Joyce, you hit the nail on the head with this statement about tffg "news" -
"There is already so much that it’s hard to keep track of it, and Trump isn’t even in office yet. The Trump news is already so omnipresent that it’s exhausting even if you aren’t intentionally paying close attention to it."
I have been avoiding all news, and most of the Substacks that I used to read, exactly for this reason and yet the OMNIPRESENCE of his impending chaotic "reign" over this country is unavoidable.
Thank you for attempting to catalog and prioritize what needs our attention and what can be set aside for later. I respect and admire your fortitude for such a nauseating and frustrating task.
I am beside myself. Yes I agree with Joyce that he is not even in office and things are getting out of control. We are in a bad way. You might notice that I’m no longer criticizing our side. That’s all too late. When it won in 2015, it gave a press conference in its lobby. The media yelled at him as to what happened in. Moscow suite with street hookers and the story was that he got peed on for pleasure. Sorry it’s gross but that was the issue and at the end, he or it looked out at the media and said, “You people should be ashamed of yourselves you know I’m a germaphobe. I thought at the time, why didn’t anyone tell him (it) that urine is an astringent. Well, that was more first story of 60 stories I wrote about the gift that kept on giving. Now I’m on to Part II of “Donald’s Vanity Tantrums.”
I remain more than slightly terrified about the control Putin has over Trump, based on what he could do to Trump's ego if he released the tapes that he (Putin) has accumulated.
I believe Trump wants to make sure it's always great golf weather at his clubs. Perhaps Marjorie 3 Names will use space lasers to keep the sun shining there.
Everyone needs to contact Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. She has the power to play a critical role behind the scenes and on the Senate floor. I think you can only email her from a Maine address/zip code. But you can phone.
Collins helped sink the Gaetz nomination but her office says it's a one-off not a precedent. She wants full hearings. Remember Collins was infamously snookered by Brett Kavanaugh - accepting as thorough a FBI review obstructed by Trump. Collins may or may not stand up to MAGA on the other nominees. Collins has sometimes voted against Trump - but almost always when her No vote would not sink GOP passage. Collins would like to think of herself as the heir of Maine Sen. Margaret Chase Smith who definitively and publicly denounced Joe McCarthy and GOP support for his tactics. Chase Smith was in her first term. Collins has seniority. Maine has 2 Democratic House members, a progressive Independent Senator who caucuses with Democrats, and a Democratic Governor. Kamala Harris won 3 of Maine's 4 Electoral College votes. A MAGA primary fight would do Republicans no good.
Lin, I admired Margaret Chase Smith; I do not admire Susan Collins. She is an opportunist. I don't know if she has always been that, but she certainly is now. Even though she is older and perhaps, should retire, she is still there pushing for whatever is best for herself at the time. I don't know that she has enough gravitas in the Senate to get anyone to take notice of anything. She is white, but not male. With a 53-47 margin. They don't need her and will push her aside unless she can find some allies. I just don't see that happening.
She's always been like this. She come from far northern Maine - a very conservative region and thinks she's beholden to them, not the state. More importantly, she's a deep R and will never buck that agenda. It's amazing that she nixed Gaetz - so unlike her. She's on Appropriations now and has said she'll run again. You may remember her comment about Trump 'I think he's learned his lesson'. Yup, he sure did. She's either very naive and easily duped or she's a sycophant. you pick.
Norm, I have been trying to think of a way to describe Collins and you provided the best description I have heard. She reminds me of one of those socialites of the old movies who talk a lot and say so little of quality, but what they do say impacts others, often significantly. She so wants to believe the men in her party that she'll bend over backward to flatter them "Trump has learned his lesson" or whatever mush she gooed about Kavanaugh. Maine should want better to represent them, but she is a fixture and they don't want to move it or put it away in the garage to be taken out on holidays. Maybe they should.
Ah, good: with your input, I might better understand Solange's contribution. (Regret: I don't understand your lobster allusion. I am from another "M" state = Maryland, which as far as I know is devoid of lobsters. Just lotsa crabs that are blue. But I now live in the same city/county that gave Kamala to the country.)
"She's always been like this. She come from far northern Maine - a very conservative region and thinks she's beholden to them, not the state. More importantly, she's a deep R and will never buck that agenda. It's amazing that she nixed Gaetz - so unlike her. She's on Appropriations now and has said she'll run again. You may remember her comment about Trump 'I think he's learned his lesson'. Yup, he sure did. She's either very naive and easily duped or she's a sycophant. you pick."
My unkind proto-conclusion: Mainers keep electing her, so then, who would be naive & dupe-able? (I'd better ask Susan.)
I mean, Collins seems always to be on the verge of looking to cast a values-based (IF I COULD LOAD THIS PHRASE WITH MORE WISHY-WASHY QUALIFIERS I WOULD) vote, but retreats to her worst-possible choice of votes. Are Mainers this naive?
Collins is a repeated disappointment -- from "I am concerned" to voting for Kavanaugh - and now possibly Hegseth. I used to have a lot of respect for her but now she is like the others - feigns taking things seriously and then collapses like a failed soufflé.
