When Trump complained that Biden sent the FBI out to assassinate him, Biden should have replied —“If I wanted the FBI to kill you, you would be dead by now. And, according to you, I would be immune from prosecution. So, you had better keep your moth shut and watch your back.”

But Biden believes in the rule of law, so he won’t say that. Meanwhile, Trump should be locked up for being a threat to himself and others.

ALSO: this Supreme Court should be shut down before next Thursday. Every ruling is another threat to the freedom, liberty, equality and democracy of the American people. Justice Sotomayor is wrong when she says we have to accept it. These people are criminals just like Trump. We have to find a way to confront this corrupt court, and shut it down. This is not what the Constitution designed the court to do. We don’t have to listen to a bunch of criminals.

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Well said, Oldandintheway!! Let’s get that train moving and out of the station. Let’s find that way to confront this unconstitutional decision making by people who fly flags, lie, and then want to write guest editorials that they are being harassed. Seriously?! They need better than harassment. They need to be shown the exit door.

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You can send a 1st COMPLAINT OF MISCONDUCT re Alito"s flags as Miselle showed us how to do last week at DumpAlito..com . Mine will be in the mailbox today, to both the Clerk of the Supreme Court and Senator Dick Durbin. I see they have added how to do the same for Aileen Cannon!!!

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Just downloaded and printed--ready to mail!

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There will be one coming soon for Thomas also, per the website.

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Terrific, and thanks so much for the info, JustRaven! They make it so easy to fill out and send off a COMPLAINT OF MISCONDUCT, just love the sound of those 3 words!!!

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Mine as well

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May 28·edited May 28

Yes! I will file a complaint against Alito - thanks for the site. I already filed a Complaint of Judicial Misconduct or Disability against Cannon & heartily recommend others do it too. I just checked the site www.dumpAlito.com

and think it's the best all-purpose source for info about these complaints.

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I just clicked on your link www.dumpAlito.com and got an error message that the "website blocked due to suspicious content". This happened after I clicked to download the Alito/Cannon form. This message came from Malwarebytes Support. Not sure what happened here but I did not proceed further.

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This is the current Code of Ethics for the Supreme Court, Victoria, adopted in Nov 2023 at the site, IAALS, the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System, is a national, independent research organization that innovates and advances solutions that make our civil justice system more just. https://iaals.du.edu/blog/supreme-courts-code-ethics-and-road-ahead#:~:text=The%20code%20specifies%20that%20justices,the%20judicial%20office%3B%20and%20refrain ), 'Last month, for the first time in history, the U.S. Supreme Court adopted a code of ethics. The code specifies that justices should uphold the integrity and independence of the judiciary; avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety; perform their duties fairly, impartially, and diligently; engage in extrajudicial activities that are consistent with the obligations of the judicial office; and refrain from political activity."

I can't find any way to make a Complaint of Misconduct for any of the US Supreme Court Justices after researching it and the dumpalito.com site no longer has the information.

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I just got on the site, Victoria, and Snopes has a "No Results" to the question, is dumpalito.com a valid website. However this is now the message on dumpalito.com : This email form is not a complaint form!

To file the complaint with the Supreme Court please click on the red download link on the main page.

To file the complaint with the 11th Circuit about Judge Cannon please click on the orange download link. "

I am so sorry to have spread this; i should have tried to check out this info before recommending it. I can pull my letters from my mailbox and check the Supreme Court and forc Cannon her Court for Complaint info!

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UPDATE: I have just used the dumpalito.com website to complete my complaint against Samuel Alito. t all works just fine. I plan to adapt it to send in a complaint against Clarence Thomas too. I will mail both off, with copies to Dick Durbin/Senate Judiciary tomorrow. The guy who created the site has made it very easy to use. Bravo to him.!

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Thank-you so much for checking this out for us.If you find out anything more about this, please share it.

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Thanks for all this follow-up!

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Thanks for this info. I'll check Google to see if there's any info and Snopes fact finder.

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The Cannon complaint (form found at @ uscourts ) was explained by former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner. I've completed it so can verify that the form exists (orange download link on the dumpAlito site). I will be completing the Supreme Court paperwork today and will come back to confirm it's all OK once I do.

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hmmm...I didn't get that (or any) error message and I have Malwarebytes. The website seems to be pretty neutral, not ad or scam-ridden. I just rechecked it. Sorry you got that.

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I can't find any way to file a Compllaint of Misconduct against the Suoreme Court Justices.

