Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joyce Vance

Thank you for taking the time to write about these ongoing cases. Appreciate it even more because of your frequent appearances on MSNBC and knowing how tired you must be.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joyce Vance

Dear Joyce,

Such a busy week ahead! I’m happy you are here to help explain the law and nuances to us!

You, and our current national fragility, have inspired me to become an election worker this year. I have flirted with it for a long time and am training tomorrow night. I dare any MAGA or other creep to take on this cranky old broad to try to intimidate or cheat. I want everyone to vote their conscience and respect the rights of others to do the same.

Stay strong! Stay together! Vote!


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That's fantastic Liz. Thank you for your service. I hope you'll share your experiences with us!

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joyce Vance

I certainly hope I have nothing crazy to report but I will be happy to share something good as well. 😀

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I am thinking about that as well. Thank you for your comments.

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Good luck on that front. American 🇺🇸 needs you.

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As always, I appreciate the detail in your posts. So much reporting on the internet is done in generalities. Citing the pattern jury instructions is very helpful (for this retired attorney).

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I really enjoy your newsletter too!

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joyce Vance

Many important issues to consider this week. But what stands out most at the moment to me is Mr. DeSantis and his mistreatment of immigrant children. How very sad. Is he breaking any laws by mistreating or depriving children of their needs? As a grandmother I say yes. He’s abusing his power. And the children suffer. And now I have to depend on him to care for my grandchildren who are suffering through Hurricane Ian in Florida. Will he make sure their needs are met? If you really care about people you will do anything you can to help them. My fear is he will be as casual now as he was with Hurricane Sandy and the children of immigrants. That’s what happens when you have no heart.

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I surely hope he is held accountable.

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I love your “week ahead” articles most of all. They are so well written and help guide me in understanding the relative importance of various cases and other legal matters affecting the country. No one else is quite so capable as you, Joyce, in explaining such complex matters. Tom J. Bluff Park, AL

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Thanks for the update. Having someone who "has a clue" about all this is really helpful in clarifying what is what and what to be looking for. Thanks much!

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Thank you, Joyce, for your insights and keeping us updated!

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Let’s see how Ginni Thomas plays the Froot-Loops defense that absolve her of scienter, for many of her co-conspirators may need to act as daffy as she claims to be. They look to her for guidance. Perhaps they need to found a Church of Trumpology to knit their beliefs into a consistent dogma and First Amendment protection.

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She appears much too confident about any outcome. She has been bought and paid for as has her husband. I don’t believe she’s crazy either. She knows the truth and so do all of us.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joyce Vance

Once again, top notch! Thank you!


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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joyce Vance

Good point on G. Thomas knowing the law and being smart enough to know it and use to her advantage. Thanks for the insight.

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I imagine her claims of belief (in Trump’s election lie) offer the only means of legal protections available to her, until or unless another witness provides testimony that she admitted Trump’s loss. And I am she was advised by her husband as well as her attorneys to take this path, the only path … to challenge intent to conspire.,

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Makes us nuts that she thinks she can get away the big lie defense.

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Belief in the big lie seems to be her only legal recourse for now. But I wonder if her claims of “belief” provide enough cover to justify her zealous involvement in the fake electors scheme. See Blow’s piece in NY Times, “ America has a Ginny Thomas problem.”

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It’s a lie. Her lie. She absolutely knows the truth. Could 45’s stolen classified docs be related to the next coup and could she and her husband and the 145 members of Congress who voted not to certify the 2020 presidential election be part of it?

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Dear Joyce,

Regarding Judge Cannon: If the 11th Circuit rules in favor of DOJ’s September 30th appeal, could her aberrant rulings in Trump’s efforts to delay the criminal probe place Cannon as a willing party to Trump’s alleged “obstruction of a criminal case.” Could she herself become a target?

Yours is a critically important voice, and I too wonder at your stamina to make frequent, concise assessments on MSNBC and to craft word-perfect summaries of the crush cases. We would be lost otherwise, asking ourselves the same questions or the wrong questions in an endless circular conversation with ourselves.

I wonder if you could take up the question of Cannon on SIL?

Thank you,


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I think that the Circuit could state that the motion for hearing of the issue of extraordinary equitable relief by Trump was improvidently granted by Judge Cannon, or as Tolkien might have put it, “Go back into the nothingness whence you came, flame of Udûn! You shall not pass!”

Either way, the foundation of Trump’s entire case before the Cannon court crumbles like the tower of Barad-dûr, and vanishes as though it never was. I wanna see Peter Jackson direct the story.

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I too would love JV’s voice on this.

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What an assembly -- I had let go of the Carroll case, and I was ignorant of DOJ's charge of the Russian. Thank you for putting these events together and for the picture of the President with our new Justice. I was mad at the NYTimes for putting the photo of the orange guy and his pick on the front page instead of Joe and Ketanji.

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Great analysis- thank you! I’m going to guess that Ginni’s husband is providing counsel to her - I agree that she’s saying she believes the election was stolen to justify her behavior. She’s awful.

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Thanks for helping us all in making particularly legal sense of all these atrocities our country is struggling with in these days of unrest. It’s soothing to hear your expert review.

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Thank you Joyce. Of all the issues here, the hardest one for me to come to terms with is E. Jean Carroll versus Trump. I understand that the DOJ has to speak for Trump in this case - that is the law. But oh how I dislike that our current DOJ has to defend this despicable person who was our president.☹️

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Thanks! Just an aging blue spot floating in a sea of red dots. I’ll do my best! I can’t leave my granddaughter with this political mess.

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