"It’s not the life of the mother, and it’s really not about the fetus. It’s about the man, who should be able to control the woman’s decisions." That's what it's always about, in so many arenas, since forever.
Agreed. I finally got one of my male friends to tell me why he opposed abortion: it was because a girlfriend of his had one while they were dating, and she refused to discuss other options. I mean, I guess it's a terrible way to find out someone doesn't want to marry you, but really, you can't legislate someone loving you. I told him if it was a topic important to him, he should have brought it up before they had sex - he said that was her job.
Joyce, That was not too much to assimilate. We need to be knowledgeable in these issues as that's what makes us good and effective citizens. Keep it coming.
No Dirk The Week Ahead is not to much to comprehend, On RFK Jr, Jacqueline Alemaney who is still at WAPO went deeper, a deep dive.
RFK Jr, is one of the Pied Pipers of the "MAHA" movement that is the Make America Healthy Again. Not a Joke.
RFK Jr operates his front the Childten Health Defense. Bobby Boy is the self identified "founder", " Chief Legal Coumsel" and Chairman of the Board of "CHD.
Arizona lawyer ASHLEY ChAMBERS Is on to Bobby Boy and operates Arizona Families FOR Vaccines to stop the return of many diseases.
We need an vestigation into Bobby Boy's interventions into a 2019 Measles outbreak in American Samoa. RFK Jr denies any responsibility for the resulting deaths.
ALERT: Trump has appointed the CEO of Truth Social, David Nunez, to a Wnite House Intelligence Board. Yes that David Nunez.
If Bobby Boy is the self identified Founder, etc.., of Children's Health Defense, it's only because no-one in their right mind would want to get involved with anything he was involved with. Friends of mine knew him in high school, and say he was already a nutcase.
Question: the settlement with ABC was signed by Trump on a signature line labeled President DJT. It goes without saying that he's president-elect DJT. Does this nullify the agreement?
The words "we have one president at a time" echo in my ear. It's bad enough that Trump will be president for who knows how long. It's an insult to customs and traditions to assume the title before 12noon January 20.
It's not silence. The voices just aren't loud enough to attract attention in the flood that Bannon talked about. The media doesn't help - as usual, they minimize any voice that isn't Trump's or his "allies".
We are plotting and strategizing. And we are grieving. What point would there be to be out there yelling and screaming outrage? That's pointless. If you haven't found the places where reasoned and thoughtful discourse is taking place, you aren't looking very hard. Get away from the headlines and start seeking out the people who've never stopped their commitment to democracy, and are still working at it, or figuring out what we need to do instead of just criticizing what we haven't bothered to look for.
Why are you still talking about customs and traditions? They no longer have any place in this administration. Having the belief that they continue to exist and have merit is why the psychopath keeps winning against all odds. Time to come into the present and fight what is in front of you.
I don't think they continue at all but I will not just cede the field to the mountebank and his fellow charlatans. One thing we learned from Trump 1.0 is that a lot of how our government works is not based on law or rules and regulations but on customs and traditions. Watching them fall by the wayside just left me with sad-fury.
We presently have a democracy. Those in Congress should not be strong-armed, intimidated, pressured with being primaried or threatened with retribution because they don’t vote for a Trump cabinet pick. That is not only wrong, that bullying behavior is criminal and needs to stop.
We have a system of checks and balances. Our Congress determines which candidates are the most qualified to serve in the cabinet. They must be thoroughly vetted by the FBI. To not allow for this invites an authoritarian regime and those are never successful.
The members of the senate should be allowed to vote by SECRET BALLOT so they will not receive repercussions and are ABLE to vote their conscience.
(Joyce, how can this be accomplished? Who do we call?).
Marlo, I believe for the vetting you should contact President Biden. You could try Thune for the secrecy thing although I doubt he'll listen. Maybe Meidas Touch? They're great at exposing stuff and putting pressure on bad actors.
I contacted Senator Thune (2x) at: 202-224-2321 regarding the secret ballot.
I also contacted President Biden at 202-456-1414 regarding thoroughly vetting the cabinet candidates by the FBI (but if Patel is in charge, would it be a farce?).
This is great! Well, Biden is still president until January 20th, so Patel won't be head of anything for more than another month. He won't be able to do anything until at least then, if ever.
I agree with your comment about a secret ballot. Trump, with his nasty choices for important positions, quite obviously has his eyes set on being President-for-life.
Unfortunately, the members who will vote to confirm have motivations to do so outside of intimidation and pressure from Trump. It is in their personal interest to support the incoming administration. They will almost certainly all vote to confirm whether or not the ballot is secret.
We have a democratic republic. We (allegedly) freely choose who we want to represent us and those representatives make the laws. A true democracy is more like a New England town meeting where every citizen has a direct voice in the making of laws.
Did we? There is a great deal of indication that our election was hacked. (Maybe with the help of Putin? Or Musk who stated how easily he could hack a computer?).
A hand recount should have been requested by Harris, at least in the swing states where the numbers don’t make sense. I myself donated $2,000. She should not have given up so easily and so quickly. We worked too hard for her.
