DOGE should be understood to stand for for Destructive Oligarch(s?) Grabbing Everything.

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Yes, and I’ve started pronouncing it /daw-gee/, i.e. dodgy.

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Correct Robert Tate. I read the Professor's Links but, we need to identify the "Young Inexperienced, Engineers" aka "Musk's Lackeys".

Programing manipulation by criminal operatives with their clumsy programming errors can be tracked something like fingerprints.

I took note of AP's report that 'Elmo's Children Brigade" [H/t TC] had accessed classified information.

I will follow up with the Senator's staff.

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Wired has. They are 19 to 24. One just got out of high school


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Got it Susan ✔️ Susan and/or Joyce still a good one,

"WIRED has identified six young men (ages19-24)".

2 are working for Peter Thiel;

1 is an undergraduate;

1 is a "volunteer" saboteur.

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Oh, great. A bunch of junior programmers who have just enough skill to really screw things up. Thanks, Elon. You are a fool.

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And no clearance

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I wonder how many adversaries would like to “talk” to them. Foolish!

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Yep...and Musk has never been anything else...other than born rich, with good timing and a lot of luck. But I think Elmo's overweening ego is about to take him into dangerous territory.

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You laugh, but they got the (Musk’s) job done.

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didn't realize Joyce had already linked.

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Here is a link to the Senate Finance Committee members. It will take you to each members website with contact info. Just click to call. You can also call their state offices. You don't have to give your info.


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I don't recall giving them written approval to steal my personal data. Class action lawsuit against all of them, and Bessent, and tRump.

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Call them what they are: Elmo's Children's Brigade.

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Heather Cox Richardson named his "allis" in today' letters to America.

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Jude, I pronounce it "douche".

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Every time I see it, I think of Neal Stephenson's book: Fall; or, Dodge in Hell. So I add a d in my pronunciation, for dodge the law.

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I pronounce it dog-E.

Also, since early on I’ve bed. Saying it shoujd be called the “so called” department …

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I am referring to Musk’s minions as the Coup Crew.

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How about the correct pronunciation? Douche! I like that much better AND it sure does fit this bunch.

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Heather Cox Richardson calls it "doggy," but I like your descriptive version.

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absolutely not "dog" anything. Dogs are loyal and caring. these traitors are the opposite.

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Clever correctness.

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Robert, I like your DOGE words (Destructive Oligarchs Grabbing Everything) and passed it on. I hope that's OK!

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Ruth, of course!

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Time for the blue states to break the bank-transfer links from employers to D.C.; to collect the taxes in their capitals; and, withhold tax funds. Release to D.C. for this year AT MOST the receipts from D.C. during the previous year.


Though the deficit provides more of the subsidies, pegging outflows to previous year receipts eliminates the overage that blue states send to D.C. in part to support red states. That would send a message; refusal to send any money would be uncharitable.


When Trump tries to drumpf a blue state of disaster relief funds, for example, then that state applies withheld tax funds to fund said relief and forwards the net balance to Washington.


Many people, will undoubtedly blow a gasket. They may not understand human nature and conflict. They fail to account for stated, or to anticipate future, Trumpian behavior.


The hearing for the nominee to direct the O.M.B. featured discussion, if not yet practice, of impoundment by the Trump Admin. of funds appropriated by Congress (e.g., suspending or ending F.E.M.A. operations). Where will funds intended for agencies relegated to formaldehyde go?


Theorizing about what might cause a civil war over withholding funds, when such civil disorder has likely started, is not insightful. The Great Civil War of The United States (1861-65) did not start in 1860 or 1861 but five years earlier with Bleeding Kansas.


Now, this particular idea may not work. But some form of it can at least support initiatives. We need ideas to break down and re-assemble or refine. Attacking someone's view is about as helpful as Florence Nightingale handing out LSD for a head cold.


This particular idea will likely not work. But some form of it can at least initiate discussion about responses through ideas to break down and re-assemble or refine. Certain blue states are sending more to D.C. than they get back. Time to cease subsidizing, in part, our down-fall at the hands of certain red states.


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Masterful, Ned!

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Thank you, Sir *or *Ma'am. I appreciate your kind response. 🤝

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Good job, Ned. I too believe that powerful blue states are well positioned to push back against a lawless federal government. CA, IL, and NY have immense economies and are home to all the significant financial markets. WA, MI, VT, NY, MN, and ME are portals to Canadian trade. Those states could bring exports northward to a halt. State's must flex their muscles even when the legal basis for their actions might be new and untested. Tying Trump up in litigation is a workable strategy, and his newly loyalized DOJ will be staffed by mainly crappy lawyers with degrees from Liberty U or from the likes attended by Gym Jordan. There are all kinds of things cities and states can do to gum up the works if Dem governors and mayors are willing to get down on all fours and play dirty pool the way Trump does.

