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Natalie - I do not think the Mandarin Mussolini can win; but, I do believe the Christofascists will do everything in their power to steal the election. Joyce has been touching on this most recently in <…>:
"You don’t have to be an expert in election law to see what’s happening: Trump is trying to create a legal path…
© 2025 Joyce Vance
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Natalie - I do not think the Mandarin Mussolini can win; but, I do believe the Christofascists will do everything in their power to steal the election. Joyce has been touching on this most recently in <>:
"You don’t have to be an expert in election law to see what’s happening: Trump is trying to create a legal path to do what he failed to accomplish in 2020, overturning the will of the voters if he loses. He is all but saying he will challenge the results, just like he did in both 2016 and 2020 when he refused to say he would honor the outcome of the election if he lost. He is doing it again. If you think this is going to be an easy election because of the glamour of the convention this week, please think again. It will be a hard-fought battle, and Trump will not concede if he loses. The only real questions are how far he will go and who or what will stop him."
How far will they go? If RShit governors use their Guard units to STOP vote counts and/or destroy votes before they are counted where are we? POTUS needs to activate all Red state governor controlled Guard units from 1 Oct to 1 Feb to make sure they are under his command!
"Neither party has sought to expedite the case."
To me, this statement by Joyce is an indictment of not just the Special Counsel but also of the Garland Justice Department. Hopefully a President Harris flushes all timid and politically tainted members of the DOJ, FBI, DHS, FAA, USPS, etc, etc, etc!
If the Lyin' King becomes POTUS, you are correct, the USA we know and love is over as they implement Project 2025.
We all need to do everything we can to make this an overwhelming victory to prevent Christofascists from thinking they can have a successful coup.
I couldn’t disagree more. Jack Smith is acting with deliberate care in light of SCOTUS outrageous decision to pronounce Donald an untouchable King. Smith and Garland need to dot every I and cross every T to ensure the cases can reach a successful outcome. That takes consultation with experts to ensure the steps they take in continuing the cases against the Orange Oompah Lumpah will succeed. They aren’t spending their time lying in the sun at the beach. They are focusing on every last detail rather than going in half prepared. I am grateful they are hard at work.
Linda - Federal cases against the OOL (Orange Oompah Lump:-) all go away if he is somehow POTUS again in January. All I dotting and T crossing will be moot. The following rhetorical questions are food for thought:
Which cases would DOJ NOT have proceeded with without the JAN 6 Committee's excellent work?
Does Jack Smith's decision to NOT follow the JAN 6 Committee's INSURRECTION charge recommendation need to be viewed in hindsight as a huge mistake? Would CO have prevailed in keeping the OOL off their ballot if he had already been convicted of insurrection?
If charges had been timely filed in 2021 in ALL these cases INCLUDING against all the other co-conspiring insurrectionists would the trials have proceeded way more expeditiously? How many co-conspirators would have flipped and/or pleaded guilty as some have in GA and AZ? How many would not be seated in the House, Senate and state offices ready to be co-conspirators at the end of this year?
I am grateful for NY State: AG Tish James, DA Alvin Bragg, Judge Juan Merchan, E Jean Carroll and all who have brought the OOL to justice BEFORE the election. Looking back, we may well conclude that THEY made the difference.
I don't think that experiencing all the joy at the DNC means that people are not taking this election seriously. After the past 9 years of tfg's manipulations and people being on pins and needles not knowing what he would do next, we needed this moment of hope that our country might still have a future where we will continue to be free and not under a dictatorship.