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Since the only way to get Alito out (short of his resigning which I won’t hold my breath for) is to impeach, do you have any confidence on the petitions? I fear that the court will throw them out and there aren’t enough votes in the Senate. I would love to see this POS out, but I’m not convinced.

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I would like Senator Durbim to have Judiciary Committee hearings to educate citizens about the fact that the members of the Supreme Court do not have an Ethics Code that every other Judge in the U.S. has to abide by. It could help restore some confidence in the SC.

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Just a thought off the top of my head... If we send complaints, if we tell our friends and family to do so, and if hundreds...or thousands...reach the court, how much would you bet that soon the forms will no longer be downloadable, and we will see a notice that says:

Send a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a cover letter for each form. Please allow 4 to 6 months for delivery.

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I am hoping for Senator Durbin to have hearings that will result in the SC will have to abide by the same Ethics Code as the rest of the U.S. Judges.

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If we can get Blue all the way in 2024 (Prez, Senate and House) the first thing Biden should do is ask Congress to amend the Judiciary Act to increase the number of SCOTUS seats to 13. One seat for each Federal Circuit. itʻs legal and itʻs logical. So get out the Vote!!

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Biden refuses to even consider expanding the court despite the NEED for at least one judge for every appellate circuit at a minimum. They are overwhelmed with requests in the thousands and take only a couple of hundred each year. It is one of the several ways he has been if not too old then certainly too set in his ways and opinions and unwilling to consider change. He hasn't protected women's rights or voting rights either. (And I have been among his biggest fans in the past.)

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In our democratic society, we don’t “shut down” authorized courts nor “lock up” non-violent defendants until convicted and sentenced. Let’s respect our democracy and not emulate the other guy!

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I agree but it sure sounds good doesn't it?! I'm so sick of them all!!

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Bravo, Lisa! Beyond words…. Like Joyce said- to paraphrase as I am no where near her eloquence, OUR POWER IS WITHIN OUR VOTE! 👏🏼

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But votes are being suppressed, intimidated and removed...

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Then we do whatever we have to do to change that. We work harder, because this is what we do. We don't give up. We stand up and we shout, we write letters, we donate $3 when we can, we write postcards to help people in states with suppressive tactics elect people who will change how voting is done in those states. We stand up for them when they need us. And we don't quit until we win.

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Then we have to vote in massive numbers that cannot be ignored. Then we protest as well. Frankly, I don’t see massive protests happening. That is a mistake. The people ended the Vietnam War by taking to the streets. That’s not happening now which is a mistake.

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Absolutely Kathy! We should have our mail forwarded to the Supreme Court address and just hang out on the front lawn.

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Nonviolent? The man organized and set in motion a violent attempt to overthrow an election. And now, the corrupt courts are protecting him — all paid for by his billionaire supporters.

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LET'S GO JACK SMITH, oldand . . ., is my bumper sticker along w BIDEN/HARRIS and ANGELA ALSOBROOKS! plus WES MOORE, altho he's not running until 2026.. A billboard on my car wherever I go! Small potatoes, but small steps matter too! Marches and demonstrations also would be super helpful, as said by a Commentor above. Even tho I marched in the 1970s, I'd do it again!

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We need 200,000 people to peacefully surround the Supreme Court and not let them finish the term.

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I wish!!!!

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I agree but, if you are suggesting Trump’s words and actions are non-violent, I disagree. He is constantly encouraging violence and encouraging his followers to violence. He is not a victim he is being treated over and above the way a criminal defendant deserve. His congressional supporters who know damn well what he is doing and do nothing to curtail his depravity are enemies of this country. Any other excuse is just that an excuse.

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Agree but let’s support the careful and substantive way Jack Smith and colleagues have approached both the conspiracy of the insurrection and the deliberate retention of top-secret and other classified documents!

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Thank you Ira. I appreciate your comment. The rule of law applies to everyone.

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Not sure about our current SCOTUS being an authorized court.

I’m fairly certain that history will tell us otherwise.

Which is of course why fascists want to ban books, history, science, and other facts.


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Well I think you'd be hard put to call us a "democratic society" these days, if ever.

And The Other Side would do BOTH those things in a heartbeat -- and will do them if reelected.

At what point do you fight fire with fire rather than just watch your life go up in smoke? Just asking...

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True. But we also detain and lock up people for far less when it comes to compromising classified documents and information. National Security protects democracy, it doesn't take a back seat to it.

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Believe me if they debate, Biden will say those very words to The Don.