Cutting electricity to the major markets would scotch electronic trading and cause general havoc. Noisy road construction projects in front of important government buildings would curtail access or make working conditions miserable. Withholding local security (state and city cops) from all GOP government executives and legislators, would curtail travel of federal executives and agency heads, or would put stress on the secret service and US Marshall service. Brighter minds could add to this short list easily. And as Ned has pointed out, curtailing the flow of tax revenue to the exchequer of a lawless king has to be our primary line of defense.

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These are some great ideas, Fred! Hopefully, in 2026, there will be a Democratic Congress that can, through its D.C. Committee, fund the construction projects to slow things to a snail's pace and turn the M.A.G.A.s into fragmentation bombs against themselves. 🤞

By the way, Fred, referring to your observations about *various states, I found this infographic to be interesting, assuming, of course, that the *data are true. 😲

https://www.visualcapitalist.com/mapped-top-import-partner-every-u-s-state/ 💡

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I put every share of my stock up to sell when the market opens in the morning. I’ve been through too many crashes and I’m not going to wait. I did it last time Trump screwed with the market on a daily basis and did fine. Bought back in when he was gone. It’s not worth the stress.

The massive hits in the news have been making me nauseous for hours. I’m just looking for self-preservation at this point.

Make sure you check your social security payments because next Musk will claim those are all fraudulent payments and stop them too.

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Good for Sharon! I would do the same if I had stocks now. I lost my pension money in 2008 and now live on just my Social Security and lost my husbands when he died. I am worried about the small savings I do have in our Credit Union and think I should withdraw it to be safe. I don't know who to turn to right now for help in making a decision. Just venting and still grieving for my husband and don't have anyone, at least that is how I feel, to consult with.

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Feb 3Edited

I'm so sorry you lost your husband, Gloria. That's such a heavy load on top of everything going on in the country.

Maybe you can take a little time away from the news and try to do something that you enjoy. In any event, my heart goes out to you. Try not to lose hope. A majority of citizens in this country are getting riled up and starting to complain to their representatives and protest peacefully on the streets.

Frankly, if Musk is dumb enough to fool around with Social Security or Medicare payments now, I think he may quickly anger not just Democrats, but all the citizens in this country except those who are obscenely rich...especially the shocked Trump voters who have no idea that Republicans want to get rid of Social Security and Medicare!

And once the Republican/MAGA voters get angry with their party, even the Congressional Republicans who are counting on their votes may well grow a spine and start complaining loudly to Trump. I'm not predicting this, but I sure wouldn't bet against it.

Take care, Gloria. Stay well.

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Sorry to hear of your troubles; it must be so stressful for you.

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Gloria, I am sorry to hear of your loss. I am no one to provide financial advice, but I can say that I have my money in a federal credit union because I trust them. Take care.

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My money's in a federal credit union too but if the FDIC is disbanded (as talked about in project 2025) we're all screwed.

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I lost my husband in 2018, and it's been tough. My heart goes out to you Gloria. I have my SS, and half of my husband's VA pension, but truly fear for my future should the repubs decide to go after these two incomes for me.

I lost my life savings in the 2008 crash so have nothing but SS and the pension. At 70 years old, I just hope I can keep going with all the stress.

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Gloria I'm so sorry for your loss. I feel the same way. My late husband served 30 yrs in the USN. All I have left is SS and a small portion of his government retirement. my financial advisor says "wait and see" that's not much of a comfort.

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I hope your social security checks continue to arrive. At the moment I think regular bank savings accounts are safe.

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but where can you put it where it's not still at risk? he's getting rid of FDIC so a bank account will not be guaranteed. seriously, under a mattress?

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I just said that yesterday. Also getting rid of the consumer financial protection bureau.

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Robert - Going to use your definition of DOGE and will certainly give you FULL CREDIT for your outstanding DEFINITION OF THE DAY !!

Many thanks from New Mexico

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Ivan, no worries re credit. I heard this initially on a Zoom event featuring the amazing Nancy MacLean, who shared it as coming from a(n unnamed) faculty colleague of hers, and slightly modified it.

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Greedy, racist, misogynist oligarchs.

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I just wrote this to my California attorney general. I'm happy for people to copy it, make changes, whatever.

