First off if anyone here does business with Federal Insurance Company, a subsidiary of the Chubb Group, I would roll my funds elsewhere.

Second, I find it odd the PM of Hungary visits the skank club in FL owned by a man who owes 90 million for defamation, says he can’t afford to pay, then all of a sudden comes up with the $.

Third is for third. The third time E. Jean can and should sue the sexual predator who keeps on defaming her.

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Let her get paid first, then proceed. I worry the longer her payment is put off, the more likely the scoundrel will maneuver to his benefit.

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I understand how and why you feel that way, but if Carroll’s counsel decides to slam the tangerine toddler with another suit, and I think they should as long as the grounds are there, it will blow his circuits the rest of the way out, because she can’t lose based on history and evidence dropped in her lap. Ms. Carroll’s evidence is irrefutable because it comes directly out of his mouth on video. Plus, the killer closer is his crack pot lawyers aren’t even a light workout for Ms. Carroll’s counsel. I believe her lawyers will have much more fun this time around, especially because his lawyers can’t control him, and we all know that he will again behave like a spoiled brat who acts like and thinks that the rules don’t apply to him. I hope her counsel files another lawsuit!

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Tangerine toddler! Perfect!

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I think rather that they might not go for another suit but at least wait to firmly get the money fined. As much as we would like E.Jean Carroll to do the work for us of devastating this man from hell, we voters have to really put an end to him. I cannot be satisfied with the other cases particularly about insurrection being delayed to death. This cannot be.

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What does E. Jean Carroll have to lose by filing another suit? I don’t think she requested an order for the tangerine toddler to keep his mouth shut, but we would most likely see that in another suit. And I agree we voters MUST SHUT HIM DOWN at the ballot box by MORE than Seven Million Votes this time. Having said that, I believe trump will stage a much worse event than January 6, 2021, after he LOSES.

Things will also change when he is convicted in this upcoming New York criminal trial. He will then be a convicted felon and his life will change. Four indictments have not changed anything for him because he still sucks the same air we do and hasn’t had his “liberty” taken away. But in my opinion, if a conviction does not change life as he has always known it, then OUR JUSTICE WILL BE DENIED AND DESTROYED. I can’t fathom that we will be denied our justice. It has been such a painful wait, but we should begin to see meaningful changes after his first conviction in his first criminal trial.

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The lawsuit was for defamation. We all suck the same air that Trump does including what he puts in it including the suits against him that he uses. This will put more in the air in these critical few months. There is a finite amount of "political air".. attention. Another suit will be another way for Trump to cry victim, martyr and that he doesn't know Carroll etc. But maybe it won't work in his favor and just expose him further.

There is just so much attention people have for this. We do want retribution and revenge and should understand that but we have to be careful.. that does not mean fearful or reticent either.

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While I agree with your thinking that we MUST NOT re-elect Trump, voting him out of office did not rid us of him

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Trump did not willingly leave office after the 2020 election loss. What would make someone think a loss in 2024 is going to make him go away?He is so toxic to our society. He will never go away until he passes away.

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Sending him to a very long confinement should help significantly more.

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No, but she sure seems to be having fun suing his ass off. At least there's that while we're waiting.

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Does payment prevent her from suing again? I think each offense can carry its own fine?

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If that were true, i think Shawn Crowley would be singing a different song in her interviews. Both she and Robbie Kaplan have said “if he crosses the line again like he has, we will sue him again….” So I’m not sure she has to get paid first. And at this point, I would also think that momentum is most definitely on their side. Heck fire! They have video, and what BETTER proof?

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Trump can continue to stick to his claim and Carroll can continue to sue. Great entertainment, revenge and retribution. That Trump continues to defame should make his appeal fail, though, and you'd think he would know that. But there are more important things in his game. It's winning even when he's losing. Winning by getting attention.He's playing with his audience which includes us-- his middle finger to us and Carroll and the law. while taking up front page space in the New York Times.

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His appeals in these first two lawsuits will fail and I don’t think he will have any other remedy/higher court to appeal these losses. It is awfully UNLIKELY/DIFFICULT to successfully appeal jury verdicts. No matter what, he’s about to blow an awful lot of money on lawyers & appeals. I think his deadline is one week from today to appeal the New York civil fraud case…. And he will lose that one, too! Letitia James and her lawyers have POUNDED him with EVIDENCE, which is LOADED in the court record AND the judge’s LENGTHY, THOROUGH opinion!