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May 27·edited May 27

Biden will say we have to follow the rule of law. He will take every opportunity to remind the listeners that Trump has not and never will follow the rule of law. As frustrated as we are, we still have the rule of law as Joyce and Jack Smith reminded us when the indictments were served. Trump is the poster child for every bad, illegal move - and we are learning our lessons in appreciation for democracy. We are going to have to work another 16 years after November 5 to bring things back. So that’s going to be another lesson in patience:) it doesn’t end on November 5 when we have a landslide victory for Biden and bicameral Congress and crushing defeat of Trump. It will be a lot better for all of us if we work together, following the rule of law.

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Valere - Eloquent and true.

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We all have lessons to learn, and oddly, this one is coming from the poster child of grifting…

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Peaceful persistent protests are still legal in this country. There is also the respected tradition of Civil Disobedience and Good Trouble.

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Yep. And that’s what we saw happening outside Alito’s beach house in New Jersey. A picture is worth 1000 words.

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Even though Alito claimed he was being harassed. Maybe we should be marching outside the houses of all the right wing justices, including Roberts'.

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If we march outside justices’ homes, we’re doing more harm to the neighborhood and ourselves. That defeats the purpose. Remember how the crazy came to Kavanaugh‘s house with a backpack full of stuff to kill him. We don’t want to encourage that kind of behavior. I’m thinking we need to get permits and do a very huge march at the Supreme Court. That is legal. And that will be effective. There is a Women’s march planned for August. I’m not a fan of targeting people in their homes. I would never participate in or condone anything like that. I can certainly understand how frustrated people are. And they might think that one way to get their attention, but I don’t think it’ll work. Massive massive crowds at the Supreme Court and in downtown Washington DC it’s going to get a lot more attention.

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Get permits to march at the Supreme Court. I think we will see this happening this summer. Period

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I think we should get permits to demonstrate and do it peacefully in huge numbers.

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I seriously doubt that Trump will debate Biden. His excuses will run the gamut from ridiculous to absurd.

The debate is rigged, Biden won't debate me it'll be one of his clones, et al. You get the idea. His usual "throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks" approach.

He'll never get on stage with the rules as they are. No adoring crowd (mob), no friendly moderator, and a muted mic. Never gonna happen.

That's my cynical side.

I would love to see a debate, Trump will get his ass handed to him by Biden. Shucks, you or I could out debate Trump.

Wavy Gravy wanted to run Nobody for President in 1988, because Nobody's perfect.

That would be fun to watch, Wavy versus Trump.

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Agreed, we do have a way though, it's legal and authorized by the Constitution - it's called Impeachment.

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Impeachment will require a 2/3 majority of Congress, which means we have to have a blue by camera and reelect Biden. That’s time consuming, but if Biden expanded the Supreme Court (it is politicized and without credibility at the moment), we could take back our rights. Then we could still work on impeachment, which will take a long long time.

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The thing is Valere, by drawing up the Articles of Impeachment AND publicizing them, we can assure those voters who are disgusted with the lack of action against persons who have so obviously committed treason against the United States; that we are on the side of justice and will take action if given control of the Executive and Legislative branches of government. But the Democrats must act quickly. Waiting for the election is self defeating.

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The articles impeachment would be drawn up by members of Congress. I don’t think we’re going to see a whole lot of buy-in from either representatives or sen to do that until we have a by cameral congress with a solid majority. Drawing up the articles of impeachment that go nowhere will be self-defeating. We can take action now, by organizing marches with permits. The women’s March is planned for August. We should organize to march at the Supreme Court. What we need to do is to let Biden know that the American public is very serious about expanding the Supreme Court, which he would need to do with the help of a blue bicameral congress. It’s impossible that he could do that before November. Then we can start working to restore our rights. We need to have a presidency and bicameral Congress for the next four cycles to bring our democracy back with protections.

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When I made this request to my Congressman I requested the the Democrats write the articles of impeachment , call a press conference and announce the articles are ready if we have a Democratic majority in January 2025. Only the House of Representatives can draw Articles of Impeachment - the Senate has the trial of persons impeached and the only penalty if found guilty is expulsion from office. It is the public knowledge of our intention to impeach that I am interested in - it very well could swing some independent and undecided voters to vote and to vote Biden.

Too many people are disgusted with the delay to do anything concrete about the trumspter. These trials (or this trial since it's the only one we have) Should have happened in 2022. We knew what was wrong in 2021. Millions of us watched the prolonged agony of January 6, 2021 the second day that lives in infamy. Millions of us watched the January 6th Congressional hearings which produced incontrovertible evidence - then NOTHING.

