I am once again so grateful for the clarity that you provide for a non lawyer. Distilling everything down into understandable terms is enormously helpful.

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The Citizen Kane Movie of Tomorrow: Citizen Trump

(From my book, Donald's Vanity Tantrums")

The classic movie Citizen Kane directed, produced, and starred in by Orson Welles will one day in the future, have a remake only this time the main pseudo-fictional character will be Donald Trump. The movie scene will open with a very bloated relic of his former self; uneven orange-smeared makeup slobbed across his face in bed. His overgrown blond hair is found similar to the muss of Boris Johnson’s now showing gray roots from lack of up-to-date hair dye. He periodically wakes from a semi-conscious state at his future dilapidated Mar-a-Lago residence (for lack of having sufficient funds to upkeep the property due to previous constant litigation and losses.) He looks around demanding more Kentucky Fried Chicken wings as low paid personal rush in another bucket and his last word is not “Rosebud” as in the movie Citizen Kane but:

“Stormy.” And the ex 45th president of the United States expires. The camera fades to black then opens at Le Club in the early disco 1970s, a members-only Manhattan nightclub in the East 50s, where models, fashionistas and a variety of Eurotrash (including his wife) went to be seen.

“The government has just filed suit against our company,” said Trump, “saying we discriminated against Blacks. What do you think we should do?”

The Roy Cohn obedient ass-kisser to Senator Joe McCarthy hearings accusing entertainment personalities of being communists shoots back, “Tell them to go to hell and fight the thing in court and let them prove you discriminated against them.”

Roy Cohn has become Trump’s go-to lawyer and fixer.

Cohn admonishes the young Trump to 1. Never settle. Never surrender. 2. Counter-attack, counter-sue immediately. 3. No matter what happens, no matter how deep into the shit you get, claim victory and never admit defeat.

These lessons were found to be the essential attributes of his future self.

And so it was.

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"Rosebud" appears on Celebrity Apprentice.

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How so?

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Hearst took Rosebud with him wherever he went.

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Until tffg confused Roy Cohn with Michael Cohen (hey, it could happen)... and then the fight started.

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Exactly so. Thank you Jody. And thanks to Joyce.

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Thank you, Professor. More than anything I so appreciate your honesty. Because the bottom line is as you said whether the verdict goes one way or the other, we have to believe in the system, the truth, the rule of law, and that the jury understands not so much the ramifications, but the facts. wEe cannot stoop to the level that this man has stooped to. I just read about his rally in New Jersey and, I try really hard to sound or speak with decorum. That’s one thing he cannot do. I feel he’s becoming unhinged and the sad part is that the people are shouting, the obscenities along with him. I don’t know what he stands for. I say that honestly, I really don’t know what he stands for. But I believe everybody here that listens to you, reads you and shares it with other people hopefully like mined or if not that they listen because they are open and for lack of terms, intelligent. They see it and they have common sense to understand that this man is not good. Thank you very much. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers in the world that have taken care of us and kept us safe. Guided us for the good. Peace and love always.

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tfg stands for himself...keeping his butt out of prison, seizing power again and lining his pockets with the bounty of his grift...all viewed through his increasingly demented version of malignant narcissism.

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I also believe he stands for vindication.

In or out of prison he will attemp to "get" anyone even remotely involved in this case and the others. He's a bully. A vindictive, small minded bully. GITMO anyone??? 😎😎😎

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Yes. Malignant narcissists wronged are hellbent on revenge

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Your description of tfg is spot-on! trump stands only for himself. People are only there to help trump get what he wants. Otherwise, they are useless to him and expendable.

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I agree that we have to accept whatever the jury decides in Trump's case, but I can still hope that they see the case the way the prosecution does. Keep in mind, Katie Britt wants to create a federal database to collect data on pregnant people. The House wants to ban Mifepristone as a dangerous drug. They want a national abortion ban.

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May 13·edited May 13

Before Roevember gets here, I hope and pray that every female who can vote, no matter whether or not they're of child-bearing age, will FINALLY get to have her voice heard at the polls. Anyone with an IQ above 45 knows that they'll never find a Trumpublican to listen to their concerns.

My stomach churned when I read that little tidbit thing where Trump BOASTS about his "great accomplishment" in overturning Roe. That was bad enough, but after reading about Britt's obscenely disgusting database plans, the spike in my blood pressure gave me an unbelievable headache.

