Could you/would you every now and then suggest people contact their representatives on the hill…bot Senate and Congress. It only takes a few people contacting to make their person pay attention. Like 8 or 10! Strange but true. Thanks.
Both of mine are Democrats in a state that voted for Trump...Mark Kelly and Rueben Gallego. We need to find those Republicans that still believe their oath is to the Constitution! Thanks for all u do!
Of course, but as a Representative, he doesn't have the same authority he will have regarding Trump appointments until after he is sworn in to the Senate.
In CT after Sandy Hook, I joined buses to the Capital to lobby senators and congressmen to pass gun laws and well, you know what happened. The gun industry won. But we must persevere.
I need to remember that. I have all republican senators and a rep. I wrote one letter to the rep; he is a new one, and the response incensed me. It was about keeping the internet discount in place, and his response was the typical line about all the money the government spends, and we must draw a line. So, all the people it helped who could not afford high-speed internet before and the benefit it provided them means nothing. It had a snarky, hateful tone, so I lost my desire to correspond with him anymore. One of my senators replied to some letters with more comity, so that wasn't a bust. They still don't feel the need to do much, as it seems clear they have gerrymandered their way into choosing their voters instead of how it is supposed to be. I need to come to the understanding it is still essential. I am not there yet.
I live in AOCs district. It’s great but there’s nothing I can do to change the minds of your reps. If they ‘re going to listen to anyone who disagrees with them, it has to be a constituent.
Cleaning out and purging old files I found several letters from Newt Gingrich of all people, when he was my rep in response to my cause du jour. Thoughtful and polite responses to my concerns and promises to follow up, and he did. I guess civility is long gone, at least on my end it is.
Under this coming administration, look for them to restrict communication channels like the internet and social media. They want to control the dialogue to control the masses and limit dissenting voices.
(202) 224-3121. You can ask to be transferred to any office . Tell them the name of the person or tell them your state, and you want to speak with your Senator or Representative.
I know the feeling! However what helped me to continue writing was the realization that writing helped to manage MY rage, organize my thoughts and arguments about issues important to me. I found that insight to be beneficial to me. Keep trying…
Yes, this is so important!! When we can manage our rage, we can produce some very thoughtful letters! I have shared what I have written thus far with some folks who are able to use some of my verbiage for their own writing.
I also live in a republican state, and I try to call my Republican senators and Congressman every weekday, (I tend to call after hours wheteI can leave a voicemail or I send emails) just to be the squeaky wheel. I just take a cursory look if they do happen to respond to me.
But you can only influence your own representatives. It’s very valuable for you to contact your representatives. Me contacting AOC is just not that important or my senators. They’re all fine. I can cheer them on but they’re all doing the right things already. It is very a very hopeless feeling in the blue states.
Andrea, As someone who lives in the only state where Harris/ Walz won every district, I can confirm that Indivisible’s updated Guide largely speaks to communities from the 15 Democratic trifecta states about using our constituent power as part of a nationwide effort to resist the infiltration of MAGA thinking into our states and communities. Additionally, I would note that none of us can, nor should we, expect our elected officials exclusively to carry the weight of resisting at every turn freedoms and rights that are in peril. For more on Indivisible, visit
Yes. I belong to my local Indivisible chapter, City Island Indivisible. AOC is interesting in this regard. She stays “out there” supporting the progressive agenda because, as she explains, she can and not all the Democratic representatives can (and get re-elected). But she’s also a pragmatist and wants progress more than perfection. She gets a lot of flak from the local adamant far left if she votes or takes any position that doesn’t pass their purity test. Personally, I trust her judgment on just how much she can get in negotiations.
Andrea, I had a conversation with a friend about our reps just yesterday. I am, so far, in a reliably blue state. For me, it will be as important to send supportive notes for positive actions as it will be to communicate about issues on which I disagree. Our Democratic reps are going to be dealing with an unbelievable rash of s*** and I want them to know they are appreciated.
Yes, I agree. I was hesitant to contact my reps as two of them are JD Vance and Bernie Moreno. Jess Craven advised me to not be afraid to contact these people even if I just called after hours. She said as long as I gave my full name, address (zip code) then the call would still be registered. So Now I am calling.
Joyce Vance, I feel this is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT LETTERS you’ve created. The problem in MA is being such a blue state now many of my own family are feeling ‘safe and secure’. And they’re highly educated. I’ve said, ‘just start by doing one thing a day’ ie call Sen Markey or Warren, or Seth Moulton.’ For those born in the 40s, who haven’t been active politically it’s time to ‘practice practice’ building political muscles. I know this all too well myself! Thank you thank you Joyce Vance.
It must be so hard to live where Tommy Tuberville and Katie Britt are the torch carriers for your citizenry. Tuberville's famous holds on military promotions managed to do more harm to our country's safety than most actual external enemies.
Don’t expect support… think “educate’ through constant repetition. Someone in their office is credited w the phone & internet (email, etc)responsibility.
Once a day or more someone reports incoming to a staffer above them… keep these dedicated Republicans talking amongst themselves.. might just wake someone up !
Good point, Carol! Thanks. An important tactic to keep in mind. Quite a few folks working for Maga politicians turned because they came to see things through the eyes of non-Maga constituents. That includes some of Trump's people, who then gave us an inside view of what was going on behind the scenes.
Well, they are supposed to represent all their people, not just the ones who voted for them. Tffg and his minions take an oath which they should be paying attention to. Contacting them is important to let them know there are still people with brains in their states and they might lose the next election.
Everyone could practice today. Call Schumer's office and ask him as Majority leader to bring the Press Act to a vote NOW. I dare you. Take an action to protect our free press. All info available on the internet
Agree! I have a wonderful representative (Frankel) but my Senators are Rubio & Scott. My governor is DeSantis. GOP implements bad policy & bad legislation & then turns deaf ear to the 40%+ of Democrats here in Florida.
To quote you, Joyce: “Trump persists. So we must be even more persistent”
My state and Washington congress critters are MAGA republicans as well. I still write although I suspect it falls on deaf ears. I do write Letters to the Editor quite frequently and have never had one turned down. Carry on…
I wrote to Biden urging to stop providing Israel with bombs to be dropped on the very Gazans we proclaim we want to aid and three months later I received an email thanking me for my concern about the Supreme Court….
