So disheartening. In my 83 years, I cannot think of any other time when I have totally lost faith in SCOTUS.

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Kit, for much of my 75 years I held SCOTUS in high regard. Now exactly the opposite.

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Ok all you ole folks. Dag, I always knew it. Ok, I give up. I’m 71. Hahahahahahahaha.

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Bill, Ha! me too! I didn't think our SC would stoop so low, even though I had read about courts in the past that did. I honestly don't know Johnny Roberts' game, and it is a game, saying corporations are persons, then never holding those persons accountable; claiming money is speech; it isn't even if the SC says it is, it is just permission for corruption; state legislatures made up of mostly old white men should decide about women's healthcare decisions; no agencies in our government should have authority even though they are the experts, while the SC justices like Roberts get to really decide about say, vaccines, food safety, clean air, land, and water, etc.; a president can do whatever he wants (Trump) as long as he claims it is official business of the presidency. All of these are nonsense and just plain wrong, but Johnny said they are good, and 5 other equally brainwashed and hand-picked conservative justices agree, so we are supposed to believe it. I don't, but have no idea what to do about it except to write my protests here, and a few other places.

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I am 81! Let’s move on to other realities. Since the conservatives gained a 6-3 majority it has been my opinion that this court was not going to waste their opportunity to upend our legal landscape. As anyone can see, the past several years have given us every reason to recognize the truth of this shameless court to do just that with every decision they make - from Dobbs to Immunity.

They - the SCOTUS SIX - are full speed ahead to create a legal environment wherein the constitution can and has been set aside, replaced by personal agendas, unregulated capitalism, and religious dogma as the guide posts for the Roberts Court.

Let’s hope we win and win big on November 5 and that responsible Congressional leaders can collaborate to address the damage done by DJT, his cohort of criminal minds & actors, and the Supreme Court. Oh! I forgot to include the states with Republican trifectas who have embraced an undermining of diversity/racist protections, trans and women’s rights and healthcare, voting rights and so much more.

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John, it is hard for me to believe that anyone should think they can decide about the lives of other people in ways that are opposed to our Constitution, taking away people's rights, but alas, power is a strong motivator and that once it is acquired, most people will lean in to push their own personal agendas. For the SC conservatives, it is Catholicism, corporate superiority, male superiority, white superiority, in short, the superiority of rich, white, mostly straight, pseudo-christian, men and corporations. They no longer even have to make us guess because we know. I called the main cases this term. Those that have low impact on themselves, require little thought can possibly go toward those harmed while everything else goes to the side that will cause the most potential harm and bring our Constitution to the brink, despite their oaths otherwise. These SC cons were groomed well and wined, dined, and pampered quite a lot and have proven their loyalty to the Federalist Society and all the guys who hand picked them for their lack of loyalty to this nation and their ability to be manipulated and caused to be resentful. Every one of the six is working out just fine for them.

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Good response Ruth. You can write to your Congress person (if they are not a magat) and ask them to support Alesandra Ocasio Cortez article of Impeachment against Alito and Thomas. I told mine I knew nothing could be doe before January, but I expect him to fully support AOC in 2025

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I'm in Oregon, and Merkley, Wyden, and my Rep are on board for this.

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Thank you Geri, come January I think a lot of magats are going to be surprised.

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Fay, I have done that and I think my rep is on board. I almost don't mind if the Senate does not vote them off the court because they are two evil old men who need to know that the people of this nation think they are evil and were put on the SC just to do the bidding of others, and those others are evil too.

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I do want them off the Court. Hoping that Kamala will appoint two honest jurists who fully support and will uphold the Constitution above all else. Then we would once again have a five to four majority on the Court. I don't personally think 'stacking the Court is a good idea. We will never have a representative court and that is not what the Founding Fathers or the Constitutional Framers had in mind. I know, then they shouldn't have been so been vague. But they were. And reading the Federalist papers and the history surrounding the Constitution, was top have a Court of independent Jurists, beholden only to the Constitution who would assure any legislation written and signed into law was within the Constitutional limits.

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MAGA in SC. Sigh...

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If you didn’t already read my mini screeds, I’m a contrarian. I need to blame us for the positions we are in. I’m often scorned here but they are my opinions. It will be hard to believe that we won’t drive Trump into oblivion on November 5.

