
Why, why, why, from a Canadian, are there loopholes, for slimeballs like Bannon? Or all the slimeballs that are the Trumpians. I am asking for a friend.

I truly thought that the justice system in the USA would be robust enough to deal with these p’icks… and, so far, with Alito and Clarence co-sharing the helm in a yet untested republic ripe for takeover from Facism, we, in Canada are preparing for hell. Can you say lack of security? Lack of a civil society?

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You’re really asking those questions for a lot of Americans also. Look, we have never been down this road before where a former president is now a convicted felon. Nor have we ever had such a known presence of white supremacy in our House or Senate. We have, over the many years, had people who have tried to bamboozle us, like Nixon, like the lies told to soldiers fighting in Vietnam, but never ever a president. Bannon, along with Roger Stone, Stephen Miller, and the rest are plain deceitful, hateful men. Bannon is a “know-it-all” and that attitude will not fare him well when he goes to prison. Our judicial system works but it’s just that it works all too slowly. So if you don’t think Americans are tired of the bullsh*t too, you are mistaken.

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There are many reasons our nation is truly messed up and frightening our friends and allies around the world.

When Trump took office, I remember a hashtag many would use on social media posts - #not normal- to call out the egregious things he did. Now we have grown accustomed to them and the pandemic turned everything upside down.

But there have been many white supremacists in Congress over the past 50 years - Senators Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms, John Stennis, James Eastland, Herman Talmadge, to name a few. There have been hateful, deceitful men with power forever. And other presidents lied, about the Communist threat, about Vietnam, Iran-Contra, and much more.

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Basically every white Southern Senator and Congressman elected between 1890 and 1994 was on the list of White Supremacist Unreconstructed Confederates.

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And I would argue many today are still klan sympathetic. And hate women too.

It's their damn Bible thst they use to justify it.

Keep coming back to : we're all atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than they do.

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Not sure they hate women - they just don't want to be bothered by them.

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I don't want to be bothered by their opinions either....

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No, they hate women. Since any self-respecting woman would never waste a minute on these incels.

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I just wonder that ideology trumps (no pun intended) logic in legal arguments. In another word, no matter what the argument is, if you don’t like it you simply ignore reason and create your own reality to make a legal decision. If this is true, the our laws and constitution has little value.

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Yes. This is why they don't truly care about any issue in and of itself, just an overall shift to keeping White Supremacists like Trump in power. The press is clearly filled with such people, and certainly owned by such people, which means no criticism of Trump for stopping the immigration bill because the White Supremacist press like the NYT and Fox News like to keep only the issues hot that they use to present Biden in a bad light. The press is fighting for the rights of their owners not to pay taxes on their already obscene wealth.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

This is why I encourage, implore if you will, voters and those newly registered to stay away from fox News and any social media site when looking for facts about who to vote for. I also impress upon them that anyone power hungry and hateful, like the orange traitor and the rest of the republican party, will not stop at the rights of women, immigrants, Blacks, LGBTQ and minorities...that ALL rights of ALL people will be stripped away in their quest for complete control.

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I also like to point out that I get poll questions on my phone and in my email every day which I do not respond to. They tell me they assume I am not voting for Biden or they assume I am voting for Trump. If my non-answering has them including me in their polls as affirmative or negative for whatever they are saying, then they would be wrong because they get no answer from me whatsoever, and will not. Not how I give information out.

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If thats the case with so many of these polls - it certainly would explain tfg leading!

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I don't respond to polls either. And I don't believe they are accurate. I do think they can discourage people from voting, and serve no purpose to the voting public.

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Same here, Linda.

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I'm generally with you but there is no reality in lumping NYT in with Fox.

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There is for me because the people covering the election in the NYT caused me to drop my subscription because not only was their reporting horrendous, but their responses to my criticisms did not show one IOTA of understanding of what I was even saying. So, as far as I am concerned, they have actually less legitimacy because they cloak themselves in other robes than those which they are really wearing. At least Fox is what it is and we all know that. Many still think the NYT is providing legitimate coverage.

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I found the same problem with the WP.