(No president has won all 7 swing states in 40 years with less than 50% of the vote); all blue states turning red and none turning red to blue. So many thousands of bullet ballots and most just in the swing states. (See Spoonamore’s Substack newsletter).
Not sure Musk could hack a computer (especially an election computer) or anything else, but he sure has the money to hire others who could. It's funny how every election Trump loses he shouts "rigged"", but when the same procedures are used and he wins, he's perfectly content. I agree with Joyce and others who note that we could be going down the rabbit hole of autocracy if we don't resist. That's what is so depressing about ABC settling so easy and Wray announcing his forthcoming resignation. We should not concede anything before fighting.
True. I usually use the term “representative democracy.” But whatever we call it, it’s in extreme danger of being ended by the current Republican Party. And every MAGA voter is guilty.
Howard, even that is questionable. I have come to the conclusion that the town meeting/selectboard approach, while it may have met the needs of towns 300 years ago, is long past being effective. Many towns are run by cliques who don't really know very much about the things they make decisions about. While some towns have effective town meeting discussions, a great many meetings are highly unsatisfactory- and some towns hold a pretty sorry excuse for a meeting or no real meeting at all. There are some wonderful towns, and I've lived in a couple of them. I wouldn't give beans to the one I live in now, and it is not an exception. We need to start thinking in terms of what kind of system could work better both in decision making and in listening to the people. The news workups show the fantasy of Vermont town meetings, but they don't show the rest of it.
Well, of course the worth of Boulos’ business is a lie—*everything* that constitutes out of Trump’s mouth is a lie. But I think it’s fantasy that Trump listens to anyone’s advice … only if it reflects his own whimsical prejudices.
Only a presidential lie-brary would befit Reichskanzler Trump and it would be run by a board of academics, comedians, activists, informed citizens and journalists. A visit would begin with a hamburger and Diet Coke. No vegan options, no opting out.
So, I’m in Connecticut, which has all Democratic Senators and Representatives. I have sent many letters inspired by emails from different progressive groups. Am I wasting my time, because they are not supporting The Felon’s nominations? And, does it do any good if I contact any Republican Senators if I don’t live in their states?
Excellent questions Janice, especially about contacting other state’s senators. I have been doing that regularly. yes, they represent the interests of their states, but on national matters, they represent all of us. For instance, think Susan Collins voting for Bret Kavanaugh for SCOTUS. She helped inflict him on the whole country for decades to come. Does it do any good? Who knows? But not contacting, sure doesn’t do any good. Keep feeling scared, it wouldn’t be natural not to, but take a rest, and get back in the fight. We need all of us.
Absolutely keep in constant contact with your congressional delegation. Let them know your opinion. Praise them when they agree with you. Push back when they don't.
"Democracy is a Letter to the Editor"
-- E. B. White
We live in the age of communication. Write letters to the editor.
Janice, I am looking into a couple of non-MAGA Republican organizations to see what they're up to. One is something called the Republican Accountability Project or something like that and one is the Lincoln Project. I am not a Republican but if these organizations are doing good work I don't see why they shouldn't be supported.
Politics make for strange bedfellows. While we might not agree on general policies that any Republicans support, when we do agree, we should work together. I have supported the Lincoln Project. I don't know how effective they have been, but they are trying to do good work.
I’m also from Connecticut, Hartford to be exact, and I feel your pain. This is not normal transfer of power. This is a maniac monster that is about to infect the White House again. We are all… no, I won’t say. It just can’t get any worse.
According to Indivisible, elected officials want to hear from their constituents, not so much from people outside their districts. IMO, it's worth a call or postcard if those officials serve on committees dealing with issues you care about.
When Democrats had the House and Pelosi was majority leader I used her contact form alot. They informed me I should contact my legislator instead of her. I replied mine was Republican Maga and she was the majority leader. I learned despite their talk, they don't care. Do what you feel you have to but don't expect it to change anything.
Thank you for asking this, Janice Hoff! I'm also in CT and am grateful for our leadership here. I've been just letting them get on with things as I don't want to waste their time on reading my communication. I want them fresh and energetic for the fight. But I'm also feeling guilty for not telling them how much I appreciate their work. If somebody could weigh in on this, I'd be grateful.
Yeah, they probably do but I'm sure it feels good to see a pleasant Thank You, I appreciate your service in the middle of all the negativity they must put up with in every pile of mail. Throw in a $5 bill for good measure. Donations help.
How would they know unless they hear from you? Believe me, it can be hard on a person when all they hear are the arguments, the insults, the name-calling, and even threats. They have no way to know what their constituents are thinking unless you tell them. And believe me, they need to hear the good words.
They NEED to hear from people who appreciate the time and energy they put in. It helps to say thank you, so that they know they are representing you. Otherwise all they get are the conspiracy theorists, the anti-anti people, the insults and, yes, the threats. A friend of mine who is a state senator repeatedly mentioned how much difference it made to hear from people who supported him or simply said thank you.
I so appreciate your approach and efforts to help orient us through this challenging and momentous upheaval. THANK YOU. I did not find this entry “too much” at all, given how level-headed you are in your presentations. THANK YOU, TANK YOU.