Dear AG Bonta,

As you know, Elon Musk, a private citizen with no standing in the federal government, has unlawfully taken possession of a highly sensitive US government computer that holds confidential information on American citizens and the payments made to us through government programs. This move is illegal and must be stopped. Please use every tool at your disposal to protect us and punish Musk, Trump, Bessent, and the others responsible for this horrendous breach of our privacy and theft of our personal information.

Thank you.

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That's a wonderful idea Paula! I didn't think about contacting attorneys general as well as members of Congress. Thank you for the suggestion!

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Thank you, Beth. I hope it helps.

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I will ask our AG, Nick Brown, to do the same. Thanks!

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I will concede, Nick is the sharpest AG west of the Mississippi.

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Thank you!

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I just sent that off to AG Brown! Paula do you mind if I copy this and ask my Substack readers to do the same? I will give you full credit!

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Not at all in these times of ultra 'Fair Use'. Go for it.

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Thank you for sharing. I too live in California. And, while I write to my elected officials I always feel like they are already likely doing as much as they can. So, I have felt the need to write to GOP senators and Mike Johnson as well. If you are unable to write through their websites, grab an address from Zillow or Redfin in their state or district. I have a list that I use over and over again for John Thune, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Thom Tillis, Todd Young, John Curtis and Mike Johnson. It may not make much difference in the short run, but boy does it feel good to let them know we are watching them and are not going to stand for this crap!

I am also writing to Hakeem Jeffries asking where the hell are the Dems. They need to be out there making news ever day, highlighting the BS that is going on, and stating how they will do better by all Americans.

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Thank you for your excellent work, Ali!! These are great ideas.

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What a great idea for contacting red state reps! I'd been wondering how to get the attention of Republican reps, since I'll assume they ignore anything from blue state voters that they don't represent.

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Paula, I just sent a letter to Oregon's AG. Thanks for the great letter and suggestion!

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I’ll send mine tomorrow!

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Ally, Come to Astoria Wednesday for our protest rally at noon, 17th and Marine Drive. It'd be great to meet you!

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Don't think I can get there; won't be home until at least 3, then have rehearsal tomorrow night... My wife and I just spent 3 days in Newport...

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Thank you, Laurie!

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Bonta is great!

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Totally! He doesn’t back down from anything!

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He is!

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Thank I will use for everyone on the Senate Finance Committee.

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Thank you!

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Excellent message to AG Bonta. I am copying and sending right now.

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Thank you, Ina.

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For those of you in California you can sign up for the California DOJ Weekly Newsletter. AG Bonta covers what they are working on. Very informative even if some is just PR. I also get newsletters from my county, my County Supervisor and state representative and senator. I just signed up for newsletters from my U.S. Senators and am already on the list for my U.S. Representative. Some of what they send is PR or events but it reminds me to pay attention and gives me an easy way to contact them as needed.

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This is a wonderful idea, Judy! I'll go do that right now.

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I hope you can answer my question. Are people contacting members of Congress who are NOT their representatives? Will they take the call or email? I definitely am going to contact MY members of Congress but I want to spread around the "joy". What do you hear or can you direct me to someone who can answer this for me?

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Roberta, I have contacted Reps not my own, and have wondered if my emails and calls are automatically dismissed because they usually ask for an address or congressional district. I continue to do it, but it sometimes feels futile.

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Kim, find addresses within their districts and give them those. They don't have time to verify who lives where.

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Roberta, I think most representatives limit contact to their constituents BUT ... you can find addresses on Zillow or Redfin to use when they ask for your address. Of course you can always send snail mail too. I would think that the party leaders in particular would have to listen to other members too. If not they should be advised to change their practices. Does this help?

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Yes Paula, thanks.

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Paula, Thank you for publishing the letter you wrote. I greatly appreciate your succinct insights. I will use it.

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Thank you, Joni!

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Great idea! All my reps in Congress are Democrats, and they already agree with me. Attorneys General are another avenue to try.

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I just copied your words and sent them to AG Platkin of NJ. Thank you!

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Thank you, Julia!

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Georgia's Attorney General has no email. It is snail mail or the phone.

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Really? Shame on them.

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I searched the internet and found an address: AGCarr@law.ga.gov.

I sent to that email and it has not come back or been responded to.

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So maybe your message got through?

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Thanks for the push to write to Bonta! I will do the same!

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Thank you, Paula. Much better than my version.

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Great letter and idea! Thank you for sharing and for the suggestion! I appreciate it!

