Costello was proffered to the grand jury to undermine Cohen? Make me laugh. Steve Bannon’s attorney is going to exculpate tRump? Hahahaha- that’s a guaranteed FAIL. Costello is so tainted he makes Cohen look like Honest Abe.

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And Cohen said recently in addressing the credibility issue that he has documentation to back himself up.

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He’s riding the credibility tsunami, and he has to out-Ollie Ollie North for Eagle-Scoutiness. A bad man doing his penance. Believably.

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Yes he does, and no way Bragg would have brought this to grand jury without multiple documented corroborations.

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Costello is a trash attorney, implicated as many in the tRump-o-sphere are, via his defiance of Federal subpoenae misrepresentations to the court, conflicts of interest (is he counsel, or witness?) and phony spats with DOJ prosecutor conduct. https://lawandcrime.com/jan-6-committee/steve-bannons-lawyer-robert-costello-seeks-to-withdraw-from-contempt-of-court-case-claiming-he-may-be-a-witness/amp/

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Costello has MAJOR credibility problems. https://apple.news/APCcm8MGxSBOABQ8808xo1w

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Very good evening Joyce on your return. Appreciated your chick photo and the blue egg, a truly magical sight. My concern is what steps law enforcement are taking toward potential protesting from many different groups if and when TFG is indicted? Thanks for your report tonight. We are all in this together thank goodness 🇺🇸

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Good one Joyce. Enjoyed it a lot. I really like your voice.

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🥚 🐣 Eggcellent photo 📸 and analog about the chickens 🐔 coming home 🏡 to roost. May they all successfully 🙏 do so with maximum accountability for the seditious activities perpetuated upon the American people.

Now America 🇺🇸 needs to find a way to rein in the orangutans in Congress and their insurrectionist maneuvers to thwart lady Justice ⚖️ 🙄

America 🇺🇸 deserves to have that much done to protect all of us from enemies foreign and domestic.

Vote 🗳 blue 🗳 💙 each and every election 💙 until the majority can make it so!!

That's what they truly fear more than anything else 💯 %

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Such a mean man. Justice has been a long time coming. Thank you for summarizing the potential crimes that finally will bring this maga monster down. The chickens are a coming…

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I am tremendously pleased with what we are doing hear now, and I hope all goes well and smoothly. I also love you and your chickens. 🐓 🐓 🐓 🐓 🐓

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We all know trump is a corrupt, self-serving criminal who would happily take down this country’s democracy if it gave him unfettered power and wealth. Your great summation lists some of his many disgusting acts. Even more troubling than trump’s lack of ethics, morality and lack of decency is the insidiousness of the entire GOP who, with rare exception, have aided/abetted trump with the help of Fox News. Sarah Kendzior long ago coined trump and the GOP as part of an international crime syndicate. At the time I thought that was hyperbolic but now I see it only sadly prophetic. The mission ahead for our law enforcement and Justice system is monumental but the stakes couldn’t be higher and they must be up to the task.

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Books are already being written on "WTH Happened to the GOP?" but I think it'll take a little time and historical perspective to get the full story. Political parties don't become that morally, ethically, and politically bankrupt overnight, or even during a single campaign. The Republican Party has been rotting from within for a very long time.

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Read Stuart Stevens' "It Was All A Lie." He has firsthand knowledge of what he writes.

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I really found Tim Miller's "Why We Did It" to be informative and fascinating. It outlines how republican leadership headed inexorably off a cliff. He calls it his mea culpa, and pulls no punches. As hard on himself as a R operative as he is on others. It's an eye opener.

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Yes - an excellent book.

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Many thanks, Joyce. So glad you're on the Rule of Law team!

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Your explanations are so helpful to my effort to keep all TFG’s criminal activities straight! Thank you!!

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Do any Republican politicians remember the Oath of Office they swore to uphold? Was there a superseding oath to the Republican Party and trump? Can they explain how we are all better off because of what they are doing, or not doing?

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Minor edit nit?

"But Trump is still insisting his role as President of the Senate on January 6|"

Should be

"But Pence is still insisting his role as President of the Senate on January 6"

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A Trump "Cheat Sheet." So apropos. Thank you. Joyce!

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Folks: CNN is on and shows, "Source: GA Prosecutors Consider Racketeering & Conspiracy Charges in Probe of Effort to Overturn Txxx's <I'll never type its name> 2020 Election Loss". My guess (and I can be corrected) is this is what's holding up the "imminent" indictment from Fani Willis. ???

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I'm answering the question for Joyce, since she just gave it on Joe & Mika :) just now. Yes, that's (probably) the reason the imminent charges aren't imminent (maybe won't happen until May) and I'm sure Joyce will address this.

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A very fine summary of what's ahead, Joyce.

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Suzanne Craig of the NYT made a great observation last week.

She said people think the Stormy Daniels issue isn't a big deal. Isn't as important as the other alleged crimes.

But, she said, it IS a big deal. He paid to keep her quiet in an effort to interfere with an election outcome.

He was doing what he does SEVEN years ago and continues to this day.

I kinda hope they don't make a move on Tuesday. Let him sweat for a few days. Maybe they can put an end to his plans in Waco, too.

Coming home to roost, indeed!

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Yeah, it may be mean but I’m kinda glad he’s having to sweat it out too.

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Thank you ... welcome home.

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The weekend on Twitter was all a flutter of elected office holders in Congress making Trump the victim. The best line was 'if they can do this to him they can do it to you' threat. Well they do it to us all the time when we commit a crime. A store gets robbed and the authorities pull in all possible sources of data to identify the culprit. Tapes, video monitoring, physical evidence...we have all seen it on CSI. And from that they bring charges. No where in the Constitution does it say the former president is immune from that. I was actually hoping for the more juicy Jack Smith Special Council or the Fanni Willis Georgia election interference to go first but this will work. And the pack of Jackals in Congress needs to get a grip.

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