How will this particular Trump running mate plan to pull that off? Wouldn't she have to eliminate HIPPA laws first? Would she require every woman to purchase several hundred at-home EPT tests to be sent to her (Britt) each week so she can monitor their "activity" and if the results are positive, force their obstetrician to submit ultrasounds, etc., to confirm how far along each woman is, just to make sure they don't accidentally miss the target day by a few hours?

I deserve to get chastised for saying this, but I have to say it anyway. What's next on the Trump/Britt Agenda? Hiding cameras in bedrooms of every home or apartment? If a couple wants to avoid that invasion of privacy, will she have her own police department follow the couple to their hotel? This may seem like a big EXAGGERATION, but in Trumpworld, nothing is off-limits. Just saying.

p.s. I started to proofread this before hitting the magic "Save" button, but after a few lines, the Tylenol still hasn't kicked in yet.

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Millions of unregistered women trend heavily Democratic. Register Democrats -- save democracy.


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Welcome to Orwellian 1984 only 40 years later.

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Technically, nearly everyone has an IQ above "45" (IYKWIM.)

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I agree. The significance/choice in that particular number was Trump's number in the list of POTUSes. I think that anyone foolish enough to love, honor and obey him couldn't POSSIBLY have an IQ higher than 45.

Before I forget, what does TYKWIM stand for?

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IYKWIM = If you know what I mean.

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Absolutely not!

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I believe that no civilization has devised a better process for rendering justice than our own jury system. Of course, if they decide to convict Trump, he will rant about being railroaded by New Yorkers who fail to understand the deep moral principles which Trump cherishes and would never violate.

When the dust ultimately settles, which may not be for generations, posterity will view Trump as a charlatan and buffoon who seduced and inflamed a critical mass of Americans in an attempt to lead the nation down an authoritarian path unimaginable to our founding fathers.

As in Dickens' "A Christmas Carol", we can also ask of the Ghost of Christmas Future " Are these the shadows of the things that Will be, or are they shadows of things that May be?”. The answer lays in the strength of our resolve to preserve our democracy.

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I don't care how future generations view Trump. I care how they view him this November.

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That was the point in my last sentence.

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I am apalled at the women who support this nightmare on their own daughters and granddaughters...sisters, aunts, besties...i am so worried about my three.

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And then they’ll go after contraception.

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Already happened with Pharmacist being allowed to refuse filling RX...and that was in Texas over 20 years ago.

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Zsuz EB - We must win back both Houses in November.

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Couldn’t agree with you more🙏🏼

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A must!!!

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Thank you, Joyce. Your opening observations that we need to move away from seeing this case as a carnival were very appropriate and important. You continued that tone throughout reminding us to not think of the law and courts as good when we like the decision and bad when we want a different decision.

This, in my humble opinion, was a very significant post from beginning to end. Thank you for your legal professionalism,

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Thank you for articulating what I was thinking, and feeling so grateful for her words.

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I truly never saw him as president so the gravity of his being in court escapes me. I’m glad he’s there-the man is a corrupt, dangerous criminal. I’m also grateful that we’re showing the world that his behavior is not ok with us.

I hope Cohen keeps his cool.

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It would be appropriate and well deserved if the Manhattan jury not only finds Trump guilty as charged but also requests that he be incarcerated for four years at Attica, a New York Prison he loves and would be an appropriate residential placement for the Madman of Mar-a-Lago.

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I want Donald Trump to be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. No person or institution has ever held Trump liable for his criminal conduct.

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I worked on a film about Attica, in late ‘79 or early ‘80, we shot it in the Ohio State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, in Lima Ohio. It was built by the same architect who built Attica, it was a copy of it. I’ve worked on films in many prisons over 30+ years and that place was the worst by a long shot. Now that you mentioned Attica, I agree totally that it would be a perfect home for him.

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I'd be happy with him at Rikers too.

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Sing Sing is my preference. I could give him the one fingered salute as I pass by on the train.

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It's too bad that the Tombs has been closed. Perfect place for him.

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Harold - MMML

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Due to the McConnell/ Trump justice system, this is the only trial Trump will face before the election. Yet, despite what many are saying, it is a significant crime. Perhaps if Stormy’s story came out it would have overshadowed Comey’s assessment of Hillary and Trump would only be remembered as the clown candidate who lost to the first woman president.