I've almost gotten over the daily shock of The Felon's appointments for the Cabinet. He has long since alienated anyone with real experience and integrity. No one with an ounce of honesty wants to work with what's he to do? He's left with the dregs of business and guys who either inherited their wealth or grifted their way into big bank accounts. It'll end up being a clash of the nitwits in the White House.
There is so much it is exhausting. But I think it's important that we don't confine all this to "just Trump." We should paint all of his followers, especially MAGA leadership with that brush. They are bending the knee and enabling him. It's not just him. They are all complicit, and they should be held as such.
I would like to know how in the hell this reached Paxton’s desk. I guess it was the man who only provided the sperm and nothing more. That doesn’t give him the right to interfere. I am hoping Paxton doesn’t get anywhere with this frivolous lawsuit. Since I don’t want to be sued by him, I will refrain from saying what I think about him. I will say that I hope he loses the election in 2 years, as he will probably run again as he is not finished terrorizing the people of texas.
We’re assuming that Paxton’s suit was based on facts, not conjecture. It may well have been based on lies to further an agenda. That has happened before
You are so correct Fran, and yet the man is a criminal and a liar. The word “facts” is not nor has ever been in his vocabulary. Only the word “lawsuit.”
Agreed. I also forgot about the $10,000 the abuser probably got for ratting her out. Another one of texas’ great moments in law and justice…or vigilante justice.
That would be a great Letter to the Editor. Sign it but be sure to request that your name be withheld if they want to publish it. If nothing else, maybe it will be counted in one of those X% of Texans oppose the lawsuit articles they sometimes write.
Yes, Texas law does give the sperm donor the right to interfere. It offers $10,000 to anyone who rats out any person who assisted a TX female in getting an abortion. All he had to do was notify the authorities when he found the medication, and an investigation would be opened. Paxton even tried to sue an airline for transporting one woman out of state.
As a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor I am not able to provide mental health services to anyone in a state in which I am not licensed. MDs are under the same constraints. Was the MD licensed in Texas?
It is overwhelming, Joyce. Maybe you have mentioned this before. How can your democracy index be accessed? The Texas case is so troubling because we have rogue states and at the same time will have a unitary president. States like mine-Maryland will not be completely insulated if states like Texas prevail.
As I mentioned in another comment, I think we should specialize and share our action items in the various Substack forums. I will do climate/environment. This seems a logical way to manage the overload.
I think we will each do what we can do. I don't know your quals for talking on this issue. It is an immensely complex field (I am an earth scientist with expertise in several branches of it, but I wouldn't pretend to be qualified to take on what you are suggesting. I think we need to stop thinking that we are the only ones who can fix things, and start joining with others to share ideas of all sorts.
Joyce, you hit the nail on the head with this statement about tffg "news" -
"There is already so much that it’s hard to keep track of it, and Trump isn’t even in office yet. The Trump news is already so omnipresent that it’s exhausting even if you aren’t intentionally paying close attention to it."
I have been avoiding all news, and most of the Substacks that I used to read, exactly for this reason and yet the OMNIPRESENCE of his impending chaotic "reign" over this country is unavoidable.
Thank you for attempting to catalog and prioritize what needs our attention and what can be set aside for later. I respect and admire your fortitude for such a nauseating and frustrating task.
Even the Dusk and Dawn seem different.
The National Weather Service will proclaim
That Dawn
Will soon be gone.
And that Dusk will
No longer be a must.
And the new Weather Service Director will soon
Deregulate the Sun and Moon
I am beside myself. Yes I agree with Joyce that he is not even in office and things are getting out of control. We are in a bad way. You might notice that I’m no longer criticizing our side. That’s all too late. When it won in 2015, it gave a press conference in its lobby. The media yelled at him as to what happened in. Moscow suite with street hookers and the story was that he got peed on for pleasure. Sorry it’s gross but that was the issue and at the end, he or it looked out at the media and said, “You people should be ashamed of yourselves you know I’m a germaphobe. I thought at the time, why didn’t anyone tell him (it) that urine is an astringent. Well, that was more first story of 60 stories I wrote about the gift that kept on giving. Now I’m on to Part II of “Donald’s Vanity Tantrums.”
I remain more than slightly terrified about the control Putin has over Trump, based on what he could do to Trump's ego if he released the tapes that he (Putin) has accumulated.
Smiling & laughing quietly.. snickering actually if anyone were to hear me just now…
Sweet distraction in rhythm & rhyme😉💕🎶
Weak chuckle… fueled by fear, dread, dismay,….probably better than other thought options …
I believe Trump wants to make sure it's always great golf weather at his clubs. Perhaps Marjorie 3 Names will use space lasers to keep the sun shining there.
Beautiful poetry even days late as I had marked your share w stars & they got lost in the firmament 🌦️🚂💨
Everyone needs to contact Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. She has the power to play a critical role behind the scenes and on the Senate floor. I think you can only email her from a Maine address/zip code. But you can phone.