As someone who used to work in a Congressional office answering and tabulating mail, I keep repeating here that "it's the numbers that count." The staff will report back to the Congress-person that the office recieved "X letters in favor of a policy and Y letters opposing." Your extensive and persuasive arguments count for nothing Of course it helps if you're a constituent.
Thnx for phone reminder. Lots of folks prefer… use whatever means that suit your msg’ing !
Start now if time permits & fit the
‘Practice’ into your personal schedule ~ Help our DEMOCRACY stay alive through the coming days-weeks- months-years… our families & friends deserve to live as millions of us have, in the promise guaranteed by our Constitution 🇺🇸
Both Senators and rep, all MAGA, including Scott who wanted to be Senate Majority Leader, make my influence nil. They look at my blue county residence, and ... I’ve tried and been rebuffed before—like Kathy J.
Convicted Medicaid thief Scott and Mario Rubio that showed up in the Senate less than any Senator are full on liars and MAGA! I send letters but they are against all working Americans and full on for stealing our tax dollars, giving breaks to wealthy billionaires and corporations , gerrymandering their way to win elections, take away healthcare benefits, implement preexisting conditions, destroy Medicare, Medicaid , and Social Security that Americans paid into and placing the tax burden on working Americans!
Ck out IndyMarin or Indivisible Marin — one of oldest organizing YEAR ROUND FOR DECADES…
Get online & phone or text .. talk w/real person & get new ideas, direction, useful post election energy is USEFUL ENERGY .. they’ll guide your thinking/planning/organizing ANYWHERE in our democracy!
I've been doing that regularly, Ledra, and also my Governor, Assemblyman. But I live in California so naturally my Congressman, Senators and State Government leaders (except my Senator) are all Democrats and so very responsive.
I keep notes going to my CA Reps & Senators just to cheer them on.. DC and the denizens of Trumps Oval Office will be running in circles for awhile misinforming their individual staff and their voters… it’s our joy to educate when possible..
Keep in mind that staffers are the first to read correspondence so include them politely in your writing. I recently wrote email to my congressman and his office replied within a week.
I think we're going to have to find a smarter, steadier way of holding democracy together than what we've done before. Responding vs reacting. T's whole schtick is to be shocking. We need to dig in to policies but stop flipping out. Put together programs, policies, law suits, and coalitions and stop clutching our pearls. I'd like the media to focus more on what we can do rather than the sensational garbage. Not that we won't duly note what happens, but we have to stay strong and not get sucked into the chaos. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is still our president, and we should tell him what we want for Christmas: safeguard democracy.
Deb Pierce McCabe see, Heather Cox Richardson's post on Barack Obama's's speech on a different kind "pluralism" grounded on the Federalist Papers circa 1788. But, updated to the fast moving now:
Make connections with "others", make adhesive coalitions & forge alliances. Change in praxis required now.
Thanks for coming up with specifics. I have been in denial about the election and I am dealing with breast cancer. I need to find something to do instead of writing to my Congressmen. The media are owned by the mega-millionaires and will kowtow to T.
As a nurse, I appreciate your desire to be involved and help; nonetheless, I believe your priority needs to be to fight the cancer; do the things you enjoy and leave politics for those who are not battling a serious illness. You must be quite a remarkable woman!
I agree. I can't speak for Elaine, but I can for myself. That is exactly why I keep looking for the things I CAN do, because it is all our small actions that provide the foundation for the larger effort- and because it helps me feel that despite my health issues, I am still part of the world and of this democracy. It is a very positive tool,
I'd like to see a coalition of independent journalists like Joyce Vance and Heather Cox Richardson, Robert Reich and Scott Dworkin help organize a live-action confirmation hearing, with or without the senate. Invite the nominees, but don't count on them coming. Air the information that we already have.
Let’s hope the marathon is shorter, how about two years when everyone figures out they have been conned and send a clear message to Trump and cronies that the BS stops now and we finally get back to sanity. If Syria can do it….
In the end, all sides have been bad sides as far as life for the people is concerned.
Just read in Matt Stoller's Substack Big, that we have military in 140 countries. He was taking it from the Secretary of Defense's X post.
I also read that China is way more prepared militarily than the US yesterday in the Pacific region because it has made that its focus and they have a much more capable navy.
We are clearly spread too thin. So, is Syria where we should have been, should be? Not sure. We are losing the battle against extremists. One thing we should be working on is policies that make it less easy for these groups to recruit youth. That might be a good place to put that money, is decreasing recruiting of youth into terrorist organizations. Don't know what that is exactly, but it has to do with poverty and hopelessness, so something to think about globally.
I guess being a member of the silent generation i should be grateful that we lived through some of the best times in this country; indeed, who would have thought that the last few years of our lives would be spent fighting for what we took for granted, living fat dumb and happy, trusting that our elected reps would always be ethical, honest, and stick to the unwritten rules of trust we always expected.. Amazing how one nobody from new york could destroy all that, and waste over an entire decade of america’s history..
At 65yrs I've never been fat dumb and happy. Murders of JFK MLK RFK, Vietnam, the criminality of Nixon, Reagan, Bush, 911, market crashes and the ability to live a Middle Class life destroyed by Raeganomics then the sadistic psychopath and its followers. Rich pp rule this country and destroy the possibility of a healthy planet and a normal healthy life for anyone who is not upper middle class or richer. Being politically active is a privilege reserved for those who have discretionary income and live within a connected and protected community. We are certainly all in this together but most definitely do not experience the same consequences.
People experiencing dementia may not know they've got it, and Trump is especially vulnerable to this.
Something that's missing in this conversation is that people experiencing the onset of dementia are often unaware of it. Trump is so used to lying to get his way that he's more likely to not notice that he's got his facts wrong. And because of his narcissistic grandiosity, he feels entitled to assert with confidence what he believes to be true. With his longstanding inability to maintain consistent attention, he's used to dismissing feedback. We're about to be led by a president who's losing his mind and whose character flaws rendered him unfit before any dementia effects may have occurred. And now, his followers must pass a loyalty test to be empowered.
Welcome to 1933, America. Compare Trump’s insanity-laced tirades with Hitler’s — highly recommend Peter Fritzsche’s HITLER’S FIRST HUNDRED DAYS. It reads like a description of Trump’s likely moves….