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Right on Linda 👏

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Point well made, Sally …why despite this history must we ‘go through it again’? Loopholes , corrupt, greed, narcissistic ninnies. It’s like the romanticism of the cowboy, the grand old west, the savage Indians, whilst all along it was fantasy, BS , and lies!

I’ve known this since late 50’s!!!!!

Raised in the theater I knew fantasy from reality. I knew behind the scenes could render as much havoc as help and it took real leadership and strong direction to pull off a great show. TFG doesn’t even come close to a B-grade performance.

Thanks Sally great post!

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But, my question to you is based on your statement, ‘we have been accustomed to them.’ Meaning, the more we, the people hear lies, they become accustomed to them? Instead of outraged, and angry, and rebellious against the lies? Accustomed reeks of complacency. The failure of your whole system is based on complacency… borne out of being accustomed to things. Just where, where where has the moral compass of moral people gone, particularly in the USA, that they can just be accustomed, rather than outraged, angry and fighting mad at the immorality.

What is in the water you are drinking in America…. Just what has made you accustomed instead of outraged, angrily and ready to fight the good fight to maintain democracy… come one, get it together! Trump is counting on us old folks to just be accustomed, whereas we need to be the spark, more like the explosion… we need to get young people motivated and invigorated and wanting to stave off Facism! Go, go, got. To, do it!

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I'm hoping the traitor Bannon gets that fat gut of his "shanked" during his stay in the Graybar Hotel and he comes out of his visit feet-first in a body bag.

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Tom As always, you are the master of the understatement.

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How many shirts will he be allowed to wear in prison, do you think? And how many jumpsuits? I see he's now taken to wearing 4 pens clipped to his fat self.

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There’s a Very.Long.List. of them-thar Traitors , TCinLA. I’m going to have to do 5 Hail Marys chuckling over your suggestions 🤭 though…The road less traveled is fraught with hardships but decency always stands out , makes me proud , I can still smile , in our weary walk. I know no other.

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Americans have always been slow to react when it comes to a serious threat to democracy. The majority of Americans have had enough and it won't be long before they move on these fascists. Sometimes things get very ugly. I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of this.

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Sorry. I don't think "the majority" of Americans have any idea that MAGA is a real threat to the democracy.

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We'll soon find out. Hope your wrong.

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Unfortunately Bannon will likely serve his sentence in a white collar prison. He will not get jailhouse justice.

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You’re seeing just a bit of the governmental infrastructure damage that Felon 34/45 did over his 4 year “reign”. The next few months will be telling as we’re watching a Congress full of seditious individuals, a corrupted court system and a murderous cult following said Felon. We are holding on by our fingernails.

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These really aren't loopholes, more like dotting the i's and crossing the t's of procedure. Lawyers do it only when they're paid, and only rich people can afford to buy that much lawyer time. “The law's delay” is a phrase written by Shakespeare 400 years ago.

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I am only panicking, pay no heed🫠

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On behalf of all Canadians, that was a joke… please pay heed. If Trump gets in, Greenland was only a test!

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All the hot air from this Wrong Wing Bulls.it is going to accelerate the melting of the ice on Greenland.

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deletedJun 17
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Please readjust your Snark-O-Meter. Ransom's on your side.

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We are and should be, full on panicking

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We're going to want to huddle together with you.

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AZKtee - I feel the same way you do as expressed in ALL of your posts ... Thank You ...From New Mexico ...

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Kathleen is exactly on point, answering the question about loopholes. The options aren't necessarily for "slimeballs" but exist for the wealthy, whether slimeball or not.

Our national (and increasingly arcane) pledge of allegiance should be revised to end with:

"...liberty and justice for all... who can afford it."

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It seems we aren't robust enough. And then there's the problem of how decency faces criminal bullies. And that Trump's outfit has been preparing the scene for years as we sat by in amazement at their outrageous behavior. I'm afraid that what we're afraid of is already here.

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YES, Canadians are scared and stressed by having to listen to Trump and about Trump.

But we also see the hidden web being wound around our own Conservative Party which is going far, far right. They are calling for closer ties with Hungary, reaching out to the Proud Boys and the Convoy gang who wanted to take over the Federal Government and had arms caches to make it happen.

