
A salute to Jimmy Carter!!!!

And to you too, Joyce!

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Ms Carroll - I salute you! Your bravery and perseverance are an inspiration to us all!

Roe, Roe, Roe the Vote!!!

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Jimmy Carter! I've heard he is willing himself to stay alive to vote for Kamala! 👍❤️

My question for Joyce: If former President Carter early votes during GA's early voting window of 15 OCT to 1 NOV, does he have to be alive on 5 NOV, Election Day, for his vote to count?

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Unless the GA law has changed (not that this would ever happen, and just before an election, right?), the state's secrecy rules don't allow rejecting a ballot when a voter dies before Election Day. This varies across the states but, as a practical matter, it is hard to retrieve ballots from people who have died between casting their votes and Election Day. Once the absentee ballot has been verified and removed from the envelope for counting, the ballot cannot easily be re-traced to the voter.

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NC is different then. Obits are checked daily from what I’ve gathered and previously counted ballots are removed from the count.

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If you coujd retrieve and remove the ballot of a newly deceased person, wouldn’t that mean that the person(s) doing so would know how the deceased person voted?

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Only if the ballots are challenged before Election Day, as I understand. There is a formal process election officials have to go through to reject a ballot.

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Of course, all disagreeable votes (i.e., Democratic ones) will be challenged, and then suppressed?to the maximum extent possible. In NC, a key Nixon/Reagan playground, and originator of the “Reagan Southern Strategy”.

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That is good to know.

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That is so funny!

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

And good for you, Jean. Seeing Trump and his smarmy lawyers in action with you as their target was revolting and dispiriting. The only good side was seeing you stand up and be brave and fight for the truth to be in the public eye.

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Jean, When I learned that you are coming forward to help out Stormy, tears of joy came to my eyes. When women momentum and power is unleashed......it will never be stopped!!!

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I can’t wait till the day you collect. Champagne corks will pop.

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I just don’t have a good feeling about this election. There is wholesale manipulation of voting suppression taking place. I just hope that enough of these MAGA supporters wake up and understand the menacing evil that are supporting and change at the ballot box.

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I’m not counting them to snap out of their trump induced trance but I am counting on enough women, men who love and care for them and young people along with all the republicans who didn’t swallow his Kool Aid and who have recognized the danger he poses to get out and overwhelm all the bad that we’re seeing now and make it ineffective. Trump can’t suppress everyone.

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You need a big dose of Hopium. Go to Hopium Chroncles, by Simon Rosenberg right here on Substack. Full of great info, opportunities to help, and yes, lots of joyful hope.

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On line review of Kamala tonight in Nevada..........packed house!!!

19 minutes ago

She's like ..not just THE rockstar, ....she's a SUPERSTAR! .....MOTHER AMERICA!!! Madame President, thank you!!!

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Is it not true that many democracy loving lawyers will be getting of the "couch"........to be on the front lines protecting the right to vote??

People are now aware of 2025. Kamala Harris gets stronger and stronger.........her talk tonight in Nevada was a gem.

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Go Gurl ! ! !

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It's infuriating that our justice system allows years of delays for wealthy Orange criminals, yet won't delay the execution of a man who has more evidence of his innocence than trump does. Thank you for your expertise, Joyce, but I wish you could do a better job of convincing us that we have a fair judicial system in this country. 🙃

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Kris, I agree. What happened with the execution was a travesty.

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I pray that Democrats have - somewhere - an aggressive campaign, and a lot of smart lawyers, to counter what we already know will be repuglican messing with election results. This is hardball, folks. We know what is coming and must be prepared. Never again a Supreme Court choosing a president.

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Marc Elias and Democracy Docket will be all over it.

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I agree with what you are saying, and fervently hope that the Dems have a strong defense to the rethug lies and subversion

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I have a legal question for you and your ‘panels.’

It seems to be that the Trumpublicans are creating a series of blockages in state voting mechanisms, including in critical Georgia.

My concern is that they could seek to delay submission of ‘certified’ votes until after the deadline for the Electoral College.

My understanding that if a presidential candidate does not gain a majority (270), then eventually the presidential election is up to the House. With a single vote per state, the Republicans would be certain to elect Trump, were Harris not to have received at least 270 votes. [Under such circumstances, the vice presidency would be decided in the Senate.]

What are the legal remedies, were state Trumpublicans to hold back certified votes until after the formal meeting of the Electoral College? Is there any legal basis for delaying the official account until all states submit their results? [The presidency was decided in the House in 1824, when there was a three-way clash with the issue coming down to Jackson/John Quincy Adams.]

How might this imbroglio be treated judiciously? I remember the brouhaha when the Supreme Court ‘revolved’ the 2000 Bush/Gore Florida situation in a disputed decision that they underscored was not to serve as a precedent.

Were this Electoral College imbroglio to work its way through the courts, I strongly believe that the Supreme Court, which already has decided in a favorable manner for Trump, would maintain this judicial bias.

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The right wing attorney general of GA is siding with the Democrats. https://www.alternet.org/georgia-election-board-2668986990/

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There are mechanisms in place to ensure elections are certified. Certification is a mandatory process, not an optional one. Some states have specific statutes that outline a process to follow if a local official won’t certify an election. In Michigan, for example, the state law allows state election officials to take over certification at the local level if a local official refuses to certify. In other states, the courts can step in, at the request of a voter, candidate, or another state official. The process, known as a writ of mandamus, involves a court legally compelling a government official — in this case, an election official — to fulfill their duties, like certifying an election. This, of course, doesn't mean rogue election officials won't try to throw a monkey wrench into the process and there may, in fact, be some delays because of this malfeasance, but the only election date etched in stone is Jan. 20 when the incumbent president's and vice president's terms end.