I haven't read my old schoolmate Peter Fritsche's book, I am in Germany and also know of Hitler's first 100 days. When I first compared Trump to Hitler in a Substack a few years ago, another person accused me of trivializing what Hitler had done by making the comparison. One can compare without saying people are exactly alike. However, there are similar things in what Trump says he intends to do with what Hitler did. I have since read Project 2025, and while Americans who are in this reading group with me are reading now about democracy and discussing how we can protect ours, everyone is exhausted and disappointed. It takes its toll. I don't know how people can sustain themselves in the 4 years to keep up the fight. It is a long time on top of the fight these past 4 years and the first 4 years of the Trump presidency. That is 12 years of fighting a fascist regime. It takes its toll.
I hope we can rise like the South Koreans are, but having so much of our Congress be Republican, and so many state governments are Republican as well, it seems like the deck is stacked. That is true of the Supreme Court. It is like a flood of bad legislators washing over the land.
I just got done watching The Palace, which is on PBS Passport. It is a German series set in 1989. In it twin sisters who have been born in East Berlin in 1961 are separated by the dad taking one of them and fleeing to the west. They accidentally meet 27 years later. While it does not have the amount of harassment by the state that some of the other series and films show, we still see the difference in freedom with one being walled in, the other getting to come in, but being subject to interrogations even though she has a visa.
This series shows what people who are part of a fascist machine look and behave like. I worry about the wall effect, because in essence that can happen to too many young women in the US, as states strive to trap pregnant women in their borders like East Germany did with their wall, and the rest of the Soviet Union did too. Also worry that we will be like them too, where the state spies on its own people. I had family in East Germany and I remember what that was like. I worry that it can happen in the US too.
Thanks for recommending The Palace. I am a fan of PBS. I finished watching The Diplomat and am looking forward to season 3 in the Fall. Trump has used Hitler’s phrases such as immigrants poisoning American’s blood. He is half a step away from setting up concentration camps. The states that outlawed pregnant women leaving the state to get an abortion and punished anyone who assists them are setting up a dystopian society. These are frightening times. Being in Germany gives you a unique perspective.
I am amazed by some of your insights. Comparison between Hitler and DJT, to me is an example of how so many people view DJT as someone to support and defend instead of being someone to object to and oppose and fear the objective of DJT and his supporters. DJT will be a cause for the failure of democracy of America. Both Canada and Mexico and China have shown that they don’t support DJT and his tariff plan is not an answer.
Thank you for sharing this horrible time in history and a comparison of what Americans are going to experience! I’m devastated , disappointed, disgusted, and disillusioned with the stupidity , ignorance, disrespect, and disregard for our wonderful Democratic Republic, our rule of law, Constitution, and and freedoms!
"When I first compared Trump to Hitler in a Substack a few years ago, another person accused me of trivializing what Hitler had done by making the comparison." More like trivializing tfg 🤬
And it’s seeing the light of day already in South Korea where the president/wanna be autocrat tried to declare martial law and sent the military into the legislature . Protests and cunning nimbleness by the legislators seems to have prevailed in public opinion favoring democracy for now but they couldn’t get the votes to impeach. Sound familiar? Oh yeah, echoes hitler’s henchmen in 1933 literally burning down the reichstag (legislative capitol building). We can have failures of imagination for q1 2025. Protests will be needed as well as legal actions and legislators with spines who stand up for the constitution. We must nonviolently stand strong
I think some very important things that need to happen are that the Democrats in the House and Senate: 1) come to some sort of agreement on national party priorities; 2) need to better articulate what has been done for working Americans (and America) under the Biden administration -- to serve as a contrast to the disasters that are likely under Trump; and 3) get new "ranking member" leadership in House and Senate committees.
“… but the issue is nuanced.” Not for Trump. Facts? Not for Trump? Rule of law? Ditto. Why interview at all? It suggests that Trump is mainstream … instead of beyond all reason. He’s on kids channel, not the adult one.
The country has not always been great. There is much in our history that makes me cringe but so far we’ve managed to come out on the right side. With the divide so deep I’m not optimistic.
Locals must lead. We can get involved with our local Indivisible Groups. I am attending. Brennan Center zoom this week. Mr. Russell and Mr. Snyder usually provide sound advice.
Is there some sort of a clearinghouse where people who have volunteer time/ skills/influence and money to contribute can be matched with needs?? It seems like such a patchwork quilt of efforts - yes the ACLU and immigrants groups will need to file lots of lawsuits to challenge trumps expected early barrage of exec orders, but who else? A friend is working with Indivisible, which I hear has a decent blueprint for action … not sure if move on is also geared up. Isn’t a clearinghouse something the DNC could be helping with as they reorganize? Help!!?? I’m looking for guidance on how best to plush in.
The vast majority of us are not experts in the political process or how to effectively engage as the resistance. We're going to need sophisticated and clever leaders to guide us in targeted action that will be meaningful in the coming 4 years. I'll keep my ears and eyes open for guidance.
So, what is our current president doing about this threat? After all, he has immunity for official acts. I must say that the silence is deafening. If those who actually could counter this threat cannot and/or will not act, what can we do? This administration has let this go on for 4 years now with no consequences for the major actors. It appears that Trump actually won in 2020 as he has been effectively running a not-so-shadow government since then. Barely a peep out of Biden. We are so screwed.
I disagree, Alexandra. President Biden has been going forward with bipartisan legislation that has helped the country economically. He has repaired our relationship with foreign allies, and has governed as a president should. The problem is that a tree that falls in the forest makes a great deal of noise, but a tree that stands makes none.
My point is: what has he done about the threat from within. None of those accomplishments matters come January 20. They will be undone. He has had four years to address this and yet nothing effective has been done. He especially had an opportunity to be ruthless after getting immunity via the supreme court ruling, yet still failed to act. I stand by my assessment. We are totally screwed.
Except SCOTUS did not mean for immunity to apply to anyone other than DJT. If Biden tried anything of what you're suggesting, a GOP lawsuit would be filed immediately and sent directly to SCOTUS. And you know how they would rule on such a lawsuit.
