Why is a man who tried to overthrow the government still running for president and having campaign rallies? The system doesn't work.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

Gloria, Regrettably, despite the fact that by June of 2021 a blueprint of all the Jan. 6th criminal offenses that may have been committed by Trump and by others at the top had been laid out by a number of scholars and former prosecutors, aside from the foot soldiers, no one had been held accountable, at least to the point of being subject to full-blown criminal investigation, until Jack Smith was appointed as Special Counsel in November, 2022. I note this because I never will be able to reconcile the foot-dragging of DOJ at a time when we nearly are running out the clock on democracy itself.

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It angers me that by Nov 2022 I was asking why is Trump still walking around a free man? Being told that Garland needs time to make his case.

Then finding out he’s done nothing! Brought my faith to a new low in the DOJ. I no longer trust Garland to do the right thing. Is he also part of the plan to hand the election to Trump? I’d certainly feel a lot better if Biden had Garland step down along with Christopher Wray. Get a judge not part of the Federalist Society, and an FBI director willing to do the job, not just cover ups.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

Karen, While I share your perspective regarding Wray, Garland is a different matter. He is neither partial to Trump nor to the Federalist Society. Garland, in my view, is an overly cautious institutionalist, whom I pray, by failing back in 21 to hold Trump and his command structure accountable, has not inadvertently contributed to upending democracy.

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God bless Liz Cheney and the Jan6 Committee. They sounded the wakeup call to Garland.

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I you’re mostly likely correct. I just suspect everyone at this point.

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Garland has given speeches during Federalist Society events, such as the 2012 National Lawyers Convention Nov 15-17 in Washington, D.C. (links below). He spoke on the same slate as Sidney Powell, one of Trump's 'best people'. The specific topic for that time slot was "Professional Responsibility: Prosecutorial Misconduct" Speakers: " James C. Dunlop, Merrick B. Garland, Sidney K. Powell, Ronald D. Rotunda, Kenneth L. Wainstein". 1st link below is the page w/ speakers, and the second is video of the speeches on day one.



No offense, but at first I felt sorry for Garland being blocked from the SC. However, as AG, Garland backed the Trump administration's litigation defenses in cases they started. To me, Garland's reasoning for defending Trump were barely enough to give him the benefit of the doubt. I recinded any benefit I had given to him based on his actions as AG, and from what I have learned about him. Biden should have picked someone else.

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He's been infuriating.

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Fire Garland and nominate VP Kamala who most pundits agree is not Biden's ideal running mate for 2024. She has the right credentials.

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I think it's interesting that he's running while still claiming that he won in 2020, which, if true, would make him ineligible to be elected in 2024. First sentence of the 22nd Amendment: "No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice[.]"

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Excellent point. Oh, but he wasn’t sworn in.

I’ll never forget the vid of him whining about them stealing the election “and then they indicted me, waaaaaaah”

Grotesque tiny little man

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Great point!!

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Because the Founders never envisioned such a situation, and the only requirements for running for president is one be a native-born citizen and 35 years of age.

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That eliminates Ted Cruz. He doesn’t seem to think the rule applies to him.

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He attempts to create an alternative false narrative through social platforms that are highly unregulated to spread to the most susceptible his method of indoctrination to do his bidding.

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Because he hasn't been found guilty...yet. Our system of justice doesn't take away a citizens rights before that happens, no matter how despicable or disgusting or hateful a person is. It's tough to wait, but that is how the system works. I only hope that a jury in Florida is a fair one and makes what I consider the only conclusion there can be. That the defendant is guilty of all charges.

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They took too long to charge him. Anybody else who is deemed a danger to society is denied bond and held in custody until trial. The system doesn't work.

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How do you define "danger to society"? Millions upon millions of USians seem to think Trump is just what society needs. Maybe that's the bigger problem,?

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"Where an offender would engage in conduct, the consequences of which would be grave or serious for society." (google defin.) I saw Trump inciting a riot on television in my living room followed by rioters breaking into the Capitol. That's pretty clear in my mind. We have mothers incarcerated for being unable to pay traffic fines. The system doesn't work.

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My point is that "society" is a big honking abstraction, and it's not monolithic either. Plenty of those who stormed the Capitol think they were *saving* a society that they perceive is under attack. Proving a connection between what you saw on TV and what happened at the Capitol is going to be a challenge, but Jack Smith, his team, and others are working on it. As to "the system doesn't work" -- for whom? It's working pretty well for the uber-wealthy, in the short term at least. As to most of the rest of us, it hasn't been working very well for more than four decades. Trump, IOW, is a symptom. Fixating on him isn't going to solve the underlying problems.

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And still not charged in the Raffensburger case

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He's charged now. And I'm curious as to what system would work better? Garland was too slow, but then again, he would have been a better SCJ. If it wasn't for McConnell, he would have been. He was also given the benefit of the doubt, and I feel the DOJ was wrong in that.

But there is no other system I know of that tries to distribute justice fairly. It's the people who work within the system who need to be held to account as well as those being investigated and tried. There's where your elections come in.

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The system does work, it is just that the founders didn't foresee this nightmare. They did give us the perfect remedy, however, the right to vote and throw the bastards out. Use it or lose it.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Joyce Vance

Thank you, Joyce, for your tireless work to keep us educated, and in a way that is easy for us lay-people to understand! Happy Independence Day to you! Enjoy your time with your family.

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That's a wonderful idea about encouraging people to vote! We are going to need every vote we can get! For the 2020 election, I volunteered to phone bank during our "get out the vote campaign". We were asking Democratic leaning voters to make a plan to vote with friends and/or remind people to vote. I took it a step further by asking those voters to remind their friends to vote as well. All it takes is a few people to start a big chain reaction! We can make a difference!!!!