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The question I have is about when the dispute would go to the house. Would it be in November or would it be after January 3 when the new house is seated?

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After the new House is seated. And if a president has not yet been selected by the time their term ends on Jan. 20, the Speaker would be named temporary president per succession rules.

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Thank you, Dale. I feel better. Especially if the house turns blue.

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Doesn’t matter: In such an event, each House delegation/state gets one vote. If this happens DonOld will win.

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Yes, probably, but not the question I answered.

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Likely a J6 redux until we have 1 person 1 vote.

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I feel that I just threw a spitball in what most folks thought was a well-regulated baseball game.

It’s a well-considered warning. Trump and his sycophants can’t win honestly. Once we focus on his game, we can win—just as spitballs were uncovered and penalized.

They are going low—-we must go high and legal and effectively counter their spitballs.

That’s what my America is all about—-and YOURS!

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Yay, libras! Thanks, Joyce, you're doing such a service in these times!

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Joyce, you are so busy. I will be watching you with Marc Elias and Maya Wiley on Tuesday, October 8. Do you ever schedule some rest?

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Thanks so much for all the updates. It seems like a full week. My hope is that Mark Meadows and any other lackey of don-old not have their case moved to federal court. It’s been filed fifteen months ago. Delay much!

I hope Smartmatic receives a huge amount of money and that it will serve as a warning to those that want to go down that road.

Tuesday is a momentous day with the VP debate. A solid Walz win would be a nice tribute for former President Jimmy Carter’s hundredth birthday.

We just have to keep pushing forward and not be complacent. Continue to donate and work hard for Democracy. And remember to Vote and vote early if you can. BLUE up and down the ballot. Let’s hear it for a BLUE 🌊 ! Signed up for next Sunday’s call.

As you say, “We’re in this together!”

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I would be very surprised if Walz did not win that debate hands down. Vance hasn't got the brains or the skills to win. IMO.

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I agree wholeheartedly with you Susan

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This is a bit off topic but wondering what the hurricane will have on the election? It won’t be a top priority on many people’s minds. North Carolina & Georgia are so in play. Any thoughts?

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IMHO your question is right on point. People in the path of Hurricane Helene have lost lives; had their homes swept away with all their documents, electronics, clothing, furniture, appliances, vehicles, etc.; and due to bridges, roads, power lines, and cell towers being destroyed, many are isolated with no way in or out, other than by air, and with very limited communication. Many other people are consumed with worry for their loved ones and/or are the helpers engaged in rescue, recovery, and repair operations.

Food, shelter, and physical safety are basic needs. Voting is not likely to be at the top of their minds. Anderson Clayton was working hard to engage the North Carolina Democratic Party to get out the vote everywhere across the state, including previously neglected rural and college communities in western NC—which has suffered some of the worst devastation.

Our support is both humane for the near term and important for the long term—hearts and minds.

Jessica Craven of “Chop Wood, Carry Water” raised the question today and crowd-sourced good resources for helping:


North Carolina has a centralized state agency to collect and distribute donations to vetted aid organizations:


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For starters regarding direct impact, Washington County, Virginia ended early voting on Friday morning, 9/27/24, due to the severe weather emergency:


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If this were election eve, big problem, but now just a problem for campaigners.

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Joyce, do you think that these loopholes or technicalities or whatever they are in the law are fair? Would you change them if you could? It seems to me that they just allow wealthy and tricky people to evade justice but I am not a lawyer and can't judge them in any sort of context. I would love it if you could address this issue sometime. Thank you!!

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Joyce Vance -- We are in this together!

You are exhausted.

Rest up.

You deserve to spoil yourself a little. Or maybe a lot.

We love chicken, chick, egg, kitty and German shepherd stories. Give us video and tell us little stories from the coup that really stand in like Mediaeval morality plays for the state of play in politics and the law. WE LOVE THEM.

You may rest, and we will NOT feel left out.

Rest and send us more cheer from the coup . . .

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Armand, I agree with you, but I think you really meant coop (as in chicken coop), not Jan 6 coup attempt…

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Is there going to be an entire week during which we don't have to see, hear, read, or look at the image of this fucking Donald motherfucking Trump?

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After January 21, 2025. Then only trial news. And perhaps Melonie’s divorce filing.

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SMARTMATIC did settle with OAN after jury selection was underway. The settlement is not "secret" but, it is confidential under a settlement agreement which is nothing other than a contract.

In Court pre-trial statements by SMARTMATIC's attorneys over a week ago indicates Smartmatic was going to "blackboard" OVER $350 Million dollars in lost business "opportunities" as confirmed by the AP. Add prejudgment at the legal rate & we are talking something in the range of $400 Million but, that number could be lower. Actual damages can be calculated by Smartmatic's damage evidence submitted in other cases still pending.

Smartmatic may have a viable punitive damage claim against other defendant(s) still pending.

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As Joyce has pointed out several times before here, the forces of democracy have not sat on their hands, nor will they when the ballots are actually being counted this time around, and simply engage in wishful thinking. The lessons of the 2020 election are still too raw to somehow ignore.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Joyce - thank you for the link to the votes for the CR. Among the senate horribles voting "nay" and/or not voting at all, JD Vance, Tom Cotton, Rand Paul., Mike Lee, and the ever inspiring Marsha Blackburn. You're known by the company you keep. What a waste of space those senators are.


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Thanks for sharing the link, Joyce. You are doing an incredible, deeply appreciated service here at Civil Discourse.

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Exciting week ahead. Get some rest when you can. Excellent news about events planned. I'm most excited about VP Debate chat and Sunday call.

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