I think our real entertainment will be the day he has to report to prison. George Conway says he will be sentenced to home confinement, but I hope that’s not the case!!! Regardless, yes, we will be entertained with a wide variety of convictions.

Last, but not least, I will be waiting and watching to see if he gets away in criminal court with the same behavior he displayed in both of these recent civil cases. I am betting neither his lawyers nor trump will be able to behave in such a disgusting, uncivil and unprofessional manner! The judges will show them the way to the lockup if they push the way they did in these most recent two civil trials!!

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The sooner the better! I’m soooo tired of his delays. Just stfu & crawl back in your hell hole.

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Yup. His debt counter is mounting. It is here today. https://trumpdebtcounter.com/

Last week the millions place was a 5, this week it is a 6, so things are adding up.

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Gotta admit... that's a cool site to see... pardon my Schadenfreude😉😎

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

Sherrie, Orban and Trump are alike. Orban has erased the last remnants of hard earned democracy from Hungary. Recall, Steve Bannon spent significant time with Orban after he left the White House in 2017. Bannon is spreading his destruction of democracy far and wide. Bannon is in a category all by himself. A former member of our military who has used his skills gained in psychological warfare to work to destroy our democracy.

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And why is bannon still out there?

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Hi Jen,

I think you mean by your question why was he not convicted by the DOJ from his indictment for the ‘we build the wall scheme.’ It’s because Trump pardoned him on his last day in office in January 2021. The case with the DOJ was then over because of presidential pardon. I don’t know if you’re aware but the stories abound that during Trump‘s last week Office, million dollar payments were being for pardons, and supposedly Rudy Giuliani was collecting the money. That’s just sidenote, but Bannon was pardoned. So he has been spending six days a week doing his The War Room podcast with repeated messages such as “the election was stolen“ and “unless you vote for Donald Trump, your democracy is gone”targeted to republicans. Of course, he makes a fortune doing this. The New York Attorney general charged him with basically the same charge that had been made by the DOJ only they picked up the case in New York because the DOJ could not charge him again. He was charged in New York in September 2022 and that’s the case that goes on trial in May 2024. There have been a couple of delays but he will go to trial in May. After January 6 he was subpoenaed by the January 6 committee. he refused to attend the deposition or bring documents. He was found in contempt of Congress and sentenced to foreman months in prison. That is on appeal right now so he might go to prison for that but first he’ll have his May 2024 trial Hope that answers your question. He probably is doing his psychological operation War Room as part of his payback to Trump for the pardon. My question is why he nor Cambridge Analytica were never charged for their part in the unauthorized use of 75 million Facebook accounts to elect Trump in 2016. And Mark Zuckerberg claims he knows nothing about it, but he would’ve had to know if an API was hooked up Facebook to take data from 75 million accounts. So where is the data? A Cambridge Analytica executive testified in Congress that 100% of the Trump campaign data came from Cambridge Analytica. Russian computer science technicians collected the Facebook data for Cambridge Analytica. Steve Bannon was an executive with CA and the CA Executive stated “this was Steve Bannon‘s baby.”

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He is...guess what...appealing his conviction.

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indeed... Bannon is a living breathing, walking, bloviating Cancer to anything Democratic... he's all-in on Authoritarianism and Fascism. But I suspect he will get his due eventually.

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

I hope so. Unlike Trump, who ihas a low intellectual ceiling, Bannon is smart - and skilled in psy ops - and he’s fully aware that he can spread disinformation repetitively, and people will believe him overtime because they tend to believe things they hear again, and again and again. So he’s very skilled. He promotes Trump as the cult leader, but he definitely isn’t a cultist. He’s used by Trump and he uses Trump.

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Concur totally... frankly, 'tis fair to say that he is a modern-day version of the psychopath Goebbels. Just wish Trump going to Jail would make him just as suicidal as Goebbels became.

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Regular folk are pretty unlikely to have business with FIC. Their lines are pretty specific to surety bonds. It's highly unlikely that they've extended the instrument out of the normal course of business, aren't fully collateralized or haven't gotten an above market premium.

As for that creature Orban (whom Paul Krugman was warning us about since his rise) providing Trump the collateral for the bond, that also is unlikely. FIC is subject to requirements to file Suspicious Activity Reports for transactions above $10,000 that may involve money laundering or sanctioned sources.