Speaking of shovels, I read in the NYTimes that Trump was taken to visit Arlington National Cemetery recently for the FIRST TIME EVER and when taken to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier he said, “They’re all suckers and losers”
It was in The NY Times. The man is unacceptable period
Biden does not have immunity, he wouldn’t unless the supreme court specifically rules that he has immunity, which it wont, they made it clear that they will only support trump as president being immune. You need to revisit the actual wording and message
The media unfortunately only makes time/space for Trump. So we are not made aware of the positive things that are continuing to occur in the present administration. President Biden believes in Democracy, therefore accepts that the incoming Trumpies were fairly elected by the people. What do folks imagine he could do?
Do you really think that Kamala Harris would have just stood by? Biden has far more evidence to put the fascists away than they have to imprison those that they say they are going to once they are in office. Of course, this should have been done years ago and especially once Trump was selected as the presidential candidate. And, I question whether this really was democracy at work after decades of extreme right wing propaganda funded by billionaires and going uncontested by the Democrats, who really did give up on their constituents by adopting neoliberal policies that hurt a lot of people - both working and middle class. Anyway, I think that we are well beyond the tipping point here and since Trump owns everything, including the legal system, good luck overturning anything he does. In my opinion, to turn this mess around at this point will very likely take a hot civil war with the opposition lucky enough to win against well-funded and well-armed right wing militias, police, and military.
I love this: "People who support democracy need to be every bit as prepared. Where should we start? We need to create a culture of participation, where everyone has to be involved in the fight to protect democracy from Donald Trump. It can’t be optional or up to someone else. No one can sit on the sidelines, whether that’s because they believe they are in a position of privilege where Trump won’t be able to harm them or because they are tired of it all."
So who is going to tell DJT that an Executive Order cannot override the Constitution or its amendments? He is doubling down, much like a six-year-old who knows he's wrong, but is too stubborn to admit it.
Sadly ironic that the father of the 14th Amendment enshrining the bedrock democratic principles of equal protection and due process was Ohio Republican John Bingham -- protections that will almost certainly be under attack directly by the incoming administration and its judicial arm, the Imperial Court. For example, in Demento's unhinged "Meet The Press" interview he said he plans to try to end birthright citizenship as guaranteed in 14A. Alito and Thomas have already put us on notice that they welcome an opportunity to do away with what they call the "made up" rights of contraception and same-sex marriage, as well as others guaranteed by 14A that they can get their judicial mitts on. Giving state house hacks the right to control women's bodies was only the beginning with the overturn of Roe (Dobbs).
Because Trump continues to lie outrageously and fabricate data and other propaganda, and his followers seem to absolutely believe it is the Democrats who are actually lying about everything (just look at what Trump followers post of Facebook and other sites), my concern/question is….what can we do about this problem? How do we strategize to help/convince people to recognize the truth and believe basic facts and real data? How do we rebuild trust in legitimate sources of information, data and facts?
Trumps policies will affect everyone. Once enacted his constituents will start realizing that they've been lied to or will blame the democrats which has always been in trumps playbook. Volunteering is a start. Food banks Elder Affairs etc. There are many groups that need help. You'll meet people that feel the same way that you do. Your not alone and you won't be alone.
That would need meeting organizers hard work and original thinking. Think of the outrageous and impossible then organize with others around the US and see how many feel the way we do. I bet there are lots of people who feel the way we do but are struggling to figure what is STEP ONE? How many others,specifically Republicans and Independents. Explore Democratic Leaders who work on a grassroots level to point the way to defeat DT and it will all take money and time, January is coming soon…
She can use all the help she can get and I believe it’s out there especially political Women’s groups. Why do women just wring their hands , when action is needed to keep this woman hater out of office. Sleep well if you can!!Debbie
Attention CAMELLA supporters
GO TO EVERY MALL DAY AND NIGHT to muster the “girl power” there for support.
Could you/would you every now and then suggest people contact their representatives on the hill…bot Senate and Congress. It only takes a few people contacting to make their person pay attention. Like 8 or 10! Strange but true. Thanks.
I recommend this frequently and do it frequently, even though both of my Senators are MAGA Republicans. We don't have to make it easy for them.
Both of mine are Democrats in a state that voted for Trump...Mark Kelly and Rueben Gallego. We need to find those Republicans that still believe their oath is to the Constitution! Thanks for all u do!
Well Ruben isn't sworn in yet, but I am more than thankful for both he and Mark Kelly.
Unless he’s resigned, he still is. As a representative.
Of course, but as a Representative, he doesn't have the same authority he will have regarding Trump appointments until after he is sworn in to the Senate.
In CT after Sandy Hook, I joined buses to the Capital to lobby senators and congressmen to pass gun laws and well, you know what happened. The gun industry won. But we must persevere.
I need to remember that. I have all republican senators and a rep. I wrote one letter to the rep; he is a new one, and the response incensed me. It was about keeping the internet discount in place, and his response was the typical line about all the money the government spends, and we must draw a line. So, all the people it helped who could not afford high-speed internet before and the benefit it provided them means nothing. It had a snarky, hateful tone, so I lost my desire to correspond with him anymore. One of my senators replied to some letters with more comity, so that wasn't a bust. They still don't feel the need to do much, as it seems clear they have gerrymandered their way into choosing their voters instead of how it is supposed to be. I need to come to the understanding it is still essential. I am not there yet.
Keep writing. Just don’t read the responses LOL
Try to get friends to write.
I live in AOCs district. It’s great but there’s nothing I can do to change the minds of your reps. If they ‘re going to listen to anyone who disagrees with them, it has to be a constituent.
Keep up the good fight!
Cleaning out and purging old files I found several letters from Newt Gingrich of all people, when he was my rep in response to my cause du jour. Thoughtful and polite responses to my concerns and promises to follow up, and he did. I guess civility is long gone, at least on my end it is.
Ugh! Newt…😡
I know, right, but at least he didn’t publicly speak about how dishonest and unAmerican his Democratic constituents are like my current rep.
I never even read Cornyn and Cruz’s responses.
Under this coming administration, look for them to restrict communication channels like the internet and social media. They want to control the dialogue to control the masses and limit dissenting voices.
To call them, use the Capitol switchboard:
(202) 224-3121. You can ask to be transferred to any office . Tell them the name of the person or tell them your state, and you want to speak with your Senator or Representative.
^^^^^ THIS!!! THIS!!! THIS!!! ^^^^^
Yes we must watch for this, but also plan for taking action to make others see it… protests??