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Well! Bill it is incomprehensible for me that Trump could even come close to winning. Toss up nonsense is my take on such headlines BUT we must embrace Robert Hubbell’s regular post, “We have many reasons to be optimistic but no reason for complacency.”

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Sometimes it’s nearly incomprehensible to understand why anyone would support a nitwit of major perportions. One excruciating reason is that contrary to most supporters of Biden, he neglected the border for 3 precious years. Oh yes he did don’t say no. Not until this past year did he finally act. No nation on earth would have allowed such porus entry by such huge influx of humanity. And the unknown is whether the democrats will pay dearly for this negligence. Let’s hope not but if we lose, this is the biggy reason. We have a few other reasons but this one is the big one.

Ok let’s hear it how wrong I am. I know it’s coming.

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To, Kit, Old Man and Bill, quit smirking, I out-age you all (92 in March) and I think this current Court is the worst ever. I'm so sorry for the three honorable ladies who have to sit on it. Jackson, Kagan, and Sotomayor.

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Fay, sharp as a tack or better than that:-) And as for robbing Roberts and the other 5 injustices, their karma smells bad already.

What comes around goes etc….

Meanwhile, Salut to you:-)

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Thank you for you kind words, much appreciated

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Wow! My hat is off to you!

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Same. 71. And it's plenty old enough to feel this loss of trust in SCOTUS legitimately!

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Kit, Sadly, I share your view at 82 years old!

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And I share your view at 79 years old.

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Susan, it seems this collection of older wise people know the truth that our SC has gone off the deep end and cares little for the results of their bad decisions. and there is no sign that they plan to change course any time soon. Anyone who thought Trump was picking justices who would give a damn about them (unless rich, white, straight and male) was not paying attention.

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I’m 84, and in my lifetime, I always respected the court, but no longer do I feel that way. This court has disrespected all of us in the tfg’s immunity decision. He is not, nor should he be, above the law.

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I'm a mere whippersnapper of 67, but I too have become disillusioned about the Supremes. I have the additional vantage point of having practiced law for nearly 30 years, a portion of the work involving Supreme Court practice. When decisions have no footing in otherwise long-standing doctrine, no matter the subject, the law truly becomes arbitrary and capricious.

On that point, a quote from "A Man for All Seasons" comes to mind:

>> And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ’round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man’s laws, not God’s! And if you cut them down, and you’re just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake!

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Seems there are a lot of elders out here who have lost faith in the rule of law. Beyond sad for what has been a country the world envied.

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I think people have not lost faith in the rule of law. They have lost faith in those who were selected, and who took an oath, to administer the rule of law at the highest level in the country. And you're right, the state of our Supreme Court is beyond sad right now.

If Democrats can get a "triple header" in this upcoming election, we have a chance to do something about these shameless, embarrassingly inadequate and corrupt Republican judges distorting our laws for their own personal gain. I have hope!

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Yes, 75 and in despair.

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🧨🧨🧨🧨 DON'T MISS THIS!!! 💥💥💥💥💥

Just for fun, watch a cat punch DonOLD in the nose. In the middle of a Lincoln project video! 🐈🐱🐈🐱🐈 A real cat. Must see to believe! 🐈🐱🐈🐱🐈


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I've seen this before. It's wonderful!!

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Just viewed it — it’s great!

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‘Only’ 70 years here, but in 100% agreement. Totally discouraged, no faith.

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And I, at 71 years old. Corrupt through and through.

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Also 83 and same here.

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Same here, at 86.

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78 years and right there with you.

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Joyce: please discuss the various constitutional ways to expand the Court to 12?

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Please, and explain why Biden didn't do it. 13 would match the number of courts next rung down. The excuse that the GOP would then increase it some more is nonsense. a revised court would overturn all the gerymandering and voter deregistering the GOP depends on.

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Please explain how to expand the Court to 12

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Me too.

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While my faith was never high, because of the sexism and racism of the courts, I would agree that my faith is only in the fact that we need to hold this court of criminals, namely the criminals in the court, accountable.

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I have no faith that the Robert’s Court will ever do the right thing. If it does, it’s a fluke.