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Thank You for this clarification, Richard.

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Yes. And robbery is a crime but it still happens. Criminality has never stopped him before - why now?

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Could an " investor" provide the surety for drumpf s bond? As in one of Vlads buddies? Or could there be a co-signer like Musk and there be a way to find out?

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Given Chubb’s regulatory environment I doubt that they would serve as a financial intermediary for foreign funds. Insurer’s as a species tend to be risk averse for hazards that they can’t quantify. As far as a domestic sugar daddy co-signer arrangement that might be on the table, maybe. Credit review, nature of collateral offered, traceability of any cash or cash equivalents and the third party’s liquidity all bear on the feasibility.

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My thought exactly, Sherrie, about the visit by the PM of Hungary.

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IMO, Orban is providing him money, either his own or from Putin.

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For the record, I’m fine with E. Jean taking all of their money.

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More questions than answers about Trump’s fund raising.

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Also, don't forget that Elon Musk visited the Fl 'resort' about a week before. Even if he didn't give dumpf the money directly, he may have a deal with Chub. He already has far more power and leverage with the government than he should (se Starlink, etc.). He would have made some kind of deal if he was providing collateral.

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Yes,I agree. Trump's authoritarian buddies will absolutely $ help$ him out. And why not? I am pretty sure he has already compromised our national security to authoritarians many times over. Joyce's quote"I've never seen a defendant get as many breaks and manage to sustain as much delay as Trump has across his 4 criminal cases" speaks volumes.I bet we have only scratched the surface in tiny bits in regards to the filthy corruption that is this man's calling card.

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And because the Orange Traitor will be the MAGAtookoverGOP candidate for presidency he will be allowed to see daily briefings on national security

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Yup about the PM of Hungary visiting Mar-a-lago. I will worry that he is selling more state secrets. Yup about E. Jean Carroll suing the Treacherous-treasonous-traitor-Trump again until he learns. He has not learned. I think it should get doubled. Let her end up owning his shares of Truth Social. That would be an interesting turn of events.

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Can the CIA investigate a possible deal between Orban and Trump?

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Did anyone see the story that the Federal Insurance Company (subsidiary of the Chubb Group) is run by a person who was on one of Trump's advisory panels? I am suspicious of the 60 days. Is that normal with a bond? I haven't tracked the news yesterday about whether they had a hearing or not on the matter. What is usual and customary about bond payments? I surmise that the 60 days is to permit the company to move on Trump's assets, which of course they won't be able to seize because they are so heavily mortgaged; and then the FIC would declare bankruptcy. Or something similar. I do understand that going after real property of a deadbeat is a long drawn out process, but that should not be E. Jean Carroll's problem.

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We are in a moment akin to a combo of Germany 1923 and 1930/31 - Hitler is on the rise, then sinks, then like a Satanic phoenix, rises again. The analogy is not perfect, of course, but Trump is no different than Hitler (and to hell with those who say the comparison demeans the Holocaust — it does nothing of the sort): he is a sociopath, a lunatic, a destructive, demented fool (although Hitler was likely better educated than Trump, who went to a NYS prep school so awful that those of us who attended real prep schools called it “the prep school you go to when you cannot get into a real prep school — would love to see his grades), and he must be destroyed by the criminal justice system.

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We could get wrecked by a terrorist attack before the election. Don’t put it past our enemies. Putin did it to his own country more than twice when his popularity waned. Hitler had the hysteria of the Reichstag and communist/Stalinist threat. Democracy defenders have to be ready for anything, especially if history is our guide.

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Yes, certainly Putin is above nothing, but neither is Trump. The only difference between the two is that Putin is focused and smart, while Trump is just a sociopath with an amazing “charisma,” for lack of a better word, and the ability to instinctively recognize a mark and take him/her down. Con artist supreme. He will end his days in jail.

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I certainly hope so! His ugly orange arse needs to be locked up and his gross mouth sewn shut.

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The October surprise. A cyber attack even. Probably China and Russia both are planning somwthing.

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Watch how fast and how far gas prices go this summer. Saudi and Russians cutting production together. That will be the first wave. Cyber attack for sure, but the ongoing miss and disinformation ecosystem is already flooded with sh$!.

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Those who see this have to outwit it somehow. Massive gotv, I guess is all we have.

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Cyber attacks are ongoing. Hospital to insurance billing is the latest.