I know the feeling! However what helped me to continue writing was the realization that writing helped to manage MY rage, organize my thoughts and arguments about issues important to me. I found that insight to be beneficial to me. Keep trying…
Yes, this is so important!! When we can manage our rage, we can produce some very thoughtful letters! I have shared what I have written thus far with some folks who are able to use some of my verbiage for their own writing.
My stuff gets shared and sent to other papers via other writers.
I also live in a republican state, and I try to call my Republican senators and Congressman every weekday, (I tend to call after hours wheteI can leave a voicemail or I send emails) just to be the squeaky wheel. I just take a cursory look if they do happen to respond to me.
But afterall, He's got to vote to keep Elon stay in the chips
But you can only influence your own representatives. It’s very valuable for you to contact your representatives. Me contacting AOC is just not that important or my senators. They’re all fine. I can cheer them on but they’re all doing the right things already. It is very a very hopeless feeling in the blue states.
Andrea, As someone who lives in the only state where Harris/ Walz won every district, I can confirm that Indivisible’s updated Guide largely speaks to communities from the 15 Democratic trifecta states about using our constituent power as part of a nationwide effort to resist the infiltration of MAGA thinking into our states and communities. Additionally, I would note that none of us can, nor should we, expect our elected officials exclusively to carry the weight of resisting at every turn freedoms and rights that are in peril. For more on Indivisible, visit
Yes. I belong to my local Indivisible chapter, City Island Indivisible. AOC is interesting in this regard. She stays “out there” supporting the progressive agenda because, as she explains, she can and not all the Democratic representatives can (and get re-elected). But she’s also a pragmatist and wants progress more than perfection. She gets a lot of flak from the local adamant far left if she votes or takes any position that doesn’t pass their purity test. Personally, I trust her judgment on just how much she can get in negotiations.
Andrea, I had a conversation with a friend about our reps just yesterday. I am, so far, in a reliably blue state. For me, it will be as important to send supportive notes for positive actions as it will be to communicate about issues on which I disagree. Our Democratic reps are going to be dealing with an unbelievable rash of s*** and I want them to know they are appreciated.
It’s important to let your MoCs and Senators know when they’re doing a good job.
Yes, I agree. I was hesitant to contact my reps as two of them are JD Vance and Bernie Moreno. Jess Craven advised me to not be afraid to contact these people even if I just called after hours. She said as long as I gave my full name, address (zip code) then the call would still be registered. So Now I am calling.
Joyce Vance, I feel this is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT LETTERS you’ve created. The problem in MA is being such a blue state now many of my own family are feeling ‘safe and secure’. And they’re highly educated. I’ve said, ‘just start by doing one thing a day’ ie call Sen Markey or Warren, or Seth Moulton.’ For those born in the 40s, who haven’t been active politically it’s time to ‘practice practice’ building political muscles. I know this all too well myself! Thank you thank you Joyce Vance.
It must be so hard to live where Tommy Tuberville and Katie Britt are the torch carriers for your citizenry. Tuberville's famous holds on military promotions managed to do more harm to our country's safety than most actual external enemies.
With Cruz and Cornyn as Texas senators I often feel why bother. I can’t really see them supporting people who don’t vote for them.
Don’t expect support… think “educate’ through constant repetition. Someone in their office is credited w the phone & internet (email, etc)responsibility.
Once a day or more someone reports incoming to a staffer above them… keep these dedicated Republicans talking amongst themselves.. might just wake someone up !
Good point, Carol! Thanks. An important tactic to keep in mind. Quite a few folks working for Maga politicians turned because they came to see things through the eyes of non-Maga constituents. That includes some of Trump's people, who then gave us an inside view of what was going on behind the scenes.
Well, they are supposed to represent all their people, not just the ones who voted for them. Tffg and his minions take an oath which they should be paying attention to. Contacting them is important to let them know there are still people with brains in their states and they might lose the next election.
Everyone could practice today. Call Schumer's office and ask him as Majority leader to bring the Press Act to a vote NOW. I dare you. Take an action to protect our free press. All info available on the internet
Agree! I have a wonderful representative (Frankel) but my Senators are Rubio & Scott. My governor is DeSantis. GOP implements bad policy & bad legislation & then turns deaf ear to the 40%+ of Democrats here in Florida.
To quote you, Joyce: “Trump persists. So we must be even more persistent”
My state and Washington congress critters are MAGA republicans as well. I still write although I suspect it falls on deaf ears. I do write Letters to the Editor quite frequently and have never had one turned down. Carry on…
Joyce: IT WAS PSY OPS. The opposition is Russia, a foreign power.
Go Army.
Think Rumania.
I wrote to Biden urging to stop providing Israel with bombs to be dropped on the very Gazans we proclaim we want to aid and three months later I received an email thanking me for my concern about the Supreme Court….
As someone who used to work in a Congressional office answering and tabulating mail, I keep repeating here that "it's the numbers that count." The staff will report back to the Congress-person that the office recieved "X letters in favor of a policy and Y letters opposing." Your extensive and persuasive arguments count for nothing Of course it helps if you're a constituent.
Please keep reposting responses like this. Part of our power is our voice.
Absolutely agree with this. Contact your representatives but also those you disagree with. DC and district office phone numbers are on-line.
Thnx for phone reminder. Lots of folks prefer… use whatever means that suit your msg’ing !
Start now if time permits & fit the
‘Practice’ into your personal schedule ~ Help our DEMOCRACY stay alive through the coming days-weeks- months-years… our families & friends deserve to live as millions of us have, in the promise guaranteed by our Constitution 🇺🇸
You need to be a constituent for them to pay attention. Really.
For the most part, I agree but the amount of calls received matters so if you have a strong reaction -positive or negative - to a vote/issue CALL.
Calling the Capitol Hill switchboard connects you with ANY office. (202) 224-3121
Excellent RESOURCE😉
Yes, of course. But the office will only count your opinion if you’re a constituent. (Perhaps your comment wasn’t actually a reply to my comment!)
Thank you! Just added to my contact list.
I live in Louisiana, and I do contact my senators....and I am just an empty voice in the dark. But I will persist.
My rep is full-on MAGA.
Both Senators and rep, all MAGA, including Scott who wanted to be Senate Majority Leader, make my influence nil. They look at my blue county residence, and ... I’ve tried and been rebuffed before—like Kathy J.