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And they don't get that if they help tRump steal the election, their futures are in jeopardy when he turns on them. Dr Ruth Ben-Ghiat: "This lack of care towards those who have served him faithfully has apparently not been fully understood by GOP elites such as Lee, who are still out there flogging away for their leader. One day they will understand that all their efforts on Trump’s behalf have earned them no goodwill. With the strongman, loyalty must be proven every day, because his ego and his mania to control everyone and everything demand it."


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There will eventually be no safe haven for many of these elites on any given day if we lose our democracy. They have already opened a door for him to walk through, leaving them unable to now draw a line that he cannot cross and still maintain their elite status. Like the men in Afghanistan who are now being forced to wear approved clothing, monitored to attend religious services regularly, and grow their facial hair to a minimum specific length, they will say ‘if we had known they would come after us, we would have stood for the women as their rights were being taken away.’

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I often wonder if their (Supreme Court) futures would be in jeopardy. The six catholics seem to agree with everything trumps does. We will have to wait and watch their next move. 😉

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Makes me wonder about being a Catholic when looking at least 4 out of the six. Almost enough to make me abandon the religion.

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We're heading for a theocracy. I abandoned the church a long time ago because I see the Inquisition coming and it won't be pretty. The flagellants are carrying AR's this time. The conservatives on the Supreme Court in their backrooms approve the return of Old Time Religion. The corruption in the Republican party is ripe.

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I agree with you

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Another under-the-radar move by the Catholic Church is the acquisition of hospitals and clinics. Healthcare should NOT be subject to religion. Abortion IS healthcare!

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Next it will be the ‘safety net programs’ Social Security, Medicare Public Schools, you name it it’s on the chopping block.

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Extremely well said!

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Note the article in “The Intercept” today (10/26/2024) by Shawn Musgrave: « The untold link between Justice Alito and Trump’s election-denying efforts ». This was also featured in a YouTube blog “LegalAF - Court Accountability Action”, featuring Alex Aronson & Lisa Graves: « Justice Alito caught in new scandal ?!? ». Articles like these reveal the bias on the Supreme Court, & a picture into the inner workings of the corrupt Justices. They cannot be trusted to rule fairly as they obviously are writing law that adheres to their religious beliefs.

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It’s more than religion. They use “god” to justify racism, elitism, and the patriarchy. All religions are misogynistic, and the more orthodox they get the more stratified it gets. The 6 “conservatives “ believe they are special people, the blessed kind who should rule the world. They feel they are joined by a few other very wealthy Christians. The real “god” of their ideology is money, and the power it can bring. The “Freedom “ in America is the freedom to make and keep as much money as you can, any way you can.

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Also, Franco of Spain, a white Catholic Nationalist fascist who murdered hundreds of thousands of his countrymen during the civil war, and also assisted the Nazis. He harassed, abducted, tortured, executed or exiled any who resisted him. His is an example of the cruelty and self deception of the self righteous running a decades long theocratic dictatorship...he reigned from 39-75 and Spain suffered from underdevelopment and is still a poor cousin in the EU. We could have MAGA stealing America blind for the next quarter century if they win.

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Mark Martin, the conduit, now Dean of High Point School of Law, who is implicated with Alito. https://theintercept.com/2024/10/02/mark-martin-trump-overturn-election/

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Thanks for sharing this article. I had to give my email to get in, but I may end up liking the intercept.

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Again, there's Vance projecting by claiming Mexicans are bringing guns into the US when it's the other way around! Same for Trump saying Biden isn't sending FEMA help to red counties!! They always project what they do or are about. I can't wait for a blue wave in 4 weeks! 💙🗳💙🗳

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I want to clarify something about Skrmetti. NO ONE can get surgery under 18. They CAN have hormones. They can legally/socially change gender before being 18. Not everyone even has top and or bottom surgery. Signed, psychologist/auntie of a badass trans kiddo.

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People can get surgery under 18 of their parents support it, can't they?

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NO reputable doctor would. They can have HORMONES to supress puberty and help with that process. Check out the John Stewart episodes where he talks about this or read a good book about the process.