Collins helped sink the Gaetz nomination but her office says it's a one-off not a precedent. She wants full hearings. Remember Collins was infamously snookered by Brett Kavanaugh - accepting as thorough a FBI review obstructed by Trump. Collins may or may not stand up to MAGA on the other nominees. Collins has sometimes voted against Trump - but almost always when her No vote would not sink GOP passage. Collins would like to think of herself as the heir of Maine Sen. Margaret Chase Smith who definitively and publicly denounced Joe McCarthy and GOP support for his tactics. Chase Smith was in her first term. Collins has seniority. Maine has 2 Democratic House members, a progressive Independent Senator who caucuses with Democrats, and a Democratic Governor. Kamala Harris won 3 of Maine's 4 Electoral College votes. A MAGA primary fight would do Republicans no good.
Lin, I admired Margaret Chase Smith; I do not admire Susan Collins. She is an opportunist. I don't know if she has always been that, but she certainly is now. Even though she is older and perhaps, should retire, she is still there pushing for whatever is best for herself at the time. I don't know that she has enough gravitas in the Senate to get anyone to take notice of anything. She is white, but not male. With a 53-47 margin. They don't need her and will push her aside unless she can find some allies. I just don't see that happening.
She's always been like this. She come from far northern Maine - a very conservative region and thinks she's beholden to them, not the state. More importantly, she's a deep R and will never buck that agenda. It's amazing that she nixed Gaetz - so unlike her. She's on Appropriations now and has said she'll run again. You may remember her comment about Trump 'I think he's learned his lesson'. Yup, he sure did. She's either very naive and easily duped or she's a sycophant. you pick.
Sycophant fits her like her suits do.
She caved in at the wrong times. I agree.
She is an utter dolt of a human. Literally the vanilla ice cream of humans.
Susan Collins is an absolute waste of time. Clutches her pearls. Again and again and again.
On SC's very "best" days, she claims to have deeeeep concerns, but somehow, they are in shallow shoals.
Norm, I have been trying to think of a way to describe Collins and you provided the best description I have heard. She reminds me of one of those socialites of the old movies who talk a lot and say so little of quality, but what they do say impacts others, often significantly. She so wants to believe the men in her party that she'll bend over backward to flatter them "Trump has learned his lesson" or whatever mush she gooed about Kavanaugh. Maine should want better to represent them, but she is a fixture and they don't want to move it or put it away in the garage to be taken out on holidays. Maybe they should.
True Norm but, the electorate in Maine is chaging& the lobsters are crawling North.
Ah, good: with your input, I might better understand Solange's contribution. (Regret: I don't understand your lobster allusion. I am from another "M" state = Maryland, which as far as I know is devoid of lobsters. Just lotsa crabs that are blue. But I now live in the same city/county that gave Kamala to the country.)
"She's always been like this. She come from far northern Maine - a very conservative region and thinks she's beholden to them, not the state. More importantly, she's a deep R and will never buck that agenda. It's amazing that she nixed Gaetz - so unlike her. She's on Appropriations now and has said she'll run again. You may remember her comment about Trump 'I think he's learned his lesson'. Yup, he sure did. She's either very naive and easily duped or she's a sycophant. you pick."
My unkind proto-conclusion: Mainers keep electing her, so then, who would be naive & dupe-able? (I'd better ask Susan.)
I mean, Collins seems always to be on the verge of looking to cast a values-based (IF I COULD LOAD THIS PHRASE WITH MORE WISHY-WASHY QUALIFIERS I WOULD) vote, but retreats to her worst-possible choice of votes. Are Mainers this naive?
Collins is a repeated disappointment -- from "I am concerned" to voting for Kavanaugh - and now possibly Hegseth. I used to have a lot of respect for her but now she is like the others - feigns taking things seriously and then collapses like a failed soufflé.
Only to be re-elected. Most have similar behavior.
Sociopaths can do nothing but create chaos and division. It is their raison d’etre.
"It’s not the life of the mother, and it’s really not about the fetus. It’s about the man, who should be able to control the woman’s decisions." That's what it's always about, in so many arenas, since forever.
Exactly. And any woman who supports Trump and his gang of thugs is a fool.. There’s no other word for it.
The word "stupid" comes to mind…
I think Patricia Jaeger this is the real reason why trans gender reality and/or non-binary lives are so so threatening.
From my experience of non binary folk - they are refreshingly free, they have "broken the mold".
Handmaid's Tale is starting to feel like a documentary.
Agreed. I finally got one of my male friends to tell me why he opposed abortion: it was because a girlfriend of his had one while they were dating, and she refused to discuss other options. I mean, I guess it's a terrible way to find out someone doesn't want to marry you, but really, you can't legislate someone loving you. I told him if it was a topic important to him, he should have brought it up before they had sex - he said that was her job.
So now I know.
Well, it solved two problems. Imagine being married to a man like that. I take that back. I don't have to imagine.
EXACTLY!!!!!, it’s about MEN controlling WOMEN’S BODIES!!!!!!
Joyce, That was not too much to assimilate. We need to be knowledgeable in these issues as that's what makes us good and effective citizens. Keep it coming.
No Dirk The Week Ahead is not to much to comprehend, On RFK Jr, Jacqueline Alemaney who is still at WAPO went deeper, a deep dive.
RFK Jr, is one of the Pied Pipers of the "MAHA" movement that is the Make America Healthy Again. Not a Joke.