Convicted Medicaid thief Scott and Mario Rubio that showed up in the Senate less than any Senator are full on liars and MAGA! I send letters but they are against all working Americans and full on for stealing our tax dollars, giving breaks to wealthy billionaires and corporations , gerrymandering their way to win elections, take away healthcare benefits, implement preexisting conditions, destroy Medicare, Medicaid , and Social Security that Americans paid into and placing the tax burden on working Americans!
Can still push their oath is to the Constitution … pin prick … if they honor the American flag !!
They sure all wear their flag pins.
Ck out IndyMarin or Indivisible Marin — one of oldest organizing YEAR ROUND FOR DECADES…
Get online & phone or text .. talk w/real person & get new ideas, direction, useful post election energy is USEFUL ENERGY .. they’ll guide your thinking/planning/organizing ANYWHERE in our democracy!
Hearing a response may still push the needle.
My deepest and sincere condolĺences!
I've been doing that regularly, Ledra, and also my Governor, Assemblyman. But I live in California so naturally my Congressman, Senators and State Government leaders (except my Senator) are all Democrats and so very responsive.
I keep notes going to my CA Reps & Senators just to cheer them on.. DC and the denizens of Trumps Oval Office will be running in circles for awhile misinforming their individual staff and their voters… it’s our joy to educate when possible..
Cheering them on will mean a lot to these people!!! Thank you.
That's now my daily task, calling these people over and over and over.
Keep in mind that staffers are the first to read correspondence so include them politely in your writing. I recently wrote email to my congressman and his office replied within a week.
Everyone should realize both the truth and importance in Ms Brady’s comment!!
The senate switchboard number is 202-224-3121. This should be in everyone contacts.
Added! Thank you.
I think we're going to have to find a smarter, steadier way of holding democracy together than what we've done before. Responding vs reacting. T's whole schtick is to be shocking. We need to dig in to policies but stop flipping out. Put together programs, policies, law suits, and coalitions and stop clutching our pearls. I'd like the media to focus more on what we can do rather than the sensational garbage. Not that we won't duly note what happens, but we have to stay strong and not get sucked into the chaos. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is still our president, and we should tell him what we want for Christmas: safeguard democracy.
Deb Pierce McCabe see, Heather Cox Richardson's post on Barack Obama's's speech on a different kind "pluralism" grounded on the Federalist Papers circa 1788. But, updated to the fast moving now:
Make connections with "others", make adhesive coalitions & forge alliances. Change in praxis required now.
Which day did she post this? Do you have a link?
I think it was Saturday’s Letters.
Thanks for coming up with specifics. I have been in denial about the election and I am dealing with breast cancer. I need to find something to do instead of writing to my Congressmen. The media are owned by the mega-millionaires and will kowtow to T.
As a nurse, I appreciate your desire to be involved and help; nonetheless, I believe your priority needs to be to fight the cancer; do the things you enjoy and leave politics for those who are not battling a serious illness. You must be quite a remarkable woman!
But it could be therapeutic for her to feel as if she's doing even a small part to help keep our republic.
I agree. I can't speak for Elaine, but I can for myself. That is exactly why I keep looking for the things I CAN do, because it is all our small actions that provide the foundation for the larger effort- and because it helps me feel that despite my health issues, I am still part of the world and of this democracy. It is a very positive tool,
I'd like to see a coalition of independent journalists like Joyce Vance and Heather Cox Richardson, Robert Reich and Scott Dworkin help organize a live-action confirmation hearing, with or without the senate. Invite the nominees, but don't count on them coming. Air the information that we already have.
Let’s hope the marathon is shorter, how about two years when everyone figures out they have been conned and send a clear message to Trump and cronies that the BS stops now and we finally get back to sanity. If Syria can do it….
Can’t be done. Americans are too… well too many are too stupid. My God, those people who broke in to the capital are going to be released.
Which is disgraceful and disgusting! Flaunts the rule of law in our faces!
Unfortunately those two years will seem unending, crisis after crisis, tantrum after tantrum.
Just like the first time
DAVID : a nightmare playing out in real time..
Surpasses any horror movie@
Syria has gotten rid of al-Assad. because Putin is reduced in resources and can no longer support the him in the war in Syria, but it has not gotten back to sanity yet. Even if as Lucian Truscott IV tells us, Netanyahu is now inserting himself in there as well.
In fact, once countries are too destroyed, it is hard to build them back up. My worries for the US after Trump is done bleeding everyone dry of money.
I always regret Obama’s mistake not bombing Assad into the ground when he used chemical weapons.
Especially after warning Assad of a red line.
In the end, all sides have been bad sides as far as life for the people is concerned.
Just read in Matt Stoller's Substack Big, that we have military in 140 countries. He was taking it from the Secretary of Defense's X post.
I also read that China is way more prepared militarily than the US yesterday in the Pacific region because it has made that its focus and they have a much more capable navy.
We are clearly spread too thin. So, is Syria where we should have been, should be? Not sure. We are losing the battle against extremists. One thing we should be working on is policies that make it less easy for these groups to recruit youth. That might be a good place to put that money, is decreasing recruiting of youth into terrorist organizations. Don't know what that is exactly, but it has to do with poverty and hopelessness, so something to think about globally.
That reminds me of what we might need to do to Putin. Kick while he’s down.
Nice work … if we can make that happen …
I guess being a member of the silent generation i should be grateful that we lived through some of the best times in this country; indeed, who would have thought that the last few years of our lives would be spent fighting for what we took for granted, living fat dumb and happy, trusting that our elected reps would always be ethical, honest, and stick to the unwritten rules of trust we always expected.. Amazing how one nobody from new york could destroy all that, and waste over an entire decade of america’s history..
And take down the country with his sociopathy.
At 65yrs I've never been fat dumb and happy. Murders of JFK MLK RFK, Vietnam, the criminality of Nixon, Reagan, Bush, 911, market crashes and the ability to live a Middle Class life destroyed by Raeganomics then the sadistic psychopath and its followers. Rich pp rule this country and destroy the possibility of a healthy planet and a normal healthy life for anyone who is not upper middle class or richer. Being politically active is a privilege reserved for those who have discretionary income and live within a connected and protected community. We are certainly all in this together but most definitely do not experience the same consequences.