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Thank you Joyce. I’m not feeling very optimistic right now. However, I did email my Senator, Senator Crapo, and asked why Elon Musk is being allowed to access OUR personal information, when he is not a member of government, and has not been voted for.

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I think this is great! It's a really important question and we need to make sure they understand that along with Senator Wyden, we want to know the answers!

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One aspect is to get answers how come that EM is being allowed to gain access to our personal information; another aspect is who can actually stop him, throw him out of the building again, pointing out that he is not an elected official.

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Nor do they have any actual vetted security clearances beyond Trump announcing he can give clearances to whoever he wants, likely by thinking about it as he did with declassification.

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I was just on a virtual event which included Indivisible.org founders (impressive duo) and Moveon.org and more. It was motivating and inspiring. They are realists and they are organized. I highly recommend signing up at indivisible.org and/or Fieldteam6.org There are actions planned. For people who can get to their local Senator’s field office, that was highly recommended. Gather people and go. Let Indivisible.org know, see their website for your local groups.

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Tina, I was on that call too & am sending the follow up email of action steps to a dozen friends…and the forwarding ripple will travel to hundreds of other smart activists

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Thank you, Tina

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Can you also call him and tell him to vote against RFK Jr., who is a clear and present danger to the health and lives of everyone in the United States, and Tulsi Gabbard, who is a clear and present danger to our national security, and also point out that given the risks that these creatures pose, the threat of maybe getting primaried four years from now is not much of a threat? Thanks.

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Never has there been a more appropriate name for a Republican senator.

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My senators are Democrats, Tim Kaine and Mark Warner (VA). I am going to contact their offices tomorrow and tell them that my husband and I are very concerned about any breach of Treasury, OPM, and HHS. My husband is a retired federal employee. He receives a federal annuity, we are covered by the federal health insurance program, and I receive Social Security and Medicare. Is any of our personal information private anymore? We are 78 and 98 and we aren’t going to take this lying down!

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My wife and I are in very similar situations as you and your husband. I wonder just how much longer our annuity, etc., will continue to be sent us without a new deduction: DOGE Contribution?

Will future Social Security and pension checks be missing amounts sent to invisible and untraceable recipients: MAGA Loyalty Offset? J6 Liberation & Celebration Fund? "GWTW"? No, not Gone With The Wind, rather: Guess Where This Went?!

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Me too. ✅️

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I as well am in a similar situation

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Time to put Elon on one of his starships and send him to Mars or wherever…..

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South African born Elon Musk is the best argument that immigration is ruining our country.

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And he's actually an "illegal immigrant." He worked here while on a student visa that doesn't allow that - which means his citizenship can be revoked for fraud.

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It's gotten a bit hazy now, but didn't Melania get past a string of visa frauds (exceptional talent visa for modeling nude?) and became an anchor mom?

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Kathleen, fortunately the vast vast majority of immigrants are really good people, it is the crazy white boys like Toddler-Musk that are too rich for their own good who are the ones I would like to see gone. Murdoch, Theil, and the rest of them would also be good ones to expel. The rest I would keep, those coming across our borders for a better life. I am guessing a lot will wait now seeing just what a crappy place Toddler-Trump and his playground want to turn this nation into. And, we were doing so well! What is happening now is what happens when people let their racism and misogyny lead them to vote for toddlers to lead anything.

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Daily I wonder what kind of hell people live in to try to come here for a better life.

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Monday 2/3 Tesla Stockat the CLOSE today was $383.69 DOWN 🔻5.17.

Wow, I underestimated Elon Musk's LOSS today

Better-Call-Saul ... that 's DEREK SAUL at FORBES.

Saul Says: Elon took a 10.9 Billion LOSS of his net worth today, ouch maybe not.

Heck, you could fund USAID operations for a long time with that money & you would not even have to LOCK OUT Congressional Representatives out of DC HQ!


Monday, 2/3, Pre-Market Tesla [TSLA] Stock is is DOWN 2.99%🔻at 4:17 am.

TSLA DOWN🔻3.8% at 4:27 AM. Price: $392.12. Opened DOWN 🔻at $394.72.

FYI, apparently all futures are down ahead of TUESDAY's imposition of Tariffs.

Reuters: 2/3 3:58 AM, "Markets Rocked by Trade War Fears".


Sunday, 2/2:

My understanding Mike is that Canada's retaliatory Tariff, among other things, targets Tesla. Context: Canada currently has market support for EV's.