Eight provincial Premiers are strangling our once proud universal health care by forcing citizens to have enough unnecessary deaths and pain that they will cry uncle for privatized care. Your health industry is panting at the door. They threated to use a cop out clause to ignore the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and have done so already in Ontario and Quebec.

They are clearly being coached on Republican tactics. When Conservative Candidates run for election they are told not to say too much about policy and to not turn up at local Candidates Debates.

Then after the election they are oddly ready with pre drafted transformational new laws Gee!

The USA, Canada and Europe .....Venzuela, Ecuador, etc etc ....a toxic mix of drug cartel money, large corporate funding, the ultra rich, far right parties and my cousin Tommy...all marching towards authoritarianism.

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All fed by Trumpian logic (or lack, thereof)….which is… to sum it up, earth, and everyone else be damned… me, me, me. And, again, ME.

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I WILL CUT OFF MY NOSE O SPITE MY FACE, and, I will do so, under the banner of some maniac, who I think is maniacal enough for me! So there🥳

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Can you convince cousin Tommy he is a moron? Nope. My American cousins, who were all Canadians have lost their minds too!

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No I try to open up a conservation but he wants to protect his assets and that is by keeping taxes down. That simple.

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Although the Canadian justice system does differ somewhat from that of the US, the similarities far outweigh those differences. One similarity is that the system is rightfully skewed toward the defendant (at least in theory...) in providing for equal justice and fairness in the face of usually far greater government resources. So just about everything to do with adjudication, from due process, evidentiary standards and burden of proof to a multi-level appeal process is in place to afford a defendant every opportunity to defend themselves. The often irritating and, at times, downright infuriating, result of this is that "bad guys" --- and especially well-funded "bad guys" --- get to make use of, and take advantage of, this deference and concern for fairness, just as the "good guys" do. It's the double-edged nature of justice in a democracy.

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Well said…. Our justice system, the Canadian one, very very different in how it has been set up, court, lawyers, prosecutors, judges, however, for the most part, is built and remains built on a non-partisan, separate justice, church, and state system. In my opinion, Evangelicals have systematically, and with, possibly, Putin’s help, infiltrated every part of the US government system, warping our/🎶/human’s/their US rights to free anything… they are being stripped… lack of good education, now, whatever books don’t suit the propaganda, and DeSantis wanting to create Noah’s ark when Florida sinks ,heavy handed , towards their goal of white men over everyone has made a mockery of every republic wish list.

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So did we. Every single day I see an expansion of the trump shadow government and feel an intensifying sense of despair. I know we can’t give up. But it seems there is more to deal with daily. And the more these people get away with these distortions, the more occur and seem ‘normal, to too many people. We aren’t paying attention. Anxiety increases almost by the minute. Consequences not even thought about. Otherwise rational people are falling for or ignoring all the blatant warning signs. “It can’t happen here.” It can and is. I don’t want to be having to say “I told you so” this time next year.

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HELP, please🙏😬😨

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On behalf of the sane, emotionally intelligent (AKA woke) citizens of the US, allow me to apologize for this mayhem!!

I recall being petrified when The Apprentice began! The thought of people watching that show & believing that was how anyone should "lead" others was frightening!!

The fact that he was subsequently even considered for the presidency, sat in that seat & has caused nothing but mayhem for 8 years is unconscionable!! I'd like an attorney to represent us in a civil suit for the perpetual undue stress he has unleashed on our societal well being!!

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I have those exact same questions! Seems only justice is for the wealthy & powerful!

In my opinion way too many appeals available to them and them alone.

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(In Bannon's case) there aren't loopholes. There's money--a lot of money, mostly given by stupid MAGA people--who allow him to drag out the litigation just about forever.

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Corrupt sc judges, imo

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What are you doing to prepare, please…I’d also heard the Europeans doing to same…affidavit that trust has gone out the window. America has lost so much in the last 10 years minimally we are now 18th or below in many categories. But still a country doing the bes t to grapple back what is lost under the treat You ain’t Seen Nothing Yet! essentially…oh brother SMH! We have different sources, don’t watch Fox, NewsMax or any of the MAGA talk pieces , though a dedicated group keeps vigilant of their thickening plots. According to ‘them’ everyone’s wrong but TFG , and the autocrats who toy with him as he plays footsies with them . It’s a sad, sorry story of sycophants & schmoozers.