Some like me figured well, the law moves slowly, but frankly the DOJ was slower than a snail. I don't know what more evidence Merrick Garland needed - or Fani Willis for that matter; we list3ened to the recording of trump trying to force Brad Raffensperger to "find 11,000 votes that's all I need!"

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Yes, the senate would need a 2/3 vote. We most probably will achieve a blue bicameral and we certainly are going to have a landslide reelection of Joe Biden. I just don’t know if we will have an overwhelming 2/3 majority and Senate and will need that much for a vote to convict (achieve impeachment for a Supreme Court Justice) but if not, this time, the next four years cycle, will do it, and Joe expanding the court will take away their vote. I’m not sure if this is the same process needed to impeach Eileen Cannon. She simply doesn’t know how to make a ruling. But she’s pretty quick to make rulings that favor Trump.

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Oldandintheway: I wouldn’t mind doing the job if I could. As Patrick Henry said: “I have but one life to give for my country.” Ok, that was a joke. Happy Memorial Day.

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Perhaps a version Biden could say:

“Donald you claim anything you did as President should be immune from prosecution. Therefore anything I do as President should be immune from prosecution. You can’t have it both ways Donald. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. As President if you were to be immune from prosecution for ordering my assassination then I would be immune if I were to order yours. Once again, you can’t have it both ways Donald.”

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Now if he wanted to be mafioso like Donny boy would be, Biden could say (though he wouldn’t say it)

“It’d be a shame if Mar-a-Lago were to burn to the ground while you slept comfortably in your bed.”

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"Donald Trump, who has argued before the Supreme Court of the United States that a sitting president has absolute immunity for all conduct, including using SEAL Team Six to assassinate a rival is accusing Joe Biden of…"

tRump and his lawyers at long last finally realized the implications of the "absolute immunity" for a president in carrying out "official acts", especially if one of those "official acts" is to eliminate a direct threat to national security or to constitutional order. And here the threat takes the form of a candidate for president who doesn't hold back his aims - if elected - to institute a quasi-fascistic regime undaunted by quaint "guard rails" that he and his hand-picked cronies are determined to breach.

Be careful what you wish for, tRump, as you may find yourself on the receiving end of others actions that you have claimed to be exclusively for your own use.

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Justice Sotomayor is in a tough position. She isn’t the person to confront the corrupt court and, I suspect, has no power as an individual (and minority) justice to publicly speak out about the MAGA justices. She really has to accept what’s happening while Congress and the voters are the ones who hold the power.

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My thought exactly!! I wish Biden would say that. Or someone who could speak for him....

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He should’ve said it anyway! Messaging - a skill Democrats seem to lack.

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It's a good thing you're not giving advice to the president or, I hope, anyone else. You must have *some* idea how the media would report your hypothetical. They wouldn't even have to spin it.

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Bravo! I say the decisions of this court are tainted and are corrupt. Anything they rule on especially concerning Trump and January 6 cannot be valid given their allegiance to Trump and MAGA.

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I'm still pondering how we let SCOTUS know that we will ignore their every opinion as long as they ignore their constitutional job in favor of imposing authoritarianism. And how to let Trump know that the million Americans, give or take, who are indeed "locked and loaded and wanting to come for him" are not in the FBI nor do they work for Biden. I would like him to think twice when he spews his violence. (And if SCOTUS gives him immunity, then I think Biden SHOULD go after every human who has set himself ABOVE the LAW, ie six judges and one ex-OvalOccupant. I agree with whoever says "we are sleepwalking to authoritarianism"!

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Yes, I think he should anyway. Where is the line between "free speech" and sedition. Trump already says he intends to take power after the election no matter what the voters want. "Lock Him Up." Ship him off to Guantanamo and let the court take yeas to figure out what to do. If his boys at the Supreme Court say the arrest is illegal, tell them what President Jackson told them. - no. Then, you're right, he should have them arrested also for being traitors.

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Tomorrow we honor those who gave their life to defend our right to control our own lives. We are governed, not pawns owned by our leaders. It is a good day to decide which side of this coup you are on.

In loving memory I thank past heroes for the wonderful life I have had because of their sacrifice.

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May 27·edited May 27

All thanks, praise and remembrance is wonderful for all military/veterans, past & present, living or dead. Serving our country the way many soldiers and other volunteers did & still do deserves our utmost respect. It doesn't matter what specific day/holiday we do it on. It should be constant.