I will check Tesla's stock at the tomorrow's close. On top Tesla's recently reported earnings loss, J.P. Morgan grumbling & budding legal actions against the Afrikaner, it could be a tough day for Elon's portfolio.

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This is a coup d'état. Our last hope may be that military leadership has enough sway over the troops to belay orders and take over the machinery of the U.S.G., place it back in the agencies, bring the workers back, and seize impounded funds to pay civil servants and honor expenditures mandated by Congress. Finally the re-captured funds will be released per the institutional and Congressional mandates.

Such a non-violent counter-coup can be executed in accordance with the U.S. military honouring its constitutional oath. Hopefully, that will forestall civil conflict, even war. If General Milley is assassinated, that coup with go through in a hurry. States can take measures as described below.

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And to put Trump in the payload of Elon's starship headed for Mars or wherever.

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Spacewalk with a dysfunctional air supply? Or shut the door and cord gets cut?

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Maybe one of those “junior” engineers just happens to open up the airlock….

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I'm calling Senators Warren and Markey several times a day, telling them I know they are working hard to do all they can to block the nomination of Vought, and now to stop the DOGE lunacy. I feel the need to let them know they are appreciated!

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I've written my worthless senator, Schumer, twice this week and have yet to receive even an acknowledgement.

I am happy to be voicing concern to our elected officials. The question is, why the hell should we even need to do that. I suppose they need to be awoken from their vacation naps. Certainly the Dem leadership does.

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Neil, Go after Gillibrand. She voted to confirm Bessent who gave Musk access to the payroll system.

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I emailed my Senator to impeach Bessent.

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Cynthia, the crew that stole our information and the fool that gave it to them should be in jail for grand theft. I hope the DC government will step up and do it.

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Has no one pressed charges? Where is the FBI in this? Why haven't they impounded Elon and his little helpers' computers and passwords, until they get through a court of law? Being "given access" isn't even legal. What do we do indeed?! The only good news today seems to be that Canada and Mexico will bring on counter tariffs which will cripple the US (and Canadian) auto industry, and the exports of bourbon out of Kentucky. And all I can say is "Hurray!" because our allies, who by the way just sent volunteers to help put out the fires in California, are finally pushing back-- and maybe the big businesses in the US will get the pinch. Not before the rest of us do, of course. I'm sure there are plans brewing to fight back, but I'd like to know what they are. One news post I saw this week said that 75% of the farm workers in CA (Bakersfield) didn't show up for work this week for fear of being deported. So that's going to help food prices, too. But Elon needs to get kicked out of our computer systems TODAY. GRRRRRR!

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Deb, Toddler-Musk needs to be in jail along with the guy who gave the information to him as well as the rest of Toddler-Musk's crew that helped him take it. It is time the DC police pick them up and jail them and a judge indicts them and makes the provision that even if they are pardoned, they are never again allowed in Washington, DC. Maybe they could deport Toddler-Musk too.

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Elon and his merry pranksters need to be under arrest. None of them should ever have been granted access to USG computer systems. Period. And Bennet needs to be impeached for allowing this to happen. That is a massive breach of trust. Where, indeed, is law enforcement?

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“Bessent”, I believe is the correct spelling. Not Bennett (D-CO), who is a good man!

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You are correct. I should have looked it up instead of writing off the top of this aging head.

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My thought, is that it's too late. Knowing next to nothing about software systems, programming, IT, or AI, I can still venture a guess here about the seriousness of the situation: If musk and his hacker cohorts were able to access and download all of this information, we have to assume that they now have the capability to hide, parse, publish, share, alter, weaponize, and sell any or all of it. What good will any lawsuit do at this point? We can never recover such a breech of information, even if we DID trust the bastard to turn it all over. That said, I will donate as much as I can to any group who sues these unauthorized thieves on our behalf!

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Call. Don't email. Call everyday.

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Don’t tell people not to email. We must do it all: call, email, whatever it takes!

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And if you're communicating with a Senator, write to ALL his/her offices: local ones in state as well as Capital Hill in DC. If your Representative [House member] has one or more local offices, write to them too.

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Capitol switchboard for my senators has been full. Try email.

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Bonnie, that was my frustrating discovery as well. I imagine many of us are calling to leave messages which is good. We need to keep trying. I sent a message and will try calling again tomorrow. I suggest everyone do the same.

The suggestion to contact all of local offices as well as the DC offices, is important.

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My email would not go through to my awful brown nosing Congressman Kevin Kiley

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That’s frustrating. Try sending one to Ron johnson of Wisconsin. He needs pressure.