World leaders looked -still yet - at TFG with disdain ,as the downward spiral picked up speed and jail birds during that term.

While back at HQ bills are passed, medication prices lowered, the Dems win seat by seat in special elections and even their polls change as Biden keeps the pace to equality on the table , positive evidence and another turtle winning the race . We love you Canada! Many a trip has been enjoyed there. 🫶

I’m voting BLUE 💙

So sad 😔

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I think the problem goes back further to slavery. Most of American 16th and 17th century prosperity was made possible with slave labor. The Civil War was fought to try to maintain that system (despite what some Republicans say). Then the white south refused to give up and conspired to keep some form of that system in place and not just in the South.

Much of the Republican Party has been conspiring for years to keep control with voter suppression. They were ready for a Trump to step in. I think Trump’s strength is bolstered by Putin’s help. Not too long ago Ronald Reagan was an avid Anti-Soviet. He’s probably rolling in his grave. But with time many Uber rich Republicans have lost all morals. As long as Convicted Felon Trump keeps promising to cut their taxes they’ll put up with him.

As to the checks and balances of the American system, Republicans bow and scrape to the former President. I suspect C F Trump is blackmailing them with dirt from Putin’s files. They were too afraid to convict him twice when impeached and to block his Supreme Court nominees. One who was nominated after the Senate blocked Obama’s last nomination, a second who was accused of sexual molestation without a proper FBI investigation and the third pushed through with a hurry up hearing.

These are actions, thwarted by Republicans, put in place in the Constitution. They just never thought a convicted felon would try to run for President.

One caveat, not all Democrats and liberals are law abiding. But we believe in the rule of law.

Does this help? I used to tutor immigrants on many areas including citizenship. I’m kinda passionate about Citizenship.

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I'm confident the OP is familiar with Pierre Poilievre and his "ideas".

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When will the Appeals Court reign in Judge Eileen Cannon? She is turning the Trump trial on the classified documents case into a sideshow. The Special Prosecutor appointment has been used by numerous Attorney Generals and has held up as Constitutional.

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Jack Smith needs an appealable order from loose cannon to get there. And cannon is doing everything she can to refrain from making any appealable orders. She is playing games with the law by not making any orders in this case.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

Eileen gives greater credibility to the phrase Loose Cannon. She acts like the play yard bully who does increasingly outrageous things to antagonize the others. I find it puzzling that the Court of Appeals doesn’t cleanse its own barnyard.

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Loose Cannon is auditioning for Supreme Court

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Sandi Cannon, Alito. & Thomas would be the judicial downside of Evers, to Cheevers, to Chance [or something close—a famous double play team]

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Much ado about everything. It's tiring. If trump regains the presidency, will he give the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Judge Canon? Heck, he gave one to that pill popper Rush Limbaugh! I keep focusing on the fact that when trump spoke recently to a group of business execs, they agreed that he is looney tunes, that he has lost his mind. I think the Biden Campaign & The Lincoln Project, and every other Democratic leaning group should focus on that for a while. And, why is threatening to murder a whole lot of Democrats or other perceived enemies of trump OKAY for trump? Why hasn't he been arrested for those threats? Plus, he is supposed to start receiving intelligence briefings again??? Are WE insane??? He'd have copies made to share with Putin, Xi, Kim, and the Saudi Prince. Plus, he has proven at least lately that his mind surely can't grasp anything at all from these briefings, so who is going to read them to him or explain them to him? Will they have a top secret clearance? My plan would be to give him phony intelligence briefings to see what happens, where they end up, then when Putin or Xi or Kim or the Saudi Prince acts on the phony briefing, we have trump again only this time he should be arrested and perhaps suffer the same as previous traitors to our nation. Just a thought. I yield back my time.