People experiencing dementia may not know they've got it, and Trump is especially vulnerable to this.
Something that's missing in this conversation is that people experiencing the onset of dementia are often unaware of it. Trump is so used to lying to get his way that he's more likely to not notice that he's got his facts wrong. And because of his narcissistic grandiosity, he feels entitled to assert with confidence what he believes to be true. With his longstanding inability to maintain consistent attention, he's used to dismissing feedback. We're about to be led by a president who's losing his mind and whose character flaws rendered him unfit before any dementia effects may have occurred. And now, his followers must pass a loyalty test to be empowered.
It is not right to not engage, each of us will have to.
"What can I do, I am just alone." said someone, so said 7 other million people.
We engage, on any point.
Welcome to 1933, America. Compare Trump’s insanity-laced tirades with Hitler’s — highly recommend Peter Fritzsche’s HITLER’S FIRST HUNDRED DAYS. It reads like a description of Trump’s likely moves….
I haven't read my old schoolmate Peter Fritsche's book, I am in Germany and also know of Hitler's first 100 days. When I first compared Trump to Hitler in a Substack a few years ago, another person accused me of trivializing what Hitler had done by making the comparison. One can compare without saying people are exactly alike. However, there are similar things in what Trump says he intends to do with what Hitler did. I have since read Project 2025, and while Americans who are in this reading group with me are reading now about democracy and discussing how we can protect ours, everyone is exhausted and disappointed. It takes its toll. I don't know how people can sustain themselves in the 4 years to keep up the fight. It is a long time on top of the fight these past 4 years and the first 4 years of the Trump presidency. That is 12 years of fighting a fascist regime. It takes its toll.
I hope we can rise like the South Koreans are, but having so much of our Congress be Republican, and so many state governments are Republican as well, it seems like the deck is stacked. That is true of the Supreme Court. It is like a flood of bad legislators washing over the land.
I just got done watching The Palace, which is on PBS Passport. It is a German series set in 1989. In it twin sisters who have been born in East Berlin in 1961 are separated by the dad taking one of them and fleeing to the west. They accidentally meet 27 years later. While it does not have the amount of harassment by the state that some of the other series and films show, we still see the difference in freedom with one being walled in, the other getting to come in, but being subject to interrogations even though she has a visa.
This series shows what people who are part of a fascist machine look and behave like. I worry about the wall effect, because in essence that can happen to too many young women in the US, as states strive to trap pregnant women in their borders like East Germany did with their wall, and the rest of the Soviet Union did too. Also worry that we will be like them too, where the state spies on its own people. I had family in East Germany and I remember what that was like. I worry that it can happen in the US too.
Thanks for recommending The Palace. I am a fan of PBS. I finished watching The Diplomat and am looking forward to season 3 in the Fall. Trump has used Hitler’s phrases such as immigrants poisoning American’s blood. He is half a step away from setting up concentration camps. The states that outlawed pregnant women leaving the state to get an abortion and punished anyone who assists them are setting up a dystopian society. These are frightening times. Being in Germany gives you a unique perspective.
I am amazed by some of your insights. Comparison between Hitler and DJT, to me is an example of how so many people view DJT as someone to support and defend instead of being someone to object to and oppose and fear the objective of DJT and his supporters. DJT will be a cause for the failure of democracy of America. Both Canada and Mexico and China have shown that they don’t support DJT and his tariff plan is not an answer.
Thank you for sharing this horrible time in history and a comparison of what Americans are going to experience! I’m devastated , disappointed, disgusted, and disillusioned with the stupidity , ignorance, disrespect, and disregard for our wonderful Democratic Republic, our rule of law, Constitution, and and freedoms!
"When I first compared Trump to Hitler in a Substack a few years ago, another person accused me of trivializing what Hitler had done by making the comparison." More like trivializing tfg 🤬
Or those bellowed in Madison Square Garden at the Bund rally.
Unfortunately, there is enough cause to think of Hitler and his clone!
And it’s seeing the light of day already in South Korea where the president/wanna be autocrat tried to declare martial law and sent the military into the legislature . Protests and cunning nimbleness by the legislators seems to have prevailed in public opinion favoring democracy for now but they couldn’t get the votes to impeach. Sound familiar? Oh yeah, echoes hitler’s henchmen in 1933 literally burning down the reichstag (legislative capitol building). We can have failures of imagination for q1 2025. Protests will be needed as well as legal actions and legislators with spines who stand up for the constitution. We must nonviolently stand strong
I think some very important things that need to happen are that the Democrats in the House and Senate: 1) come to some sort of agreement on national party priorities; 2) need to better articulate what has been done for working Americans (and America) under the Biden administration -- to serve as a contrast to the disasters that are likely under Trump; and 3) get new "ranking member" leadership in House and Senate committees.
“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear."
― Mark Twain
“… but the issue is nuanced.” Not for Trump. Facts? Not for Trump? Rule of law? Ditto. Why interview at all? It suggests that Trump is mainstream … instead of beyond all reason. He’s on kids channel, not the adult one.
He really, really likes to see himself on TV and assumes others do too. Sociopaths gotta sociopath.
And narcissists gotta narcissist.
But what is the action plan? I continue to receive “calls to action” from people who I greatly respect but with no definition. Who will lead?
I volunteer here and now to keep this Country as great as it ALWAYS HAS BEEN. And will help in any way I can to save US from a salivating
THIS IS ALL TERRIFYING. Is there a plan moving forward? Fund raising? Those of us who are truly concerned have a duty to reverse this course.
The country has not always been great. There is much in our history that makes me cringe but so far we’ve managed to come out on the right side. With the divide so deep I’m not optimistic.
Locals must lead. We can get involved with our local Indivisible Groups. I am attending. Brennan Center zoom this week. Mr. Russell and Mr. Snyder usually provide sound advice.
My reaction exactly.
Is there some sort of a clearinghouse where people who have volunteer time/ skills/influence and money to contribute can be matched with needs?? It seems like such a patchwork quilt of efforts - yes the ACLU and immigrants groups will need to file lots of lawsuits to challenge trumps expected early barrage of exec orders, but who else? A friend is working with Indivisible, which I hear has a decent blueprint for action … not sure if move on is also geared up. Isn’t a clearinghouse something the DNC could be helping with as they reorganize? Help!!?? I’m looking for guidance on how best to plush in.