RFK Jr operates his front the Childten Health Defense. Bobby Boy is the self identified "founder", " Chief Legal Coumsel" and Chairman of the Board of "CHD.
Arizona lawyer ASHLEY ChAMBERS Is on to Bobby Boy and operates Arizona Families FOR Vaccines to stop the return of many diseases.
We need an vestigation into Bobby Boy's interventions into a 2019 Measles outbreak in American Samoa. RFK Jr denies any responsibility for the resulting deaths.
ALERT: Trump has appointed the CEO of Truth Social, David Nunez, to a Wnite House Intelligence Board. Yes that David Nunez.
If Bobby Boy is the self identified Founder, etc.., of Children's Health Defense, it's only because no-one in their right mind would want to get involved with anything he was involved with. Friends of mine knew him in high school, and say he was already a nutcase.
That would be Devin Nunes, who, like Trump, has sued everybody he knows and a good many other people over ridicule and cow memes.
Bryan, did you mean Devin Nunes?
Question: the settlement with ABC was signed by Trump on a signature line labeled President DJT. It goes without saying that he's president-elect DJT. Does this nullify the agreement?
The words "we have one president at a time" echo in my ear. It's bad enough that Trump will be president for who knows how long. It's an insult to customs and traditions to assume the title before 12noon January 20.
Soon the Biden presidency will disappear in the mist and be forgotten. It will seem as though TFG has been in office for a dozen years.
It will take future archeologists to uncover the record of the past four years and bring back to memory what a good man in office was once able to do.
Except it will be historians who do that- they are even now keeping records and careful notes.
Good point.
But he already is acting like he's already president, from what I've been seeing.
And where is the outrage of the Democrats -- or even strong voices? The silence is deafening
It's not silence. The voices just aren't loud enough to attract attention in the flood that Bannon talked about. The media doesn't help - as usual, they minimize any voice that isn't Trump's or his "allies".
It doesn't make any sense that the democrats are not voicing outrage. I think some of them are, but it's not so the whole world will hear.
We are plotting and strategizing. And we are grieving. What point would there be to be out there yelling and screaming outrage? That's pointless. If you haven't found the places where reasoned and thoughtful discourse is taking place, you aren't looking very hard. Get away from the headlines and start seeking out the people who've never stopped their commitment to democracy, and are still working at it, or figuring out what we need to do instead of just criticizing what we haven't bothered to look for.
Unfortunately no Democrat has the national podium and can scream as loud as DT and they're busy governing.
Yup. And there's absolutely nothing that anyone can do to stop him.
Why are you still talking about customs and traditions? They no longer have any place in this administration. Having the belief that they continue to exist and have merit is why the psychopath keeps winning against all odds. Time to come into the present and fight what is in front of you.
I don't think they continue at all but I will not just cede the field to the mountebank and his fellow charlatans. One thing we learned from Trump 1.0 is that a lot of how our government works is not based on law or rules and regulations but on customs and traditions. Watching them fall by the wayside just left me with sad-fury.
Great question!!! Can someone please send it to ABC? Maybe they are having second thoughts.
If only. It sets such a bad precedent.
Good point.
What if they had identified him as the "felon-elect"? That's what I'm writing on other blogs.
Excellent. I'll join you!
We presently have a democracy. Those in Congress should not be strong-armed, intimidated, pressured with being primaried or threatened with retribution because they don’t vote for a Trump cabinet pick. That is not only wrong, that bullying behavior is criminal and needs to stop.
We have a system of checks and balances. Our Congress determines which candidates are the most qualified to serve in the cabinet. They must be thoroughly vetted by the FBI. To not allow for this invites an authoritarian regime and those are never successful.
The members of the senate should be allowed to vote by SECRET BALLOT so they will not receive repercussions and are ABLE to vote their conscience.
(Joyce, how can this be accomplished? Who do we call?).
Seems to me that secret ballot should be used more often - just like it was used to vote for the Senate Majority Leader Thune.
Thune could probably insist on secret votes if he has a spine, but bring GQP slime, that’s unlikely.
Marlo, I believe for the vetting you should contact President Biden. You could try Thune for the secrecy thing although I doubt he'll listen. Maybe Meidas Touch? They're great at exposing stuff and putting pressure on bad actors.
I contacted Senator Thune (2x) at: 202-224-2321 regarding the secret ballot.
I also contacted President Biden at 202-456-1414 regarding thoroughly vetting the cabinet candidates by the FBI (but if Patel is in charge, would it be a farce?).
This is great! Well, Biden is still president until January 20th, so Patel won't be head of anything for more than another month. He won't be able to do anything until at least then, if ever.
I agree with your comment about a secret ballot. Trump, with his nasty choices for important positions, quite obviously has his eyes set on being President-for-life.
I think it’s very clear that has been the plan all along.
Unfortunately, the members who will vote to confirm have motivations to do so outside of intimidation and pressure from Trump. It is in their personal interest to support the incoming administration. They will almost certainly all vote to confirm whether or not the ballot is secret.
We have a democratic republic. We (allegedly) freely choose who we want to represent us and those representatives make the laws. A true democracy is more like a New England town meeting where every citizen has a direct voice in the making of laws.