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It seems to me that the dissonance between the appearance of inflation, etc. and the reality of what TFG did and promises to do to the average person’s life might be good electioneering material. You’re a TFG or hard core Republican. Here’s what voting for TFG or any Republican is going to do to your pocketbook. What are consequences of not voting, or voting third party. There’s an old phrase, “cutting off your nose to spite your face.” Just this morning much talk about how good republicans policies are for the economy. Even TFG admitted that the economy was better under democrats. We have republicans all over the country appearing at plant ground breaking ceremonies claiming how wonderful these are for the states, the communities, and they voted against every last one of them. Hypocrisy is rampant. I live in SC, land of the flip flopping politicians. We deal with never-democrats every day here.

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And yes, some of us are insane......

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Perhaps Judge Cannon doesn't like being a judge after all and would prefer to be Trump's vice-president.

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Judge Eileen Cannon has brought catch and kill to the legal world.

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As has the supreme court on immunity.

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This should have been first on their agenda. It is the most egregious of all the charges.

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I'll agree with you if they tell us they need to hold over the decision to be reargued next term.

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Are you saying you do not believe delaying their decision on immunity until it is too late to hold a trial before the election is catch and kill? Or justice delayed is not catch and kill?

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You're right.

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Thanks Kathleen, guess we agree to disagree. Isn't it great to be free?

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Hadn’t thought about it that way but you’re right. That’s exactly what she’s managed to do so far. It’s beyond disgusting.

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Catch the innocent, and kill on behalf of evil people.

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Of course, as VP candidate, Cannon would create for Florida electors the same Amendment XII residency issue for Trump that selecting Marco Rubio would create: "The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; . . ."

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trump would never pick a woman...will probably be the rich guy doug something.

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deletedJun 17
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deletedJun 18
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Can you tap the three little dots at the bottom of your comment and edit?

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Thanks, Mama Bear. I had been trying just that and been unsuccessful. I just tried it on a different device and was able to.

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Good job! I notice I cannot "like" on my phone but I can on my laptop. Now you have the power of the tiny edit button! Your work will be flawless.

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I think she’s aiming for a Supreme Court appointment. She would not lose that job in four years; she’d be a Justice for life.

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She already has a job for life in the federal court.

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🤣🤣🤣She would be sure not to certify an election!

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Oh my, I never thought about that. I was thinking Trump would rather have a pliable younger woman rather than a man like Vance or Rubio who would make him look old and weak in comparison.

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deletedJun 17
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I've found a lot of references to her birth in Colombia, but nothing about being a naturalized citizen. According to a profile in The Chronicle, a student-run newspaper at Duke University, from which Cannon received her undergraduate degree, Cannon's father was from Indiana, and there's no reference to naturalization <https://www.dukechronicle.com/article/2023/07/duke-university-aileen-cannon-united-states-v-trump-indictment-alumna-district-judge-department-of-justice>. According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, "The law in effect at the time of birth determines whether someone born outside the United States to a U.S. citizen parent (or parents) is a U.S. citizen at birth. In general, these laws require that at least one parent was a U.S. citizen, and the U.S. citizen parent had lived in the United States for a period of time" <https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/learn-about-citizenship/i-am-the-child-of-a-us-citizen>. At this point, it's not clear to me how the citizenship laws apply to Cannon and whether she's a natural-born citizen through her father.

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CGW, thank you for the info.

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She doesn't want to be VP. She wants, and will likely get, a seat on the Supreme Court if he wins.

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Being as we are in non stop legal crisis mode, it makes me doubly glad you are here to translate.

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The federal judiciary is the only branch of government that is not elected and the only branch that serves for a lifetime term. That would seem to call for more transparency and defined accountability on ethics and recusal issues. Eh?

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You are being much too logical. Logic was thrown out the window along with critical thinking.

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Just trying to be that pesky reminder 🤪

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The SCOTUS majority has already effectively granted Orange 1 immunity by delaying the criminal immunity decision and thereby freezing the trial very likely until after the election. However, there is still a chance that should the Court remand the matter for further fact-finding back to Judge Chutkan's district court, we may get an evidentiary hearing or two before November. Not quite the same, of course, but any "bad" news for the soon-to-be-sentenced former pretend president is good news for the electorate.

