Thank you Joyce for the succinct legal happenings. Never before has it been so important to vote a straight ticket. We in Maryland better know the assignment. Now that Trump has put a target on every Jew in the US, who is a Democrat, when he loses, it makes it more important than ever that I have a government that has my back

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How many people are on this Project 2025 deportition plan list? Kamala Harris must be elected to make sure this insanity is stopped dead in its tracks. Malcolm Nance has said the people will not go easily and are going to fight back full force.

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In Maryland, too. Concerned about the Dem Senate vote-with Hogan interjecting himself into that race. Hope we can keep that seat for the capable Democrat! Know state will go for Harris but probably not the Eastern Shore? Trump took more than 60% of the ES vote his last victory. Here’s hoping the Dems win BIG time in this 2024 vote! Across the nation, too!

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Precious chicks!

On Friday, September 20, I cast my vote for Harris/Walz in Chesapeake, VA!

It was a true pleasure to stand in line for an hour and 45 minutes in the hot sun! (Next time I’ll bring a hat and a bottle of water!) I was excited to find so many folks ready to vote on the first day of early voting. The atmosphere was great. It was almost a block party feeling. I actually made new friends. Democracy is a wonderful thing.

Thank you for your posts, Joyce. You give me hope for our Democracy.

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Good for you and the nation, Carolyn! Thanks.

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That's great to hear!

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I add my thanks! We have to fight like hell to make this nation right again!

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Yay Carolyn! 🎆

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Another consideration is that the post office, no matter what DeJoy says, doesn’t seem in a hurry to deliver mail. We sent our daughter and son In law an anniversary gift over a week ago and they still haven’t received it.

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I've been getting absentee ballots but, instead of mailing them, I bring them to the early voting location and deposit them into the ballot box. (Those boxes used to be outside, but after Georgia's SR 202 went into force, they were moved indoors, making it more of an effort for the elderly or disabled to get to them. It also means that Covid-averse people like me must go inside a room occupied by people not wearing masks. Fortunately, that does not take much time to do.)

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Yep. I chose the 3 day option when mailing a gift to my son. More like 3+ weeks.

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Chicks Rule!

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Those are some cute chicks!

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“One hopes that the Fifth Circuit will not rush into that breach”—deliciously dry wit.

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With three Trump appointees on the panel of the Fifth Circuit reviewing this case, that does seem like a vain hope.

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Of course, the IRS deadline has always been for mailing, not receipt.

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Even in Mississippi, which votes overwhelmingly Republican, they want to make voting as difficult as possible. I’m surprised they don’t go back to the jellybeans in the jar test — but just for certain people.

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They would if they could.

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The chicks are simply adorable. Thank you for the updates on the hearings this week. My gut feeling is to ignore the polls and keep writing postcards and talking with people about how important voting is in this election. It’s especially important to remind women that their vote is PRIVATE. They do not have to vote like their husbands or fathers. Christian Nationalist women have been brought up to believe this. Also important to talk to Independents too. My neighbor told me he liked my yards signs: Harris-Walz Absolutely and Say YES on Amendment 3 (marijuana legalization). Let’s all keep working hard to ensure a Big Blue Tsunami. Blue - up and down the ballot. We need a trifecta!

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Leavening the legal news with the chicks works very well.

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If we-learn anything from this presidential election, may it be that we can do it in three months. It does not take 24 hrs a day for four years, or twenty appeals for cash every 12 hours!

The chicks are adorable, and just as important as any flutters in the beltway.

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I agree. No need to put the country through the lengthy campaign season. The news networks make money on long campaigns.

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If Citizens United gets overturned and/or we get serious campaign finance reform, I'm guessing campaign seasons would get shorter -- I hope!

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In the legal category of "Expected," Orange 1's terribly busy defense team asked the 11th Circuit for a 30-day delay in filing its response to the government's appeal of Aileen Cannon's dismissal of their client's classified-documents case. The complaint is it's just too darn busy elsewhere defending his alleged criminal activities to meet the Sept. 25 deadline. The government did not object. Might as well make nice on the court and score some points for "cooperating" with the defense (judges like that) when it really doesn't matter in the scheme of things. There is also that "mega-brief" Joyce mentions the government intends to file on Sept. 26 which probably needs some last minute work and which that oh-so-busy defense wants desperately to keep the voting public from seeing.

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As a Virginia resident I was able to cast my vote Friday September 20 th, the first day of in person early voting thanks to the Dems in the state house who expanded early voting during the pandemic and have kept that so far despite Republican resistance. I was there around 3 PM and did not have to waiting more than 5 mins or so. The election workers said it hah been much busier from the time they opened until that point in the day. Should be a good sign.

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The babies are so adorable- melt our hearts♥️♥️♥️

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I was all ready to vote in Virginia on Saturday! Until Tuesday when my daughter in Arizona went into early labor. So now I'm in AZ until early November (with my new grandson!) but I have already ordered my absentee ballot to be sent here!

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Cute! Cute! Cute! Love the little peeps! 🐥 🐥🐥

Hope the projected hurricane Helene spares you all.

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I agree that we are seeing SOME signs of cracks in the MAGA cult. They first appeared after January 6, then we saw more during/after the Jan 6 Committee did their public hearings in 2022 The question is whether or not enough will peel away. I believe that the Permission Structure has been put in place for a few to choose not to support Trump for the third time. We don't need many, just a few.


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