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Well said. And talk to seniors who may need help to mail their ballot, or a ride to the polls. Every vote counts, and you'd probably make some old folks very happy...not to mention making a few new friends!

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That's a great idea! If we all think of ways to increase the number of voters, we can make a difference!

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I am more and more impressed with Jack Smith with each passing day. He appears to me to be a regular by the book badass.

Query for you, Joyce: How might the Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA) affect the way this trial is scheduled and conducted?

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You are a wealth of knowledge, and, I so appreciate your putting it in writing, so, we can all learn more about what is happening! HAPPY 4th of July to you ☆☆☆☆!

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Dang, I thought I was going to watch some streaming show, then saw your post. All well and good, Joyce. I still think Judge Cannon, who is as qualified to be a Judge as Coney Barrett is, and that is not a good thing, will end up being replaced because if she doesn't, and she goofs up on purpose, then trump's attorneys have opportunities to call for a redo, which will give trump more delay time. Of course, we cannot forget that Jack Smith is busy with the J6 case, too. I'm wondering if the GA case will EVER indict before the DA there gets drop-kicked to the curb with their new law. Have fun on the 4th. Carry on.

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I hope it doesn’t happen. Interesting and frightening to watch for however.

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What a poignant holiday this year... each passing year makes our freedoms ever more precious. So fragile!! It is time to take our freedoms back ✌🏼The bottom line is to VOTE VOTE VOTE! BLUE TSUNAMI!!!!💙💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💙💙💙💙Happy 4th and an extra serving of each side for me, please, Joyce !!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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The truth is, I am a bit worn out with news on Trump. What does this man have to offer? Not much except flirting with crime and then crossing the line into criminal activity. But thank you Joyce because you give an in-depth view of TFG. Like it or not he has become a prominent figure in our political discourse.

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A prominent idiot.

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And a dangerous idiot at that.

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But for the republicans, a useful idiot. What is interesting is that he loses...so are ALL republicans idiots?? Hmmm.

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The republicans thought they could ride his popularity and at the same time , keep control of him. Nobody could pull in crowds and money as TFG did and is still doing , to some degree. But a man with no agenda and no discipline can ever be controlled. They were all idiots for walking into a mess of their own creation. They now face the prospect of dealing with the orange one’s rage if he lands in the White House instead of the big house. More than anything he will be remembered as the great destroyer. ( of the Republican Party)

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I was going to try and go cold turkey - no more high blood pressure because of national political and judicial news (local still necessary). Then I got a notice from my library that a book I had reserved, Lady Justice by Dahlia Lithwick, was available and now I’m right back in it. What a compelling read. I highly recommend it.

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I am so glad I signed up for your writings! Happy Fourth of July! !❤️🐼💥

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Thank you, Joyce, for your clear explanations of ideas I'd almost given up on understanding. A legal mind I have not. You are such a big help! Happy Fourth!!!

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Great shot of Birmingham celebrating! Here at Lake Martin things are starting a bit early not unusual. Bubba does always consult the calendar.

Thank you for sharing what to look for coming out of court in Florida. I always feel better prepared after your readout.


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I second that being a great shot! Thanks to Joyce for picking that shot and the giving trivia about the cast iron statue being 56 feet tall! 👍

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Happy Fourth to you Joyce, to your family and your chicken family too! This was excellent information. I learned a great deal. It is important for all thoughtful souls to absorb and share this information far and wide. Thank you for all you do. We are in this together. ❤️

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Happy Independence Day, Everyone!

On a side note, D.C. Superior Court judge ordered Proud Boys to pay $1 million for their destruction in 2020 of Black Lives Matter sign.


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Seems the best way to punish (and maybe deter) those for their despicable behavior is to him them in their wallets. Over and over, till the behavior stops!

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Isn’t that the greatest, Lynell? Happy Fourth to you and yours ❤️

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Happy Fourth of July to you and yours! Next year I hope freedom from racism, sexism and nationalism of all kinds, will ring freely 💥

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Here is follow up on Joyce's illuminating letter "Enough with the Court" on 7/01/23. As Joyce wrote, the 303 Creative ruling by SCOTUS is a dangerous slippery slope for unprotecting all protected classes of people in this country. It set my hair on fire, and here is what we can do about it:

Neal Katyal says Colorado AG should ask SCOTUS for rehearing on 303 Creative:


We can contact CO AG Phil Weiser:


Fellow reader Bryan Sean McKown offers this great enhancement and brilliant idea:

"Bingo Ellie! I have already lodged my official complaint at the Colorado Attorney General's Website v suggested Rule 44, Motion for Re-Hearing within the mandatory 25 days.

I also recommended that Colorado hire NEAL KATYAL to handle the Motion ... that would be Neals' 51st appearance at SCOTUS if they do hire the top appellate attorney in the Land"

Happy 4th and protecting our democracy!

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Other legal minds have weighed in over the past 24 hours. Standing was not a legal issue in this case, GOP CO AG at the time of filing stipulated to the "facts," SCOTUS ruling is narrow, and even if rehearing, are 2 reactionaries going to change their position.




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What happens if Judge Cannon denies petitions from both parties and holds firm on the August start date?

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Good question?

Perhaps she would decide to take her thump off the scale or even to come out from under the thumb of 45.

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Can she do that?

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as Joyce notes in this post, Cannon cannot violate accepted practice - like delaying trial at the prosecution's request in order to allow for justifiable preparations by both sides - without risking being removed from the case. Smith would jump at the chance to do so.

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