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Thank you Dale. SPOILER ALERT: There will be "bad" news prior to the Orange Felon's Sentencing Hearing on July 11 once we hear from the Forensic Psychiatrists prior to the 7/11 Hearing. I recommend Dr. Bandy X Lee's Substack & friends. I am aware there is likely severe turbulence ahead over the 25 Days.

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Her zoom call yesterday was distressing.

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They've also given his insane sycophants machine guns and enough time to get their orders in.

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I have an old friend who wrote me a lengthy essay on guns. He is staunchly pro everything regarding guns and quotes disproved theories on banning guns and the crime rate. I’ve seen the resources he reads and needless to say, they are “out there.” I can’t even respond to him but to say we lead the world by a terrible margin on multiple deaths and access to guns such as these helps that happen and we will never agree on this. I truly think he would hole up with an arsenal if he could. And needless to say, he supports TFG and is a fundamental Christian. A true believer. I love him but he scares the shit out of me.

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I sure wish I could love even an old friend who thinks this way but I can't. It's vile. Period.

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I envy you having enough love to spare some for such a piece of garbage.

I don't personally have enough left to squander it on such a creature. But you chase down his arguments and find they're junk.

Maybe... instead of wasting your time on a thankless task we can both take Daniel Solomons urging to help fieldteam6 register democratic voters.

We d feel better.

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Long time friend. Can’t consider him garbage because he is as sure of his beliefs as I am of mine and respectfully allows me to confront him with mine - civil discourse as Joyce Vance would put it.

There are many of him out there who for one reason or another have these beliefs. When we dismiss them disrespectfully we are playing into their beliefs. I choose not to do that. The majority of the sites he cites are ugly, report lies and unfounded “truths” that support very conservative beliefs, and use all the words those of us have been called repeatedly. However, we respect each other enough to debate things, and frankly he gives me a perspective I otherwise would not see. I push him to explain his beliefs and provide sources for his comments, and I do the same - don’t agree at all with 99% of them, but it’s important to see what “good” people are reading and hearing even if it turns my stomach.

He’s my “one person” to keep working on, and it only costs me time and of course sadness that he is so enmeshed in this crusade. He’s smart, was a soldier who worked for my husband, and truly considers himself a Christian and a patriot. Because of these, I mostly reply to his comments that they are beneath him or he is better than that, because I know he is.

I do support many many other efforts as well, but he’s my particular project.

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I understand. I had a friend like that, but he thankfully could not stomach trump and turned away. Still very conservative financially( with inherited wealth, so he has a financial reason, which I point out).

Another formerly very good friend would not cease sending me Alex Jones stuff-- on LinkedIn of all places-- and I just couldn't any more.

We all need friends who can give us insight into their psychology.

Both consider themselves profoundly Christian. He is the real deal, she uses it as a badge of how good she is. She is always promoting health care needing gofundme pages, but refuses to consider that what we need is a national healthcare system. But admits Medicare is the best insurance she's ever had. After a career with fortune 100 companies. Smfh I just can't undesatnd the selfishness.

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Plenty to do over the 2024 Summer all the way to November. I have been accepted as an Election Worker for this November's Presidential Election.

I do not need any incentive(s) to do Election work. I have 2 granddaughters but, my CA County pays a significant $sum$ to cover any costs including a lost day of work. Check with your local Register of Voters.

Vote Blue up & down the ticket.

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Good for you. A pretty safe place to do this, California.

But bump stocks legal there too.

I am sad to even think such a thing.

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Yeah, reversing the Fifth Circuit on bumpstocks and strongly suggesting Congress remove any possible weaselly interpretations would have been too much to expect from "Two-gun Thomas" I suppose. Better to make them legal and hope another Las Vegas-type massacre doesn't happen again in the meantime. Certainly makes a lot of sense. Doesn't take a leap of imagination to understand policies on preventing someone from depriving many citizens of their lives more quickly do not need not be spelled out in great detail.

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They are well aware of how incompetent Republicans have made congress. It's time for them all to go. We need a replacement party for them as I don't think it can be salvaged. Nixon Reagan Newt W and finally the orange dumpster fire ...they have been sick and empty for decades. Along with their Court.