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Use snail mail

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Exactly. Read Rachel’s comment responding to TCinLa’s Feb. 2 reposting of Ruth Ben-Ghiat’s Lucid posting, “A New Kind of Coup: Trump and Musk are Updating the Autocratic Playbook.” Rachel’s comment outlines exactly how to make effective contact with your reps. Emails don’t cut it. Calls and face-to-face contacts do.

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I seriously doubt anyone has research proving that emails are irrelevant when switchboards are full. Pls don’t discourage whatever contact is possible.

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I tend to agree with you, Bonnie. Do it all. But here is the advice in Rachel’s comment:

“...The [Senate] staffer was very clear that any sort of online contact basically gets immediately ignored, and letters pretty much get thrown in the trash (unless you have a particularly strong emotional story — but even then it's not worth the time it took you to craft that letter).

“Calls are what all the congresspeople pay attention to. Every single day, the Senior Staff and the Senator get a report of the 3 most-called-about topics for that day at each of their offices (in DC and local offices), and exactly how many people said what about each of those topics. They're also sorted by zip code and area code. She said that Republican callers generally outnumber Democrat callers 4-1, and when it's a particular issue that single-issue-voters pay attention to (like gun control, or planned parenthood funding, etc...), it's often closer to 11-1, and that's recently pushed Republican congressmen on the fence to vote with the Republicans. In the last 8 years, Republicans have called, and Democrats haven't.”

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Shocking information!

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He will loot the United States’ monetary system momentarily.

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That's what I fear. How do we secure all information? Betcha it's already being sold on the dark web. Obviously the Muskrat doesn't know how to do this stuff, his greatest talent is stealing, ideas, companies, etc,etc, countries if he can. How do we secure our national finances?

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All that work deserves a processing fee.

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There's news on Bluesky that demonstrators outside the Treasury building have managed to keep three of Elmo's children's Brigade from returning to the building after they were spotted leaving.

Everybody's favorite Unreconstructed Afrikaner white supremacist and ketamine addict needs "termination... "

Good news for the rest of us: the EU is taking a hard look at Tesla, in the wake of Elmo's little Nazi performance for the AfD last weekend. Big demonstrations in Germany about the CDU using AfD for an anti-immigration vote, that was negated in the face of the huge demonstrations in Berlin. the Polish government is organizing a boycott of Tesla and it has become "unfashionable" for Tesla owners to be seen in their tinny toys that only work 75% of the time, driving in public. The company that operates the biggest commercial fleet of Teslas in Germany announced they are getting rid of them. Big increase in sales of Chinese EVs there.

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Heard from a Canadian friend tonight that Canada is considering a 100% tariff on Teslas.

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Thank you Joyce. I have two GOP senators that I am going to have a word with.

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So, I've been casting pebbles already. I called my Congressman 4 times in 6 days & I plan on calling again. I've called my Senators. I've written snail mail letters to my California elected officials. I've written snail mail letters to about a dozen Democratic elected officials around the country I told them that I may not be their constituent but that I am a Democrat. Then I quoted directly from the constitution that their salaries are paid by the US Treasury (maybe they won't get paid) & that my taxes go to the US Treasury so I said "I guess that I help pay your salary." Then I explained that my concerns affected the entire country not just California & that expected/demanded to see Democrats behind a microphone every chance they get pushing back.

It felt good dropping those letters in the mail. I'm a "little old lady" so I like snail mail. Emails are fine & I do that too. But I'm hoping that a personal touch will mean something.

I'm also calling the San Francisco FBI office to let them know that I support them. I've called them before to offer support. You don't get to talk to an agent irca supervisor but at least I let them know that I appreciate what they do & that I support them. They need it. They are getting the brunt of trump's retribution tour. That man is a bastard, a vile petty little excuse for a man-child. He is despicable & belongs behind bars not in the White House.

Also, one other thing. Is there any chance of a class action lawsuit against what's happening with America's check book?

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I too was thinking about a class action. We are all being harmed by elon and trump.

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Have you thought of contacting Marc Elias about a national class action suit against the WH?

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Thanks for putting into words what I’ve been thinking. We’re watching a coup, and we shouldn’t let the fact that it isn’t a military one blind us. This is an economic and technological coup. I recommend folks pay for a subscription to Wired: they’ve been reporting on this aspect of the news for a long time and they have insights and analysis which will help us all to understand what’s going on.

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arrest Musk and impeach trump🤬

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Musk owns Twitter. Musk owns Trump. Musk now owns the United States of America. Hiya, Jim Crow, the Fuhrer wants to talk.

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