Malcolm Nance, in his Substack, is giving specifics for now. Follow him and get more for later.
The vast majority of us are not experts in the political process or how to effectively engage as the resistance. We're going to need sophisticated and clever leaders to guide us in targeted action that will be meaningful in the coming 4 years. I'll keep my ears and eyes open for guidance.
Could the DNC provide a clear
House/guidance to help people like us plug in and start volunteering?
Also, try Indivisible
So, what is our current president doing about this threat? After all, he has immunity for official acts. I must say that the silence is deafening. If those who actually could counter this threat cannot and/or will not act, what can we do? This administration has let this go on for 4 years now with no consequences for the major actors. It appears that Trump actually won in 2020 as he has been effectively running a not-so-shadow government since then. Barely a peep out of Biden. We are so screwed.
I disagree, Alexandra. President Biden has been going forward with bipartisan legislation that has helped the country economically. He has repaired our relationship with foreign allies, and has governed as a president should. The problem is that a tree that falls in the forest makes a great deal of noise, but a tree that stands makes none.
My point is: what has he done about the threat from within. None of those accomplishments matters come January 20. They will be undone. He has had four years to address this and yet nothing effective has been done. He especially had an opportunity to be ruthless after getting immunity via the supreme court ruling, yet still failed to act. I stand by my assessment. We are totally screwed.
Except SCOTUS did not mean for immunity to apply to anyone other than DJT. If Biden tried anything of what you're suggesting, a GOP lawsuit would be filed immediately and sent directly to SCOTUS. And you know how they would rule on such a lawsuit.
Yes, and wouldn't that be an interesting precedent?
I love the way you put that!
Alexandra, my worries as well.
What are we to do now? We can knock on doors, we can phone bank, write letters until were blue in the face
I can pick up a shovel and work hard, but it’s not clear to me where I should be applying that shovel.
Speaking of shovels, I read in the NYTimes that Trump was taken to visit Arlington National Cemetery recently for the FIRST TIME EVER and when taken to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier he said, “They’re all suckers and losers”
It was in The NY Times. The man is unacceptable period
Try Indivisible.
Biden does not have immunity, he wouldn’t unless the supreme court specifically rules that he has immunity, which it wont, they made it clear that they will only support trump as president being immune. You need to revisit the actual wording and message
Unfortunately, Joe is not home.
The media unfortunately only makes time/space for Trump. So we are not made aware of the positive things that are continuing to occur in the present administration. President Biden believes in Democracy, therefore accepts that the incoming Trumpies were fairly elected by the people. What do folks imagine he could do?
I’m not so sure they were fairly elected. Russia, billionaire money all unfairly put their feet on the scale.
Do you really think that Kamala Harris would have just stood by? Biden has far more evidence to put the fascists away than they have to imprison those that they say they are going to once they are in office. Of course, this should have been done years ago and especially once Trump was selected as the presidential candidate. And, I question whether this really was democracy at work after decades of extreme right wing propaganda funded by billionaires and going uncontested by the Democrats, who really did give up on their constituents by adopting neoliberal policies that hurt a lot of people - both working and middle class. Anyway, I think that we are well beyond the tipping point here and since Trump owns everything, including the legal system, good luck overturning anything he does. In my opinion, to turn this mess around at this point will very likely take a hot civil war with the opposition lucky enough to win against well-funded and well-armed right wing militias, police, and military.
I love this: "People who support democracy need to be every bit as prepared. Where should we start? We need to create a culture of participation, where everyone has to be involved in the fight to protect democracy from Donald Trump. It can’t be optional or up to someone else. No one can sit on the sidelines, whether that’s because they believe they are in a position of privilege where Trump won’t be able to harm them or because they are tired of it all."
Fortunately, grassroots activism remains strong! New Indivisible groups are forming in Oregon, new people are coming to our local Indivisible meetings, and more people are becoming activists! Yea! Check out If there isn't one near you, start your own group with the new Indivisible Guide helping you do that.
So who is going to tell DJT that an Executive Order cannot override the Constitution or its amendments? He is doubling down, much like a six-year-old who knows he's wrong, but is too stubborn to admit it.
But will he care? And who is going to tell him he can’t?
Sadly ironic that the father of the 14th Amendment enshrining the bedrock democratic principles of equal protection and due process was Ohio Republican John Bingham -- protections that will almost certainly be under attack directly by the incoming administration and its judicial arm, the Imperial Court. For example, in Demento's unhinged "Meet The Press" interview he said he plans to try to end birthright citizenship as guaranteed in 14A. Alito and Thomas have already put us on notice that they welcome an opportunity to do away with what they call the "made up" rights of contraception and same-sex marriage, as well as others guaranteed by 14A that they can get their judicial mitts on. Giving state house hacks the right to control women's bodies was only the beginning with the overturn of Roe (Dobbs).
Because Trump continues to lie outrageously and fabricate data and other propaganda, and his followers seem to absolutely believe it is the Democrats who are actually lying about everything (just look at what Trump followers post of Facebook and other sites), my concern/question is….what can we do about this problem? How do we strategize to help/convince people to recognize the truth and believe basic facts and real data? How do we rebuild trust in legitimate sources of information, data and facts?
Trumps policies will affect everyone. Once enacted his constituents will start realizing that they've been lied to or will blame the democrats which has always been in trumps playbook. Volunteering is a start. Food banks Elder Affairs etc. There are many groups that need help. You'll meet people that feel the same way that you do. Your not alone and you won't be alone.
That would need meeting organizers hard work and original thinking. Think of the outrageous and impossible then organize with others around the US and see how many feel the way we do. I bet there are lots of people who feel the way we do but are struggling to figure what is STEP ONE? How many others,specifically Republicans and Independents. Explore Democratic Leaders who work on a grassroots level to point the way to defeat DT and it will all take money and time, January is coming soon…
She can use all the help she can get and I believe it’s out there especially political Women’s groups. Why do women just wring their hands , when action is needed to keep this woman hater out of office. Sleep well if you can!!Debbie
Attention CAMELLA supporters
GO TO EVERY MALL DAY AND NIGHT to muster the “girl power” there for support.
January 20th is getting closer by the minute.