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Not suckers or losers. Post every day on Social media. Register Democrats in their honor to save democracy.


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Thank you MJ💙

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Tomorrow is Memorial Day - not Veterans Day.

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Thanks Kris, I thought Memorial Day is to honor those who gave their life, Veterans Day is to honor those still serving. Am I wrong? What a shame I have to ask!

At any rate, stopping to re-member the connection between my good fortune and the sacrifice of others is good thing to do every day.

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You are mostly correct Lynn.

Memorial Day is to remember and honor those who died in the service of our country, Veterans Day is to honor those who served, are out of the service and are still living and Armed Forces Day is for those who are still serving in all our militaries.

As a veteran I thank you for remembering us and the sacrifices military service requires, including that of the ultimate sacrifice.

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Not to mention the sacrifices made by families and friends of those who serve, but especially those who have lost loved ones in service to our country.

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Thank you Lynn for your ever-gracious response. I spent the day sending text messages to veterans thanking them for their service. A faux pas? But a chance to catch up to ask about a new grandchild and a new Labrador potential therapy dog with my friends until he graduates and goes to his ‘specialty’ and to find out if he will have a specialty. He might just be a lovely companion for someone.

I send thank you messages on Veteran’s Day in November as well. I didn’t question what I was doing till I read your note above:)

We are all so hitting the ground running (with no butler or assistant to help); it’s amazing that I can send thank you notes to veterans and the Ohio Postcards (only 10). 💙

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You are right, Lynn! I did a re-check on myself. My humble apologies to everyone here for the posting!

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On Memorial Day, we honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, dying in battle during wartime. On Veterans Day, we honor those who served and lived through the horrors of battle.

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Yes, I’m aware of that, but the veteran in my life honors both our fathers as well as those compatriots he lost in Vietnam. ❤️

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It is what it is. In my case, since there were no military members in my family who gave their lives, Memorial Day has a different meaning for me. As a child, my family would visit my mother’s parents grave urn and dig up and plant flowers. My mother would then have a silent moment in prayer. I still visit to repeat this ritual now of course including her and her husband, who was my father but who never really was one.

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Yes, Bill, this is how I remember Memorial Day also. We would gather flowers from our garden (grocery stores did not have flowers in the old days), take them to the cemetery, return home to a family gathering to remember all those who were gone. Having moved to many distant places in the world as an adult, I sadly lost this ritual.

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As always, thanks for the brush clearing.

One of the points I’ve seen covered only a little is that with respect to the language of the use of force in the search warrant, Trump keeps leaving out the word ONLY when quoting that document. So do his sycophants and sadly, the mainstream media. Here’s the actual text:

“may use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person.”

Take out the word “only” and while the basic meaning is the same, the emphasis is vastly different. I think pointing this out in conversations we have with others over this topic is important, because Trump et al leaving it out is very telling. Of course, claiming Biden would use the FBI to assassinate the him is telling as well. After all, Biden is immune, so Trump should be on the lookout for Seal Team 6…

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Many commentators, including the famous paid ones, make a big mistake in quoting the use of deadly force policy! It is boilerplate in countless FBI documents and all other federal law enforcement agencies as a DEFENSIVE policy only if applicable

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When confronted with the potential use of deadly force by an opponent! It did not apply to authorize deadly force against trump who wasn’t even present when the search was conducted because the agency took great care to execute the search warrant when he was not on the property! So his tweets were an outrageous lie and now FBI and other federal agencies face the abhorrent possibility of trump adherents retaliating against federal officers despite his false accusations!

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IMHO the contempt findings in NY are violations of the bail terms in GA, DC and SDFL. File them. Ask for judicial notice. Burden of proof on Trump.

Should be automatic.

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It has been surprising to me that so many of my cop friends jumped on board with this claim. Every single search warrant ever written takes into account the risk and justification of use of force. Most of these guys are SWAT guys who are well versed in the use of force parameters in a search warrant, and know full well that, without the subject of the warrant on the premises, almost all use of force will be moot.

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Even less likely Aly when the subject is over 1000 miles away.

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It feels almost quaint to remember that the GOP was once the party of “limited government intervention.”

During my lifetime, even.

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Yes, it’s the supreme hypocrisy that the party that touted small government is now deciding that they can control women’s decisions about their bodies while telling us what to believe, what god to pray to, and throwing out years of scientific findings in favor of religious belief.