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Hitler was a lazy student. I don’t think he even graduated from high school.

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Hitler was no coward at least, unlike the simpering tRump.

Queen Elizabeth had more time in uniform than trump's entire, parasitical family.

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Correction. He did graduate. He applied to art school a couple of times but was turned down because he was unwilling to do the necessary to prepare himself.

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The myth of Hitler’s lack of intelligence is nonsense. He was well-read, for a person who did not pursue university education, and hard working in many ways. Trump, on the other hand, is an uniformed, incurious dullard, and lazy, as well. At our own prep school, one of the students who flunked out went to NY Military Academy, from which Trump graduated, and was their valedictorian.

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He was lazy. The Hearst newspapers hired him to write for them before he came to power, and he was fired for not producing copy. He didn’t care about anything except propaganda.

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I learned this week that Hitler had a bad case of measles growing up. It’s speculated that he suffered encephalitis, common I. The worst measles cases which almost always manifests in stalled emotional growth, ability to feel empathy, birthing narcissism and sociopathy, and bi- polar disorder. For the later, Hitler was being injected with amphetamines. I don’t know if Trump has measles, but he did have an abusive father and apathetic mother, resulting in his own narcissism and other sociopathy/no empathy, abusiveness, ADHD, and delusional. He is rumored to take Adderall. Maybe that’s why his body guards attacked and stole is medical records from his long time physician in 2017. Can’t leak the above. Trumps an avid reader of Hitler’s Meine Kampf and My New Order. Donnie is no pioneer, he is borrowing everything from Hitler. Psychopaths attract I quess.

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Too bad he couldn’t have gone to Art school. Bad student or not, who knows, he could have exercised creativity in bad pieces of Art and not the destruction of humanity. Hitler and Trump have a ton in common. Trump failed at everything he touched and had to be saved by Russian capital. To redeem himself he has to become the most powerful man in the world.

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I hope E. Jean sues the bastard again.

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Pardon my French, Joyce and everyone else, but why the fuck does this criminal keep getting breaks that no one else in this entire country would ever get? We’ve been watching it for at least the last 3 years. We are sitting here unable to do anything about a corrupt SCOTUS and a corrupt group of so called legislators unable to govern even themselves. Damn it! Unless we, the damn majority, can find some hidden away law that can help stop this bullshit, we will end up yelling for nothing until we get too close to the election and the corrupt GOP will insist on enforcing the unwritten DOJ rule that it’s too close to the election, and this SOB will never be prosecuted and may even become president! (Although Joe’s SOTU may help change course.) Sorry for the negativity, I’m just over the edge reading about how he skates along month after month.

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I know. I feel your pain. I swear like a sailor every day. It's hard not to. Unfortunately that vile man brings out the worst in all of us at times. It's just beyond compréhension how he gets away with things over and over again. But I truly believe things are finally starting to catch up with him. My Indiana Senator Todd Young is refusing to endorse him this year I found out Friday. I called and thanked him.. So that's a piece of good news.

His first criminal trial starts in 2 weeks and we still have a shot at getting the J6 one in despite SCOTUS dragging their feet. Plus the RNC is broke and so is Trump. So we do have a lot of reasons to hope. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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Well that’s a positive way of looking at this mess. I think I was there just a week or two ago but something triggered me back. I hope you are right that things are starting to turn. If your Senator continues to not endorse the pig, that is some good news. Thanks for your reply but we have to find a worse way to refer to him other than that vile man. I have ideas but can’t use them in polite company! Hahaha 😝.

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😆 🤣 😂 Yes we do and I'm sure we've all used them at home. You made me laugh Robert. Believe me I'm not always this positive. It takes work. After the SOTU speech and everything else since I do think we have a lot more reasons to hope. Not to mention Trump has never expanded his Base Voters, Nikki took 1/3 and he and the RNC are broke. Yes we have a lot of work to do especially with China and Russia helping him so stay strong and keep fighting. Like Joyce says, "We are all in this together." Laughter sure does help doesn't it?! Hope you have a good week. ❤️😘🫂🇺🇸💙

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Yes! Thanks for the uplift. We are all in this together. I got a laugh from you too! Cheers to you for a good week. 💙😊😎

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Thank you. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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The problem is his idiot supporters. I was driving on Saturday and saw a bunch of them demonstrating on an overpass. I was so freaked out and appalled took a different route home but I was really rattled. Without them none of this would be happening.