Did we? There is a great deal of indication that our election was hacked. (Maybe with the help of Putin? Or Musk who stated how easily he could hack a computer?).
A hand recount should have been requested by Harris, at least in the swing states where the numbers don’t make sense. I myself donated $2,000. She should not have given up so easily and so quickly. We worked too hard for her.
(No president has won all 7 swing states in 40 years with less than 50% of the vote); all blue states turning red and none turning red to blue. So many thousands of bullet ballots and most just in the swing states. (See Spoonamore’s Substack newsletter).
Not sure Musk could hack a computer (especially an election computer) or anything else, but he sure has the money to hire others who could. It's funny how every election Trump loses he shouts "rigged"", but when the same procedures are used and he wins, he's perfectly content. I agree with Joyce and others who note that we could be going down the rabbit hole of autocracy if we don't resist. That's what is so depressing about ABC settling so easy and Wray announcing his forthcoming resignation. We should not concede anything before fighting.
Yes,should be—but fast approaching isn’t.
True. I usually use the term “representative democracy.” But whatever we call it, it’s in extreme danger of being ended by the current Republican Party. And every MAGA voter is guilty.
Howard, even that is questionable. I have come to the conclusion that the town meeting/selectboard approach, while it may have met the needs of towns 300 years ago, is long past being effective. Many towns are run by cliques who don't really know very much about the things they make decisions about. While some towns have effective town meeting discussions, a great many meetings are highly unsatisfactory- and some towns hold a pretty sorry excuse for a meeting or no real meeting at all. There are some wonderful towns, and I've lived in a couple of them. I wouldn't give beans to the one I live in now, and it is not an exception. We need to start thinking in terms of what kind of system could work better both in decision making and in listening to the people. The news workups show the fantasy of Vermont town meetings, but they don't show the rest of it.
Thank you Joyce for a very helpful article.
Well, of course the worth of Boulos’ business is a lie—*everything* that constitutes out of Trump’s mouth is a lie. But I think it’s fantasy that Trump listens to anyone’s advice … only if it reflects his own whimsical prejudices.
Thank you, Joyce! It can’t be easy trying to digest all this stuff and you are proving a real service.
Trump’s library will probably consist of 8th grade level reading material and be dwarfed by the souvenir/grift store.
They will never build the library and pocket the money/siphon it to friends to get favors.
They'll never build the library because there won't be anything to put in it.
Only a presidential lie-brary would befit Reichskanzler Trump and it would be run by a board of academics, comedians, activists, informed citizens and journalists. A visit would begin with a hamburger and Diet Coke. No vegan options, no opting out.
That would certainly be typical.
4th grade.
2nd grade.
picture books only
Only digital
Going down.
Wonder if there will be a whole wing devoted to the law cases.
With a bathroom devoted to the ones he won.
8th grade? You’re being generous. I would guess all picture books.
A large gift shop sounds about right. If it ain't making money then...
So, I’m in Connecticut, which has all Democratic Senators and Representatives. I have sent many letters inspired by emails from different progressive groups. Am I wasting my time, because they are not supporting The Felon’s nominations? And, does it do any good if I contact any Republican Senators if I don’t live in their states?
I feel frustrated, scared, and almost hopeless.
Excellent questions Janice, especially about contacting other state’s senators. I have been doing that regularly. yes, they represent the interests of their states, but on national matters, they represent all of us. For instance, think Susan Collins voting for Bret Kavanaugh for SCOTUS. She helped inflict him on the whole country for decades to come. Does it do any good? Who knows? But not contacting, sure doesn’t do any good. Keep feeling scared, it wouldn’t be natural not to, but take a rest, and get back in the fight. We need all of us.
Absolutely keep in constant contact with your congressional delegation. Let them know your opinion. Praise them when they agree with you. Push back when they don't.
"Democracy is a Letter to the Editor"
-- E. B. White
We live in the age of communication. Write letters to the editor.
--Elie Wiesel
Janice, I am looking into a couple of non-MAGA Republican organizations to see what they're up to. One is something called the Republican Accountability Project or something like that and one is the Lincoln Project. I am not a Republican but if these organizations are doing good work I don't see why they shouldn't be supported.
Politics make for strange bedfellows. While we might not agree on general policies that any Republicans support, when we do agree, we should work together. I have supported the Lincoln Project. I don't know how effective they have been, but they are trying to do good work.
The Lincoln Project's ads on YouTube kept me going during the election. I appreciate them so much.
That's good to know!
The Lincoln Project is a credible and worthy organization. You should read Rick Wilson’s Substack.
I’m also from Connecticut, Hartford to be exact, and I feel your pain. This is not normal transfer of power. This is a maniac monster that is about to infect the White House again. We are all… no, I won’t say. It just can’t get any worse.
According to Indivisible, elected officials want to hear from their constituents, not so much from people outside their districts. IMO, it's worth a call or postcard if those officials serve on committees dealing with issues you care about.
When Democrats had the House and Pelosi was majority leader I used her contact form alot. They informed me I should contact my legislator instead of her. I replied mine was Republican Maga and she was the majority leader. I learned despite their talk, they don't care. Do what you feel you have to but don't expect it to change anything.