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I still wonder why there hasn't been a counter-movement to take the DNA of every newborn boy so that paternity could be proven and men would bear as much responsibility as women when a pregnancy is forced to go to term. Believe me I am not advocating this any more than I am advocating making abortion, abortion drugs and contraception illegal - but if there were a way to pull the responsibility of men into this perhaps it might change some people's minds - when it affects their own freedoms.

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I AM advocating this.

As long as men are responsible for pregnancy, and they are, but only one bears the evidence and the liability, the only way to equalize the situation is to establish paternity for the infant. There comes the question of what if the pregnancy is the result of male lust after their daughters, or a consensual affair that would be devastating. But I think those issues can be dealt with.

Equalizing the responsibility of creating a fetus is the only way to fix this mess.

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Every abortion started with a penis.


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Small government meant something very different to those who lived in previous generations. Now it seems to be clearly a catch phrase, a code phrase describing how the richest and most powerful people in our country, the .05% of our population, increases and manages to keep wealth beyond need, reason, and beyond decency, and prevent anyone or anything from reallocating any of it by fair taxation. We have forgotten we ARE the government—for the people, by the people.

These hoarders of power have become so very fearful of losing any of it that they use their power and their wealth to buy and manipulate politicians, judges, and lobbyists in an attempt to both circumvent existing laws and prevent any new ones that might override their unbridled greed with business regulations or personal and corporate fair taxes.

This minuscule group of mega wealthy have used their resources to basically turn our country into a capitalistic nightmare where the vast majority of us must depend upon filtered and often spurious news owned and distributed largely by some of these same individuals or by the businesses they control. They intimidate a large portion of the population by their very control of our livelihoods, and defy us to unionize in order to protect ourselves.

The majority of our population is so preoccupied and divided we have been largely reduced to squabbling, threatening, finger pointing, worker-bees, with little say so in our future and who actually believe that guns will somehow make us safe from our government or each other.

Unscrupulous politicians are being funded by billionaires to be elected in influential positions in order to alter our laws and defy and misinterpret our constitution.

More and more rights and freedoms are being watered down or completely taken away from the general population insuring we have less and less recourse at our disposal to fight them with. School boards are being influenced making it harder and harder to get a real unbiased education, which serves to empower the average citizen. The financial system seems to hold unbridled power and we are trapped by school loans and high interest rate credit card debt we can’t pay back, we can no longer afford to purchase reasonably priced, energy efficient homes at low interest rates, leaving many to believe we are protecting ourselves in some way by giving away our power to these controllers.

All of this clearly takes our minds off of the real culprits, those who want control of all our labor, our livelihoods, our bodies, and our money.

Instead of realizing that we in fact allow their privilege we have been convinced by them through the ages that they are somehow just more deserving than the rest of us—they are entitled to live as outrageously out of proportion to the rest of the population as they do, and there’s nothing we can do about it. We are encouraged to envy and emulate them, and that somehow their financial manipulation equates to higher intelligence. They point in one direction and when we turn, they pick our pockets with their other hand.

So now instead of looking squarely at what is really causing our problems, we’re talking about insurrection and civil war against ourselves instead of realizing just how much real power we hold in numbers if we can look in the same direction, together for once.

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That is a pretty good description of the town I live in. But it doesn't really apply to other towns nearby. That's the problem with generalities: they are often shaped by how we see our own environment, and then keep us from seeing beyond it.

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Years of scientific findings that global warming can only get much worse if we ignore it. The answer most definitely not Drill, Baby Drill. Why is global warming not a voting issue for most AmerIcans?

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I think it's because many people either don't believe it or cannot look that far ahead. Although today it should be obvious to everyone.

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Or they might have to do something differently?

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I think for the kids who will see the worst (for now) of this, it is a voting issue. And for me, who have known this was coming most of my life.

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❤️❤️”supreme hypocrisy” Brilliant!!

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It’s small government for white males only.

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The GOP have been fascists since Ike

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Yeah the current republican party is definitely the party of "small government"--small enough to fit in a woman's uterus.

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Not really, they said they were but, sometimes those folks lie.

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I find your postings amazing. How do you make the time to do these extensive daily analysis and legal references along with your university curriculum and MSNBC contributions? Wonder Woman. Hope you take adequate family and mental health chicken time. We are thankful for you.