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Please explain to me why the Supreme Court is wasting its time on the Daley case. Or that anyone still gets Columbus Day off. Give the Indigenous their own day and take Columbus Day away from everyone. Thank you...

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Thank you for being our favorite legal eagle, keeping us well informed.

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Well, I am still driving on the end of my vacation, though I don't think of it as a vacation for me so much as I've driving close to 6,000 miles in the past 17 days plus tomorrow. I'm TIRED. Thanks for explaining the first court cases coming up in front of SCOTUS. My biggest fear is that untold millions of poorly equipped people who somehow think trump cares about them are going to put him back on the golf courses for over 400 more times over the next 4 yrs, all while he gives us ALL the hose. I continue to donate to about 30 or so Dem candidates, but hate being inundated with the constant begging for more money from me on a daily basis. Heck, I just realized last night that trump or his cronies FINALLY think I must be deceased since I've never replied to any of his people's pleas for me to send trump money. I've only received 1 in the time I've been on this vacay. I did take the time to order a Tee Shirt from the Lincoln Project that says on the front: "Mind your own damn business!" Tim Walz. I'll wear it proudly back in College Station, TX. I will go through training to help voters again as I did 2 yrs ago. I love Marc Elias, in a platonic way. I yield back my time.

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Doesn’t the memo from Chief Justice Roberts violate the long standing practice of not discussing the case until there’s a face to face conference of all justices, and the first to speak is always the newest justice? That’s how it was explained to me as a first year law student eons ago, and I thought it made a lot of sense. If the Chief goes first, of course other justices will feel some pressure to agree.

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Of course it does. But as of this moment the SCOTUS has no specific ethics rules nor if they did would there be a way to enforce them. That's another thing you can thank Chief Justice Roberts for.

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This time, the Special Prosecutor should move on paper and orally that Justice Thomas recuse himself from all cases in which Trump is a named party due his most outrageous and egregious conflict of interest. His refusal to do so would be the death knell for the integrity of the Court.

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They need to be removed

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Frankly, I think we've gotten to a place in which engaged citizenship demands that we agitate for court reform. These guys (and their lady friend) are enacting their political desires and calling it law. It's not. It's a set of right-wing obsessions that strengthen oligarchy and patriarchy. And that's not where the majority of us are going ...

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My confidence in the Supreme Court is gone. So ashamed of these people. Are they actually citizens of the USA? I never believed that the Court should have its numbers increased, but I certainly do now. I hope Harris wins, Congress and Senate turn blue, and we get this done, get rid of the garbage!

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Once again, thank you Joyce, for this Master Class in issues of the law. I have completely lost faith in the supreme court (no capitals, they don't deserve the honorific). I have always believed in the integrity of the institutions of democracy, and it is painful, shocking -- and frightening! -- to witness the current corruption of this court.

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I'll be glad to let them have their capitals as long as we insert an R: SCROTUS. Maybe the R stands for reprehensible. Any other ideas?

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I enjoy reading every word you write! It clarifies what is pending on the legal front and shares my great fear of the loss of the rule of law.

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Thank you Joyce. I’ve been waiting for your response to The NY Times reporting on Roberts.

It is so important that Dems win across the board in November. That’s the only way we can get some sort of reforms for the Supreme Court. The situation is dire enough to add to the court I believe.

We also must win by large margins so there’s less of a chance of shenanigans. Or it going to the court.

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Three observations here:

First, I’ve often thought that once Trump got his three right wing nominees into SCOTUS, Chief Justice Roberts would be freed up yo go partisan. After all, he was the author in Citizens United that gave PACs the gift of free dark money.

Second: If a corrupt president nominates, are those nominees not corrupt, too?

Third, if SCOTUS can ignore precedence at will, is that a precedent lower courts can refer to?

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I agree with you about Roberts and Citizens United. I remember so well my surprise, when the group began under Reagan in 1982, hearing my (very perceptive) Dad say, "there goes our democracy". Tragically, he was correct.

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I do believe it’s important for every citizen and resident in the United States to understand the importance of cases in Cours in America from criminal, civil, municipal, district courts throughout leading up thru the appellate divisions on up to the Supreme Court. But affects us all. Thank you Joyce. PS Chicken pictures when you get time

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