Thank you for asking this, Janice Hoff! I'm also in CT and am grateful for our leadership here. I've been just letting them get on with things as I don't want to waste their time on reading my communication. I want them fresh and energetic for the fight. But I'm also feeling guilty for not telling them how much I appreciate their work. If somebody could weigh in on this, I'd be grateful.
I think they know we appreciate them.
Yeah, they probably do but I'm sure it feels good to see a pleasant Thank You, I appreciate your service in the middle of all the negativity they must put up with in every pile of mail. Throw in a $5 bill for good measure. Donations help.
How would they know unless they hear from you? Believe me, it can be hard on a person when all they hear are the arguments, the insults, the name-calling, and even threats. They have no way to know what their constituents are thinking unless you tell them. And believe me, they need to hear the good words.
They NEED to hear from people who appreciate the time and energy they put in. It helps to say thank you, so that they know they are representing you. Otherwise all they get are the conspiracy theorists, the anti-anti people, the insults and, yes, the threats. A friend of mine who is a state senator repeatedly mentioned how much difference it made to hear from people who supported him or simply said thank you.
See my post about this. I feel your frustration and terror. I'm in Texas.
I so appreciate your approach and efforts to help orient us through this challenging and momentous upheaval. THANK YOU. I did not find this entry “too much” at all, given how level-headed you are in your presentations. THANK YOU, TANK YOU.
I've almost gotten over the daily shock of The Felon's appointments for the Cabinet. He has long since alienated anyone with real experience and integrity. No one with an ounce of honesty wants to work with what's he to do? He's left with the dregs of business and guys who either inherited their wealth or grifted their way into big bank accounts. It'll end up being a clash of the nitwits in the White House.
Key word is "clash". As long as they are clashing, nothing gets done. That's certainly a win for democracy.
That's what I am hoping for! A bunch of rich egomaniacs who spend all their time infighting.......and leaving the rest of us alone!!
There is so much it is exhausting. But I think it's important that we don't confine all this to "just Trump." We should paint all of his followers, especially MAGA leadership with that brush. They are bending the knee and enabling him. It's not just him. They are all complicit, and they should be held as such.
Just like the neighbors of Jewish people in Germany.
In the Texas case it’s hard for me to see personal juridiction over the doctor.
I would like to know how in the hell this reached Paxton’s desk. I guess it was the man who only provided the sperm and nothing more. That doesn’t give him the right to interfere. I am hoping Paxton doesn’t get anywhere with this frivolous lawsuit. Since I don’t want to be sued by him, I will refrain from saying what I think about him. I will say that I hope he loses the election in 2 years, as he will probably run again as he is not finished terrorizing the people of texas.
We’re assuming that Paxton’s suit was based on facts, not conjecture. It may well have been based on lies to further an agenda. That has happened before
You are so correct Fran, and yet the man is a criminal and a liar. The word “facts” is not nor has ever been in his vocabulary. Only the word “lawsuit.”
The supposed baby daddy ratted her out. Which speaks to the fact that she was very likely in an abusive relationship.
Agreed. I also forgot about the $10,000 the abuser probably got for ratting her out. Another one of texas’ great moments in law and justice…or vigilante justice.
As a Texan I hope very much that he loses. This lawsuit is outrageous, to say the least.
That would be a great Letter to the Editor. Sign it but be sure to request that your name be withheld if they want to publish it. If nothing else, maybe it will be counted in one of those X% of Texans oppose the lawsuit articles they sometimes write.
I am not from Texas so I will call Ken Paxton a piece of 💩.
Justifiable, whether Texas resident or not.
I am and he is.
Yes, Texas law does give the sperm donor the right to interfere. It offers $10,000 to anyone who rats out any person who assisted a TX female in getting an abortion. All he had to do was notify the authorities when he found the medication, and an investigation would be opened. Paxton even tried to sue an airline for transporting one woman out of state.
$10,000 was worth it to him.
I forgot about this finer piece of legislation. Another great moment in history…not.
Set up to specifically get to Paxton’s desk.
As a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor I am not able to provide mental health services to anyone in a state in which I am not licensed. MDs are under the same constraints. Was the MD licensed in Texas?
She was legally providing telehealth services. Read the article
It is overwhelming, Joyce. Maybe you have mentioned this before. How can your democracy index be accessed? The Texas case is so troubling because we have rogue states and at the same time will have a unitary president. States like mine-Maryland will not be completely insulated if states like Texas prevail.
Keep it coming! We all have to figure out how to handle the deluge...your help will be critical!
As I mentioned in another comment, I think we should specialize and share our action items in the various Substack forums. I will do climate/environment. This seems a logical way to manage the overload.
I think we will each do what we can do. I don't know your quals for talking on this issue. It is an immensely complex field (I am an earth scientist with expertise in several branches of it, but I wouldn't pretend to be qualified to take on what you are suggesting. I think we need to stop thinking that we are the only ones who can fix things, and start joining with others to share ideas of all sorts.
I just mean we should share news and action items. Obviously trying to fix the actual problems is something entirely different.