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Waiting is hard for all of us. I hope Jack Smith has success with loose Cannon. With everybody playing the delay game, it is hard to imagine there will be a trial before the election. It will be even more important for all of us to do what we can before November 5 th. Make sure that you VOTE BLUE UP and DOWN the ballot. Make sure your registration is correct. Encourage your friends and family of the importance of voting. Happy Memorial Day tomorrow as we celebrate all the men and woman who fought for our Democracy. Thanks Joyce.

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I have friends and relatives who would vote for Trump if successfully encouraged to vote. I just let them natter on and on and let them forget again to vote. Those I know that are pro democracy will reliably vote for Biden. I hope my little world is a reflection of the bigger picture, but that's all that is - wishful thinking.

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I guess I was thinking about friends who would vote for Biden but think it is useless to do so not realizing that it’s a vote for lowercased don.

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Maybe not. https://rvat.org/

Post on social media.

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Shared. Thank you!

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And if you can afford to, donate money to Democratic candidates and/or volunteer in their campaigns.

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Absolutely. I’ve donated money and I am now doing postcards. If everybody gave or did just a little bit, it would make a big difference.

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I just signed up to do 200 postcards and 20 letters -- will do more as we go on. I wish stamps were cheaper though!!

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If you are a woman, you can get free postcards and stamps are included.


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I had no idea!!! Thank you so much!

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There is so much to consider here it’s almost overwhelming. So much of it is completely out of our control so it’s best perhaps to just take things one day at a time. In the meantime Joyce, I hope you and yours can have a safe and quiet Memorial Day.

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Two comments:

1)“the FBI ‘WAS AUTHORIZED TO SHOOT ME,’ was ‘just itching to do the unthinkable,’ and was ‘locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger.’”

I wish! But second thoughts say no. If they had, he’d be a martyr and things would be worse. Better for him to die in his sleep or a heart attack or stroke - before November.

2) My new mantra:

I think if women can’t have abortions - or even birth control, then men should have mandatory vasectomies. After all, they’re reversible, aren’t they? And if one isn’t, well - too bad. Just like, if you get pregnant and you don’t want to be - too bad? 😁

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How about classifying Viagra a dangerous drug, requiring docs to get special licenses to prescribe it, and having each prescription tracked by the government.

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May 27·edited May 27

Just cut off telehealth and/or online ordering and see how many men bother to go to their doctors for boner pills. Also sell sperm collection kits for women so they can have low-cost DNA tests to help track down men who get them pregnant but aren't part of their lives. And IMO, there are probably plenty of men in government who have benefited from women's access to birth control and abortion over the years!

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Or each USE tracked by the government

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It actually is a dangerous drug for men who have heart conditions. And for women of course.

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Great minds think alike, Noorillah! We posted our similar comments @ the exact same time!! A fun topic!

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How about declaring Viagra, Cialis, et al dangerous drugs not to be possessed without a prescription and not to be prescribed without two appointments, @ least one with a female physician for a physical exam, and a group counseling session

Imagine the committee hearing on that one!

Some might say this is not a good parallel, but it is — all these things about controlling women are, @ their root about criminalizing/punishing sex.

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Include an invasive ultrasound, while you're at it.

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Good point Barbara, I have believed this for a long time. Let the men do their share. “Mandatory” is definitely the operative word. Thank you for stating this so well. 🇺🇸

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I think many women and men will opt for sterilization.

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I read recently, that some young women who live in GOP controlled states are opting in for sterilization procedures!

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It’s a shame that they don’t have any other options. I do know a woman who had a successful sterilization reversal and was able to conceive afterwards.

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That isn’t as easy as it seems. Married couples need permission from their spouse, and the ladies are required to view ultrasound photos of their fetus. Sometimes counseling is required.

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If a woman isn’t pregnant, then there’s no fetus to view. A pregnant woman would have to opt for an abortion (if legal in her state). Single people wouldn’t have to get permission if they’re at least 18 years old.

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It depends on where you are and what the law says. And a woman who is not pregnant does not have the same constraints (legal, financial, time urgency) for going to another state for medical care.

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Early rapture.

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Is there nothing that can be done to get Alito and Thomas to recuse? Better yet resign. What kind of crazy justice is it that Jim Jordan is threatening people about ignoring subpoenas when he did it himself? And that planners of January 6 are still in Congress? Or that tffg promised to pardon Jan 6 rioters on Day 1? He told Libertarians in a speech this MEMORIAL DAY weekend. “It will be my great honor to pardon the peaceful January 6th protesters, or as I often call them, 'the hostages,'” he said. “There has never been a group of people treated so harshly or unfairly in our country's history.”

