It's odd to see a body of people as in the photo that are all so white. I see 1 woman, but she's not but one voice. Doesn't bode well for minority voices.

It seems the new norm is to just do what one wants. Create your own reality, snub the law and the judges, make-up your own rules. Trump set that standard, and it feels like we can never go back. Loopholes have become the rule of law. Honor system and protocol are so passe'.

To use a knitting analogy, it feels like everything is unraveling.

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Judge Cannon knew what she was doing when she postponed the date for nearly a year on an open and shut case. I guess we can only wait and see for Jack smith’s response. The situation in Alabama should be considered insurrection.

Thanks Joyce, not an easy but necessarily necessary read!

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023Liked by Joyce Vance

Yes Joyce, people need to have the perception that justice is fairly applied. The social contract that holds a civil society from sliding into lawless chaos is appearing null and void- not just for the most oppressed and justice denied, discriminated against among us, but for a growing number of white middle class citizens who see a corrupt justice system from the Supreme Court all the way down to the local corrupt politicians in Georgia run roughshod over our rights. Plus, the DOJ has also lost its moral authority as a bulwark of the social contract via the pathetic, fear driven negligence to not have prosecuted trump for 2 1/2 years. Many Middle class citizens are feeling like chumps for playing by the rules while the whole justice system is in growing decay. The social contract collapses when law abiding citizens feel they are stupid to obey the law when so many others, from a president and suprem court Justice on down get no consequences.

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

Good Lord, my flabber is completely gasted with that situation in Newbern.

I don't understand all of the state/federal things you're laying out there, but it seems like the federal marshals should be called in.


Thank you for bringing daylight to this travesty.

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Why is it if you steal a loaf of bread you can be immediately arrested and detained until trial, but if you completely ignore a court-mandated redistricting plan, nothing happens? Isn’t it illegal and more egregious?

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Thank you for this thread Joyce. It braids together several concerns about integrity of justices in our judicial system. In my experience as a BA I did not doubt the justices. Now I have no trust left. Each time a justice follows the law in a case in the news I feel nothing. I know Ailleen Canon is protecting Trump and SCOTUS is destroying the fabric of the protections of my womanhood and diversity. No other justices' actions will make up for that.

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It is more important that trump not be elected than that there be a trial before the election for several reasons.

1. The survival of our way of life is lost if he is re-elected

2. If he’s elected he will pardon himself and maneuver away any other problems

3. A full blown violent confrontation is more likely if he’s convicted before an election

4. Our judicial machinery doesn’t move fst enough to make this happen. (See how long it took us to get here)

5. His multiple court proceedings and on-going revelations help us in the election

We have to keep working hrd on the election and ask prosecutors to keep the pressure on, read Arizona, Pennsylvania, Smith

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I'm not worried about Judge Cannon or the documents case at all. It may be the easiest case to prove, but it is also the most trivial, compared to the massive treason surrounding January 6.

And the indictment for those crimes will be filed in the District of Columbia, where the federal courts have demonstrated how comfortable they are with proceeding expeditiously where Trump is concerned.

Once that indictment is filed, its gravity will draw so much national attention and concern that the documents case will be almost forgotten.

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My fantasy is that 45 gets his wish and trials are all held after the 2024 election which Biden wins.

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The South is still fighting the Civil War.

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I agree with you on the need for the courts to act with speed and equality, but the difference between fair and equal often feels unequal from the cheap seats.

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JEN PSAKI interviewed NEAL KATYAL on 7/23 who is Thumbs-up ! onJ6 charging count. 18 US Section 241, Conspiracy Against [Citizen's] Rights [ protected by our Constitution or Federal Law]..

This week?

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I'll be interested to learn whether Thomas and Alito curb their extravagant vacationing. Thankfully, there will be reporters out there who will be doing their jobs and looking for the ethical lapses that don't seem to engender any reaction from Roberts or their colleagues. This whole Supreme imbroglio highlights the importance of an independent press - and it further highlights the dangers of having all the press power concentrated in a few (undemocratic) hands like FOX.

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My gut reaction to “the integrity of the court” is that we’ve gone over the cliff here. The Roberts Court faces no accountability from any corner but that of the Federalist Society leader Leonard Leo. They are immune to any other reckoning, and as such will/ are making new law as if they were Pharisees. Congress is not able to stop them. States will do what they please and that momentum is growing

The unraveling of settled law will continue as the Gang of Six write increasingly absurd rulings that defy embarrassment. Confidence in the Court??? Why should they care what the public thinks? We have no say in the matter. Leonard Leo bought them. Its to him they obey

The Robber Barons have finally succeeded

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The ignoring of the ruling by the Supreme Court by Alabama legislators is interesting. If they get away with it why would any past or future ruling have any standing.

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The problem with Alabama is we didn't kill enough of the Confederate traitors when we had the chance to alter the gene pool. Same with the rest of the South.

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