ALSO: given Trump’s history, it is easy to expect that someone in the RNC knows someone whose friends niece is on the jury and they have already opened a bank account in a different name for her with $500k for her to acquit. It will take 6 years for that story to come out.

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This is such an important week. I hope Cohen doesn’t get flustered by the questioning from the defense’s attorneys.

The burden is on the prosecution. 34 counts with no reasonable doubt.

I’m glad there are account statement and the written notes from Weisselberg .

I am hoping that the paper trail along with the witness testimony will be strong enough.

Let the truth be spoken and Democracy reign.

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He won’t. I am certain Cohen’s lawyers have grilled him on how to react or not to the questioning. He will carry himself well. It’s Trump who will is in the hot-seat facing his one time most loyal employee. It’s going to be a very interesting few days.

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I also hope that Cohen doesn't provide a side show but is serious and compelling. He's a bit of a loose cannon.

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May 13·edited May 13

I expect him to do fairly well. First, he’s a lawyer so he knows the inside game being played from both sides of the table. Secondly, I think he sincerely wants to land as many punches on Donald Trump as he can - so this will incentivize him to comport himself in a manner designed to do maximum damage. That’s my expectation of him today and he has a heavy responsibility to do the right thing.

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Cohen needs to watch Stormy's testimony on loop to learn how it is done. She was so compelling.

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Each count is separate!

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I realize that. Guess I should have said 34 individual counts.

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I get what you said about giving into the circus-like atmosphere that surrounds this trial, and I appreciate on some level that this is a very serious sobering situation. Having acknowledged that however, I feel as if I have been dissapointed repeatedly, gut-punched by a failed justice system, and forced to watch this human excrescence continue to thrive and spread his vile lies for longer than anyone should have to bear. So if we get a guilty verdict, I will be ecstatically, deliriously happy. Even though this is not the trial that I wanted to see him found guilty in ( more justice denied for us), for now it will have to do and it will have to be enough. And you bet I will be rejoicing.

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As a trial lawyer for many years in federal courts, I agree that the system of appointed judges in the federal system largely based on their political adherence has been demonstrated as a failure in this series of “Trump cases.” The Supremes have failed to deliver promptly in the absurd total immunity case; Cannon has been a spectacular disgrace in the national security theft case; the Jan6 insurrection should have been tried months ago! But the NY State Judge Engoron case and the current criminal case have been models of fairness and efficiency!

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I’ve always wrestled with the appointment of judges versus the election of judges issue. Each raises potential issues related to the quality of judges, their legal abilities, etc. Therefore, I believe the greatest risk to us is the LIFETIME APPOINTMENT of these individuals. In my view, federal judges, including the Supreme Court justices, should serve no greater than, say, 10 year terms. Is that asking too much? Oh wait… it is.

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I absolutely agree with you.

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I think the prosecution can explain why TFG wasn’t prosecuted because he was president at the time which is when the AG went after Cohen. But what will be interesting is how they explain Weiselberg not being in court. If the defense calls him it will be another perjury case if he denies that’s his note. Not sure if the prosecution can bring it in that he’s serving time for perjury. I have errands tomorrow and a back procedure on Thursday this time much farther than my usual clinic. So I’ll be counting on your post especially Thursday.

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Like your post, Rusty. Good luck with your procedure Thursday and quick recovery. How lucky we are to have Joyce’s expertise. Be Well.

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Thanks! Just another test like the last one to satisfy my MA plan to get the semipermanent fix.

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Your first sentence explains it all, Rusty, and I had forgotten that very important point. Take care of yourself, and I will be thinking of you strong and healthy and pain-free Thursday.

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Thanks! If it’s like the last one I’ll be on an ice pack for the night.

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Good analysis, Rusty. Fingers crossed that all goes well with you on Thursday.

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'This trial is justice finally being done. But it’s not a carnival. It’s a serious and sobering moment in our nation’s history, and it’s important that we treat it that way.' ___Joyce Vance

Joyce truly spoke for us with this line. We have been hearing 'alternative facts' for how long? An 'alternative fact' was elected president, and if it happens again in 2025! THE LIES! Our families, friends, neighbors, school boards and colleagues are divided by different 'realities'. Our values and principles don't match-up because propaganda from far away China, Russia...Venezuela are dancing with Trump, MAGA and most of the Republican Party. Rather that see this for what it is, many would rather ignore it, join it or make fun of this tragedy. Trump and the far-right in the House are or so ridiculous, it can't be serious.