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Noticed that one of places Chubb has a subsidiary is in Russia. Just wondering ?

Thanks as usual for updates and information.

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Rumor has it that his son-in-law has a couple of billion dollars from the Saudis. I'd like to know why. And yes, who is funding T right now.

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Why isn't Kushner under investigation, instead of Hunter Biden?

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That's what I'd like to know.

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Because the house majority is held by republicans.

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The DOJ brings indictments. They do not need house recommendation to do so.

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I have no doubt someone is looking into it. I find it suspicious about the time Jared got the money a developer from SA called DAMAC bought the Surfside condo property (the collapse site) and plans on putting in luxury condos and mayor Shlomo Danzinger had flown to Dubai to make friends (nothing good is coming of this) as the survivors and families of the deceased have begged for a memorial on the site but the developer has resisted them. It’s not like they want a huge spot but on the 87th St. beach walkway side. So I’m assuming that Jared is now finding properties for SA developers to buy up and it’s already bad enough the city Jared has the condo in Bal Harbor is called little Russia.

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Elum Musks jet tracked to WPB.

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West Palm Beach

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Wasn’t it Dictator Orban recently visiting? And gee, doesn’t Orangeboy still have some of those US secret documents hidden somewhere in a bathroom? Hmm

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This is not a rumor. Jared started an investment fund. Saudis dropped 2 billion into it. Former Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin did the same and the Saudis dropped 1 billion to his fund. So much for draining the swamp! The question is have they registered as foreign agents

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Saudi And Israel contributions to Jared's Investment fund. ( he is unqualified to be an investment banker. He took over his father, Charles Kushner's commercial real estate business after daddy went to prison for illegal campaign donations (bribes) and was banned from doing business in NY.





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Unbelievable that someone would want to follow in the footsteps of a criminal parent. That says a lot about Kushner right there.

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Keep reading and you can see why Chris Christie was never invited to the party.

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I can imagine. BTW, love your Ukrainian flag.

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The scales are tipped for Trump and between SOTUS and Aileen Canon ( refuse to call her Judge) they have successfully delayed in Trumps favor. They will all burn in hell for threatening our democracy. Just listening to Judge Luttig’s evaluations of the Colorado decision and the Supreme Court got it wrong plus their rulings on issues not implied in the brief is unbelievable misrepresentation, and carelessness is beyond belief. Thanks Joyce!

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Someone suggested that E. Jean Carroll could ask the judge for a mental competency test for T, since he continues to defame her. But it doesn't seem like he's worried about the money. It's going to be another busy week. Thank goodness the SOTU address bolstered so many of us.

Thank you, Joyce, for continuing to keep us updated on all of the details.

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The court should intervene, for his welfare and well being. His delusions are disassociating! Erghhh. Trump is totally crazy. More crazy is how people still can’t see it. Mass Psychosis? Never in my wildest dreams. Vote.

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This comment by Joyce brought chills to me: “If Trump is reelected, the American people will never get justice where he’s concerned. “

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That whole next-to-last paragraph was disturbing to read, but all true. It's gradually becoming more likely that the New York case may be the only one to go to trial before the election, unfortunately (although I'm not yet completely giving up hope on the federal Jan 6 case).

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Me neither. I still have a lot of hope it can happen. I almost want it to happen right before the Election (Say September start Date) because it will drive Trump absolutely insane. So there's that added benefit. 😆

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Spot on. It is likely indeed that Jack Smith will have Trump in court on November 3 as he is trying to get votes.

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And if he loses it could start the next day! How about that? Merry Christmas! 😀

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Actually I don’t think he’ll see inauguration.

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You mean he'll lose or he'll be dead?

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

But ... there are still civil cases coming. The various Capitol police plaintiffs are just one example. (I know I'm grasping at straws but something is better than nothing right now.)

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Shady source of financing the bond? You bet it's shady, and very very Russia connected: https://open.substack.com/pub/sethabramson/p/experts-said-for-weeks-that-trump?r=fcfxc&utm_medium=ios

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Joyce and Robert Odell — I saw this substack by seth abramson today, too (Sunday)— very shady action that to me makes me think E. Jean and Robby Kaplan should reject the bond on Monday! Please read it and see what you think! Thanks…Wendy Kaiser

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Never a dull moment with you know who.