Peaceful! We were all witnesses watching it live. Make America Honest Again! 💩🤡🎃😤

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Yes! We can light a proverbial fire up their asses!

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Glenn Kirschner. Easy way to file a complaint against Aileen Canon. https://youtu.be/0MXVfiTa3KM?si=grWpqTJb520g6t5K

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See Jessica Craven’s Chop wood carry water!

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Interesting to hear about how individual lawyers deal with awaiting a verdict. Yes, we are all going through it this week and maybe/probably next?.

Jack Smith rocks, mandamus looming for Aileen Canon. She has to do the right thing (unlikely) or to the 11th circuit we go. Yes!

What right does SCOTUS have to determine women's health care? And when are we going to be considered equal according to the constitution?

I need to go somewhere in the desert and scream it all out.

And hello, keep your freaking religion out of our states. What is happening to SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!?! There are no words to describe how infuriating this is. The USA taking contraception away. Wow, are we [the land of the free?] Not anymore due to abuses of power that is unchecked more often than not it seems.

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As far as this creeping idea of limiting birth control, Margaret Sanger would be rolling over in her grave. Women have worked so very hard over more than a century to establish rights for women. And now many of these rights are being removed.

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Margaret Sanger had help. My maternal grandparents helped fund what would become Planned Parenthood and worked with Sanger. This is personal to me. My grandmother would also be rolling in her grave.

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Oh Bless Them, Clare! I worked for PP doing volunteering work for at least 7 years, since the early 70’s. Have been donating to them ever since.

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That’s wonderful Clare. Something to be really proud of!

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Did you hear that Sanger had been disavowed by Planned Parenthood. “Woke-ish” ideas that have since been disproved.

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The irony is that by and large women had control over our reproductive choices until male doctors decided that they wanted that part of the medical market too. Then the ultra-pseudo "Christians" got involved- because we can't have women making their own decisions. It's all about control.

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As an ADA in Manhattan in the 1980s, I tried a felony case. Thought I did a really good job. Came back to the office when the jury was sent out to deliberate, and bragged that I would have a guilty verdict in three hours, given that they probably wanted a free lunch. FOUR DAYS LATER still waiting. My colleagues would walk down the halls and, when they saw me, look at their watches to see if the ‘three hours’ were up. Got a conviction, but I learned my lesson: KEEP YER MOUTH SHUT. In order to relax while a jury was out, I would walk across Columbus Park (really just a concrete ball field and some basketball hoops) to Chinatown and play the MISSILE COMMAND video game at “The Chinatown Museum,” which was just a video/pinball arcade with a chicken that played tic-tac-toe.

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Another case before the Supreme Court that would affect Trump is Fischer v. United States,

a case in which the Court will decide whether 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c), which prohibits obstruction of congressional inquiries and investigations, includes acts unrelated to investigations and evidence. This would affect the prosecution of Jan 6 rioters (and Trump) for "obstructing an official proceeding."

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The clock is ticking on the Supreme Court's decision in the immunity case. The longer they delay, the more convinced we can be that they are providing Trump with opportunities to avoid prosecution.

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If they decide that a President is immune, we do not have a President, we have a king (or in Trump’s case a dictator).

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Delay is the federalist society way for these GOP justices!

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“Remember the ads about the Republican congressman in your bedroom? Next up is Justice Alito deciding what you can get at your pharmacy. It’s a slippery slope.”


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Our first Prime Minister (Pierre) Trudeau, firmly stated that the state had no business being in the bedrooms of its citizens.

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Amen. That’s a statesman.

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Fantastic pin!

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And Trump is a lunatic. Lips moving? Lying. He is so Dangerous. I hope most people understand this. I don't trust the polls. I hope we are a saner bunch than the liberal news media leads us to believe. Sorry news media, you are not using your platform in the most constructive way by any stretch.

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I also don’t think any polls should be trusted, especially given what was uncovered about the Redfitch (sp?) payment to change Trump’s ranking in the MSNBC poll - a payment Cohen made but which Trump didn’t repay.

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I agree Hillary these people have no bounds when it comes to manipulating virtually anything. They have the money and connections to accomplish even the most evil of their intentions. How anybody can listen to a guy talk about destroying the constitution, jailing, without evidence, his opponents, screams about being a victim when his well documented actions are by far the most corrupt of anyone to ever hold the highest office in the land, is beyond me. Our country constantly needs review and change but we are not moving forward under the insane economic policies of the GOP for the last 50 years. Racism and depravity are running amok in a large majority of the Republican Party.

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