Joyce is here and everywhere that she can be to diligently, point by point, show us that this is no game, no circus and no fun house.

'... the District Attorney’s office put together a chart for the jurors to use. The 34 false records Trump is charged with are divided into invoices, vouchers (entries recording payments into the books), and checks and set forth in chronological order.'

'This chart, along with Exhibit 35, the invoice with Allen Weisselberg’s handwritten notes on it that documents the “grossed up” payment to Cohen to account for his taxes and other questionable expenses, and Exhibit 36, Controller Jeffrey McConney’s handwritten notes of Weisselberg’s direct to him about handling the payments, will be important for us to keep in mind as the government winds down its case. They form the core allegations of fraudulent records combined with the prosecution’s proof that Trump was a part of the scheme. That part of the case will be based largely on amalgamated circumstantial evidence from a number of witnesses that establishes no one from Weisselberg on down would have spent $420,000 of Trump’s money without his explicit approval.'

'My pinned Tweet, posted in December 2017, reads: “The first time President Obama met with his US Attorneys, he told us, ‘I appointed you but you don’t serve me. You serve the American people. And I expect you to act with independence & integrity.’ None of us ever forgot that.”' ___Joyce Vance

This is the point!

'It’s the only pinned Tweet I’ve ever had because it says it all for me.'

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I’m going to concentrate on Joyce’s closing:

Roe, Roe, Roe the vote!

Christian Nationalist goals are clear:

Legislate from the bench.

Delay delay delay

Steal the election

Establish Gilead

From The Huffington Post and Heather Cox Richardson this Mother’s Day weekend:

Critics Rip Sen. Katie Britt For Celebrating Moms With 'Handmaid's Tale' Like Proposal | HuffPost Latest News


HCR’s May 11, Mother’s Day letter is a fine tribute to all four #SistersInLaw!

"Arise, women!” Howe commanded. “Say firmly: ‘We will not have great questions decided by irrelevant agencies. Our husbands shall not come to us, reeking with carnage, for caresses and applause. Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience. We, women of one country, will be too tender of those of another country, to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs.’”


Seems every religion’s extreme right shares the same goal: women should be chattel.

Black women in Georgia saved America in 2020. And women will save America in 2024!

Happy Mother’s Day! Continue to ROAR!!!!

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Whether gleeful or not, I'm definitely heartbroken at what this man has done to our country.

I think our criminal justice system has been manipulated to the breaking point and in the end, I doubt we'll see trump even begin to pay for his crimes.

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And we, the people, have no recourse for any of his misdeeds. There is no better illustration of the fact that life isn't fair.

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The best recourse (if not jail) will be a blue wave in November.

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True, but I'm talking about the damages already incurred by trump and his associates. There's no way to recoup the losses. Nothing could ever make up for the many unnecessary deaths due to Covid caused by their bungling, for instance.

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"We the People" have the final say in November....above all the judges and jim jordans.

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As for the presidency, yes. But "We the People" can't put him in jail. Only the "justice" system can do that. I have been appalled by the delays, appeals, etc. that he has been granted. No Jan 6 or stolen documents trials before the election?! Even the Supreme Court is sitting on its hands. If we lose our democracy in November, it will be because the justice system gave him a 4-year pass.

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Don't forget he had help...lots of it, which makes it even more worrisome.

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"Roe, Roe, Roe the vote" 100%!!!

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T-shirts and banners, anyone??

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Great idea!

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Thank you, Joyce. I've taken no pleasure in this case thus far. The case I am most concerned with is the classified documents case. I find the Manhattan trial a necessary evil, as it reveals the public's seeming desire to be titillated. I want impartial justice and a sober assessment of Trump's lack of fitness to be Commander-in-Chief.

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I went to the courthouse last week to witness Stormy discuss wanting “the orange turd to get flushed down the toile.” Imagine that a former president listening to these insults. Although I had press credentials, I only mail to the overflow room watching on monitors. We were allowed to use our devices but no recording and no pictures. It’s hard to position an iPad on one lap and a keyboard. The Kurt police told me to remove my cap and I asked why two gentlemen had their yamacas and was told religious exemption. I then expressed that my cap was my religion and the officer owed me to pt my bat back on. I didn’t but I made a point of this because there is supposed to b separation of church and state. In the future I will assert my right to wear a hat into court under the religious clause.

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That's yarmulka, i believe.

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