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Supreme Court reform is a moot point until at least late January. And unless the Democrats win an unlikely trifecta, likely to remain so. It is useful to keep it in the news, however, so the voting public remains aware of the individual corruption of certain justices and the overall damage the Roberts Court's decisions are having on their daily lives.

And I am expecting to see Bannon flee arrest on 1 July. I won't believe in real justice here until I see photos of him in the Graybar Hotel.

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@James Coyne. To sweep we need to add the millions of unregistered folk who heavily trend Democratic. That "unlikely trifecta" can become more likely. FT6 uses data mining to identify them. Register Democrats to save the world.


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Thank you, Joyce for keeping us informed of all these happening. I don't know how you find the time to breathe let alone live. But I commend you assistance and rely upon it for the week ahead.

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This is depressing and outrageous at the same time. I am finding myself deleting morning emails that rail about Trump and President Biden. The right wing is full of dirty tricksters, the fabrication of President Biden walking off aimlessly, was touted by the right wing media. Even after it was proved to have been doctored! The more I see of the rabid Trump supporters, the more I truly feel they are the saddest, most vulnerable people I have ever witnessed. No Holocaust? Where did they go to school. If it weren't so sickening, I might be able to feel sympathetic, but, what they continually espouse is sheer lies and conspiracy.

Thank you Joyce. And, good night fellow members of this substack!

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I feel ya Margaret. Same with me.

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My takeaway from the various issues discussed here is that republicans won't flip on trump, but the will flip for him. Edwin Meese is a good example of this, as are all the republicans who were unhappy with trump after Jan 6, but who now are bringing him birthday cakes and vying for the VP job.

I am concerned about what Judge Cannon will do after these hearings. Would dismissal of the case be something Jack Smith could appeal?

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No. If she dismisses, it's done.

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That's what I was afraid of. I hope he can then start over, because this case has no business being dismissed.

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Trump on immigrants - "they're not humans, they're animals." Here's a striking cartoon from 1903 when nativists thought the "animals" were immigrant Italians, Poles and Russians. https://forgottenfiles.substack.com/p/when-europeans-were-the-bad-immigrants

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If only Bannon's jail time were longer than a mere 4 months. What is happening with the other case against him in which he has been charged for defrauding people who stupidly sent money for building the wall at the border of Mexico? Didn't he pocket most of the funds for himself? Could this case result in a much longer sentence?

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He is scheduled to go on trial in NY towards the end of September for his wall funding scam. Justice Merchan, who did the honors for the Trump criminal trial and who will sentence Trump in less than a month, is also scheduled to preside over Bannon's trial.

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Thank you for the update!

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Democrats had two full years before they lost the House to pass legislation that would increase the jail time for people convicted of certain, sedition-related crimes. They didn't.

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> "...Flagging it here [Bannon's emergency motion] so it’s on our radar screen."

"Radar screen" is an excellent analogy. There are a number of cases and issues moving around on the screen, coming in for a landing. Some have landed. But two major Trump cases have essentially been directed to go into holding patterns. In both cases, the American people are being seriously deprived of crucial information that will greatly affect the future path of this country. The Supreme Court is especially blameworthy in its ridiculously prolonged delays -- for no apparent reason! They could have taken the case directly from Judge Chutkan as requested. But no. We're getting a travesty of justice -- "a debased, distorted, grossly inferior imitation" of a United States Supreme Court.

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What's the opposite of Santa Claus?

Gimme Thomas.

Isn't that the wife?

No! Ginnee and Gimme!

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Re: the "constitutionality of the Special Prosecutor" motion before *Judge* Cannon...it should be obvious by now that whatever *Amicus* Meese said in 1987 regarding the SP issue, Cannon has ears only for what Meese's opinion is currently. And after a day-and-a-half of hearings, she will "take it under advisement", and add a few weeks of nothingness to this FUBAR "trial" while she decides on the merits of Defendant tRump's motion to dismiss.

This broad farce continues its unremitting run, next show on Friday...tickets remain available.

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