Trump’s sudden ability to post the appeals bond smells very fishy and Russian.

E. Jean Carroll should continue to sue him until he stops defaming her. What a blockhead - just zip your mouth shut.

Smith needs to keep pounding on Cannon. Trump’s motions to dismiss or nothing but delaying tactics.

This Friday my hope is that Willis is not disqualified and we can get back on track.

I keep hoping that once the first domino falls the rest will follow.

Joyce, thanks for your thorough explanation of what lies ahead this week. You are educating us. We need to pass it on, be prepared and VOTE BLUE UP and DOWN.

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Thank you, Joyce, for taking time today -- after your week of travel -- to enlighten us on this E.Jean Carroll Trump matter. I appreciate all your detail and soaked it up as usual, but as usual Trump is misbehaving by defaming her again, and who knows what monkey-wrench he'll throw to try to delay this further. Can't his family do anything to have him tested for dementia before any of these cases go further ? Or can a judge ? Would a pronouncement of dementia cause any reason to tell him he cannot run for president? Our Democracy is on the brink if he is elected. Right now all we can do is "Vote like hell", to borrow a phrase from Donald's Jan. 6 rant.

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Beyond horrible to think that tRump could literally destroy our system of justice and the rule of law. As it is he and conservatives have shown how vulnerable and in need of bolstering the justice system is. We can no longer rely on agreed upon norms. They need to be codified and there simply has to be a way to prevent wealthy defendants from running out the clock.

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I was wondering if the retired judge who now oversees Trumps business’ has to be notified of the terms of the Bond. After all anything that is pledged to the $91 million bond for defamation also affects assets available to settle the States claim against Trump et al. Surely the overseer must be notified what or who the bonds surety is dependent on. If I were a smart reporter that’s were I’d be looking for disclosure of public records.

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An excellent point, if I may say so. She does control a vasts number of assets (which if I remember rightly from the Engoron judgments otherwise ultimately fall within a trust controlled by a Donald J Trump of Florida.) She would know (or get to know) if any of these are involved in security for the bond.

But there may well be other significant assets which he might pledge, and third parties who are charitably disposed toward this poor old guy, people for whom he has done a good turn and who rally round in his hour of need etc.

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YES, E. Jean, go for it again!!!

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She better sue again! Go get it E Jean!

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In the whirling, maddening raree-show that has become the modern American legal saga, there sits a figure so drenched in controversy and scandal that to speak his name is to invoke the chaotic spirits of legal limbo themselves. Yes, I'm talking about Trump, the man who seems to dance between raindrops of accountability with the grace of a greased pig at a county fair. It's a spectacle, folks, a veritable feast for the cynics and a famine for the believers in justice.

This isn't just about delays and legal foot-dragging; it's a full-blown assault on the very fabric of what we once quaintly referred to as justice. If Trump waltzes back into the Oval Office, what we're looking at isn't merely a tarnished justice system; it's a grotesque mockery of the concept, a slapstick performance with the Constitution as its punchline.

The Supreme Court, those nine robed arbiters of fate, seem content to watch the sand sift through the hourglass, pondering presidential immunity as if it were a philosophical quandary for a lazy Sunday debate rather than the ticking time bomb it is. April 22? By then, we might as well be debating the moral implications of jaywalking in the ruins of Pompeii for all the good it will do.

And so, it falls upon us, the bedraggled, the bewildered, the utterly bamboozled masses, to do what? To vote, they say. As if casting a ballot were akin to hurling a silver bullet into the heart of this monstrous farce. Yet here we are, loading our electoral guns, because what else can you do when the circus comes to town but try to enjoy the show and hope the clowns don't take over the government? Encourage, educate, and execute a plan for voting, they urge. In states where they've made casting that ballot as easy as solving a Rubik's Cube blindfolded, with one hand tied behind your back, and the cube is actually a live grenade.

So, my fellow spectators, as we stand on the precipice of what could either be the greatest comeback story or the final nail in the coffin of the American experiment, let's not forget: this isn't just about one man. It's about the soul of a nation, caught in the throes of an identity crisis, staring into the abyss. And as we gaze into that abyss, hoping for a glimmer of justice, remember, the abyss is also gazing into us, probably wondering what took us so long to look.

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Well said and so profound as always Gloria. You're right. We were all asleep at the wheel. ❤️😘

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I’m guilty and I deeply regret it.

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